...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what...

-= ========--= --- -·- -- - «Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it? VoL. VIII-No. 18 ASHEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 14, 1938 PRICE IO CENTS Deliverer of Russia ! H rpHE day that Adolf .I.. Hitler rides i11 tri- umph i11to .Moscow, as he ro-Pe 011 March 121/z tri- 1impha11t i11to Vie111111 , he shall at the peak of his career. There shall be 1w greater heights for him to climb in this, his pres- ent life!"

Transcript of ...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what...

Page 1: ...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it?VoL.

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«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it?


Deliverer of Russia !

H rpHE day that Adolf .I.. Hitler rides i11 tri­

umph i11to .Moscow, as he r o-Pe 011 March 121/z tri-1impha11t i11to Vie111111, he shall slam~ at the peak of his career. There shall be 1w greater heights for him to climb in this, his pres­ent life!"

Page 2: ...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it?VoL.

Page 2 Liberation


''All the· Way. to Moscow''

PPROVE or disappro1•e of Adolf Hitler and his policies as you will , the fact remains that the German-Austrian Chancellor is making himself the outstanding statesman-leader of the world in these moments. The annexation of Aust ria is but an incident in his career. Furthermore,

it is but the beginning of a series of such incidents. ;what the enlightened American is interested in knowing, thcrcfoi'e, is: What will be Hitler's goal? When will he reach the c~<l of his progress? What is to be the final consummation of his mi ssion, undertaken on January 31, 1933? The United States is not lacking for millions of Gentile gul­libles, easily "sold" on the idea by Jews and Jewish propa­ganda, who fear that the Nazi chieftain aspires-like the oi1e- . time German Kaiser-to rule the universe. Of course the idea that the German Kaiser ever aspired to rnle the universe was another of those kosher notions evolved by world Jews to promote the 1914-1918 war between embattled Christians. Both ideas serve to give witless Gentiles the international jitters, however, and Judah docs not overlook them. The worl<l ·s Hebrews-at . least those in the upper brackets­who do aspire to rule the universe, are merely playing their ancient tactics of accusing Judah's successful antagonists of perpetrating the very thing they are secretly guilty of, them­~e)ves .

\Ve can overlook such familiar hocus-pocus. What we are interested in studying is the probable life of the whole Nazi sequence.

TJ-TE Editor of this journal and head of THE S1LVERSHIRT L EGION OF A~rnR1 c.1, was the first native-born and non­

German American to step forth audaciously and without reser­vation on the morning of Felmiary I, 1933, and declare him­self a moral supporter in the United States of the then little­known new chancellor of Germany. H e had hi s own reasons for so doing, and Hitler himself was a factor in none of them. There are people in New York City an<l ·washington, D. C., who will attest that Pelley was declaiming in July, 1929, that Ge rman y was to be salvaged and brought back respectably into the family of nations by an Austrian painter wl1o at that time was held prisoner in a German military fortr~ss. E xactly when he should take power, Pelley did not assert. Bttt that he would take power was such ai certainty in Chid Pelley's mind that it altered his own career from that moment forward. (I The same people whom Pelley advised about Hitler , will likewise attest that the present chief of the Silvcrshirts also informed them in Jttly , 1929, that a gigantic crash was coming

on the stock markets of- the world in October of that year, and that they should "liquidate" their stock holdings before it happened. · Those who took Pelley at his word, salvaged thou­sands of dollars. Those who were skeptical, or who scoffed at his predictions, in October were cleaned clean. The point is . only relatively important. This foreknowledge of major

.. ·events in the world's pre~ent history was exhibited at the time as proof of. the living validity of Chri stian Esotcrics. And this same perspicacity has been the root and mainstay of the SILVER LEGION movement since. This is· not the place to discuss Christian Esoterics or examine .the attributes which adepts thus exercise. ft is interesting to ·note, hO\vever, that Hitler himself possesses similar gifts­which· is why he commits few tactical errors.

.Between half-past seven and nine o'clock of the evening of July 21, 1929, in an apartment at 56 \Vest 53rd Street, New York City, Chief Pelley went through the unique experience of 'becoming in formed and enlightened of practically all of the major national a·nd international events that were to transpire from that date forward till the 4th of March, 1945. Much of tJie transcript it was then impossible to accredit . Subsequent

· events have confirmed it to the letter.

llHfTLER," declared some of the more vital parts of this Higher Counselling, "has a mission that is unique. In

a former career as a great world statesman, he won his way to prominence by a series of exploits that had to be karmicly

. rectified in this, his present life. "This Austrian painter will in time be released from the Ger­man fortress," was the further gist of the Intelligence. "If he 'harkens and keeps close to the Great Constructive Agencies whose instrument he is , he will proceed from success unto success. Japan and Italy will beco.me his allies, though Italy . will not perform with Nippon's integrity. Austria, Czecho~ · slovakia, Rumania, and finally Poland, will support him in the great Iron Ring that shall be thrown about Russia . "vVhereupon, Hitler will embark on the fina l phase of his career. "He w ill bec0111 e the Liberator of tli c great R11ssia 11 people! "Before that liberation is accompli shed ,however, the peoples of the world will see Chinamen in the streets of Moscow .. . "

THIS "seeing of Chinamen in the streets of l\foscow" was not explained or qualified. Whether it meant that the

Chinese would come to Stalin's assistance, to battle the anti­Communist nations of the western worl<l, and thus be observe.-! supporting the Jewish-Reel forces, or whether by some necro­mantic twist of world events the Chinese repttdiate di sinte­gra ting sovietism and find it more to their interests to join

Page 3: ...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it?VoL.

Liberation -------Page 3

with those nations pledged to Red-Jewish extermination, was in neither case disclosed. But with Hitler as the acknowledged leader, under whom the nations of eastern Europe gather to grind the Communist serpent under heel, Stalin will go down, the Jews as a further jeopardy to advancing world ethics along Christian standards will go down, Christian Nationalism shall become the predominant political motif across all continents. (I "The time is close at hand," went on the Enlightenment, "when Judah as Judah shall be smashed, destroyed, relegated to the museum of things historically archaic. A New Force shall arise in the world. Gradually, over the period from 1936 to 1953-and to a greater extent from 1953 to 2,001-this stupendous ethical force shall advance triumphant. "In the United States it shall make its first gesture on the day that the Austrian painter arises to German power. "The forces that shall be stirred within the United States on that date shall subsequently synchronize with the forces that shall be stirred by the coming of the Austrian to the chancellor­ship. "There shall be no political connection between the two, now or at any time in future. Motivated by the same ideals, and counselled by paralleling mcntorships, the day shall arrive when the East and the West, the Old ·\Vorld and the New, each under its own leadership, shall approach one another and treat on a parity. "If Hitler should blunder, or depart from his Instructions so that his fall occurs, it will in no wise deflect the irresistibility of these movemeuts. Others will pick up and carry on. But the prospects arc bright that the painter will not blunder. His Cosmic Career is the greater: thing at stake. Insofar as in him lies, he will remain true to t/ia.t I" Then came this bit of terrific instruction to the present head of THE SILVER LEG!ON-

"On the day that this Austrian comes to the leadership of the German people, do you take it as your Time Signal to arraign J u<lah in America! For it is the essence of your own Jife­brcvet to arouse and guide the millions in the American scene as it is the essence o f the Austrian's li fc-brevet to arouse and guide the millions in the European scene. Time yourself thus, and naught can thwart you . ... You will encounter threats and physical jeopardy. For a time every man's hand will l.;e turner! against you. You will go up close to the gates of prison for pursuing your principles, but you will not pass through! Suddenly, after you have prepared the soil and soul of America for reception of the seed of the New Idealism, you wilt do something in pursuit of your principles which over­nig-ht wi!l put the United States behind you to a man .... Tliereafter, as the great Christian Commonwealth begins to blossom beneath your tutelage, and upon the debris of an utterly wrecked predatory economic system, you will find your affairs running in the same trend as those of the Austrian's. Jt wi ll be a stupendous day in the histories of your countries when you come face to face."

BUT obviously, none of it was to mature in America until the heel o f the aforesaid Austrian had first crushed the

head o f the Judai stic Serpent, particularly in Russia, a plain

indication that White Russia's liberation comes first-the same liberation that is now on its way. The war in Spain is in its closing phases, with the forces of militant Christianity everywhere victorious. Fr.ancc, thus islanded in a vast anti-Communist sea whose waters arc composed of the aggressive f'ascist millions in Italy, Germany, Austria, and presently Spain, faces complete repudiation of her present Jewish government. Half the popu­lace of Gentile France, including half of the army, is now aggressi,·e!y anti-semitic. f'rancc is in no position to go to th<' aid of Czechoslovakia or Russia-she can scarcely control her own rioting millions. Stupendous forces are working in Poland to remove that country as a present buffer state, and give the Fascist peoples a clean corrillor to Russia. The day that Poland goes P"ascist, Czechoslovakia under its Jewish despotism will become islanded -as France is now is!an<led in southwestern Europe. And when the Fascist coalition strikes from the \Vest, Nippon as its ally wi!l strike from the East. In that day Josef Stalin must put guns and ammunition in the hands of his Red troops. The day that Josef Stalin puts guns and ammunition in the hands of his Red troops, Josef Stalin seals his fate. He like­wise seals the fate of mi!lions of Jews, who have ground the faces of Gentile Russians till they are raving in despair. Red guns will not be turned on Germans, Italians, Austrians and Poles, with one-third of the vengeance that they will be turned on Jewish Communists and Russian Sons of Jacob. v\'hite Russians by the millions will welcome Hitler with an hysteria besides which that of Au~t"a was a small-town parade!

READ the prophecy and mark it I ... Tire day lira/ Adolf Hitler rides tri11111phant into Moscow as Ire rode on March

14th tri'.11111plra11t i11to Vie111ra., Ire shall sta11d at tire peak of Iris career! There wi!J l;e no greater heights for him to climb in this, his present Ji fe . This does not mean that he shalt cease ruling Germany or the great Pan-German confederacy that his genius may have birthed. But Adolf Hitler, with the international rat's nest of Jewish Bolshevism gutted, shall know no other worlds to conquer. Thereafter Accomplishment ties in the West! And in western Accomplishment, Hitler plays small part. When, of a night in January, 1933, Chief Pelley waited to see the significance of a Great Pyramid marking, and the evening paper arrived in his office with the headlines, Hitler Becomes Ger111a11 Chancellor! his mind did a tailspin to another evening in July, four years bygone. "\Vhcn the Austrian painter ascends to power at the head o{ the German State, do you take it as your Time Signal to begin the arraignment of Judah in America"-came the memory of intsructions as in letters of fire . "Tomorrow," he announced to a little coterie of his helpers gathered around him in Asheville, N. C., "we have the Si!ver­shirts I" And when they had been started, "Pelley is Hitler's agent!"

America's Jews screamed: (Please /11r11 to page 1 I)

Page 4: ...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it?VoL.

Page 4 Liberatipn --------

If the Pope Goes Fascist, Where Does ·it Leave the Jews?

VER in Germany is a man named Hitler. Four years bygone he took control of the German people, ousting the Communist-making Jews. "lt's absurd!" shrieked the Yiddishers. "The man can't last a month!" But Hitler did last a month. He lasted a year. He has lasted four

years, and the probabilities arc now apparent that he will last the rest of his Ii fe. ''No people that spurn the Jew can prosper I" was the fecund bolonga-slire that was served out for three-meals-a-day to the other nationals of the earth. Germany has become the living attestment to that lie. The exact opposite is trne. Those nationals only prosper that put the Hebrew in his place--that is, a minority place according to his numbers in the Body Politic. There is no unemployment in Germany, no gloom, no relief. Unemployment, gloom, relief, only exist in those cotmtries where the Jew is still supreme. But when Hitler did last the month, twelve months, forty-eight n~onths-~nd. the Yiddisher falsehood was exposed-the ejected Y1dchshers tried a new tack. "The Nazis not only persecute the Jew, they persecute the Catholic!" The id~a behi~d this next cabal, of cousre, was to stir up world Catholics agamst a man who had successfully flouted Israel. (I Nazis, it appeared, persecuted everybody but themseives.

BU! Germany had nothing to hide about her policies or prac-tices. "Come on over and visit us. See for yourselves

what precisely is in progress," she invited sister nationals. And those nationals accepted-in tens of thousands. "The only Catholics being persecuted over here," declared the German Romanists themselves, "are Catholics whom the Jews sought to use to bring back Red Communism I" It there fore developed that Hitler was not persecuting Catho­lics because they were Romanists but because Reds in goodly numbers had called themselves Catholics. The world was never. told, incidentally, that one of the first things done by Hitler was to open all the churches, Protestant, Roman, and Jewi sh alike-previously closed by Jewish Reds­and put all parsons, priests and rabbis on State salary. "Now you go ahead and attencl to yom jobs of expounding religion," he instrnctecl them. "Stop making your pulpits the clearing-house for politics." The parsons redclen~cl. the priests hurried off to Rome to get official instruct ions about it, the rabbis inflated their bearded lungs and wailed as rabbis never had wailed. Now comes the news, cataclysmic to Yiddishers, that on the whole the Pope thinks rather well of what the Nazis have done.

And the overseas grape-vine from Romanist sources carries the whisper that mayhap before Michaelmas the Holy Sec will issue an cdict-"The Romanist Church is aligning itself on the opposite side from Judah. The Romanist Church is Fascist in that it ap­proves of general Fascist policy." Immediately that encyclical comes forth, the predatory Jew is s1111k!

THE Catholics of the whole world arc about to rise in ex­termination of Yicldisher Communism. That comes peril­

ously near to meaning that they are likewise about to arise in extinction of the Jew. But that is by no means the encl of extinctions. The Federal Yidclisher Drain-Trnst can no longer endure with all Romanist heads against it. Mr. Rosenfeld, being smeared with Communism from his twenty-inch cigarette-holder to his somewhat uncertain legs, must climb down from his manger and give way to Gentile brains. . J t means a diametrically altered att1tu<le on the part of Amer­ica's kept press. With all Catholics turn~d Fascists the pro:R~d censorship goes bust. Newspaper publishers maY_ be d.oc1le 111 keeping the Silvcrshirts out ?f the news.' but tgnon.ng the folks who pay Peter's Pence will be someth111g of more import. (I It means that the radio may be ~urn~d on Jewish Com-111unism and the lads who try to stop 1t will be thrown out on their heads. The trend of the whole earth is toward one gigantic combina­tion to smash Mr. Stalin as people of decision smash spiders

in the parlor. The Pope has the balances ?f civilization ~n his hand, and he cannot tilt them Jewish without clestroymg the Throne of Peter-he must therefore tilt them Fascist. The question is merely, 1-V/Jrnf' Anyhow, the news leaks from ~u~ope that the deal has been made. Mussolini has his hand 111 1t. The stage has been set. If the stage ha<.! not been sct--on the re~igious angl0e-Hitl~r would never have dared try to execute Ins last weeks coup 111 Catholic Austria. Catholics abroad generally recognize that the only members of their church who dare fear the Nazis are those who have used Romanism to screen Communism. Nowhere has it been given pnblicity that Hitler's Nazi forces contain millions of Catho­lics. Undoubtedly-the Vatican being a collection of experts on timing-the pronouncement will come forth 0 11 the eve of the coalition to move into Russia and smoke Bolshevism out. Bnt it may come before. Jews by st ill more blunderings may easily see to that!

Page 5: ...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it?VoL.

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Liberation -------------- Page ·s

The Real Facts on Conditions that Made Austria Go Nazi

By ELMER F. EL~iiiuusT, A11tlror of Tit,· ll ' vrld J-l oas

m130UT 80 per cent of A ustria's 6,7.~8,800 people nut only speak the German language, but are German in heart and mind. The oflicial lan­guag-e of Austria, in its schools, theaters, art, etc., is German. ln [act, the word, Austria is Ot!slrcich iii German, meaning, the East ReiCh.

.'\.ust ria in the past was literally considered as the eastern part o f the H.eich. Now this dismembered portion of the Reich is being merged with its natural J\'1otherlan<l under the direction uf its natiYe Leader, Hitler, who was born in Braunau, 1\u stria-throug h which a regiment of German troops passed at 8 :29 am. on l\larch 12th, pausing to honor Der F11elrrer at the l10111c of his birth, which is regarded by the National Socialists as a shrine. Scenes uf the g rea test enthusiasm greeted Hitler as he passed through the town of his birth later ~1 the day. His was the march of the conqueror. He was hailed as Austria's liberator. The politi ca l tension of Austria, as observed in recent months by an American traveler who spent some time in Vienna and in the smaller towns and cities as well, may be summed up in the following: The clic1ue of public officials which has had political power ei·er since the death of the Rothschild serf, Dollfuss, in 1934, has suppressed public expression. There has been no balloting in Austria since that time. The kosher Schuschnigg government was composed of a rrroup of oflicials---0r rather, job-holding politicians-who ~v ere given their power by the men behind this regime. The real power in Austria has been wielded by its Jewish bankers, the mighty Rothschilds and affiliated financial concerns. The second strong factor in exercising an undue influence over the A 11strian people has been the Catholic Church. Cardinal Innitzer's close brotherly alliance \yith the Jewish money power was a chronic obsession of his immediate circle. Any change of government control would a lso automatically eliminate the lordly influence which this wealthy church oligarchy has been exerci sing in Austria throughout recent decades. Its possession o f property and real estate of eve ry description, in­cluding huge domains and forest lands, has been almost .un­limited . \1'1/e see, therefore, the reason for the close relat10n­sh ip o f A ustria's clergy with the Jewish financiers, since the interests o f both were identical. The su rvival of both the Church oligarchy and the Jewish fi nanciers depended to a great ex tent upon the spi.ritual serf­dom o f the grea t masses. The press in Aust ria was dominated by the J ewish minority am] these Church in.te:ests'. These t\:o g-roups did exe rcise, there fore, the deciding mAuence 111

A ustrian affai rs.

The third iactur in this unholy alliance, as has been stated, was the small clic1ue uf government job-holders who were en­tirely subm iss il'e to the ir autocratic employers in order that they might protect their political payroll. hually the iourth group in this alliance were the Communists. Outwardly they made a show of being "opposed" to the Austrian governmental oligarchy. As a matter of fact the J cll'ish Reds and the radical intelligentsia-they call them­sdl'es Liberals in the United States-were welcome allies of the government bureaucracy, for these rebellious and un­healthy minority clements stood in decided opposition to the So per cent , pro- Nazi, German clement of A ustria. The wealthy ) ell's, ancl in particular those " refugees" from c;ermany, have maintained a fund at Communist headquarters in Austria, in Vienna. From thi s Jewish-maintained fund the unemployed were paid each week the amount of 12 shillings if they would acti vely join the Communist Pa rty. This sum was pair! tn all who di splayed visible interest in creating disturb­ances of one kind or another and these payments were kept up -and in most cases quite generously-as long as these Jewish phi/a./l/lrropisls saw that the kosherization of the Austrian workers was proceeding apace. This financing of the unemployed Communists, and the com­nrnniza tion of those without work, were done with the full knowledge and connivance of the Austrian public officials in­cluding the President, Dr. .Miklas. The political bait used by the public officials for years has been the a rtificial Va terlamdische Frv11t, or the Fatherland Front as it has been called in American newspapers. This was a semi-official "people's party," as outlined and sanctioned by its J ewish and Catholic sponsors. They had a considerable share in financing thi s Jewish-conceived political front, for no other purpose than. to maintain their dictatorial grip upon the spiritual and political Ii fe of the misinformed workers. These subverted workers were treated to outings and social parties from time to time where Marxian views were the subjects of speech and di scussion by the Jewish sponsors. The identical policy was carried out, and adhered to, in post­wa r Germany by Princeton's Dr. Albert Einstein, under the tit!~ o f the hztematio11alc A rbeilcrhilfe-which . adequately ex­plains why Dr. Alber t Einstein is no longer in Germany. The chief .object of these Jewish-financed institutions was to propa­gand ize the workers and cause them to be favorably disposed toward Jews in their midst and to recognize their fitness fo r hccoming, and remaining, the "people's leaders." They also enrleavorcd to create a favorable impress ion by means of their g-cncrous contributi ons to social function s anrl alleg-ed charity affairs . -Please t11m t o Page 10

Page 6: ...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it?VoL.

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Does Trotsky Expect to Sieze Power when Roosevelt Falls?

OWN in Mexico City there resides a foreign Jewish gentleman who goes under the alias of Leon Trotsky. His real name is Laiber David­ovitch Bronstein. The world-including a few enlightened Americans-accepts him as having been the one-time stage-manager of the bloody

rernlution in Russian Bolshevia. Following the death qf Lenin ancl the rise of Stalin to power, Bronstein-Trotsky was supposed to have hacl a fuss with the present Russian dictator. Bolshevia wasn ' t big enough to hold two men of such calibre and one of them had to go. Stalin showed himself the more strategic and Trotsky had to flee while the fleeing was poss­ible. Because he had been such a big-shot in launching Bol­shevism, the further acceptance is general that Stalin gracious­ly allowed him to depart. Thus Trotsky became an "exile"­going first to Turkey, then to France, Spain and Norway-till finally the world remonstrance against Communism left him no other sanctuary but Mexico. So over to l\'1exico the poor persecuted has-been came, to live there in innocuous desuetude and write wails about the ingratitude of revolutionists on principle. And counter-revolution plots continue to center about his name, and Stalin-five thousaml miles away-makes it appear that if he had his "enemy" back in Bolshevia again, the said enemy might not go world-traveling with a skin qnite so whole. AH of it makes excellent reading for the Gentile gullibles who have never had the faintest idea as to what the trouble basically was all about. Jn behind the scenes, howe\•er, much has gone on which none but the Jewish-wise suspect. First of all it must be accredited as a fundamental tenet of Jew­ish Bolshevism that 110 one w ho is a real e11e111y of Stalin is eva allo<.(•ed to lea<.•e Rllssia alive! There never has been the slightes t deviation from this n.le. The world has seen a series of "trials" in Russia of late, wherein the greatest and oldest figures in the original Bolshevia have been ruthlessly condem­ned to death. Almost all the old leaders are now gone. But Trotsky was not thus liquidated. Quite the contrary, when Trotsky came to leave Russia, he went forth in such royal style that even the Bolshevists them­selves smiled cynically. Eye witnesses are testifying that Trot­sky was, with Stalin's consent, given the privi lege of using the one-time Cza r's private train, for carrying the Trotskys and their huge bulk 0f baggage, containing an uncounted fortune of money and treasures, to Odessa. There the Steamship l/jitsch, taken off her regular schedule between Odessa and Constant inople, was waiting to carry the "exile" with his loot to Turkey. The removal of this ransacking Jew , wh0 alleg­edly came to Russia fo r the pnrpose of "liberating" the Rns-

sian workers from their "yoke" of imperialistic Czardom, re­sembled the departure of a most powerful world-potentate. CI Stalin's pretense for "exiling" Trotsky, his rival "comrade" was the latter's "too great d~·c•iatio11 to the lcft "-for while Stalin was declared as determined to make Russia an approxi­mately eighty percent Jewish domain, it was Trotsky who in­sisted that a one hundred percent Jewish control was his un­disputable goal. The thus-arisen differences of opinion and rulership tactics were supposed to have resulted in the most considerately-arranged deportation of this Yid<lisher million­aire. Anyhow, fortune finally lands him down in Mexico City, where he stays 011 and on, reganlless of the fact that his rcsi<lc11t permit has long-since run its course.

GEN EH.ALLY speaking, it would seem at first glance to be commenilably magna1iimous of Mexico to thus hold out

a world haven to a man whose history contains perso11al direc­tion of the slaughter of thirty millions of Christians. Of course, one cannot help conjecturing how much haven wonld be extended anywhere to a Gentile whose histor}" contained the slaughtering of thirty million Jews. Perhaps it is un-Christian cynicism even to think the thought. So we can let the matter pass. The Jewish gentleman received his "haven" afar from the supposedly chagrined Stalin, and there he patiently waits a peaceful death in his lied. But does lief'

Has Trotsky ever fallen out with Stalin at all? Did he finally land in Mexico to enjoy the sanctuary of fo!al desuetude in that country of for quite other purposes winch f ew Gentiles suspect!' Up in Washington, D. C. another gentleman of Jewish extrac­tion-"the ,Kerensky of this coming American revolution"­is <lay by <lay going down to defeat. Congress is in revolt at his further dictatorship, a business recession is on the l~nd turning thousands out of work, the relief rolls arc swellmg again, the forty billion dollar federal debt must climb to !or~y­five billion this coming fiscal year, the nation's economic hfe is being strangled to a halt. Roosevelt is no longer strong enough or popular enough to take personal direction of the crisis when it comes. If not Roosevelt, then who? Is it reasoning outside the hounds of proven possibilities than Mr. Laiber Davidovitch Bronstein may have some personal ideas about holding qualifications for that job? No one can deny that he lacks fo r experience in dealing with cri ses such as now con front America. It is time that we did more thinking about, and watching of, Mr. l~• ihcr Davidovitch Bronstein, as a gentleman extremely acceptable to certain clements in America, decided that the

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American Gentile nonsense abont Constitntional government has gone quite far enough. Continually one hears the cor>·,mcnt : " \Vhat strong man have we, in these United States, capable of assuming Roosevelt's prerogative and straightening the country out?' " The a\•erage American is at loss for an answer. Obviously the Powers Be­hind the (Gentile) Thrown have seen to it that no such Strong l\'lan has been noted. And indeed, why should such a Strong i\1an be noted when one is most conveniently to hand, " in ex ile" just south of the Rio Grande? _ Let us by no means minimize such talent, albeit we have to l:orrow it from Mexico. The following article by Ad. Egeberg, Jr., appeared in the Frilf Folk , Oslo, Norway, May 13, 1937. It is particularly apropos to the cnrrcnt situation as it now exists in North America, with Trotzky placed strategically in Mexico, near Mexico City. Trotzky has been supplied with enormous su~1s which he has used for the purpose of fomenting revolution in various parts of the world. He had a significant part in the events leading up to the ·Spanish civi l war and in the forn1-ing of the so-called Popular Fro11t in F rance, ancl now we might give more than a passing thought to his presence upon the American continent.

SU ALLY when one thinks of revolution, it is in connection with huge masses, Hags, beating of drums, a ild barricades, such as the revolution of the lat~ Bastille. Ili:t now, like everything else, rcvulut10ns have become modernized. Revolu­tion in our day needs neither masses nor waves

of sentiment. It strikes society's nerve cen ters noiselessly, and it hits hard. Revolution is .a d~ngerous word! It calls to mine! sparks lying smould~nng 111 .dry grass. No one sees anything, no one notices anything, until the first breath o f wind fans the sparks into flame , and in an instant the horizon is a sea of fi re. Trotzky, the greatest revolutionary strategist of all time, has revohitionizc<l Revoh ition. Uprisling of 'the masses is no longer necessary. It is even disturbing and results in chaos. JVlodern revolution hides behind the masses and is projected in their name, but it has nothing to do with the people. Behind the .masses the revolutionary specialists are maneuvering; they make the ir arrangements and move their chessmen, until the net is tightly drawn around the- "enemy." T hen the final thrust is aimed at its heart. The masses are superfl uous. They can only be used as a cover to prevent the enemy from _detecting the maneuvering. Revo­lution has taken on technique. It may strike any state 110

matter what its government-be it Marxisi.ic-communistic, democratic, fascistic or a repnbli c. Trotzky's modern, surprise technique passed its test in Russia in 19 17, and the later coup d'etats and revolutions have amply proved its super iority. ·wh ile Lenin was a man of the old school and stuck to the upr ising of the masses and the spontaneous revolution, Trotzky preferred the noiseless and stri ctly conspiratory, coup d'etat technique. ;'T he g-reat maj ority do not want revolut ion." sa id Trotzky. . . . Str ike smldcnly, hare! and noiselessly. Destroy the vital

centers in the technical organization of the state. Neither mass, nor great apparatus, are necessary for revolution. It is a machine which functions noiselessly. It hits in the ahdomcn; it cannot be heard. Revolution is an art of thought , like play­ing a game uf chess. The coolest and the most composed, those who have the strongest nerves, win in the encl. Rev<)lu­tion must be so simple, direct ancl straightforward that no one 11nclcrstan<ls it. The more complicated it is, the more easily it may be discoYere<l; the c111ickc r it tangles up and creates chaos, the quicker the lcaclers lose control of it. The result is that all forces arc let luosc, and then we have the g reat anarchy .' ' 'Nell, the world's arch-re\'olutioni st ought to know, and in the fo regoing he tells us. Trotzky speciali zed in, and modernized, revolution. T ogether with ZinoviefT, Raskolnikoff and Anatov-Ovseschcnko, he formed the inner nucleus of the military-revolutiona ry com­mittee, the secret chief staff of the "October Re,·olution." Trotzkv said : "1£ the revolution is to succeed, we must know everytl;ing about our enemies. \ \' hat they du, what they talk about, ancl what they think." fI Russia,-1917 ... · Trotzky's agents arc si tting in the Duma, in the goycrnmcnt offices, in the military staff of Kerensky; they are in the in­dustries, among the sold iers, and among the masses in the st reets. The reports pour in and are workell over, and Trotzkv with his staff, has a complete survey of everything that h;;pens in Petrograd at all times. A list of potentially dangerous leaders of the people is made. Of such leaders Trotzky observed: ' 'As long as the masses are without leaders, they are harmless. If they get leaders, they may crush us. \·Ve must cut off the heads of the counter-revo­lntion, before it reaches consciousness." The secret agents shadow the dangerous ones. They arc never Jost sight of, clay or night. When the hour has come, it is only to strike, and the counter-revolution has Jost its heads. fI The modern revolution is a fight around, and for, the nen·e centers of the Economic System, and the side that holds com­munications, light , and telegraph in its hands has the victory. fI Trotzky trusts his special troops, small divisions of from fi,·e to twenty men. They go around in the electric light plants, in the telephone exchanges, in the telegraph offices, and talk with the workers and functionaries. They offer to help with the work, meanwhile making note of all cables for light, tele­graphs and telephones, as well as the vital spots from which radiate the gas and water services. They acquire recruits among the personnel, and one fin e clay they are familiar with aJI detail5. The preparations are made, and aJI is ready for the coup d 'etat. Kcre11sky's Co 1111tcr-Prcpara.tio11s : Petrograd is buzzing with rumors. The masses a rc turbulent. Red Rags on the Nevsky and signs reading, "J\ 11 Power to the Soviets!" Kerensky senses the threatening danger and takes his precautions. The Ilolshcvik July insurrection had miscarried, so he considered himself capable of th rot tling thi s coming uprising as well. The cadets from Pctershof and Oranienbaum are quartered in the Winter Palace. All cadet schools in the capital are g·ivcn the sign;tl and arc ready for marching . O n October 22nd , the guard in the \\ ' inf rr l'abcc is reinforced \\'ith cli visinns from

Page 8: ...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it?VoL.

Page8 Liberation--------the Mikailow, Vladimir, and Paulow schools. In the Square before the Palace an armed-car division is patrolling. fl Trotzky, si ts in Solmny with his staff and pulls the strings. The reports pour in. Crisp and firm orders, and small, "un­armed" divisions are spread over the city. All roads to the Peter Paul fortress are covered by Red guards. Trotzky is fully informed of Kerensky's preparations for counter-attack. Through the telephone he is told of divisions of. government cadets going to move against the strongholds of the revolu­tionary press. "Leave the papers," Trotzky onlered. On October 4th, the government orders a counter-attack, but there is nothing to attack, no howling and bellowing mass which the Cossacks can swoop down upon; there are no barri­caded streets. The government cadets became panicky, feeling as if they were fighting an invisible .enemy. They were to smash a revolution, but no one could see it, touch it, or feel it. The revolution had become invisible. The government's action was like hitting the air.

AT 12 o'clock noon, a division of the 'vVomen's Battalion of Death occupies the \.\,linter Palace. Artillery moves into

the Square. The cadets occupy the government buildings, the railway stations and the Neva bridge. Mitrailleusc divisions are at all street crossings. The government has taken all pos­sible precautions.

All of a sudden the chain of defenses begins to ravel. Trotzky presses his buttons. The armored-car division, which co\•e red the Square before the Winter Palace, departs, declaring that it will protect the Palace and the government no longer. Trotzky's agitators have convinced the men that the govern­ment is lost.

Kerensky receives word that the fifth armored-car division, called in from the front, has stopped at Perodolskaya, and refuses to go any further .

An hour later Trotzky's specialists have taken possession of ~he telephone and telegraph centrals.

At dawn, on October 25th, Trotzky changes over to attack. The small groups of "unarmed" workers who have stayed near the telegraph, telephone, ·tailroad and electric stations, suddenly display hand grenades and revolvers, and take posses­sion of the buildings. \Vatchmen and functionaries are non­plussed. The Baltic depot, the .electric system, and a number of bridges are occupied. The whole strength of Trotzky's army was only 1,6oo men . The garrison of 6o,ooo stayed neutral and did not want to mix into the fight between the Bolsheviks and the government. As antagonists he could therefore only name Kerensky's cadet divisions and the Wome11'5 Battalion, about 4,000 all told. Hurriedly, Helsinfors is called for help. For weeks Hclsinfors had been in the power of the Red seamen. Answer comes that divisions of seamen are on the way. The anned cruise r, Aurora, had orders from the government to return to Hel­singfors, but only left the city, and returned on receiving counter orders from the Bolsheviks. The A11rora goes up the Neva and anchors at Nikolay bridge. The cadets, who have held the bridge, withdraw. The bridge is occupied by Red seamen and armored cars drive up.

It is 7 o"clock in the morning. Just then a number of tele­phone r:.Lles between the \Vinter Palace and the general staff of troops arc broken. The Palace bridge am! the \¥arsaw depot arc occupied. Everything happens without a fight. The panic spreads among the cadets. They feel threatened on all sides and withdraw so as not to be cut off. The citizens begin to wake, and people get ready to go to work. A few early birds stop and look in astoni shment at the military drama in the st reets. Ilut it is not anything more than usual. One has become accustomed to so much during the revolution. Arni the citizen shakes his head and \\"alks on.

In the forenoon there is a rumor that Kerensky has fled the city under the protection of the American flag. People stop and discuss the situation.

The battle is lost for the government, even before it has come to any battle. The technical specialists, the storm troops of the revolut ion, have taken possession of the heart and 11erves of Society. In the afternoon the military operations start. The Nevsky­Prospect is closed to traffic about 3: IS p.m., and an armored car is placed on the bridge. Two hours later the Ministry of \Var is occupied, and the ring closes around the Winter Palace. At 6 o'clock the first revolutionary armored cars appear before the Palace. They go right up to the entrance and disarm the caclet gnanl, and carry them away, right under the eyes of the deiemlers. The same surprise tactics are used towards the commandant of the Peter Paul fortress, who suddenly finds himself surrounded by Red guards and arrested, in the midst of his own soldiers. The guns of the fortress are aimed at the Winter Pabce. All is se t for the attack. The Aurora gives the signal with a gun. Now the Bolsheviks' armored cars drive up before the Palace and bombard the barricades built up by the 'vVomen's Ilattalion . After two hours' shooting the women get up and flee into the Palace. The shooting dies down. It is a little after 1 r o'clock in the evening. People pour out of 1110,·ie houses and theaters . The electric signs are flaming. All streets are lighted up: Only the blocks around the Winter Palace lie in 1;tter darkness. People stand around in small groups and talk, and no one is clear as to what is happening. The groups scatter, and people go home, to go to he<l. All of a sudden. both the Peter Paul fortress and the Aurora start firing at the Palace. Gren~des hit the coping .. the plaster

tl·11g A red-hot steel splmter smashes a wmdow and S(lOll • • •• whizzes into one of the state rooms, w1tho11t h1tt111g anyone. ([ Some Red guards have found an o_pen back door a~d or?er their comrades to follow . They push into the Palace, t1ptoe111g up some stairs, and find th~mselves in a large corridor.. Here they meet carkts and are disarmed. Ilut more Ilo_Ishev1ks fol­low and now it is the turn of the cadets to be disarmed. In thi s' wav the si tuation changes several times, until the cadets arc on top , and become aware of the unlocked hack door. At 1 :3o in the morning Red storm troops push into the Palace in earnest and ocrnpy Ga./lcry 1812. They arc sur rounded by the sur rounclerl. The situation is tragi-comic:il. The Palace is surronnclcrl by the Reels, ancl insi de the Reels are surrounded by the Whites. An armistice is even mentioned . At this mo-

Page 9: ...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it?VoL.

Liberation 111e of Trotzky's specialist groups makes its way to the 1d hauls down the flag. The forces outside go to attack, >rm the Palace. The Winter Palace has fallen. 1ssia sillks i11 the dust. y's Invisible 1vfa11e11ver had stood its test, and will sue­. any community, as long as its guardians fail to under­hat tcclwiq11e 11111st be met with tec/111iq11e.

) we say to LraERATION readers: \Vas not that kind technique used in the dress rehearsal operations of the Bolsheviks who operated within the CIO during the

it-down strikes in P.Iichigan and Ohio, and elsewhere? they not paralyze Flint, to a great degree even the

<>lis of Detroit, and on June 7, r937, take over the city sing, Michigan? What do yori tllillkf

At any rate, it devolves on all elements of vigilantism in the United States to keep a strict eye on Mr. Laiber Davidovitch Brinstein just across the Rio Grande-poor persecuted victim of former Bolshevia heroisms. He is by no means a Shrinking Violet. The Mexican government itself is probably: about as Red at present as it ever can be. Plenty of airplanes would be at the "exile's" disposal to carry him from Mexico City to Washing­ton-or any other American point-in a matter of hours. The greatest superintendent of revolutions the modern world has produced is all ready to clo his stuff, the moment the American Kerensky in the White Houso. is no longer of moment. Let us hear no more, therefore, about "who is strong enough to take Roosevelt's place" ... It is all nicely figured out by the Yiddisher gentlemen who make such their business.

Concerning Alaskan Spies 11 V ORY oth" weok th< K<pt Pm' b'"'' oot ;o ' new rash of gooseflesh. The Nipponese are up in Alaskan fishing waters, assiduously engaged in spying upon something, the implication being that it is anti-American. To those who know their Judah, however, there is much that needs

~ in this hectic yowl at spying. The Nipponese fishing 1ave been frequenting Alaskan waters for years and no ; peeped a peep. Moreover, .ocean waters are anybody's :y-three miles out-for fishing, spying, or any other ;s, piracy alone excepted.

is there up in Alaska that should so suddenly engage 1ese attention?

e Mikado, with a laundry-man war upon his hands, sud­;one loco at taking a census of polar bears? lution should be plain.

:io is conducting any offy:ial surveillance. north by nor­[ British Columbia, it must have but one purpose-1panese may want to know precisely what a pro-Red 1cr Administration in \Vashington is doing, whether it g Alaskan-American territory for surreptitiously ship­:ms and ammunitions across to Josef Stalin while the ;cene gives it time!

US not be fools! y hysteria does not flare without evidence of spying in recess. But there may be times and seasons when spy­legitimate. ct that great Yiddishers in control of American pub­~ el it necessary to work up a vast fanfare of Anti-Japan­:itement over something in progress east of the Aleu­ndicates that business is afoot that menaces Red strat-When a Jew yowls that Americans should be more

ic and took to their national defenses, insurlar and ise, it indicates just one thing: he is promoting such m to aid his racial racket.

His racket in this case seems to be, getting practical aid to Bolshevia for a tussle with Nippon that the world cards in­dicate prophetically will come. Alaska is a quiet, out-of-the-way spot where transfers of war materials, messages of agreement, and other clandestine maneuverings emphatically should not be noticed. Further­more, it is only a stone's throw from the autonomus Jew­ish state of Biro-Bijan in eastern Siberia. Unenlightened people have been heard to exclaim: "\Vhy in the world are the Jews settling a State in eastern Siberia--0f all places? One would imagine that they would want to found such a State closer to Europe." The fact that Biro-Bijan is merely a day's boat-ride, speaking figurntively, from the Yiddisher United States, is overlooked entirely. Alaska is the nearest territorial adjunct of the United States, to Asia. If the Jews succeed in embroiling us on Stalin's side to keep their desperate hold on American officialdom, Alaska as a ditsrict would assume supreme importance. We would ship the regimented sons of America's Gentile mothers into Asia by way of Alaska, to furnish man-power for the Bolshevists-to avoid the submarine operatings in the open Pacific which Japan would have to conduct in self-protec­tion. Alaska would become the depot for the immense quan­tities of American-made war supplies that our Judaized gov­ernnment would provide for the soviet attackers of Christian civilization. Naturally the Nipponese are not shutting their eyes to the pawnbroker machinations in our northernmost territory. If official Washington is getting "all set" to save Bolshevia for the Jews-on the lives of our lads and the money we have confiscated from us in N-D taxes-Tokio wants to know just what is in prospect.

AL vV A YS recall that the persons who dictate the news and policies of America's kept press always order that the

exact opposite shall be screamed in the headlines from what is probably going on under cover. If they can stir up rancor

Page 10: ...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it?VoL.

Page 1o ________ Liberation _________ _ against Nippon over "excessive numbers of fishing boats" east of the Aleutians, there is another maneuver to cover up. And what they are covering up, or at least trying to direct attention away from, are precisely the things that the average American should hear about. The average American must eventually help pay for the new bedevilment the Yiddishers are stri ving to get us into, so why is he not entitled to at least a few of the major details in advance? The humiliating facts probably are, that Tokio kuows more about the maneuverings of Jews in the American govern­ment than the taxpayers who support that government are aware of, themselves. "Language," remarked Tallyrand, "is given to us in order that we may conceal our thoughts." "Journalism," says the Red Yiddisher, "is a mechanical con-

trivance put in the hands of Judah for diverting public notice from her factual intentions." So watch these spy stories, interpret them as precisely the opposite in truth to what is screamed about, and gain a fair insight into Judah's machinations. The only real trouble with all this Alaskan spy business is, that the American taxpayer is leaving Tokio do it. But then, the American taxpayer is leaving it to Tokio to smash Bolshevia for him anyhow-a Bolshevia that would slaughter every Gentile in this nation who gives the slight­est indication of being anti-semitic. For never forget that Communism and Judaism are 011e and the same! However, we haven't gone 'to war against Nippon-yet! And before this N-D span is run, we may become indebted to the Mikado and "the Y dlow Peril" for saving our li\•es !

The Real Facts on Conditions that Made Austria Go Nazi ( C 011ti1111ed from page S)

The basic Jewishness oi the Vaterlae11dischc Front has long been known to all with even a slight racial sense. There was no other group in Austria subjected to so much mockery and open insults as was this Vatcrlaendische Fro11t. It was as much an expression of the sentiment of the Vaterland, as is Com­munism today an expression of the sentiment of our predomi­nantly Christian America!

As has been stated, there has been no balloting in Austria since the end oi the ill-fated Dollfuss regime. All the German Turnvereins were dissolved because the Jewish-controlled Schuschnigg government recognized them as strongholds of the true Austrian-German spirit. The deprivation of political expression of the So per cent, German-minded Austrians, by the dictatorial power of the 20 per cent, Jewish-Catholic-Com­munist minority could, there fore, only increase the political tension. \.Ye have just seen what really happens when the political tension becomes unendurable; in Austria the So per cent, National Socialist-min<le<l majority broke this tension with a rebellion which compelled the establishing of a National Socialist government, March 12th. Sports, such as the popular soccer, were likewise prohibited in certain parts of Austria. It was recognized by the kosher gov­ernment that the soccer enthusiasts might develop political ambitions if allowed to congregate and indulge in the expres­sion oi pro-German sentiments. Such bans upon sports natu­rally ad<led to the political tension-which in due time would find an outlet, as has been dramatically illustrated by the events since mid-February and which culminated in the utter smash­ing of the artificial Vaterlaemiisclze Fro11t on the 12 th of March, ... truly a spiritual, if not a literal, Ides of March for Austrian Jewry, and perhaps for Jewry the world over! ([ All German papers for years past were prohibited by the Vaterlue11disclze Fro11t governmental oligarchy, with the exce _ tion of the Catholic Natio11al:::eit1mg of Essen, Germany. Tl~e ~ntire ~ress ?f t:ustria was, therefore.' merely an expression of its Jewish mmonty and of the Catholics with interests parallel­ing those of the Jewish exploiters.

The economic conditions in Austria have been deplorable. The Jewish-controlled government borrowed heavily .in France from which we can easi ly see that the true Austrians were carrying a burdensome load. Despite the censorsh~1>. ~he real Austrians knew of the state of order and prosperity m Ger­many and looked toward that country as a Chinaman might look toward the United States. Long have the Germans oi Austria regretted that the country which produced a Hitler-who has rejuvenated a crushed and dcieated Germany-should live in such disgrac~ am~ ~nder a regime which did not have a single worthy public official wh.o commanded the respect of the genuine Austrians: Under. this Jewish-Catholic-Communist government there ?1d not. exist a si ngle ray of hope that Austria-and Vienna m part1cular­could avoid the state of decay which was slowly but surely creeping over the nation. Now, however, it seems that the <lay of salvation has arrived, as Hitle~ will salva~e the country of his birth from the Jewish-Cathohc-Commumst autocracy.

War in September? . . .

V IA ultra-short wave we hear that the Jewish Junk Dealers in \Vashington plan to have us in a war not later t.han

September, 1938. It is this way: A woman who works 111 a •artridge factory in an Eastern state says all employees have been notified to take their vacations this spring and early sum­mer, because this country will be at war by September! They were told to keep it confidential, but this woman could not keep a secret I . . . Thus we see that different parts of the Roose­velt-Jewish foreirrn policy puzzle fit together perfectly. · · ·

"' · f r And in the meantime we hear that heavy shipments o wa supplies are leaving the \Vest Coast for Hawaii and oil tank­ers are carrying oi l to Samoa. There is said to be a secret treaty existing between Moscow's Jewish Red.s and the. Roose­velt-Jewish administration which calls for act10n by tl11s coun­try some time in 1938.

Page 11: ...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it?VoL.


Liberation HITLER!

"All the Way to Moscow" (Co11tin11ed from page 3)

Dickstein foamed in his gullet and sought a congressional investigation of the first Hit ler advocate on this side of the Atlant ic. The Jews of the United States, Dicksteiners in general, could know nothing whatever of Pelley's motivations. A Great Handwriting had suddenly appeared on the \Vall of the Nations. Judah was doomed! Her power was at its peak. Dickstein never got anywhere with his Probe, and never understood why. Chief Pelley was forced up to the very gates of North Caro­lina penitentiary-but he did not go through. Jews under­stood less of how that happened, also. Every clay and hour si nce J anua ry 31, r933, has been an hour of growth and ex­pansion for THE SILVER LEGION, just as it has been a stea<lily­expanding triumph fo r the one-time Austrian of the fortress. CI But this is the point that most concerns Americans: Tlie Forces of th e New Order n~·n be pressing f orward to new fre ights in the Uni ted Stales w hile and when Adolf. Hitler and his E11rof>1·a11 satellites find th er:r influence on tlie wane. The Hitler movement started ten years in advance of the American movement-toward exactly similar ends. The Hitler movement will decline ten years ahead of the American movement. The cycles are exact. They are nm in different ti me-frames.

SO \V_ATCH Adolf Hitler press invincibly forward-so long as he gives his Mentors full allegiance--till he stands as

the Conqueror on the rostrum of the Kremlin. vVhat hap­pens thereafter, shall be merely anti-climax. The axis shall shift. The remainder of the drama shall te played in America! Hitler shall have ploughed out a vast and ugly stumpage from the pasture o f Cosmic Harvest. Such is his role and sincerely he is filli ng it. But the hour will arrive in the United States of America when statesmanship of another order shall begin to harvest of trans­cendent husbandry. Or, to use another metaphor, Europe's Fascists are excavators. America 's Christian Federali sts shall be erectors of The Commonwealth Resplendent. Meantime, only as Hit ler-or E~trope's Fascists--<:reate con­ditions that send the marplots of that continent to a last sanctuary in the United States, will the people of this country ar ise to the necessi ty for defending their nationalism before the Judaists destroy it utterly. T he cosmic mills gr ind slowly but they grind exceeding small. CI H itler is ultimately goi ng straight through to Moscow, and nothing can get in his pathway but himself. That too, might happen. But the signs are that it won't. If the Jewish Rat's Nest in Russia is destroyed, the marplots will transfer their Nest to America. Thereat will come reaction . Then it wi ll be America 's turn-to fini sh the work which Adolf Hitler en visioned in his tent on a Gal lipoli campground just before dawn back in 19 r S !

Do you want evidence that Communism Jewry in action '?

• is

You should read Ernest Elmhurst's new book

"THE WORLD HOAX" tj You have heard expert espionage men declare that Jewry and Communism were one and the same. But you have never had put in your hsnds any documentary evidence of it.

"CJ Now the proof is available! The author of THE WORLD HOAX has done an extraordinary thing: He has gone behind the scenes, into the lives of the Jew1 who have been the originators and promoters of Com­munism, and has advanced from their own utterancea the fact that Communism is not-and never has been­any gesture to liberate the world's proletariat from the evils of Capitalism.

q Communism, from Karl Marx down, waa conceived as a movement to use the disgruntlement of the world' 1 laboring classes to emancipate world Jewry from the domination of the Gentiles!

t_n Do you doubt it? Do you want documentary proof of it? THE WORLD HOAX will give it to you!

f] Here is the book you have long been waiting for! It establishes out of the mouths of great Jews themselves that they have been engaged in a worldwide campaign of hoaxing the Gentiles. Karl Marx, the originator of Communism made fun of Gentile dupes who "fell" for his doctrine. "If we can use the dissatisfied worlonen of the world to liberate the Jews from the control of th Gentiles," was the substance of his argument, "we aha~ have helped to fulfill Judah's destiny."

f] Here is the most dynamic book of the year. You can buy a choice copy by sending Three Dollars to-

The Pelley Publishers Box 2630 Asheville, N. C.

Page 12: ...«Jl If Pale11tine is the Jew's homeland, and he wanta it badly enough, why doesn't he do what the Gentiles hllve always hacl to clo throughout history-mobilize and FIGHT for it?VoL.

MARCH 14, 1938

Hooray, For What?

mHE EDITOR of this publication stood on Times C11rb It . His recipe was twofold : Suppn:ss men like um: Chi.,i Square 011 the evening of :\'larch t !th when the Pelley of the S11.\"E1< LE.;10~ at home, and go to war with the first editions came forth emblazoning Hitler's P'ascist nations al.:-road-'"quarantine "em" is the way he ex-acquisition of Aust ria. It was an interesting pressed it. Fi itccn hundred Jewish delegates from all sect ions study in character-expressions to watch the of the nation heard the Honorable Hot Coffee "roast"' Pdley

. Manhattan '{iddishers as they bought and read iur an hom, and t·iitccn hundred thousa nd Yiddishers tuned i·1 the news. In 1933 they had Hitler '"tollering'" heiure he hacl 011 the procet:di ngs ancl heard the chicory broadcast. Quite a been in oflice a month. Hitler " tottered " periodically through- IN oi other New \" orkers abo picked it up. Pelley oi 2'-:urt:1 out must u f 193-l. on into 1935, and kept on '"tottering: · Carolina is another individual who has been '"tottering'" ever throughout 1936. Uneventful indeed was the month that the since 1933. But still he fails to fall. And he continue,; to

Jewish-inspired dispatches from abroacL <li e~ 1 at have the man make Jehovah's :\merican Paw nbrokers feel weird in their '"totter" throughout 1937. And now, wit P,-~if!§. · iV,:e~ · • .;,-: "•' 11ies. Other congressmen at divers times and in sundry sti ll totters an<l totters . f\nd twenty milli ' "" ··• ·~ ·'~· · "' · ns have done much worrying over Fascism, Pelley, jobs. figure 0111 why he iails tu fall. Instead, when I'"ti and the possibility that the days might come when stooges for he usually totters upward-higher am! higher. , ; Red Judah may no longer extend their remarks in Tlze C 011-Jehovah "s Pawnbrokers sour in the::ir tummies. gr.:ssioual R~coril jnst !xcause Uncle Sam pays 'em a salary to alters the fac~ .that Hitler '_s brand of P'ascism-1 . mi srepresent the voters. They see Fascism "tottering" . all assful oppos1t1011 to ;,..,,.,sh Cu1111111111is111-is o · over the worlil , but wherever it totters the Red Jews and pink throug~o ut the whole earth. The United States f legislators have to make other arrangements in ~r<ler that they .:scape 1t than she escaped the world war. lt is on may cat. What can they do auout it ? No tlzrng! of How and \\'hen ? - ·

THE LE.-\ST attempt now to jail any real leader ot an t1-

TH-:T the gentlemen who make the laws in \\' a quite aware that r\merica may not be able t

bath of Fascism, is indicated by the recurrent refer "menace" constantly aired in the Halls of State. ,. men hate to see it come, of course. It means, in ; that they will all be unemployed. And right the r a: all adept in analyzing the Political i\!im ~i"'" your true reason for congressional remon ' " senators or congressmen particularly love , a 1ey raise their voices in support of the brand of "democracy" inter­preted by the Anti-Nazi League of Hollywood. Neither arc our august representatives particularly inclined to the Left as a species. The thing that gripes the congressional intestines is the sickening certainty that if a group of Christian Nationalists in the United States eventually decide that the Yidclisher Bedlam has gone far enough, and begin to shovel out the causes o f our misfortunes, something like 531 men on Capitol Hill who altogether think pretty well of themselves, will have to go on the same \VPA that will · be one of the first things abolished in the wake of Roosevelt. And that is a calamity to be averted at any cost!

£ ~AC~L Y how these gentlemen will uphold Constitu-t1onahsm on the one hand-with its legendary guarantees

of a free press, free speech, and peaceable assembly-and sup­press Fascism, or anti-Communism, on the other, by any sort of force, will be interesting to watch . The Honorable John l\f. "Hot" Coffee of \Vashington State got on his feet in :-\cw York on the night of the 12th and addressed the National Jewish United Conference on A11ti-Se111itis111 and Ho"• to

Co111mu11i st forces in the country, will 111~lC that leader lJa­fore all the citizens, precisely as similar treatment ·11uul.: Hi~ler. It is one o f those !J .. lijncr inco1wenie11ces that must be taken mto

;.· '1·' '0

o f suppressive tactics. 1-Ieanwhile. now, that somewhere in the United

ngress to the Crossroads Schoolhouse, on his feet disturbing the ozone concern­

r or against him. Pelley connives almost 'Fascist" reac tion to insufferable Jewry is

merely a treml of our anti-kosher times. The Jewish New­Deal in America is a bust. People are now crying, "The Com­munists a~e to blame!" not " Let's all be Communists!" As far as the United States of the present contrasts with Ger­many, we can only shout: "Hooray !-for •t•lwt!'"

&£ '.jlllml


LIBERATION is a Weekly Journal of Aggressive Patriotism, published on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th of each month by THB PELLEY PUBLISHFRS, Box 1776, Asheville, N. C. Subscription, $4 per year of 52 numbers, $2.50 for Six Months, 10 cents per Copy. Special rares on application for quantities in bundles. Contributors to the Liberation Work are re­quested to send remittances requiring Registered Mail receipts to THB PELLEY PUBLISHERS, insofar as they apply to Headquarters maintain· ance or publication activities. Address all communicacions to-

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