* iLake Stude baker Pics. Ytcfoalc*2 - Chronicling America...Sicilian* are t* get away: for one can...

"S3 BSJSST £ ICOBBOLIDATBD D 1881. SEATTLE, W. T., SUNDAY HORNING, MARCH 9, 1884. VOL. V?SO. 129. LETTfc® the tremendous ttrwmi of lava are flow- '7® l ?' () deep nrioe*, and immense clouds of MMD float op and form a can- opy over all. The Hawaiian* are as anxious to set near an eraption as the Sicilian* are t* get away: for one can stand to leeward ne*r enon/h t<» feel the face tingle with he\t. and yet tie ont of danger. That eruptions are attended with to noise is thus scientifically ex- plained: the lava does not em tain water vapor, whioh, on retching the out-jr air. bursts the lava into dust. The lava I'orsU ont of the side of the mountains and the steam from the top, being sep- arated: hence the silence. ; MISCELLANEOUS. Iyer's Cheny Pectoral. Ml nn " " R>RTT I"E. OHIO. Sept. TO. \u25a0 SOLOS. " HAVING H-RI «übieet T" a hrnn ehlal afreet lon. with \u25baold*, for A NUMBER of TEAR*. 1 .-. r *ify that .T VF.H'S CHEEKY PT<TORAL G'V-S I \u25a0»»* prompt r»-lief. and U the M<«t effectivt : femedy 1 have ever trieu. ?TAXES A. HAMILTON, Kditor of Thf > 'rtfrnt." \u25a0 |Nl|N|[N Mt. Oilead. Ohio. Jure 26. SOUGHS. " 1 U*ED AVRR's CHF.RRV PP>T'IRAL thin SPRING for A *E. "R' rough and long trouble with GTW*! ?ffeet, and I am pleased to reeomraend it to any one similarly affeeted. HARVEY BATGHMAX. Proprietor Globe H.itel."' PREPARED BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Lake Washington Mill Co., Saw and Planing Mills. MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS OF rough and dressed lumber. Orders will be promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. Address C. CLARK, no3o tf Manager. Lake Washington. SItUWATU BAT A»» BAB. fPacific Journal] The bar at the entrance of Shoal- ! **t«r Bay is sadly in need of aa ade I qu*t« bnoy system, and it should be fol- 1 lowed up over the entire bay. Vbere is : much dissatisfaction among tua men and others who are compelled to go in ' and out frequently. with the manner in which the buovs are laid. The outside buoy is tnree miles out of the way; and ' it would not be surprising for a strang- er coming in. in followins the course of such buoy, to meet a similar fate of the Lamertaw. It is considered bv Cap- tains who are thoroughly familiar with the Columbia. Gray's Harbor and Shoal water. th it the latter bar is farsu perior to the others for several reasons, the principal one of which is its straight channel and depth of water. We hffve twenty feet of water at low tide, and if the chnnn 1 waa marked in a proper manner, there would be no possible danger arising from any cause. The department should see that its officers pai<) to look after the interests of its merchant marine, do their duty, or put some one who willor can in their stead, i The Shubrick is supposed t* look after ! this district with a watchful eye, but no oftener than once a year are we treated with a sight of her oomely shape. We are aware that the hardships beredita- ble to the oommaud of that ancient craft are appalling. The intricate uav- i igatiou between Astoria, Sand Island < and Cape Hanoock is indeed trying, but we doubt not th it a man could be fonnd 1 who would withstand the pressure. We have a remedy whereby the diffioultyon Shoalwater bar oan he obviated and at the same time not be compelled to oall on the overtaxed Shabriok. If permis- sion oan be had from the department, the tugs now plying on the bay will properly mark the channels by placing >he buoys in their proper positions. Shoalwater Bay it but little known to the outside world, and in the majority of oases where it is known, it is looked npon as a body of water of little or no importance. In reality it presents greater facilities for shipping purp >ses, . and is easier of acoess than any other like bay on the coast. Its channels are wide and deep, allowing vessels draw- ing eighteen feet of .water ample sea room. Many of the ohannels. however, are not baoyed, and their oourse is only known to those who are thoroughly familiar with the bay. and even to such persons it beoomes hazardous to navi- gate at times, without any marks of gmdanoe other than the lead line. These ohannels should be marked by bnoys. and the outside bar buoy should be " changed to the right position, also a numl>er of others ludioating the chan- * nel more distinctly all the way in. The * shipping interests demand it, and it j shonld lie seen to forthwith, by those detailed to look after this district. C-jrr. PoST-INTrLLKiKNCKH MISCELLANEOUS. W T. SHARP*. W. J|. COFTMAX. C. H. ALL* OS D SEATTLE IRON WORKS SHARPS, COFFMAN * CO.. Proprietors. FOUNDRY. MACHINE AND PATTERN SHOPS. Jackson street, corner of Second. Castings ot all kinds. Fronts tor build- ing*. Engines built, set up and repaired. Machinery nil new and of improved make L P. SMITH & SON., Front street, Seattle. W. T. WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS, DEALERS IN Watches, Jewelry, Silverware and Clocks. Notarial and other Seals made to order. Special attention given to repairing. apl2 tf FASHION STORE. FLOUR, BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, And a select Stock *f Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Shrimps, Sardines, Brabanten Sardelien, Lobsters, Trout, Mackerel, Salmon, etc. Also. Foreign and Domestic Pickles, Chow Chow, Piccolilll's, Lucca Oils, Sauces, Vine- gars, etc. Pure TEASand COFFEE. CHARLES FKASCH. Cash Grocer. Millstreet, near Commercial. Seattle. W. T. SEATTLE I UMBER AND COMMERCIAL COMPANY S Saw and Planing Mills, SASH AND DOOR FACTORY Manufacture all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Shutters, See., Ac. Orders from abroad will be promptly attended to and satisfaction warran Orders for Span, Puis and Loaf Timber will be Oiled on short notice. Milland offioe on Front BMM Address ISAAC DOBSON, Manager. WM. WILLIAMSON. " ALBKKT KKLLOOO. PUQET FOUNDRY. WILLIAMSON * KELLOGG, PROPRIETORS. ALL KINDS OF Iron and Brass Casting none at Short Nottoe aad la a Satisfactory Manner FRONT sr. SKATTLIL W. T. W ST CHLOMO «iT c?».* CHINA TEA. STORE. FOI/<;KB'H DECISION ON THK FrtAl-t STKAMBO4T CAHAIK-THB StSiTE ISVKSTIOAXWO COMMITTEE ON I/'tHEBS OuiBAOES I'ltoMKll.V STARTS «- S ?ITOSOSU* J-'KEE Coi HSE or LaC- TIEKS BV CAPT. DirrroN -A COLORED L KLTIK _ POLITICAL PEJU ECTIOS WASHINGTON 1 EKRITOKY INTERESTS DIST L'SHEP AT THE DINNEK PARTIES. WASHINGTON, Frb. 12, 18*4. Secretary Folger thinks Mrs. Mary A. jjiller.of Ne* < irle ms. ought to \m li- pped as oaptvin of a steam vessel if iioalilied- He H IV- : " 1 k;jowof nothing mM . a per tte in the reason of things, la natural law. in public policy, or iu gooil moral*. why a woman, if she is skilled, buofst. intelligent, hardy mid prudeiit Mioogt, <"*>' not ,JilVe command of a K«Aiu vessel und navigate it, and man- age olid conduct trie huMheMt carried on ?ltli it- I " ' HS ,uai,ler of a sMrSiu vessel. ' Section* -i-kS* :K» of the Revised Stat- ute* used the masculine gender: yet the Kevised Statutes of the l.'uited States luMtaline gender may apply to feminiue also, snd it is argued that the prohibi- tum against serving as master, in this unict; 'he word " bun." does not neoes- wrily debar the "hers" from like law- ful pursuits it they possess the required qualifications at examination, i'ue de- tiKiuii'» worth remembering; it isafor ward uiovt niest on the dial plate of Capt. I>utton regards the people as of East Indian origin, from the fact that w_hen Capt. Cook visited the Islands, in 17«i>, the pis, the dog and the heu w*re their domestic animal*. They were nev- er savages, in the popular of the term. I hey were a brown skinned raoe, with robust physique, straight hair and regular features. Their earliest known state of society was a feudal system as perfect as that of Europe in the teutb aud eleventh centuries. Ihe king was lord paramount and his will absolute: under him were chiefs who owed him allegiance; these chiefs in turn reeeived homage from petty lords. This was a state of vassalage, to be sure, but they seem to have had more liberty of will than under the Norman regime. There was a priesthood who rnled supreme. The Captain paid a glowing tribute to the Kamehameha dynasty as men of royal intellect, tact and suavity. Kane- hameha first peroeived that the most prosperous government was that in which Church and State let each other alone. A marvelous discovery, certain- ly. for oue who for the first time wel- comed the white man to his native shores. In his reign the missionaries, men of tact and wisdom, first oame to the Islands: and Kamehameha, having destroyed the power of the native priest- hood, lent a willing ear to the propa- gandists of the new faith. Accepting it himself, he educated his people up to the point that, when be lay a corpse, his wi low and son deliberately broke the "taboo." No outbreak followed, be- cause the people no longer believed that death would follow any disregard of " taboo,'* and Kamehameha 11. had only to complete what his father had begun. Th-it thp raoe is dying out, the oensus returns plainly indicate; but Capt. Dut- tou believes it is owing to the faot that easy, indolent, pleasure-loving Hawaii- aus, uniike most tropical raoes, have no special love for offspring, and a decrease of the birth rate, not the introduction of the white race nor inorease of death rate, is the true cause of the decline of the Hawaiian people. ft>t<,Wof>«i 1851. \oHcdgc y fyavh Sj (Sc. c/mpcztino *"2 l Ytcfoalc nqghh v>tc. f Pics. an J £"l cheat Shed <2*x. ?lci:fi. j! &citfand, Oitflcn. \u25a0 Equality of sexes in labor." Ihe Senate investigating committee, to iiiij'iirf into tbe Southern outrages incurring recently, with full panoply of power IU them vested, have t his morn mg started on their tour of?something, it vet remains to l>e seen what kind of public dimers will be nerved, what re- ceptions and speeches and toasts will he ID order: hut such men an Senator Fry of Maine and Senator Hoar of Massa- chusetts will not be f<M>led very much ? let AFT hope HO, at leant. Iu repeated caucuses there was mani- fested a strong feeling that something uUi(tit to l>e done m behalf of the out Southern Itepublicaus where it bad become too apparent that it was no more ou color hue, hut party spite; yet nothing was done. Finally Senator John Sherman uulimuered his MIX feet sf leintb. aud, rising telescopioally, an- nua need: FOR SALE. HALF INTKRKSTIN A BONA FIDE business: proof of trade; will suit a live man of education : the business stands A 1; all liabilities paid up to date : price. S*(JO. PICKERING & CO.. Commercial Agents, Washington street, next to Police Court. mr2 6 J. w. NII.KH, A colored crank, is trying to persuade the President sf the feasibility of giv- ing np certain lands in the West to form a future Stats for the exclusive oocu pauuy of his. raoe. Unfortunately for Ntles aud bis pet scheme, neither Presi- dent, Congress nor people see it in that light. We believe the oolored people will have to emigrate, as President Lin- coln years ago advised, notwithstanding the ciontrary opiuiou of Fred. Doaglas; but we don't believe it wise or p ditio to make any distinction based ou color. The Afrio-Americaus are simply citizens of the United States, with the same po- litical rights and privileges as German, Irish, Scotch or Dutob-Amerioatis, and chould be treated exactly on the same principles. WASHINGTON TKHBITOUY ISTKUKMIH Are beginning to be freely discussed at dinner jwrtit n and social gatherings, a fact which shows an tucreasiug inter- est iu our namesake on the Pacific eoast. Delegate Brents. Mr. Metoalfe of Se- attle and Mr. Kuhn made arguments tie- fore the Committee on Hallways and Canals ou Monday morning, of ooarse in favor of the bill to aid in the con- struction of a canal between Lakes Union and Washington and Paget Sound. They also read before this committee telegraphic memorials from the Seattle Chaml>er of Commerce, the City Conuoil and Commissioners of King county, whioh were accepted with a great deal of lutereet. Satisfactory explanations were given of the salient features of the bill aud the necessity and importance of tbe oanal as a publio highway. The committee agreed to re- port the bill with some slight amend metits proposed by Mr. B. aud agreed to by Mr. M. Your Delegate al o made an argument before the Senate Committee ou Terri- tories iu favor of tbe bill for tbe admis- sion of the Slate of Washington. The oo mm it lee requested him to appear be- fore them again today, and, while we write. Washington as a State is being thoroughly discussed. It was brought upon Friday last; thus society aud some newspapers bad ail opportunity to dis- cuss the matter over Sabbath, The plan of your representative is first to pass it through the Seuate aud tUeu reach tbe House on the o.dendar from the House (Committee ou Territories. This com- mittee have already reported a substi- tute presented by Mr. Brents for tbe bills of Mr. Post of Wyoming and of Mr. 8., providing for four Judges in tbe Territories, which will, of course, be of great advantage to your people if it be- comes a law. '1 he U. S. mail service betweeu Seattle and Port Blakely has been increased to a daily mail after the first of next mouth. " Well, gentlemen, if nobody else will, I'll take the responsibility." "Goabead," said little rebel Mahoiie; " I'll hack you." The co merce of thin entire toy will doable if not treble within the next few yearn, and oar population will grow in like proportion. There in no use of dis- guising the fact, or in other words, "hiding onr light ander a bushel." in regard to the future importance of our small inland sea. Oar county, with her nomeroas rivers and fertile valleys, all having an outlet on the hay, has enough undeveloped resources to last an indefi- nite period. 1 lis a county not easily approachable, and its varied resources are likely to be deceiviug to a stranger, in fact they are beyond one's compre- hension nntil one becomes familiar with their surroundings. Not long since we had the pleasure of meeting a gentle- man from the East, who had been spending considerable time in looking over the Northwest, and especially this Territory. Among other things, he pud our couuty a very graceful com- pliment, and coming from the source it did. is decidedly flattering. He says that although he bad visited every county in the Territory he had failed to tind one that compared with Pacific county for abundance of resoaroes, scenery, climate, or future business prospects. We hafe long been of the opinion that this county presented more advantages than her sister oounties, bat were not inclined to make publicity of our oonviction ostentatiously, but were disposed to allow the olaims of this sec- tion to speak for itself. So, beoMise Kdmotuls withdrew his balf promise on account of his daugh- ter's health, and Logan was d*-ep in the Fit/. John Porter case, ttis River and Harbor bills, Ac., aud lost making a point with colorea people, and Hoar had aspirations which too much forwardness in this matter might injure?thus Jo tin Sherman tiecomes the sponsor of tue in- vestigation resolution. The New York Ihruld of Feb. 'M pub- lishes a scurrilous article upon Sherman fur his course. I'Uis is the mttel policy, to educate publio opinion through the press. Lamar and the other rebel ele meul kn.jw full well that Sherman's charges are true: hence the Southerners stand before the country otrireed with guilt they caunot deny, aud let their case go by default, not daring to touch it in the Semite, for " the offense is rank it smells to heaven." 'I he newspaper article referred to is said to have been written bv oue Mrs. Melt ride, a female onrpet bagger from Mississippi, appoint- ed by Secretary Sherman iu the Trea «ury department, out of pity for her utwd and distress, as well as ou ncoount of her claim of suffering so much down there for Kepublicauism: bat, surely, if this person is the writer, as is supposed, «h« is probably instigated by Senator Lauiar. who, naturally enough, desires to keep the Hherumii investigating com- mittee from Copiah county and Yazoo, aud endorses the wail of this uauielesH ?nter, who. as it nppeare, is well known to the regular oorrtwpondeut of that paper. FUKHITLKNT A mum's First public levee was held last Wednes- day evening. Feb tith, aud was graced l>v the lieunty and elite of Washington aucisty and also five chiefs of the Flat- bends, tl e guests of Delegate McGin- UH, royally arrayed in striped blaukets, beads, feathers and claws. Over three thousand people entered the doors of th« White Mouse aud made their exit through the window, the fashionable style uo adays to avoid a crush. This uttiijue method was first inaugurated in the days of President Lincoln, wheu citi/en soldiers played an important part in the dramatic and tragic as well aasocial affairs of lite. IHIOU T HM>. IMIUUI.AS liudsoiit now that " wheu a man mar- ries his trouble Intginw." The colored people are quite put out because he mar- tlet! out of the race, aud the majority «f the white race don't take kindly to amalgamation. His children don't like it an the score of discrepancy in age: moreover, the bride has a temper not uv er Utility from past records: and now »>tuw a suit iu court for £IOOO d images tor Qoti-p.iymeut of $ - J0 per month as I'J aontraot for houst-kee|ier's services fur twelve years past ?this from his sis- J*r in-law. So the poor old man tiuds life is real; life is earnest," before the honeymoon is over. MtlTlftM I'tUMBU. Superintendent Todd returned from Hnuiafl yesterday by the wagon road. An inquest was hek!, but nothing satis- factory seems yet to be ascertained re- specting the vigilante*. exoept that they are now on the other side. The Indian was snob a bad character that it is ex ceedingly difficult to obtain any evi- dence against those who have put biui out of the way.? (luardian. Mesais. Graham and Taylor have jumped a part of Senator Mulunes's property at Fort Moody, and intend to contest his title. Mr. Thomas J. Pogue has also jumped Mr. Hurr's claim. We learn that several claims in Surrey mu- nicipality have lately been jumped. Messrs. Oliver A Worth have con- tracted to build a steam yacht for Kev. Thomas Crosby, superintendent of the Methodist mission at Port Siiupson. She will be a screw steamer, tio f»et long, U»H' feet beam, and 8 feet hold. We understand she will be built near the Koyal City Planing Mill*. and it is expected she will be ready for sea be- fore the end of Joly.?( WKm/wm. The Committee of the House on Pub- lic Kuildings and Grounds, having in charge the bill for the building of a custom-house. Ac., at Port Townaend, have oalled ou Mr. Brents and Mr. Kuhn to appear before them. The sub oom- mittee will report the bill favorably to the full committee, and are going to re commend an appropriation of $57,000 for this improvement. Thus you see those who represent the interests of the uorthwest are widt-awake and full of business. E. B. 8. \u25a0?\u25a0KKKtTATIO* MALE FOR LADIES. Free exhibition Monday, March 10th. Kvery lady calling at our store on that day will receive a ticket entitling her to participate in a free drawing of foar elegant pieoes of silverware, to be given away to the ladies at our opening auc- tion sale on Tuesdsy, March 11th, at 2 p. m. The stock oonsiats of a large as- sortment of Rogers Krus. silver plated ware, table and bed linens, cutlery, clocks, hosiery, towels, etc. The sale will take plaoe in W. A. Smith's music store in Colman's block on Front street. Ladies, do not neglect to call Monday and get a ticket, free of charge. Com- fortable seats provided for ladies. F. T. Keelar. auoiioneer. 8-2 POLITICAL OOOPY i«ll)l)|HM 'n-nmlly tuisses tire?fault, blank oart- ! nditf*. l'oo much noodueas always kills , * Democrat. " Gentleman George" H. ' rendi*>t«ui undertook to reform the civil| *'»iae, aud is a political corpse in oou- *Mii<-n«e, though tlic civil service is not Mrt *ny to*|H> tk of. And now Senator ' wwnof Connecticut is after the assess- tt»ui forgetting that it killed j ?" J *y hui>lifll o( Michiuau. If p»v»r Wton survives ihis eiuette. it will make parly deathly sick about next No Wilier. It is no use; the Democratic Pwy is too far none to be reformed, i ""MfornicJ or conformed to it* old gi- j proportions: ami the sooner its j'TUjtxloarcase is out of the way the r '»r progressive people. THE SMITHSONIAN ri»EK LKCffKKS. No.n was K iv t n byCapt.C. K. Dutton, _ J ""Wail and her People," and was y*th a walk iu the rain and mud to the . Museum, on Saturday after- Oupt. Dutton helougs to the IT.l T . has pasM*d some mouths uie Hgbt islands of the group, and Msth* The islands i t°P«of aqueous mountains, and, r«N.r temperature is delightful, '* risl:> U to !K) or falling below <>s lc vj**' the climate is various. Ueiug "®lt of trade wiuds, in summer nortll «*ast. dry and cool, the JOU.I * ,n ter months are rainy, wind ~"***'\u25a0 During his residence there heard hut one peal of thun- Vr* rai "y season; quite the re- «utm° j^ ln Kton, where a thunder m u t*" r uiem is not u*iti«ual forawevk uium n" 06 ' ? ,w "' volcanoes are the ' u Shasta, din,. wn I vm " t and Ktna, with half a » ia!j #,ua "er Celebrities billed down, **ttt«* r ?f '\ "mm. vi leSe Vol<, '»noes. Their action Jlff ereut from that of other vol «uiu« in Iceland. The *hoQtt. H lB "-tween these eruptions il V years. Hut little noise ac- * d»» n « ? outbreak, which is on sucti "'"Dtioi. , ki '" ent «c«le as t«> make th« '?"inh i * and Vesuvius a mew "«««.? i...d v frfwianoe. Often tb« Mioot o . islands know uothini Uiu.ii 111 "iKht oouit-s and the glos the heavens shows when MTTirAA A*» fAklH*. Lumber continues in great request at he new town of Ktuney. Some has ?ecu brought up from Ainororth. oost- ug $22 to $24 per thousand. Charles Walker and wife and Lee Wyunegar and wife have made their irriugeoieuts to go to Paget Sound, there they expect to reside in the [utur.. Joseph Sohanno. of Yakiina, keeps a veatber report. From it we learn that the total snowfall on the 18th, 19th and AXh instant was inches, and the total snowfall during February was 224 inches. The Natchez Valley is well suited for the raising of sugar cane, and indeed the lower Yakima might be made re- munerative by raising it. Tbe amber varietv makes most excellent syrap. and the expense of manufacturing need not be large. A sugar factory is talked of, but this is too expensive to start in j on; but a small beginning could be made with the cane, and in time the beet might be utilized for sugar and syrup.?? Chamob or Dates. ?As will be seen by the advertisement, the steamer Nellie will hereafter leave Seattle for Mukilteo, Lowell and Sootomish City . n Tuesday, Thoradav and Saturday of each week, and return Seattle every Monday. Wednesday and Friday. 6 b FtM IIXTUI A*» >nu«. Th» Snoqualmie trail and wagon road is open for oattle, horses and footmen. Persons going to Gear d'Alene mines, or wishing to find good homes and cheap living. can reach Eastern Wash- ington at a saving of tbirtv dollars over the Portland and Dallea route. Take the Snaqualmie roate to the finest val leva in the northwest, including Kittitas. Winnatehie. Moaes. Cooley, and the Big Bend country. whera thousands can find government land subject to entry. There are stopping places all along the line. Take the train at Seattle for New- castle. walk over to Sqaak Valley, " miles, where meals are served at i"> oenta: thenoe to Snoqualmie. 1A mi lea. theaoe to Lake Kiehelaa, where the oom- psny's wagon traina ran to Elleaaborg. At the Valley Hotel or Bond Company's office, information regarding the ooan- try is freely given. There were 150 families in Big Bend ooantry last fall. Saddle trains will be pot oa in 90 days between Neweaatle and Lake Kicbelaa, to connect with the wagon traina. fel9dwlm Gaoaos F. SMITH. Referring to the Star Ham advertised by na in theae oolamns, we have now to aay. that in aceordnace with a eastern instituted by as some vears since, we oa or abont March first oommence oar sixth snn-* 1 ham sale, which con- sists of sailing the vary choicest Cali forma hams that can be manufactured at a price only covering first coat aad fTr af placing aame before ear customers, when bought and handled in very large qaantitiea. This sale will only laak SO days, vhea prices will be sdvano- ad to the sml figure. C. P. Stoxi, Orocar aad Provision Dealer. Coffees loantsd daily in t-or new improved roaster. A good atlas la toe necessity of ever? library, counting room and of evwry intelligent family, and Cram s family world atlas, for which the town is now being canvassed, just fills the bill. It is the beet and cheapest atlas pub lished. Why waste money and aaarifioe health when one boltle of oar Southern Liver Hegnlator will make yon aa good as new?" Try it once and yon will nee none other. 6. Kellogg A £>. IS J:'i»ui«"ae Toothache Drops core in- ?tenUr guaranteed. O. Keilogg & Co.IS SEATTLE DAILY POST-INTELLIGENCER WALD & CAMPBELL JOBBERS AMD RETAILORS IN Hardware Iron. Steei. Bcc I " .»| ?\u25a0>. 11 *" Stude baker Wagons SaXga^ r , : :n : He aire selling off our entire stock of FANCY (iOOIKS and GENTS' FUUNISIIING (JOODS, At cost, they being slightly damaged from the new walls, ('all and see prices before pur- chasing elsewhere. Onr prices will surprise yow- ICHI BAN BAZAAR, * qui re's new building. Second st. near Main. WADDELL& MILES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALERF IN Ranges, Cook, Parlor & Box STOTES from the country solicited and satisfaction guaranteed._JU «lve uh a fall and Look Through our lnniieu*tt .Stork Mill Street. Seattle. Washington Territory HRNKY L. YRHLKR. JOHN H. ANIIkRHON "STESLEB VIILL AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY MANI'rACTI'KIHI AND DKAI.KKH IN ALL KINDS MW Rough and Dressed Lumber, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Mouldings, Brackets, Window and Door Frames, etc. «r AIX ORDERH PKOMITLY nLLKIWI jp»<l*wtf y«*ler»i Wharf. K«mu. HARRINGTON SMITH, Importers and Wholetuilr Dealer*, Have BOW on hand the Lariat an 1 Heat Selected Stock Ever Broug .it t > i uget Sound. Groceries, it visions, Hardware j Iron, Steel, Cordage and Ship Chandlery, i Flour, Peed, Bay and Grain, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and OlaMware, Paints and Oils, and all kinds 01 Staple and Fancy Groceries Also Lime, Brick, Plaster and Cement. Agents for the celebrated Mitchell Wagon, Sperrv & Co.'s Flouring Mills, of Stockton, Cal., and the Imperial, Northern Queen and London Insurance Company. CAPITAL. IM.IW.WIJt HA2RI*<;TO3 a SMTH. <'«mmerrial Htrwt, Seattle, W, T. STETSON & POST, PROPRIETORS OK THK Seattle Planing Mills i larofactnrers of all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, RUSTIC, FLOORING, CASINOS. OUTTERS, I'ACKINO BOXES SAaU I DOORS, BLINDS, SHUTTERS, ANH WOOH KINISU ' OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. W.J. HORNE'S Electro - Magnetic Belt- Electricity is Life! ALACK OF IT, DISKAHK AND death. All diseases cured and the vital forces restored without the ose of medicine, by HORNE'S NEW ELECTRIC BELT. acknowledged by the New York 9cienti-tsas the greatest triumph of all electric inventions. Sweeps the conti- nent from ocean to ocean Cures disease when all else fails. Whole families can wear the same belt. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD for one that cannot be recharged and the electricity felt instant- ly by the patient. Guaranteed for one year. Beware of those presenting false claims. My Belt received two GOLD MEDALS at the California State Fair ; also at the Denver Exposition. I challenge any ane to show the same. Al«o, DTTD'I TTB I? Guaranteed re- rCUt \u25a0 U Ueved or cured by Home's Electric Truss. A. B. STEWART. retail and jobbing druggist, Seattle. Agent for Washington Territory. <*-23 Mi TO ALL COMERS. Ifyon want good bargains in Real Estate, go to the old firm of O. C. PHINNEY & CO. If jou want to sell Real Estate, go to ti.C. PHINNEY & CO., Real Estate Brokers. Room np stain, Post Building. You will always find them ready to Buy or sell. 1«-tf ON TAI & CO., Mill Street, BKATTLE. ( \ ENERAL DEALERS INTKA.KICK, \ T Cigar*. Silks, Ladies' and Gentle men's underwear, and Japanese and Chi- nese Goods, all at the lowest prices. Firecrackers and all kinds or Fireworks, by retail and wholesale, now in stock and coming from Japan. Will contract to furnish Chinese labor. cm KEB. \u25a0«ll If Business Msnssar. WHAT'S THE USE BUYING LOTH IX Bdliighin Bayer Wfcik river IMitirai Wh»n TOO can bay LOT 3 right In the heart of. the city from aal tf BLAWCMAWP A CO. W. H. TAYI.OK. r. 1. Bt'KNS W. H. TAYLOR & CO., linraice Aieicy. fin, Marine, Life and Accident Rtprwotiaf TAT J MM BEST American ami Fanifß Cwpniw. AGENTS FOR THE TRAVELERS* Life and Accident Company, of Hartford. l*ma_. the oldest and largest Accident Insurance Company in the world Bailee's Building. Jams* St.. JS&MARrWKQMk WAYS- J. ALLEN & N. BR.ISEN, Practical Shipbuilders, IT AVE CONSTRUCTED MAKINE Q Ways just north of the Barrel Fac- tory, capable of hauling out a vessel of 400 tons. We are now prepared u> take contracts of hauling out, repairing, re- building. lengthening, or bailding vessels or steamers, on short notice and reasona- ble terms. Ship carpenters and caulker* sent to anv place on the Sound. We will give all jobs personal attention. We also guarantee entire satisfaction to all parties having dealings with ua. Satisfactory bonds will be given whenever required. Post Office Box 791. Seattle. W. T. de 6 To all whom itmay Concern OrKICK or THE COLUMBIA AND PUOKT ) SOUND RAILROAD COMPANY, R SEATTLE. W. T.. July 27. ISO ) WHEREAS, BY DEED BEARING ** date August 19,18? X executed in pur- suance of an ordinance approved Autrusf 18. 1873. the city of Seattle conveyed tothe Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad and Transportation Company, all the tide lands m>uth of King street, in said city of sJesttle, in. along, around and about Elliot bay, from extreme high to extreme low tide and deep water : and. Whereas, The Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Washington, by an Act approved Novemberß. 1573, ratified and confirmed add grant and conveyance upon certain conditions, which have been fully performed by said Company ; and. Whereas, Said Act of the Legislative . Assembly vested the title of said lands in t said Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad ! and Transportation Company, in fee sim- ple ; and. Whereas. The United States has acqui- esced in said grant and conveyance ; and, Whereaa, The said Seattle and Walla Walia Railroad and Transportation Com- pany has transferred and conveyed all of said lands to the Columbia and Puge Sound Railroad Company; Now, therefore, the said Columbia and Paget Sound Railroad Company hereby givet notice that it claims the exclusive right to occupy said lands and to erect wharves and other structures thereon, and that all persons are hereby notified to refrain <rom occupying ar entering upon any of said 'ands without the consent, in writing, of said Columbia and Pujget Sound Railroad Company, i COLUMBIAk PUGETSOUND R.R.CO i By F. P. WEYMOUTH. | jjrtt tf Assistant Superintendent. Cream Cakes, EVERY DAY, AT PIPER'S. laU BEHSCH ft HOIK, Felsen Beer Depot C* KLKBKATED FELSEN BKKK ON *\u25a0' tap. First-class wines, liquors and cigars sold at the bar. felsen Beer at Wholesale I IIIOMoa Mill strait, opposite the aew QrcHsalal wM ENGINE LATHE FOR WALK CHEAP. riIVVKNTY-IXJUK INCH SWING, L with fourteen-foot bed. compound rest, steady rest, power cross feed, screw cut- ting gear, etc. Also, one C'ushman chuck, with reversible jaws. Ali nearly new. Apply to IVKY& URKN. mrl im Foot of Columbia «t.. Seattle. 0. E. DUHIE, DEALER IN FLOUR. HAY. CHAIN, FEED, AND PKODUCE, AND Porwdrdine and (ommiuion Merrhaot Sole agent for Paget Sound for the Pen- dleton flour Mills. Yosier's wharf. Seattle: P. O. box 891. no9 aw tf WASHINGTON COLLEGE IIOARDINU AND DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, SEATTLE. W. T. fel2dw FRMENTHIL BROS. RELIABLE 6000S AT LOWEST PRICES. OONUBTINO Or Dry Goods, Carpets, Oilcloth, Boots and Shoe*. Clothing, Hats, Trunk*, etc. ALSO New and second-hand Grain Sacks. We pay the highest price for KUUS, HIDES AND WOOL. rRAITKNTHAL BROS., iLtt Commercial St.. Seattle NOTICE I S HKREBY GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC 1 and all persons concerned, that the case of Dr. P. B. M. Miller vs. myself, A. McKinnie, of Portland, Uregon, and the Portland Savings Hank, in no way affects me or my property ; that on the 34th dav of October. ISM. I deeded lots 4 and X block 68. C. C. Terry's flrst addition, and the four double houses thereon, to said McKinnie, SUBJECT TO DR. HILUKD MORTGAGE, shown by the records, and said McKinnie was bound and is obliged to p»T said mortgage or the amount will be taken out of the property. This notice is given that those not acquainted with the circumstances may know that the case in no way affects me or any of my property and that it was begun with my entire approval. Maynard's Lake Washington Addition is the boas property, all the same, and selling like not cakes. You'll miss it If you dont get in on a block at once. Apply at the old place. felO G. C. PHINNKY. 36 GEM TINTYPES 30 FOR 50 CENTS, 50 REISER'S ART STUDIO. Second street, near Marion. feSl Situation Wanted. TNA LOGGING CAMP. BY A MAN L and wife, he to do general work and ?he to cook ; BO children ; have had ex- pefiance. A<l draw " M.." Seattle P.Q teX PUGET SOUND LINE. KUMTRSOT UN> BAAUUUUTT. TIKI UJCOD NN TO tttaa DAIS. rh* s-w ud teat ichOMM laperte. Oap*. Koch; Qussa. Oap'atn B *ndt; Haw«. Oapc luon: Amsricaa Oiri, o»pt. Btckus ; «od chip City of Brooklyn, OapC Bwaa, «1H sake rs«*lsr trips from SIR FRANCISCO TO SEATTLE, DIRECT. Bhlppwt p>«ase ordar by the tbsw Line. Marine Ini affected si the lowMt raus. ' OHAR. H. WBLLB. AfMl, 10 California * , flas Francisco H. L. TFEOXR. Agaat. dw Mill \u25a0» . B?Hl» NOTICE. THE PARTNERSHIP HERBTO- fore existing between Alfred Page and Joseph Green under the linn name of Page k Greeo. is dissolved by mutual consent. Alfred Page is authorized to collect all debts due said Arm. and is t# pay all d.bu owing by said Arm. ALFRED PAGE. JOSEPH GREEN. Seattle. March 4. IBM. mi« BrickYard. IHAVE THIRTY ACRES. CITY froat, auitable for brick yard, tor sale. JOHN LEAHY. tettlc.Ju.AUß. taft

Transcript of * iLake Stude baker Pics. Ytcfoalc*2 - Chronicling America...Sicilian* are t* get away: for one can...

  • "S3 BSJSST £ ICOBBOLIDATBD D 1881. SEATTLE, W. T., SUNDAY HORNING, MARCH 9, 1884. VOL. V?SO. 129.LETTfc® the tremendous ttrwmi of lava are flow-

    '7® l?' () deep nrioe*, and immenseclouds of MMD float op and form a can-opy over all. The Hawaiian* are asanxious to set near an eraption as theSicilian* are t* get away: for one canstand to leeward ne*r enon/h tRTT I"E. OHIO. Sept. TO.

    \u25a0 SOLOS. " HAVING H-RI «übieet T" a hrnnehlal afreet lon. with

    \u25baold*, for A NUMBER of TEAR*. 1 .-. r*ify that .T VF.H'S CHEEKY PTses, .and is easier of acoess than any otherlike bay on the coast. Its channels arewide and deep, allowing vessels draw-ing eighteen feet of .water ample searoom. Many of the ohannels. however,are not baoyed, and their oourse is onlyknown to those who are thoroughlyfamiliar with the bay. and even to suchpersons it beoomes hazardous to navi-gate at times, without any marks ofgmdanoe other than the lead line. Theseohannels should be marked by bnoys.and the outside bar buoy should be "changed to the right position, also anuml>er of others ludioating the chan- *nel more distinctly all the way in. The *shipping interests demand it, and it jshonld lie seen to forthwith, by thosedetailed to look after this district.




    FOUNDRY. MACHINE AND PATTERN SHOPS.Jackson street, corner of Second.

    Castings ot all kinds. Fronts tor build-ing*. Engines built, set up and repaired.

    Machinery nil new and of improved make

    L P. SMITH & SON.,Front street, Seattle. W. T.


    Watches, Jewelry, Silverware and Clocks. Notarial andother Seals made to order.

    Special attention given to repairing. apl2 tf


    And a select Stock *f

    Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Shrimps, Sardines,Brabanten Sardelien, Lobsters, Trout, Mackerel,Salmon, etc. Also. Foreign and Domestic Pickles,Chow Chow, Piccolilll's, Lucca Oils, Sauces, Vine-gars, etc. Pure TEASand COFFEE.

    CHARLES FKASCH.Cash Grocer. Millstreet, near Commercial. Seattle. W. T.


    SASH AND DOOR FACTORYManufacture all kinds of

    Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Sash,Blinds, Frames, Shutters, See., Ac.

    Orders from abroad will be promptly attended to and satisfaction warranOrders for Span, Puis and Loaf Timber will be Oiled on short notice.

    Milland offioe on Front BMM AddressISAAC DOBSON, Manager.





    Iron and Brass Castingnone at Short Nottoe aad la a Satisfactory Manner



    FOI/e seen what kind ofpublic dimers will be nerved, what re-ceptions and speeches and toasts will heID order: hut such men an Senator Fryof Maine and Senator Hoar of Massa-chusetts will not be fled very much ?

    let AFT hope HO, at leant.Iu repeated caucuses there was mani-

    fested a strong feeling that somethinguUi(tit to l>e done m behalf of the out

    Southern Itepublicaus where itbad become too apparent that it was nomore ou color hue, hut party spite; yetnothing was done. Finally Senator JohnSherman uulimuered his MIX feet sfleintb. aud, rising telescopioally, an-nua need:


    HALF INTKRKSTIN A BONA FIDEbusiness: proof of trade; will suita live man of education : the businessstands A 1; all liabilities paid up to date :price. S*(JO. PICKERING & CO..Commercial Agents, Washington street,

    next to Police Court. mr2 6

    J. w. NII.KH,A colored crank, is trying to persuadethe President sf the feasibility of giv-ing np certain lands in the West to forma future Stats for the exclusive oocupauuy of his. raoe. Unfortunately forNtles aud bis pet scheme, neither Presi-dent, Congress nor people see it in thatlight. We believe the oolored peoplewill have to emigrate, as President Lin-coln years ago advised, notwithstandingthe ciontrary opiuiou of Fred. Doaglas;but we don't believe it wise or p ditio tomake any distinction based ou color.The Afrio-Americaus are simply citizensof the United States, with the same po-litical rights and privileges as German,Irish, Scotch or Dutob-Amerioatis, andchould be treated exactly on the sameprinciples.


    Are beginning to be freely discussed atdinner jwrtitn and social gatherings,a fact which shows an tucreasiug inter-est iu our namesake on the Pacificeoast.

    Delegate Brents. Mr. Metoalfe of Se-attle and Mr. Kuhn made arguments tie-fore the Committee on Hallways andCanals ou Monday morning, of ooarsein favor of the bill to aid in the con-struction of a canal between LakesUnion and Washington and PagetSound. They also read before thiscommittee telegraphic memorials fromthe Seattle Chaml>er of Commerce, theCity Conuoil and Commissioners ofKing county, whioh were accepted witha great deal of lutereet. Satisfactoryexplanations were given of the salientfeatures of the bill aud the necessityand importance of tbe oanal as a publiohighway. The committee agreed to re-port the bill with some slight amendmetits proposed by Mr. B. aud agreedto by Mr. M.

    Your Delegate al o made an argumentbefore the Senate Committee ou Terri-tories iu favor of tbe bill for tbe admis-sion of the Slate of Washington. Theoo mmitlee requested him to appear be-fore them again today, and, while wewrite. Washington as a State is beingthoroughly discussed. It was broughtupon Friday last; thus society aud somenewspapers bad ail opportunity to dis-cuss the matter over Sabbath, The planof your representative is first to pass itthrough the Seuate aud tUeu reach tbeHouse on the o.dendar from the House(Committee ou Territories. This com-mittee have already reported a substi-tute presented by Mr. Brents for tbebills of Mr. Post of Wyoming and ofMr. 8., providing for four Judges in tbeTerritories, which will, of course, be ofgreat advantage to your people if it be-comes a law.

    '1 he U. S. mail service betweeu Seattleand Port Blakely has been increased toa daily mail after the first of nextmouth.

    " Well, gentlemen, if nobody else will,I'll take the responsibility."

    "Goabead," said little rebel Mahoiie;" I'll hack you."

    The co merce of thin entire toy willdoable if not treble within the next fewyearn, and oar population willgrow inlikeproportion. There in no use of dis-guising the fact, or in other words,"hiding onr light ander a bushel." inregard to the future importance of oursmall inland sea. Oar county, with hernomeroas rivers and fertile valleys, allhaving an outlet on the hay, has enoughundeveloped resources to last an indefi-nite period. 1 lis a county not easilyapproachable, and its varied resourcesare likely to be deceiviug to a stranger,in fact they are beyond one's compre-hension nntil one becomes familiar withtheir surroundings. Not long since wehad the pleasure of meeting a gentle-man from the East, who had beenspending considerable time in lookingover the Northwest, and especially thisTerritory. Among other things, hepud our couuty a very graceful com-pliment, and coming from the source itdid. is decidedly flattering. He saysthat although he bad visited everycounty in the Territory he had failed totind one that compared with Pacificcounty for abundance of resoaroes,scenery, climate, or future businessprospects. We hafe long been of theopinion that this county presented moreadvantages than her sister oounties, batwere not inclined to make publicity ofour oonviction ostentatiously, but weredisposed to allow the olaims of this sec-tion to speak for itself.

    So, beoMise Kdmotuls withdrew hisbalf promise on account of his daugh-ter's health, and Logan was d*-ep in theFit/. John Porter case, ttis River andHarbor bills, Ac., aud lost making apoint with colorea people, and Hoar hadaspirations which too much forwardnessin this matter might injure?thus Jo tinSherman tiecomes the sponsor of tue in-vestigation resolution.

    The New York Ihruld of Feb. 'M pub-lishes a scurrilous article upon Shermanfur his course. I'Uis is the mttel policy,to educate publio opinion through thepress. Lamar and the other rebel elemeul kn.jw full well that Sherman'scharges are true: hence the Southernersstand before the country otrireed withguilt they caunot deny, aud let theircase go by default, not daring to touchit in the Semite, for

    " the offense is rankit smells to heaven." 'I he newspaper

    article referred to is said to have beenwritten bv oue Mrs. Meltride, a femaleonrpet bagger from Mississippi, appoint-ed by Secretary Sherman iu the Trea«ury department, out of pity for herutwd and distress, as well as ou ncoountof her claim of suffering so much downthere for Kepublicauism: bat, surely, ifthis person is the writer, as is supposed,«h« is probably instigated by SenatorLauiar. who, naturally enough, desiresto keep the Hherumii investigating com-mittee from Copiah county and Yazoo,aud endorses the wail of this uauielesH?nter, who. as it nppeare, is well knownto the regular oorrtwpondeut of thatpaper.

    FUKHITLKNT A mum'sFirst public levee was held last Wednes-day evening. Feb tith, aud was gracedl>v the lieunty and elite of Washingtonaucisty and also five chiefs of the Flat-bends, tl e guests of Delegate McGin-UH, royally arrayed in striped blaukets,beads, feathers and claws. Over threethousand people entered the doors ofth« White Mouse aud made their exitthrough the window, the fashionablestyle uo adays to avoid a crush. Thisuttiijue method was first inaugurated inthe days of President Lincoln, wheuciti/en soldiers played an importantpart in the dramatic and tragic as wellaasocial affairs of lite.

    IHIOU T HM>. IMIUUI.ASliudsoiit now that " wheu a man mar-ries his trouble Intginw." The coloredpeople are quite put out because he mar-tlet! out of the race, aud the majority«f the white race don't take kindly toamalgamation. His children don't likeit an the score of discrepancy in age:moreover, the bride has a temper notuv er Utility from past records: and now»>tuw a suit iu court for £IOOO d imagestor Qoti-p.iymeut of $ -J0 per month asI'J aontraot for houst-kee|ier's servicesfur twelve years past ?this from his sis-J*r in-law. So the poor old man tiudslife is real; life is earnest," before thehoneymoon is over.

    MtlTlftM I'tUMBU.

    Superintendent Todd returned fromHnuiafl yesterday by the wagon road.An inquest was hek!, but nothing satis-factory seems yet to be ascertained re-specting the vigilante*. exoept that theyare now on the other side. The Indianwas snob a bad character that it is exceedingly difficult to obtain any evi-dence against those who have put biuiout of the way.? (luardian.

    Mesais. Graham and Taylor havejumped a part of Senator Mulunes'sproperty at Fort Moody, and intend tocontest his title. Mr. Thomas J. Poguehas also jumped Mr. Hurr's claim. Welearn that several claims in Surrey mu-nicipality have lately been jumped.

    Messrs. Oliver A Worth have con-tracted to build a steam yacht for Kev.Thomas Crosby, superintendent of theMethodist mission at Port Siiupson.She will be a screw steamer, tio f»etlong, U»H' feet beam, and 8 feet hold.We understand she will be built nearthe Koyal City Planing Mill*.and it isexpected she will be ready for sea be-fore the end of Joly.?( WKm/wm.

    The Committee of the House on Pub-lic Kuildings and Grounds, having incharge the bill for the building of acustom-house. Ac., at Port Townaend,have oalled ou Mr. Brents and Mr. Kuhnto appear before them. The sub oom-mittee will report the bill favorably tothe full committee, and are going to recommend an appropriation of $57,000for this improvement. Thus you seethose who represent the interests of theuorthwest are widt-awake and full ofbusiness. E. B. 8.

    \u25a0?\u25a0KKKtTATIO* MALE FOR LADIES.

    Free exhibition Monday, March 10th.Kvery lady calling at our store on thatday willreceive a ticket entitling her toparticipate in a free drawing of foarelegant pieoes of silverware, to be givenaway to the ladies at our opening auc-tion sale on Tuesdsy, March 11th, at 2p. m. The stock oonsiats of a large as-sortment of Rogers Krus. silver platedware, table and bed linens, cutlery,clocks, hosiery, towels, etc. The salewill take plaoe in W. A. Smith's musicstore in Colman's block on Front street.Ladies, do not neglect to call Mondayand get a ticket, free of charge. Com-fortable seats provided for ladies. F.T. Keelar. auoiioneer. 8-2


    'n-nmlly tuisses tire?fault, blank oart- !nditf*. l'oo much noodueas always kills ,* Democrat. "Gentleman George" H. 'rendi*>t«ui undertook to reform the civil|*'»iae, aud is a political corpse in oou-*Mii tk of. And now Senator 'wwnof Connecticut is after the assess-tt»ui forgetting that it killed j?" J *y hui>lifll o( Michiuau. If p»v»rWton survives ihis eiuette. it will make

    parly deathly sick about next NoWilier. It is no use; the Democratic

    Pwy is too far none to be reformed, i""MfornicJ or conformed to it* old gi- jproportions: ami the sooner its

    j'TUjtxloarcase is out of the way ther '»r progressive people.THE SMITHSONIAN ri»EK LKCffKKS.

    No.n was K ivt n byCapt.C. K. Dutton,_ J""Wail and her People," and wasy*th a walk iu the rain and mud to the. Museum, on Saturday after-

    Oupt. Dutton helougs to the IT.l T .has pasM*d some mouths

    uie Hgbt islands of the group, andMsth* The islands

    i t°P«of aqueous mountains, and,r«N.r temperature is delightful,'* risl:> U to !K) or falling below slc

    vj**' the climate is various. Ueiug"®lt of trade wiuds, in summer

    nortll«*ast. dry and cool, theJOU.I

    *,nter months are rainy, wind~"***'\u25a0 During his residence thereheard hut one peal of thun-

    Vr* rai "y season; quite the re-«utm° j l̂nKton, where a thunderm u t*"

    r uiem is not u*iti«ual forawevkuium n"06 ' ? ,w "' volcanoes are the

    'u Shasta,din,. wnIvm" t and Ktna, with half a» ia!j

    #,ua "er Celebrities billed down,**ttt«*r ?f '\"mm. vileSe Vol make th«'?"inh i * and Vesuvius a mew"«««.? i...d v frfwianoe. Often tb«Mioot o . islands know uothiniUiu.ii 111 "iKht oouit-s and the glos

    the heavens shows when

    MTTirAA A*» fAklH*.

    Lumber continues in great request athe new town of Ktuney. Some has?ecu brought up from Ainororth. oost-ug $22 to $24 per thousand.Charles Walker and wife and Lee

    Wyunegar and wife have made theirirriugeoieuts to go to Paget Sound,there they expect to reside in the[utur..

    Joseph Sohanno. of Yakiina, keeps aveatber report. From it we learn thatthe total snowfall on the 18th, 19th andAXh instant was inches, and thetotal snowfall during February was 224inches.

    The Natchez Valley is well suited forthe raising of sugar cane, and indeedthe lower Yakima might be made re-munerative by raising it. Tbe ambervarietv makes most excellent syrap.and the expense of manufacturing neednot be large. A sugar factory is talkedof, but this is too expensive to start in jon; but a small beginning could bemade with the cane, and in time thebeet might be utilized for sugar andsyrup.??

    Chamob or Dates. ?As will be seenby the advertisement, the steamer

    Nellie will hereafter leave Seattle forMukilteo, Lowell and Sootomish City. n Tuesday, Thoradav and Saturday ofeach week, and return *° Seattle everyMonday. Wednesday and Friday. 6 b

    T» FtM IIXTUIA*»>nu«.

    Th» Snoqualmie trail and wagon roadis open for oattle, horses and footmen.Persons going to Gear d'Alene mines,or wishing to find good homes andcheap living. can reach Eastern Wash-ington at a saving of tbirtv dollars overthe Portland and Dallea route. Takethe Snaqualmie roate to the finest valleva in the northwest, including Kittitas.Winnatehie. Moaes. Cooley, and the BigBend country. whera thousands canfind government land subject to entry.There are stopping places all along theline. Take the train at Seattle for New-castle. walk over to Sqaak Valley,


    miles, where meals are served at i">oenta: thenoe to Snoqualmie. 1A milea.theaoe to Lake Kiehelaa, where the oom-psny's wagon traina ran to Elleaaborg.At the Valley Hotel or Bond Company'soffice, information regarding the ooan-try is freely given. There were 150families in Big Bend ooantry last fall.Saddle trains will be pot oa in 90 daysbetween Neweaatle and Lake Kicbelaa,to connect with the wagon traina.

    fel9dwlm Gaoaos F. SMITH.

    Referring to the Star Ham advertisedby na in theae oolamns, we have now toaay. that in aceordnace with a easterninstituted by as some vears since, we

    oa or abont March first oommenceoar sixth snn-* 1 ham sale, which con-sists of sailing the vary choicest Califorma hams that can be manufacturedat a price only covering first coat aadfTrM« af placing aame before earcustomers, when bought and handled invery large qaantitiea. This sale willonlylaak SO days, vhea prices will be sdvano-ad to the sml figure. C. P. Stoxi,Orocar aad Provision Dealer. Coffees

    loantsd daily in t-or new improvedroaster.

    A good atlas la toe necessity of ever?library, counting room and of evwryintelligent family, and Cram s familyworld atlas, for which the town is nowbeing canvassed, just fills the bill. Itis the beet and cheapest atlas published.

    Why waste money and aaarifioehealth when one boltle of oar SouthernLiver Hegnlator willmake yon aa


    as new?" Try it once and yon will neenone other. 6. Kellogg A £>. IS

    J:'i»ui«"ae Toothache Drops core in-?tenUr guaranteed. O. Keilogg

    & Co.IS



    Hardware Iron. Steei. BccI

    " .»| ?\u25a0>. 11 *"

    Stude baker WagonsSaXga^ r , : :n :

    He aire selling off our entire stock ofFANCY (iOOIKS and

    GENTS' FUUNISIIING (JOODS,At cost, they being slightly damaged from thenew walls, ('all and see prices before pur-chasing elsewhere. Onr prices will surpriseyow- ICHI BAN BAZAAR,*quire's new building. Second st. near Main.


    Ranges, Cook, Parlor & Box

    STOTESfrom the country solicited and satisfaction guaranteed._JU

    «lve uh a fall and Look Through our lnniieu*tt .StorkMill Street. Seattle. Washington Territory




    Rough and Dressed Lumber,DOORS, SASH, BLINDS,

    Mouldings, Brackets, Window and Door Frames, etc.«rAIX ORDERH PKOMITLY nLLKIWI

    jp» i uget Sound.

    Groceries, itvisions, HardwarejIron, Steel, Cordage and Ship Chandlery,

    i Flour, Peed, Bay and Grain,Boots and Shoes, Crockery and OlaMware,

    Paints and Oils, and all kinds 01

    Staple and Fancy GroceriesAlso Lime, Brick, Plaster and Cement.

    Agents for the celebrated Mitchell Wagon, Sperrv & Co.'s FlouringMills, of Stockton, Cal., and the Imperial, Northern Queen andLondon Insurance Company.

    CAPITAL. IM.IW.WIJtHA2RI* takecontracts of hauling out, repairing, re-building. lengthening, or bailding vesselsor steamers, on short notice and reasona-ble terms. Ship carpenters and caulker*sent to anv place on the Sound. We willgive all jobs personal attention. We alsoguarantee entire satisfaction to all partieshaving dealings with ua. Satisfactorybonds willbe given whenever required.

    Post Office Box 791. Seattle. W. T. de 6

    To all whom itmay ConcernOrKICK or THE COLUMBIA AND PUOKT )


    WHEREAS, BY DEED BEARING** date August 19,18? X executed in pur-

    suance of an ordinance approved Autrusf18. 1873. the city of Seattle conveyed totheSeattle and Walla Walla Railroad andTransportation Company, all the tidelands m>uth of King street, in said city ofsJesttle, in. along, around and about Elliotbay, from extreme high to extreme lowtide and deep water : and.

    Whereas, The Legislative Assembly ofthe Territory of Washington, by an Actapproved Novemberß. 1573, ratified andconfirmed add grant and conveyance uponcertain conditions, which have been fullyperformed by said Company ; and.

    Whereas, Said Act of the Legislative. Assembly vested the title of said lands int said Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad! and Transportation Company, in fee sim-ple ; and.

    Whereas. The United States has acqui-esced in said grant and conveyance ; and,

    Whereaa, The said Seattle and WallaWalia Railroad and Transportation Com-pany has transferred and conveyed all ofsaid lands to the Columbia and PugeSound Railroad Company;

    Now, therefore, the said Columbia andPaget Sound Railroad Company herebygivet notice that it claims the exclusiveright to occupy said lands and to erectwharves and other structures thereon,and that all persons are hereby notified torefrain «ase ordar by the tbsw Line.Marine Ini affected si the lowMt

    raus. ' OHAR. H. WBLLB. AfMl,10 California * , flas Francisco

    H. L. TFEOXR. Agaat.dw Mill \u25a0» . B?Hl»


    THE PARTNERSHIP HERBTO-fore existing between Alfred Pageand Joseph Green under the linn nameof Page k Greeo. is dissolved by mutualconsent. Alfred Page is authorized tocollect all debts due said Arm. and is t#pay all d.bu owing by said Arm.


    Seattle. March 4. IBM. mi«

    BrickYard.IHAVE THIRTY ACRES. CITYfroat, auitable for brick yard, tor sale.

    JOHN LEAHY.tettlc.Ju.AUß. taft