· - itT!i'npv Ji"tST TrF?SV" :. r -- ' -- 're- -., I HE JOURNAL....

- itT!i'npv Ji"tST :. r TrF?SV" -- ' -- 're - - ., I HE JOURNAL. THiiitsn.v yTaugust efEitronyi" THE JOVttSAL 1 tt Aad , irss. TsjiWs So" anJ al At Hook . of mUt Aea J A Sroman. Beware of "melon-colic.- " The haymaker are bu-- y The lu- -t raitw in terrific clouds. Wnteriiielmii have conic to town. Very hot ilay, but very owl night- - The "oyster moiiUi" a week ilMant. Little Blanche ClarkMiii i still hick. The rat n, the lil.-- ! rain ! wliat ii wanletl iniw. The new rhiln-:i'- l time talilviiiiuli more catIf:u-lory- . Itev. A M- - rt. friii the ea-- t the lutf tin work. The "law .Tm"'f Hie .li-lri- i-t nmrt iMiiimciiivt n'J' .M'inl.i. Mr.ShiMc.ii, the l.ihtrnUtr. .Mr. uinl .Mrs II. I'.'ckmuii liavi from then it lo Mi uri t'rlit. It. J. F. Ilaiuia a friemlt ill S.iliita thelir-- t of the wtvk. Are you join'' to the Yi- -, are j mi? Yt, "l iir-f! Our jiiihliiTeliiwiK aroto i!imiin mi tlie Mon lay in SfjitemlM r (Sept. 111. WiM Kre. contrary to cxjmm in the rilij, are ulul lilftrli-priiii- l. Mr. Jamii Sharce -s a corn- field which will yield m tosiil.u-h.l-t- o the acre The tlailv 'Mt pnyet for the Camp Mo-til- l vv: jrivcii ii ai iiiiir:uli:ililc. The My-tl- ri are to try llitir still and metal with tlit.Iiiii-tioi- i City lull cluli next Mouday DuriiiL' the pre-i'i- it ilry a mini tier of f.irinri- - uiul :itln-r- - lind tluir welli M.r II II Morri-o- n and . I ll.M. (.' have Iitii4 at liie I '.it k ilm-ili- e; tile t'alili Meeting. We are iudt-bli-i- l o Mr. M S I'riee for a iidli'i'lioli of beautiful cai-l- i takeii from Iii orchard. The irciuiuiii li- -t i.uuilil.N of the f'oiinty Fair will be ready for the last of the wii-- Kiuiiia AIiImiI, the famous oj-c- tinker, was a -- clHM.Iinale of M:ij. .nr-soii'- rt laii)'lili-i- - in lllinoi-- . Tlie city trca-urcr- '-. rcjMirl lor the mouth coilin:; Aiin-- l :i Inl- and: in the city tre.i-ur- y fM...!'t. Kliler (iiKMluiu will delivci lite lir-- l of a of dieour- - oil the'i I'rayer itoc.,illeli,nel Sunday iiiorn-i"K- - ("apt. ('. W. itaiiks lia-- . irMirinil hi olllee in City Attorney, and Mr. ('. A. Killer has l.t-c- ll aiHints In -- ueittd him Tlie elcri;yiiieii -r- efre-lntl by their respective vaeritimis -- aie returning one by one to re-ui- nc their pa-to- labors. Sheriir Kadcliir ueut to Oawato-mi- e thellr-'- t of tlie w-v- to place In theaHluiii,llaus Ander-s- adjudged illflillc it. t. Yallceu, of thispl'ice. has starteil in the saliioii bu-iue- s- at To-pek- a, having purchased an there. A Mrs Filiate larts in the milli- nery titisiues at the building next south if( liter & llagcuian's, the lirt of the mouth. We Ulidcr-tau- d that the Saline county to the Kmporia convention favor Judi;e Humphrey for (Jovernor. The well-know- n linn of Ncuuiillcr .V WiHtlley, millersatSoliimttu City, ha-lie- en dis-idve- d. Mr WooIIcy ret:ri from the tlrm. Tnpcka ptsiplc now count iihiii the 'IVipeka, Saluia : Wc-lc- iu a-- a IimiI thing, and do not iloubt but that it will hccou-tructc- d. Hill posters Tor the ItUmarck and State Fairs -- rivaling each other in their gorgeous lies bae been billing this western country. I);1 from the river bed w ill -- .mil be- come unendurable. The Smoky, if this dry weather eoiitiiiile-- , mut "lot river." Mr II M ale, now of I'm bio. Col., was married nti the 17th in-t- ., in that )laee, to the widow of Mr l!u-l- i, wlm formerly lived in Sallua The very dry and baked oil inter- feres materially with tlie uork of the farmers in getting their lield- - ready for a new crop of w heat. The city council, at their meeting Monday night, llcd the city tax levy for general purposes at M mill-- ; inter- cut, 1 ; .sinking fund, ' mills At the beautiful home of Mr. W. K (Jeis there is an unlimited amount of joy over the birth of a little boy. W. It is receiving congratulations The ltcpuhlicaii County iVntn I Committee meets on Sept. :tli, to ar- range for the call of a county conven- tion to nominate county otllccrs. Charley Granger, of llrookvillc, has just received a Notary'- - cumuli ion, nigned by John 1. St John. Charley, of ctmre, will not liolt the ticket. The .Scuix.u Jitruhltn thinks that either I). J. Thor-tcnlie-rg or II K Hwanson would make a good Ilcpre. tentative for the " country ditrict." Mrs. ltlauche Iteu.nde, lite Meurer, a sister of Mrs.tStsi Ilaehiileu and Mrs. W. It. lteuade formerly a resident of Ballna recently died in lVntisylvania Mr. and Mrs. John Zehriug have returned to Salina.more than convinc- ed that there is no place like Saliua. Mr. Zehriugthiuks of engaging in tlie stock business. Editor Wengreiiii, of tlie Sven-k- a JFarohlen,Yraa in town la.- -t week. Mr Swauburg, late assistant elitorof the Htirohltn, has become pastor of a church in Nebraska. Work will commence on the To-lek- a. Salina & Western railroad ou Monday. It is expected that the fif- teen miles, to thewe-- t line of the coun- ty will be built by October 10th. 7b-pe- ku CommomecaUhfAtty. Si. There was a wonderful dearth of change last Saturday. A man with a fivg dollar hill visited every establish- ment in town for change and was un- able to find it. Lovltt's guess is that s.,OiM Hepubli-can- s will support the Democratic can- didate for Governor and 10,u)i) Demo- crats St. John. They will have to do vastly better than that to heat St. John. Will O. Beam, a well-know- n rtsl-tle- ut of Saliua a few years ago, was in town last week. He lives in Illinois at present. He is looking up & loca tion, with the intention of starting in be grocery buslaeM. i MJ sjjjjjjJaaaaaaaaaaawal aTaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa U .- - saaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaamaa ssssMaa sWsWsWaWawaWaa Mr. Kehey Brown, of Elm Creek township, who has been visiting friends in New York State or some- thing over a year, returned on the 'Canon ball" yesterday. The Sunday School convention, us- ually held on the last Saturday of this mouth, in Jos. T. Tolle's grove, on Gypsum creek, has been postponed on account of the camp meeting in 8alina, until Thursday, August 31, 1882, at 10 o'clock. Saline county was not represented in the Greenback State Convention at Tojieku yesterday. Green back ism does not lluuri-- h in this county. The members of that party In the county of Saline can almost hu counted on the fingers' ends. Senator l'luuib and Judge Hauback delivered addresses at the reunion of tiie Karly Settlers of Kllsuorth coun- ty, held in n grove nil the site of old Ft KlNworth There were about .VK) people pnent, and the day passed er plea-aiill- y. Mr .1 A. WiNoii. of Siuolau town- ship, was liirn'.vii from a loaded wagon last Fiiday, near the Lutheran chuic:i, as he was driving home. For -- .mie minutes he was -- tunned by the fall, but found that he wu-- s but slightly brui-e- d. I'rof. F M. Hamilton has removed his loan ollice to the rooms occupied by I tanks ,fc Cunningham ami Si. J. Well-lag- er Mes-r- s. J C. Bender & F II. Wildmati will remain in the old quarter-- in the real estate and loan hu-iuc- but not us partners, how ever. The w wither has been extremely hot and dry fora number of days, and the corn crop has been seriously iii some p'irts of the county. A Irtioii or the crop was too far ad- vanced to be badly damaged, but a great ixirtioii is ill Mich a bad way that the third of a crop may not he lealue.l. Attention is called to an urdiiinuce pubhsbed in another place making u - ial levy to pay for mowing weeds on lots and for repairing and building -i- .lf.-ilks. It is possible that there aie errors, and those who feel them-selvc- s uggrievid .should call iuiiuedi-atil- y upon the city ulerk and have tbclii lei tilled. Miss Aletta IVagne lias rented the front upper rimms of the Lay restau- rant building for her dress making nl, and ha I them relit- - tetl witu pii'it.iud piper. They have the merit of being large, light, airy and centrally loi-ite- d. Miss Teaguo has already movisl into her new quar- ters. Imperfect as is the temiMirary htruc-tur-c whieli the river at South street, the n.aiiy people who cross it now lind it a great convenience on their journey lo the park, and won- der w by a substantial, permanent foot bridge cannot be put in its place. Hut a little while ago there was a s! projict lo bridge tlie river at that point. Ha-- it fallen through? One farmer who had lived in Saline county about two year.- -, bicnme very much discouraged witli the prospects and u turned to hi- - old Ohio home. He was mi intensely with Kansas that he mM his interest in a growing wheat crop fur ten dollars. That "interest" was harvested ami ha- - just been threshed. The yield was o.r. ImxiiW. Comment unneces- sary. The question as to who shall repre- sent Saline county in the Legislature has had a vigorous canvass during the pa- -t week. For the Saliua district, the mimes of the following gentlemen have been -- iokeu of: T. F. Garver, 11 1). ISakcr. Win. Berg, G C. Hoga-Imhu- ii (ItrnoUvillc) and K. C. Culp. For iraiididatcs in the other district, w e have heard the names of A. I'. Col- lins, Win. Tinkler, and J. M. Daniel-so- n mentioned. The directors f the county fair asso. ciation are receiving numerous assu- rances; from all parts of the comity of an unprecedented interest ill tlie com- ing fair. The premiums arc uf suffi- cient value to invite the most earnest competition, while there is a prevailing de-ir- e to make the fair just as success- ful as ixissjlile We think the fair or the fall of Iss' will in future years he reckoned a the most pleasant as well as the most successful ever held in Sa- line county. The following new railroad time ta- ble went into cllcct last Sunday and Monday : MAIS I.I.N K No. I, West, l:lii P. M. No. ::, Wct, T:u"i a. ji. No. -- ', Fast. 1I:iha. Jl No I, Ka-- t, '.:iM - i. M'l'IIKIbil.V IIRAM-I- I No. .M, South, S:ini a. M No .Vi, North, .s:.Vi i ji. i:Miiitt..T No 11. We-- !, Ii::iM. No. -', t. Mrs. Nannie K. Millie is canvassing Tor a bonk known as "The Growing World." It is a nio-- l valuable volume aui-hou- bl be plaeeil in every family, it -- Hiks of th. wonders of nature, -- deuce, literature and art, interspersed with a Useful and entertaining collec- tion of miscellany by the best authors of the day. It is a bonk which recom- mends itself at llrst sight and sells without argument. Mrs. Miller will call per-onall- and as -- onn as you see the book you will surely subscribe for it. Quite a large crowd witnessed the return game of base ball between the My. and the Minneapolis Blues which was played at Oak Dale Park last Thursday afternoon. As was expected, It proved to be the most exciting and entertaining game of the season, and the gallant young Mystics covered themselves with glory. Tlie utmost good feeling pre- vailed throughout the game and there was hone of that jtetty quarreling and wrangling which have characterized the former games. Tlie Mystics are sojubiluuit that they seriously threat- en to challenge any club west of the Mis-i-sip- while they may conde- scend to challaugc the Topeka West- erns. The following is the score : SALIXA MYSTICS. 1 I 3 4 S T o ruin, n u 0.10.1 4 tjJkwJU C.lsIbO 0.00-- 1 S Man-tritu- 1. f. - 0 I s l4Mmi.c 0 1 0 i llurth.ll r. t . 1 1 t IxwckwooJr'.Ii.aibl -- 10 3 WilUrr.r. r -- to 3 Camp)!! , .00 s llioilllon.i. i 0 0 0 I Twl 4 0 0 C 0 4 4 ossx; MINNEAPOLIS BLUES. 1 S 3 4 5 S 7 S r o lord a c 1 0 1 1 - 1 -- 0.10 . 4 1 Corcoran ,1st bo .01 - t 4 bumnrr, .i. . - I 0 - 1 . t 2 .icrntpn.c I o o 0.0. Iiuh r ' 0 0 . 0 - - S Lord T. p. 1 110 0. -J SutUmvl b 0 -- 0 0 1 .14 ration sab- - . 11 .SI L,Lf 0 1 0 - 1 S ToU- I- -- 1 toss SIS UX7 3t8irffig!aWr?Pr - - l r ...'.aw-'-.- " ,:' rt. "- ; -- ri-'. . ""w i x. " - - A Democrat eoBgrsititotiBg h aatl-- 8t John Beptiblicaa over his(?) and numerous (?) other accessions to the Democratic ranks, since the nomina- tions, was consoled with this remark well, we Republicans wiU lick the devil out of you Democrats next time, as usual." On Monday last the young sons of several leading citizens turned their faces to the Great West for the purpose of making a pilgrimage to .the city of Leadville, way out in Colorado. No more than eight summers' suns had shone over their brows ; yet they fan cied themselves crusaders, about to wrest the land of gold from the infidel bauds of sordid gold hunters, and de voting its rich possessions to the best brands of marbles, lops, ball bats, base ball suits, "truly" pistols, " truly ' onles, " truly " everything. With brave hearts and glowing pride, the little band trudged westward. It was only when they had passed the brawl- ing currents of Dry creek that they liegau to realize that they were launch- ed out on the great world, aud doing for themselves. A weary mile or so, and they concluded that Denver was far enough In the " western wilds " to suit their hopes and aspirations. One mile more, ami they concluded they could make their fortunes as well in Buiselt count). Still another mile, ami they knew of gold dollors grow- ing on the branches of the trees about Brookville. Foot sore and weary they passed through the streets of Bavaria, aud they were firm in the belief that that " Kxcelslor " of Longfellow's was a fraud, aud that a good, square meal at the parental table was better than forty gold mines of the Robert K. Lee order It didn't take much of a vote to turn the faces of the little baud of patriots towards the east, aud solemnly and tearfully they moved homeward. After much sullering by field aud flood they were at last sheltered under the old roof-tre- e, and they blessed tlleii stars with boyish delight that it was as it was. The comity convention to choose four delegate) each to the Demo- cratic State and Congressional Con- ventions, to assemble at Knioria, August ::0, met at Library Hall, in Commercial Block, last Saturday after- noon, aud was called to order by Mr. It A Luvitt, chairman of Central Committee. Mr. A. D. Gilkeson was elected temiMirary President and Mr John 11. Gibson teuiKirary Secretary. Usual committees were appointed, and on permanent organization being ef- fected Me-s- rs Gilkeson and Gibson wen President ami Seen. tary. A ballot being taken vitr tiict resulted in the election of the follow-name- d gentlemen to the State Conven- tion: M. McAulili; A. J. Hulmqvist, W. It. Geis and Geo. W. Wilson. A second ballot, for delegates to the Con- gressional Convention, resulted as follows: H. B. Wallace, Samuel Grad wohl, Geo. W. White and S. M. Palmer. A motion to declare the del- egates to one convention the alternates to the other, and Wee row, was adopt- ed The resolutions adopted were very decisive in their and features. A motion to " " wherever substitute sumptuary " prohibition law " occurred was de- feated by an overwhelming vote. The st lection of a new Central Committee was left to the convention to nominate candidates for county ollleeri. A ma jority of precincts in the county were represented in the convention. Tlie business was conducted with decorum. Mr. Gilkeson is a good presiding of- ficer. The convention was a cmlita-bl- e gathering of intelligence and iiuin-lier- s. Tlie members acted as if they believed tlie Democracy might elect an officer or two in Kansas, this year. The following delegates were admit- ted to seats in the county convention : City or Salina First Ward : W It Geis, J II Gibson ami T McDauicN Second Ward : John Foster, A J Holuiqvist, AD Gilkeson aud Geo W White. Third Wanl : S M Palmer and Samuel Gradwohl. Fourth Ward: John Damn, II B Wallace, John F Louth and JT Wells. Touth Greeley P McEntee, P Do-Ia- Smolan Geo W Wilson. Smoky Hill John Yockers, Tim Hoyues aud M J Ludcs. Cambria Fred Tungle, Philip George, John Alley, Daniel llum-bargera- John Shank. Walnut Thos McHallle aud John Willis. Gletidale Chas Martin and John Ader. Ohio Sol Hoirmau, Mike Iluyne and Fred Sliatik. The following were the resolutions adopted : Jlcxoh-ol- , That the prohibitory amendment to the State institution and the laws based thereon should be rejiealeil. Such sumptuary laws are unwise, contrary to the established principles ot ademocratiu government and tend to encroach umiu per-ou- al rights. We believe the appetites of men can not bo controlled by such laws. That they tend to diminish a moral strength of a eopIe; to deter immigration ; to promote crime, ami to engender in the minds of men a d!rcsect and a disregard for law The expense of attempting to enforce such laws is a great burden to the tax- payers of the State ami in the larger cities. Although expensive prosecu- tions are being continually made, it is found impossible to enforce such laws. By virtue of the existence of prohibi- tory laws the State is deprived of a large license fund ; yet the use and con- sumption of intoxicating liquors are as great, or even greater, than liefore such laws were enacted. We believe that the traffic In intoxicating liquors can be best controlled, ami the highest interests of the eople attained under a well-regulat- liceusd system. Jtesolvcd, That we are opposed to all monopolies of every nature and kind, and wc are ill favor of the abrogation of all laws that do not bear equally upon capital and labor, and we demand of our Legislature a material reduction of railroad tariffs by the enactment of such just laws as will effectually en- force such reduction, prevent discrim- ination and establish a uniform and Iermauenl rate of transportation and travel. Jiatolrcd, That with these purposes in view, will give our support to no man or set of men for public office who do not pledge themselves to labor earnestly to carry Into effect the spirit of these declarations. And we ear- nestly invite all fair-minde- without regard to previous political views, to with us in the purposes herein expressed. The M. E. Cam Meeting. At the present writing, the Camp Sleeting servi ces are hardly under way. The first service was held Tues- day night, Rer. Mr.Cowles of Topeka, conducting the exercises. About 200 persons were present. Yesterday there was a small attendance during-th- e day. At night the gathering was quite small, owing to the rain. It is expected that by tomorrow the attendance will be large. The tents were not upon the grounds until too late to put tbem up Tuesday night. They are now In position and make a very picturesque camp scene. A goodly number of seats and a speak- er's stand hare been provided. Char- ley Falconer has the agricultural hall arranged as a dining ball, and has suc- ceeded in making It appear very at- tractive. He baa auneroas tables about the room and can aeeoaaodata with seals all who ittwt TtMBeet- - UswWIaet(eadaraat BfOWaYIVM INMSa No rain as yet A theatrical troupe coming. Are you going to Camp Meeting? A hop at the city hall on Tuesday evening. Rev. XT. M. Stoltz has been confined to his bed the past few days with quin- sy. Mrs. Sparks returned home from Kansas City last Saturday. Henry Decker-i- s here from Denver, looking after his financial business in this place. Methodist Camp Meeting at the Sa- lina Park for the next ten days. Supt. Dorrance was down on Tues- day, looking after the end of bis di- vision. Deputy sherifTTitus and wife, were up on Monday, and called on friends. They are very well pleased with their new home, hut Brookville has some attractions for them as yet. Russell Iugraham is now, and has been for the past few days, confined to his home with rheumatism. He like others talks uf going to the Hot Springs for a cure. Dr. Stearns sayn It Is distressingly healthy at the present time. Too bail that part of tlie eople can't be sick to relieve the Doctor of his distress. W. D. Mitchell, of Hancock, Wash- ington county, Mil., a friend of con- ductor D. L. Beard, is here looking at the country with a view of location, if he finds something to suit him. Wat Chillson has completed his contract with the U. P. company, ami returned home with his force on Mon- day. Hedid a good job and lias given good satisfaction I.U.BK. Bridge Items. Farmers club picnic at Cicero Post's grove next Saturday afternoon. Geo. Laue.a It. It. boy from Peoria, III. is visiting with the family of H. H. Gillum fora few days. Max Phillips Is building a new house ou Geo Miller's farm. John Spencer, an employee of the Leavenworth t Topeka, B. U.,is on a short visit with his family. He reports the Topeka fc Saliua It. it. a sure thing. John Kingman lias finished thresh- ing 'Ml acres of Ked May wheat He reports C m i bushels or thirty bushels to the acre. Another one of the oldest citizens of Gvp.stim Creek has passed away, Mr. W'm. Peck, aged li'J years, Mrs. Win. Kouus has been very sick. We are glad to hear that she is improving. The father and mother of Wm. Kouus, from tlie eastern part of Kan- sas, are with him fora few weeks. The directors of the Bridge school are fortunate in employing Mr. J P. i'errill.of Assaria, as teacher for their school, which will commence Oct. M. New Cambria Crumbs. Mrs A. M. Gillespie lias gone on a (wo weeks visit to Mct'onnellsville, Ohio. Kev A. B. Kirtluud, has been laid up for the pa- -t week with pleurisy. A little sou is now the principle at- traction in the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Julius Havener. Mr. Solomon Galshet is lying very dangerously ill with typhoid fever. A runaway team which became frightened by a passing train, created quite an excitement ou our streets Sat urday.and very fortunate nobody was hurt, and Mr. Hubcr found his team awaiting him at L.Donniyer.Sr., when they were finally caught. Mr. Louie Sees is sick with fever at the of his brother-in-la- Joseph Itipplc. W. H. Itoyd is doing a rushing bus- iness at the'elcvator. Wheat is com- ing in so lively that tlie streets were blockaded ou Monday morning. Tlie latest eastern craze, which is "the hat flirtation," has struck our lit- tle town; it is just too utterly utter, and too intensely intense. There xecms to be quite a growing interest in Democracy. Messrs. Seitz, Foster, Bondi, Behr, Harms, Holm-qui- st ami others came down from Sa- lina, the first of the week, ami made some enthusiastic speeches in the cause; were sorry that all the promi- nent membvr.s of the party were not present. There came very near being a fatal collision near tlie railroad bridge on Tuesday morning. As the passenger train was leaving here, aud had just got under full headway, they dlscov-erc- d a freight train ou the track com- ing from Saliua, at the rate of forty miles an hour. Through considerable dilllrulty they managed to get back to the depot; thus avoiding what might have been a terrible disaster The picnic which occurcd in I II Wells' grove on Thursday last, was one of the pleasantcst affairs or tlie season. The music was excellent.aml the be- -t or order prevailed throughout the day aud evening, and everybody expressed themselves as having enjoy ed themselves to the utmost eapacilV.' ,M. T IlEAIi. Note from Terry. At tlie annual school meeting, on the llith instant, in District S, A. C Wait, Ksq., was elected Tor the third term district clerk. This a merited endor-enie- nt for his faithful services'. Mr Wait is public spirited ami takes a commendable interest in the affairs nl the district, although he has noehil dren to be .instructed. The board lias employed Miss Hat tie Godfrey totah the school She will be greeted with the cordial good wishes of the house holders in her first eflort at teaching, being iiersonallyand favorably known to the most of them. Mr J.N. Adams says he has two stray sheep at his place. The owner can save cost or advertising, etc., by identifying and taking them away. Threshing machines) appear to be abundant, yet the promises of many of them are as long in being filled as it used to be said shoe makers were. Day after day, and even weeks, goby and' the machine is as far away as ever. It has Ircena good time for threshing and hay making. No rain and but little high wind. Candidates for Representative are being talked up. By and by they wi'l be but little like angels or their visit?. Some time ago we were trying to indi- cate what a legislator from our county should be. Now we are going to wait aud see what he will be. A Mr. Ho IT, a business man from Akron, Ohio, and a relative of Mr. Amos, is contemplating the purchase of more land near where he now owns some, in this neighborhood, and going into general farming and the stock business. He would be a very desira- ble acquisition to our community and county. Willie Amos, who had been playing city chap at Lindsburg for two years, came over and cultivated his father's farm this season, and did it very well. Ed, on the hill, has a good farm a good team aud some promising colts ; has a fair wheat crop and a good corn crop, and votes the Republican ticket, McCabe and all, and still he is not happy. We hear incidentally that friend H., over on the branch, has become tired of his religious surroundings, and would sell out We think there are plenty of persons who would like to be turroundtd ust as be is. Axnotatok. Astaria Items. Still hot. Hot and dry. Corn is suffering for rain. W. D. Judd is off on a fly to Kansas City. H. B. Blair is buying and weighing wheat in the absence of W. D. Judd Our new elevator will-soo- be ready for the paint brush. And ere kwc the farmer will dump bis grain in his Mb. Oarrol A Gunaersoa are near neigh- bors to aa to-da- They are threak-l- af far Peter Hawkinses. JefcnD.EBfHuui katprassmtaiirk- - 1 i latT in Dr. Knox's drag atsra In Asarta instead of Llndsborg. Last Baturday, while in Salina, we had the honor of taking dinner at the Pacific House with our friend Anson Miller, of Gypsum creek. Mr. Swan Bengston was parading our streets this morning on a crutch. Mr. Bengston has the misfortune to have the rheumatism. We learn from a gentleman who is somewhat connected with the road, that the Topeka, Salina fc Western R. R., is a sure thing and that it basal-read- y commenced west of Topeka. The meloncholic days have come, for we saw a lady from the East side peddling melons this morning. X. O. More. A slight rain last evening. Mrs. G. A. W.Bone starts on a three months' visit east, next Sunday." She will visit, while absent, in New York, New Jersey aud Missouri. In publishing the list of those w ho received teachers' certificates, the name of John II Mayue was inadver- tently omitted. He has a good certifi- cate, and is one of our best teachers. The following items are taken from tlie Solomon City Sentinel: Mr. Tom Ueardon is having a new residence erected, and when completed will be one or the lest hum houses in his ucighliorhood. John J. Sullivan's stock or tobaccos, cigars, canned goods, etc., was taken on a bill or sale by L. B. Boger, and will be sold at auction in a few days. Miss Etta M. Kohr, or Salma, was among the callers at the Scntiml office this week. Miss Etta is a guest or the Huffman Sisters. A Post of the O. A. R. was organ- ized here last Saturday, with the fol- lowing officers: Dr. O. F. Searl. Post Commandant; S. W. Collins, Senior Vice Commandant; C. M. Blair, Ju- nior Vice Commandant ; J. Shrahan, adjutant; G. G. Grilleii, quartermas- ter. Died, Tuesday morning, August .', at his father's residence, after a short illness, Solomon Gatschet, aged i"i! years. Mr. Gatschet lias resided here fora number ofycars, and has for the iiast year been in the jewelry business, was a man of .good habits, and re- spected by all who knew him. His untimely death was a severe blow to his parents, and they have the sympa- thy of all. Funeral services were held today at Presbyterian church, Itev Pierson officiating. In the caseoftlieSlatengaln-- t John J. Sullivan, Tor selling Intoxicating liquors. County Atloruev Moore for tlie State, ami Judge Moliler, of Sali- na, fur defense, tried before Judge Shaver, lust week, the jury was out about one hour, and brought in a ver- dict ofguilty. Judge Shaver assessed Mr. Sullivan $I"U ami costs. Mr Sul- livan appealed the case to the district oiurt. alul gave the necessary bond. The following named gentlemen were the jurors: C. S. Merrll. H. 11. McDonald, S. Stine, John Meyer. Church Services Next Sabbath. mi'isriAM'iiL'ituii. A. 1). Goodwin, Pastor. Morning Service. Subject, "Our Father who art In Heaven." Luke 11- - Evening no service. Sunday School at 111 o'clock. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening-Teacher- s meeting Thursday-evening- . Robert P. Dey and I. Miller, who are collecting facts for the coming History of Kansas, to he published by the Western Historical Compuny, of Chicago, III., are still in our city and vicinity. Judging from the energy and intelligence of these gentlemen, we are to have a history of our State which will he or inestimable value to ourselves and posterity. It is to give a full ami authentic history of Kansas from the earliest settlements up to the present time; showing the country as it was in its wild and savage condition, itsgradual development from that state together witli all the early incidents and anecdotes of pioneer life on the great plains. The bonier warfare and rufiiauisiu, with a full history of the war record of Kansas in the late rebel- lion will be fully written. As the years roll on, and those from whom many of the facts were gathered, pass away, the value of the work will in- crease in a much greater ratio than any history of foreign countries. This company comes to us with the best of recommendations from prominent men and journalists of the Eastern States. They should, therefore, have the encouragement necessary for the complete success of the work by the enterprising and intelligent citizens of tlie State. There Is no doubt or the success or this great undertaking, as they are meeting with the best or en- couragement in all parts or the State. Public Notice. Whereas a font bridge lias been con- structed across tin SmokyJIIill river to Oak Dale Park, without the knowl- edge or consent of the board of direc- tors of the Saline County-Agricultura- l, Horticultural and Mechanical Asso- ciation, therefore notico Is hereby given that said association will not Ir- responsible for any damage persons may receive while crossing said Toot bridge. J. M. GltKELKV. W It. (Skis, Supt. Secretary. Salina Markets. WINTER WHEAT No. 1, 70c. No. 'J, Oln G) Wc. No. 3, .Wc Cti "c. MIL LET f I .'-- 55 til W. CORN TOcCsJbOc. OATS Cite. RYE-K3e(3- 7ite. POTATOE- S- 1.00 per bushel, el. HOGS-$000f- .a-. Ladies' shopping hags at Whitehead &. Seaman's. Have you seen those new cloths at Sollierg's? New millinery at A. T. & M. If. Grier's. Ladies' shopping bags at Whitehead & Seaman's. Most stylish suits at Sol berg's. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Good fits war- ranted. Cattle for Sale. Ninety two year old steers. Address John J. Johnson, Success. 30-3- Russell Co. Kansas. Sarokufli Cane Wanted. The Bavaria Syrup Works will buy cane by the ton. If not stripped, leaves must be dry. Will exchange for cane or manufacture for half, but will refuse cane in bad condition. 30-- 1 m A.A. Dextox, Bavaria, Ks. Uek Here! Mrs. Dr. Marstera, wife of Prof. J. H. Marstera, of Jewell county, Kan., it stopping for a short time only, at the Grand Central Hotel, Salina,Kan-as- , where she will treat chronic di- seases. Her specialty being Catarrh, Liver, Kidney Lung? troubles and Female Weakness. Her treatment for Catarrh la warranted. No charge except coat of medicine until the case la cared. She respectifolly invites all who an aJUcted to call at her aace, Baeaa No. 6. Grand Central HetaL OttWe hasra, 6 ta 9, a. x, 4 to tr.B. CimmWtMtm tn. Highest cash price paid for hoga at RartleU and Jenkins Prepare for tall suits. A fine lot of cloths for fall suits received at Sol-berg- 's. Go and see the beautiful birthday cards at Whitehead & Seaman's. A full line of breech-loadin- g shot guns, at Schwartz's hardware store. School books and supplies at A. T. AM.H. Grier's. Vocal and instrumental sheet music for sale at Engstrotn A Co.'s drug store. Go aud see the beautiful birthday cards at Whitehead a Seaman's. Wanted A cook at the Metropoli- tan Hotel. Also a good girl to work. 30w2 Vocal and instrumental sheet music for sale at Engstroiu A Co.'s drugstore. Pickled cucumbers, and all kinds of vegetables for sale by John Buchi, Greenhouse, East Saliua. 27-3- t. Prepare for fall suits. A flue lot of cloths for fall suits received at Sol-berg- 's. Cha. R. Munger, Newton, Kansas, State agent for school seats, maps, globes, etc Agents wanted. 7-- ly Pocket liooks of ull descriptions very nice and convenient at White- head A Seaman's. Wes. Aldrich now bosses our boots and shoes and is selling "stacks" of them cheap of course. Oiikr A Haiikman. Buy your wire where you cau get it the cheapest. Seven cents for hog wire at Schwartz's hardware store. The purity and elegant ierfume of Parker's Hair Balsam explain tlie popularity or this reliable restorative. Our Mr. Ober again has taken his Eastern 'light and this, Interpreted in the experience of the past, means that the Old Stone Store of OIer A Hagemau will soon groan under an enormous stock or goods in general. Pocket books or all descriptions very nice aud convenient at While-hea- d A Seaman's. Vocal and Instrumental sheet music Torsade at Engstroiu A Co.'s drug stole Wantkii A girl todogeueral house- work. Apply at this ofllce or to Mrs. M. I). Sampson. Pay your debts, economize aud get all you can for your hard earned money at the old reliable headquarters of Ober A Hagemau. Foil Sai.k ou Rknt. A commo- dious, "ell finished house, with good outbuildings, situated in East Saliua. Apply to George Kruger, Ironaveliue, East of bridge. We have entirely remodeled our store and have succeeded in making it more attractive to our patrons as well as ourselves. It was a big job ith such a slock. Om-i- i AH All KM AN. J. A. Banker is ugain ready to Ull orders for nursery stock all home grown. He will soon call upon you. ai.-'w- . For sale cheap aud on long time, one new threshing machine ami power, by E. Walton. The old reliable Pennsylvania drill, twenty-on- e years in tlie market, for forty dollars cash, at Schwartz's hard- ware store. We pay cash for all we buy, and if Ober with the money in his pocket cannot buy cheap, please tell us who can. We buy cheap to sell cheap. OliKlt A Haiikman. Fifty Cents will buy the Marsh Ague Cure liquid or pills. It cures the worst cases of Tertian, or third Day Ague, and all forms of Chills aud Fever, when other fail. For sale by Maynard A Houser, druggists. Expecting a large trade this Fall and Winter, the Old Man is appre- hensive that Ober will play circus (six shows in one,) buying goods this trip cheap of course, aud that it will severely test the Old Stone Store of ours to hold all. OiiKit A Haiikman. Parties desirous of borrowing mon- ey ujkjii real estate security will do well to call uimiii C. E. Faulkner for terms, as lie has now completed siecinl arrangements with eastern parties for seven and eight per cent money, which can be loaned at a rea- sonable rate of commission. 20-- tr Our tmde during the past portion or this year exceeds by $10,0(10 that for the corresponding part of last year. This was not to have been and can he expected only by the fact that we always have a large stock of goods well bought and there- fore easily sold. Ohkk & Haukman. For Sale. A Sorghum Cane Mill in good order. The mill will he sold for cash or in trade, whichever may he pre- ferred. Apply to John J. Itzen, one mile northwest of New Cambria. a-:- it "Cleanlineisis Next to Godliness." And insure cleanliness and comfort, you must go to Ebcrhardt A Co.'s factory aud buy their canvas or wire cots. They are just the thing. If the tent Is too warm, set them up outside during the night. They are folded up and put away eas- ily. Also all kinds of mattresses to rent or sell. Come early as they are being taken rapidly. Respectfully, Ehkuiiakiit A Co. Mothers I Mothers I! Mothers 1 11 Are you disturbed at night and brok- en of your rest by a sick child suffer ing and crying with the excruciating pain ofcutting teeth? Ifsogoatonce and get a bottle of Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve tlie poor little sufferer immediately de- pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who t tell youwill no at once that It will regulate tlie bowels. and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child, operating like magic, it is perfectly sate to use In all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurs es in me unitea state, sola every where 25 a botlle. 47 Theatrical aad Circus Ufa. Dan Linahan A Co., publishers, of St. Louis, have just issued a book bear ing the the above title. It treats of a new and always Interesting subject, and will, no doubt, be welcomed by many amusement lovers who desire to acquaint themselves with the myster- ies or the "profession." In fact it will interest all classes of readers, owing to its revelations of secrets heretofore known only to managers and actors. The author is a well known dramatic critic, his style la easy and natural,aad the numerous anecdotes and personal adventures with which he enlivens his work, reader it refreshingly Inter-eatlB- ff. Bask aajesta will have a good thtacMlhtoTataBM. 8ee advertise To Our Patrons and Friends. About the 1st of Sep tember we will move to the building formerly occupied byLay's Res- taurant, andlin addi- tion to our present large stock, we will keep a large and first-cla- ss stock of Groceries, and will take all kinds of County Produce in exchange. At our pres- ent location we will open a first-cla- ss stock of Boots and Shoes ev- ery pair new and fresh, with no bankrupt or shoddy goods among them. In the mean time we will com- mence to sell goods at greatly reduced prices to save us the trouble of moving them Respectfully, ROTHSCHILD BROS. For Sale Cheap. A good dwelling house, liixXU. on South Elgtli Street, with four rooms, Koodwell and rence. trees rruit aud shade. Apply to I'eter Eckstnuid, Commercial Block, or to O. Saubtirg. 7-- 1 w. Notice of Appointment of Guardian. The undersigned has been appointed Cuardlan or the person and estate or Louisa Wood lee, by the Probate Court of Saline county, Kansas. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate iay-meii- and those having claims against the same will pre-e-nt them to the un- dersigned for allowance August lst.lS.S-J- . A. D Uii.kksov 17-l-w Guardian. Sheep For Sale. A few hundred ofgood breedingewes, also a lot of Lambs. Kmpiire of K Robh, or ltartlett A Jenkins. ; It. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Ilruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Itlieum, Fever Sore, Tetter, Chapped hands. Chilblains, Corns, ami ull skin erup- tions, and K)sitively cures I'iles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. I'riee, i" cents perliox. For sale by Oscar Sella. For Rent IUU acres of farm laud 12.1 acres under cultivation ; 3H) acres in fine pasture all under fence; the balance in a flue meadow. A good dwelling house. Apply to J.C. IlKNDKIi. 12Mw. For Sale. A stock farm or 4SH acres, with good timber and water, on Ilobb's Creek, Saline county. Also house aud lot, with bakery, on Santa Fe avenue, Sa- liua. Apply to II. Ri:k.s. A Delicious Appetizer, That ensures digestion and enjoyment of food; a tonus that brings strength to the weak and rest to the nervous ; a harmless diarrhoea cure that don't constipate just what every family needs Parkers (linger Tonic. THE CHILD'S FRIEND. Marth's Tonic Attringent Should be in Eyery Household. "Please send three bottles of your Tonic Astringent, by express, to my wife, in Wavelund, Indiana, where she is visiting friends. She writes me that our little girl has the Summer Complaint, ami that she cannot ob- tain your Astringent there. Plea-- e send it immediately as we are anxious to have It get there its soon as osslblc. We have more confidence In it than in any other remedy." John E. Petty, Fort. Scott. Kans. Marsh's Tonic Astringent is for "ale by Maynard A Houser, druggists, Sa- liua. It quickly cures Diarrhn-n- , Cholera Infantum, aud all Bowel com- plaints Price fin cents. Don't fail to try It. Personal I To men only ! The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltai- c Belts and Electric Ap- pliances ou trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kindred troubles, guar- anteeing speedy ami complete restor- ation of health and manly vigor. Ad- dress as aim ve. N. II. No risk is In- curred, as thirty days' trial is allowed. A Cordial Invitation. The enterpriIng proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery make a special request to all jiersons suffering with consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, bay fever, pthislc, quinsy, pain in the side or chest, night sweats, loss of voice, hoarseness, croup, tick- ling in throat, or any chronic or lin- gering affection of the throat or lungs call at any drug store and get a trial bottleree of cost, which will convince them what a regular dollar size bottle will do. It will positively cure the very worst cases, even when every other remedy has failed. Only give it a fair trial and see for yourselves. Thousands have been cured by Dr. King's New Discovery who had given up all hopes of ever being cured. A Caaflh, CaM ar Sara Threat, Should be stopped. Neglect fre- quently results In an Incurable Lung disease or Consumption. Brown's Bronchial Troches does not disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly on the Inflamed parts, allaying Irrita- tion, give relief la Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Catarrh, and the Throat Troubles which Singers and Public Sneakers are sublet t to. For thirty years Brown's Bronc al Troches have been recommended b physicians, and have alwaya given perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and con- stant use for nearly aa entire genera- tion, they have attained well merited rank aaBotaf the law staple recaedlea ef the ate. gaM at V ecata a box, oracywaera. 47 Notice for Bids. TftRoroSlTIOXS will be retired it tar X Id ike Conn Home Tor me extiiuii pmufa of kralBga Dining IUU it Oak Dale Park, at the Fair to bt hekl Srattabcr 37. . . 18M. Ako for the pritilf or keeping other KanJe on the (rounds. The feerrtarr reterrti the rUht tn re- ject lor or all bUi. J. II. OKEIXKV. Secretary, Saline Co , A. II. A Jt. Awo'n. S-4- Sheriff's Sale. CHARLES L. FOAJIKE, 1 ts. vfate Xo.tKI. ELLEN CARXET. rr.atJ BT VIRTL'EoranOnlrrorSale.laanl oat of DWilct Court o the 1 uaileeuth Judicial District within anJ for the County or Saline, and Slaleof Kanaaa. In the aboYe enlltlrtlcair.anVl to me directed and delivered, t will, oo aatMUr. th twratjr.r!rhtai day mt AnMt. a. bv, iuia. at two o'clock p. m , of aakl Jijr. at the ea.t door of the Court llou-e.l- n the lit of allna, Sanaa countr, Kanua.oSer forulo at public auction, to the hlibejt and beat bidder, for crab In hand, the following: drwrttwl Ileal Etitr,!o-wlt-Th- e east half of aertlon N.. tent (21), In town.hlp So. thirteen (ll), ring No. three (3), with th appurtenance, tenement, bultdln and irnpruremenU thereon, and With tenements, hereditament and appurten- ance thereunto belonging, said iral elate U taken aate nropertruf the above named defen dant, and Mary M lluband,adniinb!ratrix,iiid mil. iiuunj,ijane iiuuand. Jobn II Hus- band and Kmiiia K. lliulund. minor heirs of Klllih Husband, deceasedaud will be sold to aatuty said order uf sale, or apart thereof. jit .. ... . .. ,... i .,.;. . .,- - e i.i. .I.TU HHUrt 111 UXU. IUI J.M 1AMJ W HHII. A. n.uw. C S.KADCLtFF. w Sheritrof Saliuel'ountT, Kansas. Sheriff's Sale. C. M. EASTMAN, I '- - I PATRICK LAIV.HLIN. se No. jirji. LKN LAL'CIILIX asd( JULIA SCHULEK. ) VIRTUE of an Execution, loued out of BY rftstnet Court nf the Fourteenth Judicial District within and forthe Count- - of MJIoe. and Mate of Kansas, tn the abow entitled ra-- e, and lo me directed and dellt ered. I wilt, on Haianiajr, the- - inddaj or rOpteaatxr. A. It.. 1HH3. at two o'clock P. M. of said da)-- at the east door of the Court House, in the C'ltj- - of allna. Saline County. Kansas, offer for sale at public suction to the hlchest and best bidder, for cash In band, lb folios. in; described Real Estate, One acre of land, aakl land being the southwest comerof the southeast iiuarterut section twenty-seve- n, township fourteen (II), range four (I, sol, and -- .Usuied in the town of llavaria. county, Kansas, With tenements, hereditaments and appurlen ancestlierctbeIonlnir. !sid Ileal Es'ateis taken as the ptotierty uf the 'ktove named defendant. Julia cbuler. and appraised al two hundred and seventv-Uv- e dollars (! "TSI. and will N -.- Id to sat- isfy aald execution ura tsrt thereof lilven under toy hand this rcunddar of Augi!. A.IM. ' S lt.Unl.IIF. ST-- MieriiT of Sslme I ounty, Kansaj. Publication Notice. Iii th I '11 r h t C.Mirtof attn County, Kidmj. KATK U ii:lktun. ruiatirT. WAl.TKUMAltTIN, MAUV A. MAItTIN. !.K I II .MANN. s no K M. N at TUrT I o IlKOlti.Kl l.tH..UtJHiM, Kr.i:oSair.i K I'KU.I-.iKli- , tlKO 4 HiM.AI.OnMA CO. I - T. LtMllI, .Minnt.n.1 K l"2r-- i. fliT in! rich of y.. air lirirhj nMitiM that lli i U in Iff ). tiim-- l has SleM br ion In In fr rntidnl court iraiaC oti, anil Mhl 11 3 111 til lit fVlvUa., .It .! ftfrl. ft.- - tit I'M rtl.iii, in whtih tl.r 'rtf-- . il.lntiiT anJ lrfVitljnt4 an stitfl. Tntt fan bat Utii Mir. I in aaiJ c.Mir. by rl pUIntiiT Tti-a- th nitim if tl.jusii;iitnt at. mjrl far by M In lirr iU acilutt jtu In wU aatlon, - fur a Against Waller .Martin ail MUry A Martin, t--r 5iVi::i. with Intrrml thetrou fnru July 2Wh, A l . lisi, at (writ t rent, mt annum, on a crrtain iory nt. ms-- an. Jrlhri.l thrm t J. J Cri-i- i. or lrarrr. f.r i$ July roth. A l. 7f tikh Mil J J Crf.i-- n duly M ami tranfrrrrl t a iff al for jitJaXtm-ntu- f f.nlt-ur- r of arcrtJUn iuort3r ee-rtit- r-l anililrllTt-m- l touM J J Crlpprn, by nafcl Walter Mirtlu atxl Mary A Martin. In urlrr t tcur!iall , mi Th wfst half of northwft iiartr uf 4ttl'n no. Iwrotyef-jo- (il) in town...", no fifteen (IS), twHiih f ranc no tire (.), writ containing () arrf. Which morttra? vii-I- J J. Crlt-p- duly a.tJ-D-- J a nl transfrrrrtl. furTaluf receitrd, touM Uln litT. ami ili tlrrrrt of court afurraaM tcl uld iihIcci prrmtM-a- . without airaitu?nt. I pay aiirh atvIr-M- of ult a a. aforesaid to let rrntlrre! ; toeicIii-l- you ab-- each antlcieryof lh ilrfetklants tn . can, from any ami all Inter In al ruortcaffM ml rut it. from and after auch ul; AN that a rtvetftr be ai'poInttM by aalsl Court or Judarr thereof to uko chary? ami careot ami rent all mortjriaT.! real rotate, aitd to collect rents. Uue. ami profit there- from ; ami Itat unlrs you answer sail platntliTa - lition on r before thu ilt day of&ptnnfct , A. . tSS. the Mtoe will I taken aa tru ami jwUtnent of the nature ahereintftiretatcl ami prayed for will br rendered accordingly. KATEE.CAULETOS. Ity Jntit ((. SrtvrTt her Attorney t loth, l.' tZw Publication Notice. tn the District Court of Valine County, Mate of Kansas J E. HAIMIKNT. Plaintiff, N. A. JOHNSON, ANSA L. JOIIN-O- IIAHLKS JOIIN.siiS, ii j.ciiirn:.v,and II. F CKIITKN. as I'KII'PKN. I.AWKENCE A CO JOHN CAKIXIN, and EMMA CAKLSON. IVfrndauts. ) To Charles Johnson. mrot are hereby notified that the plalntlffabova Jl named has filed M the above entitled court hi petition sint you. and the above namnt defendants. In an action In which the parties plaintiff and defendants are as above staled; That you have been sued in said court by Mil plaintiff; That the nature of thelad,;nicut mucbt and pray- ed for by said i.laj.illff u his petition aforesaid, against vuu ami said named defendants. Is for lronal Judgment su;aln-- t you, andN A Johnson an I Anna L., for mur,nh Interest therrun from July iuth, A. !, twelve per cent p- -r annum, on a certain promissory nolo made eieculcd and dcliicred by you. six I said S. A.Jhnnand Anna I. Johnson, to aald plaintiff lirniss, of dateof January l, A. I abas for judgment forrclnslni; a certain UK.ftcira made, eiecutrd ami delivered by you. ami said N. A. Jlin-u- ii and Anna U Johnson, lo aid plaintiff. In order tu secure tLe aforesaid note on The north half uf the north-ea- st quarter and the north-we-st .uitter of thexxitb-.n- l narter.of section No. four ID. township No itieen fL raneNo four II) west, containing one hundred and twenty (Jw acres nune orient. And to sell the said runrtgiged premises without appraisement, lo y sucb juditueM and roses of suit so as aforr-ai- d tu l.e rendered as prayed foraa sfnrrsaid. Alto that a receiver ! appointed by said Court, or the Judc thereof, lo tale charpi aodcireof, arl rent saM roortxaae.1 real estate, arelcollect rents, issues arid profits thereof , arel that unless you aniweron or liefore th Slit dit of & ittcmUr, A. I). ISSS, ssid petitiou ulllbe taken as true and judgment of the liatnre as bere!ntefore stated and prayed for will be rendered accordingly J K MARfSEXT. Cy Joiii Ii. H i it. bis Allorney alina, Kansas, August luth, Legal Notice. In Justice Court befsre I", l CriswooU, Jutica of the peace of liayton township, Saline cowaty, Kanas. I I'taJntlffs, I WILLlAJl'ltlNNU. ( Ivfeivlint j TIIE above naiuM def-ndi-M will tale nclie be has leensued by tbe plaintiffs befora the suse nam--tl JusiKs-o- f the Peac, lor the sstaa r ll'H arsl Inter-- st thereon, that oo An cast 1st a garnishee summons was lined for said sumlol that the tsuse wlllUbearl on September Ttb, I sffi. at nin oePk,a. ns. L. KKIMJECH, -- w Attorney for Ilalallffs. LiMEERiB&WESTERSir lajaHPBBaBaaPanuseWMirt4. BaesjfBwaBBalaevasuTTavaawKSn-- r aaeBaaaBrrSaaiasK JsV awapasawsMsKprMJV frSspeUIsL . jKSfa2uwajaa9lrV?JA4n. Fornietiy LAFATETTE, BLOOMHsCTOS A MCNCIE aad LIKE ERIE A LOUISVILLE RAILWAT. Ta aaerteU aad moat direct rout makJaf lauaeliate connections for psuMcrer Eaat and West. Th shortest aad raoat direct root betsreen Kaa-a- aa City, Cltf eland, Buffalo, flttabarg. New York Boston, FbUaaelpkU, Waahlnftoa, Baltimore aad all polnta East taaklng clove counertioos a.'tli all tae Trunk Uaea. FlraVclasa cqalpsents. Steel Rails. WswUac- - koM Miller Platform aad Cowpler. esaraat sew KecUelng Chair and Dtawlat-raa- a Can attacked to all through pasatagcr trains, ftwa r eilra charge to all firsWlasa passeaters aokUag thrasafk tlekcU. The few chaagea by Ul KoaU an all saade la L'nloa Depots-- no Oaanibua Traaa-fcr- a. Aak for UcktUto aay noiat Bad rU tka LAXX BKIE A WEoTEstN RAItWAT. Jfaaat Itsst atsWr lafisrtaatsoa faraiaaed free aaaa iparatwH to teriaesfal TfckH OaVei, ar illna 0. W. IMITH, Oral Fwa. Aft. aBBfasffatyVWswaV HHBaal JBs"

Transcript of · - itT!i'npv Ji"tST TrF?SV" :. r -- ' -- 're- -., I HE JOURNAL....

Page 1: · - itT!i'npv Ji"tST TrF?SV" :. r -- ' -- 're- -., I HE JOURNAL. THiiitsn.v yTaugust efEitronyi" THE JOVttSAL 1 tt Aad, irss. TsjiWs So" anJ al At Hook

- itT!i'npv Ji"tST:. rTrF?SV" -- ' -- 're --

., I

HE JOURNAL.THiiitsn.v yTaugust

efEitronyi" THE JOVttSAL 1 tt Aad

, irss. TsjiWs So" anJ al At Hook . of mUtAea J A Sroman.

Beware of "melon-colic.- "

The haymaker are bu-- y

The lu- -t raitw in terrific clouds.

Wnteriiielmii have conic to town.

Very hot ilay, but very owl night- -

The "oyster moiiUi" a week ilMant.

Little Blanche ClarkMiii i stillhick.

The rat n, the lil.-- ! rain ! wliat

ii wanletl iniw.The new rhiln-:i'- l time talilviiiiuli

more catIf:u-lory- .

Itev. A M- -rt. friii the ea-- t

the lutf tin work.

The "law .Tm"'f Hie .li-lri- i-t nmrtiMiiimciiivt n'J' .M'inl.i.

Mr.ShiMc.ii, thel.ihtrnUtr.

.Mr. uinl .Mrs II. I'.'ckmuii liavi

from then it lo Mi uri

t'rlit. It. J. F. Ilaiuia afriemlt ill S.iliita thelir-- t of the wtvk.

Are you join'' to theYi--, are j mi? Yt, "l iir-f!

Our jiiihliiTeliiwiK aroto i!imiinmi tlie Mon lay in SfjitemlM r

(Sept. 111.

WiM Kre. contrary to cxjmm

in the rilij, are ulullilftrli-priiii- l.

Mr. Jamii Sharce -s a corn-

field which will yield m tosiil.u-h.l-t- o

the acreThe tlailv 'Mt pnyet for the

Camp Mo-til- l vv: jrivcii ii

ai iiiiir:uli:ililc.The My-tl- ri are to try llitir still

and metal with tlit.Iiiii-tioi- i City lullcluli next Mouday

DuriiiL' the pre-i'i- it ilry a minitier of f.irinri- - uiul :itln-r- - lind tluirwelli

M.r II II Morri-o- n and . I ll.M.(.' have Iitii4 at liie I '.it k ilm-ili- e;

tile t'alili Meeting.We are iudt-bli-i- l o Mr. M S I'riee

for a iidli'i'lioli of beautiful cai-l- i

takeii from Iii orchard.The irciuiuiii li- -t i.uuilil.N of the

f'oiinty Fair will be ready forthe last of the wii--

Kiuiiia AIiImiI, the famous oj-c-

tinker, was a -- clHM.Iinale of M:ij. .nr-soii'- rt

laii)'lili-i- - in lllinoi-- .Tlie city trca-urcr- '-. rcjMirl lor the

mouth coilin:; Aiin-- l :i Inl-

and: in the city tre.i-ur- y fM...!'t.Kliler (iiKMluiu will delivci lite lir-- l

of a of dieour- - oil the'iI'rayer itoc.,illeli,nel Sunday iiiorn-i"K- -

("apt. ('. W. itaiiks lia-- . irMirinil hiolllee in City Attorney, and Mr. ('. A.Killer has l.t-c- ll aiHints In -- ueittdhim

Tlie elcri;yiiieii -r- efre-lntl by theirrespective vaeritimis -- aie returningone by one to re-ui- nc their pa-to-

labors.Sheriir Kadcliir ueut to Oawato-mi- e

thellr-'- t of tlie w-v- to place IntheaHluiii,llaus Ander-s- adjudgedillflillc

it. t. Yallceu, of thispl'ice. hasstarteil in the saliioii bu-iue- s- at To-pek- a,

having purchased anthere.

A Mrs Filiate larts in the milli-nery titisiues at the building nextsouth if( liter & llagcuian's, the lirtof the mouth.

We Ulidcr-tau- d that theSaline county to the Kmporia

convention favor Judi;e Humphreyfor (Jovernor.

The well-know- n linn of Ncuuiillcr .V

WiHtlley, millersatSoliimttu City, ha-lie- en

dis-idve- d. Mr WooIIcy ret:rifrom the tlrm.

Tnpcka ptsiplc now count iihiii the'IVipeka, Saluia : Wc-lc- iu a-- a IimiIthing, and do not iloubt but that itwill hccou-tructc- d.

Hill posters Tor the ItUmarck andState Fairs -- rivaling each other intheir gorgeous lies bae been billingthis western country.

I);1 from the river bed w ill -- .mil be-

come unendurable. The Smoky, ifthis dry weather eoiitiiiile-- , mut

"lot river."Mr II M ale, now of I'm bio. Col.,

was married nti the 17th in-t- ., in that)laee, to the widow of Mr l!u-l- i, wlm

formerly lived in SalluaThe very dry and baked oil inter-

feres materially with tlie uork of thefarmers in getting their lield- - readyfor a new crop of w heat.

The city council, at their meetingMonday night, llcd the city tax levyfor general purposes at M mill-- ; inter-cut, 1 ; .sinking fund, ' mills

At the beautiful home of Mr. W. K(Jeis there is an unlimited amount ofjoy over the birth of a little boy. W.It is receiving congratulationsThe ltcpuhlicaii County iVntn I

Committee meets on Sept. :tli, to ar-range for the call of a county conven-tion to nominate county otllccrs.

Charley Granger, of llrookvillc, hasjust received a Notary'- - cumuli ion,nigned by John 1. St John. Charley,of ctmre, will not liolt the ticket.

The .Scuix.u Jitruhltn thinks thateither I). J. Thor-tcnlie-rg or II K

Hwanson would make a good Ilcpre.tentative for the " country ditrict."

Mrs. ltlauche Iteu.nde, lite Meurer, asister of Mrs.tStsi Ilaehiileu and Mrs.W. It. lteuade formerly a resident ofBallna recently died in lVntisylvania

Mr. and Mrs. John Zehriug havereturned to Salina.more than convinc-ed that there is no place like Saliua.Mr. Zehriugthiuks of engaging in tliestock business.

Editor Wengreiiii, of tlie Sven-k- a

JFarohlen,Yraa in town la.--t week. MrSwauburg, late assistant elitorof theHtirohltn, has become pastor of achurch in Nebraska.

Work will commence on the To-lek- a.

Salina & Western railroad ouMonday. It is expected that the fif-teen miles, to thewe-- t line of the coun-ty will be built by October 10th. 7b-pe- ku

CommomecaUhfAtty. Si.There was a wonderful dearth of

change last Saturday. A man with afivg dollar hill visited every establish-ment in town for change and was un-able to find it.

Lovltt's guess is that s.,OiM Hepubli-can- swill support the Democratic can-

didate for Governor and 10,u)i) Demo-crats St. John. They will have to dovastly better than that to heat St.John.

Will O. Beam, a well-know- n rtsl-tle- ut

of Saliua a few years ago, was intown last week. He lives in Illinoisat present. He is looking up & location, with the intention of starting inbe grocery buslaeM.

i MJ sjjjjjjJaaaaaaaaaaawal aTaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa U.- - saaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaamaa ssssMaa sWsWsWaWawaWaa

Mr. Kehey Brown, of Elm Creektownship, who has been visitingfriends in New York State or some-

thing over a year, returned on the'Canon ball" yesterday.

The Sunday School convention, us-

ually held on the last Saturday of thismouth, in Jos. T. Tolle's grove, onGypsum creek, has been postponed onaccount of the camp meeting in 8alina,until Thursday, August 31, 1882, at 10


Saline county was not representedin the Greenback State Convention atTojieku yesterday. Green back ismdoes not lluuri-- h in this county. Themembers of that party In the countyof Saline can almost hu counted on thefingers' ends.

Senator l'luuib and Judge Haubackdelivered addresses at the reunion oftiie Karly Settlers of Kllsuorth coun-

ty, held in n grove nil the site of oldFt KlNworth There were about .VK)

people pnent, and the day passeder plea-aiill- y.

Mr .1 A. WiNoii. of Siuolau town-ship, was liirn'.vii from a loadedwagon last Fiiday, near the Lutheranchuic:i, as he was driving home. For--.mie minutes he was -- tunned by thefall, but found that he wu-- s

but slightly brui-e- d.

I'rof. F M. Hamilton has removedhis loan ollice to the rooms occupiedby I tanks ,fc Cunningham ami Si. J.Well-lag- er Mes-r- s. J C. Bender &

F II. Wildmati will remain in the oldquarter-- in the real estate and loanhu-iuc- but not us partners, however.

The w wither has been extremelyhot and dry fora number of days, andthe corn crop has been seriously

iii some p'irts of the county. A

Irtioii or the crop was too far ad-

vanced to be badly damaged, but agreat ixirtioii is ill Mich a bad waythat the third of a crop may not helealue.l.

Attention is called to an urdiiinucepubhsbed in another place making u- ial levy to pay for mowing weedson lots and for repairing and building-i- .lf.-ilks. It is possible that thereaie errors, and those who feel them-selvc- s

uggrievid .should call iuiiuedi-atil- y

upon the city ulerk and havetbclii lei tilled.

Miss Aletta IVagne lias rented thefront upper rimms of the Lay restau-rant building for her dress making

nl, and ha I them relit--

tetl witu pii'it.iud piper. They havethe merit of being large, light, airyand centrally loi-ite- d. Miss Teaguohas already movisl into her new quar-ters.

Imperfect as is the temiMirary htruc-tur-c

whieli the river at Southstreet, the n.aiiy people who cross itnow lind it a great convenience ontheir journey lo the park, and won-

der w by a substantial, permanent footbridge cannot be put in its place. Huta little while ago there was a s!

projict lo bridge tlie riverat that point. Ha-- it fallen through?

One farmer who had lived in Salinecounty about two year.--, bicnme verymuch discouraged witli the prospectsand u turned to hi- - old Ohio home.He was mi intensely withKansas that he mM his interest in agrowing wheat crop fur ten dollars.That "interest" was harvested amiha- - just been threshed. The yieldwas o.r. ImxiiW. Comment unneces-sary.

The question as to who shall repre-sent Saline county in the Legislaturehas had a vigorous canvass during thepa- -t week. For the Saliua district,the mimes of the following gentlemenhave been -- iokeu of: T. F. Garver,11 1). ISakcr. Win. Berg, G C. Hoga-Imhu- ii

(ItrnoUvillc) and K. C. Culp.For iraiididatcs in the other district,w e have heard the names of A. I'. Col-

lins, Win. Tinkler, and J. M. Daniel-so- n


The directors f the county fair asso.ciation are receiving numerous assu-rances; from all parts of the comity ofan unprecedented interest ill tlie com-

ing fair. The premiums arc uf suffi-

cient value to invite the most earnestcompetition, while there is a prevailingde-ir- e to make the fair just as success-ful as ixissjlile We think the fair orthe fall of Iss' will in future years hereckoned a the most pleasant as wellas the most successful ever held in Sa-line county.

The following new railroad time ta-

ble went into cllcct last Sunday andMonday :


No. I, West, l:lii P. M.No. ::, Wct, T:u"i a. ji.No. --', Fast. 1I:iha. JlNo I, Ka-- t, '.:iM - i.


No. .M, South, S:ini a. MNo .Vi, North, .s:.Vi i ji.

i:Miiitt..TNo 11. We--!, Ii::iM.No. -', t.

Mrs. Nannie K. Millie is canvassingTor a bonk known as "The GrowingWorld." It is a nio-- l valuable volumeaui-hou- bl be plaeeil in every family,it -- Hiks of th. wonders of nature,

-- deuce, literature and art, interspersedwith a Useful and entertaining collec-tion of miscellany by the best authorsof the day. It is a bonk which recom-mends itself at llrst sight and sellswithout argument. Mrs. Miller willcall per-onall- and as --onn as you seethe book you will surely subscribefor it.

Quite a large crowd witnessed thereturn game of base ball between theMy. and the Minneapolis Blueswhich was played at Oak Dale Parklast Thursday afternoon. Aswas expected, It proved to be themost exciting and entertaining gameof the season, and the gallant youngMystics covered themselves withglory. Tlie utmost good feeling pre-vailed throughout the game and therewas hone of that jtetty quarreling andwrangling which have characterizedthe former games. Tlie Mystics aresojubiluuit that they seriously threat-en to challenge any club west of theMis-i-sip- while they may conde-scend to challaugc the Topeka West-erns. The following is the score :


ruin, n u 0.10.1 4tjJkwJU C.lsIbO 0.00-- 1 SMan-tritu- 1. f. - 0 I sl4Mmi.c 0 1 0 illurth.ll r. t . 1 1 tIxwckwooJr'.Ii.aibl -- 10 3WilUrr.r. r -- to 3Camp)!! , .00 sllioilllon.i. i 0 0 0 I

Twl 4 0 0 C 0 4 4 ossx;MINNEAPOLIS BLUES.

1 S 3 4 5 S 7 S r olord a c 1 0 1 1 - 1 --

0.10. 4 1

Corcoran ,1st bo .01 - t 4bumnrr, .i. . - I 0 - 1 . t 2.icrntpn.c I o o 0.0.Iiuh r ' 0 0 . 0 - - SLord T. p. 1 110 0. - JSutUmvl b 0 --

00 1 .14ration sab-- . 11 .SIL,Lf 0 1 0 - 1 S

ToU- I- -- 1 toss SIS UX7

3t8irffig!aWr?Pr- - l r ...'.aw-'-.- " ,:' rt. "- ; -- ri-'. . ""w i x.

"- -

A Democrat eoBgrsititotiBg h aatl-- 8t

John Beptiblicaa over his(?) andnumerous (?) other accessions to theDemocratic ranks, since the nomina-tions, was consoled with this remark

well, we Republicans wiU lickthe devil out of you Democrats nexttime, as usual."

On Monday last the young sons ofseveral leading citizens turned theirfaces to the Great West for the purposeof making a pilgrimage to .the city ofLeadville, way out in Colorado. Nomore than eight summers' suns hadshone over their brows ; yet they fancied themselves crusaders, about towrest the land of gold from the infidelbauds of sordid gold hunters, and devoting its rich possessions to the bestbrands of marbles, lops, ball bats, baseball suits, "truly" pistols, " truly 'onles, " truly " everything. With

brave hearts and glowing pride, thelittle band trudged westward. It wasonly when they had passed the brawl-ing currents of Dry creek that theyliegau to realize that they were launch-ed out on the great world, aud doingfor themselves. A weary mile or so,and they concluded that Denver wasfar enough In the " western wilds " tosuit their hopes and aspirations. Onemile more, ami they concluded theycould make their fortunes as well inBuiselt count). Still another mile,ami they knew of gold dollors grow-

ing on the branches of the trees aboutBrookville. Foot sore and weary theypassed through the streets of Bavaria,aud they were firm in the belief thatthat " Kxcelslor " of Longfellow's wasa fraud, aud that a good, square mealat the parental table was better thanforty gold mines of the Robert K. Leeorder It didn't take much of a voteto turn the faces of the little baud ofpatriots towards the east, aud solemnlyand tearfully they moved homeward.After much sullering by field aud floodthey were at last sheltered under theold roof-tre- e, and they blessed tlleiistars with boyish delight that it wasas it was.

The comity convention to choosefour delegate) each to the Demo-cratic State and Congressional Con-

ventions, to assemble at Knioria,August ::0, met at Library Hall, inCommercial Block, last Saturday after-noon, aud was called to order by Mr.It A Luvitt, chairman of CentralCommittee. Mr. A. D. Gilkeson waselected temiMirary President and MrJohn 11. Gibson teuiKirary Secretary.Usual committees were appointed, andon permanent organization being ef-

fected Me-s- rs Gilkeson and Gibsonwen President ami Seen.tary. A ballot being taken vitr tiictresulted in the election of the follow-name- d

gentlemen to the State Conven-tion: M. McAulili; A. J. Hulmqvist,W. It. Geis and Geo. W. Wilson. Asecond ballot, for delegates to the Con-

gressional Convention, resulted asfollows: H. B. Wallace, Samuel Gradwohl, Geo. W. White and S. M.Palmer. A motion to declare the del-

egates to one convention the alternatesto the other, and Wee row, was adopt-ed The resolutions adopted were verydecisive in their and

features. A motion to" " whereversubstitute sumptuary

" prohibition law " occurred was de-

feated by an overwhelming vote. Thest lection of a new Central Committeewas left to the convention to nominatecandidates for county ollleeri. A majority of precincts in the county wererepresented in the convention. Tliebusiness was conducted with decorum.Mr. Gilkeson is a good presiding of-

ficer. The convention was a cmlita-bl- e

gathering of intelligence and iiuin-lier- s.

Tlie members acted as if theybelieved tlie Democracy might elect anofficer or two in Kansas, this year.

The following delegates were admit-ted to seats in the county convention :

City or Salina First Ward : W ItGeis, J II Gibson ami T McDauicNSecond Ward : John Foster, A JHoluiqvist, A D Gilkeson aud Geo WWhite. Third Wanl : S M Palmerand Samuel Gradwohl. Fourth Ward:John Damn, II B Wallace, John FLouth and J T Wells.

Touth Greeley P McEntee, P Do-Ia-

Smolan Geo W Wilson.Smoky Hill John Yockers, Tim

Hoyues aud M J Ludcs.Cambria Fred Tungle, Philip

George, John Alley, Daniel llum-bargera-

John Shank.Walnut Thos McHallle aud John

Willis.Gletidale Chas Martin and John

Ader.Ohio Sol Hoirmau, Mike Iluyne

and Fred Sliatik.The following were the resolutions

adopted :Jlcxoh-ol- , That the prohibitory

amendment to the State institutionand the laws based thereon should berejiealeil. Such sumptuary laws areunwise, contrary to the establishedprinciples ot ademocratiu governmentand tend to encroach umiu per-ou- al

rights. We believe the appetites ofmen can not bo controlled by suchlaws. That they tend to diminish amoral strength of a eopIe; to deterimmigration ; to promote crime, amito engender in the minds of men ad!rcsect and a disregard for lawThe expense of attempting to enforcesuch laws is a great burden to the tax-payers of the State ami in the largercities. Although expensive prosecu-tions are being continually made, it isfound impossible to enforce such laws.By virtue of the existence of prohibi-tory laws the State is deprived of a largelicense fund ; yet the use and con-sumption of intoxicating liquors areas great, or even greater, than lieforesuch laws were enacted. We believethat the traffic In intoxicating liquorscan be best controlled, ami the highestinterests of the eople attained undera well-regulat- liceusd system.

Jtesolvcd, That we are opposed to allmonopolies of every nature and kind,and wc are ill favor of the abrogationof all laws that do not bear equallyupon capital and labor, and we demandof our Legislature a material reductionof railroad tariffs by the enactment ofsuch just laws as will effectually en-force such reduction, prevent discrim-ination and establish a uniform andIermauenl rate of transportation andtravel.

Jiatolrcd, That with these purposesin view, will give our support to noman or set of men for public officewho do not pledge themselves to laborearnestly to carry Into effect the spiritof these declarations. And we ear-nestly invite all fair-minde- withoutregard to previous political views, to

with us in the purposesherein expressed.

The M. E. Cam Meeting.At the present writing, the Camp

Sleeting servi ces are hardly underway. The first service was held Tues-day night, Rer. Mr.Cowles of Topeka,conducting the exercises. About 200

persons were present. Yesterdaythere was a small attendance during-th- e

day. At night the gathering wasquite small, owing to the rain. It isexpected that by tomorrow theattendance will be large. The tentswere not upon the grounds untiltoo late to put tbem up Tuesdaynight. They are now In position andmake a very picturesque camp scene.A goodly number of seats and a speak-er's stand hare been provided. Char-ley Falconer has the agricultural hallarranged as a dining ball, and has suc-ceeded in making It appear very at-tractive. He baa auneroas tablesabout the room and can aeeoaaodatawith seals all who ittwt TtMBeet- -UswWIaet(eadaraat


No rain as yetA theatrical troupe coming.Are you going to Camp Meeting?A hop at the city hall on Tuesday

evening.Rev. XT. M. Stoltz has been confined

to his bed the past few days with quin-

sy.Mrs. Sparks returned home from

Kansas City last Saturday.Henry Decker-i-s here from Denver,

looking after his financial business inthis place.

Methodist Camp Meeting at the Sa-lina Park for the next ten days.

Supt. Dorrance was down on Tues-day, looking after the end of bis di-

vision.Deputy sherifTTitus and wife, were

up on Monday, and called on friends.They are very well pleased with theirnew home, hut Brookville has someattractions for them as yet.

Russell Iugraham is now, and hasbeen for the past few days, confined tohis home with rheumatism. He likeothers talks uf going to the Hot Springsfor a cure.

Dr. Stearns sayn It Is distressinglyhealthy at the present time. Too bailthat part of tlie eople can't be sick torelieve the Doctor of his distress.

W. D. Mitchell, of Hancock, Wash-ington county, Mil., a friend of con-ductor D. L. Beard, is here looking atthe country with a view of location,if he finds something to suit him.

Wat Chillson has completed hiscontract with the U. P. company, amireturned home with his force on Mon-day. Hedid a good job and lias givengood satisfaction


Bridge Items.Farmers club picnic at Cicero

Post's grove next Saturday afternoon.Geo. Laue.a It. It. boy from Peoria,

III. is visiting with the family of H.H. Gillum fora few days.

Max Phillips Is building a newhouse ou Geo Miller's farm.

John Spencer, an employee of theLeavenworth t Topeka, B. U.,is on ashort visit with his family. He reportsthe Topeka fc Saliua It. it. a surething.

John Kingman lias finished thresh-ing 'Ml acres of Ked May wheat Hereports C m i bushels or thirty bushelsto the acre.

Another one of the oldest citizens ofGvp.stim Creek has passed away, Mr.W'm. Peck, aged li'J years,

Mrs. Win. Kouus has been verysick. We are glad to hear that she isimproving.

The father and mother of Wm.Kouus, from tlie eastern part of Kan-sas, are with him fora few weeks.

The directors of the Bridge schoolare fortunate in employing Mr. J P.i'errill.of Assaria, as teacher for theirschool, which will commence Oct.


New Cambria Crumbs.Mrs A. M. Gillespie lias gone on a

(wo weeks visit to Mct'onnellsville,Ohio.

Kev A. B. Kirtluud, has been laidup for the pa- -t week with pleurisy.

A little sou is now the principle at-

traction in the home of Mr. ami Mrs.Julius Havener.

Mr. Solomon Galshet is lying verydangerously ill with typhoid fever.

A runaway team which becamefrightened by a passing train, createdquite an excitement ou our streets Saturday.and very fortunate nobody washurt, and Mr. Hubcr found his teamawaiting him at L.Donniyer.Sr., whenthey were finally caught.

Mr. Louie Sees is sick with fever atthe of his brother-in-la-

Joseph Itipplc.W. H. Itoyd is doing a rushing bus-

iness at the'elcvator. Wheat is com-ing in so lively that tlie streets wereblockaded ou Monday morning.

Tlie latest eastern craze, which is"the hat flirtation," has struck our lit-

tle town; it is just too utterly utter,and too intensely intense.

There xecms to be quite a growinginterest in Democracy. Messrs. Seitz,Foster, Bondi, Behr, Harms, Holm-qui- st

ami others came down from Sa-lina, the first of the week, ami madesome enthusiastic speeches in thecause; were sorry that all the promi-nent membvr.s of the party were notpresent.

There came very near being a fatalcollision near tlie railroad bridge onTuesday morning. As the passengertrain was leaving here, aud had justgot under full headway, they dlscov-erc- d

a freight train ou the track com-ing from Saliua, at the rate of fortymiles an hour. Through considerabledilllrulty they managed to get back tothe depot; thus avoiding what mighthave been a terrible disaster

The picnic which occurcd in I IIWells' grove on Thursday last, wasone of the pleasantcst affairs or tlieseason. The music was excellent.amlthe be- -t or order prevailed throughoutthe day aud evening, and everybodyexpressed themselves as having enjoyed themselves to the utmost eapacilV.'

,M. T IlEAIi.

Note from Terry.At tlie annual school meeting, on

the llith instant, in District S, A. CWait, Ksq., was elected Tor the thirdterm district clerk. This a meritedendor-enie- nt for his faithful services'.Mr Wait is public spirited ami takes acommendable interest in the affairs nlthe district, although he has noehildren to be .instructed. The board liasemployed Miss Hat tie Godfrey totahthe school She will be greeted withthe cordial good wishes of the householders in her first eflort at teaching,being iiersonallyand favorably knownto the most of them.

Mr J.N. Adams says he has twostray sheep at his place. The ownercan save cost or advertising, etc., byidentifying and taking them away.

Threshing machines) appear to beabundant, yet the promises ofmany of them are as long in beingfilled as it used to be said shoe makerswere. Day after day, and even weeks,goby and' the machine is as far awayas ever.

It has Ircena good time for threshingand hay making. No rain and butlittle high wind.

Candidates for Representative arebeing talked up. By and by they wi'lbe but little like angels or their visit?.Some time ago we were trying to indi-cate what a legislator from our countyshould be. Now we are going to waitaud see what he will be.

A Mr. Ho IT, a business man fromAkron, Ohio, and a relative of Mr.Amos, is contemplating the purchaseof more land near where he now ownssome, in this neighborhood, and goinginto general farming and the stockbusiness. He would be a very desira-ble acquisition to our community andcounty.

Willie Amos, who had been playingcity chap at Lindsburg for two years,came over and cultivated his father'sfarm this season, and did it very well.

Ed, on the hill, has a good farm agood team aud some promising colts ;has a fair wheat crop and a good corncrop, and votes the Republican ticket,McCabe and all, and still he is nothappy.

We hear incidentally that friend H.,over on the branch, has become tiredof his religious surroundings, andwould sell out We think there areplenty of persons who would like tobe turroundtd ust as be is.


Astaria Items.Still hot.Hot and dry.Corn is suffering for rain.W. D. Judd is off on a fly to Kansas

City.H. B. Blair is buying and weighing

wheat in the absence of W. D. JuddOur new elevator will-soo- be ready

for the paint brush. And ere kwc thefarmer will dump bis grain in his Mb.

Oarrol A Gunaersoa are near neigh-bors to aa to-da- They are threak-l-af

far Peter Hawkinses.JefcnD.EBfHuui katprassmtaiirk- -

1 i

latT in Dr. Knox's drag atsra In Asartainstead of Llndsborg.

Last Baturday, while in Salina, wehad the honor of taking dinner at thePacific House with our friend AnsonMiller, of Gypsum creek.

Mr. Swan Bengston was paradingour streets this morning on a crutch.Mr. Bengston has the misfortune tohave the rheumatism.

We learn from a gentleman who issomewhat connected with the road,that the Topeka, Salina fc WesternR. R., is a sure thing and that it basal-read- y

commenced west of Topeka.The meloncholic days have come,

for we saw a lady from the East sidepeddling melons this morning.

X. O. More.

A slight rain last evening.

Mrs. G. A. W.Bone starts on a threemonths' visit east, next Sunday." Shewill visit, while absent, in New York,New Jersey aud Missouri.

In publishing the list of those w horeceived teachers' certificates, thename of John II Mayue was inadver-tently omitted. He has a good certifi-cate, and is one of our best teachers.

The following items are taken fromtlie Solomon City Sentinel:

Mr. Tom Ueardon is having a newresidence erected, and when completedwill be one or the lest hum houses inhis ucighliorhood.

John J. Sullivan's stock or tobaccos,cigars, canned goods, etc., was takenon a bill or sale by L. B. Boger, andwill be sold at auction in a few days.

Miss Etta M. Kohr, or Salma, wasamong the callers at the Scntiml officethis week. Miss Etta is a guest or theHuffman Sisters.

A Post of the O. A. R. was organ-ized here last Saturday, with the fol-lowing officers: Dr. O. F. Searl. PostCommandant; S. W. Collins, SeniorVice Commandant; C. M. Blair, Ju-nior Vice Commandant ; J. Shrahan,adjutant; G. G. Grilleii, quartermas-ter.

Died, Tuesday morning, August .',at his father's residence, after a shortillness, Solomon Gatschet, aged i"i!years. Mr. Gatschet lias resided herefora number ofycars, and has for theiiast year been in the jewelry business,

was a man of .good habits, and re-spected by all who knew him. Hisuntimely death was a severe blow tohis parents, and they have the sympa-thy of all. Funeral services were heldtoday at Presbyterian church, ItevPierson officiating.

In the caseoftlieSlatengaln-- t JohnJ. Sullivan, Tor selling Intoxicatingliquors. County Atloruev Moore fortlie State, ami Judge Moliler, of Sali-na, fur defense, tried before JudgeShaver, lust week, the jury was outabout one hour, and brought in a ver-dict ofguilty. Judge Shaver assessedMr. Sullivan $I"U ami costs. Mr Sul-livan appealed the case to the districtoiurt. alul gave the necessary bond.The following named gentlemen werethe jurors: C. S. Merrll. H. 11.McDonald, S. Stine, John Meyer.

Church Services Next Sabbath.mi'isriAM'iiL'ituii.

A. 1). Goodwin, Pastor.Morning Service. Subject, "Our

Father who art In Heaven." Luke 11- -

Evening no service.Sunday School at 111 o'clock.Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening-Teacher- s

meeting Thursday-evening- .

Robert P. Dey and I. Miller, whoare collecting facts for the comingHistory of Kansas, to he published bythe Western Historical Compuny, ofChicago, III., are still in our city andvicinity. Judging from the energyand intelligence of these gentlemen,we are to have a history of our Statewhich will he or inestimable value toourselves and posterity. It is to givea full ami authentic history of Kansasfrom the earliest settlements up to thepresent time; showing the country asit was in its wild and savage condition,itsgradual development from that statetogether witli all the early incidentsand anecdotes of pioneer life on thegreat plains. The bonier warfare andrufiiauisiu, with a full history of thewar record of Kansas in the late rebel-lion will be fully written. As theyears roll on, and those from whommany of the facts were gathered, passaway, the value of the work will in-

crease in a much greater ratio thanany history of foreign countries. Thiscompany comes to us with the best ofrecommendations from prominentmen and journalists of the EasternStates. They should, therefore, havethe encouragement necessary for thecomplete success of the work by theenterprising and intelligent citizens oftlie State. There Is no doubt or thesuccess or this great undertaking, asthey are meeting with the best or en-

couragement in all parts or the State.

Public Notice.Whereas a font bridge lias been con-

structed across tin SmokyJIIill riverto Oak Dale Park, without the knowl-edge or consent of the board of direc-tors of the Saline County-Agricultura- l,

Horticultural and Mechanical Asso-

ciation, therefore notico Is herebygiven that said association will not Ir-

responsible for any damage personsmay receive while crossing said Toot

bridge. J. M. GltKELKV.W It. (Skis, Supt. Secretary.

Salina Markets.WINTER WHEAT No. 1, 70c.

No. 'J, Oln G) Wc. No. 3, .Wc Cti "c.MIL LET f I .'--55 tilW.

CORN TOcCsJbOc.OATS Cite.RYE-K3e(3- 7ite.

POTATOE- S- 1.00 per bushel,el.

HOGS-$000f- .a-.

Ladies' shopping hags at Whitehead&. Seaman's.

Have you seen those new cloths atSollierg's?

New millinery at A. T. & M. If.Grier's.

Ladies' shopping bags at Whitehead& Seaman's.

Most stylish suits at Sol berg's. Sat-

isfaction guaranteed. Good fits war-ranted.

Cattle for Sale.Ninety two year old steers. Address

John J. Johnson, Success.30-3- Russell Co. Kansas.

Sarokufli Cane Wanted.The Bavaria Syrup Works will buy

cane by the ton. If not stripped,leaves must be dry. Will exchangefor cane or manufacture for half, butwill refuse cane in bad condition.30-- 1 m A.A. Dextox, Bavaria, Ks.

Uek Here!Mrs. Dr. Marstera, wife of Prof. J.

H. Marstera, of Jewell county, Kan.,it stopping for a short time only, atthe Grand Central Hotel, Salina,Kan-as- ,

where she will treat chronic di-

seases. Her specialty being Catarrh,Liver, Kidney Lung? troubles andFemale Weakness. Her treatmentfor Catarrh la warranted. No chargeexcept coat of medicine until the casela cared. She respectifolly invitesall who an aJUcted to call at heraace, Baeaa No. 6. Grand Central

HetaL OttWe hasra, 6 ta 9, a. x, 4 totr.B. CimmWtMtm tn.

Highest cash price paid for hoga atRartleU and Jenkins

Prepare for tall suits. A fine lot ofcloths for fall suits received at Sol-berg- 's.

Go and see the beautiful birthdaycards at Whitehead & Seaman's.

A full line of breech-loadin- g shotguns, at Schwartz's hardware store.

School books and supplies at A. T.AM.H. Grier's.

Vocal and instrumental sheet musicfor sale at Engstrotn A Co.'s drug store.

Go aud see the beautiful birthdaycards at Whitehead a Seaman's.

Wanted A cook at the Metropoli-tan Hotel. Also a good girl to work.


Vocal and instrumental sheet musicfor sale at Engstroiu A Co.'s drugstore.

Pickled cucumbers, and all kinds ofvegetables for sale by John Buchi,Greenhouse, East Saliua. 27-3- t.

Prepare for fall suits. A flue lot ofcloths for fall suits received at Sol-berg- 's.

Cha. R. Munger, Newton, Kansas,State agent for school seats, maps,globes, etc Agents wanted. 7-- ly

Pocket liooks of ull descriptionsvery nice and convenient at White-head A Seaman's.

Wes. Aldrich now bosses our bootsand shoes and is selling "stacks" ofthem cheap of course.

Oiikr A Haiikman.Buy your wire where you cau get it

the cheapest. Seven cents for hogwire at Schwartz's hardware store.

The purity and elegant ierfume ofParker's Hair Balsam explain tliepopularity or this reliable restorative.

Our Mr. Ober again has taken hisEastern 'light and this, Interpretedin the experience of the past, meansthat the Old Stone Store of OIer AHagemau will soon groan under anenormous stock or goods in general.

Pocket books or all descriptionsvery nice aud convenient at While-hea- d

A Seaman's.Vocal and Instrumental sheet music

Torsade at Engstroiu A Co.'s drug stoleWantkii A girl todogeueral house-

work. Apply at this ofllce or to Mrs.M. I). Sampson.

Pay your debts, economize aud getall you can for your hard earnedmoney at the old reliable headquartersof Ober A Hagemau.

Foil Sai.k ou Rknt. A commo-dious, "ell finished house, with goodoutbuildings, situated in East Saliua.Apply to George Kruger, Ironaveliue,East of bridge.

We have entirely remodeled ourstore and have succeeded in makingit more attractive to our patrons aswell as ourselves. It was a big job

ith such a slock.Om-i- i A H All KM AN.

J. A. Banker is ugain ready to Ull

orders for nursery stock all homegrown. He will soon call upon you.


For sale cheap aud on long time, onenew threshing machine amipower, by E. Walton.

The old reliable Pennsylvania drill,twenty-on- e years in tlie market, forforty dollars cash, at Schwartz's hard-ware store.

We pay cash for all we buy, andif Ober with the money in his pocketcannot buy cheap, please tell us whocan. We buy cheap to sell cheap.

OliKlt A Haiikman.Fifty Cents will buy the Marsh

Ague Cure liquid or pills. It curesthe worst cases of Tertian, or thirdDay Ague, and all forms of Chills audFever, when other fail. Forsale by Maynard A Houser, druggists.

Expecting a large trade this Falland Winter, the Old Man is appre-hensive that Ober will play circus(six shows in one,) buying goods thistrip cheap of course, aud that it willseverely test the Old Stone Store ofours to hold all.

OiiKit A Haiikman.Parties desirous of borrowing mon-

ey ujkjii real estate security will dowell to call uimiii C. E. Faulknerfor terms, as lie has now completedsiecinl arrangements with easternparties for seven and eight per centmoney, which can be loaned at a rea-

sonable rate of commission. 20-- tr

Our tmde during the past portionor this year exceeds by $10,0(10 thatfor the corresponding part of lastyear. This was not to have been

and can he expected only bythe fact that we always have a largestock of goods well bought and there-fore easily sold.

Ohkk & Haukman.

For Sale.A Sorghum Cane Mill in good

order. The mill will he sold for cashor in trade, whichever may he pre-

ferred. Apply to John J. Itzen, onemile northwest of New Cambria.

a-:- it

"Cleanlineisis Next to Godliness."And insure

cleanliness and comfort, you must goto Ebcrhardt A Co.'s factory aud buytheir canvas or wire cots. They arejust the thing. If the tent Is too warm,set them up outside during the night.They are folded up and put away eas-ily. Also all kinds of mattresses torent or sell. Come early as they arebeing taken rapidly.

Respectfully, Ehkuiiakiit A Co.

Mothers I Mothers I ! Mothers 1 1 1

Are you disturbed at night and brok-en of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciatingpain ofcutting teeth? Ifsogoatonceand get a bottle of Mrs. Wins low'sSoothing Syrup. It will relieve tliepoor little sufferer immediately de-pend upon it; there is no mistake aboutit. There is not a mother on earth whohas ever used it, who t tell youwill noat once that It will regulate tlie bowels.and give rest to the mother and reliefand health to the child, operating likemagic, it is perfectly sate to use Inall cases, and pleasant to the taste, andIs the prescription of one of the oldestand best female physicians and nurses in me unitea state, sola everywhere 25 a botlle. 47

Theatrical aad Circus Ufa.Dan Linahan A Co., publishers, of

St. Louis, have just issued a book bearing the the above title. It treats of anew and always Interesting subject,and will, no doubt, be welcomed bymany amusement lovers who desire toacquaint themselves with the myster-ies or the "profession." In fact it willinterest all classes of readers, owing toits revelations of secrets heretoforeknown only to managers and actors.The author is a well known dramaticcritic, his style la easy and natural,aadthe numerous anecdotes and personaladventures with which he enlivenshis work, reader it refreshingly Inter-eatlB- ff.

Bask aajesta will have a goodthtacMlhtoTataBM. 8ee advertise

To Our Patronsand Friends.

About the 1st of Sep

tember we will move tothe building formerlyoccupied byLay's Res-

taurant, andlin addi-

tion to our presentlarge stock, we willkeep a large and first-cla- ss

stock ofGroceries,and will take all kindsof County Produce inexchange. At our pres-

ent location we willopen a first-cla- ss stockof Boots and Shoes ev-

ery pair new and fresh,with no bankrupt orshoddy goods amongthem. In the meantime we will com-

mence to sell goodsat greatly reducedprices to save us thetrouble of moving them


For Sale Cheap.A good dwelling house, liixXU. on

South Elgtli Street, with four rooms,Koodwell and rence. trees rruit audshade. Apply to I'eter Eckstnuid,Commercial Block, or to O. Saubtirg.

7-- 1 w.

Notice of Appointment of Guardian.The undersigned has been appointed

Cuardlan or the person and estate orLouisa Wood lee, by the Probate Courtof Saline county, Kansas.

All persons indebted to the estateare requested to make immediate iay-meii-

and those having claims againstthe same will pre-e-nt them to the un-

dersigned for allowanceAugust lst.lS.S-J-

. A. D Uii.kksov17-l-w Guardian.

Sheep For Sale.A few hundred ofgood breedingewes,

also a lot of Lambs. Kmpiire of K

Robh, or ltartlett A Jenkins. ; It.

Bucklen's Arnica Salve.The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,

Ilruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Itlieum,Fever Sore, Tetter, Chapped hands.Chilblains, Corns, ami ull skin erup-tions, and K)sitively cures I'iles. It isguaranteed to give perfect satisfactionor money refunded. I'riee, i" centsperliox. For sale by Oscar Sella.

For RentIUU acres of farm laud 12.1 acres

under cultivation ; 3H) acres in finepasture all under fence; the balancein a flue meadow. A good dwellinghouse. Apply to J.C. IlKNDKIi.


For Sale.A stock farm or 4SH acres, with good

timber and water, on Ilobb's Creek,Saline county. Also house aud lot,with bakery, on Santa Fe avenue, Sa-

liua. Apply to II. Ri:k.s.

A Delicious Appetizer,That ensures digestion and enjoymentof food; a tonus that brings strengthto the weak and rest to the nervous ;

a harmless diarrhoea cure that don'tconstipate just what every familyneeds Parkers (linger Tonic.


Marth's Tonic Attringent Should be inEyery Household.

"Please send three bottles of yourTonic Astringent, by express, to mywife, in Wavelund, Indiana, whereshe is visiting friends. She writes methat our little girl has the SummerComplaint, ami that she cannot ob-

tain your Astringent there. Plea-- e

send it immediately as we are anxiousto have It get there its soon as osslblc.We have more confidence In it thanin any other remedy." John E.Petty, Fort. Scott. Kans.

Marsh's Tonic Astringent is for "aleby Maynard A Houser, druggists, Sa-

liua. It quickly cures Diarrhn-n- ,

Cholera Infantum, aud all Bowel com-

plaints Price fin cents. Don't fail totry It.

Personal I To men only !

The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall,Mich., will send Dr. Dye's CelebratedElectro-Voltai- c Belts and Electric Ap-

pliances ou trial for thirty days to men(young or old) who are afflicted withNervous Debility, Lost Vitality andManhood, and kindred troubles, guar-anteeing speedy ami complete restor-ation of health and manly vigor. Ad-

dress as aim ve. N. II. No risk is In-

curred, as thirty days' trial is allowed.A Cordial Invitation.

The enterpriIng proprietors of Dr.King's New Discovery make a specialrequest to all jiersons suffering withconsumption, coughs, colds, asthma,bronchitis, bay fever, pthislc, quinsy,pain in the side or chest, night sweats,loss of voice, hoarseness, croup, tick-

ling in throat, or any chronic or lin-

gering affection of the throat or lungscall at any drug store and get a trialbottleree of cost, which will convincethem what a regular dollar size bottlewill do. It will positively cure thevery worst cases, even when everyother remedy has failed. Only give ita fair trial and see for yourselves.Thousands have been cured by Dr.King's New Discovery who had givenup all hopes of ever being cured.

A Caaflh, CaM ar Sara Threat,Should be stopped. Neglect fre-

quently results In an Incurable Lungdisease or Consumption. Brown'sBronchial Troches does notdisorder the stomach like coughsyrups and balsams, but act directlyon the Inflamed parts, allaying Irrita-tion, give relief la Asthma, Bronchitis,Coughs, Catarrh, and the ThroatTroubles which Singers and PublicSneakers are sublet t to. For thirtyyears Brown's Bronc al Troches havebeen recommended b physicians, andhave alwaya given perfect satisfaction.Having been tested by wide and con-

stant use for nearly aa entire genera-tion, they have attained well meritedrank aaBotaf the law staple recaedleaef the ate. gaM at V ecata a box,oracywaera. 47

Notice for Bids.TftRoroSlTIOXS will be retired it tarX Id ike Conn Home Tor me extiiuii pmufaof kralBga Dining IUU it Oak Dale Park, atthe Fair to bt hekl Srattabcr 37. . . 18M. Akofor the pritilf or keeping other KanJe on the(rounds. The feerrtarr reterrti the rUht tn re-ject lor or all bUi. J. II. OKEIXKV.

Secretary, Saline Co , A. II. A Jt. Awo'n.S-4-

Sheriff's Sale.CHARLES L. FOAJIKE, 1

ts. vfate Xo.tKI.ELLEN CARXET. rr.atJBT VIRTL'EoranOnlrrorSale.laanl oat of

DWilct Court o the 1 uaileeuth JudicialDistrict within anJ for the County or Saline, andSlaleof Kanaaa. In the aboYe enlltlrtlcair.anVl tome directed and delivered, t will, ooaatMUr. th twratjr.r!rhtai day mt

AnMt. a. bv, two o'clock p. m , of aakl Jijr. at the ea.t doorof the Court llou-e.l- n the lit of allna, Sanaacountr, Kanua.oSer forulo at public auction, tothe hlibejt and beat bidder, for crab In hand, thefollowing: drwrttwl Ileal Etitr,!o-wlt-Th- e

east half of aertlon N.. tent (21), Intown.hlp So. thirteen (ll), ring No. three (3),with th appurtenance, tenement, bultdlnand irnpruremenU thereon, and

With tenements, hereditament and appurten-ance thereunto belonging, said iral elate Utaken aate nropertruf the above named defendant, and Mary M lluband,adniinb!ratrix,iiidmil. iiuunj,ijane iiuuand. Jobn II Hus-band and Kmiiia K. lliulund. minor heirs ofKlllih Husband, deceasedaud will be sold to

aatuty said order uf sale, or apart thereof.jit .. ... . .. ,... i .,.;. . .,- - e i.i..I.TU HHUrt 111 UXU. IUI J.M 1AMJ W HHII.A. n.uw.

C S.KADCLtFF.w Sheritrof Saliuel'ountT, Kansas.

Sheriff's Sale.C. M. EASTMAN, I

'- - IPATRICK LAIV.HLIN. se No. jirji.


VIRTUE of an Execution, loued out ofBY rftstnet Court nf the Fourteenth JudicialDistrict within and forthe Count- - of MJIoe. andMate of Kansas, tn the abow entitled ra-- e, and lome directed and dellt ered. I wilt, onHaianiajr, the- - inddaj or rOpteaatxr.

A. It.. two o'clock P. M. of said da)-- at the east doorof the Court House, in the C'ltj- - of allna. SalineCounty. Kansas, offer for sale at public suction tothe hlchest and best bidder, for cash In band, lbfolios. in; described Real Estate,One acre of land, aakl land being the southwest

comerof the southeast iiuarterut section twenty-seve- n,

township fourteen (II), range four (I,sol, and --.Usuied in the town of llavaria.

county, Kansas,With tenements, hereditaments and appurlenancestlierctbeIonlnir. !sid Ileal Es'ateis takenas the ptotierty uf the 'ktove named defendant.Julia cbuler. and appraised al two hundred andseventv-Uv- e dollars (! "TSI. and will N -.- Id to sat-isfy aald execution ura tsrt thereof

lilven under toy hand this rcunddar of Augi!.A.IM. ' S lt.Unl.IIF.

ST-- MieriiT of Sslme I ounty, Kansaj.

Publication Notice.Iii th I '11 r h t C.Mirtof attn County, Kidmj.

KATK U ii:lktun.ruiatirT.

WAl.TKUMAltTIN,MAUV A. MAItTIN.!.K I II .MANN.s no K M. N at TUrT I oIlKOlti.Kl l.tH..UtJHiM,Kr.i:oSair.iK I'KU.I-.iKli- ,

tlKO 4 HiM.AI.OnMA CO.I -

T. LtMllI, .Minnt.n.1 K l"2r-- i.

fliT in! rich of y.. air lirirhj nMitiM thatlli i U in Iff ). tiim-- l has SleM br

ion In In fr rntidnl court iraiaC oti, anilMhl 11 3 111 til lit fVlvUa., .It .! ftfrl. ft.- -tit I'M rtl.iii, in whtih tl.r 'rtf-- . il.lntiiT anJlrfVitljnt4 an stitfl. Tntt fan batUtii Mir. I in aaiJ c.Mir. by rl pUIntiiT Tti-a- thnitim if tl.jusii;iitnt at. mjrl far by

M In lirr iU acilutt jtu InwU aatlon, - fur a AgainstWaller .Martin ail MUry A Martin, t--r 5iVi::i.with Intrrml thetrou fnru July 2Wh, A l . lisi,at (writ t rent, mt annum, on a crrtain pr.mtiory nt. ms-- an. Jrlhri.l thrm t J. JCri-i- i. or lrarrr. f.r i$ July roth.A l. 7f tikh Mil J J Crf.i-- n duly

M ami tranfrrrrl t a iff al forjitJaXtm-ntu- f f.nlt-ur- r of arcrtJUn iuort3r ee-rtit- r-l

anililrllTt-m- l touM J J Crlpprn, by nafclWalter Mirtlu atxl Mary A Martin. In urlrr ttcur!iall , mi

Th wfst half of northwft iiartr uf 4ttl'n no.Iwrotyef-jo- (il) in town...", no fifteen (IS),twHiih f ranc no tire (.), writ containing() arrf.

Which morttra? vii-I- J J. Crlt-p- duly a.tJ-D-- J

a nl transfrrrrtl. furTaluf receitrd, touM UlnlitT. ami ili tlrrrrt of court afurraaM tcluld iihIcci prrmtM-a-. without airaitu?nt. Ipay aiirh atvIr-M- of ult a a. aforesaidto let rrntlrre! ; toeicIii-l- you ab-- eachantlcieryof lh ilrfetklants tn . can, fromany ami all Inter In al ruortcaffM ml rutit.from and after auch ul; AN that a rtvetftr beai'poInttM by aalsl Court or Judarr thereof to ukochary? ami careot ami rent all mortjriaT.! realrotate, aitd to collect rents. Uue. ami profit there-from ; ami Itat unlrs you answer sail platntliTa- lition on r before thu

ilt day of&ptnnfct , A. . tSS.the Mtoe will I taken aa tru ami jwUtnent ofthe nature ahereintftiretatcl ami prayed forwill br rendered accordingly.

KATEE.CAULETOS.Ity Jntit ((. SrtvrTt her Attorney

t loth, l.' tZw

Publication the District Court of Valine County, Mate of


J E. HAIMIKNT.Plaintiff,


IIAHLKS JOIIN.siiS,ii j.ciiirn:.v,andII. F CKIITKN.


IVfrndauts. )To Charles Johnson.mrot are hereby notified that the plalntlffabovaJl named has filed M the above entitled court

hi petition sint you. and the above namntdefendants. In an action In which the partiesplaintiff and defendants are as above staled; Thatyou have been sued in said court by Mil plaintiff;That the nature of thelad,;nicut mucbt and pray-ed for by said i.laj.illff u his petition aforesaid,against vuu ami said named defendants. Is forlronal Judgment su;aln-- t you, andN A Johnsonan I Anna L., for mur,nh Interesttherrun from July iuth, A. !, twelve percent p- -r annum, on a certain promissory nolomade eieculcd and dcliicred by you. six I said S.A.Jhnnand Anna I. Johnson, to aald plaintifflirniss, of dateof January l, A. I abasfor judgment forrclnslni; a certain UK.ftcira made,eiecutrd ami delivered by you. ami said N. A.Jlin-u- ii and Anna U Johnson, lo aid plaintiff. Inorder tu secure tLe aforesaid note onThe north half uf the north-ea- st quarter and the

north-we-st .uitter of thexxitb-.n- l narter.ofsection No. four ID. township No itieen fLraneNo four II) west, containing one hundredand twenty (Jw acres nune orient.

And to sell the said runrtgiged premises withoutappraisement, lo y sucb juditueM and roses ofsuit so as aforr-ai- d tu l.e rendered as prayed foraasfnrrsaid. Alto that a receiver ! appointed bysaid Court, or the Judc thereof, lo tale charpiaodcireof, arl rent saM roortxaae.1 real estate,arelcollect rents, issues arid profits thereof , arelthat unless you aniweron or liefore th

Slit dit of & ittcmUr, A. I). ISSS,ssid petitiou ulllbe taken as true and judgmentof the liatnre as bere!ntefore stated and prayedfor will be rendered accordingly

J K MARfSEXT.Cy Joiii Ii. H i it. bis Allorney

alina, Kansas, August luth,

Legal Notice.In Justice Court befsre I", l CriswooU, Jutica

of the peace of liayton township, Saline cowaty,Kanas.


I'taJntlffs, I

WILLlAJl'ltlNNU. (Ivfeivlint j

TIIE above naiuM def-ndi-M will tale ncliebe has leensued by tbe plaintiffs befora

the suse nam--tl JusiKs-o- f the Peac, lor the sstaar ll'H arsl Inter-- st thereon, that oo An cast

1st a garnishee summons was lined for saidsumlol that the tsuse wlllUbearlon September Ttb, I sffi. at nin oePk,a. ns.

L. KKIMJECH,-- w Attorney for Ilalallffs.



BaesjfBwaBBalaevasuTTavaawKSn-- raaeBaaaBrrSaaiasK JsV

awapasawsMsKprMJV frSspeUIsL .

jKSfa2uwajaa9lrV?JA4n.Fornietiy LAFATETTE, BLOOMHsCTOS A

MCNCIE aad LIKE ERIE A LOUISVILLERAILWAT. Ta aaerteU aad moat direct routmakJaf lauaeliate connections for psuMcrerEaat and West.

Th shortest aad raoat direct root betsreen Kaa-a- aa

City, Cltf eland, Buffalo, flttabarg. New YorkBoston, FbUaaelpkU, Waahlnftoa, Baltimore aadall polnta East taaklng clove counertioos a.'tli alltae Trunk Uaea.

FlraVclasa cqalpsents. Steel Rails. WswUac--koM Miller Platform aad Cowpler.

esaraat sew KecUelng Chair and Dtawlat-raa- a

Can attacked to all through pasatagcr trains, ftwar eilra charge to all firsWlasa passeaters aokUag

thrasafk tlekcU. The few chaagea by Ul KoaUan all saade la L'nloa Depots-- no Oaanibua Traaa-fcr- a.

Aak for UcktUto aay noiat Bad rU tka LAXXBKIE A WEoTEstN RAItWAT. Jfaaat Itsst

atsWr lafisrtaatsoa faraiaaed free aaaa iparatwH

to teriaesfal TfckH OaVei, ar illna0. W. IMITH, Oral Fwa. Aft.

aBBfasffatyVWswaV HHBaalJBs"