Policy by which stronger nations extend their economic, political or military control over weaker...

Imperialism Study Guide

Transcript of Policy by which stronger nations extend their economic, political or military control over weaker...

Imperialism Study Guide

Policy by which stronger nations extend their economic, political or military control over weaker nations


Secretary of State who purchased Alaska from Russia

William Seward

Person sent to another country by a church to spread its faith


It was an important refueling point/port for ships headed to Asia

Importance of Hawaii and Pearl Harbor

Bought from Russia for $7.2 million


First and only Hawaiian queen

Queen Liliuokalani

A Cuban rebel who fought against the Spaniards

Jose Marti

Style of journalism that exaggerates stories to get people interested and entices them to purchase the material (newspaper, magazine, etc.)

Hearst and Pulitzer

Yellow Journalism

Ship sunk “supposedly” by Spain. Pushed the US to go to war against Spain

without any true evidence

USS Maine

“Remember the Maine”

Slogan of the Spanish American War?

US Naval officer who defeated the Spanish fleet during the Spanish American War in the Philippines

George Dewey

US President Organized the Rough Riders Responsible for the push to build the

Panama Canal “Speak softly and carry a big stick” –

meaning the US would use military force if its interests were threatened

Teddy Roosevelt

Volunteer cavalry group lead by Teddy Roosevelt

Fought in the Spanish American War

Rough Riders

An agreement by Cuba which gave the US the right to intervene in their affairs

Platt Amendment

Ended the Spanish American War Gave the US the right to govern the

Philippines, Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico

Treaty of Paris

Group of Americans who were against imperialism

Anti-Imperialist League

Areas where foreign nations claimed special rights and economic privileges

Sphere of Influence

Promoted the Open Door Policy

John Hay

No single country shall have full control of materials and trade in China

Open Door Policy

Chinese who were not pleased by the presence of foreigners taking their raw materials


1900 rebellion by the Boxers who fought along the Empress of China to get rid of foreign influence.

The Boxers lost

Boxer Rebellion

Canal through the Isthmus of Panama that connects the Pacific and Atlantic

Panama Canal

Infectious disease spread by mosquitoes

Malaria/Yellow Fever

Medicine given to those infected by malaria and yellow fever


Atlantic and Pacific It cut travel time in half and prevented ships

from going around the Southern tip of South America

What two oceans did the Panama Canal connect? Why was this important?

US policy that didn’t allow European nations to interfere with South America

Monroe Doctrine

Allowed the US to interfere in South/Latin America

Roosevelt Corollary

A small strip of land connect two larger bodies of land
