'■ is i ' VOKA: NO.-803.' IiilME I steiifs [tm I" .^uiiiiiSFom W »t Virginia Merchants Are ; Warned by SherifVas tff the '] Sale of Flre Arms and | . : Explosives ' BEOKIiBY, W. V t, yp>-BomlM ! ■wer* exploded In front ef tba , • lam«« of twtt aon-nnlon.mlnn* In * ‘ EUseTtbe ltt« U tt nlgliL 8ut« , ' tiooin w iti blood bound* arre*W i .■I two men bat tho7 d«&7 Imovledsa : of ih* tTlmfc Nobody w u hurt aa _ u » result of tb« expbtlonc. . If WATJ3H m H A S U BALES. . MOITNDSVILLB, W. Vl-, yP}- Af * precMUonary memro- ddr- . IttK tba miners' itzlko, Bberlff H u- I lettondChlefofPollMBiywmyB#. . , terday.Tjsltod aU eeUbUshments .1 b an wbore firearms and ammunl- i ttoa aro told and warned proprlet- 1 ;.o n tD.MU aim* or asunonltlon to i : abtohtoly xellablo penona on^. i > Tb* action was ordered by tbe Mar- 1 : fibal eonnty board orcoamlstienBrs, t I e n u d tb* VoiindtvQIii..elty coon- i T ,' M Airr q u a WOBK 'il 8ALT.LAKE OlTy. Wtili, fl flperatof* of Corbon-ronntj-'who hnvo H ihrir Urad of firm hvrp mimlttoil toilny 11 thnt »fncc UomUy ncvcrnl liiindreit mtn hnd left Kork nt tli<’ niinrs. Iti thf> Spring Co.-yon cliatrirt-it reimrlcil that tbe minci liod beun' iliut down while roports from othor mlBm shon'r<l fhnt they wcro workltip from 10 td .’!« ^ r cont (if tioiinnl. Pour rompanlfs a . Tfporto'd tbnt they were workin? prac- ilralljr normal; ; TASS3 OHABOB. i. NBW YOHK. (ff) - With the tr rival of John L, Lowli, nrchldent of tlio United Mln^'Workrn of AmoHea, Now tir York toJoy beeame the-headqunrleri } "-Tif'm -eUt -et^lke-' ly * .Uwli.tnMb;ed JiJ here fraRi; \yaiblDf(ton thli. Aftecnoo)^ 1 y and union leadeni predicted ho would t tlio every effort "to speod'up anthra- ( , cite irtip? ncnotlfttloni.'' , I I ' Intomatlonot and diitrict memlier* nr 'j tho nnUiradte jfoneral policies commit- ]|n tco, 40 ntronKi nro arrivlnR in roiponip one to ft fftll iMiicd by Thomni Kcnncd.r, trii ,'nreiidoiit iMhc eommlttcr- Thoj, with niu 'M r. -liCwlB, will dUcuM omcrRenfiei whirh ha>o nriicn ilnco the itrilu woi cnllril Sntiirdny, It waa nnnounco^ nt ^ onion hpaJi^uarteri. . ' Ono of ihc chiof problems confront- Inir tlic rommiltpc, it wW lalil. wns *''** 'Whether it would nf cept tho nlleaod; ,*• o f f o r i o f BDVcrnl imnll 'Indepondent 1""' .*orannnlrii to comply with tho miners' --;.11>-^lcmnnils If tlio m en'w uld return to work. Commlttocmen ycatordftv ox.^— i prc.wd doubt tliftt iiich offrw ^oulll b c jj" __ considered becnuw they would nefoi-j *■ slt^to nejtotlfttlon nf ncpnrnto contrnclit,**?''' n policy heTrtoforo'dlsnpproved by the Intematlonnl orRanlMtion. they said. Mr. Lo«riii nlso Is rrpw tcd to nld tho '<} fonimittffl lo docisc plnns for cnfnrdnc Ihp strik.' Ih sfnii-iinionhed distrirts where, n.-rordinc tn unverified reports reccivnl ycrtcrdny, iirodnclion hn* con- J“*‘ tinued elnre (he snipcnuion order be- •ime effiictlvp. ' M l IDISIDEIU iZ . T0iS,lllll!liiFI5 ... nln ------- Mr Packer Steps from Train 'With fH< Ko Knowlodgo that Mother of Children Has Died Mr ------- ^ oth ' CHICAOO, (/P) — Mr*. Louis P. ‘p« Bwlft, 02, wlfo nf the president of the hnt Swift & Company, died suddenly at her ®f‘ liomo todny followlnjf nti'lllnoss of only 4 .^ a few hours. Her husbiind, who'was cd . - Toturnln(j Irom a bunincu trip to Ilnno- on lulu, stepped from tho train hero wM- “nf ,out knowlnit of hls wife's death. ' ' Mti. owlft ap|»ared In ROOd health .last niRht, dlnfn^ and playlnR frames ''' with tho family until sho retired. Pliy- 0 1 sicuns wero called at 11 o'clock lu t nifht aftrr she hhd suffered from a mn violent coiiRhlni? nttnclc.' Bhe died a n><> few honrs Inter. . Tho mnrrlaeo of Mrs. Swift, formerly mI Mis* Ida May Butler* of RolllpB ?rnl- M rlo, Ind., took plnee September I>, 1R90, Sho Is inivlved l.y Mr. Siv'f* "od four •• children. ^ (jp IDAHO PIONEER DIEa POCATELIA Moll". W A. Tuppcr. onp of the pioneer residents of Pocntollo-nnd for the pnst fe«- year* jnstico of the penco, died thin forenoon, ^ nhortly after lieintr removed to tho pen- or* rrnl ho,i]illiil, pneumonia hobg— tho ree ' cnusc. . "HP ------------- Ihe INSTALL NEW PRESIDENT. tlir SALT LAKK CITY. Utnh, (yP)-Dr. ills! Gi-orco Tliomn", n native Utabnn nml nor ffMdunte of Ilnrvnrd. wn* formerly In- rrs *tallcd n« prenlclrnt of tho University tim of Utnli bere todny. -IDAHO WEATIIBIU. Tnnl^lil fnir; Thurs.lny fnlr nnd to warmer. . mm ilW l DINMNES Discharged Employe Shoots Down 3 Men BeforeJj_e is Killed cmfiAQO, w) - Cii.tlf. Pul- flold, coraKed over boioi; dliehari;. n, cd by :liC'Joneii foundry company, , today ruihcd Into tins offlcc of H.' J.' Powers, superintendent, shoot- inc' wildly from n plitul In cach bond and In a brief rol^n of terror, klllrd oiip nmn, wniiiided thrcr oth- ers nnd thou was shut to death hy Power*. Folficid entered tlie offlro run- inc and yellln;;, and as ho opened firo thuac in tho room rushed for g cover. J'fin’cre ducked dow/i be- t hind hh desk and taking n pistol t from it oiH'iicd firu un Falficld who 5 fell nftrr the flrtt ahol. X ■ . S ' British Accept View , J ' Advanced by Hughes i thn ■- UINDON. m - Artrpl.w|. Ijy ’i till' Uritisli Rovornfticnt of the Am- ' erlcan views pertaining to. thi> . tnhint.-nnnco rests uf tho Anierlcoii army of occupalloq, ns expounded:; ^ In tho icccnt nole'of Bccrelary' o f „ Btato n-JBhcs to tho allies, has lieeu Infrtrmally conveyed lo tiio Amer- * lean jovurnmont, nlthouRh n for- mal noto offlrlally confirming the ^rc ncfeptnntc hn* not yot heen dls-' ' patched, f . r, her ■C M Actor Takes Standj'tO'Recount “ Chronicle of Miss Rappe's ”? Death - Z .. not SAK raANOIMO, CaL‘{/P)- ^ Bo»*» C. (F»tty) Arbtt«*lB look ! f! :<JJ^lW dJ».hl*»ojpj>h>li''<9day... ‘‘f; In tbe tbird'tiU l'of « minslaogli- ter clurgo against him resoitlng I,,, from the death of Miss Virginia ", Rappe. .. • Arburkh followed Dr. OeorKP Frank- Iln Shloli, defense mcdlenl expert, nnd }?i ono of the defense niienlsts In tbe first 1“ j trinl of Hnrry K. Tlinw for thr allcKcd murder of fitnnford White. “ 5 Accused Man Smiles. O'. , „tn( Arburkle (uiiiled n* hr took . tbp bo* stolid. Ho snid lie kiioiv Mlm'-ilappe for flvc'yonrs. He arknowlril(tcd be- m l Ini; pre-ii.ntint tbe |>nrty In the Hutcl \\ I Ht. Francis in which b'e I* iillcccd to ltn?l llinvo fntnlly iiijiih'd Miss Itniipc. He '' nnid he hnd Invited 11 f<^-of tlic AM pirsts. . ' Pin, wlilskev nnd ornnj;r Juicr were servrll at thi- pftrty, bp drrlnrcd. • ,j “ Broakfiist" wnji served .nt ,1 : |i. m.. i*whilQ most of the irurnts wrrr tlierr, He I'f , loft the rconi In wblrh the ciimla were ' nt 3 p. ni.. nnd went Into hi* own room _ to dress for nn eripicemcnt with Mrs. , [Mny Tntilir, n fripnd, he,*nld. I “ I went intr> iny licdrnnni nnd lock- ' l"d tiic .loor." bc anid. “ I went tu the • i bathroom nnd the door struck ‘"onir- ithlnir. I 'onliod In nnd saw MIm Itnppe on thn (lonr. She wiiji holding bcr I,, |*tomnrh mid nionnliij;. I'” * “ I (ffivii-her sonip ivnter nnd nikrd |iC there wni<'miytblnK I miild dn for J jlirr, She rnid,' I Wlint tn Iny down.’ I , 'rnrried brr to a bed nml returned tn ' ‘,‘r. the Imtb. When I camu nut into tho room Vlrclnitt wn* on the flonr. I m ain , tdncod her nn the bed and went out for , „ Mrs. nambina Mnude Pclmnnt, her ? friend nn'd'Viie nf the (fursts.V . “ A nnmber of the euc*ts came into ,, Iho room, Inrludlni; Miss Allco Tllnkp, Mrs. Delmont. Ml*s Zev I’rp\'()st nnd others. Mis* Rappe *at up ou tbn bed I I tearlnjr her clothe*.' Hrr slcr've'wa* In hanirlnir b.t^n thread nnd I pulled it Ul " I wont out of thn room nnd return- ed later. Uiss Rappe was l.rlne nudo on the bed. I tried to cover her up ' and Mrs. Delmont tried to stop me. I said to Mrs. Delmnnt: ‘Shut un or I . wlll throw ynu nut the window.' ’* > mio witnes* said hr wns drr"«ed io j. a Inunifinz rnlie aiid painma,«. Ilo de- P 3 *rribed thr siimmnninc of the aMistnnt m anner of thn hotel nnd of tlir re- moval of MIm Rnppo tn nnothrr rnom. nilNEHniSllCT r b.ui --------- . nf Oommisaionora of Murtaugh Em and Twin Falls Boarda in . . Joint Seasion —— by Menib'Ti! of the hoard of rorniuirininn- li’ur, CM of tho Murtflui’li hii’liwny dlilrict, ;ni,j rerently eicated nut of. tcrrllorv.jjrj'vi- fijgi iiUPly 1u''tiidrd witbln the bniindnrlrs of jmf Ihe'Twin Fnlls liiRliwav dintrirl. and f.nni tlir roDiriiiK'.Ionrrs of fhr Twlji Fnlls T dislrirt WHP to meet brrr thh nfter- slor noon in loiiit seaion to selert nppmis- ncjr rrs to d.-lcniilnc the hnsh of distrlbu- «tnt tiou of I'ropcrty nnd Indrhtrdurai ns trie l.rlivVi'n the rnrrnt nnd new distrirts, I'roccedlnc "f the mecllnij we,re to be funi covrrnrd bv provisions of law reljiMn^ for fn the'^crcotion of new blRhwa>“ ls- «1d trieti. • •• . , reai OClATEDPRESSNEm .LLS TWIN rAU.8, IDAHO. 'WED B iSH IIflTE RKSOEBI coN ipsy Bases Her Demand for Interest Due Her From Allies on the 1 Statement She Must P'ay^ United States LONDON, (ip) — Tbe^- Brltlih EOTernment b u addxeaied « note to tbo alifes dedarlnf tbit owln; to tbe fact tbtt O m i Bdtala b u to pay tbo intenit o& ber debt ta tbe irnited SUtee, the resorea to ber> lelf the cUbt.to caU on tbe tUiei in tan to pay tbe interest on tbelr ww do^t* to Qreat Britain. In this connection It is pointed out thnl Oroat Britain Is now fully prepai- _ cd to pav the interest duo to tho Uni- •tPd Stptc*. . I Asreement. Sooa Lapees. Tho tbrec years' a^rreeroent bctWoi'a ' Grrnt Britain and United fltstei'lapscs . Mny IS, from which time Interest on the debt due by Oreat Britain to lhe United 8tnles brains to nccrue, so thnt Orent Drliuln will pay six months’ In- terest tbo cominfT fall. Similarly tlir ■flRTcement between Great .Britain nnd ber debtois ten'ninntcs qlmost Immedl- - . PttANOB WANTS DELAY. _ I'A lili WP) — The IVondj.r^ply 'lo tho Britlu'i note ronceminn payment of Interest (ii;'wnr lonns by Englnnd is likely to br thnt tho f]ucstlon Is bound u|i with thnt of the Interallied debts, whicb must .be dealt wltb as n whole, snys thn Kcho do Paris, quotlnt; a woll- info'rmed -suurce. Plere meal .payment will onh’ luunpcr Ibr settlement, thv reply will say. Tho .qritlsh communication nolified Franre that the three .vears’ conyon- r tlon oxpirlnjr at an early date would ^ not bo renewed. Tl>o undentandlnR In French official clrelcs' 'jas been that the wbolo (jues- lioa of tho Interallied dobti wiil eomo DpwB^n;tfc*i#ltl*tl»e of-<}iMtBrl: lain ns the result of tho Amorlmn fundlntr bill whirh renulroi payment ot Interest on theUcCTTorihe nlllci to the Unlled Slates. : As all theao obll- cations nro linked toKCtber, it Is hold In Frenrh circles Ihot a settlement bc' twren nny two countries reqnlres a Rcheral ndjustment. The British fnreicn office is under- stood tn l-.nve Informed tbo Frencb am- bnsandor in lyindnn tlmt the Brltlih . t;qvprnnienl will brlnjj tbo.question up. ^ IC nile Frenrh forrldn ufflrr drclarcd n, Hbny nn formal notn on the subject [in' yrt brrn preaented. AMERIOA WITHOUT DfTOEMAnO^ WASHINGTON, 1). C.. (/P)—Boyond ^ prea*.report* of Great Britain's prepn- rntlnn to becin tlie pnvmont of Interest upon her five billion dollnr xvnr debt |<i thi* rountr.v. tbr trensury Is ns yet pj wlthmit informntlon on the RUbjrrt. „i Grrnt Britain, offirLM* snid tndnv, f,, bn* brrn reported na laying nside 23,- ),j :On0,0ri{l jiound* iu her Im dcct-for this .vear to nrct Intcrcat. pii.vment* fo this . countrj-. Tn Ortnbrr thr first semi- nnnuftf Inierest paymrnt will fnll due al nflpr the rxplrntinu of tlie tlirrc-ycnr i" prrlod duriiic whicb by mutunl tinder- itnndlne Intrreat on thr drbt wns de- ferred. 8f On April IS, thr deferred lnterc*t hr due from firctit Brltnin,'official* said, will amount -to npproximalely $015,- br 000,(100, lull thi* *um, ll hn* been un- in derstood, would bc the sub.Icrt of fnnd- in(; nrcotlatlon* nlonjt with tho priori- pal of tho ilebt when tho new debt com mission beplns worklojt nnt a Rcneml lo liquidation scheme. w IPlilLESS; Family, of. Dead Emperor De- pendent Upon Charity of European Nations j PARIS, m - Tlir council of-am- b.issador(i todoy took up the question of provldini; for lhr family of px- Emperor Ckirles of Au*trln-IIunsnr%-, whn died In exile. In Madeira laat Snt- ^ tirday. The nllirs are rrndv to confrlb- ,ule to the'support of .the'fnmilv, bul some of the countrlr* tlmt I.eueflttcd '’J by pnrt* of Ihn fnrfune nf the' Ilaps- ^ burc*. inrbidluj- CrrcliO'Slovnkln nnS Iru.Tn'S'nvin, 'rtrr drclnrrd to hhve re- J*' fused tn' rrVsse for fhi* .luirpouc nny [jJ imrt of the iiroprrtv of 'the imperial «v fnmilv thal wn*Jmnded ovrr tn tbem. ib TIip nml)n"»ndor» postponed n deci- slon on Hi( nursllon. tirndint; further j,, ncRotlntl'ins, Thr allic*- nrr under- •tood to dftrnnined Hint'the cnun- of tries which rerrlvrd pnrt nf the former ^ AtiMro-Hiiui-nrinu Irrrilory shall aa- eo Mime li shnre of thr burden in raring wi for the ex-ruler’s children and his widow. • Rumania, it Is slated, has al- ready conaented to bear^-ber share. in SPAPER IN TWIN FALL DAIL EDNEgDAT, APIUL 6.1021 '( Gotham's Streets ] Jazz Hence Yo 'NEW YORK, (/Fl - When Jo- soph Yohnaon saw the corner of Lexin;:(ou avonuo nnd Ninety-sev- enth itrtet going around like a merry-K('-round^ last niRht, his bet» ter jud^ent told him bo oueht to bo pimhhed for tbo way hls worse' Judi^ent had been behaving la tho mntter of ohejing problblUun lawi. So Iio looked up and down tho whlrlini; streets for a policeman. There wnr nono in'slBbt. He shuf- fled over to the police siffnal box, AGR iGULTURA l COMM IT ! VOTES MUSCLE SH WASHINGTON, I). C„ sumptbiii of work on Ibu slgantle WKsoji dam at Muscle Shoolt, Ala., under ehargo of anny engineer* ta was recommended today by the pl . aeoate agrieulturo committee which wl voted uusnlmously to press an op amendment to tho army supply bill lei providing an appropriation of |7,- Hi SOD,000 lo finance 'work oa tho dam po A s s a ila n t C r u s h F iv e - B o y s a n c CONCORDIA, Knn., (ff) — The- odore Tremblay, lS‘year-old farm- er. boy was slain with an axe al his homo lost night, thrvo broth- ers, 14, li and 10 yenrs old, ro- spectivolv, oro nenr death with their hends crushed, and tbu fnther of the loys, L. J. Tremblay, a trus- tee of Shirley townnhlp and on- ' TOIlESTim 1' liKIICTIOr Detroit Court Orders Probe to Leam Legal Residence of Oliver. Morosco atton u to tbcr 1^*1 reeldosee of Ollrer UoroseO, iheatrlctl producer wbo vm married at Santa Ana, Oal., SiRirdiy to M tx Selma Paley. Loi-Ajiselel actreu, bnt tbroe day* after ue w u granted a decne of 7 dlTorce bere from bi* first wife. '* waa orderod today by Circuit Judge Hairy J. Dingeman of Detroit ' Edward Polorney, friend cf the court was- Instructed to make the invcstiga- lion In on effort to Icnrn whether nr not coll'ielon cxl*tsd. Claims Mlcblgon Residence. Morosr.1 filed divorce proceedings ni;iin*l lus tlrst wife, Annn T. Mitchell severnl iiioiitlis njio. using his fnmilv nnme, Oliver' Mitchell nud .giving hU residenre as Blonmfirbl Hllla, a Detroll auburbnn itiRtrirt. In bl* bill of com- plaint be chnrcod hi* wife witb "nog- • glng" Ill'll, cnntlng rcflcrtions oo his ^ huaine** nbilitv nnd "ir>-ing to bend v him to her will," W.lfo Names Co-respondent The wifi' filed ft crosa bill i'or divorce alleging i nielty nnd infidelity nnd nam- ing as ro rrspondciit Miss Palr.r, whn now i* Mrs. Morosrn. Moroaru 'n'lnrried bia fit*t wife In Snn Frftni'larn, Drcrmber l-l, lfi07. Ho bns n son, Walter, 2.1 vrar* old. • It la iindersfnod here that Mofo*co . bna settlc,l «200,000 upon his first wife in lieu, of nlimnny. SATS HB LIVED IN DETROIT SAN FUANCISCO, (/P) — Oliver Mo- \ TOSCO, Investigation of whoao residence ■ w u ordered today by tho circuit court 11 In DetrotV, said today Ihat up to " a il month or two ago," he had been a resl- | | dcnl of l>ttrolt for two nnd ono-hnlf years. A -month or two ago he moved . to Loi .Angeles and' bought o home there, ho snid. ■He said ho knew noth- ing of any court Investigation of tho ■ AU aFB ‘ ■lEHOBM --------- V hn Btillot W ound M uat Toll Tale as of Lipa Qf Victim aro Stilled by Death ' ki IDAHO FAU.S. Idaho. fff^-Ouy Cnrl tb Nelson nna Clrde Fl NtlKm. brothrni. helJ In Ihr nonncvUlc county Jnll on ti chnofo of miinlcr .ln connection wllti ttift , ‘ nhootlnit Ot a A. nrowTjInit Iiuii Nevcm- >n li«r 26. cntrreJ plena of not ctillly whrn of nrmlenrd In Jl*(rlct court hrro ycstrr. (lay nfternoon. , llmn-nlnir. Ihe nsed proprietor of a »tib- “e urlwn crocorr. refinrj to itimw up Iila pa hnnila wIirn.liandliB entcrcil bis alore n« fg Iir wna cauntlnR hi* nwncy on a-ttunlty evrnlnir. hut Inairnd licmn, stiooilnir ni , tlie.lntruilrm. Fivn bulloi* *truck Brown- be Ine mill hr -ahot one of thr Inlnnler*. Cl Uuy Cnrl Nelaon wan Inter found In hla hrotlirr'a liomn, infferlnR from n bullet wounil and nt tho preHmlnnry hcarlnir orfleera iciiirieil iliAl (hr hulirt extmot* G( ed from hla body om o from Hrownlnsi'i ot mm. He wn* bonnd over to the distrTot eourt on a murder eiianre. The brother , wn* niK) ftven a henMnB nnd waa beund Od nvrr on the wmo chnrgc. Tiolh have be«n na held tn thr county-Jnll wllhout bond. . i,. nrownlnir was formerly of Oeden where {*“ hr wa» In busineu 'far many yeara. Bt LLScdvNTY [.Y Nl t Whirl Ciddy T Johnson Calls Cop \ . took down /he receiver nnd when headquaricrs antworcd, ho said: “ Sergeant, this Is me- Pleiup ' send’ii (Op to rcmovo nvsolf. My- lelf U annoying mo simply awful." Tho lights flashed on neighbor. . ing. signal boxes. Quickly ilx po- lleomen eamo running. “ Otflecrs, do your duty," eom-., (' aandod Mr. Yohnson.- 'Hioy did. ; They reamed that Yohnson, n deal- | cr in h>ps and malt, had patronized I himself. 1 Ho wus haled into polico court today and let off with a <3 fine, q | ITTEE UNAN IMOUSLY SHOALS APPROPRIATION for ono year beginning next July 1. ' ' ' Committeo membera agreed with Chalrmna Norris tbnl the action was I taken solely In order to expedite com- 1 pletlon of the project nnd waa,entirely ' without prejudice to tho offers for ils operation, completion, purchase or j lenso received by tbo government from Henry Ford, tho Alabama Power com- i pany and Frederick K. Bngttrum. J ihes Heads of ,J ad Their Father ‘j . . ofl other elgbt-year-old son, wore in< LO ^ured. Th’o assnllnntJi arc uo* un After the nttnck Ihc slayers set In flro to thr liousc nnd bam. Neigh- bors seeing tbe biaxr early thli M moin'lng, went lo tho Tfcmbldy. » home und rescued tho uneonscioui ui victims. . hn ;■ £ MORE JOBS AND LESS JOBS, SAYS REPORT ( i r r ^., GDMMISSION CHAIRMAN WA3H1NGT0N. D. C.,(/P)^Em. lio ployment conditions tbroDghout the' . ' rountry continue to improve, ae- tin cording to reporti rrcrived dorlnir ml ) the past ten dayi hy the prval-' mi dent'a conference on unomploy- be ment, Arthur Woods, ehairman of im tho- emorgeaey eomnliiioD, ;aa* do . , nounced. tod»y. . fc' , . w i ' "The upward trenti,^‘Mr. WMd*' vi .-aald;'.‘srhllo'^ot treat, itiJJ eon- iti tlniics'to’Tioni, wHmilo ntnnbff nf-*' W Jobs availablo sllghlly' incrr^ed, coupled wllh a eofreiponding do- . ■ crease lu the number of applUasta ,. p n most boprfiil sign.'' ' Three Mauds Score Yktoriea; One LoseBX^i \ Sl’UlNOFIELD, III., (/P) — !*“ r Tbrrc Mauds won victories over-, main rnulcndcrs in, Snngamon rDuntv elcctinns yesterdny. They , •'*' were'Mnud Flfxhugb, elertcd col- J"' lector il. Nonml, Mnud Owens, clerk, Lniir.'ivlltc, nnd Mnud Unrnes; col- ' o" ^ lecfor. Pawnee. A fourth Maud wns defented, She n^ia M.aud fltevons, J’'* ' cnndldnle for clcrk of Pleasant • 'i " Plains, , TO ; Candidates Speeches de" Broadcast by Radio --------- tra . TACOMA, Wash.; (/p) - Radio ,, entered pollllr* for tho first time In Ohronin’s hi.<tory lnst night when , twn cnndidntes ft>r mnyor, spcnklni I, from tho brnndrnstlng stntion of /i. tho Tn'comn Ledger distributed tlic . opening cnrapnlgn addrcases. Il Is p planned that two more cnndidates will bo heard tomorrow night, con- tlnuing unlil all of Ihe 12 primary' canilldatch Imvo spoken. ,jp. ,.l --------------- / ' : UPlpii^ Campaign Opened in Texas to Prevent White Masked Men Holding Publio Office ' - - ' ' - be DALLAS, Texas, (,^>:-i)allft* todny ^ - had a new ciganlxatlon aa an outgrowth pri 3 of rrri'nt flogging* here, the Dallas vn Couiity Ciiiiens’ league, wllh the avowed pjrpnaA to oppose the Ku Klux (hi Klnn in linllas muntv ns Rummariud in thr rcaolution ndon{rd last night nt gtr •I the organiMtlon publle mass meeting, ml . "No in.u.brr of the Ku Klux Klau he. '' should bc ]>cmiKtcd to bold any officc dg . in ynur Kl;iti', nml we pledge' thu people tbi n of Tein,H tbnt 'we will not cncourngo or wl • vntr for i.iiv rnudblnte for offire who an- . belong* lo Ihp Ku Klux Klnn, ^vho s.vm- ,11' a pathiirs wilh It or who hni- ftpologlzcd tin • for tho orgftuirntlon or Its nets.” . ' A pcrmnnrnt committeo of nine mcm- mt . ber* nndnr tbo cbalrmnnaliln of M. M. fr( t Crani' todny tonk up its first day «f nn • exeeutlvc wtirk nf the leaeue. On tho be IT commillce wilh Mr. (>nne are former no • Governor {I. Ik Colquitt and Bcvorol wa ■ othor’prominent men. . qu J Last .iiRhl’s meeting hcnrd severnl ' a addresses. An overflow gnlhering wan Da n Addressed outside In front of the elty to - hail auditotlum; where tho meellng wo4 thi hdd. an E W i'l FEIOB FITS CENTS I; T iEEFORC i! P iBE iL i i ( iliEO L BEC K i County Authorities, Military j Commission and Dry Law f Sleuths are All Busy Running I; Down Clews OKLAHOMA 0IT7, Okli^ (/P)— r Preparations were made today to •' laoncb tlire* uparat* In^oiilet Into tbe eront* nironndlng tbe death of Llentenaat Oolo&el Paoi Wanl r Beck, pioneer army aTlator and m . ; slstant eomnindant of-Post field, ' '■ Fort SUl, Okla., who was klUsd In tb* latter’i bome bare early V terday wben, according to Day, i. wu itcoggUag with Mis. U civil Inveatlgatlon by eonnty aa > thbrilies will detormlDO the ehargei to bei filed ngnlnst Dny. ' K military coiaralfsion of throe army officers, heaJIJd by Major Thomu a 'J Ldttthier, will como hero Fridoy or Sat ) !" tirray, accordlog to an annonneemiigr i atjPost field, and inveitigato the kUl- t in, . L third inquiry got under way whoo -iT' M F. Meadows, federal prohlhl{ion di- rc tor for Oklahoma, began to check ',i UJ to asecrtnin whether liquor might '■ hnVo hnd a part in the.pnrty which pr ceded tho killing of Lieutenant ’< Co onei Beck. f •• A'walt Ooroner’i la q n ^ , ^ ( nunty officlala toilay were ruaolng dortn varlons angles of tho tragedy but nnth tbo coroner’s inquest Slilarday, Foriyst niighcs,_founty attomoy, nc- j iiouiieed he. would not decide tho ques- i' lion lof lillng;chnrgei agninit'Day. {. “ raasniueh ol I enonot tay nt this , time wbat turn the eoronor'i Inqncst f may take, it' li possible that either !i manilauifliter or a murder ehargo may be filed flgaloit Mr. Day follow^s tbe Jnq®Ait,’’-tho eonnty ottorney said; *'T , H do>4t koow whether Ur. ^ y or hie ;.i. w i^.l thrf other, wilnett to,th* kiillBi;-'-•)< will tiktfilie stand at thftt'tlaBx The state could not force oithert**tlfcr, { « to r*JMi»<>t deiife;vI*r~~--..ws;^vv. ./MayHotTertifir.' iV.''. If )ay and Ml wife'deeilne W,take iha s and a t tbe inqueet, H r. 'Hofihea. polhtdd out, bo rould tbeii file a charge, of ,’mtird'.T. iVlekils <if Day deelared noithor he r nor^ hli wife would testify at the In- ** l)\iyl ip an Interview, dnclarod he had'.not thought of killing Beck when v ho ntnrned to hls home, -and ho a1- Irgex, foand tho army offieor attacking Mrs.'Day. Hls only intent. Day *ali, waa tn drivo Beck from his homo. He fenred Brek might bo armed, ho aald, and fqrthU reason obtained a revolver. Dnyi'irclnred when ho cneountorcd Reck, \bo nrmy officer drew back ono hnnil lit was then, Day,said, thnt ho' i struck ^erk on tho hctid with tho re- volver. I The disehargo of tho weapon wn* nrr(dental, ho ossert«d. Officials.' declared U appeared that Impact-oftho blow wnAsuffieiont to eauso death. It > wns th o u ^ t that tbo bullet 0IS9 pono- tralcd tbe sirmy officer's bend. Lovkd Back u Brother.' Declaring ho "loved Beck like a brother,’’ Day asserted ho acted os most any.“ red blooded Ameriran who' finds hta confidence violated, hls hoiiio invaded nnd bis. faithful wife insulted nnd violently ntUcked." A sLttement \njo from Mrs. I^y ' early today givinjr.tor tho first time,.' her vision of tbo killing. Bho wna on*, drr tho cure of a nurso; "B erk vlaiteil our b ^ o on numer- ous occavlona," Mrs. D ay iall ‘‘How- ever each time bn called,'previous to Monday i-igbt, he acted u a nntleman. fomlng Into our homo .merely aa a friond, and ono whom wo wert glad to seo because of hli «nlallty. W* .great- ly enjoyed-bavlng him, ioaimuth'aa be waa brilliant and an aeeept^Ie o^i- tloQ to ony company. , Teih “ Early Tuesday’ monibg,''.h'oVreTer,' nfter Mr. Dav left in tha aatotnablle to take the other mesU homo, bo'.ieUea me by tlio wrists and threw, one .ann around mn. It w u '» total snrprile to mr. Nolhing Uko that ever, occnrred before au l I' was [dumbfounded by Ijl.* actions. As ho held mo he made, im- proper proposals to me, I- strugglln'g vainly to free myself from his gmsp. “ It WIS wbllo I w u thus stmggllng thnt Mr. Dny opened the door and walked in. Ho Immediately wont np stnirs. I* seems to mo that several' minutes muat bnvo passed before- I heard him coming down tbo ataln again, f remember very distinctly that he wns standing on tho landln,; wllh n piHtol in bis hands. When I fln t aaw him 1 ^vns terrified. I remember dlitlnrtiv tbat I screamed several timr*. ' „■' "A fter thnl I remember notElng aoro. Wenkenrd by the slniggle to frro m^•*pl^ from Beck’i grosp, I felt mvaelf fainting. Tbe wholo room l>efore mv eves nnd passod nway.' Olo noxt thing I remember la that lomo one wns undressing m<i and telling tse to bu quiet—thst I needed rest "W hat happened after I.saw Mr. Day on the landing thoro/1 *m unable to tell. I. just remember that every- thing se-.Tncd to dim before my ey?« and fade! ont” ,.

Transcript of ' is imm OClATEDPRESSNEm .LLS DAIL[.Y...

Page 1: ' is imm OClATEDPRESSNEm .LLS DAIL[.Y NlEWi'lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1922_04_05.pdfIDAHO PIONEER D IEa POCATELIA Moll". W — A. Tuppcr. onp of the pioneer residents

' ■ i s i' ■ ■ VO K A: NO.-803.'

I iilMEIsteiifs [tm I" .^ u i i i i iS F o mW»t Virginia Merchants Are ;■ Warned by SherifVas tff the ']

Sale of Flre Arms and |. : Explosives '

BEOKIiBY, W . V t , yp>-BomlM !■wer* exploded In fro n t e f tba ,

• lam «« of twtt aon-nnlon.m lnn* In *‘ EUseTtbe lt t« U t t nlgliL 8 u t« ,' t io o in w i t i blood bound* a rre*W i

.■ I tw o men b a t tho7 d«&7 Imovledsa: o f ih* tTlmfc Nobody w u h u r t aa _

u » resu lt o f tb« expbtlonc. . IfWATJ3H m H A S U BALES.

. MOITNDSVILLB, W . V l-, y P } -■ A f * precM U onary m e m ro - ddr- .

IttK tba m iners ' itzlko, B berlff H u - I le tto n d C h le fo fP o llM B iy w m y B # . .

, te rday .T jsltod aU eeUbUshments .1 b a n wbore firearm s and ammunl- i t to a aro told and w arned proprlet- 1

; . o n tD.MU aim* or a sunonltlon to i : ab to h to ly xellablo penona o n ^ . i > T b* action was ordered by tb e Mar- 1 : fibal eonnty board o rco a m lstien B rs, t I e n u d tb* VoiindtvQIii..elty coon- i

T , 'M A ir r q u a W O B K ' i l

8A L T .LA K E O lT y. W tili, f lflperatof* of C orbon-ronntj-'w ho hnvo H ih r ir Urad of firm hvrp mimlttoil toilny 11 th n t »fncc UomUy ncvcrnl liiindreit m tn hnd le ft Kork n t tli<’ niinrs. Iti thf> Spring Co.-yon cliatrirt-it reimrlcil th a t tbe minci liod beun' iliu t down w hile roports from othor mlBm shon'r<l fhnt they wcro w orkltip from 10 td .’!«^ r cont (if tioiinnl. Pour rompanlfs a . Tfporto'd tbn t they were w orkin? prac- ilra lljr normal;

; T A S S 3 OHABOB.i . NBW YOHK. (ff) - W ith the t r

r ival o f John L , Lowli, nrchldent o f tlio U nited M ln^ 'W ork rn o f AmoHea, Now

t i r Y ork toJoy beeame the -headqun rle ri } "-T if ' m -eU t -et^lke-' l y * .U w li.tnM b;ed JiJ

here fraRi; \yaiblDf(ton th li . Aftecnoo)^ 1 y and union leadeni predicted ho would t

tlio every e ffo rt " t o speod 'up anthra- ( , c ite irtip? ncnotlfttlon i.'' , I

I ' In tom atlonot and d iitric t memlier* nr ' j tho nnU iradte jfoneral policies commit- ]|n tco, 40 ntronKi nro arrivlnR in roiponip one to ft fftll iMiicd by Thomni Kcnncd.r, trii

,'nreiidoiit iM hc eommlttcr- T hoj, with niu 'M r. -liCwlB, will dUcuM omcrRenfiei w hirh ha>o nriicn ilnco the i t r i l u woi cnllril Sntiirdny, I t waa nnnounco^ nt onion hpaJi^uarteri. . ' •

Ono o f ihc chiof problems confront- Inir tlic rommiltpc, i t wW la lil. wns *''**

'W hether i t would nf cept tho nlleaod; ,*• o ffo ri o f BDVcrnl imnll 'Indepondent 1""' .*orannnlrii to comply w ith tho miners'

--;.11>-^lcmnnils If tlio m e n 'w u ld return to work. Commlttocmen ycatordftv ox.^— i p rc.w d doubt tliftt iiich o ffrw ^oulll b c j j "

__ considered becnuw they would nefoi-j *■slt^to nejtotlfttlon n f ncpnrnto contrnclit,**?''' n policy heTrtoforo'dlsnpproved by the Intem atlonnl orRanlMtion. they said.

Mr. Lo«riii nlso Is rrp w tc d to nld tho '<} fonimittffl lo docisc plnns for cnfnrdnc Ihp strik .' Ih sfnii-iinionhed d istrirts where, n.-rordinc tn unverified reports reccivn l ycrtcrdny, iirodnclion hn* con- J“*‘ tinued elnre (he snipcnuion order be- • im e effiictlvp.

' M l IDISIDEIU iZ . T0iS,lllll!liiFI5

. . . nln-------Mr

P a c k e r S t e p s f r o m T r a i n 'W ith fH< K o K n o w lo d g o t h a t M o th e r

o f C h i ld r e n H a s D ie d Mr-------^ oth

' CHICAOO, (/P) — Mr*. Louis P. ‘p«Bwlft, 02, wlfo nf the president o f the hntSw ift & Company, died suddenly a t her ®f‘ liomo todny followlnjf nti'lllnoss o f only

4. a few hours. H er husbiind, w ho 'w as cd. - Toturnln(j Irom a bunincu tr ip to Ilnno- on■ lulu, stepped from tho train hero w M - “nf

,o u t knowlnit o f h ls w ife 's death. '' M ti. ow lft ap |»ared In ROOd health

.la s t niRht, dlnfn^ and playlnR frames '''w ith tho family un til sho retired . Pliy- 0 1 s ic u n s wero called a t 11 o 'clock lu tn ifh t a f tr r she hhd suffered from a mnviolent coiiRhlni? nttnclc.' Bhe died a n><> few honrs Inter. .

Tho mnrrlaeo of Mrs. Sw ift, formerly m IMis* Id a May Butler* o f RolllpB ?rnl- M

■ rlo, Ind., took plnee September I>, 1R90,Sho Is inivlved l.y Mr. Siv'f* "od four ••children. ^ ( jp


A. Tuppcr. onp of the pioneer residents o f Pocntollo-nnd for the pnst fe«- year* jnstico of the penco, died thin forenoon, ^nhortly a fte r lieintr removed to tho pen- or*rrn l ho,i]illiil, pneumonia hobg— tho ree

' cnusc. . "HP— •------------- Ihe


Gi-orco Tliomn", n native Utabnn nml nor ffMdunte o f Ilnrvnrd. wn* formerly In- rrs *tallcd n« prenlclrnt of tho University tim

• of Utnli bere todny.

- ID A H O W EA TIIB IU . •Tnnl^lil fn ir; Thurs.lny fnlr nnd to

warmer. . ’

mmi l W lDINMNESDischarged Employe

Shoots Down 3 Men BeforeJj_e is Killed

cm fiA Q O , w ) - C ii.tlf . Pul- flold, coraKed over boioi; dliehari;. n , cd by :liC'Joneii foundry company,

, today ruihcd Into tins offlcc of H.'J . ' Powers, superintendent, shoot- inc ' wildly from n plitul In cach bond and In a b rief rol^n of terror, k lllrd oiip nmn, wniiiided th rcr oth­ers nnd thou was shut to death hy Power*.

Folficid entered tlie offlro ru n - inc and yellln;;, and as ho opened firo thuac in tho room rushed fo r g cover. J'fin’cre ducked dow/i be- t hind h h desk and taking n pistol t from it oiH'iicd firu un Falficld who 5 fell n f tr r the f l r t t ahol. X

■ . S'

British Accept View , J ' Advanced by Hughes i

thn■- U INDON. m - A rt rp l .w |. Ijy ’ i till' Uritisli Rovornfticnt o f the Am- ' erlcan views pertaining to . thi>

. tnhint.-nnnco rests uf tho Anierlcoii arm y of occupalloq, ns expounded:; In tho icccn t no le 'o f Bccrelary' o f „ Btato n-JBhcs to tho allies, has lieeu Infrtrmally conveyed lo tiio Amer- * lean jovurnm ont, nlthouRh n for- mal noto o fflrla lly confirming the ^ rc ncfeptnntc hn* not yot heen dls-'

' patched, f. r, her

■ C M ”A c t o r T a k e s S t a n d j ' t O 'R e c o u n t “

C h r o n ic le o f M is s R a p p e 's ” ?

D e a th - Z■ .. not

SA K raA N O IM O , CaL‘ { /P ) - ^ B o»*» C. (F»tty ) Arbtt«*lB look ! f!

:< J J ^ lW d J » .h l* » o jp j> h > li ' '< 9day ... ‘‘f ; In tb e t b i r d 't iU l 'o f « m inslaogli- te r c lu rgo against him resoitlng I,,, from th e death o f Miss V irginia ", Rappe. ..

• A rbu rkh followed Dr. OeorKP Frank- Iln Shloli, defense mcdlenl expert, nnd } ? i ono of the defense niienlsts In tbe f irst 1“ j tr in l o f H nrry K. Tlinw for th r allcKcd m urder o f fitnnford White. “ 5

Accused Man Smiles. O '. , „tn( A rburkle (uiiiled n* hr took . tbp bo*

stolid. Ho snid lie kiioiv Mlm'-ilappe for flvc 'yon rs . He arknowlril(tcd be- m l Ini; pre-ii.ntint tbe |>nrty In the Hutcl \ \

I Ht. Francis in which b'e I* iillcccd to ltn?l llinvo fntnlly iiijiih'd Miss Itniipc. He ' ' nnid he hnd Invited 11 f < ^ -o f tlic AM p irs ts . . ■ ' „

P in , wlilskev nnd ornnj;r Juicr were servrll at thi- pftrty, bp drrlnrcd. • ,j “ B roak fiist" wnji served .nt ,1: |i. m..

i*whilQ most of the irurnts w rrr tlierr, He I'f , loft the rconi In w blrh the ciimla were ' nt 3 p. ni.. nnd w ent Into hi* own room _ to dress for nn eripicem cnt with Mrs. ,

[Mny Tntilir, n fripnd, he,*nld.I “ I went intr> iny licdrnnni nnd lock- ' l"d tiic .lo o r ." bc anid. “ I went tu the • i bathroom nnd the door struck ‘"onir- ithlnir. I 'onliod In nnd saw MIm Itnppe on thn (lonr. She wiiji holding bcr I,,

|*tomnrh mid nionnliij;. I'” *“ I (ffivii-her sonip ivnter nnd nikrd

|iC there wni<'miytblnK I miild dn for J jlirr, She r n id , ' I Wlint tn Iny dow n.’ I , 'rn rried brr to a bed nml returned tn ' ‘,‘r. the Imtb. W hen I camu nut into tho room Vlrclnitt wn* on the flonr. I m a in , tdncod her nn the bed and went out for , „ Mrs. nam bina Mnude Pclmnnt, her ? friend nn'd'Viie n f th e (fursts.V . “ A nnmber o f the euc*ts came into ,,

Iho room, Inrludlni; Miss Allco Tllnkp,Mrs. Delmont. Ml*s Zev I’rp\'()st nnd others. Mis* Rappe *at up ou tbn bed I I tearlnjr her clothe*.' H rr slcr've'w a* I n hanirlnir b .t^n thread nnd I pulled it Ul

" I w ont ou t o f thn room nnd return­ed la ter . U iss Rappe was l.rlne nudo on the bed. I tried to cover her up ' and Mrs. Delmont tried to stop me. I said to Mrs. Delmnnt: ‘Shut un or I . wlll throw ynu nut the window.' ’ * >

m io witnes* said hr wns drr"«ed io j . a Inunifinz rnlie aiid painma,«. Ilo de- P 3 *rribed th r siimmnninc of th e aMistnnt m a n n e r of thn hotel nnd of tlir re­moval o f MIm Rnppo tn nnothrr rnom.

nilNEHniSllCT rb.ui

--------- . nfOommisaionora of Murtaugh Em

and Twin Falls Boarda in . . Joint Seasion

—— byMenib'Ti! o f the hoard of rorniuirininn- li’ur,

CM of tho Murtflui’li hii’liwny d lil r ic t, ;ni,jrerently e icated nut of. tc rrllorv.jjrj'v i- fijgiiiUPly 1u''tiidrd w itbln the bniindnrlrs of jmfIh e 'T w in Fnlls liiRliwav dintrirl. and f.nnitlir roDiriiiK'.Ionrrs o f fhr Twlji Fnlls Td islrirt WHP to meet b r rr th h nfter- slornoon in loiiit seaion to selert nppmis- ncjrrrs to d.-lcniilnc the hnsh of distrlbu- «tnttiou of I'ropcrty nnd Indrhtrdurai ns trie l.rlivVi'n the rn rrn t nnd new d istrirts,I'rocced lnc " f the mecllnij we,re to be funicovrrnrd bv provisions of law reljiMn^ forfn the'^crcotion of new blRhwa>“ ls- «1dtr ie ti. • •• . , reai

O C lA T E D P R E SSN E m



Bases Her Demand for Interest Due Her From Allies on the 1 Statement She Must P'ay^ United States

LONDON, (ip) — Tbe^- B rltlih EOTernment b u addxeaied « no te to tbo alifes d e d a rln f t b i t o w ln ; to tbe fac t t b t t O m i B d ta la b u to pay tbo in te n i t o& ber deb t ta tbe irn ited SUtee, the r e so re a to ber> le lf th e cU b t.to caU on tb e tU iei in t a n to pay tb e in te rest on tbe lr w w do^t* to Q reat Brita in.

In this connection It is pointed out th n l Oroat Britain Is now fully prepai- _ cd to pav the interest duo to tho Uni- •tPd Stptc*. . I

Asreement. Sooa Lapees.

Tho tbrec years ' a^rreeroent bctWoi'a ' G rrn t Britain and United flts te i'lap scs . Mny IS, from which time In terest on th e deb t due by Oreat B rita in to lhe United 8tnles brains to nccrue, so thnt Orent Drliuln will pay six m onths’ In­terest tbo cominfT fall. Similarly tlir ■flRTcement between Great .B ritain nnd ber debtois ten'ninntcs qlmost Immedl-

- • ■

. PttANOB WANTS DELAY. _I 'A l i l i WP) — The IV ondj.r^p ly 'lo

tho Britlu'i note roncem inn paym ent of In terest (ii;'w nr lonns by Englnnd is likely to b r thnt tho f]ucstlon Is bound u|i with thnt of the In tera llied debts, whicb must .be dealt w ltb as n whole, snys thn Kcho do Paris, quotlnt; a woll- info'rmed -suurce. Plere meal .paym ent will onh’ luunpcr Ib r se ttlem ent, thv reply will say.

Tho .qritlsh communication nolified F ran re th a t the three .vears’ conyon- r tlon oxpirlnjr a t an early da te would ^ not bo renewed.

Tl>o undentandlnR In French official clrelcs' 'jas been th a t the wbolo (jues- lioa o f tho Intera llied dobti w iil eomo D p w B ^ n ; tfc * i# l tl* tl» e o f-< } iM tB rl: lain ns the result of tho Amorlmn fundlntr bill whirh renulroi paym ent ot Interest on th e U cC T T o rih e n lllci to the Unlled Slates. : As a ll theao obll- cations nro linked toKCtber, i t Is hold In Frenrh circles Ihot a settlem ent bc' tw ren nny two countries reqnlres a Rcheral ndjustment.

The British fnreicn office is under­stood tn l-.nve Informed tbo Frencb am- bnsandor in lyindnn tlm t the Brltlih . t;qvprnnienl will brlnjj tbo.question up. ^ I C n i le Frenrh forrldn u fflrr drclarcd n, H bny nn formal notn on the subject [ in ' y r t b rrn preaented.


WASHINGTON, 1). C.. (/P)—Boyond ^ prea*.report* of Great B rita in 's prepn- rntlnn to becin tlie pnvmont of Interest upon her five billion dollnr xvnr debt |<i thi* rountr.v. tb r trensury Is ns ye t pj wlthmit informntlon on the RUbjrrt. „i

G rrn t Britain, offirLM* snid tndnv, f,, bn* b rrn reported na laying nside 23,- ),j :On0,0ri{l jiound* iu her Im dcc t-for this .vear to n rc t Intcrcat. pii.vment* fo this . countrj-. Tn O rtnbrr th r f irs t semi- nnnuftf Inierest paym rnt will fnll due al n flp r the rxplrntinu of tlie tlirrc-ycnr i" prrlod duriiic whicb by mutunl tinder- itnndlne Intrreat on th r d rb t wns de­ferred. • 8f

On April IS, th r deferred lnterc*t hr due from firctit B rltnin,'officia l* said, will amount -to npproximalely $015,- br 000,(100, lull thi* *um, ll hn* been un- in derstood, would bc the sub.Icrt o f fnnd- in(; nrcotlatlon* nlonjt w ith tho priori- pal of tho ilebt when tho new debt com mission beplns worklojt nn t a Rcneml lo liquidation scheme. w

IPlilLESS;Family, of. Dead Emperor De­

pendent Upon Charity of European Nations j

PARIS, m - Tlir council of-am - b.issador(i todoy took up the question of provldini; for lh r fam ily o f px- Emperor Ckirles o f Au*trln-IIunsnr%-, whn died In exile. In M adeira laat Snt- ^ tirday. The nllirs are rrndv to confrlb- ,ule to the 'support of .th e 'fn m ilv , bul some of the countrlr* tlm t I.eueflttcd '’J by pnrt* of Ihn fnrfune nf the ' Ilaps- ^ burc*. inrbidluj- CrrcliO'Slovnkln nnS Iru.Tn'S'nvin, 'rtrr drclnrrd to hhve re- J*' fused tn ' rrV sse for fhi* .luirpouc nny [jJ imrt of the iiroprrtv of 'the imperial «v fnmilv tha l wn*Jmnded ov rr tn tbem. ib

TIip nml)n"»ndor» postponed n deci- slon on Hi( nursllon. tirndint; further j,, ncRotlntl'ins, Thr allic*- n rr under- •tood to d ftrnn ined H in t'th e cnun- of tries which rerrlvrd pnrt n f the former ^ AtiMro-Hiiui-nrinu Irrr ilo ry shall aa- eo Mime li shnre of th r burden in raring wi fo r the ex-ruler’s children and his widow. • Rumania, i t Is s la ted , has al- ready conaented to bear^-ber share. in


DAILEDNEgDAT, A PIU L 6 .1 0 2 1 '(

Gotham's Streets ] Jazz Hence Yo

'NEW YORK, (/Fl - When Jo- soph Yohnaon saw the corner of Lexin;:(ou avonuo nnd Ninety-sev­enth i t r te t going around like a merry-K('-round^ la s t niRht, his bet» te r j u d ^ e n t told him bo oueht to bo pimhhed for tbo w ay hls worse' Ju d i^ en t had been behaving la tho mntter o f ohejing problblUun lawi.

So Iio looked up and down tho whlrlini; streets fo r a policeman.There wnr nono in 'slBbt. H e shuf­fled over to the police siffnal box,


WASHINGTON, I). C„ sumptbiii o f w ork on Ibu slgantle WKsoji dam a t Muscle Shoolt, Ala.,under ehargo of anny engineer* tawas recommended today by the p l

. aeoate agrieulturo committee which wlvoted uusnlmously to press an op amendment to tho arm y supply bill leiproviding an appropriation of |7 ,- HiSOD,000 lo finance 'work oa tho dam po

A s s a i l a n t C r u s h

F i v e - B o y s a n c

CONCORDIA, Knn., (ff) — The­odore Tremblay, lS ‘year-old farm ­er. boy was slain with an axe al his homo lost n ight, thrvo broth­ers, 14, l i and 10 yenrs old, ro- spectivolv, oro nenr death with the ir hends crushed, and tbu fnther of the loys, L. J . Tremblay, a trus­tee o f Shirley townnhlp and on- '


Detroit Court Orders Probe to■ Leam Legal Residence of

Oliver. Morosco

a tton u to tbcr 1^*1 reeldosee of O llrer UoroseO, ih e a tr lc tl producer wbo v m m arried a t San ta Ana,Oal., S iR ird iy to M tx Selma Paley. Loi-A jiselel a c treu , b n t tbroe day* a fte r ue w u gran ted a d e cn e of 7 dlTorce bere from bi* f i r s t w ife. '* waa orderod today by Circuit Judge H airy J . D ingeman of D e tro it

' Edward Polorney, friend c f the court was- Instructed to make the invcstiga- lion In on e ffo rt to Icnrn w hether nr not coll'ielon cxl*tsd.

Claims M lcblgon Residence.Morosr.1 filed divorce proceedings

ni;iin*l lus tlrs t wife, Annn T. Mitchell severnl iiioiitlis njio. using his fnmilv nnme, Oliver' Mitchell nud .giving hU residenre as Blonmfirbl Hllla, a Detroll auburbnn itiRtrirt. In bl* bill o f com­plaint be chnrcod hi* wife witb "nog - • g ln g " Ill'll, cnntlng rcflcrtions oo his ^ huaine** nbilitv nnd "ir>-ing to bend v him to her w ill,"

W.lfo Names Co-respondent■ The wifi' filed ft crosa bill i'or divorce alleging i nielty nnd infidelity nnd nam­ing as ro rrspondciit Miss Palr.r, whn now i* Mrs. Morosrn.

Moroaru 'n'lnrried bia fit*t wife In Snn Frftni'larn, Drcrmber l-l, lfi07. Ho bns n son, W alter, 2.1 vrar* old. •

I t la iindersfnod here th a t Mofo*co . bna settlc,l «200,000 upon his f irs t wife in lieu, of nlimnny.


TOSCO, Investigation of whoao residence ■ w u ordered today by tho c ircuit court 11 In DetrotV, said today Ihat up to " a i l month or two a g o ," he had been a resl- | | dcnl of l> ttrolt fo r two nnd ono-hnlf years. A -month or two ago he moved . to Loi .Angeles a n d ' bought o home there, ho snid. ■ H e said ho knew noth­ing of any court Investigation of tho

■ AU aFB ‘ ■lEHOBM

--------- V hnB ti l lo t W o u n d M u a t T o ll T a l e a s of

L ip a Qf V ic t im a r o S t i l le db y D e a t h ' ki

IDAHO FAU.S. Idaho. fff^-O uy Cnrl tb Nelson nna Clrde Fl NtlKm. brothrni. helJ In Ihr nonncvUlc county Jnll on tichnofo of miinlcr .ln connection wllti ttift , ‘nhootlnit Ot a A. nrowTjInit Iiuii Nevcm- >nli«r 26. cntrreJ plena of not ctillly whrn of nrmlenrd In Jl*(rlct court hrro ycstrr.(lay nfternoon. ,

llmn-nlnir. Ihe nsed proprietor of a »tib- “ eurlwn crocorr. re f in r j to itimw up Iila pahnnila wIirn.liandliB entcrcil bis alore n« fg Iir wna cauntlnR hi* nwncy on a-ttunltyevrnlnir. hut Inairnd licmn, stiooilnir ni ,tlie.lntruilrm. Fivn bulloi* *truck Brown- beIne mill h r -ahot one of th r Inlnnler*. Cl Uuy Cnrl Nelaon wan Inter found In hla hrotlirr'a liomn, infferlnR from n bullet wounil and nt tho preHmlnnry hcarlnirorfleera iciiirieil iliAl (hr hulirt extmot* G(ed from hla body o m o from Hrownlnsi'i ot mm. He wn* bonnd over to the distrTot eourt on a murder eiianre. The brother ,wn* niK) ftven a henMnB nnd waa beund Odnvrr on the w mo chnrgc. Tiolh have be«n naheld tn thr county-Jnll wllhout bond. . i ,.

nrownlnir was formerly of Oeden where {*“hr wa» In busineu 'fa r many yeara. Bt

L L S c d v N T Y

[.Y Nlt Whirl C iddy T Johnson Calls Cop \

. took down /he receiver nnd when headquaricrs antworcd, ho said:

“ Sergeant, this Is m e - Pleiup ' send’ ii (Op to rcmovo nvso lf . My-

le lf U annoying mo simply a w fu l."Tho lights flashed on neighbor. .

ing. signal boxes. Quickly ilx po- lleomen eamo running.

“ O tflecrs, do your d u ty ," eom -., (' aandod Mr. Yohnson.- 'Hioy did. ; They reamed th a t Yohnson, n deal- | c r in h>ps and malt, had patronized I himself. 1

Ho wus haled into polico court today and let o ff w ith a <3 fine, q |


for ono year beginning next Ju ly 1. ' ' 'Committeo membera agreed with

Chalrmna N orris tbnl the action was I taken solely In order to expedite com- 1 pletlon of the project nnd w aa,entirely ' w ithout prejudice to tho offers fo r ils operation, completion, purchase or j lenso received by tbo government from ■ Henry Ford, tho Alabama Power com- i pany and Frederick K. B ngttrum . J

ihes Heads of ,J ad Their Father ‘j

. . oflo ther elgbt-year-old son, wore in< LO ^ured. Th’o assnllnntJi arc uo* un

A fter the nttnck Ihc slayers set In f lro to th r liousc nnd bam . Neigh­bors seeing tbe biaxr early th l i M moin'lng, w ent lo tho Tfcmbldy. »home und rescued tho uneonscioui uivictims. . hn

;■ £M O R E J O B S A N D L E S S

JO B S , S A Y S R E P O R T ( i r

r^ . , G D M M IS S IO N C H A IR M A N

WA3H1NGT0N. D. C.,(/P)^Em . lio

ployment conditions tbroDghout the ' . 'rountry continue to improve, ae- tincording to reporti rrcrived dorlnir ml

) the past ten day i hy th e prval-' miden t'a conference on unomploy- bement, A rthur Woods, ehairm an of imtho- emorgeaey eom nliiioD, ;aa* do

. , nounced. tod»y. . fc' , . wi' " T h e upward t r e n t i ,^ ‘M r. W Md*' v i

.-aa ld ;'.‘ srh llo '^o t t r e a t , itiJJ eon- iti tln iics 'to ’Tioni, w H m ilo n tn n b ff nf-* ' W Jobs availablo s llg h lly ' in c rr^ ed ,coupled wllh a eofreiponding do- . ■crease lu the number o f applU asta ,. p n most boprfiil s ig n . ' ' '

Three Mauds ScoreYktoriea; One LoseBX i

\ S l’UlNOFIELD, III., (/P) — !*“ r Tbrrc Mauds won victories over-,

main rnulcndcrs in, Snngamon rDuntv elcctinns yesterdny. They , •'*' w ere 'M nud Flfxhugb, elertcd col- J"'

• lector il. Nonml, Mnud Owens, clerk,‘ Lniir.'ivlltc, nnd Mnud Unrnes; col- ' o" lecfor. Pawnee. A fourth Maud wns •

• defented, She n^ia M.aud fltevons, J’'* ' cnndldnle for clcrk o f Pleasant • 'i"• Plains,

, TO

; C a n d id a te s S p e e c h e s de"

Broadcast by Radio■ --------- tra

. TACOMA, Wash.; (/p) - Radio ,, entered pollllr* for tho f irs t time

In Ohronin’s hi.<tory lnst n igh t when , twn cnndidntes ft>r mnyor, spcnkln i I, from tho brnndrnstlng stntion of / i .

tho Tn'comn Ledger d istributed tlic . opening cnrapnlgn addrcases. I l Is p ■ planned tha t two more cnndidates

will bo heard tomorrow n ight, con- tlnuing unlil all of Ihe 12 prim ary ' canilldatch Imvo spoken. ,jp.

,.l ■ --------------- / '

: U P lp ii^C a m p a ig n O p e n e d in T e x a s t o

P r e v e n t W h i te M a s k e d M e n “

H o ld in g P u b l io O ff ic e '

- - ' ' - beDALLAS, Texas, (,^>:-i)allft* todny ^

- had a new ciganlxatlon aa an outgrowth pri 3 of rrri'n t flogging* here, the Dallas vn

Couiity C iiiiens’ league, w llh theavowed pjrpnaA to oppose th e Ku Klux (hi Klnn in linllas m untv ns Rummariud in th r rcaolution ndon{rd last n ight n t gtr

•I the organiM tlon publle mass meeting, ml ■. " N o in .u .b rr of the Ku Klux Klau he. '' should bc ]>cmiKtcd to bold any officc dg . in ynur Kl;iti', nml we pledge' thu people tbi n of Tein,H tbnt 'we will not cncourngo or wl• vntr for i.iiv rnudblnte for offire who an- . belong* lo Ihp Ku Klux Klnn, ^vho s.vm- ,11' a p a th iirs wilh It or who hni- ftpologlzcd tin• for tho orgftuirntlon or Its ne ts .” . '

A pcrmnnrnt committeo of nine mcm- mt . ber* nndnr tbo cbalrmnnaliln o f M. M. fr( t Crani' todny tonk up its f irs t day « f nn• exeeutlvc wtirk nf the leaeue. On tho be IT commillce wilh Mr. (>nne are former no• Governor {I. Ik Colquitt and Bcvorol wa ■ o th o r’prominent men. . qu J Last .iiRhl’s meeting hcnrd severnl ' a addresses. An overflow gnlhering wan Da n Addressed outside In fro n t o f the e lty to- hail auditotlum ; where tho meellng wo4 thi

hd d . an


TiEEFORCi! PiBEiLi i (iliEOL BECK iCounty Authorities, Military j

Commission and Dry Law f Sleuths are All Busy Running I; Down Clews

OKLAHOMA 0 IT 7 , Okli^ (/P)— r Preparations were made today to • ' laoncb tlire* u p a ra t* In^oiilet Into tb e eront* n iro n n d ln g tb e death o f L len tenaat Oolo&el Paoi W anl r Beck, pioneer arm y aTlator and m . ; sls tan t eo m n in d an t o f-P o st field, ' '■ F o rt SUl, Okla., who w as klUsd In tb * la t te r ’i bome bare early Vte rd a y wben, according to Day, i.

w u itcoggUag with Mis.

U civil Inveatlgatlon by eonnty a a > thbrilies will detormlDO the ehargei to bei filed ngnlnst Dny. ' ‘

K m ilitary coiaralfsion of throe army officers, heaJIJd by M ajo r T hom u a 'J Ldttthier, will como hero Fridoy o r S a t ) !" tirray , accordlog to an annonneem iigr i a tjP o s t field, and inveitigato the kUl- t in, . ■

L th ird inquiry got under way whoo -iT ' M F. Meadows, federal prohlhl{ion di- rc to r fo r Oklahoma, began to check ',i UJ to asecrtnin whether liquor m ight '■ hnVo hnd a p a rt in th e .p n rty which pr ceded tho killing of L ieutenant ’<Co onei Beck. f

•• A 'w alt Ooroner’i l a q n ^ , ^( nunty officlala toilay were ruaolng

dortn varlons angles of tho tragedy but nn th tbo coroner’s inquest Slilarday, Foriyst n iighcs,_founty attom oy, nc- j iiouiieed he. would not decide tho ques- i' lion lo f lillng ;chnrge i agn in it'D ay . {.

“ raasniueh o l I enonot tay n t th is , time w bat tu rn th e eoronor'i Inqncst f may ta k e , i t ' l i possible th a t e ither !i m anilauifliter or a murder ehargo may be filed flgalo it Mr. Day fo llo w ^s tb e Jnq®Ait,’ ’-tho eonnty ottorney said; *'T , H d o > 4 t koow w hether U r. ^ y or hie ;.i. w i^ . l th rf other, w iln e tt to ,th * k iillB i;-'-•)< will t ik t f i l ie stand a t thftt'tlaBx The s ta te could n o t force o i th e r t * * t l f c r , {« to r*JMi»<>t deiife;vI*r~~--..w s;^vv.

./M ay H o tT ertifir .' iV.''.I f )ay and M l w ife'deeilne W ,take

ih a s and a t tb e inqueet, H r. 'Hofihea. polhtdd out, bo rould tbeii file a charge, of ,’mtird'.T.

iV lekils <if D ay deelared noithor he r nor^ h li w ife would testify a t th e In-

** l)\iyl ip an Interview, dnclarod he had '.not thought of killing Beck when v ho n tn rn e d to h ls home, -and ho a 1- Irgex, foand tho arm y offieor a ttacking M rs.'D ay. H ls only intent. Day *ali, waa tn drivo Beck from his homo. H e fenred Brek might bo armed, ho aald, and fq r th U reason obtained a revolver.

D ny i'irc ln red when ho cneountorcd Reck, \b o nrmy officer drew back ono hnnil l i t was then, D ay,said , th n t h o ' i struck ^ e rk on tho hctid with tho re ­volver. I The disehargo of tho weapon ’ wn* n rr(dental, ho ossert«d. O ffic ia ls .' declared U appeared th a t Im pact-oftho blow w nA suffieiont to eauso death. I t > wns th o u ^ t th a t tbo bullet 0IS9 pono- tralcd tbe sirm y o ffice r's bend.

Lovkd Back u Brother.'Declaring ho " lo v ed Beck like a

bro ther,’’ Day asserted ho acted os most a n y .“ red blooded Ameriran who' finds hta confidence violated, hls hoiiio invaded nnd bis. faithful wife insulted nnd violently n tU ck ed ."

A sLttement \ n j o from Mrs. I ^ y ' early today g iv in jr.to r tho f irs t tim e,.' her vision of tbo killing. Bho wna on*, d r r tho cure of a nurso;

" B e rk vlaiteil our b ^ o on numer­ous occavlona," Mrs. D a y i a l l ‘‘ How­ever each tim e bn called,'previous to Monday i-igbt, he acted u a nn tle m an . fom lng Into our homo .merely aa a friond, and ono whom wo w er t glad to seo because of h li « n la llty . W* .great­ly enjoyed-bavlng him, ioa im uth 'aa be waa brillian t and an aee ep t^ Ie o ^ i - tloQ to ony company.

, T eih“ Early T uesday’ monibg,''.h'oVreTer,'

n fte r Mr. Dav le ft in tha aatotnablle to take the other m esU homo, bo'.ieU ea me by tlio w rists and threw, one .ann around mn. I t w u '» to tal snrprile to mr. N olhing Uko th a t ever, occnrred before a u l I ' was [dumbfounded by Ijl.* actions. As ho held mo he made, im­proper proposals to me, I- strugglln'g vainly to free myself from his gmsp.

“ I t WIS wbllo I w u thus stm ggllng th n t Mr. Dny opened the door and walked in. Ho Immediately wont np stnirs. I* seems to mo th a t several' minutes muat bnvo passed before- I heard him coming down tbo a ta ln again, f remember very distinctly th a t he wns standing on tho landln,; w llh n piHtol in bis hands. When I f l n t aaw him 1 ^vns terrified. I remember d lit ln r tiv tb a t I screamed several timr*. ' „ ■ '• " A f te r thnl I remember notElng ao ro . W enkenrd by the slniggle to frro m^•*pl from Beck’i grosp, I felt mvaelf fain ting . Tbe wholo room l>efore mv eves nnd passod nw ay.' O lo noxt th ing I remember la tha t lomo one wns undressing m<i and telling tse to bu quiet— th s t I needed re s t

" W h a t happened a fte r I . s a w Mr.Day on th e landing tho ro /1 *m unable to tell. I . ju s t remember th a t every­th ing se-.Tncd to dim before my ey?« and fad e ! o n t ” ,.

Page 2: ' is imm OClATEDPRESSNEm .LLS DAIL[.Y NlEWi'lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1922_04_05.pdfIDAHO PIONEER D IEa POCATELIA Moll". W — A. Tuppcr. onp of the pioneer residents

' Boimi “III r IIP iW i n t e r R a i l r o a d i n g i n R u s s i a I s . J

N ig t i t m a r e W ith t e a l c y W o o d ‘ B u m l n g L o c o m o t i v e s ;

BE ZH O IT, B un ia , (/Ph-A n Amori- , can who had Bpcntfolir days and niRliti

in a poQttrj’ m r OQ a frclgLt tra in holilup by ft D nkota blljiRard or had been ftrapped by a aaowtlorm for a a eaual tloDf^b o f time in a tnvrlltiK monliby Pcagc, WDii'.i have Romo’Idra o f tho cx- *

. jxncDeee som ttlm es Q&ecu&leiti\ th is ^w inter by AmorlcAn relief worker* aii 1 •bther travclera from Riga to U okow. '

n m n BonlHa' J. . In Ihtf &nmmor on ‘ 'o x f ir c u " iiehad-

r>y uie Avera'^iag; about 48 h o m if main- S i ' ta ined b rtw een niRa anil tho R u u ltn

capital, b u t In tho winter, when laotv ' d rif ta in to tho cut* and xero eold makes

i t almoBt .'nipoMlbto to keep op itenin ' , ; in the leaky , wood-hurninct locomotiveji.

tho tr ip ru n i anywhere frorn 70 to 100 ! honrs, m o it o f w hieh 'are npent not in {'

' moving bu* la waitinj: to move.; • One or lw o .* 'th rou(fh '' cor*, Reaeipl' w I ly w ithout uphnlnltry but reinoooblv ^ > elcan, a t the «taTt o f the voyaRO, a i t * ® i operated on tho bJ-wcokly. trains. They I aro eom pittm ent c an , having a dozoO I OT so iit tlo Tooms -with BlecpioR bunW« r l I fo r fonr o r two penon*. OJ Oa oaa recen t tr ip tho arernKC wot I seven p«r»oni to eaeh four-bnnk com- i partm ent, In which i t t occupants eoofs-1 <>d, a te b n j alept all tho n a y to Mos- ! ' eow. Thr.'c I*, o f coumc, no dinlni; enr

and hot food ia itifficult lo obtain a t P ] | any of tUo R u i la n atatioos.

'^ riadow A r« A lrU fht ,• •Russian c a« ,-in the wititar, a ro prne-

J tically RjrtiRht. Thfr only way- to onou p } ■ a window is to break one. A fte r a tiw l .

h o u n , therefore , the R c n m r atmos- { phere rew m blei tho t of n monkey c a fe g , ,2 whojo k{)flpor fo rf^ t to clean It a inro j. l l tho w in ter jitevloua, and into th is jlsJl poured smoke from pinri, e i|;srcttu«, i5 t! filjara, /umM from alcohol atoves w id ' from sp lu lteilng c in ilta .- -H irT c a re 5 'i . no electric Jifflita nor oil lampa and t^ J ) travelers bring th e ir dwu caadloa. ; . f Ab eaeli trave le r trSnjra hla own bod*I din(( and food for tho tr ip , in additlou ?\ ■ to somo lupplIca fo r uio w ithin Buisih

and hla o rdinary traveling luggago, the 1 • corridors and compartmenti o f tho oar.

a re ao clu ttered th a t th r p a s se n f tr i C ■ have to ita n d edgewlie to, movo fSom Chi

placfl to 'p la c e . FAt men w ith lArge En( atomacha ^ ry themaolvea Into 4hcU plot compartment* and stay there. clai

The bunks fo r aliening are lix ifeot co-« .long and Ihrce foet wWe. W ith w ver. com in one eom pnrtm ent three of tho bunka oro occupied by tw o peraona each. , K

CTOw««ug to th ia extent, bowovori is ___n o t eommoo. When it doea occur, wn- men paaaengers fa in t, winilowa nro bro

I V vi open lind tho ntmoapliero relieved,•I gener^Iy abopt tho third Jiight o u t

I rawOiDN I I IHtSmilflCOIfTI Balanced Eatlon ProvoB-HolpM I la Tost Uade by AmoricoAI WomoA Food Oheioist

II M ANfLA, p. 1., (ff) — One huijdred ji a n d .ten lupera oo Cullon’iilnnd tj‘Jtui''I

from one tg ten pound* oich in /tn rc nil .week* under the influeacc of / foo'if1 rli > T by MIm H artlcv EmbreV, fi'iii< ctl'n’iiii of the Kockefoll-'r foui/.l1 MUs Em litey. •who rtMnt- to U in PWlip-I j acvernl m onthi ngo ^or ihi pi:r-I r ....... r f - l ld y in g tlic I ' f I'cl of '••'■ii*I ( K i l l nn Dip popnlnllun in d ol} 5mi-nn •; Ing tho d’l'l', hn» Just reti-niril i r , uI, th e islan-l o l ‘Oullon where .VOO l"].i-r*I t r r ronflni'd. j '- A t thl* a«cge»tion of Gnyrrno.; fJen-

e ra l \Vo(i.|, Mfits Kmbroy tfxn-rimcntoJ w ith 200 Icpcra o f tho rolijny on 'Julltni

II 150 adulN nnd .10 chlldr«{i. Tlio Irprm I; under her trrn tm ont w crJ loprtrate-l

from tho other Ippcr*,- '(jlven unifow i food o f iiiungo or f|*h for protein,

'! vegflt'aliles anil corn for eatl>»-!l hydtateif. The rhUdri'n wcrfl Riveii'jiiu.I' ginaa of milk c a ^ dny.


a Vm 0es« H ltk t*t every p w o s ^ ^ ^ l coca

~jm l a i t l i t r . Iu*>a to»K«r M r a d l l m er« cvoaoCfUml.

» U Y«WK*«<«r kM 0ek» l> j V la rs i- aaA ^ ^ 7

f C R E A M SO N U Y ’ _____ _ a m

Stands for Sea Yam p; ilf is Re-elected Mayor

8T. rETBBSBURQ, Fla.,' ( f f ) - j S W V Vulv«r, m ltl-m ilU oa»ire ) . mayor of thia « ity who recently de- • . d a re d himieff in favor of ono-pleco r f l J ba th ing aa lt and tbe **aoa v a n p a " ] wbo woro them, even i f i t eost him hia offieo, was ree lee tM a t the ^ l l i yealerday. Ilia , m ajority waa

— ---------------- • , • man

Raid Store Selling f"l Wine to Schoolboys

------- theO A K U N D , Cal., (^p)—F ifteen i ta r

hiinilr^'i gallon! o f wine wero aeix- ■; Fed int a groccry atoro oppoalte the atettochnifttl high school hero a fte r .a - poTj

' policeman diiguiaed. as a prep Conschool sophomore carrying hla Thebooks ou a ( trap , had bought & gal- wa;lon- and a ha lf, according t o . n ordireport on filo n t police hendquar- Dte rs today.’ Tho pn tptS rtw wa» a r- wh;f e l t e d . . tho

■ " • witl

Survivor of Balaclava ’ Cavalry Charge Dies |||j

, LIVERPOOL,'(/P)—Tnimn«tcr Jam es , BWinrilinn, u aurvivor of the famous ■ Dalftrlnvn t-nvnlry charge immortaUzed by Tonnykon, died hero, aged 01. »

T«v'(i vi'ur* nco aoven can ister ahoti Wwo reniovcil froni hla shoulder, where **1 thoy had lodged for 04 yenra without cauilng rim , discomfort.


F l lm a y H o u s e s a r e E a s y P r e y ovid f o r E n d e W r a t h o f T r e m . l \ J

b l i n g E a r t h ho i— — the

BBLQRADE (ff)—rate rm itton t eartli . . ahocka, which begnn on March 2.1, a re P£C eontlnu)ng in the northern section of Serbia, but with decreasing intensity. , , ,

No eaiiialtlea have been reportod, b u t , the anperatitltfua peaaant population Is alarmed. There 'w as widespread dam* f,„„ ago In the Lazareva* d iit ric t bccauso " of tho charncterlstic fllm siD ea o f tho houiea.

A numb'ir o f hoVaprlngt h&ve st&tted in tho flssurci caused by the eorth

---------i - r ; — . ' ' o f i' 0P21K ENOZJBH 0IiA 6aS & t^o

CniCAOO, in ., OP) - Threo largo S i lChicogo hotels httVo opened elasaea in j,„ English at their buildiDgr fo r tho ir eri>«ployea, aeeordlag to th s ChUago A»io* , elation of Commerce. The hotels a re i' co-op*aliflg w ith tho AroerJeanizntion J 'commitlTO of tb« AtsoelatloL. ' M h

■ hall BRAD THK DAILY NEWS, i\n\


NOWOMANKNOWSh o w w o l l flho c a n l o o k n n t i l s h

h a s o n o o f o n r V a r o o l lo W a v e i

MAHTINA HILLERB e a u t y S h o p N e x t D o o r t o

O rp h o n m T h e a t r e

NOWOMANKNOWShow glad wo aro to^show ou

now Eastor Footwear.



how much bettor onr cakca.aro tiU thoy try them.

VARNEY ~ T tiB L i v e i a k e r


t h e e x c e p t io n a l b a r g a i n s t o b<

b a d a t . o u r A lu m ln n m S a le , S a t

u r d a y , ' A p r i l 8 th .




isioiNeuNyuI . ee

PUlip Soheidemann Zzpresaefl oi Belief that Beaotionaries ^

are FowerlesB .) ^

CO FEN aA OEN . (/Ph -^b ll)p Schelde- w mann, le a b r of the Germon Democratie c . party , w hllr here told th r.A sioeiatod P re is th a t German m illta rito waa dead g , forover. Tho sp irit o f democracy liad leveled C erm iay to tb a t extent tb a t _ the O ennan republic could easily with- D itarid anv .reactlonory aswulta. . f l

Foreign countries, he said, oxagger- ateU .tho nolltleal im portaaee 'o f the • poWcr o f lho O crm m tcactlonw lc*. Tho CommuB.li.t’* ^ e re no renl danger either. They woro .only gradually groping th'elr way in to ;bo Qerman tr a a e o n lo n a '* ln n order to learn th e ir polItHat m anners."

Diacuaalflg tho relationa of Oermany w ith Ruwlo, n c r r Scheldemann salu tho Oemiaii goverilbcn t hod nagotlated w ith K ari Radek, RiiaaUn Soviet agent In B e r l ^

< r ------------- -— - ■ •>'

lilUEHIIIIIIS : I tE S O in JIliB ;

. 11, niThought to. Have Had Enowl*

edge of Plan to Bob the „ Baizk UessfiDger ' od

i ' l J(' CJIICAOO, (ff) - Fred Irvine, apo* «e llcn officer, wna under a n ea t today In connection w ith tho murder laal n ight o f Patrolm an E rn e it Casildy and Phil­lip Som men, a_bnnk messenger and tbe to b b try o{ tSJOO from Sommera. Offi- cera .who arrested Irv ine aald thov had evidence of a totephono call, ho'tnado to n yonng woman ^ whieh h e dtacnaa- ed tbo killing. They also declared thnt ho was no t on h ii beat n t the timo of the holdup.

PBOTZISTANTS EO LD OO Ifra& B NgE WARSAW, (ff)—Foland 'a f l r s t T j ; .

tcatan t conference ju a t held here nnaa- cd reiolutiona of a atronir ontlonailatlo na ture arid o rganlted a Pollih Federa­tion of i 'ro lea tan t Churehei w hieh,tho W arsaw nreis woleomea aa a needed move against Qerman influence.

SZH ZBIT FX7LZIZBR BUBT.ST. L0U J8, Mo., (ff)—A broaze buat

o f th e h t« Joseph PulltM i, owner ol tho S t. I^u ia Poat Diipateh and the New York World, baa been placed on exhibition Sn Jcfferion memorial hero by the M liiouri H istorical society.

' J f p tn H as W idow's Headdrsaa. . ia p an c se widows dw lgnato :hrtn-

n W n b j liw um iH svm eal o f th r tf hair, and nlso »lcnlfy w hether they d n iro to murr}- iiKulii.


I she how mnch enjoymentaves. • depriving • hersoU an

ily hy not having a i in her home.

• to. ,„LOGAN-MUSI(

|‘‘N0- W O M


K N O ’S t a r r i i i g M a |ie l J

The Ama^hg Stor;

Ferber—A Gri



", What a Splendid Su

NORMA TALMi! offers in hor latoat f<

“The Wonderful'jComing to yonr,theatre, t

B and Saturday


JACKSON LAKE CONplTIDNS |||BOBIiEK, - B t p n t liom Mo-

ran , Wyo., Bt tb e outle t . o f Jaekioa Loko rejeryoir ahows the folIow;bg condition: .

JaeksoQ L ake storago: A e r iF t. _On M arch 25, ll>22.___________ 352,700 o\Same dat« a year ago...^___ L_~.S21,970W eek, e a d i ^ M arch '2S , 1022— 5,950 Same week a y e a r ago.—.;— —. 0,010

.Precipitation a t M oraa: Incbea. Woek ending .M areh S3, 192S-..; 0.27Bamo week a year ago.._____p.. 0.4SSept. 1, IPfil.tQ M arch f 5 ,1922- 18.M *“ Same period’a y fa r ago..:...--.- . - 13.23


. --------- •Belginm FoUc /Bnrat Into Ap- “

plause when Sentence is ah Pronounced

MONe, Belgium, (ff) - Armaad Jeannca waa condemned to dm th in tho court here I u t n igh t for treaw u p5 and eaplonogo agatnat Belgium and the & alllea during tho w ar. H e had boasted m th a t bo >taa ina ttum cptal In bringing about thu crrea t and execution by Oer* w msna o f E dith Cavall, British w ar eo nurae, b u t tbla charge waa not men- t« tionod In tho ind ic tm ent against him. pi

Thero w at a burat o f applnuae in tbo courtroom when the aentonee waa pass- In od and n grent erowd outsldo Jeered co Joannea aa lib w as token to tho death cell. , ' . ,

s mH In doclidalt Slort'BI

O This will be tl Great Cloiing C

_ _ Men, Women i

can’t let this gi by as this sale

9:30. Buy your a t these low pri


mtshoia howweUvand fam- “ , vegetables,aviotrola

» - ■ ---------1


• The groi

play evei

reel flhoi

4 A NWS’’I Julienne Scott

) ry o f“FANNY'HERSEL: •rand 'Production—A- Drai



Surprise —lADGE au tho gcfotoplay — tho greateat si

I T k in ^ * — are at the fltw } this Friday .ty T H E U N r

liF E W S S E S lE 's ■ :POME|fflilNO] Says 8 ^ " B ld EerseU" of Him D Because of E er Infatuatiop J ' for a Eeighhor

J; BEB M E R T O N .'W aib., (ff) — M ril J Roth Plumley, aoid to havo eonfetaed J th a t sho poisoned h e r hiJabasd, Uugb 3 Plum ley, who died here n week flgo,

'M d herse lf ” o f him h w a w a -o f h « in fathation for Lyan Wood, a ndgli- bor, aeeoroing to tho widow’s awprn sta tem en t whteh waa In th o hands of P rosecuting Attorney Ray Oreenwood

J today. .n , 'Tho au thorltica have absolved 'Wood

of a ll responsibility for P lum loy’i . death. M rs. Plumley Is b o ld 'In tho

eounty ja il on a charge of f l n t degree murder. The proieeutlng a tto rney aaid aho diaeuasod calmly tho eireumstaaeos o f the nlleged polionlng.

. sT A E T s i a o E m c A L m N o " I K A2T EFFOBT TQ M B - I T“ CHICAGO, (ff) - m o n a m eihanieal u piano ho^nn grlntUng oot a gny. tu n e In 0 a darkened poolroom early ye iterday (I mom ing, i-elghbors Investigated and g WUllam ila r t in a o n ,.i 17*ycar-old negro

w as token Into custody. In the boy 'a r eourt hd '^old Judge Jacoba th a t be ot- i. tem pted to steal tho nickels from tho I. piano and accidentally atarted i t .0 A aoth-T initanee of Jasx musle bo- t- Ing respnniiblo for a y o u th 's dowafal), d commented the Judge.h ■ — ------- ----- --------


fro m P o b IoIIIc b '

the last week of our g Out Sale of Shioes for ft and Children. You

great saving event go lie closes S a tu rd ^ a t ur entire season supply wiees. ~


lU we can aupply her ^ resh groceries and ,lies, with the best of . ■ ^

^ ver dc

— PHONE-------■ ^


~ I mjroatOflt dramatic foto- '\y ()^ over eoreened-^Big tenahow— Usual adiniaalon K N Oraise in prices. botter

m't Misshe bea'his Great

Picture! -—NO

5 L F ” — By Edna

'ramatic Gem , KNO



ought0 goods sho ever bonghtat savings wo eonfosastore jWe call tT. S. •


DAY. APRIL 5, mUghtJstDg C iafetaU , 320 lU ia .B o u tb .

T ry our qolek a e n lw . B oit laM W B - Kew u d e l e t s . - r i v . ' ^ .


H e r L ove W a ? O nly t i l s B u s in ess ,

i' ■ H er atyio ana beauty were po t

' on piurado to make him look iqc- , cesaful.

He never atopped to think th a t I she m ig h t.a ttra c t other men too

much.A gorgeooa picturo of fashion

and m arried life, ^ t in New . Y otk and th e bandit hannta of

M exico.- .


“ FRESH AIR” boMEDY.BUBTDM a o i f i a s


Extra! Extra! '. E lg l i t 'A f t t t t t e Sbow th B

'20tll CENTURY GtUBl ^ e n t *

.“ THE TROUSSEAU SHOP’K o o u v iu w a n u o miaa UtU

clian ntng arrajr o f f a s t e r Stylai, posM b7 » K o n of models.


)OMANm w sf mnoh work sho oan save 1 a Copper WasRer—A sil> dollar puts one in yonr

10. ' .



IM ANm w ser than the woman that has ady tried one ol our Wear Silk Hoso— that thoy can't

jeat for tho price. . '


I .

M A Nloyi's

how well she oan look

untU she has tried on,

a Oago Hat


I . ■


how easy it is to run a Hibbard - Lawn Mower.' ,


Page 3: ' is imm OClATEDPRESSNEm .LLS DAIL[.Y NlEWi'lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1922_04_05.pdfIDAHO PIONEER D IEa POCATELIA Moll". W — A. Tuppcr. onp of the pioneer residents

> H ap p en in g


— — r _ . ' Sl

' '' UoGraw’s Men Unable to Stop a, White Sox and Drop Behind o,

i(i Pre-Season Series J

TOBK, (ffy-Jobn M cO rtw 't gt ^ QltiaU » - » ! ‘w ia fOQT out d t th a s e z t

y , five p u n e i to b e plAyed a a d o t t th s 1& CW «p> IVhite Sox, i f the B roodw y

>4 « n r e £ t t lo n is to take the series from the WinUy City te s o . Yeaterday’s d« fea t a t K arxvUIe, Tenn., Kr a w ore o f D, 8 to 2, guve a ieo io n 's men a 5 to 3 c i*dTaatt»rc, which appears to be qiilte rea htndicAp again st tbe N ational Ien{^« C(W ia . . < p

The f liao t team crippled b f th e ab- thse n e e 'o f Orob, Prlseb aad Bancroft, b]preaented a patcbed*np appearance, wi

wllh Toiiofr a t aeeoad, Cunnlaghtm a t tb th ird a a l Rawllnjrs a t abort.

Brook1/-i RATO U tn p h ls '/a n a a tr e a t b<b r a sa in defeatinir th e Yunkeea, .th is th

. i ' . time 6 to i- Babe Both a t lost broke uin toO he h i t eolomn a fte r a lone b a t- i t t ln ^ slomp, bn t be failed to score a

T h s Olant* aad W bite Soz were toreaumo tl.e lr aorici a t KaoxvUIe today g i wbile th e T aokees and Brooklyn mov- cb cd to Bristol, Tenn.. fo r ihe eontinua* Oitlon ofk tb e lr stnifrffle. {n

■ CHlOnQO, — W oy behind in ^ tbe lr spriof' traiD ln? as tbe resu lt o f k inelem eot w enther in CallfonLm tbo ho Cblcago K ational leSRae-elab was resdy loday to take adTU itags « f tho prac- tice whieb >wilt be a ffoH ed by a scries

•j ' w ith I lu teb lnso irand 'W lchlla and KSon- n i sas a t y . nl

•> • n iie followers o f the American* are w locllried lo tr^oat today lellowlng the ge;

. f if th ric to ry of tbolr favorites over the y , w orld 's rhamplons, tbe Itow York «n Qlants. The fac t th a t John M eQraw's team p tew nted a crippled Ib eu p

. a ^ n a t thi- U lilte Sox takes aome of tbe Rlorr ou t o f y e n te r^ y 's 0 to 2 vie- qq tory, a t X'noxvllle. Tcnn., b u t neverthe- bo IcM th e aoutb side fane are jub ilan t,The series now stands five wins fo r t,o tbe fioz. th ree for the O lsnts and ono jfn iraoie tied. A cd another.gam o la on

■ tnp te d iy .

■ EBOBUIT SHOW ^ TJP. •W ASniNQTON, P . C., (/Pl - Tho mi

> 'B « ito n Braves took the ir second he stra igh t f^ome f m n W aihlngton a t w Columbia, 8 . Cf.,'ye*terddJ’, overeominfj tl«

/ t t - a f(iur-ni3 lead which a recru it pitcher, by AdUiir^a/lPniaoa the 'A m erican leagoeni

. in tbe f lrs t inning. WashlnKton got ^ l i h lla b u l could no t score agalnst Til-

llnglm an.l McQuillan, who were in the de box. Tho .teams play tho tenth gamo ch of th e ir aeriot, in which Waahington ov h u fc one-game teod» a t a t« o v lllo to- to' day.

BATN SA 7B 8 HTTflBUBOH.PITTSD U RO n, Pa., (ff) — The Den- f f

ver elub of-the W estern leagao working aU nnder tho franrhlao recenily pufchaaod'bo from Joplin , Uo., nttempted to pu t

V nick In the pro-seawn record of tho II. PiltibuTRh N aU onil Icagto tew n a t W Miami, Okla., :y e i te rd a l . according to ■;

•I ■ advlcea rrceivod hero, bOt th e sky let loone sucli t- to rren t o f rain th a t onlv

___ _ two inninps h ^ been playod whon tho .coDteat ended.

----- r<T Y OOBB I S HUBT.

BKTHOIT. Mich., (ff)-*-?jiyalclnns' a t Amerlcu^, Oa., today cndtnvoTcd lt> do- torralno the e * te n t j ) f J |l5 . la jn r r suf­fered by Tv Cobb, manngor of the De­tro it Americana, In a flamo between ^f D ctrn lfa n d tbe Rochester In tem atlon -. t,a ala there yesterday. ' Ide

In show ing his players the so rt of agg reaU o bftso running ho oipccta o f .b o them nnd whicb has made him famou*,'jj,,

“ Cobb to run tw o b u t s on T olbrr-L p , g ill 's aluglo in tbo n inth Inning, and l n ' „ , alldlng in to tbo bag turned hi" righ t ankle nni- knee. Doctors who offlmmra | ( him nftor tho aecldent were unable t o . , say w hether the Injury wa* more than jj , n aprain and an X-ray ezamination Is to be made today. A t bc it. i t was be­lieved Cobb would be ou t of the lineup for n weelt.

The G eorgian’s accident capped a ba ttiog srreo by tho Tlgora, In which '> •.Ty was credited w ith foor aafetici, two _ of them doubles. Tho Tigers won, 10 to 8.

j i i n c s n L L m i L s mCLEVULAND, 0 .,rM > '— Tho CUve-

' ’land lnrt\»i>B wero In Des MoSnts today ' i ' fo r a gamo w ith tbo W eitern league Jk v A ito a a of th a t e lly provided they-have ^ i l^ u o c e o d a d in sh a tln g the rain j in t

w hieb has followed them since break ' in»T camji a t Dallas, r r ld ay .

“h io regulars havo participated la only oab con test' since le^viog the • t ru n in g esmp. T h a t waa with Okla­homa C ity Baturday, a ll olhers belnR eaacelled becaoie of rain.

S E IIH F in E IShippers Sook Solution of tbo

Tranflportation Problems;■Will Attaok Eatos

P0RT1.AND, Ore.. W V -P Jai" f^^ "" n tlhck on preaent rfttc-i on ahlpmenta

• - . o f IW tstotk from n n r lK ^ « t points to I’ortland otid Sentlle were formulated nl a' meoliiic hre lnst n ight o f .thc di­rec tors o f tho Northwcalarn L im to c k Shipper* Itnguc. Tho (rnnaportatlon troublea fi'n fron tlng tho lIvMtofk ship, pora of Idnho, Oregon and Wndhington wcro dlsi'uaacd nnd demand woa mndo th a t improye^l tm nsportation scrviee be

/ fSvtn nhlfipeTs of livestoek loto the P ortland and Seattle marketi.

-V '


gs of a D ay !

I BggebaU [ |


I . COAST ISA O B B .I A t Saa {'ranclKfr— B. IL B. Seattlo _____________ 5 10 1

San P ranclaco___________a » S

9 B atteries: Q ardner' aad Adama; ■ , Geary, Davis, Mitchell and Yelle. L.' ■ A t Sae ram en to - R. H. &

• Oakland _______________ 7 6 1eaeflamento ____________ 0 11 5

B atteries: A rlett and Koehler; P it- te ry , QITk -b and Btanage.

A t Salt L ake-V ernoa-Salt L<ike I game posipoaed; raia. t A f t o s Aagelcs—Los Xngeles-Port- po ) la a d gam? .postpooed; rain. - j jf • daI PLAYHES ABB SVSFBNZIiBD. - dli

W S AN0ELB8, Cal., y p )-C b a tley i t t D eal, form er third bsueman for the J ..> Chicago Natlohsla, who was to bave wl 9 reported to tbe Los Angeles Pacific Ca ' C o u t leaguo club this year, and Leo abi

D ressea ,'fiis t bikeman, purchased from ws ' tho fit. Paul American Assoeiation elub , by th e Vernon Coaat Itfigtie, team , bu t lni I who fallud to report, w 'n p laced .on efi t tbo . suspension lis t by tbe elub ownera. ilo

D eal, w ill Is la Chieago, bas signified im t b6 will plav ball w ith a i|eoU-pro Uam> th is vear. Dreisen lateads to pU y with Jei• an 'W l a w ” club in the -middle west, ]• I t ia roported. th( I ...... • ' , eol

SAN TBLBBTAIN S.TITLB. - boi• SA N PBANCIBCO, Cal., ( f lV A d opi ’ SanU l. llRbt-btavywelght ■wrestling opi - champion of the world, defeated Max’ Orlando, claimant of the Bwodlah tltlo ,

in stra ig h t falls bero la st a lgh t. - Tbe ] f ir s t fatl was w on 'In oho hour soven »>,

) a ia n te s and 16 secoads w ith a double q■ scisaora and the aecond fnll on a too • ) bo ld i n '45 .minutes and five seconds.

OA?TAXH B 0 7 B B 18 i n'I .HOLYOKE, Mass., V PJ-C aptaln Bob• Boper,’heavyweight boxer, won a tech­

nical knockout over Pal M eNaay of , ,' W aro, Mass., in th e fourth round of a i , . ' scheduled lO-round bout hero la st night. ,• M cNany declared he had beon fouled p j : and Tofascd to continue..

» MIDOBT w n r e OTOISIOH. -■ S A I /r LAKE CITY, U tah, Mid- U• cot Sm ith, .Sfllt.'^Uko, featherw eight J■ boxer, won the decision over Tommy .• Collo o f 8 m F rancis fo .ln -B 12-round■ bout horo last algh t; The boo t ww< fn st throughout witb Bmlth holding tho .


ALBEltT LEA, Minn., {/P) — In a .I m atch advertlaed as bolng for the light 1 heavyw eight ohamplonahlp of thn ; w orld, IW m er Myro of A lbert l« a , U- ‘ : tie holder, was defeated here laa t a lg h t P?' , by Claroiice Ecklund of Sheridaa, Wyo. «<I - ............................ - .

SnK D E B W INS DB0I8X0K. ^• TORONTO. Ont., (ffJr-Jobnny Dun:1 dec o f ‘NowTTbrk, Junior lightw eight1 cbnmpio.i, won tho. reforeo’a decision w r I ovor Jim m y Goodrich In n fa s t ten- je t• rottud boo t hero last night. « «

CJBOBL Ifl SHADED.BOSTON, (/P) — Davo Shade, Call- the

, fo rn la wellerwclght. recolved the decl- H* . alon ovor >5ale Siegel In n lO roand Wo i ; bout hero la st a lght.________

lill O M M E n i in iK 'T e n a n t s L o a g o o A d o p t s N o v o l Jn,

P l a n t o C o m b a t L a n d l o r d s i W h o S e e k I n c r e a a e a , '

■ OHIOAOO, l/p) — The U nnnta league ' o f .C blcag i has devlaed a plan for com- ■'.bating te n t Incroasca. I f tho c lly courtIdeci'dcs ngalnat a tenant he will nppcn

' n t oneo t i a court of record and It will 'ib o tw o full years beforo bis caso wiil ' p como to tria l. Meanwhile his tc n t will ne: ' remnin nndmngpd. The tonanta w ill ntt ‘ counter w ith suits io tho municipal• eon rt to furestall the iiicreases. joi ' I fTho' plari haa boen outlined to tho , ' I Icwwo and offleers say I t will be car- ‘; ou t. - , - _ „

T hs Core of Dotnoeraey..- . . ’ F o r I aay a t the core o f 'democracy, t flaally, Is the rellRloua eleroent.—W alt ; W hitman. . ’ -I "_I .. ...........

M rs. L . w rite .)

" I ’a r a c o n T i n c e d t b e r o

b a l d n f p o w d e r . . I h a i

I ' (AA p o w d e r f o r t e n TC

a r e 1 0 0 c e n t b e ^

c a n o f R o y a l B a l d n f I

m e n d i t t o a n y b o t u e w i

k n o w s a D a b o u t c a k e

^ i n n r i o f p O w d e i ^

ROYBAKING FS Absolutel C o n t a i n i N o A l u m ' I

" Sautfor/iewRpyatCoe R o r a ] B a ld n f P o w d e r C o ^ 1 3


' in S jw rts ^

DRli ■ JiPSEfSMSi' — ■ I

• U i s F i r p o D is c lo s e s ,A b i l i ty t o !

i A b s o r b P u n i s h m e n t a n d ‘

' C o m e B a c l( S t r o n g 1

n m YOBK, (JP) - L nl. A » ,t l . P i f J■ po of A rgentina, heavyweight ebam* 1

p ioa pugi'lbt o f South America, was to- T day coniidered by experts as a fiatls diamond in the rough becauao of his ^

' do fra t of Joe McCann a t Newarli, N . ^) J . . la s t n ight. Firpo entered tbe ring f> w ith Ut‘!o o r ao defense againat Me- ! C ana’a h:<rdeat blowa, bu t tbe wny heI absorbed punUhme'nt and came back ^I waa Imprvsslve. r> McCan.i was beaten dowi> in the elos- t Ing seconds of the fifth round and th e I> offiela ls rtopped-tho bout. Ih e lr decl- . slon w u jcoll received by tbe crowd. * I /o r l l nppeared ihe South Americaa < t ebamplon m ight seridoaly injure t h t * I Jersey man i f the encounter continued., . Firpo prt bably w lll pUce himself la j

th e handf o f a competent trainer and . coach, and ho w ill be- watehed in la ter -

bouta by tboae who are hoping an 1 opponent fo r Dempsey m ay bo devel : oped. . . . . --------

i EAXL r iB P O AB CHAHP. (' BUENOS AIRES. (/?) — Newa o f tho

v ic to ry .3 f L u ls’ Piipo, over Joe Me- ' Cann In th c lr boot laat nigh^ a t Now.' a rk , N. .L. reaebed hero shortly a fte r

m idnight.' Eatbuslastle rrow ds whieb had oaxioualy awidted tho result since t 10 o ’clocic received tho news w ltb n a n - i

' ifestatlons o f ^ a t Joy. I:A pro 'cfsion of* delighted youtba 1

Joined by older enthusiasts in caba and s ' inotois, pam ded th e strcels singing tho : nationa) nnthem and songs la honor o f .h ‘ Firpo. who was cheered loudly as “ tho h

world cham pion.”

: P B E l in i iS i . 1EIIEiii8"lEK:

Security of Socioty is Depend- \ ent 'Opon Inviting Homes, i

' ' DocTares £xeontive

I CHICAGO, M ^^P resldcn t ItardlnR ; has given hls personal endorsement to c , tbe movement Inaugurated, by tbo r

Amorican' Homes bureau for a na tional d " B e tte r Homes W eek” to he inatituted n

. n ex t O ttober as an annual event, b “ I t fc-ivos, mo special j j c a r i r c , ! ! n

I wroto P realdonflT ardlog In' reply to & n Je tte r froni W illiam B. W raford, " t j riJ’cord my endorsem enfaod npprov'al o f , tbe 'B c t lo r Homes W eek,’' f t may bi) > tr lto bu t It Is evorlastlngly tm o th a t

. tho home la the cornorstone of our elv-

. ilizatlon. B e tte r homoi, moro a ttrae t-

. Ivo homes, homes whoso occupants will find true rofreshm cnt aod tea l inspira­tion to increased offorta fo r education and culture—such homea nre -tho ones fcblcb assure groatesl stability to our institutlniis, g rea test security to .ou r

■ pocloty. ) cannot,bu l feel th a t the ef­fo rt you bro m aking ia ono which de-

, serves a w ider projoctlon aad I would be glad i f your example m ight preient-

. Iy bo an laapiratioh to a natl^on-wido ‘ onterpriao of tho same k in d ."

The Idea back of the “ Bolter Homes W ee k " movement is to educate the Ameriran people to mske the- homo beautiful aad thereby create a home

' environm ent th a t will havo. a lu t in g cultural Influcncf upon the n a tio n .. ' '

I ~ ' .Dogs T n ln s d Not to Bark. •

. The dingo, o r wild dog o( Auairalln. ne ither Imrks no r growla In Its wild I

> s ta te , bu t learn s to do lioth when ' tnrned nod p lncnl among domeatle

dogs. The A jistm llnn kelpies, tho.raost ' p ritcd of cattlo dog*, wblch .contain

a stra in of dlngu blood, a re trained never tn bark.

C rustacea Color 8«a.C ertain tnliiuK* crustocea-i>unii>ilmes '

ghr< »P" H niiT 11 hliio(I-r*sl mlor.

tes:Bro is a deference in hate been tuing any I je a r t bot my cakes Bttersince I b ^ M a Of Powder. I recom* lewife who thinly sbe tke witb any


Leaves No Bitter Taste

fCbo*Bob*-It'sFREE■ 130 WilBam S t, Ncnr Yoric

LS, IDAHO, WEDNESDAn n t l efi .

■ IW IfllM B lIntemrban Boad Oat of Spo­

kane is Beln^.I^m antled by Company

[ « BPOKAKE, W u M f f l - D l s o i a t l l n g I the intorurhan lines betw een Spokano,} Cheney and Medical Lake Is proceed-

ing a t full ipeed, and soon the electrie lines to tboso points will be nothlag

« bn t memories. Tbe abandonment of '' th e lines is blamed on the ehsnglng

modes In tiansportatlon.rrhe lines were b u ilt In 1905 aad

1907, before th e antomobUo w u a traiuporta tipa faster, aad beforo tho tim e of thn paved highw ays th a t now parallel the tig h t o f w ay. Tho e a n

‘ th a t ope.*nted over them in those firs t)• few years were taxed to espaclty with . pleasure seekers visiting the Medical g Lake teso :li. People were charmed , w ith the service rendered on tho elec- , . t r lta l trains, and believed tb e tim e near . a t band wben suoh lines would spread ’ like a n i t over the Paeifie northwest. f T hat waa only 10 years ago. B u t in I tbe last, few years, doe to automctbile

and motnibus eompetition, tbe Inlerur- ,. baa lines have been unable to make ex- j penae«. Now they havo aurtended to . the big oirto r busses, whieh w ill here­

a fte r carry the paasengers and th e first- : class mall tb a t have traveled on tbe J trolleys so many years.

! HIBTfilSllO ' ..UlSHOlllBiYS

Offenders Paroled to Hen in ’ Lien of Sentence to State

' Eefonnatoryr ■' — ■, YAKI.u a , Wash.. ( /F 7 -0 a e day of ] tho timo of tbe Y akim a connty super.. lor court, beforo summ er yaeatlon, will

be given (>t-er to a meeting w ith the I Honor Roll boys—young men who have I signed n formal pledge to nphold tho } law, and btJp other young msrt to up- ( .hold it—u< eording to an announeement> by Judge George B. Holden.

Jadire Holden'a honor to ll was organ­ized whi'.t a number o f members' of tbo Yakima A thletic club oaked tb a t aov- oral juvenile- membors b e ‘ paroled to •• them Inatead of being sen t to the re-

f formatory.. I t lB,.lttilge ITolden’s plaa to have \ suitable proecedlnga before the court

on honor roll dny, and lo supplement the progrtm with community, slnginir.

’ The day wlll be made an annua] tM ilt i f the f i n t one provea n aucccss.

W IL L TEST IN T A N T OABB; N E \7 YORK, (/P>-A draotvstiatltta ) o f the proper methods .o f caring for 3 nowly-bom Infants In nn e ffo rt to re- I duee the high .death ■ rotol'ofT m othen].I and babies throughout the eonntry ha^

ben Itarted b y the M nteraity . Center ' 1 nuoclation-In. B xono covering a aqua»>I mile In the upper E ast Bide.I I « ------ I: - READ T IIE DAILY NEWB.> --------.. . I ___

1 TwinFalls-Boise : S T A G E .I Leaving Twin Falls at ; 8:00 A.M. {Local Time)

; Arrive Boise 3:30 p. M., (Local Time) .

L ■ M aking .(oneection w ith No. 19 going w est r t M ouQltin Hotae, giv­ing one hour fo r dinner bofore the nrrivnl o f 10, going, west.,


Trask Bros. Stage Cor

~ N CSprUtghou

have the paiiii Have you givei do you want to leaky roof?

W e w i l l b e g l a d

.......... . . r e o


DAY, APRIL 5,1922 'CIndsri' ValuT^n Road Bulldlt>0. ” CInden have been foond usefsi la

CngUih road maklai for preventlsf « ft d iy of tb« fub-bue of tb t toad rt*- t, \ lag to tbe ri^ facf . , ^

Ifo r eI TRAC'of

I NOW $395

i Western Aual

'«■ - - -

Id tll.in . ' •ile

'I' ^I ^•e- :It- . 3 ® V ■be ' j g • jl,

I Y ou C an^ Ask u s how to rene

th e chair or ta b le t!

T JA IN T IN G home things I#'’ J r easy ond fosclnaiing. You t

can do it as well bb anyone with aa few tituple ditccUoDS vrhich we a

ro give you. iJl You may have fum iture. in ^(t. the attic vrhich is old only on ‘ lr the ouUide. I l will be as good

as aew wben refinlshed. ' 1Or perhops there are floors, ^

, woodwork a n i olher thing* aboul. the home that need beaudtying. ^

g. .It's fun to do it and a b ig u v iogj )i i 7 ‘ t d o . -“ O ut "Home Scrvice Pftln^ D*-*.....rf partment” organized cspe- I

cla llr to help you malce a aucceasof the w o r t Write ua 'loday , *telling what yo*j wont to r e h n l^ •

^ and whai effecta you want to .g e t JO u r e x p e r ta v rill a n sw e r *

I prt'mpUy, giving you explicit di* v' rec'ions covering every-phase of- I

the work. Juat follow these aim- *ple directions'and you'll get ex- c

, ccUent m u lls . a

Fm»!iM anufactured b ; V

Drr«. L so I

JiiMkM l> If (Idn Is (k« 1 ' p M \ I , TO 8UT. 6«H n«

ft W ' r " !»• tta frt -TS J ^ t ^ WriltT ^ U f j r \ r<« lut *Wi tt h«r f«t •

■ W r ^ y l ^ , t«t ««i rm tifi*. t . *T t ? y \ y f . rMotfdcrit

riUtf't ■‘litM StntM" rilM tn ttlNlbleyJohuobl Lambar Oe. ' Mlbley-Chasaal Lofflbn-Oo., Elmb« Nlbley-Cbannel Lmober Co., fiogei Koel.WlMion-Stnnk Lomber Oo.

J Nlbloy-Ohaanal Lumber Oo, FB«r, 1

St i c<j}use-cleaning time ps here, inter cleaning your walls ven YOUR ROOF A N Y A3 to have ydur new decoratio,

i a d t o i n s p e c t y o u r r o o f a n d

r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s , i f y o u w

•H O N E 3

" ' f

: ■ ' .... i. Ch«r*rt.r T.tdfcy t t . EyK r - ..i

All men of g«nlds are aald to k a n ^clear, slnw-movlnr. bright <yta. TMi 'Is th« oye indicates D M t a l : ^ )

. Ify of i*nme Mnd . •*-I

DSON j:tors5.00 m -^oir !

uto Co., Agts. I. . . — i,

. I

i?il i 1 P a in t—n e w t h e b e a u t y o f .t t h a t ' i I n t h e a t t i c I

We make special paints, nishes, ^^am els , wall fioiahet | and stains for you to use. Ib ey f are ^ e finest materials o f their ' ~ '■ Idnd that we know. We h w # been making these products for 73-year*.

Take adrantaae o f Fullet’a ;' Free Advice ana Fuller’s Pro* j.

ducts and you’ll be surprised and \-delighted w ith 'th o wonderful ^

transformaUons you can n u k e ia j , your hom& j'

Silk q twhlf»

tad firillai*. " — f r r ~ '1 1, , j!

luftu. Sur* *Uu ud V I m O h ■

Wt ilit •ut* Dimwv«»uh Suit*. Mi rw- ;MM VinbStt. BtSkM. ^ ' 11— | I ^

- ctM tti r u t i rtiw, wuusit viji rubk. in<itt*4«-rteM Ta*. tlaS, FtllnvMi Vinl.t. HtM Vti, iUt*Ch m I ftUn't Hm Wtl«> VtU hA (ktl- . ■ tttalM). F««k tad S(*t rilM, Mi nOMUaWIIITt LUD.

ler’sr v l c e ’ W n t * J

r W .P .F u D e r A C o , j<a rnaclM* ' - . . '« r*i n TMrt. CMkUOtd IMS.ik« VtM. Dwltn ttt(T«Stn.tn tad p l riikt MitHtL Tk* mtum Ulm |[rt-Tiltti'i rrttactk Cal ll *M' u * ruMtt. i-ftr r*U<i-i ’iiost StrriN" Ftiai Bttl. «UA t«r tttrr Utd tl ^ tiltf. Stad (tO imuSfUm 4*7 Utd *1 fiUlUl tM >*ii t* 4*. . ;

MrrUt* «{ a Va*tM ribUi.

« ttld kr tk« ItUtalK U p w ^ .

n l i t l r . l iW o . '■- ' ' . -------igeison, Idslm.0. . a, Idabo.

S T Ie. You will aoon Ils and eeilinga. ATTENTION or ions spoiled by a

n d m a l f e r e l i a b l e

w i l l


Page 4: ' is imm OClATEDPRESSNEm .LLS DAIL[.Y NlEWi'lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1922_04_05.pdfIDAHO PIONEER D IEa POCATELIA Moll". W — A. Tuppcr. onp of the pioneer residents

I A Eack of Dre• O n tM * laclc lukT# b w a placed vocl a

'r o g tr t 'to co jt o t wUdL JI»ny oC U f.- , 'i ifiX O. A t tU a prico tl^ a u k te rU l alon

' '' ' dres« Oft tW i x*cTi 8® ^\ f l n t day ------- ;----------------;•—

i R e a d y -t( j Offers K:

Y o u w i l l f i n d e x o o p t io n a l V:

a o g g o f l t io n s , b o lo w .

JERSEY JUMPER SMwle of. a ll wMl matcrlaL TUo Jack' v o r th tne prlca^ THo drew n a y bo w itbout Jacko t Ju a t tbo eult fo r sport do no t.w rinU o and g iro lo fln ito sorvico ............ - .........—— .........

GINGHAM—VOICEMTUMo a w droswa carried ovor from fast i is Bot ofto th a t warf marKed to soli ioe l< Bomo c f ttora. woto bou jjil to soil ftt 810. to d e a n them rig b t up80 Iwro £009 ...........................................

. . b r e a k f a s t SE'.. somoUilng brand new for tlila ow nt.

houso d i t jw a 'w itu Jackot offoct, madeored chambniya and porcaloi ,w a waalA roal Ju>u»6 d r o u a t & low. prtco. You or tli r to o f tbem lad ilio ittn t co lo n .......... ............... ..................

ONE LOT OF WAltTHOSO wnUU» a ro «U«bU7 aeiled from beifig on' t i o tack . Tlicre a re d t t k « georsottoa and crepo de cU noi among to W.06. A fa ir ran«o o f bUo*.20 of tb e m ..................... ................................

. SHE£TSI'cfliapa never ngnin n\\\ you bo aWo to buy U tica, Mohawk and P«quo‘ full s ited abtfol* ’ nl audi a piSte- eilRliUy soiled. Oiofeo •....... 91-iO

T O W E L S- ,l.nTRO ulw buck towel*. SllRlitly

nlictf soiled. Some of tliem h m - ■iHrbeiJ. Qood heavy <^uaHtr. T fll' lies to fiOc. Cholcc ...........— - 23c

T O W E L SA 'am nH hutk toHCl of. Kpod •luflHO*. lO iiO ' IncJjc*. Ju s t tlic tlilHB tor tlic sinnll K u«t towel. Til) . cone ...........................:v--..............

t u b k i s h t o w e l

OooiJ alxeil turldsli tfiwi'l of Rootl weifilit towelinc. Sljiy Ia 15x30 inelies. T ill llioy are »ol<l m wany

. na you w ant ..........- ......................

C H I L D R E N ’S K O B E_W o-bullcvo,lbis ho«o to .bo .equal lo

nny 5Ur. vn'lut! 5n tliii innikct to ilo j. I 'lill rniiuo of »li>'», black, brown oru-bUo ....... ..........- ..........- ................

C 0 E 3 E L E T T B The- iifiv eom elrtte \vlilcli Is a com- "I \iUsiitioif u ( aod anii- Jl>urtcrH, \V«> o ffer n

C A R P E T W A B P IA KOU’I raiiuf of eolora. Como ntIiJilf pinitnl bnll^ Vur limiting bed _K^wiul, e tc. HdU ttKulurly fyr 30c. \TliU wci-k tliu lin l l ....... ................25c ]

T O O T H B B T IS H E S•About 4 tIo;;cn ^toolU brusli^s tlmi tt'cro'boURlil to roinil ii]> K' AaV ill llll- notion <lc|i,irtment nbout them ............................- .............. .. Oc

, Miislm- .M o s t o f t h e s e ar«? s to c k s c a

■ ' ’T i i e y a r e y o a r a a l m o s t a t y o u r

S t u i s L I N D R A W E E S 'MubUu dr/iwcra (vf women. Tlicy uro "'e ll niatle, ulcely • trbnm cj. nouBlil to rolail up to $1.30. Till , Kone ............ .......................... .......... lOc

O O M B IH A T IO N SFor cJiiUlrcn. A rm O <o H . Drop aeat. Fine qunlily muslin. Trim- jned. Hold ofiginnlly up to 91.1XT ill K'onc ................... « c

P R IN C E S S S L I P SFor children. Ayes 2 to Irt. ^'ine qimlity jnuslln-. Tritnimjsl wUh Jact ;iu(l rfWioii. Vafucs iu - (.'boifi- ............................................ 29c

miir o t t l i a ovent you laay bav< your favorite Sego mUI: a t Imj

. tlian wbolosalo. Wo m ust limit tho g u a a U ^ o f 0 to tl}o coa- tomer, B ring your ahopplng

....... .....49 c

wuk - • . ‘ TWIN FALLS'DAILY

—TOTIUDe n —

•esses, $3 .9 ^ (ol d rttsaa and sOk d reuea wltlioBt ^if 'thnm .'w ere bought to re ta il for Alone la w orth i t u y v dage. E rery

.............. $3.95 ■:_________ ______ ________ ------- f

to -W ea r JIxceptional1 v a lu e s a l l w e e k I n t h i s d e p a r tm o i

SUITS ANOTHERjackets alone arc Droaiea_of aorge and ibe w oig. w ith or u f fe ta , otc. N ot onopo rt « e « . They ^ ,^0 SIG.OC, We h a r

( P A 'Q R easy aoloctlon........ . « D U » u tl Your c iio lc o ................

DRESSES. ,u t toaaon. Tliere ’, r l « , 0 ,L .W .9 S .«10.l)(l, W«W8«1 E » o i jo n o (

e i - O Q «Uy t» t t i l l . m n t ........... a l . 3 8 Vou B«y so t « now

Intended to

lETS .... ...... l - o r p r n r ONEL(waah and lauuder. Is a la s t MsaonVfou will w an t two ^ n

............. S 1 . 2 9

USTS , NOVEL'irom and[ colored to ffetaa,.... .. Black Swoatora,. w ill,og tbaa."'Waa p is te Une o f t lio a .- '

d f i C.Q fo r aport w eir.___. , Then) are^Just th ree

B illiken CMc1-

' T h i s M x fo n l w h h \nw^\\i o s n w u U lj

I lllt n f(?\v (In .vs a}j{>. Y o u w i l l In*

j o f tin* s ii lo a n d tl io ;jo o d lo o k - . '

• i u s f ^ i i t r n v s o f t h i s b lf lc k k id , J

' ’nw ' lit!o! U i l l i k o i i D x fi ird . T h is

s(‘flK i'o;:uljirJy a t $5.50

i . $3*95 ^----- - r n r ------ ---------------------------------------------

Surprising Prices ^c a r r l c 'd o v e r f r o m l a s t e e a s o n . '•!

»ur o w n p r i c e . wi

tJ H lL D R E H ’S G O W H Sf ' Lone e lfevei, hl«b mick, ond ilioriI.'■ iileeve low Dccil. Af;c» 0 lo IO- *511,r iioiMH. Values to $1.73. Till poneC .......... ................. .................. . 'IB e 0

O O a S B T C O T O Bp For 'Toinea. j l i c r c nro 3 l o f tbem. nlI- I-Qoo naij ribbon trinuiicd- Fini) ... ). «iiiallly. wliito muslin. Your ciioltelc ............ ......••.................................... 3£*c_

A P R O N SII- .Vboiil l.'< whitu muslin uprnn.^ Thoy II ;t wlU llo ftrt klUUi'n viPM. WUl h u n - »i r. .liT Well. Wortl. up t..................... t: )c Cholcc ................................. ........ io t V.

TomatoesA nolber th ipm ea t o f 25 caw i o f thoso good U u h tooatocs.Tboy aro fu ll pock, sundonl alzo. Ask th e people who bavo used them . Qua&titiM

r r ....... :..:48c

150 Pairs o f

CORSETS ’. W e aak yoo t » com pue th e u

coi»ets w ith any J1.C0 cw tet

. on th e m arket today. They h a re >«ea bouiHt eipecially, •

f o t tM i «T«at and «r» tJ » l » i j jV w e 'h a r e ye t offered wlttaio IV

DOc of tlie price. Q Q ^ . T l

........ .... fr,a t

ll Values N&

.m o o t . ' W e o f f e r j u s t a f e w —

■ ■■ L('R LOT OF DRESSES j jm d tricotino, dresses of canton oepo . ”, one of them bonght to re ta il fo r leas h a re p u t them a ll in ono secUoa foJ

......................$9.95COATS , Ju,

irlsBd a t t i e good values we o ffer Rl m e of thoao coata w fta'touglit espod- I” ' a t. N o t OM o f 'tb o a I* a c a t ty -o w . . new fp iilas coat mucU.lefls th an you-

.................S14.95........................................... wil

LOT OF SKIRTS Zjo n 'fl carry-over of aklrts la valnea to t e tnade of French aerge, plaited or l m v . l o » . n . « ^ l? .............

^LTY SWEATERSWllh loa« o r a h e it a lperau A_com-

u . - 'Valuee to 93.00. A clover model V>

h r w dozen a t ........$1.48 30

le Sailor ; iddie-AlIs :


i l i t t l o f e l l o w a s im p ly w ill

n o o t h o r k i n d o f p lo y s a l t s

t h o y h a v e s c o n th o B D -sa ilo r

!-flU s, T h e y a r o m a d e ’ o f ■'*

ic s t q u a l i t y s t r i p e d d e n im

lie t o o b t a i n , A g o s f r o m % in c lu f l iv o . W h y 'n o t ^ u y a m i t t h a t t h e y l ik o t h a t w il l iv c n b e t t o r s e r v i c e t h a n th e g e k i n d . - ' '

J sleeve, ankle 1 ; t h ......................$1.29 • il

,-t sleeve, knee ir : th ..............■.......S1.IS- U

ford Speciali iU l j - f u r t h i s e v e n t , t t tU T ivw l

, !«• w iih n»D f io .v ib il jJv '''

. I h c _

S i l k C o m b i n a t i o n s ; i

Oooil .|u iility heavy wfiKhl crepo do.-biuc rojjiliinfltioiij trinimpij tr lth U

. Jjiee uml ribbon.^ Wo find th a t clso- ci• where Ihrv nre sold »t $3.50.... $2.60 si

----- ----------------------------------------------- ]}

U n d e r s k i r t s .;

o t inujJln. D on 't fall to. Kel. ono o l— these. ; Tlicro aro ou lv 'n fow of them. Voluea to $l.Srt. nouncei.ilhne w ohh the m oney .......... .....4Bc ^_______________ ;_____________ _ V

P e t t i c o a t s

Hi-n- Ik a rtcan up of ono ilorco»Mce« iw llkoa lu and vlliots viith 1faffcfii I'Jnimrcs. Values fo (3.S0. '■t 'lio lrt' ..-...... ..V-............................. COc I

j M.J.B.CofifeeI • T h a t good coffao th a t comeT ,I packed in vacuum aoaled tins,

tbua proaervlng the qualltj 1 I fo r a long tim e. Fresh nov

shipment. Takes lesa per cu; tliaa o tio ra . ' , - t A 3 pound can..............


^ ' ’ s T A R T ^ S y

W r i iMENAGE, a FrT h i s e v e n t t h e n , i s a C l e a n -

f r o m l a s t y e a r a n d a c i e a n - u i

a l l y f o r t h i s e v e n t .

MR. FARMER,g i v e s y o u f i r s t c h a n c e a t t h e

L o o k A r o u n d t h e

D o w n s t a i r s S t o r e j

.Mnke n lis t o f thew good valuea and 'buy thom whilu a t tho aluminum ]

snle. • ■ •

ALL WOOL BLANKET ,Junt IS of them. Slzo la OUxStl. AM ,o f tliem n\cdium fc'rcy.' W ol«bt is 0 'jwund#. ilouK ht'for speeinl salo a l ; ||

Thl.n week ......... $5.05 j |

O O M F O E T /Full sixe.! comrort, 72x8-1. I'illoil \ i w ith cotton. Covered' JA different colored eballles.' Buy ono for'eatup-

i->C .... ■;.................... ■■■................... « .t)3

ALL OVERSDuriiip Ibis' event yoo mny bjiv( thoso Nover lUji All-ovcrs, o f good henvy denim, aomo of them trimmeiV in red. Ages to U ................... 80c

O 'O E D A R M O P SWo shall o ffe r a ‘»itgulaT %\M O'C eilor .Mop w»fi hand le .and on<30e bo ttle ol O 'C cib r VoUah for 9Bt

BROOMSA goo d . fiubstantial broom of tbt Iiunlity th a t ottllnarily sells <of Q3c.There are ju st !J down of them.. 4!k

' T i v o r y s o a p

Tliflt iOO J«it ccttt puto ivo ry soap.Ik used fo r e llho r'laund ry or tojlet purposes. Vou may hu.vo n il you

' w nn t'n l 10 bars f o r ---------- -------81

b o r a x A IDllo rtii Aid sells for l5c, ‘i for li.le..Mixed w ith your suds it helps ilcan t t e vlotteK. A lUyou.want a t....... Gc

DISH PAH 'A re;,Tilar $1.50 value in a grey on-

ninel dUh va«hi'Jivy wcijjhl. Tlicru oro jti»l 1- ol t b r n ................................................

TEA KETTLE , . 'A lea liL'ttle thut o rdlunhly sells for Sl,5ft. Oood heavy ipiality Hranlli waro. 'I i'Uiirt dire. I' o f them left ................ .......*.......................... 80c

TOILEr p a p e rlUtiO shi'ota fine soft iiunlity toilet paper. Helln orditinrily for :20c or 3 lo r 50e. All next week, ll rolls f« r .....................:.............................. 25c

WHITB OUPS. SAUCERSTlm t Koud .jiiiilil.v whilo wnre. They Hell reKUlarly for fl.iW tho set ol nix. Haturday and ne x t'w o ek , soiof « for ........................................ 51.29

S A L A D B O W LA ».-»lad bowl with good loolciiit; . (lowor destRU. A dish you may use for best wiire. Oood s lro '........ COc

HEAVY TUMBLERA Kooil lienvy tumbler to use where, there nte utimll children. Wore Hint will not brcnk casil.v. U for....... 40c

0&EME o n . SOAPDuring Ihe event you may" h a v e ' ' cremo oil «oap a t less than whole­sale. A flue quality toilot soiip IH bars fo r ......... ............................ $1

C L A S S V A S E ' L\ t.ill K bss vase tbftt noulil muke an excellent y lft. J u « th o .lh in a

■'for flowers. Kcjfulnt J l .... ......... fiOc

U tN S OU ad i' 1')' th e m hkers o f Lux. Soak tho clolbcfl in i t I’ver n ijjlit a n d they Ihen need no 'rn b b in R or lioilloi!.'10 padkfices f o r ............ ................... |j |

K E T C H U P ITbai Kood ketcbup made o f ripe fllUtuU tomalnes, Lar^e No. 10 cnn. j.Mny l>o rebotlled ni bome. dooJ f{Uu’o i. The c a n ............................35c U

Lux JA li during this even t you may have as many aa you w an t oi

I Lux. Lux U r o c o ^ o d as the g rea tes t aoap on th a m « k c l fo r woolens and dain ty fab.

)A Y ; A P R IL 5,1922

S A T U R D A Y , A P R I l

g h t ’ frren ch w ord mfeaxs n - u p o f S p r i n g a n d S u m r h e

i - u p o f b r a n d n e w , s p i c k a n d

this is gbing toh e g o o d values. N o t o n e . i t e i

E ' I' f Hi 11 i i i if I ' l i i i i i i iJ l lill


" A j j » | [ V j

j P r oIW TTm T

m i i a 3 IHyBEmiO

H O U S E K E E P EP ro b a b ly N e v e r A g i

N O 1 : N O C


i S p Iin i i ig ‘‘G l e i a i j 'U p .her rnerchandise cauied over nd apaa stocks: bought'especi-

3 be one event .thati >.item goes on sale" tin i) Satur^:

mm m mI»IEC£ 6lMA

f f l

'ERS! A RemarKi.g a in W i l l i t B e Possible I T E L E P H O N E O R D E R S 1 C . O . D .’S " " i


Page 5: ' is imm OClATEDPRESSNEm .LLS DAIL[.Y NlEWi'lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1922_04_05.pdfIDAHO PIONEER D IEa POCATELIA Moll". W — A. Tuppcr. onp of the pioneer residents

> lm « d vttrr J ^

. .B O T 'T ^ B E Z o T T rr n T r r ^ ^ ®“®JOUK & H A B V B T ......\.....T r»M nr> r y , ,

:, o l m 'J i t t n ^ i w w te a

^ ^ I 'u V d r u .^ W ^ i i r S r ^ e<J£y * - / : - - . . . . pu i

eUBBCRIPTION RATM rop)• month* ............................... ..5.1} potl

I mootbi........................................ . . . . t t H .I mcnib.............................................. . . I '4 > ror

OF ABflOCUraD P E ^ "T b t AMOctftted P n n U «raitttm i]r m> fici

m iM to tb* OM (or mubUoaUea o t tH MW* dicpAtehw m d l t ^ t o It. e r so t oih*


UPt mmn» AMocUfd PrMt.

No rwpoiulbUltr (■ «wum«d tor (b* ear« of uoaoUelled oaBUfcrlpia, pboto* ■npha or otbor ooatrtbutfd m ttt«r. Ar*

. UdM nbtnJilod for publlnUoa wlU b«I UMd or not a t tho dlaorotiod o t tbo odl* n - i tor atid no reaauMrlpt will b« n tum od v n

tinlMt wMonpftmod b r o»c«*ttrr po*t> ^

■^Tbo N iw V * m iabitf o T t b r ^Bor«M of ClrstilaUMia, rrom wbon full lofonnatloa u to olrouUtJoa.tDay bo ob> F telnod upon opeUcaUotL Ootkilod lator> . na tion auppiled looaUf upoa requeiL

------------------------- --------onuBA8TBRN BEPKSBSNTATIVEa Bho

' zford BuUdlofc CaiOMar

B T O A B ^ i a PI t l l ameoreljr t» ba boped tb i t k

•ufrielBDt acrcago m ay bo pU ated to beeU th i i SprluR to e u o rc . against u y eart

■- pouibU lty ishAtover o f a doaiag down o t tha b(-ot luga r ia c to ry brre . T e t ^ ” onleia eo-ugb beoti u o nUied to war- eovi m o t tbe bperalion o f tbe p lant, u r a h ^ ' edly th a t j i Ju if whiftt will happen. p"e°

T b tre b e &o qotcUon u to thsr] a d ra n ta p i o f a eontlaned opeiiOifln of tbo augar factory. The return to tb s eet farm e n U quick aad n r o whilo tba b to e fl t to tbo towna U j u t aa impor- q | ta n t. The ■ ugu factory praridea about ia >

I ' tbe only ppy'Toll money of couAqoonee i in the dU triet.: As to whether o r no t beet growing l>odi

. t a a aloR'is iad iu try p rov iitn a profit- &b]e o u tlit /o r tbo effort* of the fann- er, The Kuwi b not prepared to argue.

I . I t I t potaibly true th a t not a ll farm eriwbo p lant b rc ts to the ozelualon of 8ho •v e ry other crop wlll make money oti

___ tbc -jeuon - 'a -opo re tions bu t taken, in jjlleoDjnnetlori wlUi general fann ing there abouU be •; p la t t fo r n few a m i of beeta upon a baaii o f operations whirh w ill ne t cntiafaetory reiuUt.

A dm itting th a t dlveraified farmlni; &bl ia tbo tb log o f which thla Roetjon itan ili C in great-j^t ncod, i t i i d lffleu lt to flgtirr

, ou t wher.' the d liaduan tigei wonlil outweigu the benefit* In tbe plantini: o f a pare ot tho farm to aujfar bcct*. f,an,

--------- - and. OJJR rO B B IO K B B lA T IO N a

( The Iiiirop«an_ jibo tb a t i t toemed |j |y , j ■ lmpOiJiili)i» to maJco agrccmentii w ith ping 1 th o U nited Siatc* th n t tb e 'a e n n t? j; . would rc n ix n itn 'ff now diiproToil. W ith c n „

th e PnclfM ngreement out o f the way, man .n a .lh c H ,.,li™ « lr.m U flr il7 < l o l b ) - '™ \o te o f t 1'A> Rcaate, the Ualonco of tU^ itvn trcativK ili.tM'n up by tli(> Wanhlngton p W

' eonierenc? Arc. certain o f ratiflcaU on Thd whole ta r]c y 4 n d i t i rcanltiDg pact* P I w n e bodi-l upon the I’nclfif t r e a ty j l j Hod tlint fftlM , the nnrnl lim ita tim an'd cvet«'thing"cials m ight have'gonn

'b y the boiird. The W elling ton treallc't b^ing rntiriK l, the ftdmlnistration wilt b« '/rco l l taciilc thn other problem* of fo irlgn roJatiotia nwaitliig It* atten- W l tiom •• .

E^vory propowd wtiemimcnt and rv- ‘ ' er:^ oftcrciS; except th e on-I approvc'l ijy rre sid e n t Iliirdlng, *tipu- notr j ' la tin g 'th ru l^o pact Involved the Uni- aJvi ' tfld Btatr* in “ no commitmeDt to a ra - ; «d force, 4io ollianre nnd do obligation ^nvj

to join in any defcnac,” wn* vote4 P'^ci down, 'fho la tte r rpwrvafion wa*. de- vi*cd to ircc t objectloni ra rly in tho Eith debato wben rfttificalion wa* more in doubt, ou t w hether it o t i ne<e**ary p^y, e ith er to uccuro-ratiflcation votea or to reei|p ro tec t America ngalnat inv o iv m en t I** recodebatable. tlon

— s s : tifuiOEDDEB OK "B E S T M IN M .” ‘o'*-

Britlah Amba**ador Ocddoa ha* a definition o f the " b e s t m lnda" th a t hair

• ae«int to d iffer from tboM th a t re- •ponded tu Mr. Ila rd lng '* call to M*- , rion. H e bai been te lling 'tbe Unlveri- com

i i ty of C a llfornb th a t " th e vn*t tnajor- I ty o f mfu in public life in mental capacity and knowledge n r- fa r behind

' tb e be»i niinda. T E T b ea t mind and the new b e l t th o jg b t aro rcpreaenled by thu, un« h igh ly ipecla lited univeralty profo*»or.

I H A V E ^T o t h e J O H N S O N y

_ . . B U IL D II

; k e y ™

jrWIN FALLS DAILY NEWS T hat knowledge U not present la! ottr f ig o v e m ie n u to d a y ." T

Yot i t i i r o t 10 long 'lince i t wa* ond |the world knows the reault. I s fac t Ione o f the utrongcst appeals maUe for |U r. wa> tb a t bo made no pie*, itension to liighjy ipoclolUed knowl* |edge; th s t he wa* J u it the.opposlto, J <pla in,.m ntter o f fae t cllU en anxious to |represent the’ average American. . B u t |perhaps A uboiaador Gedde* bas a bla* |fo r the 'p iv fcaiional mind. W;S* be no t |form erly occupant of variou* chairs aod |finally punclpo l-of UcQIII university f |

fm iS iiN D , ^MSGLESILSGreat Earthworka Holdi; as a

Tomb thfi Secrets of Its Pra- ' ^ historio Contents *‘“®


HX)BKNCK, Ala., - Within alght o f Wilaon dam, unit o f the gov- ‘"®* em m en t'i. w ar project a t Muscle , "f Bboals, 7taada a .monument none the lea* marvelou* in its conitroctlon which “"o mark* t'ae s to ry o f the rule o f a loat “ rac(|, ncrording lo ethnologi*ts whn liou la tely v b l ’e J lh e district. (fin

Pre-hU torie mound builder* or abo- wht rlgincOs c rerted a mound hero th a t ha* g u j iIcfio4 the decoy o f *R<«. Protected by ,,,,m law,, tho Becrols of tbe huge pile of in ­earth an-l.atone have been denied tiie ru rlo u s’a* well a* tho aclentifie ex- , plorer.

Tho mound Aland* SO fee t high and eovor* m- ro than nn ner? o f ground. I t >*arl i* * ltua te j on tbo north banks of tbe mci T onneuee river ju i t ,out*iilo the e ity of licf< Florence. Small tree* and dense shrub- re n BtsTj-tDve!? tb e whole. , : — r " ' ' f^oi

Tbe mound ha i proved of almoat oa much in terea t a* tbo governm ent proj- „ ■ cct to th e thouiand* who have v liited the d is tric t, town autboritic* declare.

U uic le Bhoala was n favorlto haunt of tho Bed Man, local b lilo ry ihow*. I t 1* believed hero th a t the mound w ai I< ' firlginally conitruoted by tho loat race will o f mound builder* bu t i m uied by the Ive In d b u s as a mauioioum whore the aiirl bodlei o f mnny g reat eh lefta ln i now repoio. Tlic ito ry appears to bo au- then tira te .1 th a t the ehief o f the laat g rea t tr ib e to inhab it the d la triet wnt buried there "by ' reijueat so Ihn t -lio "m ig h t continually hear the ipla*h nf the water* n» 'tb ey roll over Muscle S h o i l i ." crei

ifliSfisilEN - i..............................

Absence of Hot W ater and Soap erOaoses Distress and Boffer ■ tigs

in? to Female Folkflm

OOKSSA, (/P)-B <nutifn l hand* are "a th ing o f the . past In Buiaio. Tho lanihands o f linndaome women ore ha rd Hatand horny, a tm oit, a* thuae of field a t ilaborers. They huvo neither ho t w ater ' «t)inoi- soap iu whicb to w aih them, nor n-hi salvea and rold rrcnm* toiprevent chap*

Constant household labor in thclrsingle rooms, m aking firc i for cooking, 'carrying wnter, chopping wood and 7 ®many o ther prim itive duties bnvo has- Uic'tened tbo effee t n f cold anil d irt. woi

m e band* of men and WQpicn o f the ,tooltlv«iT®t-'’l’*f®' pl*^nS»t» nnil in iitn im cn t era' players a re In tho some condition.

lE W E PSlmmwrWhen Mixed with Solphnr It

-Brings Back Its Boautlfol Lustre a t Oncc

Ornv linlr, however hnndiome. de­note* ndm ncing nge. Wo ftll know thd advnntn,jci of a ynilthfiil. appearance.■i'our h* ir •! your charm.' I t make* or mnr* thx> fore. When It fades, turn*Rtrvy and look* itrc ak c d ju i t a few ap- pliealionii e f Soge Ten and Sulphur en­hance* ifa appcamnco a hundred-fold., Don’t a tay gray! Look youngi E ither pri'pare the recipe n t homo or get from any drug ito re a bottle of •‘V .'ytlb'» Suro and Sulphur Com­pound,” which i l merely the ,o ld-tim e recipe improved by th e addition of other Ingfftdient*. Thouiand* of folk* recommend th is rmdy-to-tise p repa rs-l r tlon, bc tfau»ejt darkens tho hair beau­tifully , betides , no ono can powlWy* tell, as It darken* to _nMuTally and evenly. '\’ou m oiiten a spong's lOr soft brash w ith It, draw ing tbl* through tho j h sir, tak ing one im atl i tra n g a t a , tim e.. By mornlBg tbe g ray h a lt disap* I pears; a fte r another application or two I ita natural color Is restored and It bo- comei thick, gloiay a n d Initroua, and you appear -years you n g e r.-ad v .

.PracU es &al(>Forg«t<uln<«v Sclf.forgetfiilncM store* up linppt.

ncM fls tho been More up boney. The unnelllsli mnke Joy for thcmaclve* a* well as fo r everybody around them.

M O V E DM A U T O S A L E S 9 IN G .


TWIf; fa l l s DAILi;v .i_i i~; j / • ' I I I . ' I . L . ^ . 1 . I

V No ■; ! Defense

♦ * , I

I By Gilbert Parker '

’ . : j / l ^ c f J

j 'lu ta iu c ftr^ I h

C tm u w ttr OUteit r » t « r -I

{Contiaucd from T uesday 's Is*i}e.) ^


Shslla Hta H«r Say.' ^ c n , t^ l me.' pleoMi. whnt yoo c know of th e slory^” u l d th e g o rem of « to Stielln a t King'* buUM one a fte ^ noon Iwo wetk# la ter . “ I only get r meager reporta from ih e geDeml coto* rl uiandiug. Uut you being eloso 10 lh e „ im linaie source of the e v e n u o u i t n know all.” p

“] know nolhlog direc t from Ur.Cal* ti liouD, your limior,'* ube said, ‘1>ut only (] (fimogti (i(s servaoi, Utcfiael Clones,« h o I* u M ettd o f m j Darltss Uolaod. ^ and tliry have met o ften since the f ln t iiuibrinak. You bnow. or course, w bat happenwl ol I’orl LoulM—bow tb e ^ slaves and M aroons seized ood m u r ' lim 'd Ilie gurrlsoM. bow fam ilies were y bulcbcred wben tbpy 'onned Qrst, bow „ barburliiu brokt* looNe uml mnde a ll ^ men combine to Ilgbi tb«| rebels. B reo |, licforc Mr. Cnihnuti m m e tbey bad had rccord of a anrk o f bum an c a n . cul ,, from (he deml rvtiet-slnven. wben th e ; hnd bet'n kllloil hy fiilihfat slnvcs. and good progrcKs w as made. Bot the re- ,| vo lte n (IxtsI, Ibelr tn raps o a high rocks, and by.)>lnii’liig of shells brought ^ m any fn»5) recranx to th e struggle.II was only when Mr. Calhouo canik wllb bis hounds ibiii uoythlDg dctla- . Ive WHH done. I-'or tbe rebels—Moroons and slarcft--w ere htd, well CDtrcnebod . and cautious, and the dantw r w aa b*- corolng g rea ter every day. On Mr. CalboDQ'a arriva l bc set th e bounds to " work and tbe rebellion lo th a t dls- Irlct was soon over."

*1 t was ^ ib e r io g s treng th w ltb to- " creasing tragedy elsew here." remorked tbe governor. “Some took refuge la bidden places, and came out only to s teal, rob and. mnrdeh~«Dd worae. ^ T here Is ba t one way to deal w ith - ■>'' these people. N o gaming o r drinking ^ among slaves m ost ^ e allowed, blow- log of shells o r beating of dm m a m ust' be forblddeo. and e re ry fre e negro e r mnlBlto tn o it w ear on b is a n n a tlg&—perhaps a c » s a ^ o r Ted."

“SlaTery la 'doom ed.’* sa id S h d U flnn lj,. “I t l i end Is not f a r off."

-W ell, they sUll keep slaves w tb e ^ land of WnshingtOQ and A iexaoder g HamlUoo. They a n b e tte r off here a t any ra te than In th c lr oWn country wbere they wcro like qnlm als OQoag whom Ibcy llvod. U cre tbey a rc safe - from poverty, cared fo r In sickncss, and have uo fea r of being bonded over to lhe keeper# of cnrrloo. o r being ibi* food of tlic Kalllnasf). T hey rau fctil tliclr nil un frlcnssecs o f tiiaran i | w onus nnd sieiil »viihout puniubnieni . ,leal or rlnK-iullcd p lscons iiinl black * craliK (nim iho masAO."

“Bui tlii-y a re not f rw . Tlu-y nr»* I ntbms III lii'niiH of ilu it. Thi-y linvt- ( no rightif—nil llbcnlcs.’' ]

Slicllii WIIH QgllQti-d. but xl»- ’•Imi>vi><iQQ. OTrlK'mCUL Stlft •» ' f

T w o O0 1

MIRAC, pQored in the foel tank to e

line or kerosene, by living t bastion chamber, will Inbrj

walls, valves and valve stezni friotlob is g reatest; prevent tain compression, and save < in fuel which is th^ee to ffv AOLBOrii. '

I noUce'a smoother nmnii er after beginning the nse 0

(Signed) W,

I notice moro power in m Oil. Incroaso a t least 20 p<

. (Signed) HENRY M.

UIra61o Oil is giving my oa. ing of faol, also a olean ongi

(Signed) I

Arrowhead Set Cogswell Tire m d

Victory C W. E, Smith

-------v m s n

LY NEWS; TWIN FALITer TTriT i S ^ l D g ' ^ H .TIEe on i'w E ohad gose th w jg b , czpetlence w hich abad d lsdp lloed h e r to control. O nly' tib e r bands w ere dem onstn tlve—yel «qnletly s& Any . oaa watching b e r eclosely wontd have teeo th a t b e r bauds w wero w oaltlve, expressed ««ea morem arkedly than ber eyes o r llp s -w ba t Cwere ber feelings; O er t r a g ^ bud p:altered- he r lo one sense. Sbe -w a s pipaler nnd th inner than ever ahe b a d y< been, but there wos enough b f ber,and th a t delicately made, wblcb gave aiIbe governor a th rill of desire to m ake bib e r b is own for Uie rest o f b is life no r bers. U e bad aU o gone througli b< much since tbey bad l u t met, and behad seen bts own poaitlon In tbe bal- o,once—uncertain, troubled, inaecorei uUo realised tb a t he b a d lost repn ta- ki

-Hot}, wblch had scarcely been tvgaliied Tt\y bis consvnt, to tbe.useu)f tho boonds a

tLitt*. huntl. ^as trroiw rury' hi-ad uf^tBe n llitla . B e mroDid not t>ui him over tho regn la r 01troops, bul as tbe general command- yilog w as. In elTeci, Ihs slave of py ck 01(.'alhoni^ iherv wos no deed for kozt* >ery. - ni

Dyck Calhouo h sd smaahed. tb e yirelielllMi. bad quieied th^ Island, b a d airisen nbovo a ll the dark disiarbances dl(if Kvolt Ilku a m aster. -Be bad estab^- ttll*tied h a rn c k s and fo ru a t m soy yipolnl* In the iiluiid. and bad stotloned mtroopji In tfiem ; be had cowcd and sub- k dued Mnnious and slaves by iJiebounda. Yet he bad pnnlshed only th e et^ e f o f ihoM who had been lo ac tua l kii^ l l l o D . and bad repressed tbe vio- pleot punlslim eou-of tbe earlie r p a rt <djH tb e coofllct n

Dyck bad bDlIt up for blmself a r t | i ixutaUun a s -n o Oae tn all the bU tury Dof lhe Island bad iieen able tu d a • H e ftcommanded by more Ibda offlcinl itn- fcihnrity—-by pcrnm alliy und achieve- n iiieni. Tliere wus nu one lii tbe liluiidI'u i knew tbey b e ta sa ted by b is l l prudfncc. foresight and skill, l i wnato their minds muiwnduus and roman- ■>] lie Fonunniely ibey. showed uoftniiig reeling against Lunl Mallow. I'iHy iiiticiiiK King'* b»u*«- a i rtlntwajil Oi Sit n biiHpllul. and (ly ^Mfts o f fuix] andimmey 10 wives ami chltdn-n of b>iI- ™cllem and clTlllaiia. tlii.' governor bud *B lltllti eraillcnted his reciirU of beg- g

Lonl, tiiiiluw hnd a woy wltb him s»‘beii lii- i-tiiM<s 10 use It. I le w as nuc |williout llie gift fu r |>uiiulnrliy. ond =be aaw nmv ibai be could Ih.h i a ttd lti Cll by ta-iirliig Uyck Calhuun'wcil. H u =WIW tniiiiMi i-niiie antj go ; be li*tuneil =In bTtevaiii-e*: be i-orrccied abu*ei>: =be (li*vlseil u schuiuu for nursing; li«> =pluiiiicil wfcurlty for tbe fu tu re ; be ' gp iv e (ji-miliislon for buccaneer irudtni; bwith Uie Uultod S ta le s ; ho bad by 1pj; . ‘ EiMluihy .m ler given the Creole* a Iwt* s

,tc r plni-e In tbe civic orp in lim . lle i £wuK iKii blind to lllf ract tb si bemlKhi S ll} diKTeel courr<ctc iu p n « > favorablybla v is i to r Atl he dtd. « b* affected rb y .Ibat thuogbt. Ue could not b u t rtblok th s t Sbella would Judge of h im ' zby w hai be did a s much a s by wliut i

T b . 1

P fltm tM b A A tiA > rN O U JC X 'S . g

T m rbH ftnt fcSpt»rfttwf»a S

.■ .........1

)u n c e s jfF . =

ILE O ltI each (Ivo gallou ai gaso-.I throngh heat of the com- bricato the npper cylinder ims, redadng friction wher« n t carbon formation, main- e a t least 16 to 26 per oent rfve times tbe oost of UIB.- '

ning motor ^ t b m^xa pow.I of Miracle Oil in my oar. 'W. B. EAKE, Tmckman;

Twin Fans.

my Bco after nsing Miracle por cent. .H. OHATOLIN, Banchor,

Twin Falls.

oar moro power and a sav> igine. .

S.' GAMBLE, Banchor,. Twin Falls.'

ervice Station d Service Statioh ’Garage"h Motor Co: ^FALLS^—

.LS, IDAHO, WEDNESDi0 B e looliei} a t btr ocrw, w ltb l o t e M j « h aod lo o ^ n f. .B e lo red to . be a r b e r p y ta lk , and sbe bad iD fontatioo w U ebj v !i w as' DO dosb t t n « r tban m oet 'b e ^ a ir cel red—w u d o a er to t b t brloe, u itl o Is w ere.'- , t « * ^ i i a i D ora o ia 'yoQ u U M 9t U r .’ c It ^ o i u i and bla d o ln g e r he asked- E d presentJy. "B e la in c l? io b a v ln g 'so ' H M p e r f tc t- a n a rra to r ot bla h lsto rle»-> t d y e t so nnerpected a na rrato r." • a ^ ( ta le slowly op Sbella’a taee ,!a and n r e a glow eiren to tb e ro o tt of. Jt b e r ba lr. She coold no t endnre theso- -a references’to tb e d a r t .g u l f 'b e tw e e o ,ll b e r and Dyck Calbona.' '* * lly lord.*' she aald abarp ly . i t Is.I- no t m eet tb a t yoo shoold eay sucb '!. tblnga. U r. Calbooo w u Jailed fo ri U

killing (ny fa ther—le t It b e a t tb s t . lid n i e la s t t l a e 70a saw m e yon olTcred pa o e yotir band and beayt. - Well, do ItL you taiow 1 bad alm ost m ade op myt ^e mind to accept yoor b u d . tben iher news o f .th ls trouble w as hroughi m : 1I- yoo and you left u»—to ourselves a n d ' I1 ou r dangers r -* ' T b e t o m o n r a ta n e d . “Yira a re s a ' 1

nnfriendly u a ‘t « m t gnram lgbty’:, Je yon m ake mtf draw tny brea th ih ick ' .d aa tbe b la ck a m o o rs ,-u tbey say. Ii 1 s did w bat I thooght best In th e clrcum-'

ttancea,*' be sa id , "1 d id no t tblnk. I 1 y you would be in any danger. 1 bad!- 1 d oo t beard of the Maroons beiog ao f a r ’tK sotlth a s Salem.** . ' - | 1e * 7 e t I t la Ihe m a o .w h o foresees '* ebaocea th a t succeeds, a s yoo ahould ] .1 know by. now., yoo r honor, t w asK greatly tooehed by tb e offer yoo,^mada , 1 tne—Indeed yea," abe added, aeeing the

rap t, eager look lo b ia face. 1 had I b e e o 'to ld w bat had opse t m e, th a t i

Dyt3t Oalboon k lU la r n y 1« ta tS e r, atfd'all tb e w orld seemed dread*I. foL Tea, to tbe . reaction, i t w as al* i. m ost on tny tosgoe to eay yea to yon, d fo r yon a re a good ta lker, 'yoo bad a ikQ l ItLDOCb UL&t 790 d id . a o d w itb a booeat advice trora a w ife m ight do

mttcb more. So 1 w as In a mind to0 a ^ yes. I bad had much to try me,

Indeed, so very mocb. Rver since I .li Drst eaw Dyck Calhoun J i e had beeoi . ^ lhe one man who hod ever Influenced I l. me. He was forever In my mini! fvftn; Id ---- ' '


il AprilSlu —

@ , Nothing can grow* § ment. R egulp dej ; p essary in building 1 ; p as moisture is in gi1 S

'• y Get the habit of s(' to by a t regular intei

ra everything baek in' ' a Dollar Crop whic

g other crops fail.

I Twin Fai I & Trust (g . T W I N F A L L

1 " M e m b e r o l F e d e r a l



Mo m a tlw ■wbettet 700 a , sarlogs bank e r no t, 700 a

' " ' e a r o ffleers on f tn s n d u t I I isre a t, laTeetlgate,

I I T b iif t f foO a v b o beUon IU m ay a ra ll tbam atlres o f 1I I n r lB g s accodst ,v l tb tb is

I n T oo m ay open a a aoeoo |U oas do llar o r more.' f o o rI I I pa id o a s iT ln ta aooagati , 1 II nlaUofis.

j Hie Twin Falls N-"T e ae b Your D oU an t o j

Capital and Suri

. I «

DAY, APRIL 5. m ■:j v b a a b e w as I n , prisdo-><)b, w bat^fs ^■ p rlsoa ,-w bat la goUt tr c r . to a girl ij w b e n . ^ lo raa l Xtt, I lo ied bim - T bere i t wsai U a w u e re r oa my :l n lo d , a n d '1 cam e be ra w J a D a lc a -

be w a a b e r e ^ f o r .w hai.elaaT Salem .< coold b a re b e ta restored by D arius

Boland orNitbere, o r 1 coo ld 'b a re aold ,>' It. .1 came to Jam aica to flnd him . h e re -o n w o o a n ly perttapa^ yon" wlU

a a y .r ''"Qnosoal oa ly . w ltb 1 ie& Su~U ka

\7 « S Z . . .{Continued lo T hursday 's Issae.)

, ProQreM A ll-Im portantL et OS rem em ber th a t ju s t becaose

Improvement ia a lw ays and e re r wltb- - In the grasp e f bDmao effort a t ’ al'. po!nta, p rogress Is the grea tea t r e a l­ity la tbe w o r l l - J . V. f l a r r i t


rheomahctwinge'’ £: MADE-YOU UNCE!USE S lo .li '. I t« i l r . tw ite i i» l l i>

•I Tbe .very first tim e yoo use Sloaola Ti«tm>nf yea wUl woodcf iH v 70a o m r osed W o i t . ' Tbe c p o M t w anntb a o d gnickjreU ef from paia

t i e f i n t '. <2 aa acbo or pain, ose i t .


Ihwm IS ,

w without nourish- § ieposits ^fe as nec- %? up a cash reserve ^ growing crops. 1

setting something ^tervals. Don’t put =in the farm. Have ^lich will aid you if, J

S '

tils Bank | Company |

.L S . ID A H O g

rai Reserve System" §iiiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiir«iiiiiiii

------^ yk

i g lIEra a n a costomer ot tbia j ^ m are Inrlted to cootolt ^ . . al mattera. Before roo' Q

tUort* in legoU r a%Tl&( | | ( .gf th e ad raatag es o f a I f ?bU laatltation; .* { | ^

eotmt w ltb a depoalt o f jj ” ''' oor per ce&t In tereet la | J t ta, SQbJeet to n j

National Batik Ut o , I ^ r e More C e n ts ." - ^

irpltts $167,000

IItIimI \ ^I rV ^m ! ______ [ ^

Page 6: ' is imm OClATEDPRESSNEm .LLS DAIL[.Y NlEWi'lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1922_04_05.pdfIDAHO PIONEER D IEa POCATELIA Moll". W — A. Tuppcr. onp of the pioneer residents


I P I O W iH I t t ^' n p s Mil:■ n

Obildren’a Wook Deaigned to “ ReU67e t u b Condition in J


dfiCAQO, yp)-ci>ltdrta’* Weo ;, which ba i heen b b ie m d in SO lU tes V »ad ptovlticca o f K oith AnicTicb to esi- <> phsslM religloug «duu tIon its n pbam ». o f ehlld ton«rvtU BB , -wSll bo obiervci) th il jrcar /p r i l 30 to M ay 7, aad a t aueh P*

u pftTtlcolar eonmunlU ci ^ ’ ^ a y t c l e c t * 'A t lca»t 13,000,000 of tho °

000,000 cMldrcn o t Nortl. America = i under-13 jv o r i o f age arc rccclvlnjr no

r«\lgioo« eAacntlon w hatover," U rs. Maad Junh ia Baldwin, luperlntcndont o f tbo cbndrea 'a division of tbo loter-

' national Pundaj' School ojgoelation 111 said horo In rxp la ln in ; tho plans of th r li: division fo? th lj obscrvonco Tho weok 8' WOI f i r i t roro^nUod in IDIS in ' 44 • sta te s and {iroviacci and the nomboc waa subsequently raised.

S E E K M E ill ;" J N l M i B E S ;

--------- llOoDTention. to lUsoius Moans ■ -for Increasing Exports and

ntalining Mannfaotoro

PH ILA DB IiPH IA , Pa., ( /R — Wm-i of devclopinjf forc ljin .m arkcli for Am- c. r lea n ’Roartf and so ttb g idle InrtiiBlrial V p lants to woric and ships in motion aro amoOK subjects for illtcQuion a t the ^ 'atio?al Forelfni Tradi* convention l- to be b tU hero M ay 10, l l and 1 2 „ I l t ' twcoa fo;«r and five thouaand dolenitos ® K p rm n tS ng Ibj) industrlnJ, oKricuIluV--

" i ' al, eomracrclBli7'flDanelo] and ahlppirj; in terests o f t l ie nolion, arc cxpcctcij t{> a ttend. M any of tho governm ent'a for-' n

• r ip i trade advisers, aome o f whom will : como frora the ir posts abroad, aro on y tho j)ro}fr/un for addresses. U

0' F tw Museums of Agriculture. G

MusMwnn dnvoted to ORrlcullure nre T fery flcorec. Thfert* nre soch Instltu* n tlons In Dcrlln. nudnp4>xc iind itupnos

. Aires, and th**-! wns oncc n Inrvo ono MflngInK lu (HP United Sinlei* Do* partiHcnl oJ A crta iU urs In WftsJilng- lon. hu t It miR ntiollsllcd tnany years

I . ' _ _ _ _ _ , ' -

LlrtBs to bo R membered. f jv {■UlucatUiu Is n »a{»sunnl of

Hb«rty Itmn n flnritlnB n n n .c }f wo ' reticn rli thu n'ncM of tli5 nrlmn]*

^ m it tc r , wc mu»t mlM! Ihw o of iha ■ dtfll sertffiDf.—EtIwnnI Rvorett. ''

K i P i i .H l l S i j

Broken Ont Skin and 'ItchingEczema Helped Over Night

F or uniich tly sicin rru|itl'in«, rnsh or 1!lilotshc* fa tf , n m s nr bncU ,j>ou do n il hnve to w nlt for relief from „loTluTo cr I'mbarra.'ismciit. ileclarca u ,,notod sIci.i.Rpcclalist. Apply n littlo '* Mentho-Suljiliiif and ^ lni|)rovcm,ciilshow# no st day. *'

llecnm c o f its Bcrni-ilwlroylnjf prop- 'crtles, nolhing hns ever been found to | tnkp the pineb o f 'th i* sulphur prepnr-ntion. The moment you npply it hnrn- *log beRins. Only thoso who havA had ■'iinsljjhtly skin troubles eitn know tho ' 'delight this Mcntho-8u1pliur brinj-a. I’

'■ Kven fi'TV, itfh ing pfxcna 1" dried rlRht up.

Q et a iiniuU Jar (com nny i;ood drug-i:l8t nnd jise U like cold fronm.—ndv. I'

SPECl i t t le b r ic U s o f d e l i

c o a t e d w i th H e r : c h o c o

< At Varney’si f 1 3 9 M ain W « st


W sw n ll dW tie ciRtiB* ITS w -ra f O o w c o p f ^ o u r s o f iE w tv i i ^

r "

New;t s - u n d e r t h i s h

-------------- ----— ^ ^T rw 'i 'B aric ReMmWea U ca .

ITio Inner bnrk of tho Inccbark tree.

5 ro w in g In t»>6 W cat Inillw . geparate i a fte r maceration In Wator inio layers m e n iM In f coanje laco. FtIIIb nnd mlCes mado of It w ere sen t from Jn< tnnlca Bl a p resent to a ia r lc a I. T iic ba rk ' is Qsed in maklns; r o p n and - whipa. p

• T ransporting Pow er of W ater. _ _ T lio tranHportlnj; pow er of flnwihs ""

s w ntcr varies ns the xlxlh- power of '• fhe velocity. T hus If the velocity o f " Iho w a u r la doubled. I ts tracsportlng

power l l Inerenwd M fold. T his ox- , plalnn the eticc t o t a r iv e r Id flood la J carrying a ll t h ln p before it. a ------ --------------

i M O N E Y T O L O A N '

IdONSV TO LOAN un m d c ra dwellI lluKs; repayable la in a l l n n a lW n t* e liberal repayaen t prlv ileer ArtKiir I. k 8 w l« 4 Co. . ^

t , NOTICE OP O lfiSO L T m O N 0 ? PABTW BaflnTP

N otice is hereby given tha t- tbo pa rt- J ' norship lately existing betw een 'Thos. ,, ilcE iw ain aod t , J . B radley of Twin

SV'alis, Idaho, under tho f irm name of ~ Tho Shoo M arket, will bo disssolved m on the SOth day o f March, 1022, by n u - tr lual eoaseat,

B Thos. U eEIwain Is a u th o r lu d to set- " lio aii debts duo to and b y sa id f in s .

L. J . BB AD LET, \\ THOS. M cELW AIN. ' -

'Subscribed and sw ots to by tbo aiga- i. ers thereto th is 30th day o f' March, J'II 1022. , V f0 * 8TUABT n . TATLOE, *J

N o U ry ...P ub lle ,-rcs id lng a t Twin^ W la,-Idaho . _ _ _ • ' 84t . "

s p '~ " ' ' ' • R<P ' T W IN F A L L S M A R K E T

" M c u P iJ l Fiodncin,* B utterfa t. all n a d e s , no doduetioni“ mnde, Ib -------.................... .............. 27e .” Vresb ranch eggs, d o z .___________ lOe “

liens aad sprinffs, pouiid._ .» ....__^15c 2.Old coeks, ponnd ________ ,Geese -------------iN o m arket /.

: Turkeys — -----------.>.*.._i;.No . u a rk e t .• nin-ks. ponof) ... ...........: . ' . Hf1 Oram. .J Wheat, No. 1, cwt. ................ ........«1.53

Prodne*. «. I’utntoM , UnraU, cwt. ............;....... S,', -, ' . I iiru to n c' Cattle — Cowi, 3@4e; tle r rs 4@ '‘f

4 l-2e; ve ils 5® "e. iloK »-Prfm e, B01Oc.«heep—Multon, 4c; iaml'S, 0@8v.

0 ■■■ M0 U8£W n*B ’8 o u i tm|. fflrtftli Hrlrma . m i t t and VogeuMM , i,

I.U .... ..................... |il.liC(fJl’,.iOPntafK s, fwt. ....... ........................ 41 5 i 0Cabbane, per ib_____ ____________ .00 aCauliflowrr, ib, ____ ___________ .2fi fNew Turnips, bu. --- ------------------ .15 -I 'artoU . w r lb. ...................................

I New Onions, bu. _____ _ .07R bubatb, ll> ........ ......................... 17 l-2c A

Spinach, lli. .................... ...................20 . 'Tomntocs, Ib. ..........— .2.V y

ProTisJOns and Staples. pFlour,.4S-lb, isflc .... _ .,..„ „« j3 0 (;? l.b 0

T SuRor, beet. Ifl0-lbs________ [email protected], cone, 100 lbs...............«[email protected] g,Crenm Cheeae .........................— .— .23Ilrivk C lieese .......... ..................— .10||.'n n . ________________________ .OC Pl

‘ 'irriHl ....... ......................................... . n -' RuUcr (ereamery) ....................... ... MU" Hulter, (rnneh) ......................................30 »

" n .r ,m ., .............,30@ :«c I, Unc-nn. (.lice.l ________________ _____ lO ~

Pork ihoi-s ____ __ _______ 17 1.2@i!5c,1 Muttoa e h o p s_______ __ 17 l-2026e p„ Pork m ast ______________ 17 l-£@28e -

I'nrl> tauKflge-............. ............................H'l •,t tlleiik — .Sirluin 2Se; T bone 26e; re

round 2Se; ehnek 17 l-2e. «!'r. appf—Pot toaal 15@17 l-2e; plaw »' J. lOr.; briaket 8a.

- : tj

CIAL ,e l l c i o u s I c e C r e & r a ,

s r s h e y ’ s f a m o u s ' „

c o l a t e ®

A t T h e Poppy I V

• 1 3 9 S h o s h o n e N o .


IraFith< ^ i i M n i


' s Cla;h e a d , O n e C e n i

- T : : , t

By actual count, four 01

; these people what you ; sale or rent, the positicS . i . l » M i l ............. M il .Ml ■ , ■■■ ■■■3 --------------------------- -------------- : —

FQR SALE - REAI ESTATE _ J J _________________________________

[ N o n o B .P Wo havo a buyer for a good fiO-aern

farm with fa ir iaprovem onts; m a pay <2500^10 eash; 'aeo na i f yon

w ant this moBcy,..• Have a very dcsirablo e ity property

th a t u priced n a llc ia g %good Ineomo; tson-encnmbored;

■ ) wlU trade for JO or. 20 acres.Uave a good busl'nesj^ p foperty th n t

«ftt\ be booRi't r ig h t and idnlUo I ’ 20 per eent on -your invostm enl.'


y o n 8ALS o n b e n t —nvo-room, houso with goragoj fu rnbhed o r un- ’ furnished. 302 Blxth ove. N. Phonc'


>t FOR M L B -1 0 a e c ^ fa ir improve- id men^s; 1-2 mllo from -^ inu s tre e t; good 1. truck and chicken r a n r h ;^ 2 0 0 . term s.

30 ACRES, good Imptovcments, flno asiortm cnt o f fruit, x’ood place; 2 1*2 inltcs fi^m M ala sl.-, close to paving; <5500, iftsy tcrma. Lloyd-Crnven Co.; 123 Mnltt nve. E.

a. POR BA,LB-1 1-4 acrcs on Vnn h. ilurou St., tiO. 3»3; 300 fee t outsldo of

c ity llm’t t ; all klods of bearing frUU trees ami small fruits, '.Juven room houfO with sleeping poreh , and, Inrgp fron t poreh, with cemont eoilar, w ater, electric lights, al«o wired for telephone,

» good barnj graincry nod chicken liousm ond runs; selling on aeeount of poor health. C 8 . Welser, Twin Falls, Bo* OSS.

, FOR S a l e —Fivo room modern hous*- « fully futnisbed. m T hird ave. W. In

quire 303 Third ave. E.

FOB 8A LI>-Bcst 10 aerca, bn lf mile “I ftotn eity? plowed nnd seeded, 1526 “ ncrc. T erm s.-A ct now. 0 . 0 . Barton,

LaClede Boomi. ‘

>3 F O a '0 U i ~ n » * * * a i r M r i - r m U #rasi. 1-4 a lle sontb WssMnfiloa lehooL _________________________ Z----------------

FOB 8 A IJ> -A real bargain Ib ' woII ^ \mpioveii norlb ’slde farm . Dr. DwSgbt.

FOB SALE—FWo a tre t iu f t 4a T w la f’a lls; suitable for, poultry .farm. Ar tb n r L . Qwln, owner.

FOR sale- aT tomobiles

iO TOB o r I tb’a p ^ ^• ' Overland, never-, been o .cd ; latest •0 modoL I havo other car, eannot nio 'fl t'ito. A ddreu B tgsos, c u e Kewa.

is FOB 3ALBl~Wo bavo w Sie exeep- 17 tional bargnlns In used rars. .Johnson lc Auto Comfany. .

’’I- FOBDS bought ana sold a t tho Auto Wrecftlne Co., 140 2nd Ave. South. Phone 89.

15 FOB HALE-^Onetuu V l n r u u ^ w good coidltlon. The Big White Store

lo "rO B SALE OR TRADh-*First~da«7 'C Pdtu iCdnit. 44G Second ave. 8o.

' y o i r - ' l ’K P’’ see “ a T E P " the Cyl"- ioder Orinder. 147 Beeond avo. N.

lc WAMTED isyE LLA W E^1® "~'W A N TED -Trcci nnd shrribbcry to IJ trim , a A. Holloway,-Box iOS, Olty.

< IV A N T K D - Yout crocheting lo do. ic Phono 24I'W .

:'t : W ANTf:I>-Your tires nnd tubes to ;; repnlr; oldest nnd best cnulpped Uro

ahop In c ity ; lowest nWces; work guar- ;« ontoed. T « in Falls VuUanitlnR W orks.

WANTED—A buyer for ii desk,: typew riter, adlllng .machine, incchan-

le 'a bench aad vUe. Johnton Auto Company.

WANTED — Potnloca, number onea or good twos. J . B. WhUo, offito nCT t door to K . B. Lue, 114 Second So. Phone 1027W,., ■ ; '

W A N T E D -8 foot sbow easo. Call 80, Auto Wrocking Co., 140 2nd Ave. ^ u t b . .......................................

W A K fE D -Y o u t U resT to te p ah ; bost worK, a t lowest prieea: Idaho V u ltaa ixag Works. 132 Second avo. N.

WANTED—Best buy In u o d oaf for 1350 caab in haad. Address j . E . Brea- SM , 8H .N . ATthnr. Poeatello. T ia to .


/ OIO ONE A ,U s A O f MV P iaO W T O IiS J

6 u w ovm w w J— _


ssifiei t p e r w o r d p e r

o u t p f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s i n

u h a v e t i ) s e l l , t r a d e o r e x c

: i o n y o u w p n t - , o r t h e h e l p

E FORSALE-MISCELUNEOUS'.I_ ■ OUT O F TOW S In lo te sti tnmpoU n t

to sacrifice my well established and < Ip w fltab lo U slnesa. A sk .fo i l i r ; Otlsk : l o t M oore's Bepair shop. Opposite sale ' STOuads. I

p o a SA L F ^D lam ond tires. Slrlctly f irs ts ; wo do not deal in seconds or cut .

I p rk o tiros. Tw in F a lls V uleanltlog j Worico. !

i 'O B ' SA L B -B ura l Seed P otatoei a t |- ■ ^ tn e r ‘1 Bepair Bhop, 222 Snd St. E . '

HEU8T1TCU1N0 and idcoling at- tachm ent; guaranteed c fU ony sow- I

lin g mnehine; prico $2. ..TSrononiy P i)'« '- Company, Billings, Mont3"».

n PO B ?A L B -30x3 1-2 Diamoiid tires, l! 1- double Jlamond trcjid) only $10.00. , ,P Twin Foils V ulsanlting Works. I .

SEED POTATOES FO B 8ALB I ' e- I HAVE 2000 sacks o f potatoes iti d Brovtn and Savage coUoia s t Kimberly, * a. whieh I o ffer fo r sood a t $1.25 for No >« 1 Carmen, (1 fo r No. 2 Carmen, nnd , •2 11.40 for No, 1 Oenis; will give time i i; un til (all io r naymuntVaccurvd by croji >•; wbrtgnge; will sell any quantity-desir­

ed ; I will bo In K im berly afternoon of H uturday'April 1, aod all day Suadav, 1

>n Monday und TuescTay following. Find ' mo about the cellar o r a t tho pool liall.

1> K. 0 , nyOn.Ul —________ — ■ , ■V> FOR BALE—w rn i tu rc . 32.’! Thir.l r, ave. E.e , -------------------------------------------------------

FOB aALK — 'I 'ractor,- Doi« .1. jr Henry.

FOU SALE—Carmen seed potatoes,- ro-Botted and good s tu ff . 2 miles south, w 1 1-4 miles west of K im b erly .' W. E. fi KUbom.'

_ 'I R m 'f i A L ^ R m n i r s a f i ^ D o ^ ” .».Ie H enry. i i.

n POB dA L B -D im aond tires. Fnbries and eoTd»; atnnilnrd for 20 years; rer-

' ommendod by all who uao them. Twl'i 1# F a lls Vulcanising W orks. .

!l; DA Y-O tO CHICKS «»J ta l .M n ,li] eggs; also rnslom hn ld ilng a t onr piniilit. on WnsblRgton s t,-T w in Falls Ilatrh-~ ory Co., Bt. No. 3, Twin Fall*.la ___________ ■r BEGIS'^EBED Cossnck jifn ifa seed

for snle. Phono 003W. M. A. Tliomel*.

^ V l ilT iT w Y A N D O T T E EGOS f7r batching; Flshel s tra in ; yards headed

- by cocken‘1 from Plsbel direct, mated ** w ith yearling hens; I1..10 per selting

o f l5 . C. B . m c e lc r , 753 Third #ve. X

POB S A L ^ T b o r e leetrie washing- maehlno, usod very llttIo ._ .W ..,L Oil- * ?■ le tte , 140 W ashington.'n -- - '

PO B S .\L B —Brass be 'l, lib rary tn-- blo,.‘chiffonier, elialnt. 230 Foiirfi •o avc. E . •h. ■

FO B S A L B -S tam en W lnesap, yellow- N . Pippin, Orimes Ooldeo, a carload.>> Also f i n t class alfa lfa hay. Pbone « 517.B8.,

'■ FO B 8 A L E - i ‘uro bred K b ^ o riian J red eggs io r se tting ; rrd e r enrlv.

j; Phone 05rjB.' I'. 0 . Box 754.

” f OB~ ' e 0 B ~ E \c1 A N (fB^N ew *' and second-hand farm Implements. See • us i f you have any farm implcmenta you

do not need. Idabo Hdw. and Implo- m ent Co., In the Foss B uilding acros-

‘ street from Firo Station. •

FI^B SA L E ^R ighl, horsei. .o»# laulea and h o s t. ' O. ll. Suilivan. 4 n i)

. west, i 3-4 a i l , lOuth nf iKe dW cornt-ri F t o - ________________________________

FO B SALE—Bleyeles, tncyrlcs, tiru^ ^ and accessories: W erner's Bepair Shop,' ^ 224 Seeonl s t. B.

K )B 8 A L E -% c ia l •elected seed ^ potatoes. Varieties, Carmons nnd Rur-

als. Phono C50B. p . 0 . Box 754.

^ CANB SDOAB, (7.80; beet sugar f 17.00, delivered, Kinney Warehouses,

Tolephoao 08.

j j TOB SA L E -C ood <iaaO f ir s t mort'- p gngo,draw ing 8 per eoat. 203J11.

' FOB- 'lA L E -B ird icyo m aplo dresser ~ and b ^ o o m stand; also o ther futnl-

tn re. Phono 24S.

'■ r o E a i i ^ : - r a i « r * r « i 2 5 p i , ' s a i .~ Ion; auto p a la ti , enamels and var­

nishes, ealsomlne, aod wall paper. Phana 5, Mooa’s Shop.


v w w ! W t n iA fs f iw N y A /1 w o N (, J MISSED ONE- OP gCRQQl

niNE- AND 1 WA^O»INO j Coouo T- (VEI? TO SE C IP » r H A O y



?d Ade r i n s e r t i o n , a n d

i n T w i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e

s x c h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o o m

I p . v o u n e e d — O N B C f c N T

i S ' . f O R S A L E - W I S C E m N E O U S

m t FO B BA LEr-KiLD.doun Uaso'n Jars; 4id oak bod acd aprings, 0x12 rug, 10 l-2x j Ilk 13 hanvy nxm initer carpet, 4 parlor ale chairs; book shelves; oil heaters, conl

beater. Pbono 243. 419 Seveoth ave. i — 'E a s t . . ■ l l

f l FO B ~*B A L & ^om plele” s c t ' L ord’s i i„ - U ta ton L igbta of H istory, 15 volumes, i

“ Uko new, 15, cost 130. S co tt's W overly, _ novels, complete, 12 volumes, $4 for .» aet; other books a t bnrgniu prieea. 415 ,

■ “ 8<vono. . 1, . t l ' j

gj. PO B BALE—Two burner electric pbitc w ith sw itch and connections, |15 . <'

J , , 415 Sovonlh ave. E . |1

FO B HALE—Cheap: good lenm of■ iRoIdlnga, 7 and 8, weight 2800, giv-j g . 'U e tu a . TetiU) a t Oscar Nelson’s, 3 m k

i w est Sonih P a rk Grocery, or seo F . W. _ ;n n v l i e e k , 12* Soeond avo. W.

i PO B 8ALT5—Ono bny horeo, weight I ti '1425 lbs. 1-2 ml. south South Park

•ly, Orocciy. D. Cathro. -r

l i j ' i m ' s * L E - P » » W otJ Btown L c|i.'.l horn egijj, |1 per setting of 15. 427

foj, T h ird avc. W . ^ ^

M U B A L B -^ ijtte lilc fT iiH k volonr » cnno living room suite, 1100. Hoosier '

jg j Purnlturo Oo. j '

* I HA VE -some «no3) potatoes, good ’__ aeod, which I will fnrnisb to anyono, . near K imborly or, Hnnsen, fo r-N o . 1 ,

potatoes, t o 'b e retnm ed in U e fflll. Sock for sack. .B . a Hyde, Kimberly, Idaho. . t

FO B SA L E -O em Potntoes th a t will ' do fo r seed and keop well for family ,

’es, UIO. Deliver fo r 75o per ewt. Also I apples. Call a t 244 4 th Avc. E . ,.

FO B BALE—Qood rural seod pota- «- toes. Phono .'>18B4.- j .

i'OB SALE— t'ompleto se t anto me-. ( r chaalc 's tools, in two unlsn cases. lu - 'i !((-! *1“*™ Fourth nve. No. ll

WB ABE DiaalNO t.oo m<__ NOW fru i t and shade tr'fes, smqiij

fruits, flowcrltig shrubs and p tr ta - . Dials, so mueh superior to winter s to r l , cd sblppcd-Ia atoek iu d cosUdr no . Qiore. K im berly Nurseries, Kimoorly.|*

' I'X)B BALE—Cheap, ono team yonng ‘ mares, -lolRlit t2SOOj wagoo. and ha rn - '

"*•. ess. Nyo Bros. Phpno 83. J

F O B 'b A L E -^ lc T t B~UMl"seed pot«- - , toes. Phono OSJ. 137 Shothose Bo.

P. 0 . Box 10511, Twin Fnlls, Idaho. <

N'- FOB S A L B -B e g u la r" m i 'l e T lM ts ' also to t te n t ; c aa fura lsb » llk . Phon®

jjH C50B. P . q . Box 7 5 f . . ,

- F O R R E N 7 'tn- ------- ---------------- J — ------- Ir f l FOB BUNT—(! rowif modem house.

Closo In’. Phono 15x^

POB BENT—<Vroom flat, 110 Main ' ad. ove. E .; iiiitablo fo r houso koeping or . one office rooms or both. Lloyd-Crnven \

Co., 123 Ita in K.

FOB BENT—Funiaee neated room, ’ furnlsbed, noxt to ba th . Phono 120.

' 236 5th A re . E ■

FOB RENT—Soven room house, good loention. Phono 073W.

i"?" F O B ~ B E N T -^^x"room .nouse, iT j. ' ■mL ■Apply rooms 4, 5, 0, I. D. StOro bldg.

* i'hono 110. ’ (

~ ' POB BENT— Nicely furnUhed room, suitable fo r tw o; meals nnd garngo i f «

n", desired, Phpne 10.12W. 1010 Shoshono ‘ east. ' <

7 7 - ro R ^ R E N T -T w u ~ tn o d fr« office ' Qp - moms, iiniuire C ity I'hnrmncy. t

_ 1 HAVE FOB BE N T dcsirablo slx- c j j room h'ouu' on E lgh th-nvci N .-M . J . - ■u,. Sweeley, F irst Natlonnl Bank bldg.

Telephone VI. •

^ FOB BENT—Tlwo room apartments reasonable, completely furnished for .

' tight housekeeping. The Oxford, 428 i _ Main N. . - ' • , -

’ FOK B E N T -E x tra n ito l l ^ h ^ M . keeping ro o as, w llh b s th -p r lv lle e '- e ressonablo. 404 Seeond *v ^ S.

FOB liENT-ThiM room lornl,h«il apartm ent, ressonablo; Bungalow Aptn. :

jaJ. F ifth St. M d Second avc. E . ^

W hnt ' j usoJoss to you.m ay bo valu- abJo^to e thers — advertise It in thn tlassified c'olcmns.

E w

j/ i l l ' l l ^

T~' f —

^Y, APRIL 6,1922 '

. Id W O R T H I T I

l e N e w s , d a i l y . T - \ , H i r ,

i m s f o r r e n t , h o u ? ,s t n i |

T p e r w o r d — P h e ;•

S MISCELLANEOUS 1,i; CLEANINO—Cnrpets, Buga, N a r t I' 4 jos. Phone 225-B. ’--------------------------------------— ------------------ll J . P . SM ITH, excluslre outo pa in t. e. ing. Prices <1S io 145. 415 & Mdin,

Irear old Lind garage.

’■ aiiO TEft k s m m m a c h i n e c o , m 'Main E. Phone OSJ. |j

WE .s’EED shoca, .ubbers, clothing, '■Vruvitioiii nud nny a r l id e i of uw 1« i*jirovide tor the worthy poor. Call op i

ig ijalvalliiu Army from 5 to 7 p .'m . e s c i ' •5. dny. Phoue 710. Vour donation will

|liolp. I’hs «vag(iu will eall. I

TH E FULl.Ktt BBUifn MAN. ' I'honp. 724\V. » « . -IO? Fonrth

'• a w . N<v.. • I --------- -----------------------------------------------1 IIt ............ — ----------------------------------------- .k NICE i|iile^ room ror m aternity

jraai-a. s|iK.'nl nurie. .Ill* .^>sth ave. N.' •I’hone'!I1;AI.

g ; ---------------------_____________________ __■' i l D. KELLOOQ. n tM for U t l -

,iiier> Ury Arsennte n f I.enil for sprsy , f ma\»rlnl, t.'sll Plimi- fiSOll, i‘. 0 . B o ijr ____ _ _ _ _ ;

i TORD parts. Autn W rrrklng C't. ’ 140 S ttom l nvf. So.

“ H ELl.Ol DON’T l-taBvJET D an 's 1 11 plocft

y, FAR.M I.OA.NH nti.l m .i7lhlr p%v. :Bn'nt dwellinfl loan*. Ailhiir 1.. Swlns |

ill TRY OUB tginlT sh^i' (or a il yons ' V tn r troubles. We satisfy. Auto Wreek *> Ing Co. 140 Second ave.

- I D A Jt'3 P tA C E , !37 S t o . t o . j B».“• Hceonll hand clolbei boujh t and Mid.

- 1 ' c i i O W N E ns M «Tir iknp to . e- ,do tbe lr own ttp n lr w orii: ' ‘nlnlnnnfc , u* coat.” T ry thia aervice. Auto Wreek-

jli is Co., )4<i Second avr.'So ,

Si tradeTO eT c h ANOE for c ity property:

: 40 acrea. cloao in. Phone S15J3.

“^ ~ ~ H E L P W ^ ED" ~’A WANTED—Experienced woman for

general hnurework. Appiv n t 200 Eighth . avo. N o.' • ■ ,

lO. W A N T B D -O ood bousekcopir. Onl. o f town Job. T r^ fp o rta tio n paid. Call a l W eaver Booms, room 7.

i t BEAD T H E C L A i^ lP JE D ADS.

J l l E S O i M ! .in o i S a i31 , _ _ _ ■ . ■ ■;n W INDOW J5L A SS -W ind shields, cabi­

net work. Moon’a shop. Pbone 6.


^ SHOE B B P A m tw de. . Shop. 13? Shoshone wt5t. Shoes re

p.'ilri-d while you wnlt.

3- T B ^ S raE ' ^ o S E i P ' r a A w i m ^ c w ^ B Y '

~ Phone SIS.

T B U O K H A U L c o - L ig h t and beavy “ han iln r.- fhone 50. _________

' I p r o f e i S J i o n a l

*• - - . ■ - —

t ATTOENiyS_ J O ^ w V b R A H A M -L a w y e r ^ Bank A ts T rust bt,ildlng. Phon* 035-B.nr ___________ :_________________________18 A 8H BR a . W ILSON—L a n tT .

- WELLS—Boyd bnU dbg.:

'• BWXmLBY h SWBIOiBT — A U orae?^/ - a t law. Praeti<o In a ll 'o u r ts . , T w la ,

j j Falls, Idabo^

I , H , W I S E r - l« » 't . o r p u I lM _ collection departm ent. O ffices— u- Booms tl and 7, over Twin Falls Bonk

& Ttu%t Co., Twin Palis, Idaho.

8 y B . r . b - N E J k ,

/O R E A f* AN t e O hIoeSN j W e n t a H R E f i w a - / WORD OF -niE awfulV •

V M -C tlC CIRCLE* w i l l )

, ''mim

Page 7: ' is imm OClATEDPRESSNEm .LLS DAIL[.Y NlEWi'lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/.../PDF/1922_04_05.pdfIDAHO PIONEER D IEa POCATELIA Moll". W — A. Tuppcr. onp of the pioneer residents

i i i S r ^

OUIlTHIi.■ tolci

- --------- • s ' u

A r g u m e n t s f o r C u r f a i l m e n t b y " S

• S h o r t L in e R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f ° “

a r e M e t w i t t i F a c t s a n d F i g - p '

u r e s b y O p p o n e n t s «— BoS

Bcffaaio u a in wn-lco on tho TirJn njeai ralin-Boi;cr(on bronrh a i nn indopontl- |q (I on t foetnr of tlio Orrftna Short Lino . (7 item , la hcinj; opcratPc] o t a Iom, tbe Short Lino la aocklnjr Jo curtnll lasiVn tho gt-r tr&ia iiervioo ami rcduro tho num* ioqr bor of tra in s , operated on tho hraoc'i o f I to onn Oir.ry othor day orccpt Sunday, ,jf, ftecerdinK- to teatimony and ovidcnco addueod by rcprcirntatlvra of tho rail* nro road a l n hearing licro Tueiday hoforo igmit nemlierB of tbo stato public utilitloa triel commlMlo’i on tho’ opplleation of tho th a t

' .S h o rt Lino for pcrtniulon to offoet th is Bmil j curtallm oiit. -r Bad E ffK ttf Bliown. i i

Reiidcnts o f comniunltici eerved by I I th e hranrli, tkroogh LtsmarJ Wnr, ioe- | l ro tary o f tbo Bouihern Idaho T rnffle I association, and throush tho Twin

' F a lls ChiDiber o f Commorrc rallronds' bureau, argtiod in o|ipoiltlon ' to tb r I

■ S ho rt L ln ^ 'i propoial thnt eurUiilment I o f tra in xorvlco would raiiso su ffu riaK |‘

• becauso tiioro aro no doctori in tho dl»-| . tr le ts dirvrtly affected; thn t i t would C c f donrlvo tljflm of dally mail,(orvlco nnd •hipmontii o f pcrlihnblo products, and ' C tb a t I t would tend to doprcss land vnl-nes end cnuso actiinl loss,

ij • Persons who attended tbo hcarinjf ox- , p ressed ' confldcneo tha t tho railrond

; company would not bo permitted to 0] c u rta il trftlii scrviee on tho IloRcnqn

, braneh in view of the shoninu In oppo- *®. iltion to th e propoinl.

CommlMloncra conduetlni: this hear- «»'* inir wcro J . M. Thnmpion of Caldwell, maej

! nnd Captain B. M. Bwcclcy o f Twin M : Fall" . They were nsiistcil by Captain «**'* I A . n . Conner, attorney for tho rommlH- *’•

- a lo n . Tlio caio for tbo rnilroad wns pro- Rlnn .ralciV b» K. II. KnlrV.rliM kor, c rn rm l I

■ aupcrinti'iidcnt of tbe OrcRon Bhort thorl i l L in t. » n U : 0 . M o™ , M U rnty. 1«1"

, Sessions o f tbe hpftrlnc* wblrh'bcffan nhortly n fle r 2 n ’elofk in the nftffnooji j;,

• ■wore resumed In the evoning and rnj<- y^tc ttnoed until almnitt tnldnixbt. • j

A tixts 8plrit«d D «btt«.. I ' ' whic . A .p l r l l t J d l.ta « lp n n to .t , '» l i™ irU e

Jo h n W. Orohntn. formerly n member To of tbe niibli- u tllllle i fnmniisilon, In- posll qiiired of K nlekerhorkcr n i to .th e cx- wlial t« n t o f lavJnff M peeted lo result from d c r t thn proposed citrlallment n f train serv- pons ic^. I t was developed th n t the erew To w hich opera tes tho braneh trn in during; Ing abou t th ree hours cach day. is,rmplo.v- scrvi t i d o r in r tbe retntlndor of the 4«y In tho 1 BwltehlBff In Ibe Twin Pa lli yard i. Ora- to sl

. h a n in flsted tb n t the on ir Mvlnir wouM bon! bo ahont th ree honrs. more iiwitchlni; and tim e. • e rt, 1

The fhomlx-r o f eommeree bureau wtis Of un su cesffiil in Ils efforts to introduco cd a' In to Ibe reertrds newspaper elinpintpi erani Indientintr th n t the Orefion Sbort L ine qu in pnid ft ner re n t on it* investment

• ahown hv iln->(nt-onnnnl .report. I t — *-• w ns bnlk'ed nlso in an nttem pt.to Intro-

dure nn order of the publlr servire ,, , rommlMlnn of OreRon dirertlnjr the O rerron-8 |inrt I,ine to rnntlnue train service on I'nn'.pnylng branrh lines outof O nI.rio , Oto. , f * '”

Accopta M api Orferod. j "THe fomnilMlon look Into eonildrrn- T ul.,

tion Iho bu reau’s request thnt Ihe , Short U n e show tbe tonnaRe and pnss , c n rc r in.Munes for the pn^t five yennt, and not the pnst two only, nnd the burenu Inlrndnrrd maps sbowins the te rritn rv dependent upon the , Ilouer- sen brnn r’i nml Ux 'rr«ouree«, toirelher w itb 'potllions from all o f the commit nlties n fferted . In supporl o f the cou- tcntion th a t there nre no surfaced ronds

• b e t’^ecn Twin J^ ll* nnd Rocerson, over i”b lrh St.ice lines ml<;1it be operated iu tho w in ter months,.,the. burenu present­ed n ninp tiretmred liy the Twin Fnlls hlghw nv d is tric t showing aetual roMl _ . rnnditioiis. UlSl

In fcplv to iiursfion by Captnin Con- ne r, tho r illro ad superintendent slated U Umt It was tho Short Lino’s purposo to Bftintftin .eurlalled scrvfro only during snch, lim es nsT egular servire could not be opcrat.'d n t a profit. Ur

O tber H o«ln«8 Sehodnlod. ' -jTho hearing bero was tbo fourth th a t

h a s -b e en ic ld by tho com niislon oa th e Short L in o ’s nppUcation whieb pro- « d poios curtailm ont o f train service on J b ranch lines Roncrally throughout tho « '« «

. I ta te . Provioui bearings hnd beon held a t N am pi. Caseado, Emmett aod Wi\- «> '« dar.

The f if th hearing of the series o f *>W * hearing* mos in progress today a t Dale-

• ' ley, and subsequent hearings aro sehod- Tb tiled to be hold a t Duriey, Jororae, Mac- kay . D riggs, Hailoy aod Fairfield . The

■final hearing I* scheduled to take plaeo „,.tlo A pril 1£». s othci

W A R R A N T O U T F O R T U R P IN ? o °"______ last

Charles W. Turpin, with bis young w ife nnd l-nl.y. said fo be travelingw est frnm irorntello in nn nutnmnblle, / [' is w anted n t I’orntelln to answer lo fhargii Ilf' forperv, ncrordiiig to word

.received a t noliro .headquarters lyirj. T urpin, who is snid havo served Iri^theworld w ar ns n inetiibcr o f the C.madlan peeip fd ltio n n ry forre«, was L u t fnll ar- i[,iHirested hew In eoiiniTtion with the nl- jcctolered th e n of «inii' lonls a t Blue I.nkes votciraneb . The fnmlly, .11 is reported, is f,onip

■'•.trnvcling in a Rulek \ enr of tho IBl/) electitnodrl bearing Idnbo 1022 license hum- n , 8.bcr ‘: * m . M . r

. • • • ■ ■ How.Th» new vear means ntw le tter and Ju,

Inyo'lec files. W e, have thom. C lor i,ppnRook Store .—sdT. " ns at

-------- IhricWOOL r>A08 and flocre twloo. Kin- q i„ vI

ney m .ile sa 1 e Co.—adv. .> — AP

EAflTl-iR CARDS ore now belog dii- yqur- -p lay td nt_Cloi Book i to r e . - a d r . adv.

, TW iN FA L lisbA IL

iBflESSiiNSMS- I I i f f l l l F l l L L S f i ' - '

ProTisIoo for PnrohaBe of a , TownsUo to Uoke W&7 for

Reservoir Ecetored .

rOCATKLLO, Idaho, f8 p e e ia l)-A jr tolegrnm has been reeeived from Con- groMnwn Addison T. Bmlth by tho manager o f tho Idaho Ilcelamation oi- soelntloii, ria tin g tbo t tbo Irrlgntlon committeo of the houio hnd voted naan ' , “ • imously to report his bill, which ii the lamo as Iho ilc N ary bill favorably re- ported to tho lenate.' "

I f thla so-collod McNpry bill should «<1 » p a u eon jrc is and bo npproved a t tb li soMion, which lecm i likely, i t would «'<»'« mean th a t tho proposed super-dlilriet Iq tbo Snake R iver valley would be In Mar, a nosltlun lo m arket ita bonds under more fnvoiubic ti-mis than if sold lu oratl tho bond m arket. Tliero would bc n unnl longer period and possibly a lower rato diicl of Intcr.-st. repo

'H ow ever, In .nny event, It would bo tal t D oeem ry to form tho d litrle t, o i sueh tho i aro tho tcqulrcmonta of tbo MeNary- aftei Smith bill. Therefore, i f tho big dis­tr ic t should bo formed It would bo ju s t .1 . th a t much ahead whon tbe McNary- « Sm ith bill bccomes a, law. “


m p i ICENSUS DRii


E s t a b l i s h m e n t o t P . C . in T w in “ o't

' F a l i s t o H a r i< O p e n in g o f " l"

C a m p a ig n £-------- , rest

Opening a campaign to coutaet all havo form er service persona of this district, com 1 comml'.tvo designated for Twin Falls that poll*, Amerlenn Legion, nex t Batarday timo win e itab liih P . C. a t the M ajcitie pbar- ble.’ tnacy In Twin Fnlla. He

Mombers of tho committeo aod their fenn laalitnn ts will bo detailod’ to duty a t to t P. 0 .. eneh nftornoon and ovonlng be- lUgn finn ing Saturday In tho earlier stages tion, s f the cnmpnlgn which has been au- him. thorlted by tbo Ameriean Legion to at- mcl tnln these! objectives: mnil(

OAinpalga O b je c t lw To seek oul nnd lis t overy Amerlenn

i-otcrnn o ( tho World wnr and dotor- nilno hla needs and Uio prlvllegea of ' - whlcb ho has not availed hlm ielf do- Iplte h is righ t to tbem as a voleran. Ml

To gather evldoneo th a t will indieato clain [losltlvcly to eongreis and tbo country cd t: ivhat options veterans will choose un- doolt lo r tho Legion 's five-fold adjusted eom and lonsatloQ bill. ' < mon;

To mako plain to all clUxcna, includ for t ng veterans, th a t tho Legion means on icrvlce; to explain to the ve teran i w hat woul Jio Legion Is try in g to do fo r them u id :o show them th e advantages o f mem- uoak lonh ip 111 tho Legion for themselves B. m d in tho Auxiliary f o r J h o i r moUi- ord. irs, wives, s iito rs and daughters.

O fficial census blanks w ill be provid- [ j n | id a l P . C. boro for the lis ting of Tot- [ | i «rana and speclflentlon of thnIr ro- lulremont*. 0

I n to u l r a Ot&Tos Scheduled j“ Opening of P . C. Is to Iio followed by in intonslve canvas of tho Twin Falla ... . lis tric t, in which Legion men will bo r « isaiited by members o f tbo A u x ilia ry .C o n g

Commnndera ,of I>cgion posts a t Duhl, wire, b'llcr, K inibcrly nnd MurtalQfb havo Main jeen Invited by tho Tw in Fnlls commii- th.r ] ■eo to iiii'ct hero n t iHnche'on next bill rueidny to outline plans for covering new ^he entire eounty In tho work of lilting been ;be more than 2,000 acrvleo mon’of tho wher

iS itislE I i s u i i o i

______ - • lOnir

D i s t r i c t C o u r U D e c i s i o n W ip e s S “

O u t P r o c e e d i n g s o f H o ii is - f i ?

t e r M e e t i n g " ‘„ i '______Of th

Under a doeisiou ju i t handed down ncrot jy Judge T. Balloy Leo In dU triet diilH ■ourt o t Burley,' tho* pcnonnel o f tho up t' U m o n R lrc r Canal company.,'/ board if d irectors remains as I t wna follow- ng tho company’s annual meeting and iloction in 1021, and proceedings of a ' noetlng o l I lo lllitc r February 10, 1023.■ailed to elect suceeisora to , th r e e .o f " ’i' ho memberi o f the board, a re wiped ^^^ol iff the alate. Rook

— SttstAlAS D flaurrer c=bsTho cou rt's deetiion sustains a do- p —

nurror and motion to str ike offered by , 3rookmnn and other defendant* In an letlon brought fo r Itlchjud Olavln and ilhcrs -by \V. P. O u th rle ' afad P . J lom ibrook . In which a rcstm in ing or- Icr w ni issued against the holdiog of ^ nst Feb ruary ’* annual m eeting and lection on tho basli proposed by tho * . ompnny’s directors.

Dropkmnn is the representative here , it Iho Peoples' Savings and T m l eom- ^ mtiy, trustees, for (he R ilnrfn Blver jondholders. •

NuUlXles EieeUon 'Persons nltcnding tbo meeting n t _

rcillistcr lnst Fcbrunry voted for dl- OQtora on a baais.of land held by cach ■olcr rn ther th a n on .a b.tsis of canal ompanv stock tfwned. Tho mooting , lected R. A. Cnrtcr, E. £ . JJabcock nnd I. 8. K unkle ns directors to luecccd G. - - I . H all, E . B. DarllnRtnii nnd A. G. low.OI. • Efl

Judge Leo's deeision in the case has ■een eommunlcnted t'o T. K . Ilnckman, s a tto rney for Uropkmnn, and to Ou- - h ric .nnd Hornlbrook, ntlorneys for Q i Unvln nnd o lh e rt ■>. . A |

A PR IL :GTH is Knsier Day. Oct.5ur cards early nl Clos Dook sto rt.—

I L V , P A L

u ltP ii if f .ilOFIITE

■ ^ ■ J — - . ■ t

J u r y in P o l ic e C o u r t D i s a g r e e s '™

in C a s e o f A u c t io n e e r H e ld

a s D ru n i< '

’ Bf:H. B. Luo, auctioneer, .a t-h ls . tr ia l ere

beforo o Jury in pollco conrt hero Tues- dui day ofiem oon on a charge of hoving ed( boen drunk, waa by the defenio depict- fin ed as a man being persecuted by tho in police because of h ls adhorcnee to the commlislon form of c ity government. ( adopted a t a speeial eloetion hero on me March 28. i \v}

A fter two and onc-balf houra dellb- nei e ratloni, tbo Jury reported tb a l it was dei unnblo to ngree upon a verdict, and w as om dlMharged. ,The voto of th o . Jury i» rot reported to havo etood four /o r acquit- Jui tal nnd two for conviction. Betrlnl o f . pre tho eaio has been se t fo r nex t Tneiday Coi afternoon. | art

. _ B nbalU ■ W ttM jit-A ig m am t,... !’ A crowd of abou t 100' m cn’occupjed all available stand ing room in tho eourt - , room corridor 'd a ring tbo p rogreu of t J tho tr ia l, and many stood about uotll the re iu lt of tbo Ju ry 's deliberations r was oonouneed. , 'oni

Tho-coio fo r tho prosecution was by ],f] Oity A ttom oy Tnylor Cummins submit- ted to tbo jo ry w ithout argum ent aftor ho had introdaeod the testimony of I r l ' i Bignoy, tho arresting officer; Chief o f i,-. Police Ben J . Rrown, Patrolman W. A. Iq A ustla nnd John J . F i l^ r r im , itroe l j.„t and Trntcnvorks com m ltiloa, to the cf- trn foct th a t Luo was drudk' whco bo was {vi, arrested. , flo

Luo adm itted having had several )jv drloksD f cidor during tbo day and Gall a j , BchroppcV W» companion when the ar- ter resl was undo , said tb a l Luo might pa) hnvo beon drink ing b u t th a t lio.dlil not ggg consider him drunk. Bchroppol sold the tha t ho had boen cndoovorlng for somo io timo to take Luo homo to avoid " tro u - Du bio.” | i ‘rt

Homer C. M ills, a ttorney for tho de- vei fem e, introduced testim ony of ono m an Jm to corroborate Luo’s ita lcm ont th a t | Bignoy in a convi;rsntion over tho elec-,. I tion ,'had told Lue th n t ho would "g o t. Tu' him .” Another man said th a t ho hod bnt mcl Bignoy jua t beforo tho n rre it was ide mndo and BIgncy was saying to him- Coi self, " N o w Is tho tim o to g e t.h im .'‘ jbrc Another mnn said tb a l ho had icon L uo 'g rr on his wny to tho police sta tion and* dei th a t Lue was no t drun.k. , , :

OlolmS Ttnp«»li« <Tp»n^ COfMills, in bis argum ent' to tbo Jury,

claimed th a t tho defense had Imiieach- ,■ cd tbo testim ony of Bignoy, who hnd denied m a k in g /la y 'tb rc a li against Luo, nod asked th a t a ll o f B igney 's tosll- mony bo disregarded. Oo accounted for tho testim ony o f the other officers on tho grounds th a t tho policemen . would naturally to ll tbo samo story. ' ■ •

•Members o f tho Jn ry were J . W. 0. Deake, H arry E aton, B ..E . Bonham, J .B. W eaver, Robert Beoson, C. H, How-

' ' o t


' roO A rELI.O , Idnlio. (Biu'cinl)— n"' CoogroM maft-Addison T. Sm ith , has Ho wired .luy Flcnner, mnnager of the Idohfi Rerlnmntion nnodn tlon . thn l ‘Hr the prni isioii tn tbe npprbprintion bill .V''" bill for th(. p iirrhnsf of Innd for tho new townslte n f Amerirnn Pnlli hns I’m been restored nnd will be In the Inw ti'f when np|iroved. Tbis provision-L a’i ‘" 't previftiisly been vlim innted in tlu- house No on n point of oriJor. nm

The ri'bnbilltntion o f thiS nppropria- Mr tion m.MMs thn t tbe government will havi- funds nvnllnblo lo move Ihp town, site to mnke room for tho rMcrvolr, : provided tbo rescfvolr projeet aball not fdi be >ibandoncd. tlrr

Tbis depends wholly upon tbo ineli- wb nntion of Ihe form ers in tiie Snako jht Blver valley lo pnrlleipnt« In Ils con- Jei M nirtlon ,. I f Ibey npprove tho plnn to Id: firganlre fhe siiper'dlatrlct for' the ex­clusive purpose o f financing {heir obll- ■: Rations to tho government In conner- w || lion with the-reservo ir the g m t pmj- tor ect will b e completed w ith the least rhi [wssiblo delay. The governm ent's p a rt m i Df tho money Is now all available, nnd, p h nceording to thoso In ehargo of the nff i l i tr ic t campaign II Is now excluilvely jin up to tbo land ownera of J h e Snako Biver,vnlloy. g

WOOL DAOS and fleece tw lno. Kin. *“ *’ ney Wholesale C o .-^ d r .

T>» mean* aew U tter aofi ^Invoice fllei. We have them. O o . nook Stor«.-HidT. Drt


K o te x -------------- : . ............6 0 c - PlPlnkham’s Comp. ;_______ 11.25 HiAlkohol M asiago, p t . ---------76c H:Alkohol Massage 1-2 pt.^___ 50c 3.*!Lysol : -----------------21(^ i2c, 63c .13


CorroslTo 8nbU m at«._ ...... ............-Oic lb ; ]Oreh&in^fl l io n u m ^ U s WMIiffif r Bdap

Toko bomo a carton o f B i ^ 2ilaisb Idax.Including ft) w n t t ____ __ ___ ___________

S a t u r d a y 'C a n d y S p e c i a l -K odak flnlahlng r e c o i r ^ a t a ll times. T

a e n t one free «u

SCiAl-JOHlillo a M A g K O ; _____________________

Edited by Mnr. R D. WilUam*.Telephone 30d.. . ' ^

fHie Ekolelo Ounp F ire Olris beid tc \ eeremooial meeting a t the homo o f Wll- i ma Porlib . Tuesday evening. Edna , Blater, Cora E vans and Thelma Wash- \ burn exprciaed tbeir desire fo becomu cnmp fire girls and wero woleomed Into the comp. E dm Ocbrlng and Mildred . Bertsch ^ c rc Inltlotcd a i wood gatbr erers.- Each girl told wbat sho had done , during tb l' pflsl week fo pursue knowl- ' edge, tho Ih ird point of the law of tho flre. Tlu* members wcro naiigned pnrts io a play to bo given soon. ^ '

C bnp ler,” D,” P. E . 0 . Sisterhood, ' met Tucidny evening with Mrs. Em csi W hlto on E ighth nvenue c u t . A busl- t teu session was beld wlt'i the presi- f dent, Mrs.-P. 5 . Boll, presiding. I t wns announced llm t tho dato for the. sta te eonvenllou a t Bolie has heen set for June 28 and The subjccl for tbe program was ” Amy Lowell and Her Contcmpbratles,” M iss Ocorgla Stew a r t read u paper oo Amv Lowell and Mrs. S. & All told in n m oit.intcrent ing m anner o f olhcr poeti of tbo pres­ent day. A social bour followod, wben < a general discussion wm held on m ot' nio ters of Inti-reit to tbe chapter. I’ri

______ : ta tThe Inst E lk s’ danee under'tho pres- 8 t;

ont offiel.ll ndmlnlBtration will bu mu beld this evening a t Uie lodge rooini. t f t An unusiinlly good flrtic l« anflclpatcin tbo

Mra. rr. « . Scott entertained n l , a jbenullfully . appointed fourcourse Wpluncheon Tuesday a l her homo <;n Bev- oraen th ov.-nuo nortb. Mrs. S co tt's a t- a ttrac tive bomc waa mndo more a ttrac t- Ihclvi> w ith it* decorations of feros and onflowers, fiweet pcaa were used in tho Lie living room. A benutlful lunebeoo se t un adorned t l i f dining table, and the eon-terpieco w;jh n c u l 'iJ u s vnic filled w ith . j pale pink earnatlons. and ferns. Tbo .j , , same eolor scheme wns earrled ou t in the n u t eul’a, candles and ahndes, a lw iy i,, in tho uieuu. Tlioae prciont wero Mrs', .pmDurtnn' !■'. Morse, Mr*. P . W. McRob- - i ,erts, Mrs, tl. E . Duke, Mrs. Joseph Sett ' ver, Mrs. .lohn R Wblle and Mra.Jum ei Fii/gern ld . _ te r

The Tw entieth Century elub m et Tuesdav nfternoon n t lhe R npllsl bui^ gt^ bnlow In n 'gu lar seislon, with the .preiT , . ident, Mrs. K. R. Van Cott, preiidlng. Com inlttns Vvere appointed for tho elub breokfnst tt. be given May 2. Tlio prn- grnni was in rhtirge o f Mra. C. J .S cb r"e , der. nnd 'ronslsfed of n vocal solo, tlie " F low er Kong” from Faust, and nn cn- ‘ core, bv Mr*. E. A. IJindon; a rending from ' ‘ As Yon Like I t , ” Shakespcar.-, JT' by Mr*. H trm nn Bchurger, wbo also re­sponded III nn encore; a voenl solo ond , eneoro bv .Mr*. 0 . P. Duvall, nceom- panied by Mis* Olady* Orr. ,Threo slu- n dent* fynm tbe ■ high Bchool gave a , r ie te ry i t l le ploy enlitle.1 ' ‘ Suppressed p e ilr c s ,” boing a satire on psycho-an- alvsis. Th.i characlcr* were iplendldiv pnrtrave'l bv Helen'W olfo a* ‘‘H enri­e tta i?row ster” ! Florence Denton a* , " M o b fl ,” h e r's iite r , and Wllsoo Jock- , ' son as • 'S tephen Brew ster.” Election , o f o ffiecrt fo r the coming y w will be . held on A pril 18. Tbo nominations are ^ as followi: I>reildenl,'M n. 0 . W. \y ith - om nnd Mrs. C. J . Schrocder;'firs t vice •- president, Mrs. Alexnnder npd M rs. Ed* uin w ards; second vice preildont, Mrs. Oa- 2 o d'ev nud Mis* HIbhnrd; reeordinit aoere- "J* lan-, Miss Tliompson and Mrs. Dumke; correspoftding secretary, Mrs. H enry -r nnd Mrs. Crnbtrcc! treasurer. Mm. Mr Honnnld i-nd Mr*. Dooley; auditor, Mrs. n.'” Friedmnn ciid Mrs. Chapin; board of " directors ( th ree to bo elected), three venr lerm, Mra, Krcnttcl, Mrs. Ostran- w|| der, M « , Rnmsny, Mrs. Youngs, M rs Om; }>ncknnl. Mr*. .McBoberts; two year term. Mrs. Duko nnd Mrs. F ltigc ra ld ; ,, Olio vear term , Mrs. Mitchell nnd Jim . rrs Norton; b n a rd 'o f contrnl, Mrs. Sawyer Mc nnd Mrs. Chnpmon, M n . Vnn Colt and Mrs. Clone.hck.

NOTIOBI ,20 machine shearing p lant a t Tikura,

Idaho, will bo ready for opemtlon any ~ time a fte r tho ICth of April fo r oil . wbom I t • mny cooccm. Por bw k lng sheep or nnv information w rite W . H . ' Jenkins, 228 North Conant, .Burley, _ Idaho.—adv. g j

Tbo women of tho Chriilia'n Churcli will bnvo the ir annual ba ianr nnd cnfo- torin dinner la tho b 'a iem oni'o f the churih on Friday , April 7th. Tbe ba- C zoar will bo open a t 1 p. m. w ith a dls- p h y of beontlful aod praetico! article! of offered a t very reaionablo price. Tha of dlnnor will bo served a t 0 o ’clock,—adv

SEE K innev Wholesale-Co. for Mon. « ■ tnna W h l t r o r Orent Northern bosnr - t d r . .

WE W IL L contract your wool; roS' sonnblo ca ih advonce. Phone 561 Drown Bro*. Bheep C o .-# d r .

ECiALS^N D F R ID A YPiiro Ita llnn Olivo Oil, q t - - H-83H ill’i Salad OU, q U ---------H ill’s Salad Oil, p U ---------- 75c3.'ic iVoatlllo -- ------------------ 20c,13c H and 'Scrub .......... - .... 25c

— $ 2 ,0 0 a A U O N. SX TBA

j; Blue B tono .........- ....... 20c lb. ,___............. .... ..... fl D o|on

lazda Lamps.- A ll ilzea np to aod _____----------------------laOO Oartoa

ll— P e c a n R o l l s J B cThorsday w ltlt oacb COc enlargo-

Kuso size.

l c mm CO.' PH O H B eo

SD AY,APRiLii922

W e a t h e r P r o p h e t - [ch^

S e e s E a r l y E i i d r t o [ l” i

R a i n a n d S n o w f a l l K--------- • froi

; Preeipllatlon. beg inaiog ' ta rly ll-Jthis momlbg In the form o f snow- ^ fa ll and turned w ith tl)o riae intemperaturo during tho 'jnorning 1 houra in to rain, la destlael] to bo o f bo t sbort duration, according toth e official w eather observer fo r to tho alate, who forecaat* fa ir weoth- or loniglit and fa ir and warmerThursday, Combined ' rnln and iisnowfall-lo tb is Twin Fnlls d istric t , nor bad totalled 22 ono-huodredthi ofan inch, up to .noon today, accord- - &.gi

. in g to recorda of tho government 'emweather obicrvor hero. ' ^• Temperature yeaterday w n i h l ^ b7ia t 62 degrees above tcro ond low clojo t 29 above. to J

'l»Ji- .......... » Q------- - I II.. Jut.

J o c a l Q r o v x i i e , !

--------- C

M n . BOKi H c » - M n . Ii. C. Bo k Ii " c a rrived L'cre Tueiday from Lewistonfor a fow days ' vlalt w ith frlead i. , ,

C b d r to O ire Oantat*—O n E m tcr ^ m orning t i e choir of tho Pleasaot View cclg Prcabytvrian church will give tho ean- Wh ta U ''F ro m D eath Uoto L ife ,” by 2 “ ' S tu lti. A musieal trea t fo r the com- munity Is irom lsed and a gener&I Invi­ta tion is fcxlonded. Tbo hour se t fo r „ Uio contota is 10:30 o ’clock.'

t ' » ' ■■ 3Jc;A ttends Oakley .H e a rin g -L e o n n rd ^

Wpy, miooging secretary of tho Bouth- -pora Idaho Traffic auocla tlon , ia today apr a l O aklor attending a henrJng beforoIbo slalo publie utiUtlca commltsion j.on the application of the Oregon Short nonLino to curtail passenger tm ln service , « on tho Oakley branch.

• Inspect Q rarel P l ts -M c m b e n o /th .) .S . Twill i 'a u l highway d lit rle t board ofeonimisaluners, arcompanied by 6. A. *io< Sbobcrt, highwny d lit rle t engiu^er, onTuesday inipccted tbe d is tric t’s gravel " "p its In the db lric t cast of Hollister ” siiw ith a view lo use o f gravol from this tWsoureo on the rouds of tho surroun.llog .lo rrfto rj. , 5|,‘ '

V olw aus Chooso , A dJnU ntr-P . H. «9-fitowell,. formerly n-gimciitnl sergoaut “ ■*innjor o f the H Ctli'fjeld a r tH |c ^ rcgl- *‘sm ent, wnn by iiiemb'ers o f TwHt Fulls Htrxpost, Ani'-ricnn Legion, nt a meeting »>ioTiio.Jo.v ovciilnii. rtrn.00 « . po .l o.lju- >“Innt-fin inre officer to sueceed Clyde pou W. Simpson, who btti Beceptod employ'menl iil .S o il ' Luke.- Tlic position fnr ^ severn l week* past Ims boen filled byCass Figg’e.' 'nli

I. . n I. nniA fW O aN O BM B Hta

The U d ie s ’ --A id of the liii'Uiern 'Oie c h u rrh -h - ll l^ e c t on Thursday n l 2:30 o ’clock w ith Mrs., J . U. Dohio, one.mlle aoutb nnd one aod ono-quortvr. miles mni east o f Kimberly. ■ cm

Tho Wftllher lengue will meet m eei Sai'In the Lutheran .church this evening Iled a t 8 n. -n. All membera are requested to bring the iF cb ruary number of thoW hither l>eaguo Messenger. «ho

dec'T he PylhlAn Sister* will hold ibclr res- J j

ulnr m rcllnr Pridny afternoon. April T, a l *'%2 o'clock In K. of P. tuiII. A full n ttend. '■Hinncn Is desired, nnd memher* ore re<|ur*t> '^ 1'Cd 10 come dreucd In ’while. *ip.

Thn Pnsi Mnlron'R elub wlll meet wllh '' v Mm. M. 0. RIpIer. :oii Ninth avenun . a? north, on FVlday iiflcrooon. April 7, at ::J9. -------- o“d

Thi* Pnst Noblo Omnd'it association jici will meet Thunday eveninc, April 0. nt ni.-^homiJ of Mrs. C. W..Parka, M Main

--------- • ' ■ AThe Episcopal Guild will—hold ihelr mbi

rrsiiLir weekly ineeilnir wIllr.Mr*. F. F. . MeAtee, Thursdny nfternoon. Ajirll 8,

aF:E Kimiey .Wholesale Co. for Mon- a,iv lano W hite or Oreat Northern benns.-n d v . . . a

' t^n


ADVANCE OF FUTURES' . . . . . ■ ' D

crnCAOO. </pv-eelllnr of Mny m m lnstiber purchase* of July led lo nn Kirty dcelino nilh todny In tho \-nluo o f th e nearby delivery of wheat nnd to an uplum In tbe price of la ter month*. Tho sclllnB of May wna ' due moro or less to reporia of llbcml ROO

W h e n Y o u B u i

“Easy-Pull” T T / Im proved

Yon get tho bonofit of flft7 yeai overy phoso of grain drill dealgi



CAStoRKER IUasoaic Building, Tniii

nunnililes of wheat tHitnc brottfht.‘ io Chicago from Utsaourt to flU ’U ar eon* tm e t* . On tho other hand some unper- la ln tr prevallod aa to crop' condttlonsirn' winter wheat and 'In partioular racardtnc Iho « te n i of planted acreage likely to'be abnndoned. Tbe openlnf, whlcb varied ^ from 1*S off to lo advnneo w ith 'H a y ■ t l . l j to l . » I-.S and July tU » to M l . l ' : wa* followed by o- materlal further set* back for Uay and - continued relative atrencth in July anU September.

Tho drop In the price of May beeauna ,more pnnouneed U ter a sd 'caused July >t and SeplemlKr. to.decline In aympathy.It waa aald many cariood* of wheat ' to como to Chicago from Omaha.' The ’ close waa unaettled. lo 3 3*>0 net ' t lower, Mny »1.2» j .g ,to MO nnd’July •IM S l - i i o .u a j.<.

Henvy slocks of #«m and onta a l the northwcatem terminals had a beoHsh In- v flueneo hero od both cereal*. A fter op- — ening. unchanged ,lo ’l-4o low er.'July <l S-gc. tho com market underwent a mod* ,' enue geneiU 'sag. - •

The com:mari(et'waa<ubaequently:af'* , reeled by fnll In the price of wheat and by,lack of suslalned cash demnnd.-*^ho cloao,' however, waa steady n t 4-1 to 1-2 to B-lo net decllno with July «t J-8 to t t : .

’l.Jc.Oata started unchanged . to .l-8o u p ., i

July SS 7-a.lo.S9c and b ie r atiow^d'algns of lack of support. •. •

Provtiiona were g iven 'a lift owing to • nn ndvi^nce In hog prices. r V

Cash-OralnCHICAOO. - W hcat-N o. I h a n f H P ^

11.34 3*4. >Com -No ! mixed 6( IJ to 87e; No. S •. *’

yellow (7 to £7 l*2c.OaU No. 2 white 3$ 3>< to'S? I>:c; Jio.

9 whlto IS t o . u 3-^c; , . - ‘ Potato Market

CHICAOO. VflV-Pottttoea—Wenk: re- celpia 34 cnra: Wisconsin sacked Round < Whltea 11.(0 to. l.tS cwl.; Idaho aaeked . nurala tl.es Ip 1.70 cwt.; Idaho aaeked, Itusaeta |l.tO fo 3 cwt.; Colorado aaeked Orown Detuile^-mQsUy |1.7S^cwt;'>. .

, '. Chlcsflo Produea .•CIIICAOO. (/p) - llu tter — Lower,

creiimery extma 13 1>2 to llo : f irsu 31 to SSc: aecond* t» to 30o;.atantUMs Mo.

Kgga—Unchnhged; receipta 27,101 cna> ^

"‘poultry-A llvo, lower; fowla 28 l>2c; apringa 30e:'rooster« Wc. ■ i ■'

Portland Livestock 1‘ORTLAND. Cattle and bogs

nomlnnlly atendy; no recelpu.Bheep—aicady; reeelpla • 25J, flprin* '

Umba IH to 16.OniciBO LIvsiloek r

CHICAQO. (0>>-Cattle - Receipta S.­OOO; fulrly '•Clive; beef steera a l e ^ lo atrong: top |>.2S: bulk |7.:S to 8,<0: aha* aiock atrong to higher: beef cowa mosily IS to C.KO: beof heifer* IS to 7.2S; bull* nirong; culves, itockera and feedera slow, aboui atendy; bulk bolognik bulls K.2S to J ,« ; early a a l r a - y e a le r a - m o a i ly - | | - io -

Hog»-Il.-ceIpta 12.000; dollve 10 to 20e * higher thnn yesterdny'* nveruge; lights up nioat; big pnekera holding tuek, but . most holts sold out ,of flr*l hands; lop II9.7S pnld.aeveral limes; bulk IIO.IS .to lO.OS: pigs s irans to ISe higher: bulk de- slmble 100 to KO poundera tIO to 1^2S,.Sheep— Reeelpla S.Off?; kllllna claaiea ,.

fltrong.io 2Se higher; good S3 to 86 pound sliorn. Inmbs I13.S6 to 11,00; shorn Trxna yeurllnga nnd twos }1S.:S; shorn wetber*|in .« ; woijled ewes, top 110.60; few to pound luillvo sprlpR lambs |:o .

Naw York'Stoeks - NBW YORK, m - Stnridnrd ahnrw,

esneeliilly trunsportnllons. wrre the sus>•ninlng frnture of todiiy-s stock mnrket.Hnrly dullneaa and uncertnlnty n v e way to pronounced afrtngth In the final hour.P;i'ns npproxlmnted UOO.OOC. aliares.

r r ice s moved Irregulnrly upward at Oie opening of today'a stock mnrket. bul t t i r vnriety of issue* traded In Indicated nnother ncllve seasion. teadera of thn . . jy rallwny nnd Indusirlal groups were not mnlerinlly changed, specuhllvs In terest' centering In tho sugars, cheaper oils nnd j speclaltleij. Ramsdnll "AV rosn 'Ono .mM point, with Pierce o il prcferrod and Un> *. nairS ugitf and Cuba Cane jiraferred. Al­lied Chemical and Dnvlsnn Chemical wero . i tietter by 1 to 1 1>4 polnl*. United Biatea '( 8i*el and rtU led share* tnnde fractional 1 gnins. The . only ' prominent atoek'>lo 1 show heavlneaa woa United Prull, which decllntd one point . il

I lM vr buying of rolls, Including oonl>

f n ln s of 1 lo 3. point* and aub* - liy higher' pHee* for oil* and icnti caused mirried covering by Inter. The dosing waa'B lrong.'

t.lberty Donda NEW TORK, fffV-Llberty bond* cloa- ' !

ed: II 1-2‘a ISI.Ot; flrsl 4 a 4».2» .bid; aecond 4’a IM.IO; flrat 4 l-4'a f9J.« ; sec­ond 1 1-4‘fl m .02; third 4 l-<’a ||}.S0: ’ j fourth 4 1-4’a I9I.26; Vletory 3 3-4'a v- 3i«).0t: v ic iorr 4 ,J.4 'a. 1100.110.

'■ '• .■ . ' 'N O T IO B 'AJI accounts owing fo Iho Ameriean

M arket prinr .to March 10. no t sottlod hr April .'1, will be rnllerted.'

' ' ' CHAHLES DUNN, ndv. ' ■ COI Sboshono'So.

SEE fCmnoy Wlinlrmle Co. for Mon- t^ n n 'W h ile ' or Orenf N'nrthrrn bonni.- o d v .___________ ;_________ ■

I Q la . j« i£ i© d(TOO LATE rOH CI.ABhlUCATIOH

BIO nCTlIRNB per riero from 'atmw - be n ica ; get plant* from Heiidcrsoii, 1-4 milo oost'Itock Crusher. ' Pbono C03J2.

FO R BALE—W ickcr bnby buggyj good ns new,' »20. Phone 1030. :

uy The New

OOSIER •- J , . '

e a r s o f o x p o r io n e e , o o v e r in g .

i g n a n d m A Q u fo c tn ro .



IMPLEMENT c a "jv ii Falls, Idaho.