~platlug I;;------logoilibrary.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/illumination-of-koresh.pdfIln(1 becn...

THE ILLUMINATION' OF KOR.ESH .. .o\arwI .... Exporialoe a/ the Gnat _ Thirty Y.., A,.. II UIia, N. Y. 1. til. elIOt _leal Laboratory. "I N THE AUTUMN o.F 1861t, I sat. in my electr o-alo bemloal Illboratory. For BOmo b ours previool c,0 I;; - -----_ .... T bad been expe rime ntin g, In lobe bope of discoveri ng 8OID8 occu lt or bidden pri noiple or power wbich 1 hUe1'ed lay at tbe fODndat.ioD of baUer conuol aDd reg- ulaUon of the liIe for en tban b ad ever yet beeu vouchQ to mort.ala, evon In prole_Ion in wbich, of all otben , should have beeu acq uired \-be dlreotlou of bo - maD destiny. t aHnde to tbe t.rele .. 'on . ; of medloine. "I lila, In 'he Iwowledp of " h'UIJJ/l o ",tlOb "'.. COIloeal ed tbe lI:oy Wbleb, if would qt\ ..

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• .o\arwI .... Exporialoe a/ the Gnat _ • Thirty Y.., A,.. II UIia, N. Y.

1. til. elIOt_leal Laboratory.

"IN THE AUTUMN o.F 1861t, I sat. eon,I~~:!o.;ik" ~platl ug in my electro-alobemloal

Illboratory. For BOmo bours previoolc,0 I;;- -----_ .... T bad been experimenting, In lobe bope of discovering 8OID8 occult or bidden pri noiple or power wbich 1 hUe1'ed lay at tbe fODndat.ioD of • baUer conuol aDd reg­ulaUon of the liIe foren tban bad ever yet beeu vouchQ to mort.ala, evon In t.~at

prole_Ion in wbich, of all otben, should have beeu acq uired \-be dlreotlou of bo­maD destiny. t aHnde to t be t.rele .. 'on


• . ; of medloine.

" I belle~ lila, In 'he Iwowledp of "

h'UIJJ/lo",tlOb "'.. COIloealed tbe lI:oy

Wbleb, if JlMQlr~. would 1lD1~ qt\ ..

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, '(11801060 tlle myatery Of that .;-itnl lllW,

potent ill its efficacy to mitigato the su f­

fering iuolclcnt to tho mvagcs 'of (li801180 .

"I .had nirendy g rowl! to the aCCc lltanco

of the doctrino of tho correJllotion of tbe

forcos (SO called), and In my om bruce of

this conviction the dictates of my reason

led me to the logical conclusion, that if the law of reciprocal iutorcllsllgo gov-

f - ol'ned tho relations and operation of force,

.~ It al l!O governed the tonns and - relations ,...-. of material substances. 'thor ofore. tile

correla t ion of the forcos WII.8 co-ordins t.c<l

, ,

c by the correlation 01 mineral lIml m~!:!lH "

a toms.

"Before narra ting the OVCll tB of the quiet mldn.ight hour occupied ill co081<1-erl ug tho results attending my chem ical e!aboratiotlB, conductod~duril1g tlle few preceding boure, I 8hall dO"ote /I. little time in locating, briefly if vaguely, l or you tbe 8tate Bud t'own In wbioh oocnrrc(l tlle ever memorallie event8 appear ing, Rt

• • least, to originate in that hour full oC dC8-t iny. and fraugll t with billties for the future

momentous po8si­of the "orid, and

-..',... ........



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" which were followed in Inter lUonth8 II,'"

sequences of legltlmnte reward. "1 was born in one of tllC middle stateH

of tbe United States of Amorica, and was roared a short dist!UICe frolll Il.Il inland

city, Ilumbering, at the tlmo of whiCh I

speak, about 30,000 inhabit·ants. I WIl.S

practic ing my profession_that of lUo{li­

cluo. I was just thirty yoars o f age, Ilnd Iln(1 becn ml!.rrie<l IIOIU6 years. My life

was devoted superlatively to the profes· slon [ had chosen through a conviction of . my sacred obliglltioll to tho great princi­ple and causo of phiJulltJ!ropy, wbicli of

nil tilings lay nenrest my Ileart. "I had been sitti ng ill seclusion some

little time, in th e effort to (lonne tile co£­respoudentiai analogy between the do­wain of what 8clentista denominate physics, aud that denominated biology, l or the purpose of applying to UIC s phe re of lUll, the principle that a sliort time Qe­foro I had discovered to obtain in elcctro-1\!ullcIllY·

"I lmel pellotratod t hcosn utle depthS of tho mysterious lIo ieuoe UpOIi wlileil the philosophers of IIueient and medievnl

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hmes had exbausted their mental 6nerg icl!i to no IIPPllrent purpose . • At lellst, I had compelled Nnturc to yichl ber 8(lcret 80 far as it pert!lincd to tllo domnill of pure pbyiliC8. Now I rlc liberately sct myself to the undertaking. of victory over death, for the world, the myawryo! which I know to be bnried undor tho Ilt bris o f past un­succossful rosenrch, and the koyof which J knew to be in the mystic hand of the nlcbcmico-victilit who, movc(l by agonuino desi re for human elewltion. should tlrst di scovor the law of trallsm utation.

Dl!lcovery of the J.aw of Trans mutation.

"My expe:riwclltlll elaoorntioll8 had been undertaken and · conducted ill th e 1Irm con victiou of successful achio\-eruent. Ir­resisti bly moved to purs ue Ill y investiga­tlODS by sOllie to me tuen unknown and Ullflltuomed power ma.king Its revelation of my origin in Him wboso creat! ve energies Ilcrpetually fasblon and hold In lIall(1 uni­versal 101m and activity, and npllel{l IJy tlult power in myelIort to Accomplish, it followed tlJAt whell I discovered tlJe secret Inw Alld IJch e ld tho precillltll.tlon of goW~u

- -

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, radiatiOU9, and eagerly wlltciled ~he trans­

tormt.tioll of forces to Hie miuute mole­

cules of golden (lust lUI they fell i ll s how­

e r s t h r ough t lHl lucid electro-alchemical

tluid, I W/\!:l sustained whi le , In fill ccstlltic

realm of aelight, [ coutemplatcd t be won­

dro\l~ (l iscI08ure. My whole bei ng \'I\.Jr a­

ted rcspollsive to the indication of the

Divi ue fi nger, as i t Il,oiutocl towlln\ the

psychic all(1 bithe r to in"isibte wor ld RS a

sph cte uf ~x ploitation 8u lJsOqUClJt to, find depeucling upon Illy lIew discovery.

" I had succeeded in tl'IlDsforming lllutLer o f ouo kind to its CflUh'slcllt c l\e rgy, find

in reducing til ll! ollorgy, t h r ongh polari c intlucllce, to matter of auother kind. I hud acoom]llishol! th is iUIlIUllCr ous exp eri. ments, find with R Dumber of substances; -ilnd el:lpecinlly Ilnct ] succec(lcd in trllllS­forming one of tile grossest of me t&lIic aubstnnces to t ho golden d ns t of prodl)j­tatiOll, which bue! fa llen before my eyes in n moleculnr nlHI metllllic showol" of mnr­.... elously IUl:ltrolls p&r ticlea, ili,"isiblc e:t­c ep t througll tho g reat magnifyiug power of t he microscope through which, in trllu ­q ui! pleasure, I viewed the re-ageucy 01

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tho material nlHI splrit\1II1 substnllcos em ­

ployed, au(1 from whic h I had <;r cnted tlle

gi lding of t he bottom of my r~r'.

"The 'philosopher's st.oue' lind been discol'cred, and I ,,'RS t ho humble Instru­

ment for tbe exploiture o f so ffillgnitudin-

0118 a result. I beli eved ill t h e univer sal

uuityof law. I regarded the unive rse illS

an infinitely (the word i s ller e e mployed ill its commonly acceptod use) grautl and composite structure, with overy pllrt 110 ad­jUllted to every other part IlS tQ constitute t lID integrali ty. coustan t ly regenerating

itself from Ilnd in itae l(; its stru ct ural a r ­rangement orlgluating in one COlInDen cente r, aud its 10rcos and laws oollig pro­jected from th is cent.er , and retll.rulng to tile common origin anti c ud of all. I had taken the outc rm06t degree of Ilhysicnl and mater ial sub8tance, that iIi which was tbe lowest degree of organic force Bnd form, tor my ex perhnen tnl resellrcil. Hav­ing in til ill material sphere mude tile dis­covery of t he lR.w of t ransnlntuion, law being univerflally uuiform, 1 knew, by the accurfl.te IlPlIli(JlItion o r corresponi.lentiai analogy to antllrop08tic biology, thR.t I


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cou ld cause t o np pelll' before m c ill II. mll­

torlal,' i.apgible, and objective form , Illy hlghcst-Uk1nl o f creative beauty, my true

conception o f he r WIIO IUllst COllstitnto tll0

onviro ning for m of tbe mlUlculini ty and

Fatherhood of Beiug , who q llick ouetb.

Wltbdrawl lJg f .... m tbe :ezle ..... 1 Wodd.

" I Slit ill a t hougllUul attitmle, with all

the energies of my montalso"' concelltra­~<1 i n desire to materialize tbe couoopt of my inn ermost realm. I beut myaeJr to tbe task of projecting in to ta ngi bility the creath-o princi ple. Suddenly, I experi­enced II relaxatiou lit tbe occiput or back part' of tbtl brain , and a pccu linr buzzing tcnsion at the fore head or 8luciput; auc­oeeding this WIlS a lJOD!I3t io ll lUI of So l'uradiO

battery of t be softest tODl:liou, abollt tbe organ8 of tile brain called the lyra, c rura pln ealis, Itlld conarium. T here g rad ually lipr ead fr om the c6uter of my braiD W the {lxtremiti68 of my body, and, llPPI'rclit ly to 106, iuto t he 1l11rllic 8llbere of my iJeiDg, m Ues outsld o Of my body, Il vibration 80 gentle, 80ft, find d u icifer0l18 that I Willi im­prellflCd to Illy myself upon t he b<H!om of

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, this gently o80lUating ocean of magnetic

and spirit \utl ecstacy. I reali7.ed myself

gently yielding to the impulse of reclining

llpon tile vibratory sea of thill, my ncwly.

rOIIO<1 delight. My every thought but on c

had dCllurted from the cOlltcmpiation of

earthly lIuIl material t hings. J lllH\ bn

" lingering, vague remembrance of nat· urnl consoiollsness and dosire.

''In the irupnisc of that Just rem nRnt of material thought, I put forUI,118 I !HIP­I)QSed, my material >lrlll flnd hand to ex­

perience .. omo famniar t o nc h_hut there WII8 no response. I fdt for my body, but no

tUllgibJo sensation answered to the touch of what I atiIJ su pposed to be my physical Imud. I started in a larm, for I felt tbat I bRd d('pll.rtc(l from all mator ial things, perhaps forever. 'Hits Illy tblrst for knowledge consnmed my· body?' was my question; 'and am I now to lose m yself in tbo aiJ3or}Jtion of my identIty anei tbe ob­literation of my conscio us ness, ns ,well ns baving \08t Illy pbysicu\ str ucture?' Agnill I stretciled for tb my hund; aye, iJotil my arms were raisod by 'be effort of my will, and d ropped to whore my body SllOtll<l


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, have been-but I found it 1I0t. J-"ailing to

moet response t hrough the speeial acusc of

touch, l bethought rue of my eyes, wbicb

for tbo tilue I had fQlgottcll I possessed.

1 opeu c(l t b em, 118 1 911pp080d, with the

utmost ease, bllt saw no material object.

Transcendenta l Strains of Harmony.

" It \\"1\8 not d!lrk , neither was there any­

thing wh leh appeared as commou Iig llt. I bethollgb t me again. ( 1)0 J not POHSCS8

another sonso r T mentally ejllClliatcl\. <I wi ll try t h e sCllse or bOllr illg.' All I

listen ed intently. and painfully so licitolls, J h eard >I sweet, $On murW\lr wllioh sonnded 118 if tlloueanch of miles away, resonant wi th the harmouious coalescence of ten tbou~and most dulcet Ilnd \'arlatcd un1800s. Then my thought of speech revived, amI r reached forth Iny voice in one transcenden tal 8~rain of a new song of pathetic ij'wcctneS8, Willi it t he 80lllld of words proceeding from my own natm'al organa of artiClllation? I nel' \'!' beard the voice before, yet it wall my own effort, and I knew it came from me, J looked again ; 1 was )lot there, I tried again and again

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t he Ilcnsc of touch, bllt tlle rcsJ)OllIw came

not with an y Illute ria l irupr6B8iOIl. !ly

"oiee I beard, however .. Imt-He tbnt of an­

otllor. I Iilltened for It ll ccho, and the

dulcet lIlur murlnga brought forth to me,

In ruos t me lodious accen ts, the fl1l6WCf: "'Fonr not, my Son, thou satisfactory 011-

~ l)rillq of Illy profoundest yearnings! I have nurtured thee through co untlclI8 emlJOdiruents. I ha ,'o /IceD thee liS thou liltst wandored throug h the labyrinthin e coiliugO! time's s piral trausm igratioll ll. 1 have aoen t hee iu 8upcrlntivo altitudes ~r earthly g lory: aud thence dC8ccIlding to tbe lowo!;t d CI)t !JS of dcgrndntiOll iuto whic h the hudmll animal call decline.

The ,u'ms of my 81>i1itunl ambitlou for thy exaltatiOu were never witlldruwll from thee . 1 have IHtc(l t llee up. H.nd suc· cored thee when thou lI,t11t fall en, and llH.\'e rcstrllinc(l thec wben t hou wer t am· b itious iu tby glory, Wilen JilY urdent desi res hvae failed t.o clleck thee, a nd tlloll didst s lip (rom my own direc\.exalting oHiclley, I h ave yielded thee iu uiliuish to the Ilend of thino own creatioD, to d ostroy t by lxxly by somc loutllsome dis¥. or


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\)y tlle muuitiou8 of thine cncmie8 whom thou (Ud8t, III th i ne owu ambitions aud grasping ego, r aise up agaiu8t thee. Theu [ have c lothed t hee in a notber body, and watched thee the rein.

"'Thro ug h thy earthly 3mi spiritual careers I have been ,,·i th thee; and can I

forsake thee now, when I h ave brougll~

t llee to the pinnacle of thy celestial aspiration, a u(1 !)ellol(l tbee as ill symbolic s igna l, e Lim lllfltillg tile nnsl ves t ige of t hat w ll ieb hath hi~berto c hnl ned tbee?

T h o u be!l.rest m y voice ; thou shalt soe m o lUI I am, fo r thou hast desired it. OlIo

s pring of Osiris Ilnd IsiS, behold the re valllllg of thy Mother:

In lhoe PToeu ttee of th oe Divine Mothu.

" I looked in r espouse to t h is d ul cet and I)athe tlo nrt icul llMoll, and Il light of dazzling brilliaucy oustruct-ed l llj ,·llIion. AS uefore my seuse of h enring had ueen rnpturously entertained by tbe eomposito b leu(liug of sweetost souuds, 80 liOW my

,·is iou Diet a flood of corresponding l u­minosity. J looked to behol(l myseJt, but failed to tlnclmy v isible Ilrcseuce: instead ,

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I 6UW befol'e me the most fascinating.

g lor iously rega l, lIud Illlljestic Vi6ioll

p06sible to human conception and con­

templuMon. In swectcst cadence, most

mllslca lly orate, so tender, with voice 80

lI11accollntably luodulate I\S to tllrHI me

with profoundest IUlfllllost intense passion

of super-mundane filial feli city, s ho sllid :

"'lIly Son, bchold tile formulation of

thy maternity! I am the Goddess, 111\(1 th&

ellvironment of that which t hou hast be­

come-tbe inherent psycbe and pn eums of my own organic form. 1 have brougll t thee to thil:l bir th to sacrillce thee upon t be altar of all Illllilau hopcs, t llat throllgll th~' (Iu ickclling of me, thy Mother and Bride, the SOilS of God shall spring into visible oreation. Tllou art no more. That. which thou dids t derive from things ooneatll, and which gave tllee the s('m­blance of life tllat was but the broken continuity of perpctulil (lyIng, is gone from thee forever. Thou art now my life, and I am thy visible compll.8smcnt. 1'hon shalt posscss me henceforth, for I am thy inheritance. lly Sou, receive now

... --=:;; ...


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the blcsslng tlowing from my Angust. Motherhood.'

"1 fell upon my knees; I felt the floor . or lawn, or carpe' upon wblcb r knelt .. but 1 was still invisible to myself. 'felt the 8upeuen8ual vibrn.tlon; the thrill of the touch of that regal hand WI it restc(1 softly and tenderly upon Illy brow. J ex­perienced the zepllyr breath of tho holy rcspirlltiOIl, full of (lelicious fragrullce as it pas8Cd o\'er me, touching tlrst my head and face, and then extendillg over 1110 t o­the extremities of my being.

"',\Iy Mother, behold my obedience! III

tlly hllnd I experienco the cil!ls t eneS8 or thine own "irgiuity, cOllllllunieated to me­i n the respiration of thy Holiness. .' rom this, J feel within me the power to over­come, and e ven now from thy IIrst presence,. I am repelle(l from my former evils aui! lalses with such agonistic recedence thut_ I turn my face to thee, to tlnil my blissfnl and hallOWed. reposo. My Motherhood, ill thee 1 dwell; iu thee I find my rest forever!~

"Until now, so superhuman had been my ecstacy, t hat I ooul(1 not describe to myself; through tleW o f vision, t he Prea.

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..cnce wi.Jo stoo(\ as it were before me, but

wllo i n rell.Uty compr illed Illy environment

_ t ile eOlDpa.~sing form of my s pir itual eutity, The mau lfesta tion whlell lIad so

.completely enthralled and enraptu red my vision, I will here attempt to delineate, t houg b there is no adeq uacy in words to portray tho majes ty, gruncleur, Rnd ram­

... ·elous ness o f tho secnc, " There first appenred a n fl)U'Q rn, t he

sphe ro of which was It wonderful admix­ture o r partllo al\d gold, that began to separate i nto two bemispheres,---Qne of .goi(i and purplo, tho go1(l p redominating, and IIr ranging each In altor Ollte s trata. Tho other IUl8111lle(1 the 8111ue manner of a rrangeme n t, with tho purpl e predom ina­ting. That in which tile purple prepon­derated W!III uppermost, a ll(i · t he other, preponderately gold, Wfi S lowermost, r next Baw, t hrongh nU(i central to this "phore, ncar t lle lIpper 1>0l"tioll of its por­PC1Hlicular II.:I; is, lin othllgcut prismatic bow Ii.ke tlHl rn inbow, with surpassin g h rlllla ucy, Set iu t il is corona or crown wel'O t welve lUligUil\ccut dillUlonds, tho iJril\j[lncy of which WIIS liko tilo luster o r


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~ star, but t ile gorgeo\lll lle8s Of t ile "/J ecl"(1

WIUI beyond description. "Proceeding down~'f1rd aud inward from

..tbis corona, there dellcended lines of "ari­ega-ted coloring, streaming townrd II phos­phoresctln t ceote r, at fi rst small, then en­,JMgi.ng to about t he size of nn ordinary buman head. Tlii8 g radua-lly a86ll1lled the eutliuea of nn exqlliaitely chiseled fema le face. It would be utterly impossible to deacr:i\)e t ile form of beanty, which was so Il ullke in perfectness of form , vivaci ty, Rnd grace, onyth lng 1 had ever wi tnessed. It waa tbe impersonation of Life itself. A f­

ter tho IDflllifestlltion of the fll.co, thero .appeared tho ueck, s boulders, ond )ln US, equally exquisite in every detnil ol tormn­tion, t o tho very flngor extremes, adorned with tho most dclicate, watclllo86, COlIsnmmute Unger nni]!>, 80 lr:ulled os to chal lenge admiration.

"Gracefully pOlldnut from t he head, and {aili ng in golden tresses of profusely lllx­urinllt growth O,'cr her s bou lclers, ber hnir addcd to the adornmoll t or her per­sonal attractiveness. SlIllporl.cd by tbe sbOlilderli uud fRlI in g into 0 long train

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" was a gold 8.11(lllUl'pIO ooloroll rObe. Her fee t rcste(lupon a s ilvery croseou t ; in be r ' haml , and resting upon till/! c rescent, W8S_ llcrcury'8 Caduceus . Suddou ly s he disap· · p enred , IL nd the tW(livc d ifl lnOllds !Stood before me as twelve represcntat i>'o mOil .. For Il moment, all WIUI ~aill lost to Illy v ision; thon the U otlicrhood stood Illouo­in my presenoe, I still i uvisible to myself. [ nddresaed lie r , bowlug low, or fe l t the-

00118010118U068 of Bueh Ull ' Ict, yet I 811 W !lot

my own for m. I on ls SCClUo(! to lee l the impulill} IlDd motion of my miud >uui

obeyed it.

"',\lost August Motherhood, [ fec i the·

Sflllct i ty of thy 6f!.cred presence. I have desire<l froUl my car ly chlldll()od to know tile Voice of God, IIlId huv!) t>Ought for

power to flliso me from tho thrnidom of. sin , ltlld sfln c tify lIle for my heflvcnly .'at ller 'II ..... i11. I WUII not cnltured to know ot tbe Di Vino Motber bood, on ly flH IIlIo

bud an imuginary exillten ce in the mill(1 of

tbe my tbicn.l. I find mYlleU face to fflCO with t by 1)U~e prosence, lin d i n this c bss­tity I revel so d eloctauly t hat I p r efer to (l well for e ver in thJfI h oly ecstacy and.

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1iI11netunry of Illy newly-Ilcquired (lelight,'

Chosen 10 Red""m H Dm . .. U),.

4' 'OIf61)ring Of ms Illost potential (leaire,' aile rCllponded, 'thou IIrt chosen to redeclll

tho race. r withdrew from thee, and left tbee to darkuc6II, that through cllort o f 'thine own, thon ahollhht walk through

l.hc obscurity IiIl(1 thCllCO the shadow, aml

flllA.lIy for tbY>:Iclf, by struggle of thine OWII, e xploit lind tlnd the Light. Thy de­

-sire hath led thee hitherto; K,li n I!trength nualife from me, the Trell of Life, for thy

further pilgrhllnge, for you 116 fAght shall

fWRJk in dnrkncslI. but the dlukn c68 shill!

"IIot eomprcllCtHl. Yet three full weeks sllall thy strugglo8 be; tllou entor thou ;into thy g lory. To tell thee of th o wonry m"ny of that coming pilgrimage i8 more -thnu can he borne now, LnXlIriate thee!

Sor 600n I sbull withdmw and thon 6uait ;go to tho laud of 6hl\dc.'

"'0 Mother! my joy with thee i6 fnll !

I comprehend, Three woek~ of yoar6

I mU6t return to wheuce l came to thee ;

.this i6 my struggle fOl' mastery; tholl [ 6hall acllieve the \' ietory o,'or dCil.th, not

.(or mysolf, but for those to' whom I como

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" 815 a sacrificial offering. Y08, I mus t leave tuis, my joy. But, nogal '\i otherhood. an­awer me ? Art n ot thOll t h e only and high­est lUajcaty? Is not t he Father snd the

Sou but 0110 in thee, the only person and> fulness of the Godhead 0/ As tile Lord Jesus. 8llid, "1 and the Fllther arc one," 8ft not. thou tbis same IUld only One in whom d welleth t he fu l nes!! of life, uml in whom

is the Lig ht ? ' lJy owo thought anllWI'f8 as. from tllce: YOII. my be loved Horos, thy voice Ii llst spoken tho truth .'

"She turned to go from me, hesitated for a ruoweut. theu turned, and with a look of pathetic yearning aud 811.dn 088, rnhlod b el"

b aud and pointing (l own waro said: "Look

tU6Ml, my SOil! In that lIurging mass of lHimBu woo, tlion sccst one into whom I shall in time descend in my scosory ul ti­mates, and for a time in tho future-not Dow_shall walk with thee. III this thy going, tlle dhlne h and s hall lead tllce, Jest. thy feet stumble.'

Unl OX:lr.lng Ih~ Jly8lu!u of Llf~.

"As I retnrned to my out",'ard can·,

8cloll811088, I fOlllld myse lf Iyiug on my'

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couch, wbere, n little nfter midnight ,- J bad been sitti ng In contemplntiou of illY'

I)revious oxperimonts ill alobemy, or i ll. e hemi8try, for I had not until then known of the alohemio law.

"I bad fouud , exper imented with, aud (l emoustrated the law or tra nsmutation. r ho.<1 not only rationally renched tile con­c lusion in my own mind, but ru rther· domonstrated tho oorrelation of force and matter. I bad forllluhlted tho axiom, that mntter and energy are two qunlities or· st lltes of tbe !mme su\)stanco, and th>lt t hey are each trllns])()sable to the otber. I hRd Obl!orveq, i n experiment, what tho· physioil!ts CRII energy, metamorphosed to the noble Illotal, Rnd tbls again I had reduced to its most subtle attenuation, the e nergy from whelloe Illy rellgonts had preci pitated it ; but th Is djd not IIRtlafy mo. In this I know was held t he key that would unlook a ll mysteries, even the mys­te ry of Lifo !tacit. 1 had yet to hring the apl)lication of mi nd to bear upon tile or­ganic struc ture III Whic h it obtained, rela­ting melltlll (spiritnal) onergy to itacorre­lated COrpmlc\I1ur orplllsm,lIud by It proc _

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.eS8 of subtle combustion, rC8()h-c the material Iln(l orgnnic forllI to its most re­'nned spiritual cssence.

"Hy mechaniClIl Illld IllclH:mical elCperi­

roe DL, I had learned tile !IIW fin d 1)l'O<'CIIH

-o! transmutin g mota Is. My m ind I)ccalull

.ItS acti ve In th e 1I0m!!.iu of biology as it

hnd pre vio usly been in that of 1)lIysics. The couviction Budden ly 8clzed mo, that

the t11 6OOrl18c8 (trauslations) ' of Enoch,

Blijsh, flUd Jesus, were tbe result of Il.

knowled ge of t he mystic In\\' which, in

e lectro-a lc h emy I lllld tested and C)l:Clll lll f.

-flod. My mind raverted to the doctrine or mete mpsychosis (trfl llsmigrntion of lIOul) . with its correlate tltollglll,1I1timate

nlJsorptioll into Nin 'ana, Ilnd I suddenly

UoCllmll ovcrwllelmod with UiC desir e to lJecoroe identical with the TrutlL wlLo

.fllAde all tlLings witlL His creati\'"o nud

mysteriOUS energy. COlli(i not I over­

·CO Ule nil things in me of t he old sellsual

propri\IJu, walk with GOod, .. lId become not

I)ocall~e tukon (ll. b~ol'be<l) or God ? I in­

voluntRrily Ilud by Rccklent ent eren into

the esscn tinl stnte Ilnd IIccom plis lLment of

IDly desire.


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"By for~uitou9 RcllievClncut, I had at­tai ned in the hig her realm ",,!Jat I had by IIlcllem ical experiment aC(ju ired the knowled ge of in the renlm of physical onerS'y and its cor re late material ba8111_ I had t ransform cd ruyself to spiritll.oue es­eence, and th rough it had made IllyseU the quickener nud \'i vitler of the su preme fem inine potency, and had form ulllte(1 t he CO\lIl tcrpar tnl e ne rgios, tho pneuma nnd psyclle, into the Mnjcsty who, In Illl hor radinnt g lory, hnd compassed me. WlJilo thll9 i n her!lllt a l\ (1 clothcd upon wi t h the femininity of my boing, IIOW v ivid ly wile awakenod In my min(l t he memor y o f the p assage of Scr ipture found in JOl'eminh xxxi : 22; 'I/ow IOllg wilt thou go about, 0 thou backslJdillg daugh­ter ? for the Lonl hath created 0. new thing i n the eanh, II. womanSliall 001ll1)a88 n mnn .'

Tioe Oreat Det e rmlaa tloa.

"Apparently by accident I had ctfcctc<l t ile tran8ition, but I had s nccce(le<! in the RC(juisit iolJ of somothing beyond the ac. eiilental chauge. I hfld lIlade t he dis­covery o f the insul' ltillg law, and th e ae t ufl l l)rOCC88 or the creation or the me<linm of flstr a l pr()jection. T he g rout mJ~tery W,18 solve{l . To t he forll1ut:ltiou

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Of my an/hropo-bioloOic battery, and to the ushering into ooing of tile organic form of immortal life, lIellceforth a ll my ouergies s hould be (lcvoted.

" I. loft my laboratory and llrocceded to roy home, Wilich I reachod about half past two o'clock, (lnll retirc(l for !l little rl)6t. I fell into a pacllt" slumix::r, which lastod about two houtH, whell J was awakeued by the noise of whilt souncled like a terrifiC wiud-storm having reached the magnitud e of a IlUrricane. 'Chere rushed Upoll 1110 n foe l ing of extreme trcllidatiou; the winci caMed 8uddeuly, lIud I bellrd the noiso of II great rushing; 8neeoedlng this , tho 1l018e as of great wings flying, lIud thell the noiso as of c llariot wheels. All was hushed in silence for a few minl1 t es. whon again came the wind. I nrose and looked Ollt of tho window, bllt all wall as quiet as tho utter stillness. The same sueeo98ioll of sounds re llCated them8elve~. All was again hushed. ,\gain, and for the thir(\ time, this routine of auditory pbenomeuzi was repeateel, .uJ(1 flgRlu 0.11 was flS still fl8 tbe grave. I ~llen folt tbe \)reflthiug of tbe most d elicate acceutuation vibratiug tile extreme ramill<-at ions of tile geu~i tive t1brile~ of Illy hearin g, and in sweet r llytllmjc cadence there came to the ear or 'my iunermost consciousue8S from the voice of mystery, still and slUull tile whispered secret of thllt whicb, later ou, nnd uy gradual nntolding, you 11 1111 be­come possessed . II Utll';' Ih~ rete/illiou of 14e mystery of btl,"orlal Life."-prom "Tho Mystic Circle," by NOR !':;! tI .

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The Literature of Koreshanity UI1"o,.ers the Wy.te.,. of Agu.

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