Lincoln, the President of the US during the Civil War. His main aim was to preserve the Union, not...


Transcript of Lincoln, the President of the US during the Civil War. His main aim was to preserve the Union, not...

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Slide 2 Slide 3 Lincoln, the President of the US during the Civil War. His main aim was to preserve the Union, not necessarily end slavery. He was assassinated on April 14, 1865. Slide 4 Battle of Bull Run ended Lincolns hope of a quick war. There were actually two battles of Bull Run. One was on July 21, 1861, where the Union fled in confusion from Stonewall Jacksons unyielding wall of men. The second battle was between Lee and John Pope, where the north was crushed because of Pope. Slide 5 Confederates, which was formed out of the Southern States that seceded. They fought against the Union in the Civil War, even though they were not that well equipped. They lost on April 9, 1865 where Lee surrendered to Grant. Slide 6 Draft Riot, which broke out in New York City in 1863 where underprivileged and anti-black Irish-Americans shouted: Down with Lincoln! and Down with the draft! They caused scores of lives as the city was full of burning, and drunken angry mobs. Slide 7 Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, which was issued by Abraham Lincoln and freed all slaves in the Confederate States. It was more a proclamation than emancipation since it freed the slaves where he had no control over, instead of the ones in the Border States where he had control. He wanted this to strengthen the moral cause of the Union and yet prevent the disunion of the Border States. Slide 8 Fredericksburg battle, where more than 10,000 Northern soldiers were killed or wounded due to Burnsides rash frontal attack against Lees army in Fredericksburg, Virginia. He had replaced McClellan and protested that he was unfit for such a position and he proved it. Slide 9 Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where the turning point of the war took place. It was marked as the high tide of the Confederacy since it was the highest point reached by any significant Southern force. For them, it was also the last real chance for victory. After that battle, the southern cause was doomed. Slide 10 Honest Abe, was a nickname of Lincoln. Here was a rhyme that makes fun of this. Honest old Abe, when the war first began, Denied abolition was part of his plan; Honest old Abe had since made a decree, The war must go on till the slaves are all free. As both cant be honest, will some one tell how, If honest Abe then, he is honest Abe now? Slide 11 Iron Works, were crucial to both the Union and the South during the War. One of the most important iron works was the Tredgar Iron Works in Richmond, Virginia. Slide 12 Jefferson Davis, was the President of the Confederate States. His family had moved south from Kentucky and he was a recent member of the US senate from Mississippi. He was also a former cabinet member with very wide military and administrative experience. Slide 13 King Cotton No More as cotton failed the southern economy. Due to its mass production of cotton in the years before the war, England received a lot of surpluses. Therefore, the product was not in such a great demand anymore. Also, transportation in the Confederacy slacked off as metals were made into bullets etc. Overall, cotton reduced in value and only contributed 12 percent to the national wealth instead of the former 30 percent. Slide 14 Lees Last Lunge at Gettysburg is where all the hope of the south was placed. It was the northernmost point reached by any significant number of the South. It was also the last chance for the Confederates to win. Slide 15 Monitor and Merrimack, were two ironclad ships that fought each other in 1862. That year, on March 9, the Union ironclad, the Monitor, fought for four hours with the Confederate made ironclad, the Virginia, which was was originally the wooden Merrimack. Slide 16 North, was also known as the Union. Their conflict and difference of views caused the Civil War. Slide 17 On to Richmond!, was the cry of the Northern newspapers in 1861 that urged for a quick war. It called for an immediate capture of the Confederate capital of Richmond. This lead partly to the Battle of Bull Run. Slide 18 Port Hudson of Louisiana, fell into Union hands on July 9, 1863 after Vicksburg surrendered. This gave the North control of the Mississippi, which split the Confederacy in two. Slide 19 Quincy Adamss son, Charles Francis Adams, was the American Minister who made Britain realize that it was not wise for them to allow the building of British Confederate raiders. London tried to remain neutral afterwards, but the Confederate commerce-destroyers already cripple more than 250 Yankee ships. Slide 20 Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy. Slide 21 Fort Sumter is where the Civil War actually began. It was one of the two southern forts that was loyal to the Union, and was attacked by the rest of South Carolina when Lincoln wanted to send provision to the fort. Finally, it gave in. Slide 22 Thirteenth Amendment, which was created in 1865 and abolished all slavery within the United States of America. Slide 23 Union, which was what the northern part of the United States was called. It remained under the government of the U.S., and had Abraham Lincoln as president. Slide 24 Victory for the Unions after the surrender of Lees army to Grants troops at the Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865. Slide 25 Washington D.C., was the capital of the United States even then. During the war, Lincoln declared martial law and sent troops to Maryland because it threatened to cut the capital off from the North. Slide 26 Ex-Slaves, which was the result of the war, as all of the slaves were freed by the Thirteenth Amendment. Slide 27 Yankee, which was the name applied to the northerners. Slide 28 John Wilkes Booth who slipped into Lincolns box and assassinated the president.