Making diet lists and monitoring them Calculatimg calory tables Online sales of diet products ...

Making diet lists and monitoring them Calculatimg calory tables Online sales of diet products Uzman doktor yazıları Online sales of diet meals Spor sevices Psychological tests Online psychologist (e-psychologist) Personal wellness service Forum Suggestions and ideas platform Health encyclopedia Psychology and medicine dictionary performance questionnaire for doctors Website performance questionnaire

Transcript of Making diet lists and monitoring them Calculatimg calory tables Online sales of diet products ...

Making diet lists and monitoring them Calculatimg calory tables Online sales of diet products Uzman doktor yazıları Online sales of diet meals Spor sevices Psychological tests Online psychologist (e-psychologist) Personal wellness service Forum Suggestions and ideas platform Health encyclopedia Psychology and medicine dictionary performance questionnaire for doctors Website performance questionnaire

Developing diet lists by the specialist according to personal characteristics of customers and monitor the progress

The customer can get the following actvities by interacting the specialist of the website▪ Height, weight, age,▪ Pills that is used regularly by the customer,▪ Personal details such as chronic disease, etc.

Calory that must be taken daily is calculated by specialists due to the personal characteristics of customers and determines the suitable diet products

If the customer wants to buy the products, her/his address is taken

The charge of products is taken from the customer. Also, the customer can get the benefit of a reduction for the use of the website.


The address and product information are sent to nearest supplier.

Products are delivered to customer by the supplier. And every 15 days, a message ‘sms’ iis sent to remind

the customer to give his/her complaints and the change in the weight to his/her progress monitoring form

When new information is given to form, an alert is sent to our website specialist.

Feedback to the customer about the effectiveness of diet, personal progress , suggestions, necessary changes


Your diet is as your finger mark, It is only private to you

To provide quick response to the customers who paid for website

membership, for not asking the address and personal information every


membership number and referance numbers for the diet lists that is

proposed to that customer before

The diet products can be sold only by taking these informtion


It is important for us to work with the companies which meets the quality specifications and TSE standarts.

All our food suppliers “ ISO:22000: 2005 “ food safety and management

certificate “TSE” certificate “Food Production” and “Food Register “ certificate which

is taken from Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

Forming calory calculation tables according to the food information that is entered by the customer

For the food informaiton that is entered by the customer;with the help of the standard calory tables in the database of the website , to calculate the calory of the foodsEx: apple juice 55 calory

50 gr mushroom 30 calory Toplam = 85 calory

To calculate the ideal body wieght

To calculate body mass index (BMI)

To calculate basal metabolic rate (BMR)

To calculate daily energy amount that sholud be taken

Thin Normal Overweight Obese Morbid Obese

A portion of spagetti

A slice of cake

217 numbers of double hamburger

can lead a car to go 110 kms

can light a bulb during 1,5 hour

Can heat a cup of coffee

Howmuch enegry is generated by the calory amount of these food?

Online sales of diet products

Online sales of diet meals

Customer can give his/her order from the website menu

After taking the charge of the meal, if the customer is not a member of the website, then his/her address is taken.

Order is delivered to customer by the nearest supplier with the fastest method

When you click at gym types, you can see the videos that shows how to do. In addition, you can see which muscles are active when you perform these gym types.

Our members can find free psychological tests prepared by psychologists and the results are e-mailed to them.

These tests are;

Personality tests Empathy tests Stress tests Behaviour tests…etc.

By this way, an increase in member numbers is expected. Therefore constant incomes will increase.

Online Psychologist

Our members can find our psychologists in our web site. They can consult for their psychological problems and after that they can take feedbacks from our psychologists.

  Very Bad Bad Good Very Good  Excellent

Web Site Design      

Information Satisfaction          

Service Rapidness      


Specialists Performance      

Video Quality          

Information Diversification      

Response Rapidness          

Usage Ease      

Web Site’s Reputation          

Örnek Anket:


Wellness is first and foremost a choice to assume responsibility for the quality of your life.

It begins with a conscious decision to shape a healthy lifestyle.

Wellness is a mindset, a predisposition to adopt a series of key principles in varied life areas that lead to high levels of well-being and life satisfaction.

Research data show a consistent relationship between overall fitness and academic achievement.

Increased ability to process data, reduce depression and anxiety result from regular physical activity.

Safe, participation in physical activity opportunities lead to a lifetime of wellness

Wellness, the mega trend of 2000’s, is a new phenomena in Turkey.

Today, only in USA, wellness sector has a 200 billion endorsement and experts say that it will approach to 1 trillion in 5 years.