~~ Surpl11s FOCHI Lei lore 125,000 S,hool Children Sit Out ... · Mississippi "The Tncth Slulll...

Mississippi "The Tncth Slulll Make You Free" __ __ Surpl11s FOCHI rrotr•• letflras To Lei lore The Leflore County Board or Supervisors agreed to re1ume the distribution of ourplu• food to 22,000 people Ma rch 20 alter the U. s. Dep artment of Aari· ahreotf.oed to five out tht food lt•elf. The Board uld thai It wu laced with the choloe of "• cepling the orter ollhe Dept. ol Agriculture to perm II l the &atd) to make the diolrlbulion at the tiCPMft ol th• ltd· era I government or t\1 decJine and rubject the people of Lt· tlofle County to an inva•fon of federal ageni1 •nd probably ma rahata.•• '- S..me<l ' A Dept. ol Ago;culluo e olliclal In Washincton Uaat the &atd ol su..,.,rvl•ora •'oeemed happy"' lhal the government would pay the full eoa\ ol \he pro_a-ram . Thi1 " •iU amounl to about $15. 000 for month. nae program wiU end alter month: the food hu been on')' in the Inter monlhl. NeH Cla.rludale I e ad e r Aaron H enry atllled. "AI lonl u )ob opponunitlts are crOOtJ. •• tone •• \here I• a poll· tic-al aitwtion in whieh t."1e needs o( Negroes are of no interet& lO the poliucian in terma of votea. are aoinC to o.•ont inue to make up the crea(er perce nt · age of wdf.are roll1. Row many NegroeJ are employed In lndu.K· It)' In Greenwood, Mi .. l.,l ppi?" About 26,000 people •·erei vctd the federal commodllle• belore 22,000 were out C>(f la•t year . lett on the roJea wet•e rea· ulat wel.tare eaiea who receive food au year. t LeCiore has than 30,40CI Necroe• and al;lout 1.6,700 whltea. 01\l)• 3.51" of lhe 'Nea .. oes oro ·egisltred to vote. 125,000 _ S,hool Children Sit Out lun'h Too Poor l11elcson, Greenwood Students Denied lnform11tlon Concer11ing free lualtes St11te Luncl1 Program He11d S11ys, 'Adt4utlfe Money Is Not Provided' Lore• numbers or Negro chli ·,+----------- - One llo.legro Voter h.V A nolh'R• to b'ada but 1"'111 dren are colng wl\houl lunch < UO& < In Cree nwood and Jackoon In going Ia blde It "'ll"'' "&l ln Panola County opite or 1 lederal law which re· Relyea reporled QUiru IChoou to elve {ree Janua ry U% or the lunthes to children who can't dren in Greenwood were Ne'"""· arrotd to pay, I\ wu char#ed ye:t Necrc>es go\ onl)- lul week. the free lunches. One e:very 23 whites rereived Che11er Rol,yea. A ulsla n 1 lunche•. but only one out Ctnttal Counsel to \he U. S. every 60 Necro children Civli Riahto Comminlon. said them. tlaat Greenwood white• """'ed The u. s. Attorney .. id three t lmu the income of Ne- (C.otiowf'd •• P•• 1roe• but """eived three llmu •J: many free Juntht.a. ur. Alben B. Brlllon. a mem· ber of tho Miululppl Advlso f)' Committee to the Civil Rlg111• Commluion, reported tho\ in one Jack1on Necro •chool. children were pul in an aud1torlum daily bec:au1e they did not eat lunch. l otenllooaiiJo NM T•ld Relyea Hlllfied thai an Greenwood, "Siudenu ore in· tMiionaUy not Informed or the exinence or tree lunches along lheory th" t cveryont would ••k lor il whtther they needed H or not.'" He .aid tho\ Greenwood Su· perlntendent Drlvan relu•ed to clve him lnlormotlon about the number or rree lunchct' aerv ed. Ol'iven uld thot on lhe ad vice or counocl Aubrey Bell. "We UVOJN VASSAl.. IS JOOt .W G<H•• ..., •"'· ,...., .Yfttotr c ...... ;n• • to Ckif l 't"tt Co••.bNoft t hctt •• tt e'fh: 1 Mi ld eod1 My " to llo•c t. tot t.t.chcovse ... llevc I'JO •t111ey to cot et No o111c t•h "" hiJICh et die StOM Strut Sd1ool the to id. Mott of th. 100 ,.pus to hoMt l01 lu,.cla. MJJt Vo tMI tlot 1 '"'''' tfHI J .. .. ". ,. Advisory Committee Hears Abuses Of ICC Ruling Testimony In a lT. S. govern• menl auit aaalnJ\ voter di•crlm· inalion In Panola County ha• revealed thol only one Necro b refiltered there , althouah No. croea make up olmoot half the votln1 ace population. The Jull ict ha1 a.ked Judce Claude Clayton to lind C l rr u It Clerk Leonord Duke ond the State ol MluuiiP· pi aullty of d 11 c r I mIn a tlon aaoiut VOltra. Whltu Oe l 11•1• While witnet.H>J; from P¥nu1.a County ••KI tha\ they hod r .. ce.ved help when Utey re&l•l· e1 ed Some admitted tho\ they rouJd not re•d or write. Negro wltneue• told tho rourl thO\ they were relu•ed rejfblro · Uon olthoujth oil hod c:om. pleted at lc .. l tho lOth arode in ••hooi. Duke sa1d thal nol mnrt thun 211 Negroes had tried to rcgloter In the nt ycurt h• htld bel'n cl o eu1L clerlt. Only r. oa· G did 195U. when 1 Negro voter rcgl•lr•!lon drive braun, he ••ld. A l lh j orlly ·rhcr{' r•r e , .256 N CQI'OO• or voting •gc In Punola Cau nl,y . Neurneo muke up Jl6.4't of the total p<Jpuhatioo• . Attorney• lor •idea mu st now •ubmll lhelr to The tnon in charge of M.lssia .. aippl"• school lunah pros a · :am told • t'Rii1E PRESS Monday tho\ about 10!5,000 or :so;:, or \be alate'• ll'hnol ren don't eat llancb becio•e lhoy are too PQOr. Homer 1'. Lfolmes. •dminl•· trator ol the Stale School Lunch Pro 1 r a rn, •ai d. " We bave plenty or tchool.l whe n only 20"' or the childr en eat.'' Mt . ... Ia S<'-1 He .. id thai or"'' tlat•'i 500.000 tohool cllildreo eat In tchool: 4o?:. ol \host don 't buy 1ehool lunches An o I be r don'\ e•t w the but co home or eat out . T!ac fmtd don't eat be· t-au•o thty don•t b.uvr ruod or money. ltollnes otated. About 22.500 free Junche• now. In urder to fand uui II the prlr" or tho •chool lunch .... preventing children L.rom Cat· Ina. Hotme.1 began •n t'xperi· menl wtth one di•triet in No- Tho Negro children In the school• oC Tunlco County h•d been poylnll 20<' day for lunch: !H)O were e•ting - 2,50CI Wt:re no1 . \It Don 't E•l Hoi ntc• go ve 1 he ¥Chool 15c " dny per child And the lunth "'''" nlt!uc•d t,o 10.. Now l,500 illfC cnt1ng: l ,500 nol . The otate dh·octor •• id. tha lin Negro schools 1n Del ta ,oboul 300 could P•J ' lor lunch (C"OtHnrH,.d flf ('n'r I) A Clarhd•le woman ioid the Stole Adviso ry Commit· tee to tho Cjvll RiJthh· Commiuion that she no wn•.Rer 1 huJS any t rouble u 11ing \he whhe waiting room in Cr<'yhound 1tatlun th ere botou•e officialo ltno,.• " 1'1 the joJdjte. tell" If they trv to haru• her. Greenwood However Mr-:s. Vera to1d how t\\-o 1 Ovt't !,GOO Nrcro mtl+ threatened to •rrffi her tor brc01ch of the for 1n Cfrrton-.•ood MundMy \0 hcor \h(• church whlth hr1d • m:i A$ the ••hl\e wOJIIng room last Spring- belorr tbey Dr, John Morsel! thorn: '"'" ohe .,ouldn't keep quiet about tl. " T11• whole nun votN. I don't A croup of •t udento went to Other wilneuo. told Cmra !mow wby lht\ N e a r o t•lk with the He aNoliled rnittee ol iUegal vote ." T!ae <rowd po c kctd Uto that he had " •lway• good bus. traon and plan<' TumC'r Chapel <..'huo over· lh Nogm.., " The 1toro l• lo· rooms In Jaelcson, Oowed into the ,,,..,.., rated on the corner ol Gabbo Clarksdale, Hattle<burg, Thcy met " dav •l• •r th<r and Howard Stre..,t•. Comb and Summit . Crocmwood Votor Ro•itr•tlon The Cr..,nwood Mwl.te.rlal Weman 4t , Beotu had been dam· voted la st Wedne.day Med.ga r of Jat"kfltirl aced by ftrcr •«!:l Sunday n .. ar to 1U to m.au •••" that Mrs. Carolyn Bro,.'ll, midnoaht . Bob M ooe.. bead or na e e t I n 1 • ond cotlun•hip over 40, was lmotked 10 the •ottr pro Ject , vu .. ed , " We •chooio. Cloor, boat.,. llnd kicked when not IIOtnl to be out About 200 people tried to rtt:· aile ut allbe lund• oounter In pr o aram will continuo." 11ltr that day ; 400 I I· Jacklon'1 whttt! 0 re y hound 8o 7toU templed to register In the pa•l waiting room. T!ae Cretnwood Student Non· month. II wos 5:50 In the mom i na violent Movemont •• opcut head· and Mn. Brown had to chan&• lng o boycoll •B"'n't rctnny busu 1n Jackaon. Polio• qutt•· Savor• , a whlto·ownod l!lrocery tloned her in the hMPilll but •lorf' In the Nearo nel«hbOr· nothing lurlber b.appened. hood, '1'hey char5e 11"1 I h e Cavll Ri&htt Commission AI· ownetr curao• cuowrnor• • n d tarney Relyu uld that not t reat them courteou•· (C .. ti••"l.., l'ol4I) l) , li e •I H> thoerotened to bomb f'ire A Ou :•nwood volt.• wut kur told lhct •· n.F.E PRESS t h o I Cu rill lloyca and Joe L.ollon were p• ntns the Volta Re1i•· trolloll o!nce ;oout M•rclt Zl, when they IUW (CoHfl,utd .,. I'' I" I) ......

Transcript of ~~ Surpl11s FOCHI Lei lore 125,000 S,hool Children Sit Out ... · Mississippi "The Tncth Slulll...

Page 1: ~~ Surpl11s FOCHI Lei lore 125,000 S,hool Children Sit Out ... · Mississippi "The Tncth Slulll Make You Free" _v_oi_. _2~· -N_o_. _l_6 __ ~~-3~1-----J-~~k~~~·-M~is~si~u~i~~- =-~~~ru~·~da~


"The Tncth Slulll Make You Free"

_v_oi_. _2~· -N_o_. _l_6 __ ~~-3~1----------------J-~~k~~~·-M~is~si~u~i~~- =-~~~ru~·~da~~-~~r~c~h-3~0~,~'9~6~3--------------------------'0c~-P-er __ ~~ Surpl11s FOCHI rrotr•• letflras To Lei lore

The Leflore County Board or Supervisors agreed to re1ume the distribution of ourplu• food to 22,000 people March 20 alter the U. s. Department of Aari· t"ullur~ ahreotf.oed to five out tht food lt•elf.

The Board uld thai It wu laced with the choloe of "• c· cepling the orter ollhe Dept . ol Agriculture to perm II l the &atd) to make the diolrlbulion at the ~ole tiCPMft ol th• ltd· era I government or t\1 decJine and rubject the people of Lt· tlofle County to an inva•fon of federal ageni1 •nd probably ma rahata.••

'- S..me<l H•~ti'Y ' A Dept. ol Ago;culluo e olliclal In Washincton ~aid Uaat the &atd ol su..,.,rvl•ora •'oeemed happy"' lhal the government would pay the full eoa\ ol \he pro_a-ram . Thi1 " •iU amounl to about $15.000 for th~ month. nae program wiU end alter on~ month: the food hu a~~raiJ)• been civ~ on')' in the • Inter monlhl. ~ NeH routJ~al tan-"""~e

Cla.rludale I e ad e r Aaron Henry atllled. "AI lonl u )ob opponunitlts are d~oed II'~·

crOOtJ. •• tone •• \here I• a poll· tic-al aitwtion in whieh t."1e needs o( Negroes are of no interet& lO the poliucian in terma of votea. Nearoe~; are aoinC to o.•ont inue to make up the crea(er percent· age of wdf.are roll1. Row many NegroeJ are employed In lndu.K· It)' In Greenwood, Mi .. l.,lppi?" ~ About 26,000 people •·erei vctd the federal commodllle• belore 22,000 were out C>(f la•t year. Tho~te: lett on the roJea wet•e rea· ulat wel.tare eaiea who receive food au year. t LeCiore has mor~ than 30,40CI Necroe• and al;lout 1.6,700 whltea. 01\l)• 3.51" of lhe 'Nea .. oes oro •·egisltred to vote.

125,000 _S,hool Children Sit Out lun'h Too Poor l11elcson, Greenwood Students Denied lnform11tlon Concer11ing free lualtes

St11te Luncl1 Program He11d S11ys, 'Adt4utlfe Money Is Not Provided'

Lore• numbers or Negro chli·,+------------ One llo.legro Voter h.V A nolh'R• to b'ada but 1"'111 dren are colng wl\houl lunch < UO& <

In Creenwood and Jackoon In going Ia blde It "'ll"''"&l ln Panola County opite or 1 lederal law which re· Relyea reporled th~l -· QUiru IChoou to elve {ree January U% or the lunthes to children who can't dren in Greenwood were Ne'"""· arrotd to pay, I\ wu char#ed ye:t Necrc>es go\ onl)­lul week. the free lunches. One

e:very 23 whites rereived Che11er Rol,yea. A ulsla n 1 lunche•. but only one out

Ctnttal Counsel to \he U. S. every 60 Necro children Civli Riahto Comminlon. said them. tlaat Greenwood white• """'ed The u. s. Attorney .. id three tlmu the income of Ne- (C.otiowf'd •• P••• ~) 1roe• but """eived three llmu •J: many free Juntht.a.

ur. Alben B. Brlllon. a mem· ber of tho Miululppl Advlsof)' Committee to the Civil Rlg111• Commluion, reported tho\ in one l1r1~ Jack1on Necro •chool. ~ children were pul in an aud1torlum daily bec:au1e they did not eat lunch.

lotenllooaiiJo NM T•ld Relyea Hlllfied thai an

Greenwood, "Siudenu ore in· tMiionaUy not Informed or the exinence or tree lunches along th~ lheory th" t cveryont would ••k lor il whtther they needed H or not.'"

He .aid tho\ Greenwood Su· perlntendent Drlvan relu•ed to clve him lnlormotlon about the number or rree lunchct' aerved. Ol'iven uld thot on lhe advi ce or counocl Aubrey Bell. "We

UVOJN VASSAl.. IS JOOt .W G<H•• ..., •"'· ,...., .Yfttotr c ...... ;n•• to Ckif l 't"tt Co••.bNoft thctt •• tte'fh: 1 Mild eod1 My " to llo•c t. tot t.t.c• hcovse ... llevc I'JO •t111ey to cot et ~."' No o111c t•h • "" hiJICh et die StOM Strut Sd1ool the toid. Mott of th. 100 ,.pus to hoMt

l01 lu,.cla. MJJt VotMI tlot 1 '"'''' tfHI J .... . ".,.

Advisory Committee Hears Abuses Of ICC Ruling

Testimony In a lT. S. govern• menl auit aaalnJ\ voter di•crlm· inalion In Panola County ha• revealed thol only one Necro b refiltered there, althouah No. croea make up olmoot half the votln1 ace population.

The Jullict Otp~t1ment ha1 a.ked Judce Claude Clayton to lind C l rr u It Clerk Leonord Duke ond the State ol MluuiiP· pi aullty of d 11 c r I mIn a tlon aaoiut N~(ro VOltra.

Whltu Oel 11•1• While witnet.H>J; from P¥nu1.a

County ••KI tha\ they hod r .. ce.ved help when Utey re&l•l· e1 ed Some admitted tho\ they rouJd not re•d or write.

Negro wltneue• told tho rourl thO\ they were relu•ed rejfblro · Uon olthoujth th~y oil hod c:om. pleted at lc .. l tho lOth arode in ••hooi.

Duke sa1d thal nol mnrt thun 211 Negroes had tried to rcgloter In the nt ycurt h• htld bel'n cl o eu1L clerlt. Only r. oa· G did ~o b~roro 195U. when 1 Negro voter rcgl•lr•!lon drive braun, he ••ld.

Ne~erc>r• A llhjorlly ·rhcr{' r•re , .256 N CQI'OO• or

voting •gc In Punola Caunl,y . Neurneo muke up Jl6.4't of the total p<Jpuhatioo•.

Attorney• lor ~oth •idea must now •ubmll lhelr ~onrluAion• to

The tnon in charge of M.lssia .. ~ aippl"• school lunah prosa·:am told • t'Rii1E PRESS r~porltr Monday tho\ about 10!5,000 or :so;:, or \be alate'• ll'hnol ~hild· ren don't eat llancb becio•e lhoy are too PQOr.

Homer 1'. Lfolmes. •dminl•· trator ol the Stale School Lunch Pro 1 r a rn, •aid. " We bave plenty or tchool.l when only 20"'• or the children eat.''

Mt .... Ia S<'-1 He .. id thai 60~ or"'' tlat•'i

500.000 tohool cllildreo eat In tchool: 4o?:. ol \host don't buy 1ehool lunches An o I be r I~ don'\ e•t w the e•le~rla, but co home or eat out .

T!ac fmtd zs~. don't eat be· t-au•o thty don•t b.uvr ruod or money. ltollnes otated. About 22.500 ~hildren 1~1 free Junche• now.

In urder to fand uui II the prlr" or tho •chool lunch .... preventing children L.rom Cat· Ina. Hotme.1 began •n t'xperi· menl wtth one di•triet in No­v~natJer. Tho Negro children In the school• oC Tunlco County h•d been poylnll 20<' • day for lunch: !H)O were e•ting - 2,50CI Wt:re no1 .

\It Don' t E•l Hoi ntc• go ve 1 he ¥Chool 15c

" dny per child And the lunth "'''" nlt!uc•d t,o 10.. Now l ,500 c:h11dn~n illfC cnt1ng : l ,500 ar~ nol.

The otate dh·octor •• id. tha lin 10m~ Negro schools 1n lh~ Delta ,oboul 300 could P•J' lor lunch

(C"OtHnrH,.d flf ('n'r I) A Clarhd•le woman ioid the Stole Advisory Commit·

tee to tho Cjvll RiJthh· Commiuion that she no wn•.Rer 1 huJS any t rouble u 11ing \he whhe waiting room in Cr<'yhound 1tatlun there botou•e officialo ltno,.• " 1'1

the joJdjte. ~--------------------------

tell" If they trv to haru• her. Greenwood

However Mr-:s. Vera Pige~ to1d how t\\-o p<>lll~•,men 1 Ovt't !,GOO Nrcro rHI~flnlt mtl+ threatened to •rrffi her tor brc01ch of the pe.~ee for 1n Cfrrton-.•ood MundMy \0 hcor \h(• church whlth hr1d • m:i A$ the • •hl\e wOJIIng room last Spring- belorr tbey Dr, John Morsel! l~ll thorn : tn!'<'ton~ '"'" w~oelu a~:o. ohe .,ouldn't keep quiet about tl. " T11• whole nun votN. I don' t A croup of •tudento went to

Other wilneuo. told th~ Cmra !mow wby lht\ N e a r o ~an'\ t•lk with the own~r. He aNoliled rnittee ol iUegal segreJ~aUCJn vote." T!ae <rowd pockctd Uto that he had " •lway• bee~ good bus. traon and plan<' TumC'r Chapel <..'huo ~hand over· lh Nogm.., " The 1toro l• lo· rooms In Jaelcson, Oowed into the ,,,..,.., rated on the corner ol Gabbo Clarksdale, Hattle<burg, Thcy met " dav •l• • r th<r and Howard Stre..,t•. Comb and Summit. Crocmwood Votor Ro•i• tr•tlon The Cr..,nwood Mwl.te.rlal

Weman 4t, Beotu healklu~ne,.,. had been dam· Alla~n<~• voted last Wedne.day Med.ga r Ever~ of Jat"kfltirl aced by • ftrcr •«!:l Sunday n .. ar to o~n 1U thurcht~ to m.au

•••" that Mrs. Carolyn Bro,.'ll, midnoaht . Bob Mooe.. bead or na e e t I n 1 • ond cotlun•hip over 40, was lmotked 10 the •ottr proJect , vu .. ed , " We •chooio. Cloor, boat.,. llnd kicked when not IIOtnl to be ~hued out About 200 people tried to rtt:· aile ut allbe lund• oounter In proaram will continuo." 11ltr that day ; 400 hav~ I I· Jacklon'1 whttt! 0 re y hound 8o7toU templed to register In the pa•l waiting room. T!ae Cretnwood Student Non· month.

II wos 5:50 In the mom ina violent Movemont •• opcut head· and Mn. Brown had to chan&• lng o boycoll •B"'n't rctnny busu 1n Jackaon. Polio• qutt•· Savor•, a whlto·ownod l!lrocery tloned her in the hMPilll but •lorf' In the Nearo nel«hbOr· nothing lurlber b.appened. hood, '1'hey char5e 11"1 I h e

Cavll Ri&htt Commission AI· ownetr curao• cuowrnor• • n d tarney Cbu~~ Relyu uld that not t reat them courteou•·

( C .. ti••"l.., l'ol4• I ) l) , lie •I H> thoerotened to bomb

f'ire A Ou:•nwood volt.• wutkur

told lhct •· n.F.E PRESS t h o I Cu rill lloyca and Joe L.ollon were p•ntns the Volta Re1i•· trolloll o!nce ;oout mldnl~ht, M•rclt Zl, when they IUW •

(CoHfl,utd .,. I'' I" I ) ......

Page 2: ~~ Surpl11s FOCHI Lei lore 125,000 S,hool Children Sit Out ... · Mississippi "The Tncth Slulll Make You Free" _v_oi_. _2~· -N_o_. _l_6 __ ~~-3~1-----J-~~k~~~·-M~is~si~u~i~~- =-~~~ru~·~da~

P•1• 2

Wa .,.AMD POa •• • 0000 ( t•"4t.I&Pn' lUOIIM UVlNQ IT4XDAADI I&'M'Ill ilD"'ICAnof'fAI. Ol'IORYUff'IYlU IOCllAL rumca ••. ,. MoMoso•••

Editorial Page

Old South Moving; Leaves Old Ross

La.o!t ?tlonday night we opc.e :1g.tUn llad the opportunity of walc.hing one of our favori te t.t:lcviNion peraonalitleN, Ross Barnett. ln a special program he appeared with Hfnd3 County juclge, Russell Moore to di8CUKS the recently p&J!sed legisla­tion affecting pre.iclentlnl primary elections in the state.

All he proeeecled to point out hc1w 1 he plu would help unify the South to elfft a eon!lervllllve prft!ldent, we had to think that ellhe.r our governor hll8 not been keeplnR up wllh the recent event... In our siJ!ter Southern s tatts, or he Is jWJt 1oo old to le.:trn cL new Une.

The South I~ beglnnlnl( to unlry, but not In the direction lhat t he govcnoor sug~resl<!. With tho blntnnt exception of n~iJchbor A lnbnmn. which has ,jwot elected a now. ultra con­servntive governor, Dixie Is moving.

Wa 11 slow dlf(lcult procea3 for at.ntet1 ao lone standing ~till, but Dixie, In lt.s aometlmee a tubllom and reluctant way, IB moving. The plan that Barnett and hla follower& just pushed through our state leg!Alature already belonge In the J)Ut.

MISSISSIPPI FREE .PRESS Saturday, Marc:h 30, 1963

"Still Short"

The border atatee have lonr alnce pulled out of the " hard ror.: ;,outn • .l>veni.JI In the put yur hue tceet1 the prOIJ'KS of the other slalte 118 they Mgtn to IIIOYt Into the alrua of progres of lhe 1'811 of the nation.

Last November, the tilltel\8 of Georgia rejeeted arch aegregallonl"t Marv Griffin three-to-two for moderate Carl E . Sander& In COillnat to Griffin's Inflam matory apeeehe~~

T IIJC C.ts 111 Lower lncotne lr~tlcet EsSflltl11l Ia lot6 Ncrtion Ami St11te To Get EcoH_, Mori11g

d uring t he churcoh burnings In Georvla, Sanders' ''We shall ,.. •~-llll• •talo o1 altaln . proceed lerally at all timee, I will not tolerat e vlole llCle and kial ,. ... , !My '" Ia Mluls· ot the aavlna• b<olGn.ltl to ~ote di110rder," atanda briaht and ehlnlng. ...,., .,.._ 11ae ..__my of ..,_ who r~elve hl~,h aoo relatively

E ven Arkansas saw Orval FaubuA tum moderate and -• of the ••II•• ~rots Ia bleb meomu. be reelected for a filth term. w. tlot. .... ...,., AFL-00 Waru

Last Jun•ry, Sooatla Carollu'a retlrlnr IOVUDOr, Emest !::: ... ; 141 du":.ta •-t 1

" fto AFL-00 .... woraed F. HolHnp. wu ch•nd lty a ata.lldlnr ovall• ot h!B oWJt _ ~- ed Admlni lr 11 that • .. ,. rKaaalaa Is Ia ,,., • ..._,_,_t h Ia - 'd " W Ill all - ·...o 'h t •Le ... e ~··" Y • a on ,..t this yaar ..SUa U.U. Ia .... _. UN " 8 e _. • • •• ar,.- • a "" · must lmpn>ve the economy of •• l--'lal• ••t " 11" -- •-,. Sapcoemt Court dedeloe of May, 1!154, Is not. the law of the 11 lh h 1 ..... - .. .... -Jaad. Bllt ntJ')'- •lUll. qne that llle tho fad of the land!' the no on, or e w 0 e tounuJ ad •--trale4 Ia the Mwar

Governor Hollins polnlctl out that unleu South Carolina 1' r.o,ina 10 know the ldnd ot ~ llraekal ... llplfk .. t .,.., ••• Ia ood nOMIC ehaOI that MJu!StiJ'PI o1ott of ..,.a.Bo WNh.

wished to be content with necond-c 88 ataleh , It muat hu always known. The ,.... 11 ••• ....... aad aoeept racial de&egregallon peaectully. He aald, "We of today, Accordinl to the IUD Bulle- ... ,. toll• - len _,..,._,.. must realize tlle leMon of 100 years ago and mo\•e on f or tlle tin, published. by the Indu•trllll meat 1...,,., , ... , ·- lt..U, good ot South Carolina and the South." Union Department - AFL-ClO ...,.. creatu' ru more tiUflcull

In February, Oovl'rnor of North Cllrollntt, Terry S11n!ord ''The New York Federal R~ ptolllemt thaa atomJIOrary "u•· said, " Rel urtaneo t o accept tho Nettro in employment Is the serve Bank has de.eribed Jut 1et balantt. greatest 8ingle block to hl8 continued proarc!lA nnd to tlle year's econollllc performance s1,..., Medltlne NHCied full use ot the humnn potcnllnl of the Nutlon and ita •• a diaappolntment. Nothinll "The American economy hAl Slotea • . • ho• happened tince the year'• stagnated lon.c enouch. Unem·

"To g!\'e t he Nearo a full cha.nce to tt~rn a deeenl living encl to niter the picture. At best, ployment I• dranlnr down the for his family and to contribute to higher 8tandarda for him· I\ can fairly be uid that Ute naUon'a real llvlnr 1 tandardt, self and all men . •• North Carolina and lt11 people have rome economy Is s till slogging alon&. preventlna n~eded lnveatment to t he point of r ecognising tile urgent need (or openl11g new Leu Mea Needed in the public sector, llmlllni tronotale CCIIa•unltlftl for Negro clllztl\ll, We alllo rtMiflllze "!ndu•trlal production hu re· market• lor nallonol outpu\, that In clolnr 110 we ehnll be addln~t new ~nomic rrowlh for n1 atned s\agnant tor more tha.n and threatenlna n~w receulon. e•·trybocly. . hall a year. lclle capacity 11 in· Strong ,,,edldne lo required

Governor SAnford continued, "We cnn do thl8 . , • We creating In many lnduatrl..s •• without dtloy."' will do It because our economy rnnnot urtord to hnve •o mony modomiution makes 11 ponl· The Important advice tor the people f11lly or tlArtinlly unproductive. We will do It becnuae bte to tuln out more with re ... er Admlniltrallon with re1arcl to it 1$ honeat ond f!lir for 11~ to gin! nil men and women their machln., and lru manpower." the natlon'a economy .tao ap­best chctnce in life." Warlteu Ia •lrl~ulture Ia Mil- plies to lhe ecanomlc problema

But the tired \vice or o>ur gavcn1or here In MlssiMippi silslppl have IM!ea partitulanr or thl• alate. By euttlnl taxu still hold.! to the hope of unlfring the Oecp So.' ut h to main- hard pressed llr the mecbaalsa· in tho lower brackell, tho con· lain our "Southern Way or Life." When aalcod \\'ho he had 11on ef •••'- ''Eto111mlst• of sum era would have more money talked to In t he other atalet, he uld he wa~ "not at liberty all pusuisloM are •-••llr to revMI thnl at llli~ lim~." . .,...e.~;· •• )'. the BuiJeiiD, Miss. Senators Get

\\'e clo 110( cloabt that there a rt I hOM • •lao aKtee with "That there will l>e ao k •UD!ac , , , the ao•· trnor's ldte. but tlearl) the • ·orda or the J!Ovtmonl or aumploym<DI this rur. Vtstted By Packeters of l~ sta tl'8 8111!111'tll tllat th- atn. elffled by the peopW '"F"""'•If Jollku OprO$ 110w of th.- 81atM. feel that the hope ot l he South lies In allow"" uaemployment rat• of Fitly ah;donta p lt'keted the mo•inJ ahead nol hurg!• J! tht paat . 1.1 ~· uat.'' lA Mbslnlp,t, home• of Senator~ Eastland and

We hope t hAI the people of ~llull!lllppl will tied a the """mpler meat rate It m••" Stennla in Wulunaton, D. C. lrO' crnor who will "!ret MIM~Ippl mo,·ing." hlcher durin1 moat ol 1M 1ou. 1111 •·eel< ancl S t' n n I 1 tom· =;:=======================,! Tht' Bu~tm oruele notes the plamed. ''It wu a mixed aroup, r need to ••,-pur c<miWlle:r de- whlch made it wor&e.''

MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS n>and, not savings ancl ln\"tlt· The 11 u cl• n t a wore from ment. Wblle pcroonol Income Howard Untvt'rtlty, the Unl­b .. rla<n olgni(itanUy, too much veu1ty of Cblra&o, Moraan Col-

Publiehed every Saturda·· by \ he HiCo Publlehin• 11 aolni to the top and too little Jeae In Baltlmoro, and Detroit, Company, Inc., 1263 Vnlley Street, Jn(kao'!, MlMIMlppl, to thebotlom and middlolncome PhllaclolphJa and New York. Phone FL 6-7345. p~ple. - Th~· • ere prott~tlna the ahoot-

PubUahed wC('Icly In Jnrlcnn, ~ ..... uippl. Enter~ Wealth Not Distributed inll ot J•mc• Travla In Gr•en-ed as werond~lnaa mntter at tile Po~t offl(e at J arksoo, A re<enL account In the Wall wood and the aboUllon or the MiMIMippl. Str••• Joumal noted that bank aurplua (ood procram In a.e.

Sub~rlpllon price: t i .OO per yenr for )Ji8llla~lp- •nvina• an PJling up. The artl· !lore Counl)r. • • • IV\ f N Jill 1 1 1 T ,. 1 •·le •wd thai thue nvint• ore The demonllrallon, orlgnl~ed

P•nn~ ...... ,., or • on- "" 88 Pll 011~· on 'rn 8 per cop)•. not an lndlrotlon that contumer by Ho••ord·a Nonviolent Aetlon Editor ............................ Chnrlea L. Butta demand lo lagaina, but rather Group (NAG), b~ann at the Manaelna Editor , •• , •••. , • , • , •••• , . l.ucllle Koml~ar .. o slillllJlcanL sign or lmbalnn<e Capitol ollie" or tht No Mia·

._ _____________________ ___. In income dlftrlbut~~ T~~- ~lulppl Stnntou.

to bey, whleh would opur the whole economy of the •Late. •

r.... 11M r... • The !our per eent sales tun

ancl the hl&h Ucm•e lat tans here in this alate hit the lnwu inc:ome braeuu hardest and 111 alee them leu able to buy. AJ. thou&h reduclnc these tuea would a«m to reduce the in· c.ome to the •t.ate, lh• lnaeased health that more ape o cl il>1 would bring to the state'• drac· &inl economy would mote than comperuate.

Must Cut Taxeo We mnll press for Mlululppl

to lm,tove 111 ec..,omic sltlll• tloR by rat11D1 kck the laxea that lay IUtlo a 11-udt n on the worklnc ptople of this •••to.

AFL-CIO Seeks Improvement Of Registration Lows

COPE, the Committee On Po­lltlcal EducaUon of t1le AFL­CIO, has begun a campaign to ~ voter r e cit t t a lion lAws " apeelllcaUy designed to hold down the nu.mber of people •·ho are eligible to co to the polh."

The aroup it aaailut re.l(iotra. tlon which b held only at coun­ty c:ourt houau on •·eek.daya when unlon member• an4 their CamiUu are on the job. It also oppooea the poll tax. Miuiuippi haa both court bouse relislr•-tlon and the poU tax. 1

Seeb New Lawr COPE Is steklng laWJ modelEd

after thole In California and Mauachuaetta. The firat nate allows evenlna reglttratlon in oupcrmukell, fira b,ausu and other n~JJ}Iborbood placu. The seeond pennlls deputy re,U. lrara to 10 door to door to slgn up vot~r•.

The Mlululppl AFL-CIO bu come oul arainli the poll tax In lavor of holdlni p rim a r :v eleallona on Saturd •Y instead ol T\Judr y In order to let more worker• and farmer• vote~

Thla elton II part or COPE'• ~<cct out tl\e ' 'Ole" drive . .-.....

Page 3: ~~ Surpl11s FOCHI Lei lore 125,000 S,hool Children Sit Out ... · Mississippi "The Tncth Slulll Make You Free" _v_oi_. _2~· -N_o_. _l_6 __ ~~-3~1-----J-~~k~~~·-M~is~si~u~i~~- =-~~~ru~·~da~

Saturday, March 30, 1963

Ross Makes Em Roll Part ll

&os• 8a11M!It recut!¥ ...0 at a R arvar<i Law Forum. AuerdiAr to a re,.rt lA the Atlanta Coutltullon tho liar·

vanl atuoleato wero " ••llchle<l aM •Hiauded a~ralo ..,.. •Jain u the covernor beaned of Mbalulppl'o •ymbol• of pr<orrcu •uoh •• tho aow football lladlum ..• "

Roar~ of laurbter l"eeted the rov .. mo~'• unlnte...ted humor whee be 11ld tbo " teurlsl buslnua lA Mississippi Ia at an all· time hirh'• and •• t " 'lib you could tome 11tcl enJoy our oul· door sports."

Tho CooutltuUon artl.te reported that Barnell wu hlu ed aJter t ome of hle 111teme.rtta auch as, 1"We' re aoocl to tb4tm (NOJTou)" and " there 11 no hate In Mlub•lppl."

Aller hJ• l,.ech, the ro\lero.r an.tw-erM • few ttuet~Uonl that were put to him by the s ludenlo. The followlnt Is tho ••· oad pari of what hppeoed 4llllar that •ue•tion and •n•w'"r perio<l (firn pa.rt Ia l .. t week'• FREE l'RESS) . 'l'lte l ron><r lpt ume from a reporter from Mississippi.

QUESTIONER: My Quertlon·+-----------­b very aimple, but perhapl you • • • ,..., can dlncree and 11111 won't want to answer 1t . h ' a on .•. ub ••• be aareeable. a personal level, 10 you "an ehoo•e to anawer It or not. I YOil personally ,.hether yc>u be· licvc that Nearou und whltu Jhould be •llowed to ao to 1ehool together, and II you not so believe, on whet bull do you make that atAtement-u a sclenllst, •• a Cht•latlan or as any other ·kind of a peraon, please, alr!

Arr .. able Baraett

Of couu, I du't think tho)' ouabt to r• to adMol toaoth•r, beeause . • • ub . . • In Uoe Ont plue ••. II wo•l<l •.. In other ,..ordo (roar• of laurhter) th<l pattern of the North'• prob· t .. ms . • • If . • . uh . . • If

followed tho pattern or the North, lntearallon of facul tle1 <loea not oecur until decadu after lntecratlon of 1 I u den I



State LMacb • • • AfiYiSOIJ CommittH •• • • (C'o•lioktl /r<>M 1'•1• I) (Co•lin..t ,,..,. 1'•1• I)

and 1,200 would co huncry. we• trr .. ted ln Green,..ood Law &~Dins Free Lando he l~sted a rumor that 1

The NaUonal Sdlool Lu n r h was stationed Act , -·hlch cives subs'ldieo and JOI.IUldO tho Greyhound waitinc surplus roods to the slat~. pro- room• there to direct Negroe• vIde s that "meals shall be and whit eo 10 dlflereni ro.>ms. oorved without ros\ or at a ,.,. The doputy •horlfl told him: duced oorl 10 childr<n who are "I'm &0111.11 to re!U.Ie you U dotermlned by !oral orhool au· don't rau1e an)•more trou· thorllleo to be unnble to P•Y here," Relyea answrred: the rull tost o.f the lunch." 11 1 enn'll ne:ree to thai." How·

Row ever. El o J me s taid tbot C\'~r, he WIU released nnywa.y. 3dcquate money ltas not been l'ollu Took '> llour provided to pay tor the h·oe H ol II• Wutklns ol Summll lunches. •11ld thut pollrc took 30 mlnuteo

The leder.al government P•l1• to a rrlve Alter he called them about ~-:, ol the co•t or the to report being bc:>ten by a enUre ttbooJ lunch program: lt whjlt mal"' ln Jackson·s Grt!)'• alve• lk: worth of surplua food hound '•aitone room 14~1 !all. per child per d~,¥ ($2,7113.000 The pollee alation " nbout 4 lui year) and a •IIMidy of ~. b I o • k 1 from the Greyhound

or 7c ($4,000.000 lui year). terminal Fedual SuboiolT Watkin• lurthor •~id <hot

The IUbsidy a based on tho when thO)' dod appear, police eeonomle eondltlon or lhe area. asked him !or a description lhe need of students tor .tr-ee or the ••11ailant. lhen ti,lered Lhe reduced prltC> lunches, the p('r woitlna room lo lee If he "·u cent or free and reduced price Inside. They dodn'l rind anyone. h.mchu and the price ul the C ur II• tlnye• ul McComb lunch In eompari!IOn Wilh the tcalllled 111M when he entued rtote's nverage. the llnllleobLII'g tcrn>innl I or

The chUdl'tn poy o n1oxJmum Orcyhound ond Troilwnys, nn ol 30c. agent told him lo u•e the othor

These fundJ must pay !or the wnitonll room.

BARNET!' : All rl 1 h t, No· era<!& .••• You aak me If 1 believe they OUibt 14 10 to school tocether, Ia that r lcht? WeU, we all have d if ferent viewt, you know (lauthter) and

entire operation ol tho achool Tom Jenkins. hi• companion, cafeterias, !ncludin8 maintan• entered by the rear door· where

For ln.ta.nce, In • • • uh · • · In a.nce, utilitiu, food, la.bor and wu stationed. theT have one N e 1 r the lunch mana.g.or. About 7~ pulled hJo gun :and told

achool teacher to every 4IS of the money so .. for food. Jenkin• to ao to the other .,de. vo citizens. In New York Asks State l'ay Manarer• Shoukl Close I Room have ODe Ne1ro .ehool teach<tr,l More utoney would be avail· A 29 year old Jaekson man,

we. c.a• . .. we can wbue they inlolrfaled, to able to provide lunches Cor poor Koward Jonu, claimed a man ...,.===========:! children il the Stale paid tho In the Greyhound alation r 500 Necro cimena. ln .. Ca ! t>terla managu, Holmu beat him and forced him

•.• Mississippi we have uid. There art> 989 manacera leave the while waiLing room. JAMES DIY aEANERS Necro school teacher to every who cet paid from $360 to $3,000 The pollee arrived 20 mlnut., 138 Necro clUtena. • year; their modian oalary io later. Jonu auuested that"We

~10, he said. n<!ed to do•e one or thue wait· Bua Ddvers Too

So, If tlte:~~ oro lnl.elrate4, I" =iiiiii~;;;;~~ I the South, Ukt the:r are In oome • othu atotea, a...t II we followed

,., N.._ St .. C..O..•• t ,._ I D. 4-t1tf Holmes said U1at •orne or the in& rooma." •

monagero, who plan the l.unchu Ml•• Carolyn Tllompson told and run the cafeteria, had not the Committee that 0 MrCoin craduoted from high achool. Ho man, Emn•ltt Thoo•nbiU,


•ct•rll4.14'• .en..., l>rwl ,_ J U .ovan- mur CI.AIIIJDJII, MISt.

Teloploooo< llolo 4-<UU

M,..• H,.-'7 - Cliff• s-116 , .. ~.. ,,__ ..

See Our Line of Fine

Easter Clothes For the you~gsters

You'll Love Our

the •• m e patlun, we would 1o .. 1, ... Norro teachen (roeu of laqblet) •• well as tho bu• d:dvo.rs. (l.aqbter coDtlnuoa).

~lssiMippJ OCCidal

, J~tl011 Station .. L C. (orr Alte P..n •ntl Gtnentl lt,.lr

,.._ JU,1702

Lpcll Ad41Jtl•, J•c'""


'u N.,tl r • ..ua. St,....

, ..... , aa. ... "'"'

taid, " Mi.ssiulppi ha1 a morot her and three friends responsibility to put the opera· the Ulhtola c en t r a 1 Railr•••d lion of the ealetui., on • pro· when ahoy tried to use Ullo foul011al buts.'' walling room.

Manaceu with bachelor of She uld that the lour acionec deCree • could b~p turned when the man Jell. teachers set up pnllr.ID'II to teach c hi ld r e n the valu.e of food• and to help them tum healthful rood habits, he uld.

ahould be a part of the lunch progrem.


b • - •'•'-"' l•r Yt•r B••'••


, It Lpd. SUMt


CHic's Jeauty •nd .,,,, Supply

615 No. Forioh Street

FL 3·3266

S ummers Hotel ROOMS WITM 1'1\JVATI IATM

W. J. Summers. Prop. 619 W , P'eert St.- JK ......

fl 2-1405 er Fl 3-6516 FARRIER'S liON SERVIa ST ATJON

.,., •• , . $.,t.'ltc ' • o ... , ll•d , • •• ,, •• , ,,..tl,n» CorMr ,,.._ at ro~or

JacltiOft fL S-M9S

p,,. 3

return.ed In 1 few minutes wfth lour other men. Three carried cbalna 11'" lone; another had br a 01 latudtlu, Thorn bIll threatened Mlu Thompson with a latlfe ; two clriJ were lut wltb chaina. ( Alr,.rt Dinlnr Room

Rev. Thoma• Jokn .. on, a ,..hite member of the SAC. te.,i·

that he wu permitted to tbo J ark son Airport dinina

rooon, suppo1odly ruerved for !Ugh\ per•onMI. even though he lml.itted I hat ho did not work ror on n1rHne.

The wltnc11 Rold he inlii:Hed that h.e wn• not • pilot, but " '"' led to n tublo, •entcd ond ~e.rvt'd, lie 1;11d thut othct'' '" the room did not .-ppcor to work lor on alrlln<.

Toutnloo Co I I e ICe l'••••ld•nt A. D. Befttcl repo• toe! I hut I he n~ ~ir termlnnt, ••hlfh u1 31· mott hnltshfl'l. ha• hlo wail lng roo1ns and two d1nlna roomJ.

Vlrk>hurlt' Clr~riM>•nd NAACP t'iokl SN'rctllry Med·

gor Ever• hnJ aent letters 10 tho Jusllrc Ocportmtnl, the ln· t~rgtott- Commcorce Commiuion nnd the Civil Rl;tht • Com nus· •inn pl'('le!llne dllcdmlnntlon ng11insl u Nrsro womnn who 6Ut: In P•c ro·onl or o bus •he boo rd· cd In Vlck sbu•• · lie &«ld thllt Mra, Morgle lngrum bOught o. llrktl lor Wnuke1an, 111., nnd took a aeDl f'\C'H\r Lhe fronl . ,

"The driver began a nervous pac~, lo and rro, uttering re­marks to the ~ll«t tho\ thore were •mply seat• ln tho back," Ev~rs aald. She agnored hlnl

and he ordered hor oil the bus. aayina that 1he wu on the wrona bua. I

COLliNS SHOE SHOP 112 I . Johoo1010 St.

Gr"11wOO<I, Mln lu lppi 'We $<>11 No"' Shott'


JOIKINS GUlf SEIYICE , .... ft. 2• U U

fU '-""'-- Sr., J.c"-"'-

Attention Please . ..

w. h .......... 1 .... u ... thla 111 atock coloor for Fe<Otaatlc Prlcea.

Call F L 4-0295 SOUTHERN

TV-RADIO SERVICE AU.,..,. o,.,M., .. ~


t Ul L,.U llrHI loch ..


Claro Dress Shop

1306 Everett Ave. JACKSON-FL 3·6-425


SMITH'S SUPER MARKET Valley Street at the Railroad Crossing

~ ......... -kr .. _.. ..... ...,..otl4 ........ ~ ,. lfiT1lNATIONAI. MASONS, _, ol - .,. 4.,.1e4 .... ""' .... , .... ..._ ..... jooot - - ·-....... " .. .... ., ..th J. •• C...M . . . ....

If ,.. ....... , .......... ...,.,.,, - ol 11"4 ..... --.w. " ....... ,.. .. ., ............... ..,. ....... TMOSI WHO WANT AN onotiTUNITY TO r.IAKI COOD NOT TNOSI WNO JUST WANT TO DAAW A SALARY- W""' ., ~· •• 0

A~ F & 1~!~~~10~!~~~~ Stir ~ ~1101 Crttlot Ait.-lot"" 7, Ilk•-•..,.'" ~Ill~

Page 4: ~~ Surpl11s FOCHI Lei lore 125,000 S,hool Children Sit Out ... · Mississippi "The Tncth Slulll Make You Free" _v_oi_. _2~· -N_o_. _l_6 __ ~~-3~1-----J-~~k~~~·-M~is~si~u~i~~- =-~~~ru~·~da~

p,. .. 4 MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Saturday, March 30, 1963 ~~~------------------------~~~~~~--------------------~ 75 Children In Biloxi 13 Votes Needed J--L G --~ ! •he had an nllotrnenr ol children G __ .J

KIISH1 rttiW_,_ • • • to cortlly. She snld. ho\\'evor, retnWvvu • • • Ask Desegregation To End Poll T ox (CfNiiJtwei fr•M Pogt l) lhot ~he wouJd like ,0 give more (Cm"m""" f ru·m l'ug~ I J

Negro child~en have Ol\J)' liS u thlldren tree lunch"•· ligbl In the window. The parenla ol 15 children in P resident Kennedy haa aent much oJ a cbance to get free The chlldr'tll ••·• t hQ•.'"' by They sow a shodow inside at

Bllo~l hAve oaltcd tb.e Sch<>ol telegram~ to the governor! ol lunche• u white~; last year " 'eltore cose wor·kers ; 24 case the door and trled to open lhe Bourd there to dosecreeate the 23 11nd the year bclore !hey b•d wor•kero o re whhe ond 2 J child door·, ullbougn tile loclt w 0 , city'• achoola by September states urging lh.em 10 pullh lf4 as muc;h of o chance. ~·ell~•·• workeo••J ~ ··• •aro. br·oken, but something held il 1963. lor speedy approval o r th~ anti. One wh.ite school gives 300 ohe ~•id. locked. Then they heard some-

The 22 parents flied a petition POU hur amendment by thelr tree lunehew. mot·e than oil the Say> t'ew lhrn•ry one run around the &ide . The with the Board March 1B ultlng 1tate legbla.ture$. rree ltmnbea given at the three McEwen sa rd thul there o re youths c811ed the Fire Depart· then1 to prepare "plans for the Twenly·flve state• hove al- Hocro schools; ~V~Olher JerYC< 3,;,000 otUldren in H hoo I In menl. fuJI duegregatlc!n ol the public ready ratl!ied the amendrneot almost as many, he reported. J11cl<•OJ1. " We hove • high par· Neighbor. next door aald that ochoal• and tacultlu." to the u. s. Con•tltutloo. Mis- More than h1tll lhe population ticlpution ir the lunch pro· the~· had hurd the noiSe o[

Dr. Gilbert Mason, Slislppi Is the only stole to vot. In Gr~""wood I• Nesro> he ••id. ~;ro m." he • uld. " I don't think gla'" breaking . A lady said she tor the group, snld that the 0. S. ogolnst IL Relyea l .. ll:fied that I be rned· ••e huve • ~t r.e•t numbet' 11°\ntl s aw two men running pa•t the Governmenes: •ult to lnter~ra1e lao family in~om& tor white.,. hungry .'J door and do"'rn the -street.

~ U Muro Neede<l · ••••• d s 89 h I I achonl$ anly tor the ehUdre.n of Ul ""OXMI an tor Negroe.s l4 "We would ave to oweJ' t 1.e 1 £-qutpmeot Ou t rnyed. rederol employe .. wu l.nade- A total or 38 •late~ mlr.t .,,.. in Gr·eenwood. (tun II(•· ol rood or rlli~e the Mo•"" •3 ld that rno•t 01 the quu l t , prove lhe ehunac-only J!! more JACKSON ! pl'lt!:~ l r "'e gswe to more chil· vule-i' registl'ation und liur-plus

The 1111oxl School Board YOf votes llre needed . Or. Brlt~n onid lhat Dr. Klrb~•, dren," he stated . ... 1 can't s ay !ood ll$1> o.t names we r·e saved, ape-l,ds $l28.92 (or U\t: edue.aHon Kennedy told th~ g()ve•·norti: Superintendent ot lhc i wh~· u (l.h.iJd. doe~n' eal. You but o.IJ thl:! oftice equipment, of eut h white c:htld a.nd only ··sccouse. ve.ry few sh:ole leg-iN· J .Dcks.cm Schools, r elu$ed to I t un ulways _!'and yOlulg~ltt.J·~ . who inducting ty·pcv.rrilers and a ~.ZS for ~acll 1-legro child. ltrtures will m""t in 11164. action giv~ out any Information abour ••·e ~lttlng '1 ou\. You can 1 bo mimeograph machine. woa de·

The pellllon Is boing •tudied by Individual • IIlieR now L. en· Ulc ope~tlon of the l.ood pro· conclusive lu • ~t:rt•n~ent •• . to str·oycd . He said lnat the tele· by the Boa.l'd's l•wyeu. ~<:ntlnl If the propor<ed amend· grum llller dl•cu•sing the m at· ll•h.v they o~e s rurng,..'1 ?ut. phone hod been ripped !rom the ;:============. menl I> to be eflccllve during ter with the School Board ot- 1\ number " ' <~••1111·" ogrC)up> woU.

the 1004 eleNion!i."' toroey and truslee~. However. m 'lke· ~tmcy avoilnble to bur k d 1 F. w. McEwen, Superintendent lunch~• tor children who can t 1\ vole wor· eo· r·eporte l 1~1 S lhtvt: Ta:x_ or Eiw:incss Adminbolra.lion and ttfrol'd them. • lwo while men, including Coun·

Trustees Pass Buck ~·r·oon now on. Ure presl·

dent of each Mlul•• lppi col· lege will decide whether• hi• •ehooi'J team• may compete in lntegtaled t pot•hl e.vtnts.

Only five •tnte3 ~tll l r~~tuire anoUrer higb Stthool Dt.suic\ of· MoE:\\•en lndk • led th~l If the ty Attorney Fra.ier, end a Ne-ll p<JII tux : Mili-OtSKippl, Alu· riciul explo.ined the _p.roc.f!durc N·cho~t. lunch P r 0 gram were gro convict, went to the oUi.ce b<OLYlo. VIrginia. Arktm .. • and to a .FREE PRESS reporte>'. I publrt ned. large nunrbe,., wno at 7:30 a.m . otter the lire to T , dodn' r, need old would •pplv.

exas. Atcor·drng to the fed era I l'•renls in Jack$un who 'need eolleel reeordt belonging lo lho Telt>ft t'Jtm• 1.1.~cre .tent tv Ar'i· arhool lunch law. the state b.a~ he lp to•• Lhcir chiJdren C:"'un .. t.on· ... egiftrutio·n worker&. The Bo9 rd or Tru.tcu for•

lm;lilulion~ of lfi&heJ· Leo 111· lng rojeeied a propooat lbot It rule on eac:h rf1<1u•51l thut come~ up.

IJ'he Buut-d wilt ij•u~ litvoid becoming uwoiVed in fulut·e controversies about i ot e r· raeial gumos.

•oM. C<>nneetk ut (which hao • conlracl with 1~0. fedruol tnet one ol the agencies ·listed Justice Department Attorney oppr'ovt-d I he amendment), government to admonost.er the befor·e. Other pa.renlll" c•n rind John Ooar I~ in Greenwood In· lowu. Kuns:u, Maine, M<rssa·l program. Hum~r F. Holrne• 1• out how the pr·ogrum work$ In vesll~otlng the llluatlon. The clmsetto. Mi•• ouo·i, N'ebr!l s ku '"eharce of tnli otrlee, .. p~rt their· district .~ by askinc ~ FBI hns been ordered to ma.ke New HumpJhlrr. PennsyJvnnla 0! lhe State -Boa.rd of Edu.~· hmc;her or prineipaL an investigation otlhe fire. a nd Whccon~in . hon, which has conlr&cts -w1th ;.-;;;;;;;,.....;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;,~

•epnrale school d l1 t r 1 ct .. or· I ~~;;• They 11lso "·ent to Alub••ma, co-unty dlslrids. 1

Ark.t~~IIIUS. Ocl n~,a,·u •·e, F f o l" ida, N'• Butu On Claoollnc . ' !;:;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::~;~GeorGin, KenhJnk.v. Loulsinna. I r N 0 r I h CnrulinM , 0 k fa h 01\1 U, 1'here i» no regulati.on dlrt(.·1 ·

lng how dl•h·ietil slulll ch001<c BEVINS SHOE SHOP h C" rllllnn, 'T••xu• unci VIr- child.ten in need or tree lunches. I Jn Jac.k,50Jl, four communit)·

720 W•ahiiiJfoll St. agencies give the Supt. o! Bu.<i· GrM••ille, Mltolulppi ne•• Administration tbe name•

or children which lbey •·certily" l •~ bcln.g In need.

,-----------.;;::, ;::;;;=:.....-.....;;;;;.._c'-~====. 1 These agencie$ ure the Wei · larrcDepartmcnl, Family Serv·l Ice, the Satva\lon Army and lhe Powers Foundation, which aid!< poor white chi ldren. Supt . or~ Schools Kirby Walker ts Chai r· man o( the Boa rd of the Power~

'""""' ., Collilf·B

Funerel Home 4 U N. h:ri .. St.

J .. ct... • Fl 1 ·2177


;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~~~ ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:~;;:;=:;;=:;;::;:=:;;~[ ~'oundotion. 1 fj Tbl! Supt. ol Bu•lne"" Adutiu· [ Riddick's Drug Store lstrnlloo choo•e• tile certllyinll

KOUEGE KlEANERS agcncieH and they must then Pf't~r·~t~ ~;~~I o tTI

610 •••· 1 _ ,.. .. Cl J.us• b• approved by the Bonrd of Greenwoo~, Mit~. Trustees:.

DRY CLEANING u c11tt f•r Frt~ Ot'IIH? J .t04l In .I ack.son

AI.TERtNG~A~N;~D~DERtNG 111'::===========::; Mc.l:.:wcr• ~aid lhul between l,OOO nnd 1,100 ehildr<>n now gul tree lunches in Jnek·•un. Tho cost o! I he meal$, about $35.~10 I to $37.000. I• mo;,II.Y paid tor with money paid by chi1dre,r1 who buy tbelr lwrc'b.

I t 1..t L¥M:h Strttei

·~ l ·tUI J.ct ..... wt.._

~ .. 1 OAY SllYICI-


Pheu f'L '2 ~UIJ

What A Mess -

Mt•• Nathalie Dunn. Hinds Counly Wolrnre Agent. •a.ld thai

Not To Mention -

The Wreck One Of Them

Will Be In If




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