-Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live...

ERASMUS- Studies and Internship -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it and you won’t get a scholarship -ERASMUS will change your life! Check out updated AHI exchange studies web site - ttu.ee/avaliku-halduse-instituut/opingud-3/oppimi ne-valismaal-3/ ,consult M-F 8.45-16.45 IR Coordinator Andreas Sepp, X-444, 6202666 [email protected]

Transcript of -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live...

Page 1: -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it.

ERASMUS- Studies and Internship

-Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it!

-Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it and you won’t get a scholarship

-ERASMUS will change your life!Check out updated AHI exchange studies web site - ttu.ee/avaliku-halduse-instituut/opingud-3/oppimine-valismaal-3/ ,consult M-F 8.45-16.45 IR Coordinator Andreas Sepp, X-444, 6202666 [email protected]

Page 2: -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it.

◦Opportunity to live and study abroad 3-12 months◦Opportunity to improve your English or learn a

new foreign language◦Opportunity to get to know a new culture◦Valuable addition to your CV◦Gain independence, put yourself to a test◦Make new friends – for life◦Exotic schools (Sabanci in Turkey since 2012!!!)_______________________________________SAFE AND WELL ORGANIZED, EASY PAPERWORKNO TUITION FEESFINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE ERASMUS PROGRAM


Page 3: -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it.

Active student status

One completed study year in TUT by the time when the exchange starts, one completed semester in TUT by the time when applying

Grade point average at least 3.0

Sufficient knowledge of the foreign language you’re going to study in (B2 language level)

High motivation

Attach CV and language certificate to the application!


Page 4: -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it.

Exchange is only possible when agreement exists between FACULTIES - www.ttu.ee/erasmusega-valismaale-oppima/partnerulikoolid/sotsiaalteaduskond/ OR UNIVERSITIES- www.ttu.ee/erasmusega-valismaale-oppima/partnerulikoolid/uleulikoolilised-lepingud/

Agreements state study level (BA, MA (EMPA) or both), a specific nr. or students and study months.

Depending on available spots, you can also apply to other faculties’ agreements


Page 5: -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it.

Language depends on the country and university

In most universities, at least some courses are offered in English (as a rule NOT in Spain, Italy, France, Portugal...)

Opportunity to participate in the Erasmus language and culture courses

You can attend courses or write your final thesis (Only if the receiving university can provide you with a supervisor)

All courses taken at the host university are confirmed with a LEARNING AGREEMENT before the study period begins.

Minimum 15 ECP per semester All courses confirmed on the Learning Agreement will be

transferred to TUT. Check early for applicability with your TUT curricula!


Page 6: -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it.

No tuition fees during the exchange! (NB! Registration fee 64 Eur per semester)

Erasmus scholarship consists of two parts:

◦ Travel grant

◦ Living grant

Scholarship WILL NOT COVER all expenses!

Additional scholarhsip for disabled students

Credit transfer is free of charge


Page 7: -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it.

Deadline is 1 March (extra round in early Fall, good for MA students who have just started their studies)

1. Select partner universtieswww.ttu.ee/erasmus Partner universities

2. Submit your electronic application via ÕIS 3. Upload language certificate to application (students

who have passed the academic English class will receive the certificate from room X-471; group test opportunity 23.02 14.00 X-418 (10 eur) register [email protected]

4. Interview to prove your motivation 5. Send documents to host university. NB! Check

deadlines already now if possible because some (Nordic) universities have deadlines already in April!


Page 8: -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it.

3-12 months, no specific application deadlines. Former Erasmus students can also apply!

Credits need to be transfered to TUT curricula!

In an organization in the field of your studies, in partner university’s labs or officies except official European Union institutions and organizations, Foreign embassies and consulates of Estonia

Find independently by contacting companies directly OR during Erasmus studies OR with faculty coordinator’s help or use RSO database www.ttu.ee/erasmusega-valismaale-oppima/valispraktika/


Page 9: -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it.


◦Completed with the help of the receiving company/organization

◦Confirmed by the student, his/her home university and the receiving organization


◦A financial agreement between the student and home university

CONFIRMATION LETTER about completion of the internship; INTERNSHIP FINAL REPORT

Maret Hein, III-211 [email protected] 6 203 542


Page 10: -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it.

„Soovitan kindlasti kõigil, kes kaaluvad vahetusüliõpilaseks minekut varuda see aeg ning korralikult rahaline sissetulek eelseisvas perioodiks enda jaoks läbi mõelda. “

„Õpetuse tase oli ootuspäraselt suurepärane - pettuma ei pidanud üheski valitud aines.“

„Ainus suur väljakutse kogu vahetusüliõpilaseks mineku protsessi jooksul on olnud julgus teha otsus minna! Ebameeldivaid seike ei ole m oma vahetusperioodi jooksul kogenud, vastupidi- olen saanud juurde ainult positiivseid kogemusi, teadmisi, suhteid.“ (Kati, Helsingi ’11)


Page 11: -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it.

„Kindlasti kasutada võimalust ja minna Erasmusega välismaale! Kogemust on võimatu sõnadesse panna. Küll aga harib õping välismaal igati, avardab maailmapilti, arendab keeleoskust, suhtlemisoskust. “ (BA, Triin, Malta ’11)

„Ebameeldivused puuduvad, suurim väljakutse on ennast õppima sundida. Mitte midagi ei teeks teisiti, sest kõik on kogemus. Tulevastel vahetustudengitel soovitan otsida lisaks Erasmusele ja EMPAle veel mõni programm mille raames välismaale sõita, sest kui ühe korra proovid, siis tahad veel.“ (EMPA, Sven, Genf ‘11)


Page 12: -Open for you only during your university years, don’t miss it! -Later in life you can study, live or work abroad, but nobody will help you organize it.

„Õppevorm on tõeliselt kaasahaarav ja hariv. Loeng ei ole pelgalt monoloog, vaid pidev diskussioon kuulajatega. Pean enda jaoks oluliseks ka seda, et õppimine Saksamaal võimaldab teada saada häid kaasaegseid kirjandusviiteid.“

„Võiks enne kohale minekut endale veebi kaudu õppetingimused jm selgeks teha, siis on kohale jõudes kõik juba tuttav.“ (EMPA, Helen, Speyer ’11)

„Kui on soov minna Genfi, siis tuleb varakult hakata mõtlema elamise leidmisele ning ka siis võib vabalt ilma jääda ning tuleb nt. leppida, et peab elama Prantsusmaal.“(EMPA, Katriin, Genf ‘11)