, NASH CARS TRUCKSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075686/1920-07-17/ed-1/seq-8.… · GRAVE OF...

GRAVE OF FOUR DYNASTIES Ambitions ot Au-atrii . Russia , Ge r- many and Tuik«sy All Lie Burled i n the Balkans. t Ve stood nil lb o forward deck of trie Sirio as -she slipped southwa rd , t brough the p lacid waters of Hie Adri- atic, a t 20 knots UJi linur . Less than a league away the llnlkan mountains , savage, mysterious, forbidding, rose liu u rocky rniu|iiir1 against the east- cr-n s ky. "Did It ever occur lo you, " remarked the Italian ollicerwBm stood beside me, a noted historian Bu his own land , "taunt.f our great emjilres have died us a resul t of their ausr. for dominion ovxir tlie restless bunda which He lie- yosnd those inoiintiiLiis? Austria cov- eted Serbia—and tEie empire of the Htepsburg Is In frnicments now. Hus- elo_ . seeing her Influence In the penln- «ul .Ji hnpe rlled , hastened to the sup- Iior-I of her fellow Slavs—but Itussla line gone down In red ruin , and Hie llomuinon's are .d end .. Germany, seek- ing a gateway to the warm water , and a Iclgliwny to the Blast , seized on the oxraise thus offered to launch her wait fng armies—ntid the empire reared by the Uohcnzollerns fis bankrupt nnd ' IroBten. Turkey fought to retnin her lioldl on such Hump-can territory as rtttl re vnalned under Ujio crescent ban- tier. Today n poslmorlem Is about to bo laeld on the Turkish empire and the house ot Osimin . "OTh l j ik of It I Koirr great eaiiilres, four- ancie nt dynasties, lie htirhsl over t licr—3 In the Hiilkiins. it is -something more t han n rniii;e of inoutitalns at which we are looking; It is the wall of a eennetery. " B. Alwrjuuler Powell In Scrl bner" s Mngu siliie, Town Sells for- $10, 000. 'l'h-« cnllre town of Monetii , Wyo., hns Eicl-ii sold for $10, 000. Tlie pur- clins e=r , John Gooilmiina , received titlo from A. ICaiison , wlio fouiidetl Moneta tweiitt}' years ngo, ( o Hie following: Ono atownslte of forty lots , one clgb t- con-room hotel , one llv-c.rooiii cottage , one dircc-ronm cotint'ei , two two-room coIIubcs, ono large ll-very barn , one rnnroa n) eating house mill a inlscel- laiicoms assortment od outbuildings, No person other limn Ooodiiiun owns a &ln _ic thing in Mnnetii , li nt the Chi- cago land Northwestern owns Hie ri ght of tea j oh u'litch (lie town site fronts and in small depot buJIdlng on ibis right of way.—Christian- Science Monl- /^^^y«>T!/ « Mw BSSel _JliS_^a___e *JaHf_f/ mv SSiiMr' K ¦ J«liP^^4==ILI ( \W/hSmXiJL ht^ if , ^^ -J i__aiSt8iM--^ te_M' [j18 1 ' ^^ !^^^ Al^v^ ®\ \. I \ By Speci al Appointment 1 ^ After th<; most exhaustive bwestigatlon o f tlie whole truck field , we ^ j have secured the agency for what , i\\ our ju dgment , is the greatest | j value in motor trucks from the viewpoints of Power , Uti lity, 0 \ Dependability and Price. " We are now the accredited dealers for g ' * * % I BETHLEHEM MOTOR TRUCKS I % % \ "Delivery Boy" Chassis 2_ *Ton Chassis ^ \ H -To a Chassis ; 3 i-Ton Chassis ^ I ' I I J. S. KES SLER I \ % | Stu deb aker & Overlan d Cars i 1 I X Main Street , Port Jeffer son M ¦¦ ¦ w $ - w i ¦. S? SETAUKET 1 ' reston Lyoni hais bought the laic Capt. Je sse Howell ' s p lace near Wi !• low Lake, which baa's been occupied for severa l years by Mr. and Mra, Oscar Jayne upstni ra , an d Mr. arail Mrs , Arthur Jayne downstairs. BIr . and M rs. H enry Rowland of Bridgeport spent Su nday in the hoirec of Eils parents, Mr. and Mrs. WoorS- ImU S. Row land , at South Setauket. Mayflower Cha pter , I), of It. , iv iBI hold its monthly meeting; on Thursday afternoon next , Ju ly- 22, at 2 30, a t the Setauket Neighborhood Associn ti on Judge Selali Ii. Strong will be one of the speakers and a special pro- gram lias been arranged. Members may- bring one guest ,, and are request- ed to notify the cliai rinan of hospital- ity, M rs. 0. Ksmble- j (tion tililli iwl rrimi tlrst luih't'l I Mrs. Herbert Hutchinson of Oyster r Bay has been spending the past week with her parerata, Copt, and Mrs. John W. Terrell . George TuthilSof Rome , N. Y. . ar- rived in town last Friday. Mrs. Tut- hill and daughter; , Mildred , have been spending several weeks in the hj ome «f her sister, Mra, El bert M. W^lls . They have recent ly purchased a home Eiere, where theyr are now residing, The Rev . Davi wl Eato, who for the past five years has been pastor ot Ihe Bet hel A. M. E. -Church in this vii- I-age, has been transferred tp tho .Bay S hort; A. M. E, Cliurch , as the fe=s iilt of the annual conference a couple of weeks ago, Mr. Eato has been suc- ceeded by t he Bev, George Hall , who comes from Boy Shore. Air, and Mrs . Hall and famil y arrived at the parsonage last week. M r. and Mra, Forrest Jayne and son of Batavia , N* . Y,, ha ve been en- joying a week in the home of Mr. Jayne ' s parents, Air. and Mrs. Oscar Jayn e. Mias Amelia Haallock was taken to V5i« YayAramt Homes last week. Mrs. William ILeece of Suffern, H. Y., is spending thisa week end in the bo rne of Dr . and M . Jo hn Payne. Mr and Mrs. Ito-hert Swackhamrruer of Dover , N. J., h.ave been spending; the wee k an guests of Mias Lau ra E. liowlanii. CHECK 0 N TRICKY "CO PPERS" Simple Contrivance Prevents Fraud on the Part of Applicants for . Coveted Position. In Philadelphia Hie position of traf- fic policeman Is open only to men who are six feet or more In height. Such positions nre so much sought after that tunny applicant) who fall s hort of Die required height by only a sma ll fraction of an Inch are tempt- ed to ch eat a little bit by rUIng on their heels. An ingenious application of elec- t ricity Is now used to circumvent this trick , and niiy attempt to register a fraudulent measure Is disclosed at once. Tho applicant , ns he Btnaids up- on the platform under the ' sl ide rule, sets his feet upon two metal plates t hat are normally a trifle above the platform. Tbey are just large .enough to be covered . by a man ' s lice3s , nnd when the candidate stands wBtli his his heels on the floor the plates are so depressed that they make ai con- tact and fnno a circuit Uiat I kghts a lamp ove rhead. As long as th-o roan stands with both heels on tlie ground th e lamp stag's lighted , but thte mo- ment he raises either heel the smnllcst part of an Inch the contact Is broken an d the lamp goes out. So does he. In Samoa. With ii tolas piipiiiutloii of 31.000 In western Sumon. of whic h less than 1,000 are whites or half castes, Hie de- mand In ciinf^'i'tlonei- . v Is imihiBy for hard candles, lietler known locally as boiled lollies , reiiiillng at 25 cents per pound. These ntv small varieties, dif- fering In color and Hnvor , an d Import- ed In five iiouj iiI tins . Loxenge-ji are little known , tn tllos and chocolates suf- fer from Ibe etxli-enio humidity i>f the ellm ale. which noi 'cssHiitus their lielng impo rted in si-nli-il metal tins , ivtiill- Ing from oO lo 75 cents per pouiul. SOPER & TERRELL Car pentiy AND REPArR WORK DONE AT SHORT NOTICE EAST SKTAUKICT , LONG ISLXN ' O In the Episcopal church in Bay Shore on a recent Sunday, 3 father himself unvei leti two tablets erected to t he memory of two sons lost in the war. The man was Harry S_ Raven; his hero sons -were Robert and Rich- ard Ra ven. SI ^?S!i__™~, Faaher G. F. McCann will officiate and p-reach in the. Catholic church at 9.30 a, m., Sunday, Ju ly 18. Swiss Crops Poor. The- crops in . H-vvlizerland In 101!) were <onxtiteniUy lielow tho se in 101 8, with ihe exception of Hie fruit crop. This -mis due- tu unfavorable atmos- pheric conditions , a cold nnd wot sprtmr , d rought In early summer mid aga in In Inle summer , followed by sud- den Hills In tcnipt'raturc and earl y fros ls, and to tbo etict that the acre- age planted In lillO was smaller than tn 101S. , NASH CARS TRUCKS WHITE TRUCKS NOR WAL K HOOP * TIRES Repairs Suppl ies Cars For Hire JM^w^©ra lb Hi*©:! * ' Ph on e 209 M Port Jeffers on REPORT OP THE CONDITION or T3IB BANK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY STONY" jmOOK. N. Y. at tlio close of imoIiiHH.s on tho aoth day a/ June , i»sa IlESOl'ItCKS. Stock tm A lioud inveatui-Tiittt, vl/: Pulillo necuritlefl - »2f», 018 f tfl l'r ivut« Hecurltlca - 109 ,458 la Itoul ontalo owned -,. 15. 0W W IiOunHiaitKldi Hcotiiita nocit-rud hylioiul itnd uiwirtunttc dood »f other real CBUitts *x>1laU:rul i fi' ,it so Lmtiifl ami. Ulncomm eictur*i(l by i other collatornl T3 . 233 00 Ixjaiifl .ilUcoinitB and blll^jmrclmHi. 'd uotBcctired hy callatefsil lOKW) f»» OvcrdrurtH _ 10" C'i Duo from approved romjrw e deposit!,* rioa, toH«am<mii t Of offr- :?*$25, 687 03 25.637 05 Speclo...-„.»... 560 CKV Other cu_rrencj* uuthorfacil hy tho Laws of lH« Uiiiii'rt at»t«H 5,560 15 mw fnuia tho Federal Hewrve Dank of Now Vork Ichh offrti. ' ts. 22,21* , * 72 Other iWB«ctft , Tlz: Kii riiittia-u anil tlxtim' . * ti.ioo W Avorned l aitorcat not uitt< *ri<il . on tmolcri atclO(*o of iiii^l' iiusrt on aiUovudate _„ i . ' sss 3<) Koveiiliafcstniiiprt , lM 4,4t0 Tatiil $119,676 W L1ABIUT2.S Capital Rt-oek _ 525,O()0 00 Suri>liiH: SnrnluH iiunl 15,000 00 Uudivldfe-il protltrt 7,5*' . * 23 22,519 23 Deposits : Preferred, ns follows : Dt 'lHjaUft »_ytlio Sta le ol Sf-w ¦ .otk ,.,_., s . Ooo ft> Not preforci'd, as follows ; L»ei»oMts fl Uhject to elifi'W.l72.SiiO 23 Timo tleitofcita. t•^lrt^rt^•ftte^ aiulotliiT-dpmi. ' .itfl .thoiiiiv. inuiit of -whleli t-iinnoi le- g' .\\\y \>b KMi,i\ruft -wWi .j i thirty ihi-ys _. u. tws $y Other ccrtlalcates of (lejui . -ic. f>« . i oo DepoHitB \\ritlidrawa ' rilts UI1I3* on presenilation of jms*-. I tOOkH...,- -.209, 601 (M> Ciisliierri 1 o-lieckci outsiiiiua- i"f. ' ( ine-lndini; ^Inillu r cheekflof otherolUcei>..- - 27 w Curti llLHl clECCL' - ft67 W L' n pald iliv-ilends - 9 w Lxtu tnl tcsttit depoflta 3&iv. tl3 ST Other Hul)il_ile», viz: Iteserveo (or tuxc* . c\- liotifees . tot-* _ :»hi vi> AC'CTHCd/fitX'lX' rit U 0t6tlU-rt'-Ci on uookn nt close of iniHi- lie.Rwovinb-ove tint* - 1 S5 >2 Krttimat t'J imearned dtr— fouutf; ...- 72a IK) i.iss Si Tutli l $41S,fi76 W EASTWARD Weekdays WESTWARD , - CttVe I flrv. j! Lvc. ^ r iv0 Sla.) F.D. A. sin j son F.B.«. Sla ,) A M " a. M A. >I i AJt I AM AM 5. -J0 5.2;l S50 5 at I ' .PC* T.»0 0.00 11 .12 EI. 3-J hR.13 ; !H I* llS.l' 1- M I 8 31; iAS i t', 11.05 11.07 1.20 I1T 6T 1U.II.V- h9 02 i> m p m r .a« ' us- 'J.in KI2. 3* klSIO lra. 1.1 0 CO 11.18 11.41 kl.24 ltl.85 fellO I'M I'M 3.00 i m j i.nn u jt IK i.ss <.2! ! < 2T at Ki I> .It 04.40 nl.43 VC ily 2 20 130 I.3S lis-to I1.1. 00 inns UrtO ' . 5W 6.02 .1.43 6 42 T.I7 1! IC, ; S.32 j .37 n.4!i cr>i »ihi sao ; 10.S9 n. iri 8 10 9.11 ll"l 13 1 NUIi l I 11.30 11.29 1.S1 < SUiVDAYS ~ ~ M """ A " l ' l A ~ ji A " M AM ATST S15 S.12 ll>,10 0.31 SSI S.33 9.00 6.37 1L.I9 7.4'J VS1 , 9 52 I', a P.M I'M W.12 1 011 12 Jl 10.55 1.M » 1, 01) fM I'M I'M f 1.0S 1. 0S 3.12 2.32 4.SS : 4.41 0 34 0 33 8 50 3 BO SM .1S3 9.03 8.59 11 . 00 So" S.«l S.OJ Klpllt 0..VJ ¦ 901 S.»9 11 03 1101 1 ll S.I2 10.81 I 10 23 Subject to change without uotlce. h-Excopt Holfiliiy-i, k-^utiirtlnys onSy. C-Eiceiit sntiinlfl3's and Holliliiys. P. II. WOODWAHD , Gen 'l Pass- Agt. LONG ISLAND RAILR OAD TlfW E TABLE KlU'CUli-o June 27, 1920 , 33/ Jtl>s/Limit It Drill t* "* - i^^^ -litXPitTT iultTi Man &ff'Htn»-*T.*T,,„uwlMWV«GaMT CLARK E Insures Your Car TIIKOTrlK TRAVEIiERS AI.S I>- Protects Your Life WITH A I'OI.ICY L. C. CLARKE POUT .IKFFWIttON 1 ** GiUn hllatieil IHils ¦- To Women Who Love Silver Those wlio Itivo silver love II 01, MR 8 & M anVAHDS Stiver wltli Its ishavtmiriK lint- tcins nml l is iissii rnmce of (lay In nml day out service. There is an Iimtiant iippenl to tlicwamiitt of ttieto in Uio boun- ty ot ilcaicn anil olanrni of put- tern of this Silver irnusiml , If you need silver nalc to soo the beautiful Uulenes & Kil- wii tils lmtiorns In Suiier-I'lnlo niKlSllvor-lnlnlil, Q.W. Fahxhi ld •& Sons , Inc. 007 MAIN S»T. Arcade Corner DRIDaepODT, Conn. ***— "' tin! SIku of llio -CU1111 oa'• ______ ! |jEW PERFE CTION f i'^^EP "^^oveswdOv s&rs Prou«d of It Mother is proud of her delicious preserves, fruits and jellies. Neve Perfection Oil Cooi St oves make canning easier. Th e Look Blue Chimney burner Elves cooking heat instantly without smote, soot or disagree- abl e odor. Drives clean, in tense heat dir ectly against the utensil. The flame s=tays wh ere set— needs ' no watchin g. A big help in cannin g time;. You ' ll want a New Perfection oveai too—- it bakes jirrf fcetl y. Let us tteimmstJiitc iia Long Blu-e Chiiimcy burner. J. D. DWELLS Setaulcet, C. I. Esse x Wins Agai n * Races at Riverhead July 5th won by Essex without a single mechanical adjustment proves the superior speed and endurance of this sturdy car. Every desirable feature : Comfort , Speed and Endurance. Let us prove them to :you by demonstration. . No obligation, ROBEllY^rWELLS STONY BROOK , L. I. DEAI,15K IS HUDSON ESSEX AND BODGE Motor Cars The VICTROLA Brings all the music of the world in your home. Insta llments $5.06 Down an d $5. 00 each mont h ALFRED E. OOVER - . AGENT Po rt Jefferson , M. Y. Telephone 1 8 J . . ~~ GE0 . H . SMITH ST. JAMES, X. Y. . . JV O T J KV l>ll||ftic Fire Insueance AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE REPRESENTS ,- LEAD1NO COM PAN IBS NOTICE TO BIDDERS I'lmm nuiUiietlticuilnim lor Dm construction "'« School j iliMif nt Port JnJomou station iiiny lio iilitnineilon or nftor I' rliUiy, tho 2nd iliiv ot Jiily. inso, from Mrs. Aila llsijton, Port . nitorson SlutKiii , or Mr. CIisHiih ' Utlinni , TIiiiob llullilliiK. I'or t Jou - orsnii. '-""""" . b « lll H^ ) >™1' I"*"I B "HI ho roeolvoil nl s o' olook I'. M.. 1-rli lm;, tlm jfltb ilny nt July, aoso, in tho School lliillifinpnt Port .liiffcrsou auiilon. Swmrnti! iiriiiMiiiilfl will lio rnc«lve«l for Gnn- Hli, ( -. 0 , n " tr ]' ,' 11 ""' IJfstlim' mm V- eiitllatlnir isiiiotricii wirk ' " m * NVor" nl Knoli iiroimsiul niiist lin iiccoiiniianloil tiy n ?w^»?A "J, " 1 *«K l 'l* l™»> l " Hid ii ii.iiuirir i,m" ' iV. I .i' , ""'"!*" .^" r ™>«.1 M »i «ii Bum lilil. 'l liolliniril orTrintcoo rosotveH tliorlBht to roloiu, iiiiyormi lililmir in iiwopi Any lilil iMil triit "'"* '"" "" ' l '°" t l l,,urlS111 " "' tl10 SlKii ' cil , AHA DAYTOS. Priwiaiiiit. ft" (, -JIA 1II.KS S. LATHAM , Clo rk. WE DeliveT the Qoods Give us an order and be satisfied WILFRED G. 0A\IS , DI3A. M3K IN Feed , Grain , Hay , Straw I3t<\ Xc- w Street roiir JEKKEKSON Tol . S2 It WedtlluR Invitations if s pecialty *' ^ a t the Echo office Palchogue and Port JeSierson AUTO LINE OFFICE AND OAIIAGB Uonr ttoo' a Hotel , E-ntoliOBuo WA XTJ3B I. .IONICS, Proprietor Tolavlioaio (UMml na Putohomie nml Port Jot tomon Aiito-LIno) jus Pntclioguo) SPRING SCHEDULE I-euvo POUT .IBra'KHSON (At Hoto] Towimmiil) 9.110, 10.J5 A. JI.; H.O0, -l,0O , 8.0011> 'M SU.NDAVS 10 ,|.> A, M.; 3.00, 4,, 8.00 p. M. Leave PATCHOQTJE (Itoo ' B Hote!3 8.00 .1,1 5 , A, M,; 2.00, 8.00, 7.00 P. M. SUNUAYS D.IIO A. Xf., 2.00, 11 .00, 7.00 l> M t>HI&>T$iS&£t *«"* «mv tvo» ' torly trS"™° v 'il) V o lth B °' '',0°k"'''1 8 0 ' 0,at, lt tr »»»y Sraceial Trips ArraniBod For llumos and Touring Cats For Hlro FARE, One Way, H.00 Komm Trip (for ilny ot Hullo only) ai.50 riiUtoo TIC"0 T«,,l0 "u llJ01>t to olinngo- without GEORGE E. DARLI NG aVormcrly Floy* A Roe I nsurance Flr« Plate "Glass Automobile Fire ensnrnnce—H «Mts neatly double Icb build NOW, compared to whnt It onat when you iilacert your Insurance, Docs the amount of your O nrateot you NOW9 If not, see Jn-0 nnd Ret it flx-ed right. Aatanvabllc—Ate you protcoted against neoklontfl? Sco me about vour Personal CUblllty. ' POST OFI'IOH nuii.Dixa POIta' JEFFKItSONV K. Y. Ben mtt Restaurant OPEN DAV and NlfillT tw tidies and OtnM rnANK mvi Pro prietor

Transcript of , NASH CARS TRUCKSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075686/1920-07-17/ed-1/seq-8.… · GRAVE OF...

Page 1: , NASH CARS TRUCKSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075686/1920-07-17/ed-1/seq-8.… · GRAVE OF FOUR DYNASTIES Ambitions ot Au-atrii. Russia, Ger-many and Tuik«sy All Lie Burled


Ambitions ot Au-atrii . Russia , Ger-many and Tuik«sy All Lie Burled

i n the Balkans.

tVe stood nil lb o forward deck oftrie Sirio as -she slipped southwa rd,tbrough the placid waters of Hie Adri-atic, at 20 knots UJi l inur . Less thana league away the llnlkan mountains ,savage, mysterious, forbidding, roseliu u rocky rniu|iiir1 against the east-cr-n sky.

"Did It ever occur lo you," remarkedt h e Italian ollicerwBm stood beside me,a noted historian Bu his own land ,"taunt.f our great emjilres have died usa resul t of their ausr. for dominionovxir tlie restless bunda which He lie-yosnd those inoiintiiLiis? Austria cov-eted Serbia—and tEie empire of theHtepsburg Is In frnicments now. Hus-elo_. seeing her Influence In the penln-«ul .Ji hnperlled , hastened to the sup-Iior-I of her fellow Slavs—but Itusslaline gone down In red ruin , and Hiellomuinon's are .dend .. Germany, seek-ing a gateway to the warm water, anda Iclgliwny to the Blast , seized on theoxraise thus offered to launch her waitfng armies—ntid the empire reared bythe Uohcnzollerns fis bankrupt nnd

'IroBten. Turkey fought to retnin herlioldl on such Hump-can territory asrtttl revnalned under Ujio crescent ban-tier. Today n poslmorlem Is about tobo laeld on the Turkish empire and thehouse ot Osimin .

"OTh l j ik of It I Koirr great eaiiilres,four- ancient dynasties, lie htirhsl overtlicr—3 In the Hiilkiins. it is -somethingmore than n rniii;e of inoutitalns atwhich we are looking; It is the wall ofa eennetery."—B. Alwrjuuler Powell InScrlbner"s Mngu siliie,

Town Sells for- $10,000.'l'h-« cnllre town of Monetii , Wyo.,

hns Eicl-ii sold for $10,000. Tlie pur-clinse=r, John Gooilmiina , received titlofrom A. ICaiison , wlio fouiidetl Monetatweiitt}' years ngo, (o Hie following:Ono atownslte of forty lots, one clgb t-con-room hotel , one llv-c.rooiii cottage,one dircc-ronm cotint'ei, two two-roomcoIIubcs, ono large ll-very barn , onernnroan) eating house mill a inlscel-laiicoms assortment od outbuildings,No person other limn Ooodiiiun ownsa &ln_ic thing in Mnnetii , lint the Chi-cago land Northwestern owns Hie ri ghtof tea j oh u'litch (lie town site frontsand in small depot buJId lng on ibisright of way.—Christian- Science Monl-

/^^^y«>T!/ «Mw BSSel_JliS_^a___e *JaHf_f/ mvSSiiMr' K ¦ J«liP^^4==ILI( \W/hSmXiJL ht^ if ,^ -Ji__aiSt8iM-- te_M'[j18 1 ' ^ ! ^ Al v^®\

\ . I\ By Special Appointment 1^

After th<; most exhaustive bwestigatlon of tlie whole truck field , we ^j have secured the agency for what, i\\ our ju dgment, is the greatest |

j value in motor trucks from the viewpoints of Power , Utility, 0\ Dependability and Price. "We are now the accredited dealers for g'** %


\ "Delivery Boy" Chassis 2_ *Ton Chassis ^\ H -Toa Chassis ; 3 i-Ton Chassis ^I ' I

I J. S. KESSLER I\ %| Studebaker & Overlan d Cars i1 IX Main Street , Port Jeffer son M

¦ ¦¦ w$ - wi ¦ . S?


1'reston Lyoni hais bought the laicCapt. Jesse Howell 's p lace near Wi !•low Lake, which baa's been occupiedfor several years by Mr. and Mra,Oscar Jayne upstni ra , and Mr. arailMrs, Arthur Jayne downstairs.

BIr. and M rs. H enry Rowland ofBridgeport spent Su nday in the hoirecof Eils parents, Mr. and Mrs. WoorS-ImU S. Row land , at South Setauket.

Mayflower Cha pter, I), of It. , iv iBIhold its monthly meeting; on Thursdayafternoon next , Ju ly- 22, at 2 30, a tthe Setauket Neighborhood Associntion Judge Selali Ii. Strong will beone of the speakers and a special pro-gram lias been arranged. Membersmay- bring one guest,, and are request-ed to notify the cliai rinan of hospital-ity, M rs. 0. Ksmble-

j (tion tililli iwl rrimi tlrst luih't'lI Mrs. Herbert Hutchinson of Oysterr Bay has been spending the past week

with her parerata, Copt, and Mrs.John W. Terrell .

George TuthilSof Rome , N. Y. . ar-rived in town last Friday. Mrs. Tut-hill and daughter;, Mildred , have beenspending several weeks in the hj ome«f her sister, Mra, Elbert M. W^lls.They have recent ly purchased a homeEiere, where theyr are now residing,

The Rev . Davi wl Eato, who for thepast five years has been pastor ot IheBethel A. M. E. -Church in this vii-I-age, has been transferred tp tho .BayShort; A. M. E, Cliurch , as the fe=siiltof the annual conference a couple ofweeks ago, Mr. Eato has been suc-ceeded by the Bev, George Hall , whocomes f rom Boy Shore. Air, andMrs. Hall and family arrived at theparsonage last week.

M r. and Mra, Forrest Jayne andson of Batavia, N*. Y,, have been en-joying a week in the home of Mr.Jayne 's parents, Air. and Mrs. OscarJayne.

Mias Amelia Haallock was taken toV5i« YayAramt Homes last week.

Mrs. William ILeece of Suffern, H.Y., is spending thisa week end in thebo rne of Dr. and M t». John Payne.

Mr and Mrs. Ito-hert Swackhamrruerof Dover, N. J., h.ave been spending;the week an guests of Mias Lau ra E.liowlanii.

CHECK 0 N TRICKY "COPPERS"Simple Contrivance Prevents Fraud

on the Part of Applicants for .Coveted Position.

In Philadelphia Hie position of traf-fic policeman Is open only to menwho are six feet or more In height.Such positions nre so much soughtafter that tunny applicant) who fallshort of Die required height by onlya sma ll fraction of an Inch are tempt-ed to cheat a little bit by rUIng ontheir heels.

An ingenious application of elec-tricity Is now used to circumvent thistrick , and niiy attempt to register afraudulent measure Is disclosed atonce. Tho applicant, ns he Btnaids up-on the platform under the 'slide rule,sets his feet upon two metal platesthat are normally a trifle above theplatform. Tbey are just large .enoughto be covered .by a man 's lice3s, nndwhen the candidate stands wBtli hishis heels on the floor the plates areso depressed that they make ai con-tact and fnno a circuit Uiat I kghts alamp overhead. As long as th-o roanstands with both heels on tlie groundth e lamp stag's lighted , but thte mo-ment he raises either heel the smnllcstpart of an Inch the contact Is brokenand the lamp goes out. So does he.

In Samoa.With ii tolas piipii iutlo ii of 31.000 In

western Sumon. of which less than1,000 are whites or half castes, Hie de-mand In ciinf^'i 'tlonei -.v Is imihiBy forhard candles, lietler known locally asboiled lollies , reiiiillng at 25 cents perpound. These ntv small varieties, dif-fering In color and Hnvor , an d Import-ed In five iiouj iiI tins . Loxenge-j i arelittle known , tn tllos and chocolates suf-fer from Ibe etxli-enio humidity i>f theellm ale. which noi 'cssHiitus their lielngimported in si-nli-il metal tins , ivtiill-Ing from oO lo 75 cents per pouiul.





In the Episcopal church in BayShore on a recent Sunday, 3 fatherhimself unvei leti two tablets erectedto the memory of two sons lost in thewar. The man was Harry S_ Raven;his hero sons -were Robert and Rich-ard Raven.

SI^?S!i__™~,Faaher G. F. McCann will officiate

and p-reach in the. Catholic church at9.30 a, m., Sunday, Ju ly 18.

Swiss Crops Poor.The- crops in . H-vvlizerland In 101!)

were <onxtiteniUy lielow those in 101 8,with ihe exception of Hie fruit crop.This -mis due- tu unfavorable atmos-pheric conditions , a cold nnd wotsprtmr, drought In early summer midaga in In Inle summer, followed by sud-den Hills In tcnipt 'raturc and earl yfros ls, and to tbo etict that the acre-age planted In lil lO was smaller thantn 101S.



Repairs Suppl iesCars For Hire

JM^w^©ra lb Hi*©:! * 'Phone 209 M Port Jeffers on



at tlio close of imoIiiHH .s on tho aoth day a/June, i»sa

IlESOl'ItCKS.Stock tm A lioud inveatui -Tiittt , vl/:

Pulillo necuritlefl - »2f»,018 ftfll'rivut« Hecurltlca - 109,458 la

Itoul ontalo owned -,. 15.0W WIiOunHiaitKldi Hcotiiita nocit-rud hylioiul

itnd uiwirtunttc dood »f other realCBUitts *x>1laU:rul i f i ',it so

Lmtiifl ami. Ulncomm eictur*i(l byi other collatornl T3.233 00Ixjaiifl .ilUcoinitB and blll jmrclmHi.'d

uotBcctired hy callatefsil lOKW) f»»OvcrdrurtH _ 10" C'iDuo from approved romj rw e deposit!,*rioa, toH«am<miit Of offr- :?*$25,687 03 25.637 05Speclo...-„.»... 560 CKVOther cu_rrencj* uuthorfacil hy tho

Laws of lH« Uiiiii'rt at»t«H 5,560 15mw fnuia tho Federal Hewrve Dankof Now Vork Ichh offrti.'ts. 22,21*,* 72

Other iWB«ctft , Tlz:Kii riiittia-u anil tlxtim'.* ti.ioo W

Avorned l aitorcat not uitt< *ri<il. on tmolcri atclO(*o of iiii^l'iiusrt on aiUovudate _„ i.'sss 3<)

Koveiiliafc stniiiprt , l M 4,4t0 2«

Tatiil $119,676 WL1ABIUT2.S

Capital Rt-oek _ 525,O()0 00Suri>liiH:

SnrnluH iiunl 15,000 00Uudivldfe-il protltrt 7,5*'.* 23 22,519 23

Deposits :Preferred, ns follows :Dt 'lHjaUft »_ytlio Stale ol Sf-w¦

.otk ,.,_., s.Ooo ft>Not preforci'd, as follows ;

L»ei»oMts fl Uhject to elifi'W .l72.SiiO 23Timo tleitofcita. t•^lrt^rt^•ftte^

aiulotliiT-dpmi.'.itfl .thoiiiiv.inuiit of -whleli t-iinnoi le-g'.\\\y \>b KMi,i\ruft -wWi.j it h i r t y ihi-ys _ . u.tws $y

Other ccrtlalcates of (lej ui .-ic. f>«.i ooDepoHitB \\ritlidrawa'rilts UI1I3*

on presenilation of jms*-.ItOOkH...,- -.209,601 (M>

Ciisliierri1 o-lieckci outsiiiiua-i"f.'( ine-lndini; ^Inillu rcheekflof otherolUcei>..- - 27 w

Curti llLHl clECCL'- ft67 WL'npald iliv-ilends - 9 w

Lxtu tnl tcsttit depoflta 3&iv.tl3 STOther Hul)il_ile», viz:

Iteserveo (or tuxc*. c\-liotifees .tot-* _ :»hi vi>

AC'CTHCd/fitX'lX'rit U 0t6tlU-rt'-Cion uookn nt close of iniHi-lie.Rwovinb-ove tint* - 1S5 >2

Krttimatt'J imearned dt r—fouutf ; ...- 72a IK) i.iss Si

Tutli l $41S,fi76 W


,-CttVe I flrv. j ! Lvc. ^r iv0

Sla.) F.D.A. sin j son F.B.«. Sla,)

A M "a. M A. >I i A J t I A M A M

5.-J0 5.2;l S50 5 at I '.PC* T.»00.00 11.12 EI.3-J hR.13 ; !H I* llS.l'

1- M I 8 31; iAS i t',11.05 11.07 1.20 I1T 6T 1U.II.V- h9 02i> m p m r.a« ' us- 'J.in

KI2.3* kl SIO lra.1.1 0 CO 11.18 11.41kl.24 ltl.85 fellO I'M I'M3.00 i m j i.nn u j t IK i.ss<.2!! < 2T at Ki I> .It

04.40 nl.43 VCily 2 20 130 I.3Slis-to I1.1.00 inns UrtO '. 5W 6 42 T.I7 1! IC, ; S.32 j .37n.4!i c r >i »ihi sao ; 10.S9 n.iri8 10 9.11 ll"l 13 1NUIi l I

11.30 11.29 1.S1 <


~M"""A"l'l A~ji A"M A M ATSTS15 S.12 ll>,10 0.31 SSI S.339.00 6.37 1L.I9 7.4'J VS1 , 9 52

I', a P.M I 'MW.12 1011 12 Jl 10.55 1.M » 1,01)f M I ' M I'M f

1.0S 1.0S 3.12 2.32 4.SS : 4.410 34 0 33 8 50 3 BO SM .1S39.03 8.59 11.00 So" S.«l S.OJ

Klpllt 0..VJ ¦ 901 S.»911 03 1101 1 ll S.I2 10.81 I 10 23

Subject to change without uotlce.h-Excopt Holfiliiy-i, k-^utiirtlnys onSy.C-Eiceiit sntiinlfl3's and Holliliiys.

P. II. WOODWAHD, Gen'l Pass- Agt.


KlU'CUli-o June 27, 1920

, 33/ Jtl>s/Limit It Drill t* "* -

i ^ -litXPi tTT iu l tT i Man&ff'Htn»-*T.*T,,„uwlMWV«GaMT

CLARK EInsures Your Car



Protects Your LifeWITH A I 'OI.ICY


1 ** GiUnhllatieil IHils ¦-

To Women WhoLove Silver

Those wlio Itivo silver loveII 01, M R 8 & M a n V A H DSStiver wltli Its ishavtmiriK lint-tcins nml l is iissii rnmce of (lay Innml day out service.

There is an Iimt iant iippenl totlicwamiitt of ttieto in Uio boun-ty ot ilcaicn anil olanrni of put-tern of this Silver irnusiml ,

If you need silver nalc to soothe beautiful Uulenes & Kil-wiitils lmtiorns In Suiier-I'lnloniKlSllvor -lnlnlil,

Q.W. Fahxhi ld•& Sons, Inc.

007 MAIN S»T.Arcade Corner

DRIDaepODT, Conn.

***—"' tin! SIku of llio -CU1111 oa'•______

! |jEW PERFECTIONf i '^ EP "^^oveswdOvs&rs

Prou«d of ItMother is proud of her

delicious preserves, fruitsand jellies.

Neve Perfection Oil CooiStoves make canning easier.The Look Blue Chimney burnerElves cooking heat instantlywithout smote, soot or disagree-able odor. Drives clean, intenseheat dir ectly against the utensil.

The flame s=tays where set—needs' no watchin g. A big helpin canning time;.

You'll want a New Perfection oveaitoo—- it bakes jirrf fcetly.

Let us tteimmstJiitc iia Long Blu-eChiiimcy burner.

J. D. DWELLSSetaulcet, C. I.

Essex Wins Again*

Races at Riverhead July 5th won by Essex without a singlemechanical adjustment proves the superior speed and endurance ofthis sturdy car. Every desirable feature : Comfort, Speed andEndurance. Let us prove them to :you by demonstration. . Noobligation,




The VICTROLABrings all the music of the world in your home.

Insta llments $5.06 Down and $5.00 each monthALF RED E. OOVER

- . AGENTPort Jefferson, M. Y. Telephone 18 J ..

~~GE0 . H . SMITH

ST. JAMES, X. Y. . .JV O T J KV l>ll||ftic




NOTICE TO BIDDERSI'lmm nuiUiietlticuilnim lor Dm construction

"'« School j iliMif nt Port JnJomou stationiiiny lio iilitnineilon or nftor I'rliUiy, tho 2ndiliiv ot Jiily. inso, from Mrs. Aila llsijton, Port.nitorson SlutKiii , or Mr. CIisHiih 'Utlinni ,TIiiiob llullil liiK. I'or t Jou-orsnii. '-""""" .„b«lllH^ )>™1'I"*"IB "HI ho roeolvoi l nl s o'olookI'. M.. 1-rli lm;, tlm jfltb ilny nt July, aoso, in thoSchool lliill ifinpnt Port .liiffcrsou auiilon.Swmrnti! iiriiiMiiiilfl will lio rnc«lve«l for Gnn-Hli,

(-.0,n"tr]','11""' IJfstlim' mm V-eiitllatlnirisiiiotricii wirk ' " m* NVor" nl

Knoli iiroimsiul niiist lin iiccoiiniianloil tiy n?w^»?A "J,"1*«K l'l* l™»> l" Hid ii ii.iiuiriri,m" 'iV.I.i',""'"!*" . "r ™>«.1M »i «ii Bumlilil. 'l liolliniril orTrintcoo rosotveH tliorlBhtto roloiu, iiiiyormi lililmir in iiwopi Any lililiMil triit "'"* ''"" ""' l'°"t l l,,urlS111" "' tl10

SlKii'cil, AHA DAYTOS. Priwiaiiiit.ft" (,-JIA 1II.KS S. LATHAM , Clo rk.

WEDeliveT the Qoods

Give us an orderand be satisfied


Feed , Grain , Hay, StrawI3t<\

Xc-w Street

roiir JEKKEKSONTol. S2 It

WedtlluR Invitationsif specialty*'

^ a t the Echo office

Palchogue and Port JeSiersonAUTO LINE

OFFICE AND OAIIAGBUonr ttoo'a Hotel , E-ntoliOBuo

WA XTJ3B I. .IONICS, ProprietorTolavlioaio (UMml na Putohomie nml Port Jottomon Aiito-LIno) jus Pntclioguo)


(At Hoto] Towimmiil)9.110, 10.J5 A. JI.; H.O0, -l,0O, 8.0011> 'M

SU.NDAVS10,|.> A, M.; 3.00, 4,0»,8.00 p. M.

Leave PATCHOQTJE(Itoo'B Hote!3

8.00 .1,15, A, M,; 2.00, 8.00, 7.00 P. M.SUNUAYS

D.IIO A. Xf., 2.00, 11.00, 7.00 l> Mt>HI&>T$iS&£t *«"* «mv tvo»'torly

trS"™°v'il)Volth B °''',0°k"'''1 8 0'0,at,lt tr»»»y

Sraceial Trips ArraniBod Forllumos and Touring Cats For Hlro

FARE, One Way, H.00Komm Trip (for ilny ot Hullo only) ai.50

riiUtoo TIC"0 T«,,l0 "u llJ01>t to olinngo- without

GEORGE E. DARLI NGaVormcrly Floy* A Roe

Insur anceFlr« Plate "Glass

AutomobileFire ensnrnnce—H «Mts neatly

double Icb build NOW, compared towhnt It onat when you iilacert yourInsurance, Docs the amount of your

Onrateot you NOW9 If not, see

Jn-0 nnd Ret it flx-ed right.Aatanvabllc—Ate you protcoted

against neoklontfl? Sco me about vourPersonal CUblllty. '


Ben mtt Re staurantOPEN DAV and NlfillT

tw tidies and OtnMrnANK mvi
