{ The Lady with the Little Dog By Anton Chekhov. Map of Russia, etc.

{ The Lady with the Little Dog By Anton Chekhov


 Zemstvo: an elective council responsible for the local administration in Czarist Russia  Orthodox = Russian Orthodox. Largest Eastern Orthodox Church.  Muscovite: person from Moscow  Petersburg = St. Petersburg  A lackey = a servile, fawning person Just FYI…

Transcript of { The Lady with the Little Dog By Anton Chekhov. Map of Russia, etc.

Page 1: { The Lady with the Little Dog By Anton Chekhov. Map of Russia, etc.


The Lady with the Little Dog

By Anton Chekhov

Page 2: { The Lady with the Little Dog By Anton Chekhov. Map of Russia, etc.

Map of Russia, etc.

Page 3: { The Lady with the Little Dog By Anton Chekhov. Map of Russia, etc.

Zemstvo: an elective council responsible for the local administration in Czarist Russia

Orthodox = Russian Orthodox. Largest Eastern Orthodox Church.

Muscovite: person from MoscowPetersburg = St. PetersburgA lackey = a servile, fawning person

Just FYI…

Page 4: { The Lady with the Little Dog By Anton Chekhov. Map of Russia, etc.

What is your impression of this story?Do you believe Gurov on page 375 when he says he has finally fallen in love?

In traditional fiction, the main character generally develops or arcs. Does that happen in this story? Support.

How does Chekhov create character? Find 5 lines/passages for Anna and 5 for Gurov that you believe illustrate character. These can be dialogue, actions, or details.

Page 5: { The Lady with the Little Dog By Anton Chekhov. Map of Russia, etc.

Theme and the moment of decision: is there a moment of decision in this story? If so, what could the overarching theme be?

What motifs did you notice in the story? How does Chekhov use them?

How does Chekhov use setting in the story? List the settings, then list a couple details (quote text) of each setting. Speculate.

What do you think of the ending?

Page 6: { The Lady with the Little Dog By Anton Chekhov. Map of Russia, etc.
