On July 23, 1952, a group of military men known as the Free Officers seized power in Egypt, toppling...


Transcript of On July 23, 1952, a group of military men known as the Free Officers seized power in Egypt, toppling...

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  • On July 23, 1952, a group of military men known as the Free Officers seized power in Egypt, toppling the British-backed monarchy and setting the country on a new political path It was the first time Egypt had been ruled by Egyptians for two and a half millennia The country had been conquered by a succession of foreigners - Persians, Greeks, Romans, Circassians, Arabs, Turks and finally the British
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  • So Gamal Abdel Nasser, and the other young army officers, won huge popular acclaim when they ended the much-resented domination of the British, ejected the effete and pleasure-loving King Farouq and turned the country into a republic Half a century on, Nasser's legacy is the subject of hot debate Throughout the 1950s and 1960s and until his death in 1970, he dominated Arab politics and the popular imagination of the Arab masses
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  • Nasser embodied pan-Arabism - the dream of a united Arab nation stretching from the Atlantic to the Gulf His message, of social justice at home and anti- colonialism abroad, restored Arab dignity
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  • But to his critics, Nasser had led the Arabs down a cul-de-sac He aligned Egypt with the Soviet Union, and so ended up on the losing side in the Cold War Relying on Soviet aid, he built up a monolithic state-run economy - which his successors have ever since been struggling to demolish
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  • His rule was harshly authoritarian Opponents, ranging from communists to the Muslim Brotherhood, were jailed and sometimes tortured Many were driven into exile Finally, the pan-Arab dream was a costly failure Arabs proved, in practice, unable to unite under Nasser's leadership The high hopes of 1952 ended in bitter defeat by Israel in the June war of 1967
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  • - Remembering the Nationalization of the Suez Canal Company On July 26, 1956, Egypt's president, Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser, announced the nationalization of the Suez Canal Company to provide funding for the construction of the Aswan High Dam The British Government and French stockholders who owned shares in the Suez Canal Company reacted with shock to the news Nasser said all company assets in Egypt had been frozen and stockholders would be paid the price of their shares according to the days closing prices on the Paris Stock Exchange
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  • The Suez Canal a key waterway for world trade and an important source of revenue for Britain The Suez Canal Company, which managed the waterway, was legally Egyptian but, in 1869 was granted a 99 years' concession It was not due to revert to the Egyptian Government until November 16, 1968
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  • President Nasser, who took control of Egypt following a coup d'tat began implementing a nationalization program in the country, and was vehement in his criticism of the West Nasser said 120,000 Egyptians had died building the canal but Egypt was receiving just a tiny proportion of the company's annual earnings
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  • President Nasser's decision to nationalize the Suez Canal company came following Britain and America's withdrawal of financial assistance towards the Aswan Dam Instead the USSR agreed to provide an unconditional loan towards the project
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  • Nassers legacy: (From Time Magazine) -Nasser overturned a rotting monarchy 18 years ago and brought visions of prosperity to his own country and hope for new unity to a diffuse and frustrated Arab world - Nasser carried out drastic land reforms, wiping out a parasitic pasha class that had lived off the poverty-stricken peasants for generations - But he was finally forced to admit that his dreams of building a modern industrial nation had gone and that the most he could do for his overpopulated land was to keep it from sliding backward
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  • Nasser had himself mostly to blame He precipitated a succession of feuds and intrigues with virtually every one of Egypt's Arab neighbors He was humiliatingly trounced in two wars with Israel, and sent 70,000 Egyptian soldiers off on a bloody misadventure in Yemen To rebuild his army, he allowed himself to become the bondsman of the Soviet Union, and he squandered Egypt's limited resources in pursuit of disastrously misguided goals
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  • Yet for all his mistakes and shortcomings, Nasser managed one inestimable accomplishment To the people of Egypt and the rest of the Arab world, he imparted a sense of personal worth and national pride that they had not known for 400 years
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  • Reflections and thoughts from the article: Egyptians Celebrate a New Era in History By John Simpson BBC News February 11, 2011 The Authors Thesis: In its way the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak is as significant as the collapse of the Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe back in 1989.
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  • So why has Mr. Hosni Mubarak gone after insisting that he would stay until the presidential elections? Two main reasons The Americans - who had been embarrassed, helpless, onlookers - finally summoned up all their power and influence to force the Egyptian military to get rid of Mr. Mubarak And the military leaders realized that cracks were starting to appear in the army's structure Many junior officers, ordinary soldiers, sided with the demonstrators while the generals backed the president who was one of their own
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  • There is a historical echo to this In the 1952 revolution against the monarchy, some senior officers supported the king, while younger ones like Colonel Gamal Abdul Nasser backed the coup Nasser became president after sweeping his boss, General Naguib, aside Since Nasser, only two presidents have ruled Egypt, Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak
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  • For sixty years Egypt has been a military dictatorship backed by a nasty secret police force No doubt reluctantly, the army leaders have brought Nasser's system to an end It would never have happened though had it not been for the tremendous fortitude of the tens of thousands of people who took control of Tahrir Square and refused to leave On Friday 28 January, the police attacked them with bricks, iron bars, and live ammunition Yet the protesters would not be budged
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  • Right from the start the soldiers who were sent in to discourage the demonstrators from taking over the square showed themselves to be clearly sympathetic That, in the end, proved decisive Now the Egyptians have the prospect of voting for their own leader in the coming presidential election In Egypt's 5,000 years as a unitary state, Egyptians have never been able to choose their government before