* Summer in sign language · Encourage your child to persist in tasks when encountering a problemby...

* Summer in sign language

Transcript of * Summer in sign language · Encourage your child to persist in tasks when encountering a problemby...

* Summer in sign language

Dear Parents,

Good to see the little ones settled in their

classrooms and going about their daily routines

with ease and comfort. Their incessant chatter,

boundless vigor and cheery smiles are energy

boosters to the teachers and all of us here in

Sunrise .

Questions - There is always a sea of endless

ones ready on their tiny lips. Should we answer all their queries? What

about the ones which put us into a tight spot at times? Should we stop

them from asking questions only because we don’t know how to

answer them or do we encourage them go on? As adults how do we

cater to their ceaseless curiosity, what answer do we give to their

unthinkable questions (unthinkable only to us!!!)… is indeed a question

to ponder upon. It is undeniably a challenge to quench the thirst for

more and more in these young minds. But believe me parents; this very

challenge is among the prominent ones which keeps us on our toes. As

students, education at this point of time is not just giving the right

answers; it is also about being given opportunities to question. As a

Chinese proverb goes , ‘Ask a question and he inquires for a day, but

teach him how to question and he inquires all his life.’So dear parents

let’s give our children more than enough opportunities to ‘Wonder’ and

‘Ponder’ on questions . Wishing You happy exploring and answering!!!

If you have come across a real tough and out of the box question that

your child has asked you, which I am sure left you wondering and

wandering for answers, please share it with us .We would love to read

through the minds of our dear little ones.

Looking ahead…

Kindergarten Headmistress

Cheryl Ann Felix

They told of their escapade for

their journey through the 1st

term at Kindergarten’!!



Kindergarten isn’t what it used to

be. The following tips are intended

to help prepare your child in a

variety of areas to make the

transition into kindergarten as

smooth as possible.

Teach your child to recognize

the following colours red,

orange,yellow, green, blue,

purple, black, white, brown,

and pink.

Use a variety of materials to

let your child paint, draw and


Play with play dough regularly.

Roll, squish, stamp, and even

cut it!

Talk about positional and

directional concepts like

up/down,over/under, in/out,

behind/in front of,

top/bottom, beside/between.

Encourage your child to persist

in tasks when encountering a

problemby giving him/her

tasks slightly above his/her

current ability level.

Miss Mamta .M. Mehta



Starting school is a major transition for

children and their families. It is a period

of change that can be both challenging

and exciting.

As early childhood professionals, we

support children and their families to

make this transition as smooth as

possible. It is important for us to

understand that the transition

experience starts well before, and

extends far beyond, a child’s first day of

school. Many children start school after

going to a nursery, others have

attended child care and some may go

from home to school. All children will

have developed a range of skills and

abilities .

Delivery of transition programs through

play way method of learning and

enhancing all the seven areas of EYFS,

key area being Personal, Social &

Emotional and Communication. This

provides a shared understanding

between the child and the teacher

which is very important for the

students and their families during this

exciting time.

Miss Priyanka Mitson


Motivation and engagement plays a

large role in student’s interest and

enjoyment at school and at home.

Those students who are motivated

by teachers and parents, tend to

perform considerably higher

academically and are better

behaved than unmotivated and un-

engaged peers.

Some ways to motivate your child:

Create interest

Remove fear and inhibition.

Praise your child.

Use kind words.

Give small tokens like stickers,

stars, smileys etc.

Take out time to talk to your child.

Always keep a positive approach.

Read a story with inspiring morals.

Recognize and appreciate a childs


Positive reinforcement boosts your

child’s self-esteem.

Rewards and incentives teach the

children that positive behavior

brings along fruitful consequences.

Minimize scrutinizing every

movement of your child and allow

them, often to make their own


Miss Nausheen Ikhlaq


Team building activities are a fun way to

teach children teamwork, decision making,

leadership, communication and problem

solving skills. With the help of team

building skills children will learn to work

together, communicate clearly and think

creatively. When children works together,

everyone in the group wins and thus it

creates a positive experience among them.

In the beginning of the year we can develop

social skills among children like sharing,

taking turns, waiting patiently, following

directions etc through team building




There are plenty of more or less

important arrangements which may

help the adaptation,

however it is good to realize that every

single child is an individual with own

family story and setting thus what

works for one child can be contra

productive for another one. Monitor the

language one as a parent and a mentor

Uses (verbal and nonverbal) and think

of the message one emits towards your

ward . Language helps creates the

reality around us.


First Term of school can be very stressful for children. At the Kindergarten we use a few methods how stress is eased: Make children laugh in the classroom.

Do fun games or some activities where

children can laugh and show enthusiasm such as dancing, singing.

Do a lot of Art and craft activities: Children love to create new things and they feel proud when they can take it home to show to the parents.

Play with them. Ask them questions to show them that you are interested to know them.

Teach them the routine. ALWAYS inform the students what is the plan for today, what we do step by step. & KEEP THEM INFORMED!

Supportive stories

Adaptation to a new place, people, routine or

even a language is a hard period, indeed. For

little children it is almost impossible to sort all

kinds of stimuli they go through daily. Why not

to help those using stories? When you read or

even better make up the nap time story for

your child, use his/her kindergarten


Implement friends and daily situations. Get

your child involved and let him/her create the

story with you. Firstly, it gives you a notion

about what is important for your child.

Secondly, it is a great way how your child can

project and process his/ her emotions or

problems. And thirdly, it is a natural way how

you can model a solution.

The problematic situation and so help your

child. Stories have great power, take an

advantage of it.

‘Snow, rain or heat didn’t dampen their appetite.’ Food has always

been a concern for many children for some an excuse and for some a

reason to enjoy. The Kindergarten Newsletter of Sunrise will include

the Kitchen corner, with an initiative to make healthy eating habit a

routine and help our young learners think creatively and eat





Tray Bad vs. Tray Good

(Opinion stated below)

Tray Bad

Fruit Cup

Plastic cups of processed fruit in sweetened (often

with high-fructose corn syrup) juice. Schools like

them because they can sit on a shelf for six

months, whereas “real” fruit has to be bought in

season and served fresh.

Tray Good

Apple / Fruit

Fresh fruit is the healthiest dessert for kids. A

crisp apple is quick and easy, as is a bunch of

grapes. Schools can serve oranges if they're first

cut into wedges—with younger students, peeling

an orange can eat up their entire lunch period.

Tray Bad

Tater Tots

Potatoes often count as the day's vegetable

offering. Not to mention that a hot-dog roll plus

potatoes makes for one starchy meal.

Tray Good

Baby Carrots / Crunchy Veges

Something as simple as a serving of plain, fresh

vegetables (nothing canned or frozen) is healthy

and easy to eat. Even better: Start a school salad

bar so kids can choose from a variety of veggies


Must haves in the Snack Box for

a healthier lifestyle.


Spoon / Fork

Vegetables and fruits




And small thing to nibble on


1/4 cup whipped cream cheese or sweet cream (personal choice )

Strawberry/vanilla extract (personal choice )

Strawberries rinsed & stems removed

chocolate chips


1. In a small bowl, whisk the cream cheese or sweet cream together with the flavored extract. (choice)

2. Place cream cheese mixture in a small Ziploc bag, snip off one corner to create a piping bag. Or scoop in with a spoon.

3. Slice 1/2 inch off of the top of the strawberry, fill with cream cheese mixture and place the “hat” back on top.

4. Place 2 chocolate chips in the cream cheese mixture for the eyes.

5. Repeat with the remaining strawberries.

6. Enjoy the Yummy Yum Yum treat.


Wow and How!!!!

Strawberries and Cream "Elves"



I am Romana Yousuf (from KG2-B)


I am glad I treated myself with a healthy





Play with letters, words, and sounds!

Having fun with language helps children

learn to crack the code of reading. The

tips below offer fun ways parents can help

children become a happy and confident


Try a tip each week. See what works best

for your child.

Ask your child to talk about his day at

school. Encourage him to explain something

they did, or a game played in school.

Connect what your child reads with what

happens in life. If reading a book

about animals, relate it to your last

trip to the zoo.

Point out the link between letters and

sounds. Say, “Sunny, the word Sun

begins with the same sound as your

name. Sunny, sun. And they both begin

with the same letter, S.”

Have your child use a finger to trace a

letter while saying the letter's sound.

Do this on paper, in sand, or on a

plate of sugar.

Go ahead and read your child’s favorite

book for the 100th time! As you read,

pause and ask your child about what is

going on in the book.

Help your child learn the names of

the letters and the sounds the

letters make. Turn it into a game!

“I’m thinking of a letter and it

makes the

Sound mmmmmm” and the letter is M.


1. Kripa Marium

2. Zunairah Zakir

3. Joshua J Sunil

4. Simrah Mohtesham

5. Ameya Anup Kumar


1. Natali Jadhav

2. Jenisha Sharma

3. Joshua Thomas

4. Fathima Jauhar

5. Daksh Shivlani


1. Nasha Fathima

2. Tahniyath Fatima

3. Royce Denny

4. Aysha Samir


1. Hanna Mathew

2. Avantikaa Som

3. Amana

4. Hiba Nazrin

5. Malavika R S


1. Dashini

2. Mahi Shree

3. Devansh

4. Aishwarya


1. Shubhi Jayapakash

2. Reem Maryam Poyilan

3. Olivia Eden

4. Sreya Tessa Thomas

5. HaifaLieakath


1. Jewel Achu Abaham

2. Akshit Rajamannar


3. Anza Naufal

4. Ahmed Yaseen Mujeeb

5. Anita Thomas


1. Liveeniya Loujein

2. Brithi Jagadeesh

3. Muhammed Raihan

4. Muhammed Umair


1. Sharan Sriaravind Krishna 2. Azeen Tharick 3. Shayan Abdulla Mahal 4. Aditya Ajith


1. Evelyn Sunoj Vadukkoot

2. Vinu Sunil Kumar

3. Sreehari Satheeshan

4. Irine Rose Shybu


1. Mihraza

2. Romana Yousuf

3. Hiba Fathima

4. Joan Gomez

5. Pavithra


1. Shada Marwa

2. Pragnaya Agnihotri

3. Serah Mariam

4. Neeha Biby

5. Jessia Moncy

During Summer the first thing on our to do list is

to drop in our summer garments, to beat the

heat. Building to this rhythm Our Sunrise

Kinders were given the opportunity to don their

most comfortable and favorite ‘Summer Attire’ .

Beautiful, Bright and Bold


Sunflowers turn to follow the sun.

Their open faces symbolize the sun

itself, conveying warmth and happiness,

adoration and longevity.

On a Bright Summer day Our Kinders

shone bright mirroring the Yellow

sunflowers complementing their

personalities of being the bright light of

the Sunrise Kindergarten.

Phewwww… Phewww…. How we enjoy

playing with bubbles. The Kinder

playground was brought to life with the

vibrant smiles and cheers while the

students enjoyed blowing through their

bubble shooters !!!

Its Summer Time !!! And the must have fruits of

the season which is favored by many ,

‘Watermelon & Mango’ !!

The students were asked to bring watermelons

and mangoes. They enjoyed nibbling and

drinking the fruits .

Orange represents enthusiasm, happiness, creativity, determination, success and encouragement. Parallel to the description is the Tiny tots.

The Sunrise Kindergarten block was lit alive with the Kinders dressed in the color ‘Orange’. They enjoyed sipping to the fresh orange juice they made.

Children love and enjoy playing their

favorite sport, irrespective of the season.

The Sunrise Kg students beating the heat

with Summer indoor games. Encouraging

the students to keep focus and have a

steady hand with games like Golf and




* ‘The SunriSe KindergarTen newS bulletin aT a glance’

Date : First Term



Wishing our Pupil, Parents and Teachers a happy expedition, as our Sunrise Kinder Express is ready to traverse your dreams... do not leave behind your ticket to happiness, and do carry along your cooperation, understanding and investigative tools, as there's more you can expect from the journey.. :))

From the Desk of the Kindergarten Headmistress

Cheryl Ann Felix