+ Name That…Egypt. + The Ancient Egyptians used the Nile River for all of the following reason,...

+ Name That…Egypt

Transcript of + Name That…Egypt. + The Ancient Egyptians used the Nile River for all of the following reason,...


Name That…Egypt

+The Ancient Egyptians used the Nile River for all of the following reason, except? A. Farming

B. Cooking

C. Cleaning

D. All of them of were reasons why the Ancient Egyptians used the Nile River


D. All of them of were reasons why the Ancient Egyptians used the Nile River

+What is a delta?

A. Narrow cliffs and boulders in the Nile form wild rapids

B. Branches fan out over an area of fertile soil

C. Layers of dark, fertile mud

D. Reed plant that grew along the Nile, to make baskets, sandals, river rafts and paper


B. Branches fan out over an area of fertile soil

+What are hieroglyphics?

A. Narrow cliffs and boulders in the Nile form wild rapids

B. Reed plant that grew along the Nile, to make baskets, sandals, river rafts and paper

C. A line of rulers from one family

D. A combination of picture symbols and sound symbols that created a complex writing system used by the Ancient Egyptians


D. A combination of picture symbols and sound symbols that created a complex writing system used by the Ancient Egyptians

+The Nile River flows in what direction?

A. East to West

B. North to South

C. South to North

D. West to East


C. South to North

+What role did floods play in Ancient Egypt?

A. Floods devastated the Ancient Egyptians by constantly ruining their farms

B. There was not any flooding throughout Ancient Egypt

C. Overall the effects of flooding were helpful because the flooding left fertile soil behind for farming

D. Flooding only occurred every once in a while, it is hard to say the effects flooding had on the Ancient Egyptians


C. Overall the effects of flooding were helpful because the flooding left fertile soil behind for farming

+Where were Upper and Lower Egypt located?

A. There was only one united Egypt

B. Lower Egypt was located in the West and Upper Egypt was located in the East

C. Upper Egypt was located in the North and Lower Egypt was located in the South

D. Lower Egypt was located in North and Upper Egypt was located in the South


D. Lower Egypt was located in North and Upper Egypt was located in the South

+What is a Dynasty?

A. A line of rulers from one family

B. Narrow cliffs and boulders in the Nile form wild rapids

C. The group of God and Goddesses that the Ancient Egyptian people worshiped

D. A combination of picture symbols and sound symbols that created a complex writing system used by the Ancient Egyptians


A. A line of rulers from one family

+How did Narmer represent a united Egypt?

A. He he ruled from Memphis, a city he built on the the boarder of the two kingdoms (Upper and Lower Egypt)

B. He wore a double crown: a helmet like white crown to represent Upper Egypt and an open red crown to represent Lower Egypt

C. He did both A&B to show unity throughout Egypt

D. He did not attempt to create unity between the two kingdoms, he simply did away with Lower Egypt


C. He did both A&B to show unity throughout Egypt

+Ancient Egypt was not attacked as often as the Mesopotamian because of some of the landforms that surrounded the civilization. Which of the following helped the Ancient Egyptians to protect themselves? A. Cataracts on the Southern end of the Nile River

B. Marshes from the Delta in the North

C. The Deserts to the East and West of the Nile Valley

D. All of the above


D. All of the above

+What occurred because of surpluses in food supplies?

A. There were not an surpluses in food supplies

B. Civilizations were able to develop, promoting trade and the development of a government system

C. Everyone aspired to become a farmer, placing farmers high in the Ancient Egyptian social order

D. Outside groups started to invade Ancient Egypt to take their surplus food supplies


B. Civilizations were able to develop, promoting trade and the development of a government system