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Copyright © 2019 Biogenic Wellness Pte Ltd

All rights reserved.

Published by George Bridgeham

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Individual results may vary.




Resolving Your Day-To-Day Aches And Pains ............................................. 4

1. High Blood Pressure/High Cholesterol ................................................... 5

2. Gout ....................................................................................................... 7

3. Diabetes ................................................................................................. 9

4. Gallstones ............................................................................................ 10

5. Sleep Apnea ......................................................................................... 12

6. Osteoarthritis ....................................................................................... 13

7. Kidney Stones ....................................................................................... 14

8. Menopause .......................................................................................... 16

Conclusion ............................................................................................... 17

References ............................................................................................... 18



RReessoollvviinngg YYoouurr DDaayy--TToo--DDaayy AAcchheess AAnndd PPaaiinnss

here is no doubt that being overweight or obese increases your risk for other health

problems. According to an article published in QJM: An International Journal of

Medicine, obesity-related complications include everything from diabetes and heart

disease to dementia and cancer. It can even affect your lifespan1.

Most of the complications associated with obesity are long-term health concerns, but

obesity also comes with certain daily struggles – health problems that contribute to those

aches and pains you’ve been experiencing on a daily basis.

The only way to relieve these pains is to lose weight, but how do you lose weight when

everything hurts? It’s hard enough to manage the pain that comes with being big, much less

find the strength and energy to exercise.

This handy guide serves to help you find quick relief for these everyday pains. So, what are

some of the daily concerns linked to obesity?

Here is a quick list of health concerns that can be triggered or worsened by


• High blood pressure/cholesterol

• Gout

• Diabetes

• Gallstones

• Sleep apnea

• Osteoarthritis

• Kidney stones

• Menopause

Take a closer look at this list – do any of these health problems sound


If you’re suffering from aches and pains related to your obesity, you’ll be

glad to know that you don’t have to suffer! In this book, we’ve compiled a

collection of quick and easy tips to help you downsize your pain. Read on to

learn how to relieve your daily aches and pains with some quick and easy

tips you can start implementing today.




11.. HHiigghh BBlloooodd PPrreessssuurree//HHiigghh CChhoolleesstteerrooll

The heavier you are, the harder your heart has to pump to send oxygenated blood through

your body and that causes your blood pressure to rise. A blood pressure reading of 140/90

or above is considered high and it is very commonly seen in people who are overweight or

obese. Excess weight has also been linked to high cholesterol which, when combined with

high blood pressure, greatly increases your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Here are some simple tips to reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol to downsize

your pain:

1. Squeeze a rubber ball. Performing hand grip exercises with a rubber ball for two

minutes at a time four times a day can reduce your systolic blood pressure by 15

points and your diastolic pressure by 5 points, according to the European Journal of

Applied Physiology. 2

2. Eat a cup of yogurt. A study published by Oxford University Press revealed that

eating five or more servings of yogurt per week can reduce the risk for high blood

pressure by 20%.3 Just be sure to choose low-sugar yogurt and consider yogurt with

live cultures for the added digestive benefits.

3. Drink a glass of beet juice. Though it may not sound particularly appetizing, the

nitrates in beet juice have been found to boost oxygen levels in the body and to

reduce blood pressure in older adults.4 You can blend beetroot with apple and carrot

to make it more palatable – some people even love the earthy taste!

4. Take an afternoon nap. Though you shouldn’t spend the day sleeping, taking an

afternoon nap may reduce your blood pressure. In a Greek study, middle-aged test

subjects who took a daily nap had a 5% lower blood pressure than those who stayed

awake for the entire day.5

5. Clean your house. A study published in the journal

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise revealed that

cleaning the house can result in a drop of 13 points in

blood pressure after 2 days! It may be due to the

exercise as well as the reduction in psychological

stress that comes with a cleaner living space. 6



By implementing these simple tips, you can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk

for heart disease – it can also help you downsize your pain, so you can work on reducing

your body weight. Losing just 5% to 10% of your body weight can greatly improve your

blood pressure, cholesterol, and circulation to reduce your risk of heart disease. Here’s how

you can do just that without any exercise or dieting.



22.. GGoouutt

Though gout can develop in anyone, being obese increases your risk because the more you

weigh, the less efficient your body becomes at removing uric acid from the blood. It is also

related to insulin production – people who are obese sometimes produce too much insulin

which can inhibit the kidneys’ ability to eliminate uric acid.8

It is not just overweight and obesity that can increase the risk of gout – it is also linked to

the amount of belly fat you have. A study published in the journal Arthritis Research &

Therapy in 2015 revealed that people who were not obese as measured by BMI but who had

high levels of belly fat had a higher risk for gout. Other factors that can contribute to gout

include stress, dehydration, and use of certain medications.

Here are some quick and easy tips to reduce relieve gout and downsize your pain:10

1. Take your prescription medication. If you’ve had gout attacks before, your doctor

may have prescribed anti-inflammatory medications. Keep them on hand and take

them as directed in the event of an attack.

2. Try ibuprofen or naproxen. If you don’t have prescription medication for gout, you

can try over-the-counter options like ibuprofen and naproxen to help reduce both

the pain and the inflammation of the attack.*

3. Apply ice or a cold compress. Fill a bag with ice and wrap it in a dishcloth or soft

cotton t-shirt then apply it to the affected areas for 20 to 30 minutes at a time.

4. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps flush uric acid from your body, so

drink a large glass of water during an attack and drink 8 to 12 glasses a day.

5. Elevate the affected foot. If the gout attack is in your foot, you can try elevating it

above your heart to reduce swelling.

6. Keep the affected area uncovered. The weight of even fabric or clothing can be

painful for inflamed joints, so keep the affected area uncovered by sheets when

you’re in bed. If your toes are affected, cut the toes off your socks for comfort.



7. Get some rest and relaxation. Stress is a major trigger

for gout, so if you’re having an attack, you should lie

down and relax for a little bit.

*While taking an over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen or naproxen may help relieve

gout pain, you should avoid alcohol and aspirin. Alcohol is bad for gout because it increases

uric acid levels in the blood and can make you more dehydrated. Aspirin can also increase

uric acid in the blood, triggering or worsening a gout attack.



33.. DDiiaabbeetteess

If you are obese and diabetic, high blood sugar is

particularly dangerous. Chronically elevated blood sugar

levels can lead to severe insulin resistance which, in turn,

can lead to a life-threatening condition called diabetic

ketoacidosis. This occurs when the body can’t produce

enough insulin and starts breaking down fat for fuel

instead of glucose, which then causes an increase in

blood acids called ketones, and can trigger symptoms

such as excessive thirst, nausea and vomiting, abdominal

pain, weakness, difficulty breathing, confusion, and even


If you are obese and have diabetes, you need to know how to manage your blood sugar

and how to make adjustments if it drops too low. Here are four simple ways to lower your

blood sugar quickly:

1. Chug a glass of water. Drinking a large volume of water quickly will help you dilute

your blood sugar, enabling your body to expel most of it in your urine. However,

don’t use this trick if you have heart problems or kidney problems.

2. Boost your heart rate for 15 minutes. By boosting your heart rate for 15 minutes,

you can maximize your body’s insulin response to reduce your blood sugar. Just be

sure to test your blood sugar after to make sure it’s in

the right range.

3. Eat a high-protein snack. A high-protein snack that is

low in sugar can help stabilize your blood sugar levels –

try almonds or cheese.

Before trying any of these tips, be sure to have a snack handy just in case your blood sugar

ends up dropping too low or too fast. Other than these four things, you should also consider

using fast-acting insulin to lower dangerously high blood sugar, if you have a prescription for

it. After taking fast-acting insulin, check your blood sugar within 30 minutes to make sure

it’s within the proper range.



44.. GGaallllssttoonneess

Some of the tell-tale symptoms of a gallbladder attack include pain in the middle or upper

right side of the abdomen, pain that radiates to the right shoulder, nausea or vomiting, and

jaundice. Being overweight or obese is a major risk factor, particularly when you are over

120% of your ideal body weight. Experts suggest that people who are overweight have

higher levels of cholesterol in the bile which increases the risk of gallstone formation. A

higher concentration of fat around the abdomen may also increase this risk. 12

Gradual weight loss can greatly reduce the risk of gallstone formation but here are some

simple tips you can use right now to reduce gallstone pain:

1. Apply a heated compress. Placing a heated compress on the affected area can

soothe and relieve pain – apply it for 10 to 15 minutes at a time.

2. Drink peppermint tea. The menthol in peppermint provides cooling and soothing

relief from gallbladder pain.

3. Sip on diluted apple cider vinegar. The anti-inflammatory benefits of apple cider

vinegar can help relieve gallbladder pain. Dilute 2 tablespoons in warm water and sip

slowly until the pain subsides.

4. Make a turmeric tea. Curcumin is the active compound in turmeric which provides

anti-inflammatory and healing benefits. Drink turmeric

tea daily.

5. Take a magnesium supplement. Magnesium helps ease

gallbladder pain and spasms in addition to boosting

gallbladder emptying. Take a daily supplement to

prevent magnesium deficiency and to reduce the risk of

gallstone formation.

In addition to trying these quick and easy tips, consider making changes to your diet for

long-term relief from gallbladder pain.

Limit your intake of fried and fatty foods that are hard for the body to break down and eat

more dark leafy greens, whole grains, citrus fruits, beans, and low-fat dairy products.



It takes some effort and time on your part to lose weight, for sure.

But if you’re still in pain and have no way to exercise at all, you might want to check out this

effortless method instead. Click here to find out how others have shed pounds using this




55.. SSlleeeepp AAppnneeaa

Excess weight greatly increases the risk for sleep apnea as fat deposits around the upper

airway can obstruct your breathing – this is a primary cause of obstructive sleep apnea.13

Inadequate sleep has also been linked to increased appetite and caloric intake which can

make your obesity worse.14

Here are some simple tips for you to get a good night’s sleep and to prevent sleep apnea

starting tonight:15

1. Avoid these things before bed. To get a good night’s sleep, avoid alcohol and certain

medications before bed. Sedatives and muscle relaxers can cause the tissues in your

throat to collapse during sleep, worsening your sleep apnea.

2. Change your sleep position. Sleeping on your side instead of your back helps keep

your throat open to prevent snoring and pauses in breathing.

3. Elevate the head of your bed. Raising the head of your bed by 4 to 6 inches can

improve your breathing during sleep. Try putting blocks

under the feet at the head of your bed or use a cervical

pillow to elevate your head.

4. Stop smoking. The nicotine found in tobacco products

relaxes the muscles in your throat that keep the airway

open – quitting smoking can prevent that.

In addition to doing these things, you should also take the time to create healthy sleep

habits for a better night’s rest.

Try to go to bed and get up at the same times each day so your body gets used to the

pattern. Start winding down about 30 minutes before bedtime with a relaxing activity then

ensure that your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet to ensure a restful night of sleep.



66.. OOsstteeooaarrtthhrriittiiss

When you carry too much extra weight, it puts extra pressure on the joints and cartilage,

causing them to wear down more quickly. In fact, for every 11 pounds of weight you gain,

your risk for developing osteoarthritis increases by a whopping 36%.16 People who are

overweight or obese also tend to have higher levels of inflammation in the body that can

increase the risk of osteoarthritis in the knees, hips, and lower back.

Here are some simple things you can do right now to downsize your osteoarthritis pain:

1. Start walking barefoot. Walking barefoot reduces the load on your knees, reducing

your pain by 12% compared to walking with shoes on.17

2. Use capsaicin cream. Made with the active compound in hot peppers, capsaicin

cream helps lower your body’s perception of pain – apply it to your joints for fast

relief from osteoarthritis pain.

3. Go for a swim. Exercise is great for your joints, but joint pain can make it difficult to

do. Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can improve joint flexibility and reduce

joint pain.

4. Drink a cup of green tea. Green tea is rich in phytochemicals called flavonoids which

offer antioxidant benefits to reduce osteoarthritis pain.

Not only that, they also improve insulin activity and fat

oxidation in your body, helping to burn harmful visceral

fat19 within 12 weeks. To find out how you can

incorporate this powerful ingredient for your weight loss

– without waiting 12 weeks to feel its effects – click here.

In addition to using the tips above to quickly relieve

osteoarthritis pain, you should take steps to lower your body weight. Losing just 5% of your

body weight can greatly decrease the stress on your joints to reduce pain and




77.. KKiiddnneeyy SSttoonneess

Staying hydrated is the key to reducing and preventing kidney stones, but there is also

evidence to suggest that being obese can increase your risk for kidney stones.21

Obesity is often linked to insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia – two metabolic

imbalances that can increase the risk of calcium-based kidney stones. Diet also plays an

important role in kidney stone formation and people who are obese tend to consume more

salt and animal protein which predisposes them to kidney stone formation. In fact, a study

conducted at Johns Hopkins University revealed that obesity nearly doubles the risk of

developing kidney stones.

Drink these things to treat or prevent kidney stones and downsize your pain:

• Water – Drinking 8 to 12 glasses a day can speed up the process of passing a kidney

stone. If your urine is pale yellow, you are properly hydrated.

• Lemon Juice – Squeeze fresh lemon into your water because the citrate in lemon

juice helps break up small stones and prevents calcium stones from forming.

• Basil Juice – Fresh basil contains acetic acid which helps reduce pain and break up

kidney stones. Use fresh or dried basil to make a tea and drink 2 cups a day.

• Apple Cider Vinegar – This also contains acetic acid which can flush the kidneys,

dissolve stones, and reduce pain. Drink 2 diluted tablespoons a day.

• Celery Juice – Blend a stalk of celery with water and drink throughout the day to

flush the kidneys and reduce kidney stone formation.

• Pomegranate Juice – In addition to lowering urine acidity and boosting kidney

function, pomegranate juice flushes kidney stones and toxins out of the body.

• Kidney Bean Broth – Consuming the strained liquid from cooked kidney beans can

improve both urinary and kidney health, helping to flush out kidney stones.

• Dandelion Root Juice – Drinking 3 to 4 cups of dandelion juice or tea helps increase

urine output, improves digestion, and helps eliminate waste.



• Wheatgrass Juice – To increase urine flow and flush out kidney stones, drink 2 to 8

ounces of fresh wheatgrass juice a day – start low and

work your way up.

• Horsetail Juice – Used for no more than six weeks at a

time, horsetail juice can reduce swelling and

inflammation in addition to flushing out kidney stones.

In addition to including these drinks in your daily diet to downsize pain, you should make an

effort to avoid alcohol. Drinking alcohol can increase dehydration and make your kidney

stones worse.



88.. MMeennooppaauussee

Every woman’s experience with menopause is different, but there is evidence to suggest

that obesity can make menopause symptoms worse. One study conducted by The North

American Menopause Society (NAMS) revealed that obese women suffered more severe hot

flashes and they were more likely to reduce or stop certain activities due to the severity of

their symptoms.22 Increased joint and muscle pain as well as urinary problems were also

more common in women with higher BMIs.23

Here are some tips to prevent or ease the symptoms of menopause to help you quickly

and effectively downsize your pain:

• Drink herbal tea. Drinking an herbal tea can help balance your hormones and reduce

the symptoms of menopause. Some of the best herbs to use in tea for downsizing

menopause pain include ginseng, chasteberry tree, red raspberry leaf, red clover,

valerian, licorice, green tea, and ginkgo biloba.24

• Work a puzzle. Everything from crossword puzzles to Sudoku can help you keep your

mind sharp and will increase concentration. According to experts, keeping your mind

active can ward off the onset of menopause and may help distract you from its


• Take a quick walk. Regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy body

weight, but it can also be beneficial for menopause

symptoms – especially if you take your walk outside

in the sun. As women get older, their ability to

absorb vitamin D decreases but taking a 15- to 20-

minute walk in the sun can help you meet your

daily recommended value to reduce menopause

symptoms and manage your obesity.26

Generally speaking, anything you can do to relieve stress will be good for reducing

menopause symptoms. Whether you choose to engage in yoga, meditation, or simply

soaking in a hot bath, taking a few minutes a day to relieve stress will help you downsize

your pain related to menopause.




Being overweight or obese places a significant burden on your physical and mental health.

In addition to dealing with the psychological challenges of obesity such as low self-esteem

and anxiety, your excess weight could also be affecting your health in the long run.

And if you’re in too much pain to even exercise, or if you’re simply not motivated to – we

get it, we’ve been there – you should definitely not miss this breakthrough science that

allows you to fire up your metabolism and burn up the excess sugar and fat in your body.

Click here to find out how you can slim down without ANY effort.

The long-term effects of obesity should not be ignored, but too often doctors fail to focus on

the day-to-day challenges that comes with excess weight. If you’re tired of dealing with the

aches and pains that are weighing you down, take what you’ve learned here and start

downsizing your pain today.

Best of luck!




1. Kinlen, D. “Complications of Obesity.” QJM. July 2018; 111(7): 437-443.


2. Garg, Rinku. “Effect of Isometric Handgrip Exercise Training on Resting Blood

Pressure in Normal Healthy Adults.” European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2013.



3. “Eating Yogurt May Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk.” Oxford University Press.


4. “Beetroot Juice for Blood Pressure.” NHS. <https://www.nhs.uk/news/food-and-


5. “Midday Naps Associated with Reduced Blood Pressure and Fewer Medications.”

Science Daily. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/08/150829123659.htm

6. Burge, Rachel. “Ten Surprising Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure.” AOL.



7. “Health Risks of Being Overweight.” NIH. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-


8. “How Fat Affects Gout.” Arthritis Foundation. https://www.arthritis.org/about-


9. Lee, Jennifer. “Visceral Fat Obesity is Highly Associated with Primary Gout in a

Metabolically Obese but Normal Weighted Population: A Case Control Study.”

Arthritis Research & Therapy. 2015; 17:79. https://arthritis-


10. Foltz-Gray, Dorothy. “Managing a Gout Attack.” Arthritis Foundation.



11. “Diabetic Ketoacidosis.” Mayo Clinic. <https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-




12. Scott, Jennifer Acosta. “Gallstones: The Obesity Connection.” Everyday Health.



13. “Sleep Apnea.” Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sleep-


14. “Obesity and Sleep.” National Sleep Foundation.


15. “Know Tips to Prevent Sleep Apnea.” Only My Health.


16. Vincent, Heather K. “Weight Loss and Obesity in the Treatment and Prevention of

Osteoarthritis.” PMR. 2012 May; 4(50): S59-67.


17. “’Mobility Shoes’ Take a Load Off for Knee Osteoarthritis Sufferers.” Rush.



18. https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/87/3/778/4633440

19. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1038/oby.2007.176

20. “Health Risks of Being Overweight.” NIH. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-


21. “Obesity - Mild or Severe – Raises Kidney Stone Risk.” Johns Hopkins Medicine.



22. “Obesity Can Lead to More Severe Hot Flashes and Other Menopause Symptoms.”

NAMS. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2017-05/tnam-ocl053017.php

23. Minerd, Jeff. “Obesity Worsens Menopause Symptoms.” MedPage Today.


24. Suzee, Skwiot. “What Teas Help with Menopause Symptom Relief?” Healthline.




25. “What You Should Know About Memory and Concentration at Midlife.” NAMS.


26. Cappelloni, Lisa. “Alternatives for Treating Menopause.” Healthline.
