Put Actions in Sequence Put Actions in Sequence Questions Answering Questions Answering Mini-stage...

Put Actions in Sequence Questions Answering Mini-stage

Transcript of Put Actions in Sequence Put Actions in Sequence Questions Answering Questions Answering Mini-stage...

Put Actions in Sequence

Questions Answering



1. pull into the garage (5)1. pull into the garage (5) 2. put his pistol between my eyes (8)2. put his pistol between my eyes (8) 3. toss my house keys into a bush (3)3. toss my house keys into a bush (3) 4. note details of their faces (2)4. note details of their faces (2) 5. rip the watch from my wrist (7)5. rip the watch from my wrist (7) 6. speed away (1) 6. speed away (1) 7. take a description of the robbers (4)7. take a description of the robbers (4) 8. look through mug shots (6)8. look through mug shots (6)

Sequential ActionsSequential Actions


1.1. Why did the writer scan the street and pathways Why did the writer scan the street and pathways

before pulling into the garage that night ?before pulling into the garage that night ?

Because he wanted to make sure that nothing was

unusual and no one would attack or rob him.

II.II. Questions AnsweringQuestions Answering


3. In the writer’s eyes, what damage does the out-of-control river—the young men—do to our society ?

They are bit by bit destroying They are bit by bit destroying

the basic ideas we hold dear: the basic ideas we hold dear:

our freedom to move about; our freedom to move about;

the fruits of labor; our lives the fruits of labor; our lives

and those of people we value.and those of people we value.


4. Find some sentences to prove the writer was robbed by young men.

1) “Where’s your money? Where’s your money?” (L9) 2) His arms and legs moved unexpectedly, as if attached to unseen wires. (L23) 3) I saw eternity; they saw food. (L43)4) So, last Monday I looked through album-sized books of pictures mostly of young men—an amazing number of them actually children. (L54)


Adapt the story “Face to Face with Guns” into the play and act on it in class.

Note:Note: 1. Use original dialogues and add new necessary

ones. 2. Cover the major plots. 3. Make full use of monologue( 独白 ) or voice-over ( 旁白 ) and stage property( 道具 ).

III.III. Mini-stageMini-stage


Summarize the story:

• This story talked about.... One day, when the author was…into the garage, a …and …young man in a …cap and …jacket emerged from the …and put his …between his eyes. The robber asked him to give up his ….

• Then, another robber, the big one’s …appear. He was …and short who held an …blue steel pistol. He asked the author to stop …, but his arms and legs moved ….

• The big one…the watch from his …, and tossed the glasses onto the …Finally, they took his …, his …, and …and speed away.


Retell the story

• Robbery---one day, the author, pull car into garage---a portly and unshaved young man---put pistol—asked him to give up---Then---his partner---slight and short---enlarged pistol----asked him to stop looking----the big one---rip watch---toss the glasses---. Finally---wallet, watch and KFC chicken---speed away.





1. His dark eyes shone like polished glass; his arms and legs moved unexpectedly, as if attached to unseen wires. (L22)


His dark eyes are very bright; he moved his arms and His dark eyes are very bright; he moved his arms and legs suddenly as if they were connected to hidden legs suddenly as if they were connected to hidden wires.wires.




整句话由两个分句构成。前一分句用了明喻,黑整句话由两个分句构成。前一分句用了明喻,黑眼睛比成擦亮的玻璃。后一分句属连词“眼睛比成擦亮的玻璃。后一分句属连词“ as if” as if” (( 好像,似乎好像,似乎 )) 从句的省略形式,这里省了“从句的省略形式,这里省了“ thethey were”,“they”y were”,“they” 是主句的主语“是主句的主语“ his arms ahis arms and legs”nd legs” 。 。



1. He criticized me as though he were an expert.

2. The little girl cried as if she were in great pain.

3. The woman kept on weeping as if she was very sad.

4. He stretched out his hand as if he were trying to seize


5. His arms and legs moved suddenly as if they were

connected to hidden wires.

as though an expertas though an expert..

as if in great pain.as if in great pain.as if very sad.as if very sad.

as if to seize something.as if to seize something.

as if connectedas if connected

to hidden wires.to hidden wires.



2. I’ve seen enough criminal trials to know victims of armed attacks are seldom able

to identify their offenders because their attention focuses on the guns, rather

than on their users. (L25) Paraphrase

I’ve seen a lot of criminal trials so that I know only a very few victims of armed attacks are able to recognize who their attackers are because they focus their attention on the guns , not on the users of the guns.




本句主干为“ I’ve seen enough criminal trials”, 用了“ enough... to do sth.” 结构, to know 引出结果状语, know 后接一个宾语从句,而宾语从句里又由 because 引出一个原因状语从句。


3. Turning those pages and studying their photographs is like flowing on a sad current that, like Blake’s Thames, seems to “mark in every face, marks of weakness, marks of

woe”. (L56)

ParaphraseMoving those pages one by one and studying their Moving those pages one by one and studying their photographs is something similar to moving on a sad photographs is something similar to moving on a sad current. The current, like the English poet William current. The current, like the English poet William Blake’s Thames, seems to leave marks of weakness Blake’s Thames, seems to leave marks of weakness and marks of great sadness in every human’s face.and marks of great sadness in every human’s face.




turning... 与 studying... 并列作主语,与介词 like 的宾语 flowing... 对应; current 后接 that 引出的定语从句,从句里有两个分隔结构, like Blake’s Thames 这一状语插入到主语和谓语之间,而 mark 和它较长的两个宾语 marks 被状语 in everyface 分隔。


指出下列句子的分隔结构: 1. There’s no report to us of any accident.

2. Evening had now come, the last of Adolf Hitler’s life.

Key:Key: 名词 report 和它的定语 of any accident 被状语to

us 分隔开,以避免修饰上的歧义 accident to us 。

Key: 由于 evening 的同位语 the last of Adolf Hitler’s life 较长,放在句尾,以使句子主谓结构平衡。


3. The tour races of France and Italy, held each year, cover more than 2,000 miles.

Key:Key: 本句的 races 有两个定语修饰,即介词短语 of France and Italy 和过去分词短语 held each year 。一个名词 / 代词同时有两个定语,或定语被其它成分(状语、插入语、同位语等)分隔开时,即构成“分隔定语”。


I. Old to New

very careful

thin and lightthin and light

against law

kindness to kindness to sb.sb.

without end



instead ofinstead of








rather thanrather than

Discussion With Pictures

Develop a Paragraph of Sequential Actions


Develop a Paragraph of Sequential Actions

To narrate a story, it is common to make use of the

action sequence and the time sequence. Action sequence

emphasizes a series of actions, while time sequence

stresses the time order using time signals.


The set of actions: reach the hospital and ward, being tired and anxious, his father: see dimly, extend the hand, wrap the hand, squeeze a message, stand by the bed Main idea: The Marine visited the sick father.



1.Write a short paragraph with a set of sequential actions based on the following main idea and

actions. Main idea: I got my exercise-book locked at home. The set of actions: forget the exercise-book, rush back, find a stone, break the window, reach through the hole, turn the knob, open the door, grab the exercise-book, and get away quickly

3. Your Writing


Sample One morning, just outside the classroom, I found I had not brought my homework with me. I had to rush back to fetch the exercise-book to hand it without delay. Having no key and none at home, I decided to break a window. I found a big stone. There was a tremendous crash when the glass was broken. I reached through the hole, turned the knob, opened the door, grabbed the exercise-book, and got away as quickly as possible.


2. Write a paragraph with a set of sequential actions based on the following topic.

I robbed a car.