oraoooblin.ra,, into 0, - Atlantic County Library · RAR RrJ¢OS, . M~DAI,£10.V,~, LOC’KA’T~,...

.but ~b=t i.n Philadelphia, ~nd ia the sts~e of Pcnn~ylvnu[a, there is a n~itjodty of sial, zens .~¯Vorab]o t~the t~eoonstmetiod"aeta:ot :Oongh~,~and (0 it~ gen0ral policy, whleh forms thd but~ of ghe Repub)k=n party.-- Electi0es of p~t. years’ have too. fully de. monstrated this tO: amit of st’doubt," y..t how are we tO eceount for the dlshearl~n[ng result of the recent e]ect]o~ in this st¯to ? The lalotlon ;d ea~. to’one at allobeervant. nndia this, tim apathy and ~degleet’ of the nut~ Of RepubUcans. They thought the .r0s~lt was sure to’~bo favorable, and many go to. the polls,|while through the tlone, very few meetings w6re held, and but the tuna]lest eff0rt made for the’snorers of t~e~ticket... Jn Ph]}ade]phin:~erlt~ipa the most cat’nest eff0rtswcru made, bUt did not ¯Tall :to overcome the influence 0f.the b~ t~e pmdde~+- erentures, Was givcn most. influence in favor 01 and how powerlul a motes tibia was cam be ~een in’t~e-k’esu]i;’-~B~t iu the interior of tho.~tatc th0re was less¯ro0m for operations !atron~gcwa~ m0nstrates t0n,:eertalotv that the blame rd~ts:up0h the Revublichss them~.e]res--- Their neglect gave socc~Ss to our cnelnies. [n thTs tittle town the yotc was one hun. dred ohorh, the ILcpuhilcsn lost [ovty, the C0p)erhead ton: The Copperheads are Uuivel’~ally more falth’ful th~n Our own psi -~ ty in :,trending tbe polis~ and though t]ley did not liere gain a eingi’e’vote ~romU~, tlie rusuh Ul=clc it nppcnr eo thst iA, the fail. urn of gepuhlicans to do their duty ]e~so~l ~ ed COll’~iderably the ~’epubiican majority. TJ~ey th~bght~th~Tesult wns safe~witl~om~ hldividunl effort, and Consequent]w mode none and nuntber~ thoughtit’unnecessary to vote. ~ They smiled when the importance of the elect;on was Dressed upon them.-- Why, enid thcyl there is to be an e]cctloo o~ a Suprenle:Jndgo and members_of the Legislature only, is it then so.hoportnnt? They forgot t~:tt the s’.atc legist’at urea elect the Scnatc of the Uftlted States i whose conservatism has. already beqn nf =xntold injury to the country. ¯ ~he pl~ess of the State wou thcy did not heed, the J~ct that the Cop- t r ¯ And viotory wss glv~n to the encniy, The evil effect of this defea~ of the friends el Congre.~:Calln0t hu estlmatcd, theJu,pro alone "will di’selose it. But let the re~uh in this state be a’ warnlng" to" our fricode throughout New Jersey: ~"ir~t., lct ]~ebcst candldaten be chose,t for n?~ the positioits.: A few nf the candidates upou thoTtcpub- liesn ticket in Philade]phla could" by nn the best men eooseq ue of’ the causes contributing to detest. Let this error bo avoided, and tim best men be eeleoted for ’the several posi- untiriag~ -iltdlvidual, -and united efforls, and thn cause nf right will trimltph. The injury which a bring upon the ~ountrfcsnnot ho told, hut certain it is that such a restdt’wnu]d great: Jy eltcoursge’ the )’lesident in his threat ol. nrmed resistance to Cocgrcss. trot New Jor~ey ra£ber say, the wlekod delusgngne whn o.~culdus "thu %%’blto lln{ISC ~h~ll not rob us’of Iho fruits gshled ill eros)ring re- heLLion, nor sbsil he eTevstc the rebellious r over the hems of the toys]. .J/ISUEI, L.4ArRous. " The Llt tl(~ I)oetoa’. [Conelnded.] . . d~liley IToneywcll, the han,l:~omn nnd aristeeratid, bowed nthor shl’hUh sed or. cry glrl whu knew hot’~ellvlcd her. dessie ’Run shnuh| huvo hnon o~nt~et, lull she Wlm , nut, Onca indeed, whet the ]),elor h~d gnns nwsy with his flowers in his II,nd lime oncc hntk!ng b,,ck, she Ionud Iicr.~e]l st.lld- inn nUlqd ells! roses with tears in her eyes I alld ;t Itsng of tnnrtiflcntian nt her hcart, A~vnkoniulgto too tlcn~elUllSness of thls she L stanlpcd her tittle fn(,t nngeily¯ L, Why 0hnllld [ fan1 imrt thnt tie sores i IInthillg for aim now?" sald S|lO, " Let hhn ndutlr~ that ~irl ~t tho c~)ttago if’he’ will, It is nnthiug to tnc," Whelt nexteho wontto ti,elittle ent~ag~ ohm lound thn abutters dn~cd, and the uld wnluan opened the clear very en|ity, "Good muruLt~g, Miss," ~ho e~id, "nly young lady will ho glad to sec you, Silo ha~ beet very Iow--dylng, [ thought. Nlcbbe she’ll dim yet," And tears cnnle Late the old croaiure’~ eye&

Transcript of oraoooblin.ra,, into 0, - Atlantic County Library · RAR RrJ¢OS, . M~DAI,£10.V,~, LOC’KA’T~,...

"j’ /’/. t ,]. :

-, =

.. ¯. ; ~, ,h

F ve ty of

f~.~hd 1818,

.. ¯ . -

.. ¯ q. ~.~=., ~’~ ....

-~.:t.il_ ,o,,10n, n~ ,.~,i.,~b y.~; e’om:mMIotagtSo tirat or Oet, eber, ~#d eontineloguntliAi~ ~L~e DlsleeWng Room, ~.opon, and prl.

~lilm[~ leatere|~.ed qoisz~oontle~e during the eel&e"’~. ~lltqt nenlon continuua until Cht¯

er’$er ~tbtq* m~ntb~, ~md the ~eeoud o=£r~ Of Aprll, yr tht~o months’l the’two oma,tlt~tt.log eno fall eoureo of ’1¢ ’tares. Examination of

¯ ~ttadklat~ for geaduatiou will ooenr at the end~feaeh 8tudta. -

nq~,.f.~ ern~¯~.--Th~ re,graduaUoa *re~.three ue~tlto~s" of tecturee, and

or faWr eoe~oul- --t~ i

- . bm~ohnl~ ~,s. medleinb.a~d =urgery n(e. taught,Including the p/operatory dtudfes~ without regardto ~ emtattta views, lI~mO,’whilc~ they depre~este the exelmivenes~ ~* A tlopaLhy ~ll om~pa,hy~

°_* Hoinefletlm, Hydrep&thy~ el% they bellevd th~lattl’,prlnoipt~m of eur~ ae.a .therapeutical agents.ehoeld be’ t~qibt ~¯ all well-~gulatcd medleal

i~|neneff to kin peenl~tr notions in

t~n tin.n,. ~eu~a~d~~JeBL teeston, or $~20 s yeer¯ Those who pnr-

.o-mutrlcointe once, whim/*:

a*~a~o f~, or $11&¯ for ~full c~urse. 70 aidoueg ~,~o’ef .mo~l*r~e mm~f qm Uhlverslty hue

. eguedfl~ ttmdredsc~olar*ltips, whioh are sold to|i-at.course It udmt~ for $75,’ zmd’ to second-on,treentua~ent~ tad elnrgymen f0~ $~0, ogoh oonstltuting

the holder :It,-lif* membbr, with.~the perpetualprlvEegelt ’pf thn leeture~ add all th6 tee, thingsel" the nohbeL The Oe]y ~dit]onal feel are ¯3~ly d|leoefing knd mttrteqleting’~ieket,ea~h

" of wb~th is ~$ " --- . * ~ ..dd~au~gis el ~e~olar.~f~p*.--Tho etudeol

~lding.¯ seh?~ar’ship ’eem enter the Collegelay time daft;tO the" year, ettend e.s long *s henkeeoeab tad re-ente~ thn ImtLtutinn a~ frequen tl~

¯ ,-- m doetre~L -- -~J~t ~u~res no prevlouk reading or study te

tater the Uairersity en- gcholardnips ; hence a;iprITate mhion fees. are sated.

,¯ ’ ~ gtude~te, by b0ldlng echoloilhip#, can prose.vote’ether business i patti of the t me,

~l~n mmdldato for ~-raduatinn con presser him-self~,t tat ttme~ and receive his degree aa soon

.. aa qualified.In ease a crudest should b01d ~ seho’larsh|p and

not he a~el~-to~ff~-d leet~l~e- raf/~-""f, red to maother~ thus preventing-any l~st.

Plmmtt, gdardla :..orrrlel de efetudentwish.log to p¯reha~e scholarships for them a year ormort before their attendance, at the Univesity,eta scours them by paying.one.half the priesand In~yinE the balance when the stedevt enters¯Pby~ehton and heoeyolent moo can bestow grealbenefit upo¯ poor youog men~ by pr~oenting them

. ¯ Jeholarnhtp, tad_thus enabling them. to obtaineu honorable ~’efcssl3u,

~e Beg.lot Fa©u~y¯

3ameiMo(~Untbek, b. M., M; D;. ~rafesgor ofthe Piles|pies and Practice of Surgery

We. P&l¯e, M. D., Professor of thePrlnoip|eei~ad/~t-~atloe of Meciieine and PathOlogy¯

fltry~ ~tAsrmaey, and To:~iealogy,E. G. Dalton, A. M., M.. D., Pr.ofcssor of Phye-

IoloIy.H. ~¯ Doueet, A¯ M,~ M. D., Profeesorof~nte-

rin-~ediea-and-Thern~eultes,- ~ - ....A. R. Thomas~ M¯ D., Professor of Anatomy,

ftlentml~ Special, Mieraeeopiva], and Pathologic-.

J01~ph 8. Loo=shoreb M. D., Professor of 0b-_. .,_,~.~..~ DI ...... twomen ~ ....

-]L D. BUokmta, M. D.~ Professor 0fMInor Sur-~oW,

.~L Live*aT, A. M. M, D. .Professor of Cliuloal¯M~diolne. ’

J. 8¯ r’ongthore, M. D.. Profeuor of CLLnio~IObst4rie~

0. J. Lane, M. D¯ ,Professor of Disease of the~ya t¯d Ear.

-¯ oe, -. .~ --~0T~i~i’~o~’3~alJgna~tDlreue~.

]J. Oldahae, M, O., Plofeseor of Ueine-Pthoin.

I. Lnk|uo~ l%f¯ D,, D. D. g,, Frefeeeor of Den-thtry.

0¯ Murphy, M. D. Professor of Medical lures-

F O U~T g,8


Dry-Go0dsl::.,l)ry, Goodsl o¯O. .:-Engleha ’ Son,

¯ " OFLeedg POlnl, N’. J.,¯ , Wettohm~kers and. ~’ewolere.tlPith CURW~N ~TODDAET & BRO.) ¯ Me.onfaetorei’i.o f45st dk 454t North 2d rig.,

god ~, , ..u~e~ , (YHOJA~SAI~ o a RETATT~"- " It-k a-nre.prt- - ~ ,

teeMent to Iome~-s will ~nd it to t~O]T ~dY=ntage to call ¯ Wo~Sre eoostant]y OUhim¯ . . " Gold

m~t~ twenty per~ m~be the

butter firm andswell In ftUenlng

wilt be eradk~t¢~In t~ne, a c~rta~Cholera. .

- ~AIk~D nYS. A., FOU’3~Z" ~’~ "BRO*,

WDOLI~ALE BE~G A~D MEDI~h’~ REPOT,No, 116 ~mnklia St., Ba~tinmre, ~d.

For 8Me by Dr~ggltts ~ Sterekeeptl~ through-out the Unlte~ ettte~

David. ,~. )Fout~._~ ..~ueee~ol’.PETER s¯ T.~TO>~ ¯

¯ Agent ~r ~t/mln6ntnn’and vieinlty.DANIEL WAI,TEBfi¯ "

Agent for Abs0eon¯and vicieity-

sT°dense. 5x2.1yW, M’. (?urns]l, ,~f. D., ~, L. D,, Profe|lor of LT_T~£~3~R ! --;

l[yglenn and Fhytie¯l Culture¯B. ]LrW~tvlr: A. M.: M. D ~ Demonstrator of Pine and Cedar Lumher of every doserLption tc

order. Dost sizingie~ (.f ohl heart ,cedar v, nd &v.Anatomy.singles 7 incises wide,) $20 mr 1000.

~ocoodquallly liflnglea (abotttl~ Inches ner-O. W. Marriott. M. D,t A¯ M, D, D.: I~eglsinrsr row.r) $10 per 1000.tad flupefletendent,

Plelterlng lath $4 per 1000.*%Ingllog Lath, $~ per 1000 ft.

~W ][~ooks.Teems cash on delivery,

S. it. COl.WIll.L,, " - 15-tf ~ewnst~ttlJ)e ]~, J,

Palun’a Potevlen m~ Meole’t~a,~The w’ork le ~ ~-=-’=

.. .Cm,ntry Merebeots will find it to thelr’.inltereste

to g/co htm:a coil before puroh~ing elsewhnee~5il orders Gtrgood& Whether from’ f~.millos

motehantu, left AT THB 8TOEI~ or ItJAQUETT’S HOTEL,

~ill be prom’ptiy ouend~d to.]’hi .<delphl~ Ju y SO, t8~7. " 40-if

Machine OiL Lard 0il, Paragnu Oil,]tenecne~ ~c., ,~; A18%

~fediei~!c.~, Domestic Dffcs,d all su’h as nre~enstuht|y kept m n

ca, unary D’ng Store¯ -S2-tf.

Br~ndreth’s ]~illg.

nntborized a=rmt inthi~" town for the s~le

l.i~zime~t¯ ~¯E. cot. De]leruo and It. R, Ave:

:;2.4 f. 4:. J.- FAY.

Lepin,l,’l~e, Gs)ld haJne. ~ealse

and. Keys.REAgTPf.’~,Y.’ RAR RrJ¢OS, .


nm~ ammeters¯ it h’g royal Octavo ofonethous-aed p¯|u, add omatains a full do.oriptlon 0falldis~ns~ including those of surgery, and of wo-rn ned ehlidmn~ togoiher wllh tiaeir pathorogy,

_hktery, symptom, ~ld treatment, and Is claimedto be one of the molt complete, ©taborat~ andeZ~oslv° works upoo these suhJeeln over issuedfrom the A~er;nao pveu. Ptleo~ $71 poltalo, sOmoats.

2fawSn¯oo~ Bomediee,--An octavo, confining¯ full dedeiqption of ill tit° eoneenlrsted end now

- tqtemdIM ee~d by a~i nehonl| of the literal ion, sn4s eOmplet, niphebetloat[ materln medics¯ Pries

~o th~ who order both books, $1e, pa,tage

DESERT, ~md TEA SPOO]gS,(’" J" ~.~Y. .~qUAL TO COIN’.

¯ I~t]A£~R f,V "" ’MASONIC M&~tKS and E~bJem~ of all kindsms,in to order, - . "

]~rU~s and .l~e~c~nos.’" "" "" Th, be.t pinte~ w~. th,ti;eold l~ the ~olt~dStatel man he found nt-qur storm

nor. BV2hI~SLRAU_and~ ]~..~..ve~ Watches and Jewelry repaired "by skil]fut and

’: ~,~tn]s of ~ll eolorl :ground in *ill. Zino n~d’White f, csd~ ~’nrvlikhee; Srusbes,-Wind~-*~ln~s;-Bow ~hd Boiled ],i,tee*| Oil, Cent ~BI, Nen~fomby Mail or Exprege.

8EFPAI~LEN & F£rTZ, -(op~oslto :nines; ~nl, s..too ,~ c~,)

Wholcsain Beater’s In - . ’ "

&’otto’n Yavnss Slatting,Cottonwood Wool CARPET

nnd SIraw

t;,tltPET WARP Made te O~tler.

.... 2~0~240 ~’0 ILTL[~ I[.[P~ ~. ~T.~E ~Tj_ ....

4x~tS-ly " ~ :Ph|]ntdelphla.

i~JllYenllt¥ Journal of lied.

Jefne and NurKer¥.¯ 4 ’lmGMm*h~ J~wrMJ ,tf .V.dioin., ~u,v.ry,

~kdql~, HT#le~a, and O.*.r~l £U,.,r~r...It~ht ~r~e,slm* ..d Ik,p.,,pt.,

~g~ ~l~IL/m*dlmd Fsp.t It tim world, pub-

|bMOl~lt7 twa wedge, at t/~ UaiTere~ly Build.

~lt Nla& IJIr~t, Booth ef Walouk "

linlk O.st.e, $ I 0e~Te m~pb# to nne ~Idres6 d ~b

" " TAO]tU]m~ ~ , " | a0

" " Io noTile I~.o F or ~ olab *hall bsvn tan eopy

l~Jl Idso thanksapmt I~vortbiog mndi-tit ill b W.rid, I** ~.n~hes are,l~ *li phTsieinnea~ 4~qgl~Mb bemMml haylnl n iergo pt, pul*r elr-

~ i~¢i~ fur advertilln e i, ten eeUt4~*~ novel words making ¯ ILno, ~o i,tperaen~ ~ee~nmelte laestt*d ualeu prepaid.

W, p.t ~nt, M. D., Editor,l’kU~hdpkl** I’~

A. G :CI; RK;



"Peerless" Ntove,That hoe taken the premium at the

~lutual Hrtrine d: Fire

~ompnnyolgeady=~lade C~io/hing.

’ ~V£illvill~, N. J.A good assortment on hapd ut’ou~’mllls, or t(

be hod from the wagen~ n, ad~ entirely from nor For the purpose of Insuring ’ "own good*,oa which ~ Liberal dismount will he ]’re~#e[s, ~aroocs, tee., .~|eu{nsf [mada to mercit~nte¯ - . " f~ss~,~s

~L2-ty. ." DWELL][~G IIOUSES. STOB]]S, mad 0TIIER

CBANE’S BUI],nIN0S, ,_pHOTO GRAP]~. GA.L LER~g llonnehold Ftmrnitnre.

~o. ~ Aitct] ST.. PIIILA~.~PItlA.from Curie de Visits t,) Idle SLzcor Indlalnk, Aloe Iho :+oW Im

sL Carte ~ISo, end Photo-MhnLulnres.of varlou~ pc.terns. &e,..~o. ~V~rk

done with promethean¯ Satiafsoilon glvcn.--Prieel moderate.

August 3, IS67,

~nllr0nd.Camden & At]~ntio It. R.

ON ASe arrou

Tnmesday, NODe. 19, 1807.

blall ~’rul~ht Aeeoo,Layers A a ,t ~ I’

Vlue ,t,, l’idPn, 7 ~0 9 16 3 tbCamden, ~ 4b 9 UO 4 t)0|~ddonfle]4t ~104 l0 CO 41 IOA*idand, ...... ~0 t6 ......White llor0~ , ft 14 16 W0 4 E.IEafl|ot . g ~}0 . 10 48 ¯ 4 LSAtom, e ~d I I l)~ 4 ~tlWsterfprd, e b0 II St b 0dSpring 0e~den, S bd ii ~lt ’ 5 tLWh*.luw, 0 0i il 48 ~ |U

DaGo,tn~ ~/~0 12 tA ~ aeElwood, 9 ~3 12 Sa A ~IEgg ll=rbor. 9 4b ! me 6 0~|*moons, te 0| I 2d 0 tUAblseen . 10 le i b,~ ~ ~14Atten, LIo--srrlva~ tO a~ 3 t8 6 ~t

UP TItAINS,.Acmes Fr’a|ht hi=it


Able,on, 15 IS 1| IT 4 00Pomona, d ~J7 l: ~0 4 ~0Xgg llarbpr, ’ a 43 1 me 4 I1’1Elwoed, fi ~b ’ I 2~* d 4HDaCe.is, 0 ~’ SS 1,50 . 0 eiEammcntou, Y l0 110] b 0~W/nsluw, 7 14 2 17 G !0~pffog O~den, ?.l’J

~ SO, ~ nyterra,t, I 40 t 4~, ~ as

Awe, I ~t a 03 b 40Beriia, 7..~0 A 17 $ ~4Whlt* ][or,** b 14~ ~ ;St~ e elAsbttad ....... ,q 4U "O IOtlsddonfiald, 8J Md ,it IO (J 17Cotnde0, S 4t 4 4~ I~ ]a

6 4?VIun eLre*t,--nr,lre, S ~The tree"ace too Itaril~e |lusd, l=~v. Aloe f.r

Ntw York aa fellows l ~*atssmtler e’~l A. MFreigi*t with pi01oriler t.al (|’at, Euturatiugre~h Aton from N*w "laurie, i,m**eng.1 aL dl3i’. M i Yreliht 6t 462 A. M,

l’*utog poinla indJr~lt~d ~y )*t~e ~Jgu.-..

AtJOtlN FAREIRA’S~0L,i E~toblisbed Fur,~Lmofaotoi’y. No. 7t~ ARCII Street, above 7thPhiladelphia¯ . ¯ ," -" .

llano now in Storm of my own Tmp~rtation nndMaoafneturo, one of tho’b~rgest nu’l most hent~li-fit] soleeliono of.Fancy ]Y’urs. far I:rt,lies’au,| Ch/l-drcn’s,Weer in tho City. Al~o; zt fine ns~,)rlluot|toEGcnt’e Yur Gin 1 C,llars.

am enabled ;o d/~po~o of my ~o~,Is or.very~rices. nn,I I wouht Ihe~,re ~olteit a~" fr~e~ dsin lhe rmmly/md ~einily.

ltL, number the nnmo, m uber ud st~eetPJO[[N FAREIRA, No TIn Areh

St**,,bove 7th, ~lOIt/,h-s|lle, Phi/n.,~" [ here me pal tuer, nor connection wilh ~uy

other store in Philadelphia. 5x3-24

~IASO~N & ]]AhIL[N’S


factored, and ~.1[ stove shnuhicall and see it before purchusing elsewhere, It is Also. tteo, Stec~ & Co’s, IL~ins Bros., lt~vcaespecially noted for the new fe,,tures hy.wh eb & ]~aeou’~ and otherthe folowingxcsntt~-aro obtnlned = ..... ; -- .

1. An eq’uA| temperature in alL parts of tm ~lz~O~.yon, ~t~t no art ere wh Io baking vr roasting ~IELODEONS of all descriptions.

requires to he ebangcd ol turned. Priess greatly rodneed ~t the Warereolos of2. A great.saving in amount of foot rectulr~-d in

h.tkln~. . J.E. GOULD. . .3. Compteto venlilallon of tie oven = a current ~Cor. of Sovent~sad Chestnut sts.of hcntedair constantly.passin~ thruugh it,4; A new method of conveying nit ~ upon th~ 35-tf. Phi]adclph|u.

fire, consuming the ga~ses and making a~gas.burner of prnetieat utility. ~ . " . ESTABLISHED IN lS10.

5; Articlesplacedupontheovonraekwlll’~koJ~"~ em ~ancy ~y:~gquickly a0d evenly and well at the same time the Establishment.

nvouhottomisfutlyempioyedinhakingorreast. ’ J. & W. Jo’~es, No. 432 N*rt Front Street,ingo Six.pies man.he bakedat coco without turn- above Caltowhill, Philadclphi~ ds~e Silks, Woofin¯ or ch~nging~ ’ " en and Fancy.Goods of every description. TheirNo (lust.sen escape while shaklng or dumpingsuperior slylo of doing Ladies’ aud Gentlemen’sthe grate and the arrangement of thn ~h pan is Gsrmonts is widely kuowu. Crap0 an([ Merinoworks admirably.¯

v" controlled’hadthe mn~t kriJllaut or plain colors.

c]eaood to took ]Lke&e.ck of the best sloshed or re.dyed¯ iyedwarranted not re ernck.

Besides Ibe ’ Pccrine~’I bare on bond all the to look like new. C~1| and ].ok at oar work he-leading patlerns of Goo~ Parlor .nd omco stoves, .fore gnteg elsewhere. 3"¯’& W. JONES,

Also a 0-13 ’

" Large Stook(f Tic:Ware, F.ALL, ANDWINTEItof my own manufaetnm;- Tin work f,,r’heu~esd ...... hort notiee byeompetantwork .... D ~’Y ~ O O D Se

At the 0H~APEST Dry Goods Bantu to theCity. Ho;,est nnd f~ir dealing to all the be,tpolicy. All needs lold nt a smell advanoo e’erseat. We guarantno to sea| as ohe~tp asany storein tFe city¯


MUSI,IN~. ~1.4 wide; ~-4 wide; ~-4.wlde;t0.4 wide,

]:LiNNEtS. P a|u Ee,t and White A)I-A l-Wool Fi mncls andWool Mixo.t ! attd End Shirting} It ( send SIrl Shake~’, Collon mad

LINENS. Brown,and ¯White Talde T,lnonAgainnt loss qr damage hy fire. Nspkine ; I, in~n T~eln ; l,lnen D n]~erIt heLng ovn ducled an the so;no i,Inn nnd prln L none i Sh rt Bosoms t C~’osh at~d 11ueka-cipie sl tho Cumberland ~,ltltUaL. whieh ha

proved the mostecoptom~¢o.t epmpany in existence ~TON FLANNELS. Bleached and Brow:)I,~r the insured, CanLou Fluuuels,

MEN*d AND BeY’SWEAR Kentuchy JeanDII~.I~C’L’0]tS, Satinels, all-wool C~,~imere. Ilnney comb

]Inn. We. },foore~ Mey’~ t.onding John )I collnterl~anes.more, FIslorvllle; ],estq*n lllew, ilr dge ,) t; WIIITE t|0ODg, Naosnoh, Vielorla Lawn,lh Eo~;oo iMaurlcetowo Nat) sole S rat on, Citlnl, rle; Claid and Stripe ~hl~lh)s,II[vJlJot Furman L. Mnlf.rd, do, I Isaac D, ])ItESS t]OO])~. De l.~,invs, )tLn,,b A|pnset*~

Muiford, do.} John L, I~harp~ dod Franol~ Po din. Plahi, b|orinos, A good a~eorllnent oflteeYea, dO, " ’ meditlllt.prLee ])real (reeds.

’ ~ATIIANflff, STItATTON, Prns, BA L~ll)ItA], SEI tiTS, I,~diesnndChHdron.SAMUEL F, IvBtE~ Ree*y. PlaINTS, From 121 nit. AII-we,d tableYUItMAN L* blUl, t/01tD, Tress, cover,,

We e~i] ~tttt, otinn to our assortutont of S t, A ~ K.AppEeallon for [n|orlt:,ce eqa be mwde to sny ofETS, 10.d 1 I-4, 12,4, 13.t Wuul ]ILnitkele~ fro xIho following agonta on4 eurvoyorsl . $4 per" )air up te $12.Will. Moore. Jr., MaF’a IAtlldil)8. II ra ua a malt. liomember abe /~,,.’7 NarCh~,leult,t Street, first Dry (ioodl SIoro iiilllYO ~lar-

Lowe(,,aluidell.~t" 81elkler, ll’J l,’ederltl St,, kel, i~ltat side, Philndo}ldda,Alfred iV. Cleq,tent~ Ilnddou~fleld. 6x~3.2o JO/IN¯/t.. GilEEIV¯Walterl£. TltolSlnn, qq’ill|nl)sn.|ownllenry W. lltoughty s B|ooreatowe CAIIInl~TINGS.

~t40. ly " . ’" T.~-- ~ --.,q--~ J, I)EI, AOROIX,

No.,’17, soutln See~mJ It PILiln,]ed ph(a~line rec Lyed ~er let;~ arrivals itC(RTAIN, * , I , largo and varied

flpeedy 0era IlltUNNELIM ~;&lt I.I,’21’1 N(,IN,

Eatra Super and ~iuo /.grain ~arp’oti.ge C.(.NEU 91Ai ,.~o ..d tt.= ~.r,,e*., ,In e,,,t,,,, si,.do, elmNERVOUS Wholoenlnl~t,I lest,all, J, I’. DEI,AOEOIX.

No. R7 S, linen°t, rot. bet Market uu,i Cheehmi,~~_..--m ~ff DI|F..Ag£1, 4a,.’0?.t 0.St u,] t’JILLAt)’,

It is an IJNr Lll¯l~ nnl~eoY In ell e=.osof l%u. WI[,I,IAM 1’, IiOPKINS,r~lal~ VoeinlL. often effceting a porfeni sure I,less thatu rwel,ty.fmtr hntlrs~ frm|l Lhe ttsl or ire ~ Oor OW0 Mlth0*more Ihen l,~n or tke*e ril/e. After more them five yesrl e~perlenoe n.dNo uther form cd Ne;,relgla or nervous X)|selui

perintenling lu Ih’,. mlnuf~*,tu,e nf slrLetly i~r*t.hsi foiled tu ~ield to Ibis wennaareL ~t£MZnlAI. qnnLL[ty lle.p t4kLrls, ws aR~r mar JuslLy ee[.hra.ton,~r, u,,I gL~dl Lu nlerubttnll owl Ibe Ilnidie ill |U]| sun.~vpn la Ihe eevure*t calla of Cbranle Nunrnlgte fi,leneo of tkqlr *uporlorLly over rill olbere loaudgooorslnervoul dsrsu~elUVnllo.fmanyyeare dln*~rieall markett iAci (|lgy sre SO aeknowlodItanding, nffeoting Ikn oul[ro I~stem, Ila u,e for n i,y eli who wesr ~r deal Io them, aa ihoytaw days, or a few wo*kl at the utn=nel, alw~yj n*,,ro sllLifaotbm thnn ,o,y olher =karl, nl,dafford* tb* most astoui*hlng rvllnf, end r, ry rar=)¥ ,,0amend tbemselres io evusp r~poet. Dealers inhail, to prodaeo e,m[dote end porman~l~t corm, lieu ~ HkLrle should enmt-e a nulq ,,f thai fs0t,--It eooUtinl no drugs nr uther mstarhtLs In tile itv©ry a*ly who eros nO[ II|vun Lhem a Lrial~huul

slighter degree inJnrlc~s, merit Io (be mo|l dolt. * o ,. without furti~ur ds(~y.eota my|tern, end usa alws~l im aled with per/eel ilnr aslOrlmunt nnthraw~t,,~/,,~. and also f,~r l,ediss, Mien.**It hse/ong h.on in eon*Isu,t u.e hy many ofo0t ~klrt~ reed* ta order, a|l~red and ~pahsd.l~Olt Em|owiPbysh|ans whogi~eltl~lsuann. " Amk ler "|lepllta’e’(~we M*k~’*iod be eoiimolS nod u.quslil~a,I nH~tovsl, dee, iced¯ R~m t~at Ibm }~tlqr ’ l|’ I, wor*n 0n the

Hoot by moil on reoelp! 0f price q/i,o*tag~ T0tpel between Ea~b limoS, IttLd Ihat they. nm

One psteklEe, ~|.OO poainE~ ~ etu. ,t~.t ,*,d " W, T. llupt*h** Msnut=emror, IZl~mS1 Pll~bn~[e¯. ~.OO " ~7 * A*eh Nt i’hlladelJ*b|l~" upon etwh lope. NOTwelve ** 9.OO .* 4N *’ uthoM ere auuulnu. ’ ¯

¯II i. euld bI all wb,d..alo And r~talt d*slera Indrugs st*d uL’di~iael the uullhuut thu United ~lst=s, ,rl.’=..Lnd by Whale|iris a,td itrlell,

At Lhe 1’hi1*del|,hlt. Jlu.p t~ki,t hittnufm,,|eT~TUP/If*P ~ (,’O,,t Nolo ernST’s. ,,,d l’ml,.rluu,,120 ’f~rt:iont ,~’trcrt, B,)shm, Mtt~, NO. @:i~ Areb n|., l’htlldelphla.

P 31 ~?.l~m WM. T, liOPg|.N~.

-,. . , ~ "’*~ ,: ¯ :

o,-G. vs TO OUR" CUSTOME., . A~ m¢’-bDZONS.

Uentmoudy Itmm]d tho’¥1/et.Pd,/;/.(told " " : ’" ’ ~. ~ ’ >’

~."A,i¯ Amofleta

oatlhs."An the be/t In ~awere there

n mutieat erLtie.) . - t h~ll m t.pr eminxe.wham~_

this selmon. . " " ¯PEDAL ORGANS. one, two’aod tbreebtukn or’~.=alx 8ixu---~5@ tonL,500. Wlthout

¯ We take ~fetsu~ in;ado.seeming ~r Don|or’ |dFerdllne~ tad thn-¯Agdeultuml pobll~ that wehave wtthin the putye~ ioe~u*¢l oer.fuelltthn.fer the miaufneture of’our ’Row’Boas Phasphateto ta extent nneqttalind’b~ ray other ]/,,Use in LhoUnLtnd Bto~| or. Hut’epn..~.~q’hnen, faeilitina, not

r Inoludn ’of our old neteb-i wo~ks ie

_ .:’:.: ¯:’: _

¯ Tff ’

5000 ~,ns of Iblo of being largely inorentsd.

..’" ." - " ~:-:’" " .; : -thoe|olCOt oeperrhio¯~ te eondeot rhone . ¯. -" " ._

oeron.lo that oar eustomerl W[’] deflvn n proed-6nl b~nefit t~m thalr eoesolkint|on~ in oetalndng¯ $/ANURgwhlo~ Ihall m~intain a stao¢lard nnd

effoetn, ire luperltad Soho-ols; They a~ put upwalnut,’f, mey veneered w~ln’ut’(oew ~nd ueiqdestriae) mud elegaht rosewood, of rpltadid deigns e/dieTs qnldLty: ond at the lowest polgibin pries, ¯ " .and gnish,and of the beet workmanship I, It beingi~tendod thateaeh in,trumont |hal| bo model ofIts ola*.~. Atl inllrumente down to a five octavo

h nvn the bnaotiful tremol~ teram.

,etant|y onhtad ot ~urand retail war~reoms,. 841

Our illustrated ei~ular and price liltz, ,withSend for a eireu.


]~eruviau t]uauo Substitute;- .... ..



~[au~lfacturers~ ~o. 841 Btoadwa ," 4x3~’~ ~q0W+3.%r}c City,Jr’r-t1 r’rlu~[-’~l/~/[~ II’~l-I’~-I~l’ltStt’~T~l It’rl-

¯ rAINES BEe’s PIA.~OS,The ~i~no of’ ~_n~.ez-ica,. OF’LIME. ",’ These Pianos are enlvershll

e~Lnpeteut judges equal to tbc beet PinnlFor reft’renoes, they have many

not.eniduse ~nd litany pr,~etieo of ,,no Year. hut havehewn ~sed. the I,.st Piflcen Years to the ntmolt ~ _"

ti,u~ g them¯eF:nl,;MS AND--~t CDA,~qSuch h~P been the do-

I(t for. tbeso "Pianos, that bfgSses I[Aisze

I[~vlug now.one of the most extoeslrecomplete Factories in the United States, F~etorte~alor.n entering over ]’of an nero of ground, eom-

][~-.U~T’~ ~ SO~S~prt~ing ~ f~entage of 219 feel’go 2d Avenue¯They are undoubtedly the cheapest first class

Pinnns (u m:trkot. Fully gnaronteed for 5 yedrs . ,Solo. Proprletors a.d Jlanufaeh*rer#~Send for Illuslroted Circular. " Del~w/tre Rivet Chemical qVor]ks.HAINES BitO*8~

PIIIL~DELFHIA,358, .~5S 3d0, 3fi2, 364, 366, 36~. 370, 3~’2,4x37. Second.¯venue, ~Tcw York City.

.... STEVENS; ]I][OU~E.

Zl, 23. 25 ".~" 27 llroadw=¥, N. 3.

¯ ~_~ Opposlto Buwt~ng Green.’ ~N TIIE EDIt0PEA~ PLAI~.

~llaod widely heowuhe IoeationJe e,pe~inlybusiness men : it ls in

he business part of the eity~, of South~’rn r.~-~ Weotorn

travel--and ~dj=eent to ~li the prino~p~l railroadand steamboat depots. - , ¯ ¯ "

Thn.Stevenvitonse had iLbernl oe~ommbdatinnsforoter 30~.guest~--it ~ welifurnisbed, and pos-sesses every modern improv~ement for the comfortnod entert:tint~t nf it~ inmates. The roomsarospac[ous mud well ventilated--provided withgas and wnttr--tlie attcodaneo ie prompt and re-spectful-.-a~ttl the tabin is generously provided

-of the season--at moderate

The rooms r furnished andoff’or

tics" for the comfort andGE~

- " and~c~d~won~s,


.y.~Fan0ers.=re reeommendet~’t~ purchase oftb*.dosler leeated in thoirneighb~rhbed¯ In sec-tions where no de~ler is yet eetabtlehed, too Phofphstte /~y he proenred ,Ureetly frmn the und.r-signed, " A prieed:Cit:eular wiLL I~e~ent toall uapply. ¯ . . ¯



BAUOH BROTHERS & CO.~e.eral W]~o~esale Aeents,

~T EW 3.’OBK.40-5a13 J r, . " ’ ~

: .

GEOnOE ~)UOI)A~,~:,En~pl~e ewing ~I[aehlne~olahore,ore .4~,ta fo~ Jf.,~o,td .,,d r;.~;,,;.,

PrinoiL)ul mince. 616 Broadway, " 97 & 105 EJ[ITIIW iVJIAI~F, "N’EW YOEK¯~ -

’ BALTI~0RE.OreatimproTem0nt~ in sowingmochines: Empire . . . ’ . .~huttlo. Crank Molten Sowing Machine. J~’Js ~< ~"---’~thus rendered’noiseless in mellon’. Tt~ ~otinn be- " ~ We ere prepared to supply eur.P:denting nil positive it ia not linbio In get out of order. Sectinnnl ~[iil to all Manufacturers for grlndiogIt is the hem| Family Naohlno. Nntloe is called Donee, Guano ~tnd all other hard suhstanoos.bl our new~tod Improved manufoeturing machines- 4a50.1y " .for I~allure~and Boot nnd Shoe Flttem; ¯ Agentswonts, I, to whom a ilboral discount wJil begivon.No consignments made4a23 EMPII~.ESEW~NGMACHI~NECO: ALLEN *&.:’NEEDLES’

pAINTS, for ¯ FARMBBS and oth0rs.~The ¯ IMPROVEDoraoooblin.ra,, into ........... 0, 0.... i.~ theh.,~oh..stnod =,tdue.hi. p,int SUp-Pho ate of Liein use,; two eost~ well put on, mixed -with pureLinseed Oil, will lost 10 or fifteen yeor~; iris of TliE BEST,a.liglit brown" or ohoeolnt 9 solar; and eao -be- .TIIE_CilEAPJ~NT. ....ohangedtogreen, leed, ttone, drab, ollveorcream~ TIlE ~IIO8T UNIIFOltYi.to suit the taste of the eoneumer. It Io w|uab)e TlgE’~IO~tT FINELY PlgEPAREDfor ]louses, Bares, Fenced,

toms, Conva~, Mqtol mad Shiug|o lt0ofs (It beingfire and weter proof,) Four OLI Cloths In the Morket. It is packed Inofaet.rer having used 5000 hhis,,¯ od ms a p~int for any purposeis un,nl ~EW BAoS, 200 ]bs each¯ $50. per 2000body, durability, einttiei!y, and ad ~0ond.~.Pr/ce ~8 per hhL of 300 lhe. wllivh wl i eupp y afarmer for year to ease. ’ Wnrra-nted in all ensue. " .~ Largo I)iscount to Doe]cr~ms ~bnve. Send for tt eireninr which airs, fullpurl/molars.. ~one gonaiuo unless brooded in a[rode mnrk, Oraft~n blinerol Paint. Ad,]rees ,, PEItUYIAN GUANO.’DANI~L.nIDW]~LL, 25d Pearl Btreet, I~¯.Y.-

9 1 eYe dell only ~n. I-~’coelvod d/rest from |he-- goveramonL

So’wing ]Y[~tchi~e~, ....p.rin to .,i oth:., fnr F.,oli, eod .... :rmel sf&oturing Purl~nSes. Agents wanted, Address One A~’n Usa

EMPlltI~ S. M. CO., t"l Broadtva~, N’ Y¯ALLEN" & NEEDLE~’

0~0mllli~Ipn ~lerdmnl~. A~t~XO~ATED

Jfohn ~W. winken. , ~’~ ~’ R T I la ~ Z ~’ ~,

C.mnds,lon 1)ealer la TllE RI°NT.T II I’: (ill EA PE~T.

~EI~]tIES, FI~UITS, ’ ~’lg~ MOST lte:LtAng, Eand nil kh,d~ cf Country Produce Non. IS, 14 & ~IANLi]tI¢ ],’01t "]S FAE~IEIiS CF, NTItAh MAItltP:T ou I)~t,-

PIIIt,ADI’~[,PltlA, Eerrlee resolved ni dvlit CIItudent lend returned free of ehnr And to pormenent;y onriob’ti~o ,o|L Paoked Infor pntt[nS on {~,}loe{s eaD ho good bags, 4~0 illS. elteh,PUY’S, li,tlOlneo[~n, ~, J,

Pidlndehlpltln, 5lay 23d, 1867, 43. be4 88g~ per :~0~0 poulldn.


Comet,lion Merebnnl InIt Rlgll’~N. |’|*~ACIII"N Inn,| I.~EN-


5)"/]3t~x-cl~y St.. N; Y.would eell the attenliou or h’rmt t]rowors tn hleau mrior f*toliLfle* r.r tits ssle of fruit eepec al yOorrJes, (Ire ,e~, and So,elitist, lie tins ran, o or-rat~ffon Ul Is w li doe era all i eonlunter, by whleilale ~’S enabled to dispose nf lllWgO ,inanllt e, effra~t 0t .i~uri let[me nnd eo Lhe molt It,] V llllag0nneterms, Jill Illleessl lu the p~l hhn blle;l Itilnil airIn Instlrtl pileeule tn the faints, Call,till lOel ,nyre y upuo VltT[r ~ull entrust reltLrl)~, i

Curds for mnrklngbnxes maybeu*htaloed ’In llaounontea Bhtex & f)ni’v~’~ 0fA. el,.

All Pernon=a

line[no Fltt[ITS aml tlEitltil,:~ for t, ;rl stsro advLsod Lu look to thelr own iulvrults and iJulidtbom to

(~URI, ,& WILN4hN,CommLslinn Me;ebant~ Jn

~T’ A boovy diNoust to deniers. "~,~

Agrlool(nrei Works, ])osch ~nd PInna streets,O~oes nnd ~tores, 41 S. W~Uer ,L., & 42 S. l)ula-

ware &venue¯¯ PI-IILADELPIfIA.


Complete Manure,MannfacLttrad by

HENItY BOWFAt, "~Gr~*y’s Pert7 llo~,d, l’hila




Roger’s Patent

ARE"I’HE.- ]3~T -:A ~TD C .H~FEgT ...... - .....- BU[LDI~TG MATERIAL KHOWN. ....

..... -- =They hnyc.b.n.eu n ..

Central Itullread U,,mp~ny¯ re.using them for building purposes:in the|rreed and the attention of the public ie Iovlted tothe fu|lowing letter resolved a few days ago fromtheir archBoet : " ’"

- [Oepy.] .

OFFICi OF TE[~ ’.ILL’. C~C~L )

¯ " . ’; ~,AIL ~boAD. -’ ~

¯ CHICAGO, DeC. 1 lth, 1866,To IV/we it May Co~cern:

This is to certify that I have" ~-~ --~~estc~t ua~ Rm~ no~" usmg’ t]~e ~ ~Bric]~ i;made by "]7~o~n’s Coff~i*a. "CR~ PRESS," and ~ecomino]/~them to be" the best ConCret~v~: ~Brick manufactured. ~~’~"/

IsaAc L. SC]/RIDE]/,ArChitect I. O. ~; R. Co’,-

Partles ongeged is-. the’manufae’ture of thesebrisk In Chicago, ardor the date of Deo.27,186~,write aa fo)inw,’:

"The Conereto Brieknre doily growlng in fe-ver with’the building eomnmuity. Wn hate Justsold 9000"1o "o.no pxtrty at ~35 per Lhoueand, ’endhe hauls them 3½ mt[e~. ¯ ¯ ¯ We

ent, nile with the prod~etien of the Amo~’ienttRloek ~ompany and find them soperior in storyrespect. On’r bricks in the y,~rd ate now eov0re,twith snow aKd Iso, end they ere. superb. ~Vobrought ab.nt 30 down to the of~eo le.~t week nmL:put some en a hot drove, mud oeuht pereetYe snei~a,uge. Erery one ~vbo bus seen them ~ny~ theysro o,onand v~i]L slhnd fur ages, which we fltm’-ly believe¯ " Prof. Sil tman of Ya o C~ 1 ego hnnexomi~e~ thtm nnd says it is his opinion " theywill coottnue to harden for nt lcost two" bundrc~lyo~rs." " ’ ¯ ¯

A UdLWhnnever those hrLeks harm been exem nod~nd telted the ver~liot is i~tvarinbiy fnvorah]e.~The. v~]uo of’ con rote ne ~ building material

long beei~ admitted, butpersons sl-

its m~nufoefure

"the pal|tile in its utility ban been.shaken,the summon eonoretbi,aa bccn reFeotediy

perfect sheeemqod [I eels, durebi~"

made, by those whoart.

brick le similar to enmmoo eoneret¢, hot ,uporierin some important respeots. The br/cks arm I~oa-


and such oneIs subjected to the enormous pressure of

Sixty Thousand Pounds.Thil preesuroeeucen a onion of the lime and

snnd tbot enn beeffeeted in nn other wey, nodthls i;’ one of the Neorete of the superiority of Ihehrieks un,l Is mum of the polnts protoetedby pat-ent.

Thehrieks are harder thnn the beet of buretbrisk, w,th the’eoreers simon tut~ They Ihusform n Imndsemo well that doe, not need tO bO

of tire

In lieu hrieka are J~l to 3~ oommunh~lck, wj)l iny semewbstmura Ihnn ~t p0reh. The bricks are do Laid de Inform ¯ hoUow well t .tim epaon between Ibm Iwl,wn}l~ helnk two Lnelt~s, T|tbt makea a 1,el)clingtbat will he ~ost proof, If the doors end wlndewanro prnperiy tilted¯

Thowa)JJ being by)low no dampno,e con pen-elrnte them, It Is found that hu|ldlnga imilt oflhesv b’rLek~ arm even dryer ihno wood bolldLngi,as the most draying storm onnnot find a crack er0rcvloe to penettoto,

Aa the inside wnli is porfeody dry, no studding.r i~tthlng is ~q.lrnd, end the m, ly piJeterlnKrlecessary Is thoflu[shlng eon~ which [e put on’lbeilrlnk. TOni, sledding ialli nelll end Ihefirst cent dfplestering ere eared.

The portitinn, cea alan he mode ef thll brisk,w|thout ituddlng or talh,¯

CELLARS.The hrloks arm the bo,L known molerml 6,r

cellar witiLe, A woi[ oflhem |t cheops’ lilan awail of,tnne end menF IIinus boiler, The cellarweile belng,lsid with nn olr 0b0mber niLi imworm in wint,r and ennl i0 summer¯ ]iy site |leonf dunblo windows and proper lyetem of venlL.011e{Inn, ihe ceilor eta be made prnofngnin,t Iro~tIn Wilier nnd nearly ooel nnoegh lot on iru-hlmso]ll summer end nil Wllh less expen,e Ih~nnrdJutry e~ 1are ore bu It for.

Ti*ey ere o=tenslvoly u,ed for fotmtlntlenn inChJongo~ and or0 heine introduced in Washing.ton,

SIZE.Thobriek* ~ro lOxbx4, bat In ¯ well ef lea

inehe, eneh I~rLck htye 10Xhk5 Ohm loeb on 11)oslde ofenehhrlrk helng e owed for boule.cham-bers, wlih,h le two InoheSo .

COST.and Ibe Welt tel thlrly.firo


. |)A(~Kgl) IN ])Am8 175 /,Ill, ]~A(Ill. ,t n hlgb prlrel our In ti~o l,r.~tof the mOllOfl©~nrtr II ibis prlre gr0nl*,r tim.

Pit©el ~55. per TOll mS ~2000 Ibn* the l,rUflt et the ,rorant prleoe of ctb*r i,rlek nedIti~e.uut (,~ Steelers, brother,

Jiut It i~ pro tosed to lntlnduee them |nln il;leDOOTI[ 4 (IAItRETT~ ori’hLIndeLp In, Chem. v[rhtlly by m~muf’eeLuring them at a Imall pr.flh

Ista vl ~l~h e|andJng, In their rspoet o;’ 0 ~tutt A #, whoa Ibm profit le ,llo*a aad the meegin*mel/,fell, day t0"us I " The vomit[laths nf t’o ahuvo tile prnflt must ha linseed by 0toy ebauge le Ibe[ndlostes It dioh[*d edvenea in ibm tountmrit[,~o ¢,nlt or inoterisl nled nod thn psiea of Jebor titser a FerriJIs~r by Ibm iotroduetiee ~r a aonridsr. I,rlee cannot b definately elatedl bet St p¢#,,e.ietl]n Iq eentA[a uf Potalh cud el)unreels e,s eunlraol| wlll bs mldl for t~l hrlebl atminim, nvolvedln the name, *,Camldelo blenu~. ,,JYltUITS & ]~F~lt111ES

VINE ST/LEST WIIAItF, PI/II/A. WILI,tAMd A MOSS, .f Pblladelphla, Chota- ~ ~ ~]lO’t~]~J~(’~I,I, uf lesga eal,erleneo Io the nonlns , o’ For- eL tbey0trd, ur plneontmenaf~tnr*,---wb eh een-IIIGliEST ~ ABle I|T PlaICE8 tlUAR, llllser,, *ST I **We fled freht an un=ly, s ,,f yevs *lderi.g th.le she, I, ee sheep me $6 Tb n th,,us.ANTEI~D, Jtienoy Pavhages fol’w.rJml.~-.s ,~’ "Complele h(enure" that the mtn*u’ yam ba~e and for etey brisk. Atihq~em*tlmethnospoo**¯ ap~i*e,*emadnysloLoslovuleolsuLo,odouL g[v,:n [L Is eer~inly wertlulud by lls Chem oai et layin| Ibela La l,sl thta~, oxpnnlm ef ieylag]i~mpLy holeS, Ito. I e~tora~ frun wiib it.prompi, eem~olllirn I in ~ddltinn to tholeordiaily remus, beukon at,Jo* ¢,e onmmta bl’~ke. " .°euun|quallmlby°nyniheTfirminlhee]tY¯ m*sding your Ferlidesr frum n Chemieel .teed The eloenfaelU,e of these br 0ks w be beg inCAItD8 for meshing pawkegee to be hod of the pnh0t,t~s shouhl irate thlt |Is meehsnie=l o,mdl¯ in ][smmontort la a fnw weeks--wherehe I’ a,Ag*=ta at Ib* digo~at R. it, Slatienl, 4a6fi.t0 [lot* I| In.st oae.li.ot belllg snell #i to aduLIt t,f ell,10 ,~eo .f Ihs company i, I,ral=J¯

..... |el Ule io the drill wllhont further prupsreli.n,’* ()rder, are snHeilsd. *~L| Is.luLlS.. i~y .*dl ~rII~-~]N~Y I) ll]~INrll~l~’~ f~l- "Complete ensure" hns hoeo u.ed larg*ly otherwl,e will ha plomptly answered,

~,EAT[,Y DONg, Er and Iho teathn,my tbu| for to. I~, C, Sinew i~ mOnn,th* ho.t Vu.tlilis~r yet It*.~1|O~¢ & Corder) t)rd=r, roreJeaLl and |l]furmsli.n gloom i,y Jsn. Ifilh IS~IL

l|anaoeTos, ~I, J,,

ItareaLlczs mire’% PlXON,.HIIAEPI,I~.I~H & CO., l’er,**n* ,lu.trln~ ulshl, far ony Fete of New

l~al,llauuu:~roe, ~, J. (t~ole Age°t*) Jer,eT, wlll piston mddre,s I~,, C,-finow A ~en.

Ilamtaogtt,,t#. ~, .J , wbu wlll Ueiotlate for sat*Aa|-Jy t0 south Wha, ves, I’hihtdell~hl., sJi ,Igh|e Ih,vulbUul tbs thnte.

.but ~b=t i.n Philadelphia, ~nd ia the sts~eof Pcnn~ylvnu[a, there is a n~itjodty of sial,zens .~¯Vorab]o t~the t~eoonstmetiod"aeta:ot:Oongh~,~and (0 it~ gen0ral policy, whlehforms thd but~ of ghe Repub)k=n party.--Electi0es of p~t. years’ have too. fully de.monstrated this tO: amit of st’doubt," y..thow are we tO eceount for the dlshearl~n[ng

result of the recent e]ect]o~ in this st¯to ?The lalotlon ;d ea~. to’one at allobeervant.nnd ia this, tim apathy and ~degleet’ of thenut~ Of RepubUcans. They thought the

.r0s~lt was sure to’~bo favorable, and manygo to. the polls,|while through the

tlone, very few meetings w6re held, and

but the tuna]lest eff0rt made for the’snorersof t~e~ticket... Jn Ph]}ade]phin:~erlt~ipa

the most cat’nest eff0rtswcru made, bUt didnot ¯Tall :to overcome the influence 0f.the

b~ t~e pmdde~+-

erentures, Was givcn

most. influence in favor 01and how powerlul a motes tibia was cam be

~een in’t~e-k’esu]i;’-~B~t iu the interior oftho.~tatc th0re was less¯ro0m for operations


m0nstrates t0n,:eertalotv that the blamerd~ts:up0h the Revublichss them~.e]res---

Their neglect gave socc~Ss to our cnelnies.[n thTs tittle town the yotc was one hun.dred ohorh, the ILcpuhilcsn lost [ovty, the

C0p)erhead ton: The Copperheads areUuivel’~ally more falth’ful th~n Our own psi-~

ty in :,trending tbe polis~ and though t]leydid not liere gain a eingi’e’vote ~rom U~, tlierusuh Ul=clc it nppcnr eo thst iA, the fail.urn of gepuhlicans to do their duty ]e~so~l~

ed COll’~iderably the ~’epubiican majority.TJ~ey th~bght~th~Tesult wns safe~witl~om~

hldividunl effort, and Consequent]w modenone and nuntber~ thoughtit’unnecessaryto vote. ~ They smiled when the importance

of the elect;on was Dressed upon them.--Why, enid thcyl there is to be an e]cctlooo~ a Suprenle:Jndgo and members_of theLegislature only, is it then so.hoportnnt?

They forgot t~:tt the s’.atc legist’at urea electthe Scnatc of the Uftlted States i whose

conservatism has. already beqn nf =xntold

injury to the country. ¯ ~he pl~ess of theState wouthcy did not heed, the J~ct that the Cop-

t r ¯And viotory wss glv~n to the encniy, The

evil effect of this defea~ of the friends elCongre.~:Calln0t hu estlmatcd, theJu,proalone "will di’selose it. But let the re~uh inthis state be a’ warnlng" to" our fricodethroughout New Jersey: ~"ir~t., lct ]~ebcstcandldaten be chose,t for n?~ the positioits.:A few nf the candidates upou thoTtcpub-

liesn ticket in Philade]phla could" by nn

the best meneooseq

ue of’ the causes contributing to

detest. Let this error bo avoided, and timbest men be eeleoted for ’the several posi-

untiriag~ -iltdlvidual, -and united efforls,and thn cause nf right will trimltph. The

injury which abring upon the ~ountrfcsnnot ho told, hutcertain it is that such a restdt’wnu]d great:Jy eltcoursge’ the )’lesident in his threat ol.

nrmed resistance to Cocgrcss. trot NewJor~ey ra£ber say, the wlekod delusgngnewhn o.~culdus "thu %%’blto lln{ISC ~h~ll notrob us’of Iho fruits gshled ill eros)ring re-

heLLion, nor sbsil he eTevstc the rebelliousr over the hems of the toys].

.J/ISUEI, L.4ArRous."

The Llt tl(~ I)oetoa’.

[Conelnded.] . .

d~liley IToneywcll, the han,l:~omn nnd

aristeeratid, bowed nthor shl’hUh sed or.cry glrl whu knew hot’~ellvlcd her. dessie

’Run shnuh| huvo hnon o~nt~et, lull she Wlm, nut, Onca indeed, whet the ]),elor h~dgnns nwsy with his flowers in his II,nd limeoncc hntk!ng b,,ck, she Ionud Iicr.~e]l st.lld-inn nUlqd ells! roses with tears in her eyes I

alld ;t Itsng of tnnrtiflcntian nt her hcart,

A~vnkoniulg to too tlcn~elUllSness of thls she

L stanlpcd her tittle fn(,t nngeily¯L, Why 0hnllld [ fan1 imrt thnt tie sores i

IInthillg for aim now?" sald S|lO, " Lethhn ndutlr~ that ~irl ~t tho c~)ttago if’he’will, It is nnthiug to tnc,"

Whelt next eho wont to ti,e little ent~ag~

ohm lound thn abutters dn~cd, and the uld

wnluan opened the clear very en|ity,"Good muruLt~g, Miss," ~ho e~id, "nly

young lady will ho glad to sec you, Siloha~ beet very Iow--dylng, [ thought.Nlcbbe she’ll dim yet," And tears cnnleLate the old croaiure’~ eye&

¯ , .,r¯ r., ’? I..,,, . ¯~.~,¯ ,~ ;,f?’7~ ~’~%Ila~tom, AUatm/da :Co,.,, ~,,. t/.

Ui :t ." "

: c ¯ ,

,m([~*(. ~:

it ,,,,: U , ,

¯ i~,,. ~o¢ co~o~z~.~ , , ".:.

ElectionTuesday,~ov,$th. Pelfs opetl


The Soldiers Honore&I

tLoll-.Itll Le~lmol= t~o ~=tl. ~ ~...]’~i~L Cavil~m , eandldato ior

!~,¸their titles; Sheriff h~ lie

adepmd~n motion o~ lion. D. }Y. ~dlisle,~fKtlantie Cit~: -~ ~ ~ :i i "<." sentimenU;.l~rty,.,..~e,.i~lqt#.s .WoiK’

’ an7 Vtetoxt:till h~ was takenwhioh zllme.he- di~

~ct u~l~s~t in ebele,ed He was taken to ]

regale, Johs .,~ :Abh0ttt el Ilandlton,

eliosen as the e~ndidate ef t~e:¯ ~ism~io~ ~or Assorhbb’,Jaeob Keihr,"o~’AtlautioGity. :Nb ofhcr.aewlgati~n l~i;ing mad~ bewas’ ueauimobsly ~:hese~i’~byaed=mtdon. Per Shtti~,.I/eUt. ~m’~

D=nlel E. Is:nrd, oi¯ and~ John ~bditey, of ’Wey-

mottlht ~Th0 e~avenfion then took a reee~ot.flve mln~:tes, tO ~ eutthle the. ~pre~nta-t[~e~ ’~f .the several eleellou~llstdets to tsaj0rlty’cfl202

.ol tbe.o~veuti~n ai~ord[~g m th/~ rule

s~t: (¢1~ 30,450 are d~t’t~e’Ue

e~ ¯ ¯ ~e resnlt a~ a great Der~oomalie~¢aiu, wk,n¯ " ’ ¯ ~ 3 bytbelr~ffn’~[~awing the.t~ issnaetua] ions

Hammontnn~ " 2 ¯ ~ On’ I ~,~st

- ’ : . ¯to t he ~eturlx~ I

th0 kind of


eriek~hur& /~.r,ebllgatlo~e Of ~ immedlatslytook tlmllold,agalp, ~ldlw~ in the hattle~of Chan~d0rvilie, G~uy~h’~rj~h, BrandyStati~, ~llae lt.a~, a~d t.nntah~r ef ofnerengagemeatek ~n mast of th~o he was [athe ve~ thi~l~ast of/he figilt. At the ex:pltatlon of hlg tilr~ o[ enlislment he rcdea-

tO itldU~ lithe to OllliStt slid

isA~:il !gd Wl;ea hpw~s x’ad~’[’d. ~.--.He=imn~edk.t~ly.’rejoined ~Is x’egime~ltandJiezved thto~gfi the wh,,[~ uf the GranteampaiRn, he Wts,with $1icridan tl[rohghthe Shcuandoah. )~klloyI m~ti| Sept* 19tfi,when he wa~ eewr=tl£.’voundcd[ lie wtm

" --: ~ ~- " -~ a netessityepl~merM. Tl~elrgleryipfi wi!i lmi~a, and’througlrall rim hmhur epe~a-::: ’ le = "z t0 bebutforaday. TIt~..resulti~,,h0wever, tiensofhie~reginwi,tnud brigsde, tilltheOn motion of W n, ,~loore, Jr., life nem~ ~ significant one for Repuhlit~ns, army ws~ m~tcred out a.d opetl Iv;Iv at an

nat on of Lieat. :Sam 1 1 , Cue eet, we~’ ] cud,: ,:

faCtOry [o tho:¢oth;en~idh. ’ : " :"The~th:or ;~a,~Jidatg~i-wo~u ~

by warm frlen&t whb ~i’gh Ohs’J ~/"~hnbmingtiou: "Bat all wsrer d~,~b~d tO hr.~de to the will Of- the m~jorlty. B~desthls, it mast be cohfdssed;: thb no n aa bel!a tried:tied faithful ssldier to the bestoffice in the ~unt] ~’S~ matte~ Of~atlsthe-ti0a to .every Repahllt~n p~es~nti Shd thnone mo~]hnd tO tl~e’pther taadid0t~sJ’nrp0nis~, atlon: I" tact w~ li:~lppe~ Ib’l~nOwtlii’£ as sObn ~s it n;hs knowii l~isuL’ Cavb

!he h~nilsa-

thertate legls]ntttte is on0 ~f lbe most impeli~’ht’:i~dd, Not having muuy .o~.ee$ todispe~se, the legTk]atlve bcdl~slaro Iook~fl.ripen as insignificant, and. it is wlth diffi-culty ti~e Vtbple are ro~d toga senso oE thei,hn pnrlaue~.apathy’so ellen manitosLed during erich~leotions~.~ the cn¢ now pendit~., basilsspring. It i~ fnTtheruJore eLresgtheaed by.the feel that’the; m~,jcritie~ do not countbeyond the county, and that coascquendy

s nt] that isneeded In strong conntlcs~ such a nmieL-i~y-’,s ~ns,de~d Ss certaun crery ,Way.Eve~" ~’oitr thinks every ether will db hisd~ty, ~onseqneutly his own ~aa be mislyno.elected. It is in thh ’k~3’-that ma’~y teen:~ies in P~nnsylvania, usually gMng us ~,ueer t’~o thausand maierlty;- kave Ctls yearbeen :’nTtied hy the ])enmerals¯

Without desiring to ceeale any hls.eaTnrm, We feel boded to s~y Lhat the l!e-I ’ s of Atlanlie eoumy are in iust this~l~J O Dew

¯ tlfinks he ~’an stay aWay from the. poliswithont the ]enst danger to the cau~.

c~lse. ".And every Eepub-fimaa ought to qmke it his first buslne~a tobe attbe pnlls fifiu’selL and his next~ toseethat every other Ecpuh]ican is .Ihere also:"Eternal vlgiisnte *’ at the hall0t box ’*is


IE’he C|t nsdldltte lor .~hex.tll:

ise~ wortlL keeping [u mldd thst

a sohlh.r lhr the hcs’.’o~c~ [ntho e0unty, and hy so d,dlN 1LSVe SlLe~n

flint their pl-i~le~i~ns of fi’ieud~lrip ler lho~oldlerbeve not hevn idle boasts, Lieut.

the fieLd was not. an idle Inestlme. iIis lotwns one of thil nnd ]f:lrdship. IIe wa~ hl~i~e foreti~e~t of e0me of the Innrdest toughtbattles, oadnecerJh’ltched. Ile was alwnysrehdy ibr the nnost desperate ImSl. tto ox-pedeuced too, ell kinds ofs~rvlc&" IIu wasit her~ and tbero ~nud everywhere" as the

~aI.’~ngis. Ills ofGccra hnd dell confidenaebl hhn, nnll when n true nunn was ~’atlted¯ for ,otne desperalI, undbrtaki~y, in "


omitted¯ =BUt;~t,is enea~h to Sfiuw him e~- :tilled to some ;en0alderaiisn at, the hand~of the party. Ile.~’a~ sc~:cral times pro’motcd. Thv I~tSt prolnoLh)n kl2isg tO aLieuten’antey. He wonld ],ave bed math

Ihlsstatcbced difihrent. Itiswellknownthat under ~ovcrnor ]llll"hnFs no.]lepuh-]i~A~nt however nlerlbJtlen~ his ~-erviccicould get~ pi’ou otio, ~ d L Miser w~t~altogetbe~ too earnt~t inn hh opposition

rebellion, t,of the derntCraoy rd rills ~tate. Tho I)6O

p]e olthi~ caunrv, new kavea ein:mee to

promote hhn. n,d theyw~lw" 1 do it. tie is ayou,~ nmn, nnd pnmn "d3~m lun’ent~ havebeen dend nmny’y0ar~ dud he is de]leud-ent toJ" a honlo entirely np0n tl{o efforts of

]ti~ One arm. ’].’he 1)arty are under tfiemost bb]ding obligation tn see’thnt what-ever e ffnL’t thr ids tic.lien i~’nce~cssary to so-

l tUL’C it, shaU ho made. %Vo bare- ~;otes

Wc shoahd ~ay ihat the ~olmd he reeched was ~ ba]l thmugfi tee ’elhow~~ht[!en~d tile belle. It wns w[[h ex{rcnledt~ficqliy the arm wns aneed, and it

little u~e. ¯

"1"he l~e:l~O=~ "%Vh3".We remetoher tha’t~ wl~el~ Lient, cavl]eez

first entered upon the dutb~a 6! ~nn~aat-aL-Arnls ot the ~ena~o, come o[ the I!Ji~erah~e¢Opllel’hcad~eompo~ingtllesfinoriLyofthat

faet. lhat their ~ergcant hnd bul nile arm be¢onhl use. m~d did d~eh" bcst to make the

election 6fa di~Lblcd soidigr to that po~i-: rinn, a ]eprvaeh to the Rullubl[can parly.Ten go one, Ihc eopparheads ui this courtly

vll u dhrako es h ~g T ey w

Sheriff, hnoause by a scv~ru wnund received

when tig!xtltlg tllat pettish o[ 1he copper-head pazty south of the ~,llon Litms~ he ][as

nenrly Lest the usa of his left ann. ’d’heyknow thls doea not tnll~t hhn Ior tlln di~-ehuTpe nf thin duties or 3.]1~ utile0, !be ehouhlphysh’nl fi~ree be ucen]cd in any enso, nhlddeputies Oan be readily ~btah,ed. Atn[

tln,y know f, trLhcr, tiler whh his etrongr].dlL artn ftnd ~i~rior nlusollar IIOWeI’~ h0

are’an trlcd uln~n nnd knnwn fur ]ccted~ dud lie u0ver a~hed te belnt olt.--Innnesty n f hr*~ nml nprlgh(nets of ehnructur~ThcgLcaterlhedangcr, thenlor~rendyJlean,i’(or fidelby to Tn’iacilde. q hey ar~ menwa~ t~ nndurlako il, Iles;dns Iria v6rrisuinwlmlrl enrrupt hlflxLenee~ cannel ten,h, nlsl the Iblldhe lilt;IF hnd lull CXllerlcneo nfrebelwho will under a, ll eirrusldnmees, ii inl~iu

enns~c’qnn!l~yill7 the lit’is°he"lie wn~ fnr ~otnetln, e cnx,fimq in

lheln’ he,mr UlllS. fllld I,ihhyand nn I!,!lln IAe, and kutoi~, ahl)no) of’tlno l)nrly th,!y rl!prn.¢llL lln~l. I1( about tlint eXll~tleneo, After ]tltl Y’~Icas*ten ~le Ihny serve. ’ ’ he had a Ihw day. fia’l nlgll durlna ’,vhtoh k

....... ¯ ." ,, ~i~hed:hi, ItUInL! lind W’I ~ary ~’UIl i’eiuc{n-

~qEt qt, I[~,y$.L f~ish ~’~,,= ~ ,exalting noweh npter 0f" Cast’Away hl :t 1{~"~ ~’~ "~Ti’i~"Diaz gl~.~twoimq~¢~pi~l [’~eILel~ from~ilLit rh. ~’[lh~y ~ t~~’l{i~ rG~’dndi~othbr ;"Oail Handhon kgaini"

roll prelu~ely illuatrat’ed moke~ thia~bc~u:~ ong 0f’the best

Thg Puhllshe~ pt~ent’an impomng at-"

Folks" /or 18fill, Charles Diekoila

Holid=y l~manee,’! whleh ,wiLl aearly ~un~b~r~, Mth inuutratlo~gro~t0~ of En~li~h de,i finery, ~’qhThe Author ~I ’!John: lldif~!’ will eon-tribute covers! nz tislea iu pr~ and ,,,eree,Dr. Hayes wiLL finleh hls eapitld stery, *’CastAway ia di~ .Co!d." ~f~ "S~owe will. eon-ti~e to mit~ oket~he~ Lika th0so Md:hbar’made’her so popular with the read~01 Fo’ks.9

~ddch will be il-

,t e, Thd Seven Little Sist0rs," 6u~nl tho IXlOSl~ll~mlllg e| thddrelta ho0k~*will tell "Dame Natnre’~ Storlos," taoisin-


m ePmherwill h~lp nnakc ~’ Qur Young ~’n[k~’~con-

*’ h "~’iil |m seen rinitJ~rln~’:~bt/;s for I86g hnis somet]zisg for itspatrons in every juvclnilc dep~L’tluen¢ ; Eo-

nlaner, l lister," Fieti~.~h Fact, Poetry, l’ro~e,Fan~e’ @ei~aee, 3[a~ie, .~.lt, n,nl 3.muse.ilion| n ted it must eonltinuo to he; asll 1law

,’J,I drear O beget i a~re-

d~teed’rat~s,~md d’tmn~um~ Srn olf~rtd fornew Sub~erihers. Send toTiekuor and

Fields. __ ~ . -=-.----~- .

’£tm AT[,x~’rw MIIs~iLV far ~ ove’n,her,!q ut I/and, with the fifllowlng tabhz r,i’e,m-ten s: Part Eleven ~t The Guardisn=’tngetrhy Dr-O, W~ l[ohi~es, OpMons td thelatn-l’r~Mdent Nott (~L~ll]i~ll C011cgc," "re-speexi~g Boo e, 8t~Ucs aud 0rat.ors, byProL" Sanbmn~ ot Dartmoath C~diege.Uretua Iho’s~

: tkc I~laml,incidents of t hc SLruggie bgtw’een ths Cre-hlna and Turks, Ohahson wlthont 3htsle,bye. W. ]Iohues. TIm]RoseP.ullms, co~i-eluded hy I ce Czry 1 ho GrayGotha story hy 51iss E. Staart Phelps. EusyBt~in~ a ehapterofLiterary Aneedole byAnstih Abbett: Part Senond, and ldst, ofThe Aatobisgmphy o! a Qun~k. A shorteasy en the authorship of the noted poementitled Tl~c LIS, by Okarles Sprague. The

nly,Stepl dn (~. Foster and Negro bliastrelsy,by l~gb~t.~ P. Nev[n. The ]~ea~t ofvest, a poem, hy E, O.~tcdman. Al’ublle Ukaraeter, a akdteb of the lifo~ char-acter aml services of. Josiah Quifiey,~fass.~ by James ]lussc][ Lo~ve]h TheChnsldraey ak Waskington: llevicws andLiterary Notl&~,

"iy~ flare re~ived Lhi~ weok lk-~m ]loot

~n~ ~d~;, masla pab][shez~, Chicago Ill;,tliofollowhto piscesofmusie, Impatisuc~

50 c~s,. " Nigh~ 1~|bt~ P,~LprsbarK~: 75et.~. ~*LauraAml"30ets, "~uft]ym~wthe Lightol Day" (eliertd) 50cts. Auyo| thu pisc~ n’lay bo obtaiued by ineil bysending the pric~ to lleot nnd Cady.

been known, hut it is nn[. since thoofiL [nthe inr/]etlt’ar forJn O[

I Wlts d t~3OVOI ~J tkat Ig hiboca bruu,ht Io

ItH effflct ill cn6cfl Of d~|lCJ!=~l[I ~lLIdis hOSt sa d a~y..

Tho Piszl of the Wasldngt0n Libraryo[ Philadnlph[n, tvr tim emlow-

In~nl 0[" the lily or~hie hl~,t ilLIt o for Sehlier~


~umToxt, s si~-~.~

dt~y of November.

: ’ I ,tllI0.1~- ......

: :d~lf]t£hDl~LI iliA, : :" ," --NllbNtrll id lttllltlOpl ¢gg @11 m’p’’~",,!:: ~ttgo0000 ,

of Central ~6=d f~ll S=l:edulu Sf Pl’~leabl b*lo~

lleaullifld lgte~b]Plat e E~ g’t " :

nnil nho {nsnzr~S tu tho’hNder , , . ¯ /I’REBHNT JN TIlE Q RI~AT DIg~IlITTION~

AL~.,’, courtly aml st&~ nfol’~Mtln k ........ TIlE ’WASHINGTON LIBRABY CO. ¯

l!Sfl~l?sec°n4 l~dmrtorodb th~’taoofP~n=yvluaaad:

Itlve~lde gmltl/utelby deed ru ol~¢,d n her ~7 of den,Is, fuLin For Snhllors’ctud Sailer** OrFha~tr ]ueorpnral~&~. Attdndmteo 81vuu A:ld cott~l/10nt lalulo by ilia atute qf l%w Jsrll~ys .~prll 8t 18117.

kao,~ u b~t ¯

TIlE RL~, EESIDI~ ]NSTITUTE,~¯ , " 1M, II, T^’*’a,~:t~A.C. flc’uv Slnmte at


¯ S’ lUV~ ,,f Lbo United ’S:tate~, "

Tranton h,g well known cltLzt~i *f PennsylvmaLa aml.N.LI~.e i~ herobyglven ihzLal[thuelre.lathlg ~’¢wJerdoy: . . , - .

Iwgi~lered n01~ or.the "Prtnretoll ]latik,’]’r[.do. 1]~n~ "t" , ]]. Mann~ D]ltr~et A oruey orim. ~. J.~ m~ttt lie ,tteOtLIOd at ([~fa ¢~¢o fvr ro~ I . d, ia, Pa. ~dem ,lion. w1tiihl tqx Snolitln~ fr~,in the dale born- lion. Lewis it* l~r,lomatl~ Ex.el~lef Coiner U. S ,o1. ztflor whleh tJnlo Iho ~et ~rill.S duiiosited hove Mtnt o~tl ltet vrd~,¢ of D~tds Ph ado. l’h ¯L’or the red~mplion uf sIM, aotcz, wilt be surren* lieu. Jamet M. ~eovel. ~ew Jenty. ’dur et~ to I%u ~ahL Assua[~tl.m ¯ , lion, W, W* Ware, ~e~a’Je


Tmn~ur~ Departmentt%V.shluglun. D,~.,~prS 411,. oF N,,,v J,1,’~ey; "~ 1’, I~;t~T.~Ofil,e uf Intern*L~Reveqn¢,...:~ =

Tm:~unlv eyrie g, lh~" I)i:n.aln’t~T,jroeeL~ml ~a~lsr~’tory eyldenee Lhml Ihapru~

Tr~:lt°~u ~4 ngu st 15’ I SeT’ u f tile ~’u ter prier cnudtlt~, tl I," Ib~ "**Y~h I~y g on-"N*llee i~ Inorq,hy gli’vu ,zb nry Company ~ be d~voled o eh¯r Lig]o

.N’, ,I,, tm:~l bepr, s,.~trd ,d Ihls ullh’~ foe re,lure t f~m 111

wl,i~h line, ihn tct.llrltle~ dup,!~: ," :~jl~g, ~ommi~=lune’r.rudl,nnn ,lion M emh zn.tt~ ~i[I bU ~11rlvlnLL~:ed LV , __ .

; 2rIIE’WASmNGTOI~d,IBllAIIY CO,: ~-lhe suuil I ~!$oLiat i5X~. 2~" ]IOWAI~D |g’x,NN-- m .

g/a~tT~amu~or, , [n or(b~r lhal the benovolvnt oh e,~t pel fottl n ~thi!.x’irtuhtr nl~F he "tsere~elhllI * teem ,dishedt "~

Tll:~,~a~lt~" Oe~n.~:, liAr;It Dm’,U,T.,:~V,~ i ]?[NE STENI+.lq,ATE ]~N(JRAVJNLI~,Trcnnln~ .Mnreh 12, IS6L ~th[ch nte qut on ~nbe~r[pllt.n at tric¢~ mu¢~ bc.

Nolle~ is hcrch~ gi~’en t]lnt ill Illo e[reolnlhlg low Ihei~ I~lail wllse. .~.~k’a~ n,f Trent.n, N. *;.~ @rts~¢rjt¢~ .,~’+to.~. i,, I~e ]l"nsAinfftou" Librur~.

lgliKt~ba ir~sctllt’d itL [hL$ I,N©O f.r NcloIn[lliol~


e.whl,in ". iL14,11tll $ Irom tha dar~ her~o~’, nfler


wltJe[i li~lc t a ~t~et, rltle~ niul.~ilenl here ,for thent~Y. s~n~ sin,fed bythot~eoretar~.

Nuat~ oth~r~

red~dq~ti.u ,L era,b a~ol~2~ ~inl 1=o ~urrrn’l~rcd !ot{~, sa~dns~iuti*,,,, l~,tlLD’I%’l~gS, genuine.) : " ¯ "

31-5o7 ~"~NNtatn ’rzeo.arer. ’ Auy ,ereon /~ndln,~ un ..* d~l¢.r vr 10~ylng

S’£A!L’E L F NI’,W JERSI~Y, ) finn Sl¢~l Plate" En =t Choice

stuck* inauriug un* present ]tt our hall]lth0tl,N~lti,,¢ iN ],orchy gh*’n nhaL .II sfhtdulu7 im,tn* ~ f Ilia *’ h,rg¢]l I.’ouz;I)" JJ~uk ~ ~t a~’kcn-

. O~te ~oii,t ¯ s~yttffnt~t~~ntckt N. ,l.~nel bc nresunle~i ,~t th~s ,,,fii¢o forrodent i(i¢,tl wilhi; elx unmtlns frtnu idle- (~alo eN~ __,, 3 v C ( ~ y ~h !" N6 ?~hereat, alter wSirh lime tSe ~rur[ti~s d,p,~sit~J. " Tlley’raShve~i [ Thoy’te ~’ved!" "Nn~, 3--’¯OhlInure I,nr Ihe_redcnll,l[im .f ~neh LlOte~ W[]l bu m, nv S~l’enl)’-~ix j orJ LJlO |’:urly ~Syl Of the ~tvo]ll*tOnldOreo to Ihu sai,[ a~sDe[itnLonl. ~ t[qllU,’! ¯ ,

ILOWA[ID IVLNS. A’ay pers.n p=yt~g ttr,#llcTg~rrs~[ ~cell~ e[-~ *,n-.h~; _ ,Stn,!e Ttrasarer: the! uf II~Lfvgq~lJug filtt~Lcul lqa[~s, nl ehoiea;:

iV,~.t21iNg Z 7 il!,;~k(IO~ i .... uedL t.,, eerllfi¢,,p’~ ,,r st~k, ~hu~ hc~ing e~tt.to t.o pt,.entt ....

Thb undersigned ILavln~ fllte L u,a ~ht F in 7)rrs Datl.t E.ornd~ffs. Edwin.I. Atlaulie CUULUy, is iiiiw pL’, intre,l to ex. N’U: ]__d,WasMn,gtotn,t Cqurlslniv." ~%. 2~ocuto a ~rdor~ n i ~ t:e. alr411~g~o uf hie ’l%l’~hluG~m~’s [.:ltq [nlhFl[ew’**ilb hJ~ Mother:"

’f b ¢i’e is

r/,,(/,,rs will Tece[vo- -J01[N ILW[I,SON.2 . . ,

aa,iL]n’reoeoxn~[[t¯tt[ef oi.~toek h~¢ulning e,~[itl~n[ . ~

llou~e utm(1 ~lgz~ l’/dll/in~,v U’d’~’~l’r/’ssbtt" ~: ¯: F"ur D~;Ib*¢’Es#r.i].yl__.

4?.ll[ll[.kG~ ]’AINTIN~t A.y l:er~d,n nn:b~ing]~,~1*’~l,,fh~t’~ ~]lall ;t,tri%~,ALL KIND3 OF PLAIN ANII OIINA31EN he lar.~n al,I E4u*nLihnl ~. e..I p sl~ v

’l’:~l~ PAIN’f[.N(1. G!tA[NtN[/, V~{t~?,~[[- " ,., 7~e I’er;/~ ,~?’,.~r |’.,r~J~,¢~.e,."amt fs~u~ et~rliniean.t;~ ~f ~¢~ ungpl]l~.l]leTt1.1~/’ jXII. ,tr., ,~ e, ’ - f.ur ,reSenl~.

"~’.~ Ex...~tllol ins tlse4h~st l[anntr~ [lind i1~ ~hor . ~’~f~ /!,nII;vt ~’~!p’,tri~,[¢~..N.Li,e: A,,. l,etsw ,,~n. ,a), li,, ,h,//,r,~ ~]uslJ rneri~u

I alnt SLeek OiLd ;tLl,I VarnllsLlo~s c0zl~J~il ty On the I.rge hnd s[,lcl.Ijd ~te,.I Plntr ,ffhitltd, annd for eaLe. Also, "77,e.I/m~*.!l~,,fl’u.~.~t=..’"

, n~n.] ecrlifi¢,at ~.~ will 1~e th Ihcr, .[on hntlnl nlrl,[ ftlrlnj~Jlel{ [a Ott[OF. [a e,Lq[I sub~rrlho at ,,lit h~ut nl~l,nlL,[ ~v qF~ ~LIIllm

l*t*o ]nll’Cl~ tt LJLr]~O TOl~t;t ~j.telall Jn.~’ln¯[]~ Pvst [~&[~h ntrUX I~’~ luf II~II[ hu’url]tr"Oftrr~aga Itahll~n~, hi W],ie[l natt] ed~ = r. . .."

’ Wig b° given" Or’h’rs u°liehed’ Ad’lrtssTlfl’~ WA,~[I INll ~’ION I,iBLAIIV C(I.,JEWJ;’rT ~t: ILODINsd~

, J~blYUO])~ N. 3. Will AwntdJuly 2!I, Iflfi?, 52-]2 T~d,ec lh,a(htll ]~t,n,am! I;otl6¢, ~ [lee*r.r~ to,

Drugs and N0dielue~,,N. E, nor, Bva.u.~v~:~ m~d 1LR. Ave

Pah,ts nf ndl eol.t, gr~,ited ia oil. "Zlue amlWhine n,o,td, Ynmhlght’~, ]Irnn~l,~I WIndaw Glass,ILaw mul [h,klml Liuse4 I)tl, Coal 01h E~hhlt f.,,tnil. Bewlnl~ Maohtne Oil, Lar,l nlh Pn igan nHSl,lt,la ,’l’~trpenllrw¯ lle~,~,m~,t ,to,, ;, AM.Ayros i,it,L J;tS’tle’s 5[*d[nh.let ])onno ,tl~ 113usell4 eli sn,,h nlrlic]tnt *~s ar~ ounttuULly k~pt h* Loolnltry I).og ~4t0¢e. ~2.tf.

On .]lt’e*lt, esdt*y J~z:uur¥ tl~ 1~7~.AT PIHLADELPIllA Pg’t

O~f trf f~r lapffna% I~ir¢:q~d¢~ A’, J.

Tclen(~ |edhle,’, . i 10:1)90.

ehl Jn prl~s¢llle $2t~11[* eaL’ , , b ISn~I ht~nd,*tae ¢ou.*Lr~ ~¢~ltnee stal,l¢~ I$IqI~

three ~tary hzic~ ~nm.

ly .f


Looal and Otlrerwise.

--Sco Mr’, Vateal[gb’s:,sflyertlsenlenl


" --bIuch matter intonlde~fcr thi~ ~vhek’spapcr, is crowded out,

.ff --~ ~

our ~’olo t~

thG membe

the audisn~.’ lie ~t~t0d tl

gleN. " .....


NmulaGb.~ .I,a~adilig./’.ndsr nx h,~ tt~ $ I .~g.4~d u~t [o $I d, C.r:m an,,n

T 08 F. CIJAPH&N ~stV,~/~T ~te ,xwljudge for:] .urs¢lvvs. p I~ -

,1 =r 82:1 IlraI,Lw~y, Nnw "(b ~k. ---- ,~’’" ....... ~;~--’1

gte Ilwf tt~ltl ¢ ,~. v*~t.

{JONS01 tI ,T,.P’ I’KtW

_ Baz,gasins M

Small ProfitsAnd Quick Sales!

tll tl I,’ Ila/~r~ ~ Tl,k ~ll]il~ll ¢II [ I I~ J&ll I~-" g. ht,rr ¯ : Th~ lh~M rife IlJtlek ~* ~ lln. tb41fTyl

II~mlmmtnn. N. Jo 5 ~

I Ulklpot.Led, l~’ru I t ’l~r e~,~l ! t ’’¯"

TOJ pl,?~THI4U¢= ¯ n.. ,~

3oth. inst., the ~3rt’b~g t CUllllllen(~t! ~t J

¯ n’t,lnct A.~f. ])r. |foardmal, nwl ltr.g~[la[nhers and O[|lcr~ life rxln!nl.d. P,’r~oue from tlllq¯way ran g~ tt[I nzz thn in~Irllh|!~train todaeksnn, nnd {eke t]se tl’a|n,tller[:

:10r A t~is nI hnd r~LUrt~ on the evtnhJg train.

--Tile rh!lu )erat~ held limit ernultv elm.¥01 thnl for {he nombe)tion nl candidates Nal"s 1,nndlne to,day. Thcv arn[n t~relri

~.lhO nl)lnilllatiell ill Lilnt parlp undvr

I ~esm,t pnupeets. Any*q)erSOll:q dnsirlilghn d~n,neratle nornhtathnln, will runlet a

~ffll,l, fAM T. IIOPKINg,

¯ ~ ~ t=pov~l: When managedin .ttl~ood, p 33

MIJ[MI~ O[ t~e~ ways, they are lot ,ooeuible |e|lm® mind ’~ur~]P~’.Bgjt Uarhor. D 4~ ! ~t 0,~ ’ Our Owe Moke,

¯tour hears, enabled t¯ dispose’ ’ polxloua, ’ |a 01 I 2e a 19 After ~nor¯ than Eva yeats exp0rLenee and er¯ than r #Av~ fruit ¯1 holt notre¯and oa

the present prices el brick elHI

|Lid]timuinwinterkaud.atempora~,sup. R..i.~tt~jo~re.t,~Mcdl~ine,,~.rver$, Aheecoa.10It Ib~ e,~t )®rhnonthg n ha ma, uf*etnreof*trlotly first¯ ~oather Ig|&or.ervousDiseas¯ terms, |[l¯su©o~m|nthapasthas hsen ’"

i~s~0uldolwa~nl~eaopLtntnor0at.l|oose,A 6e4

L Y P . hs¯faAledtoylald tethl|weaoa#vubnu¯¯DiAt,tolusum¯u¯oeeslnth*futnre, Oouslganrs mey

’ ’ ~el~ or 1argo"boxes, ooveted withpA#,h,h,9#, H.~gle,¢, And (]¢saral /,d~*~**rar*--

Atlmmtl©--a|’tlso,I0 Sb 2 i~ , uullt lie* Rk|rts, w* otter oar Juutly e*lebra-But t tS propostd o |atrodu©e Ihem I.Io thl~

nil’ TItAINH, ted goods to merehut* and ths puhlloiniun con- r* y upon e&rlr sad oorrest returns, v r I y b$ m¯nufi*oturJng them l a ~m.II pt.tt,

der*~*d m ~Al~r~o~* qs4 ~t,ppepb. Ao~um freight M~*I] 0d¯tt~¯ er their superier[ly nyer all nlherN ia the Kr¯a lathe eev¯r¯st’oa*as er Qhronle Nearalgl¯ ~ Card¯ for marking be¯e¯ m¯y be obnt[ne*l AI, when ths pr01111s olo¯* nnd the m¯raln*ranll,’, ’I MII~W, eP ,P ’ ’ Amerloan markett and the~ or¯ so Iv~kuow|*dasd [ aa~l[*a~r~J nsrva~a dsmnO*m*nta, of manyTearsI¯ I[¯mmantoa uf St,4ea & PaPoy, of A. (I,; the pro0t mu¯t 5..fleeted by any choose In th¯

...... ’ ’ ~ Zh* ~hmi~sL modto*J p¯per ia the world, pnh, Atlmmtl¯,’ LeAve , ~t,5 |0 ’ I 1 43u Bv4~ hy *dl who wear ~r de*| In th*m, ~ th*y gave eta,dine .ff*oting the eutlt* sTetsm, its u*e for a |,t¯u, or st the P,acu~LIOAn Orrlo¯, eOSlprTe¯Ofesneotmatsrtall~ d¯an*t~lynssdp and ¯tat*d/battle pr|e¯ ot ttlebnr~l~re*enlthe

,,,:: ..... lbh*d .... yt .... he,¯tlh¯Uatv*r,LtSBtQld, ~,’::]~

J~IT 400 morea¯tlafau~ttaetham*nyoth*r skirt, and .... f¯¯d¯y¯ or*f~ .... ks atthe nttaeat, alw¯ys BewYork, Ma?3$d’fidT, 43tf" disturb them. leg, ~t¯lh MUr~*~, ~o~th o[ Walaet.

Pemoaa, ’ I~ Ba ’ * 20 ommond th¯m~lya¯ In every reepeet, r~ealesi Jn ~tffordr themo¯Laltontahlng rail,f, ¯rid r*ry t~rel.vqontraotsWl[l b* m~o f~r t~e hr[*kt a~

..... the nheo~, ..... i;gn Ilerbos, 6 4at I on ’ 4 ~tl ~k r a ¯ ould make a note of thls (tat.-- rail, te produoe a u~mptets sad perm*meut nuts.~~~

~ ~ ~l"~O’I,].lll~,~]td

drive offthe Imqt.~.pt,~, Sic0 Htwgod, eh5 121~ 4"4n nunot ;ireuth*m¯trlal0*o~ld "Iteontainenedrugs erother meterl*ls Inth¯ ’ Akl][ ~l~og~61eN’ " ’.’

" ¥1v. eel:IS* to oak addre,s, "4 ’g5 DaUost~ T 0e I 00 b 01o¯t~¢ystem, and¢~ma]way¯b¯u¯edwlth p,r/*a ]laviog YEUITI~ ~n’d ~tcREIHg for market sbl.rtng theirs|se I* ¯sdnp~$5,Ta a Ih..s,

,. ~.Jih, " T 50 Hammoutolt,~ le 30~ b es nar’ -;*or mona embreoo¯ ¯vrry style, lenKth

*llghtent degr~m* injurious *yea t. tim meet dell. at th¯yard, or I~la¯a ofmaeufu¯t~r~*o-wkleh, e,,n,

" t :It ~ t? It lIt e., slse for I,adio¯ Misses and t?hlldreu. Also ¯re adrl¯*d Lo look tu their owu I,t¯reita and *end ¯nd for clay brick, AL Ibe area time tile el ~*,nce

¯ ’* ,t ]ftfl**n " ’/ ¯ 0 ~t0 T St’ | ;tO e ~? gk t~ mlule tu order, *ltetod nd r. :alr¯d. beon In consts.t u*eby many of our them to ef laying Ihem J¯ less tkan the e~ptttN ofle.vh,g7 l0 | 4~ b 3a Ask fur ’ll~ klu’e M.k*, and ho t’bys[rl¯ae‘ who IllYa|L their uu*a- ~URJ~ ~t. WILfdON,

brekun slow* or ¯~mea brleks." . . ’fhu ntanafMtare of Ib¯¯¯ bricks ill he ht~.Ult ........ ~=: Ts*aly **. It~ o0

Ato~¯ t bt ,! #3 a *n d~rlr~n~ , |[KmmU,lUK ta a ~W wcekt--wbero tho I~tie’

I~U~n Th** g*~*t-ap ef the =lub sh=ll hare sue eopy I~dlm, 7 bu 0 t~ b ~t Tapes b¯tw~ta "l~aeh-l[no irlea of putts|*, Cammtmdne Me~h_~nto in’ ’ ’ ,tsmv*d ~W T, tl *pk ¯~ ]~ ¯ ufsaturet, e2e

POq~t~’lT Mt~ulm.--The ratht. IL I~ ~d¯o th* cheep*st *udv*rMd.a m~t- Whtt~ |tots*, ~t 14 a a9 eoTAshl¯ud, . ..... gda’ "@ IO Ateh’tlt., Philadelphia" **putt e~h aM,¯. No nun parkage~ fltl,OO polllMlw ql* e**l~. FP~UIrrS & ]]~HItIF~’~ t}r,lers¯r li Inqalri,¯by m*ii .r

| ow~r el the the am Jn the wot’Id, u h ree~be¯,u*ari! eJJ FbT~t*i~msit~ddoaI¯Id, N It-t ¯ lIt O 17 *,th*r¯ are aenu~e ’ glta paehml[~g~ f$.OO ’* It7 * VINg J~T]tgKT W/IABP, ]’tl I I.’A. .therwi*o will be p~mptly ***t.w~m,t,e 41 4 45 g ~tS A *’ uott*t~tl, tLv oa h¯nd it full IL"e ,,f g.od Twn|ve ** ~.OO *’ ’IN **

New Y~tk mad ~ttent made/4k m, at Veuy ~wE. ~, JJnUW ~ No¯tn.

;L~a~d dv¯aSlSt~, b¯stdee ba~ Jnfi * htrae popull.r elf C¯mdert,

¯ ’ / ’yet meny lurmwa witll a cui=dion, Th* prim* for-’*rertLelng L* t**t e*.t* Y|n¯ eLrO¯t.-¯rflve, I a~ S 47m* teem nf ~ls. take itflu,Jr no pa S The traht| e. Lh* Itarkt**n fl,,ad, l,ave At~o fur tic¯,,

~=" ....... Sew ~olk ~ut Nl~wmzJ’.t~vmgrr S’31 A. ~tl.tul~U~’O and apply tt tu Ihe I,qrl,osv¯ o(

~r IL.e, ~ven wo~d~ m~kt,a Lie*, No pelvis Wh,d~ela w~d IUntdl,

¢ , ,r,~,~ predeellon, ft i¯ ¯. ca~’llent **at or ~,d*ertkem~ts tt*.ett.d un .*a pr*pa d, Fr~ks =[th p=a*,,¯ger *’~1 S 4~, It.turnl.a Anti,¯ I~LI,delpb~ I~t**p t4k’tt MaunfL,tory

dremi~l for gard*tm, and will trl,ay , aat4~4treu, re*wk Atso fI~m New "t’o*k, l,**so~g*r *t 4"13 nd Fmp,,,h*u**

W. l’s aa, }i, It., Kdit.r, I’. M I Yr.lght 6t t b~ A M. , NO. @38 Arch Ot.v Phllodelishtat.hulM~red fok[, the t,4ro and Szp~aeo Of [,te. [ I’hll=dsil,hl~, Ft. ~ Fassla~ polar, i.dk, u~,d b3 large gSua ~e. ] 3= 10at tt’M. ’L’. t[Ol’Kl~’~.rrt~ lad applyiog it.

II is ~*old bI Ln wheieaalo ei*,l r.t¯ll doai~s In ~tD" IIIOIIEST ~AI~KWT’I’It[0KH tlllAit-dtnKSeud|eed|~le~lthr.ughouttheUuit~tdutte~, ANTKSD. Muner P¯ek=gee (.rwerdmt/rre q~ WaanneTnn, ~,J,,

I,|t af invoh,¯ ts ~l.,e,t ,,el. J~, lOll| tPeT.an,l hy I ’ bolm¯ L4.* retulled frsn W[IJt a psmmpt- Perseus *l**Ir[nll rlihLs rer say part uf NewTurner dt Co.. ~ole Propr’N. t* Jdll oth.r firm {a Lh~ Pity, Jsr,eT, wlll please J~l~rtJJ ~* ~* ~iOW ~ ~ti*~8

12t) 7’rcnLo.t ,~’tr¢"*t, l]osteo, .J~*,N for I,¯ckeges I~ be had of Ih¯ |lama,mien, N, J, who wall ns|utlate fen gel¯at the a. It. ptsll0it,. 4tb0¯le ¯il rt|bt0 throe~taat the Bin e.U31

. L


. . -v....- ~ - ¯. ., ,

¯ . ’ . ¯ : . . . ,"/ ’ . /- . : "

, " ~7i P.~ ABaOX’r, -:*

"l, proi~btlY:~_ attended’to. :! ........" ’

~, ,r,ha~a ~ed "tea dad.:- ~±wtll ~ed

’: ’ 17-tt.

, tlie~~nn

=pexleum. ’!,the’~Vcat Jer~Y and~the-Mil!-

eomlm~u ~ th0 bone0~: thin,qcaqmsonn~tion w~th tl~t , p~arket, wh.e~, the....... ;oi nri~ .....


.. . ,,. ¯ . : ¯ .:.&Ira r, . : ."

~,., . _ . --~, ~ ~a’~t~°W|’ttlame~f D**m* "~/amn. ’ I~nd gt tsar time,coital be beught few" ~wo- ,:,~, Atteeuo0uly~tarw,a:umee,,u7. ., ,

: . JL SO,~gtUl:Itt.qLET, ~" :gad thr~e aBd fotlr dollnr*:an nero, whleh is,da.j~. ¯.=/i ’ .... Cou, Lv c,k.. U.oW W0r.thldftY’~n~’hnndred dolrm, n~d

:Would Itlk el

~ere b0ught:by, the is aridmmmluion mereht.nt& who Unlte~tstem

k~:mel,: Who ohsrgeprofit for their iiute#eren~e, tad

and disfimt "’. [~atop.. ,: Kl~ny, end ofthqanother

¯ from four to six choreas

atio C4o¯aty Conrad." ’,I/’Iy,:. !. * " " : " ¯ : ’

’ "UT’ ’W~t(m~r,~H,~.~. ..... : ......-- PRTmZ~Tt4,V".t,V# uoxtoEo~r, ....

bolqw Abzee0n~ where ha Is t~repar~l so ~teOd toill oatlk. " _ . _.. - I~Ch~r~es $I O0-~C vl~It fun; all vl..dt-s- ~tbIn’.,n~ All over a mile exits. All ~e prt~¢rIF.-pa, d ,.r.. d,,,.ry.,, ¯ , ,:. .

: " De’aFae~,’nllt~dmeon at=dl C-*tarrh’ " TitR&Tg9 ~ tha atmmt sue©usa b3: Dr. X.-

ldAAC~ Ouuti.;b.KaHL Aurbt (formerly of Lay-doe, IIoll*ud) N~. ~11~ p|as gU, Pbllad¯lphia:’TeltLmowlal¯ from’th= most reliable ourcu.lu the

i City and Country eau bo sma mt II|s office. Them*dleal f.eult~ ,reiiuvtted to teoompemy theLtpatl~ta a¯ he htul uo eeret te hi* praot|ee.,I1~ AItTIF [C [AL EY B~ tnser ted. wt t.hnnt pain¯~qo oht¯gn m~u for ~tamla,tton. 4tO-l~.

¯ . ~

TalIoTNe ’ : ’~ ’~.. sos loath ~luth Steeet,

,¯~.. eeLow WAI, Nert ". ,

" ~ PhllaAelphta.

(From the Brblgnt0h ohronlete.)


On Satnrd,y at’ternood-lnst~:a uu~mber ofthe most influcntia| genilemeu of Bd~gc-tea ~ind the surrounding townships, osmns-

¯ " hind, by speekl invitstion~ in the Hotel of- ~.Davls& Son, te meet With .Cha.~. K.

". Jmndh, ]~1.~ and~othera interested in theprojected Railway though mute, North

and 80uth; by way cfVi~teltn d end Bridge-i: - t°n.,_ . " "

’~caa!oa 0fthe Legislature ofNew 3erwy, a’ elmrter was gnnted ior tlte~ building of a

’lhte of Railway from Albion to’Vineland,t henna ~o Br;dgctou, thence to the Deia-

.:- ~ ’wnre Bay. Tltc cltisenn Cf Vineland wereled tO the’measure hy the czorhitaet eharg~

- K~ th~ ~n~e~eary d~Inys and th,-gonoral’

bar0~ road. Taking Vinelond alone into

’ v|eW~ as at present existln~i freight to ~ewYork aud point* further north and sast has

¯ to go by a wry circuitous route, i~vol?iogthe l~tymce’t of nu.m0r0nn bad unueeemaryeommiuiont, It w~m plnh|]y eeen by: thepeople ol Vi~elsnd that a through r~u(e to:Ne~yYbr~"W0~!d Say0 rant annezpenm~,i~vddorebl6 perfion

"of ~ teason,~ t ~kota

However the proJ,~eted conneOtion withthe ~’~t~ f~P~,J)91fwq~ay read ia im-pel’t-at not mem)y to Ibe ~itlamen pf Vine-feed b~t*tb the oTtiaens of.,Bridge~nni att,Ithe Itlhab|t~nl~ of nil thp dlntrlet of coq,trytbmugk whluh this ]i~ la.|ntomled toxun.We, et~ngl~y wlth the’ people of V[ne}snd,gre in~ree~ in the bnild!n~t of this tents.The eurp[un,produ99 of whlCh We, hbvo t(

. d[np0ao |~ exactly sUited to the Newund Northern omr]teta ; and theadt, n0tagete Ue of having t thrunlh :ro.uts Io ,NewYork i,i no le~. tbeu ’that ar~rnlng ’te the

’ paople 0! VIno]m~d. [0 arl¢itjo~ towe.hn~ t V~t ezteltt of munllthe adfttitngtm nf nh eqttqble ¢lh,nlt,lag nn~y }]to impetus sad intpor~noe

¯ eubh n~t e,t~n’l/rlse will give it to¯’Itg’vldue tonhdd.. [[0tme it eamo that

¯ +~[e,men Of Bridg0tml ~nd vieil:ity,, ghu:l nn .[laOdrthty ]mt tO meet with/ JAndis A’~d the other ehterpu[e[ng u[t[:

01 VIpql~d who,a0©ompnniod hlnl. TitcobJmtuft~e mootl~"Ivan’Mmply to talk

..... " thematter ovcrinsf~endly familisrffpirital|d W0 ~ l~sjo~lefi tO find thnl Ih3 nteet.

JnR ~ds go ’hrKely attended, aml Ihat theImPing ~ m unaalmomt

’ . ~dF~ting was e~ ~ 6rdor fit gheut

art, ~*q., ~mmwleh, ~ta bppoinLedUkaltmnut and Kobert MLlllkon, of Brldg~

’ W*’h,~e eppeard beforo ’1~ to-lay, atthe ]avJtnflou oT snnLe of l[IO dtlaetm nf

,,*~ 41~Udehdty, =~I ,beqlt we am,m~ V~’3r p~oug lw mumberm, [ beWe been

, v" r/.muoh en~oaralvd ul~,t| Ihat poles by"~ Jut Ipoarbtg Lho ~tn,erk ol n ~adamatt

fmmmm thatttu~m, mmtl~ of the W~t¯J.~e~ ~dHt~d {Jo. wna heM in thb pl~e

.tltmilmm~m. /Im4~,Mmtr pu~ ortoem,rm~, tim ummlmr b*m will do u wellur~ INIl~d41dtoMk~4L ,~t startingoeeqmNf w~ bern not prom4~ll nl~m theammgth merely ol any popular Impul~e ;b~tL have endeav.rnd by a siutpln apl,eal totba Send wine ol the poOl,la them*elves,to Iot~re~t thnm in tho preJoct, aod to In-,lupt them t*ald utim maikin~ it amtemm.

¯ Wo wo~ determi~ fr~ tim ata~t to m*. Iot~ de 6~ vmdart*ki,g, let e~ progre*e

’.Tl~e. iu :the

bItllville n.d around.Viaei~ was eo, sld-ered so po0r’ ~to be ~r.areely worth im-proving, because there were.n0voloping it and sending the produce to mar-k’et. ~Aud so remarkable ia the change th:

vile and GlaJsl~oro’ ILaad, that I~ am’mod-erate inmy ealcul~ti,m w’heu [ na~" that up-

ou the Vinel~nd tract ale.is there haw becnfrom six to,eight million dollars e~ent inthe way o! muklng improvements whichare now addin:g tO the taxable Value of ’~ro~arty and the wealth of the entire ~tatc.The populntion of Vine[and numbers now,some ton thousenil, a p6pulntion’ whichW~uld never]tavobeen there, ’]tad it xtotbeett for the e0t~pleti0n of tho~[iJ]ville andG]auboro’ ;road. When that read was

.aearealy a prospect of.itspcying. ’In f~ict,i it was dobat~’d wl|ethar the ~ara shouldI run by horse or Mcam power ; attd it wasargued that the ro4d,could not ply ~in,ply

"beeanse the travel wa~ nil covei-ed hy two’ lines ef stages between Mi]h’ille al|d Phila-: de]phia. At tho preaent time, the trade

i of the vinelaud Station a[onc, amounts toa hundred ihousand dullars u year. Whenyou travel in these car~, you will see’ that

full thstandieg roomiattd that the (Jurabeen barely cnabled to.keep Up with thedern]opment of trade and buslnes~ ~ince the~mp]~ii0nof tO6 r0ad. i’t~ay be, ge,-tlenLen, that this great ibcrnase is owi.g,partlall31,. "re the "fitct. of Vine[and being.founded t.here, bttt MillviHe, Fis]erville andthe who]o region ot e~tmtry around, has ia-cn,ase~ in ilke..propor’,i0n, and Iatu under

’ tho iutpre~iou that. Whon you come te con-"i ~ider the Laxable valuq~ of property ~vhenthe We~t Jeraev road wu-fir~t builh, and

now nm0unta to thro#tim’e, as much asit did a year before the road was finished~

In fact, the’only reason why this sectionot New Jereay has not become, the gardenof tho United States is bceause it. bus not

n-’ition’OJ e~renmstbnees, there were but fcw

became u naveseity by the pr%,ress Of theage ,nd the lnerea~.e of the population.tbo eels of th~i~ eeetlon of Stato in not to besurl~s’sed in any portion of the Utdted8tutcn for, the produetlon ot those vcry at-tiolea that we desire to produce. ’Our owuoiti~cos underntand the advantages of theirOwn e0untry the leaa~. ~he reason may inpdi~t, be. beeause they ere aecus omed to

"ennds" and depre~tq the yalu~ of our property,you oome to attaint;aa you will find that inthe pro(iuctlon’6fg~ittad~ Wlteat and g| ae‘~end suoh likq| We rurpems Wen thnsn stateswhich regard ns W~t]i snch veornftil eye, 1morel~ n|enti6fi thet~o thlngA to show ynnthlt wqhavo a’b~tsls for futu~ro progt’es~Yon will eeurmly find, m dis,tint of ~nntryall o~grlthp eogti~ent that w~ll compare inprd’duedvtnas Wl"/h Cu nhodend Couuty,

~OU ~na~, gO ,~Vo6 Ir,nlt ~ Cle~elnnd’toC~t~t~il ~luffs, nhd ~;bu will’h0t ’~e butter~l~p&than’you~will find here. ,& m an onghtto travel Wast to at|pren ate tide enuntry,

~e 6e’~li~.to Ko to.the El Dorado, the gold-ae it is fondly

u~4n e0eklngOF ngrinulturo

"’ we [gt ,oil ; nnt!Iniled Stance,oe0t with thei, you t~nnno|

eerea|e to the eeme

aleut New Jersey,qnd the State ofDolnware ev0ry road leadttol’hll*delphis,Alison" psodum, beyond that needed forhod~ conattmpt[on, g0os fl.t to l’hlledel-

Add Phiht In]phi6 ia not the phee

~ ~t dut’o I~lr ef ohickena~them 5ere to New York that done not payin eaormous toll In l’hlladelphla. There Incot o bunhel of nwent pst*tooa tbnt does notlay toll to n elm of tuen whe are el no iu-tere~tor beno~t tOJ’OU, Theystond Jn t~w~r ns taX.A~therera and toll.gnthtr~, Andthe amount of toll now )ev[ed in l:h[ladel.phla upon the *lrleuhural produm of the~jlon sl*ot*d 51 thk l~llw~, weald inous y,~u~.lmy th, entho onto ot hu:ldi~ tbetxtl. if I~lared to dollar, a,,d cone:

Yuu m~ hay. re,dead haw ~voml~l your oommmhl tmportnnoo ba~ been at.footed by the building ui tbo West JulmUend MIl~dllfi end Olbmbero’ reade, Tb~have rldead I~ e’ltm of proport~ to Lho,ox~ett ofmJlhena ofd|disrs. I know moowho, whou the l~l[ll’,’ille and O]suboro road

I*uilt, ~ttaldored thsnl*m~vea (O*~ |H)orto psy taxon their pt,ol,orty , m,d who arfinow wroth tha[r tens of Lha~n~h*, Tlwaob~ta Itavt ~ lm~Juoed b7 our havingan lmu~edhtte eaun~tLou with t]~o l’hlladof

of Syrant~.~, NeW ~en, Ha~fod~ an0 athe grcat’cities northand cast(~;aryit~g

fifty !o a hundred thOUsandWheu you touch New Y01k; yo~

reach popula~i0ne ndutberlng with sur.roundlngs in the aggregate nearly two’mi[-

nceount the ~rcat e;iiCe _~ueh as ~i~r~y,~,’;nn "and otl~e’rs you pre~ah!y reach

B ntarket el-not.less thaw’from ~iz to tenmiliio.s of thee, Is. ¯ O[" our ~trewberries

wblehVfere sent from Vincland thls ~eer,nia:|vil~x~s went es far an "Mantt’~al andQoebe~ a.d they first hnd t O go throughPhiladelphia oc~umulating~tolis and ex-ponacaall the way through* .Aud yft, itwas more profitable by twenty-tive~r thirtyper f~nt. to~nd them to ~ew Yurk than


doraomtration of what it would pay the,people:of~’iti~lan_d.to~’haye a. dircct routeto Nc~r York. :~l~J~e advantage in.th[~ re.~pect alone would be not le.~s than from fifty

.ti| eighty th0u~atld d,dlars next .~oamn.’/!hat odvanta~,e.ls enormous ;’ and the ad-~’antage to you wou]6 be cqually ]ar~0 in~roportion. II we had a dircet route toNc~v York, within one ycar and a~a]f a[mr

h-e huitdinj; of the road, the va~e o~ landthe Camdcn

run, wuuld be tully, doublcd~ would, be iU-creased¯a hundred per ecoL. Ilerore mak.ing a remarkel thnL" kin,]," I have ’beet|very e~roful, in ease you migltt cousider iiextravagant.. ~ut, [ wbnld ask you to cai-’cu]atc carefully the effect of ~ttilway.~ up¯ona country in yeur ow. experien~, and youwill fiad it to bn u very moderatestatementof the almost immediate advanteg0s of theproposed line, In our own "increase [o ’,’alue of

0Verand abeve, the sailing Ptlee ot ]andwhen the.road was first land out:

Thin’ neetion 0t the~untry has a ’peculiaradve,6tage in’tbesuppl~ of thc oiiy markct.%

.and that advantage is cllmate. We arc:1° than it we were within ten miles

at’ New York--I mean ~0 far ao the.making-

agriculture is ~oncorocd. Every mile¯trom.New York briugs un int O a better climate;nnd you may real asa0red that th0 amountiyhioh you produce would brl.g toyou wereyou )ate ine~cad of early in the eeasonthren~hout ~outh Jt~eey, ut ]eaSt ini]lionsufdollarn..Whilst n buehcl of tomatoes,t~r instaneo, from this part o~ the, country,wilieell io New ~orkt fcp two ti~disre We

would.~ot get more thnn fifty cents i! wo

strawberries Will ~ell lhr twenty.five cants abukot~, w[~ile, if we lived in tile nelghbor-

’ hood et New York, we c~nld only obtainterl santa. By the dan oar bottles are otttof the morknh t, ho~t js prcoi~ly the timewhen the New York strawberries are t, nter-i,g the msrkot, You’ean etippiy thu mar-ket with a!l the early producu at a timewhen you enn got thirty or tbrty por oent.ntor6 than if~ n wbr~, farmiug in tffn neigh-berhood of NbW York, :

Tbnne are not questions of sortnim~onJeeture, but queetionn of htdt, the trothef which is being demonstrated every year,It i,an er, ly bean a low years sio~o you barepaid nny attontiod Lo thd raining of poultryLn this ylelnity. You have noticed ¯thatdttee you began to tend your pnnhry to ’l’hilsdelphla, you reeeiyed from fifty to ahnndred’per 0ant, morn for it thau you dhLi~dnrn, ’ You open e d]roet oommunJ~atinnwLth New York, and, that businea will offerfrom twenty.five to thirty per cottt~ n~oreprefit to every men who releo poultry,

This road pres0nta advantages entirelydifferent Prom nny’t hat we enjoy at t ho pre.~ent tithe. [ have not ~[d nnythlng aleutthe ndvant*ge of beiuK on a great throughrente---Jn th~ midnt ofthe world, lastendof being in an [solat*d dtoatlou, it hem

have enjoyed t~ Irenefit el be[ug on, thenpur of n rellrotd; but tho*e dx or eight

! yearn have obeused our entire buMnass |n-tore*t** u .well aa added to the attractlyfi-ue~ OI living Ja this medea ef the 8tats.~OW ]tore, in thin portion o! ~¢w Joraoy,with n fiao apo[I ,n~ ]ovc]y olimate, withinf~’ty miles ol I:hll~elph~, and it Is n t esaunas. You~nlf~(tmn huudr~ mileswoat uf New. ffomey into sountrien whiuh,ten yotra ago, were btrron wlkleme~, tadnt tka pr~nk lima ~u will fiud ~das ort~h~ thoumml pr m0r. of people, WhatIs the ~ of thnL ~ llm* it I~mn beeaumthe ne‘tivtm of thk emtlon have been differ.eat iron the rut el tim peOl~ oi the Uni.ted Sh t*O--)e~ oom’get~o or )mint~igent Not et Kill The tmolde here am u lntel,i~lsnt and gLfl~d in beery rmlmet aa tbeyare anywhere else. ’l’hsra |e o great dlf.fct~eoe, Ip*~,t!omeu, beLwevu n msn wiLh-a doll~" io hi* p~ket ~nd b man with ahundred tbouund dolltm iu hi- Ito~kaLWb ~Ye b~u wanting lu upptataoi~,

In theexample, We ]



. with her ,:mere musenm ofa c;ty~,ofhundrnda tdied d0wu tO ~ "

sinking ia theAntwerp,pool, are the rn=Do you euppeae :J~’Is~¢ht, d,:. ~h~g~[i’St.Louis, and all t~whleh-hnve’~c

.--do you suppose would :ever

have been heard-of ~..thoy had not bee~ onthe greah tbrongh J~,ute betwcoaFan,q nnJW~t ? But for tl~!the Wnlfsnd:the ~eorwoghl yet have he.heard,where tmw 3"ouhca,’.the huiu ofc01~met~e Bud indtmrL--Titese are t’acinwl~ch are:e,d6eat’to.yourown minds. ~ ’

NOW then, wbnt’~10es thls pt~pnsed, rall-roaddo? Thisrai~Fosd*’ehn.~e.~ cntire]y

for the future our ~k~siti0n with relation Inii~-oit t sidew~ rld:"~t~ Id~ ~tl bf~ur being:afti~olated, ountry, i~t~f s dn ~n the greatthm"gh ,oute bergen ’]lor~h aod 8outh.BetWcen New.Yol~t ~s a starting point wc:havoNew EngleuL;hnd all the SmtthemStateS. Tile mutd~wi[[ make the time fromsix.to eight hon~ehorter thnn by way OfPhiladelphia an’~he jmi~ney w]tlcost fromtwenty:five to thil]y I)er¢ent. less. ~eIf~;ghtaud trav~whieh will then be at-tractcd to thenew~ouioirepre~ents mlil ons.ofdollbre of expr’~, business ins ycarl andfa ill[0 ~ "~T’d01Ta~’~/~F t h ~oI’ freigh f~ Whenyou tak~ tbo’two., the New EtStates, Tt’isso vast aa tO be almost beyondthe limits of ea]cu~atlon. The result willbe that this railroad by running ea’m toSmyrna, and making e~nUcctioo with theseS6uthern~,rnuta~ places usl on a great

Why of nation% our country is fro0tified by.tho wealth of milliona of dollars that belongt t other pe0ple. " !

A vpry impoTtsn~" question now tri~es--Will the Railread pay? IU order to do

,away with even the imputation ol~makingan extravagant ea]auistiou, I hove not takeniuto noconnt all this immenso busiaeas..Ithink I ean d0monatrato to yOU tlmt tl~isRnllrend will pay better than even the;

linca paid, for tho re,moo maiely that it will.tap morn linen el 1Utilwny ’i~ its eoqne attd i

’ .t . . . .enjoy a large rush of trkdo. Iu my rcadtag

oxperionoo,--and that hLv beoa .the onlyexperience [ htvo had before thin in Rail-"way etatters,--I hover knew a line of ltait:Way to ntart with.a certain pre~pest ofhay*ing 6o large an amount ol bastneu aa we

, ~tn~’eteko our faith upon in atsTting tlti~projected Vinelnnd l~ilway route. Aed Iwill commence tlpott theli.~ o[ the Vine-lend Railway and.go down to ira termlne-don and detail to you the busLne~ that wemust strike upon our Journey., Wa startfrom Atsion, Tbo firS{ plsea We strike iallammenton. The freight I~m Ilanmton-ton nlun~ to New York¯: this anmtner ~-tnonntod satun dayn to five bun|[rod |h|i[aroper day, Wo take all the New Yorknoaa of. the Camdntt & Atlant|o IL~[IwbyClear duwn to Absceon bnd Atlantlo city,-We Isko the New York WJnstow bu~ine.~s,

We tnko the ]~gA IInrbor trade and all thetravel and busteoas that ha~ alwayn benndons with .New York In preferenca to Phii-sdelphis. After leevim( Wimduw, wo rut,throogh a beautiful ~etion of countr~ Welltimbered, with Kond fitrmera all ah|n:g theway until wn come to Vinelaud. JEerer-bnea te the Wi[]iamstown braueh wan fieei-

I*nd we come to a populotion ol tan thou.end pebple, whoen trade [e almost exclu-elve}y with Now York in prelerve~o to l~hil¯

adelphla, it* merchants buy all their ateragomlaln New Ynrk ; the nLtlaene thonmelveaare from New England and polnte north ofNew York¯ Viueisnd etatlon alonedooabualne*n of one hundred thousand, dollars ayogr, and two.thlrda of that Roes to NowYork, We I~et ali that busioe~ aud whenwo atHk* the Vineland tta,~t, we aFrike,beddoa, the 5[ilh’illo aud Glaube~ ~dnnd nil the eouutry t4outh te th,ps May,~We ~t a larAe bushtcaa from Millvillo,--The Glare matmfaetorlua and n large qunu-t[~ el their go,,de to New York, Rueh i¯the O.l~.sonad the nnney.nm of gett]||gl|roper ae~unluedatlon by the Millville un,lGlauboro read that they nometiu|as forwardthe{t g~O,l~ ov,,n n,tw te Jncksetl stathm,

’e toko the MilLviile b~loem nnd’t||at ofthe e.tlra river t~uutry belew, Butrou over thr ~’ineland tract ~vvra[ t::ilretad we some lute the eauntry the ¯id~ st"

¯ ., .

enttre peae~ tra~le. .

itis a.. ~ ,.

nehy orPhilad~.

year.. ., . . ~ ’ ’ ,N~, just thM i~f the mtg ~’rlee it wil~

tSnt t,e,d’~l/aumud clollu/-s t mi e willaid d dd iron ie.~l the wa~ through. Then’thidk~ o f/,he’imth0 nse tm0unt 0f’biudne~it will do, ond’you ~u makc ~ome ealeula-tiods’ a~ to Whether it is’ n0t certain tO paygood dividende.: Y0ul may~y, ~owever,

i after the build-

meat isjudleious orextravagant- . Well, wehaveno means: t0be .xtrayagantif Wewould ; it i~ a peoplq’s roacl ~md it can onlybe built by the infiueuee exerted amongsttho~e who are apeei~lly interested in build-ing {t. While this may oecas~ot~uato takea little m0retime in.the con’streetien of it,[ think, it w|ll be o.vast advan~ige to o~r~ountry. There[s.no’~bing so uufortunatei|/Railwafenterpr~es as~hat 0ur R.ai]roadfa¢ilitica should bo under the control ofpSrties"~’ho live out~ide of the- eouutrytliroUgh which the Railroad passe.~ Therewi}l he men ]ivlng a|ong the fault"of ourprojected ~lway who will Own the roadfrout the time when it starts fromclear do~ato Dclaware Bay~ We are notgoing to be ~adsfied to build ’thin readtoVine]and only..It would net placa’us thus¯ n the great threugh coutebetweeu Nor’.hand Sooth. That’iS wh:~twe are nheL~Wedon’t wont t0 be the end o|1 Ra~ro~dmute. In.*tead e a fewtlu]isro.b~ing tlin ~

’through route. I, regard to this matter,gentlemen, it becomes everyman who hasany prop’erly lit this nccti3n of th~ eounU-yretake SOtnn active interostin this.enter-pri~e. It is neee..~ry that every man

that Will not ~ear the stHetcat examination.I. regard to any gubseription that you mayraise here, we wlll he happy if you will putthese into Lhe han~ 9t Mr. Johq T. Nixou

Chts. E. Elmer, or any gentleman thatyou knew, nnd we would be very happy temeat with sny eondltions that you ma~- ira-.pose. I have made my remark* thus gqn-cml because I look upon :this ms merely apreliminary meeting. We have hum prea-

thseo ]~ilway (]o’~panlca,,nndbas bec~eonneetod morner lera~with the meat suo-cas.sful ]U~Hre~ of the United~tate~. ,Col(nnl~BSs’rm¯ " -’i cK ~’ill #ve youreme views o1~ l~ailway mnttrra which willbe valuable to~u, ne matter whether YOUeut~ribe to/~he-~eek ofthls Railroad~ebeme ov @t.. . " ’ ’

COt.ONX~ ]309TWlCK thtn¯ said: .Mr.President tk~l gentlemen, I em n ntronger

rntircd fretn publio life, and settled downoe o litllo /rult /arm to atnu~e ntyselE,llowever~ I atu hgppy to aid in the con,strneliott of thin Railroad, sand you mostpardon any reference I tn’~ke to ~elf, us int}ti~ Way ouly can [ come to the po}htswhioh 1 wish to arrLve,at, b’t~ twenty-fiveyears-[ havo be0n engaged in building,l|qrfeeting attd mninlaiuhtg ]hdlreads. ’1’o~ueh nn exlcnt wore my ]abera carried that.ty health lolled bnd I was turned to seek aTroItltml climate. Wishing to return [ did

attd in a menth aflorwards [ found my-~11 a citizen 0fVi,elu~d, ltlr, Landis begretnarked that [ have been engaged in

eral railroad& [ have been acting Praal-deat o( three eotnpaniee bt one time. 1

construothut of reade and know the ope~-tioue of IUilway oorporations one to anoth.er. l have*men the increase and benefit* ofIUdlw~’n to a population a~l eauntry blongtheir llne ; and on that point, gentlemen,I cme g[ve you n oaso that wll) nurprlse you.[ was interested in the buildLeA o| the NowYork and Erie llallrmd. Where I lived itt,mk Ittu six June days and night, to get teNsw York and six mO~e w, re geneMdlycens~med before one WU at lot buaitm~1 live~l tO titaka the~j6urnay [u too hours ineumfork. AIt~u’ tha ~,t’la r~d was builtat’td l wee engaged ht other worka, the m-pauy ~NMn~ el~b4trvaaa~, and it ~ene~e~ry tu go to the Legisl.ture le orderleg,t wil,Cd effa mortg,go ef th~ m~.ii.n~ nfdnllars. 1 was one of the commit.I1,,,, We wt, ra re~ived aL tba ealdtal atAll,any a~ n hand el beKKorl txmlo th|¯lv Inp*|t our haoda into the Trrma*t|ry uud stealthe n,on’ey el the poopls of New Yank. I¯ ~w that the cemu|hteo b*d ma|l~ up theirmiu,i¯ to I’epott againet nor I’~t tion aud [

~Nmv,tm,~wlset t~e-~lubef~miitay to a

beok~ ~e~e~diettiet a~tuet* t~value cd mlle~oe meli

tide df thw’.4iho:~=[ ~.~ eummtne~of

tI~e rdue.al.musM pl~lus~4en. ~ afft~

the diffex~lee wakL, TImon¢: wm

TI~ enmmittee ~hed: they¯saw this, nnd h~l tho.avidenm bM’ore

them mid; ~;" WfW~I ~a~--~rt ~-e~r bBl_"-


u-.alas o~ earn every ~-d~ m~ esi three ’millionatO ar~nge I.. blmtne~ af ~-ho-~hat .~--i~mnd

:;..flairs. Ybuumy talm the Mlliviile’and NewYerk; BuHwem~Mft~,M,- ,,

!Ghtml~mroad, ~maF"~tdgetha We.~ ve]oplnginthiscommnity, usdtl~lmm- .Jen-yr~,~tk~mblisk~m~roraikmt formfinu ~ -the f1* ~4,#m Smutty

mrS’ Ime~ts=idd/0u.wilIL~d i~.propm~don- lure b~mmewmom’mpt~tiag t~.n **axatuhm~uefm,~kip’-petti~ Uf the ~atte. [ remem4mr, whenthnt4mmtl vmafum INih,So tha~: the v=l=e ef thw ,adh=~ goe= " da~oreve~,.~Mvi~lattbobey0ud the~psoplewlioujoy the~ bemetit~ where :Vioehn~ we~t:mml~, rome "in their mtrkqtit~: ":Itisto the~mtoltseff. .or sixty Woe~ dmplmm.ptiat.,tbethat the great value °anerue#. When: ’me !ear~ aed ipeophimkl,: s’Wlmt am tbesq "

bad determ!~ewt~Miug of~ho i men do’(uffgeM~#-~to-4dm~ eml ~r .... =~iVinelaud ~we:,,,-~-upo~ mindt axes?’!-~They~ep~d ~iatMrr~wea : :

I not to eennegt,with|my Uomlmuy without coming there to ~ s im~m.i ’,I tlm~hL .knowing the predae tormstadeonditiens;of ~ at t]he ~tme that it m ~hlm~. ~t if .agreement. "~*~re:met the D;reatore of the ’yoU-go them to-day you wild’fiat .~ttfe-.Delaware and Rarltan B*y mad bnd~.they .meat which, in ten or fifteen ~trmm.thi~acceded to eli*that we had the faca to ask. time, will n0". be mpptm~t Ir.~ a~y Idaee in ." ’ "They ggreed that we should I~aveour rap* New’Jersey,--e‘ p|sea th~hm blade/sO ’resentation inmaklng the. time tahlei~ &e., famous even now that ~mei~hotmm~ere ¯

and that we ahould have a .drawbark of nwarded~l~n~ h~t ~ ~a ~mte~i’f ~o "rf][Jadm at the Pm~--~Oae--eight per cant-uimn a]~’tho property.pass- t

’ ’. iing over their portion of the ]iuo, beekwar~s Iaud f~rwatdS-between tbe~:Dela~-~-~-Bgy :build-thla~tlu’na~h-zont*;=by-whieh .......and New’York. The eight per Lent is a we ~..0 layOue hand ulum .NewYork and .large item in the estimation of our prefits; the Other on the ~euth, w* wou~ derive .

think it is ,’equal to |from th~reld ~’~eml~*-at~thancent on our greta e=reings. We that" bevu been built. We ’other advantage do not want robe ~oompeted mer~l~ with ’

i ferti;ixersto this seetiou oftheeouutry ate tim Soeth aud ~ew Yerlr~ but we.want tOI merely nominal cost. ’We~den’t think m~] be eonueetnd aJso witk Viueimud. I thinkwilleostmoroth.|uadollaratonatVine, we would find it t* our mutml adm~)ntage ; "~-land, tud thls is Squankum zoarl, thebest ’imd J for one .wou~kl be glad to ~vall Wyself

lathe eOnnt’ry. "We have’also madewofthepri~i]egooli~ngt~V[Md~:~orecontract-with the, Cmmde.~ grid q.,.l~W .~..,t~_dn.. .

which¯ eacutes us a Ph;l,d*! "~6W am reitrdartbe.]..mO!tt~. :0f. pi~t’-. "". ’ "eonnectionl with0u~ cars Hght- inte the eiiy of ~mdea. o£~toek--thot mstter h u been thoroughlyour arrangements with both eempaniee~ "di~utssed before you. I have lil~ tobe sldea, will ’ ensure the arrival or our our frlenda from Vineland lay opea theirfreight in ~ew ~ork at 4 o’e]ook in the before us hexT, aud, i,lmpp0*iug that ,morelngr., " " ~ to kuow.bowit stack . ,

~oved-’to~s~: "

lived away’from a threugl~ runts ~astbly eon~ivo the’adventa~eaof being ou one think the peep!e of thL~ country, lwill be[ had the pleasure, ifn0t the honort 0nee hiihd to their own inter~tn if tinny do notin my llfe of e0mmsnding a regin~cotot go heartily ~to the huildiqgof thla Rail-soldien, n’~mo thousand a.d thirty or forty road. The only ques~ou ~ whether that .bright, geod-looklng fellowe: and iu their ro~d will be bxdlt ~re, so that we who live. ,~,evolutions, they wcre pretty ~marL Amang in Br[deeto’n eau share its privileges.. "abe evolutions that ware performed none li0n. Proyidene~ Ludlam hoPed the readplcaaed me so much as ehan~ing, relr to ’wottld be bui[front, Thdt is the very evolution wewant eo.mt~ittee of three


rear to fnmt’]t~d ’to stznd witb our head#as hTgh a’ed as much ]i(ted up ~ they do .~r. ~i~’it ~asofon the Peen~.lvanla road, the New York’ ~n: ¢ ~ W ~’ ,iu thoCentral nnd the road through the Cenedas. true ~j ~ed ’th it theWhen then ie done geatlemen, I ghats feel ~eutlemen nt 1 t i e jt ih* rbus-nati~fied,’. : ine’o tO talk to their ’r] ~’homo ou the

Mr. Wn.so~ sah| . , aubjcct. It w=s he ’a~ls et’ideut to th*

i ’ ’ " ’~ minde of all t h’at ifwe do not’build thq* roaddon t know that I can add an~,thmg tohave been tnfide ,’oureelvea, no outside part, ca "w[Jl h’~iild it ’~

by Mr. LANX>I~ end Col. B~rrwtcK. IIo~ ~. for us. We can have uo help sxeqpt fromaver, as I have been called upen~ I will ~y the people ,who’.live o]ong ths proposedaom0thing,with reference to our n~roemottt route~ and trheu n man helps hi’nt~lf hewith the Delaware & llnr]t~n Bay Co, ~ generallyfinth the bestholp. 5[r.],udlantcoon ae it he.me known to th tt corni an}, eat down alter moylug that n eemmi~tea ofthat we it~lcnded building a rend from ’At. ! five, instea,! o! Ihree as at tints he appoint-=ion to Vineland| to eanneat with tho(r edto representthotownahlpe of Brldgeton,road, and\prehabiy [o ozten~ that "rood’to Groenwioh.. D~erflo]d ITopewell and Stunthe D0lawere Bay| they were very much Cre~k, to further the intereste 0ftho ’pro-interested in the’ present. They saw at 1railway route in their teepcativoonce the it/per,lance of thoeebeme’t0 tltem, ~wttahip~ Th~ moti6n wan afle~ardatltrowlng as. it ’does into 0hair handd~the ’1 y the odd|aloe, of the clause,freight sad travel that t~ow gone by way of " with authority to add to their numbers"Phl]ndnJphia and t]treugh the Cantdcn and so aa to.admit ofndvantt41e being taken ofAmbey~r~ed. TtLoy eannloded that If thts the old or re ]able representatives fromroad were ~/*ilt they would have ell that other townshiim, pr~sed, and the tollow[ngtr~do, not to epeak 0flhat wh]qh ~q*u}d g.enflom0n eppolnl~l: For ttreenwieh,grew up undertheimpulamoftbenew ~uto Wm. ~towart;. for 8tea’ C*mekt Lewlathe trade that would be festered and co. Dowdney ; ~rBrtd~atou, ~lon. ]~r~vldenea

eaumged by the vary_bull~ling nfthie rmd. Lud]am; for Jlop~well, ~thon Bwinnej’ ;We pr~ps~o ’. center with them on the and for Deerfield, Jeahu~ O. IMvis. ¯

)Is mid huhbd m=-dA nh orals.

Ihey were pmparnd to confer with ua at alon Jn hiseuummtion of thebudne~mpr-a:orme. Wo mat the managetn cf tie Com- peetm of the uew road. It was thb. Mr,p~ny end I~proantadvea el the bond hold¯ ffoh~ F, Bndloo ha* given up the in~ntivu

em and )tad n coulotenca with them which of bulld[ng o road bern Jack*on t* Fenn’n ....

reeulM lkvorahl$ to ur~ AA Colonel Boat- Greve, nnd hea dealded t~ beild ~ Wll.wick h.a Mid, they grouted as all that we Ham,town In order tocouuset whh owr road,mdked [u the way of .trtaging the time to. ThnL bus[nora will probsbely in qmr~t Itemblm, freight*, &~. We ~trea~l to charge ten to gltren thoummd do~lare a y~mr, [with them pro rat*t on ali/re’tghL htpropot- would also lamta that I wo~hlr add to that

ec0ed line ol rtilm,d f~m.alert ~ tht dia~um.. In addition they were [ tc eaoaCnt w[Ik cur Io,dto tllowuneight p~reenk on bllthelr freishl ] prefer lag say,~huIpra~ wbetber ooming to ua [rem their ’ on ttmtI~tio~ ~4 tim li~ at g~iug tu thrm .ftnm

i our., ’rh,y w~r* sery wil[iag to mak* thisailovantq ~t our laser bee.am Lbe3 I~gard, ’ St’willis

roadnd tkia as a anw l~ine~ t9 them, Now, has ~ |*bt~mml fair the bud&aui]l~lLe a m~tain qu~nLit~ oflraighL leasseYhtoland’fur Now York. ILgoe¯, lutho

inlolthovtmd, but[~rclqrtoasTw)lbmgmot~ about it aL prs~nt.

ll~L lilt’e, to Albion, 24 uoihuLaud then Ath’r re,t||,, di.¢u~ou Its to the mannerI,r~d* hy the Ik:lawnre & Jlarit~n Bay of payioK io the wwk io Ihl* mmba~ whichroad, nt mile¯, aaactly three time~ and at waa mt at rope1 by MS, J4a~Jht rouarkt0,g

ey would take abe SUbeCsbptJon onh*ll our dietary’=. SoPI~ they chirp ,¯[h[o||s t,tber Lh~t wh~l wo~d maketluee aed h.lt Lime¯ I~tmuah asw*chnrlOt, Ikgal, O0 motk~e, Ihe mforlog ~.Wn ch~t~n a huu~ do~ I~ n~ ~r-

ear--sen ~ ¯

equally’di~ntbetween the Deis~re ~ ’ ’ ,and Atsio~,~/gat to. be nbeet .t he ¯ d~| fre~ Mg~l~lmd nominal.

Quly paid e~psmm~ s~a’ wou~l braVe.our:twenty-eight~, ~enL to divide among tim "

Stoekhold~n. -~ ..... "d " ¯ " .~- ....... ii;:i. :.,~,~,.~W~s,~, ~,:,0r:~’~6", . .: !

th’e. said~i ~.fdettc~ J[i~lpi~,;V’ianlamd ’.. .... :



~, ~o d~t,y tli.a ’ :’he~: We all kan~ wt~gt tteb~k~mg or:~ ft~l~u~d-’~bet~ee~ -:Ime~ m~Pldr, eel-psia "lSns ~.,n’ @~ r@e’tlt~eeimamm’t:’. - "s~ ~=n R~o,w t~ ~ vma~ ~ two -

~d ae~ there-re.