· --I NTE RMembers of Ml8s Isaacson's Speech 215 class will be In charge or set tings. with Gladys...

__ _ :__ _ ft_..,., ... _ ._ •s:•_.'P£ H~:.,;: e Ho~,~e ~~~~!~. ~!en ~-::;~ be Classes Suspended! --- ---- p~m-=-1= 0 -- .-.:1111t= . = l-~-1= -- -·--~1 ~~7:s~: 0 : "~~~ \ LO ol< Ma = NO ears) · I NTE R weekend or ~tny 14 and 16 · Becau. se ot the AwscF conference . · · e Tt~e :.:r"t 0 ~c. :~:~ 1 ~~:: 8 ''~~unn~:e;; here on Friday, April 29 , the re will · ,;j, convention the biggest and beat be no achoo! tbal day. Sc hool '·' ,.u,- e,·pr. Mi ss Rita Youmans ts ch ief pended . at t~e close of classes today . . director. Miss Doris Davis' ad,•linced and will be resumed at 8: 15 o..m. foods class Is in cha .r ge or the fa,•ors. Monday,, May o. accordin g to an an- VOL III Stevcw ' Point , W,is., Apri l 29, 1954 No. )3 ; ~:~•:;~! 1:~~e ~:x~1::s !:~ 1 : 8 '~;~i°~! by President Wll11am a.========:;==== displayed. · ditQr_OLTbe Saturda- y' - Rev~ew-;Slated-As : peaker At AWSCF Conference Dinner Hy Sl utron Snuon The h l~l\Jlght of the biennial confer ence of Wis consin Slate College ncultles to .1le bet{) h ere at the coll ege to morrow and Saturda)• will be A World Report. 1954". Given by Norma n Co usins. etlltor, of The Saturdu:r C\'lew. He will s1 ,eak on Friday ernntng at a banquet ut St. Peter's audi- orlum. , He was chai rman or the editorial bonrd of the o\·ersens bureo.u or the WL. in 194 3- 45, and U.S. go, ernmen t lectur er under th e Smith-Mundt net India . Pakl slttn up.d Ceylon in 1951. He Is the author of "Who Speaks r Man." In 1953 and became po1mlarly known through hi s editorial warn- 1g on the ntomt ~ bomb . "Modern Man ls Obsolete", In 1945. _ The COl)JS,rence wt.II offlclnlly open :~n f2.riday_.ln the coll ege aud- ori um with Dr. Edgar F. Pierson, th e nssoclation president. presiding. rgan melodies will be played by c------------- red Stcphanek. Norman E. Knut- n will lead the group In the singing " America." This will be rollowc<l · a p:rnel. "How Can All Arens of e College Program Be More Effect- ·ely Related For th e Education or condary Teachers." g roup. Fr ed J. Schmeeckle . ciialrmnn or the Conservation department. wlll s peak on conse r va tion In the elemen- tar y school s. The English division will be head- ed b)• Edgar C. Knowlton of· La- c rosse. Professor Haskell l\f. Block. Department or Comparative Lit era- tu re, n \'er s y or-'WllfC"ons1n;--wu speak on "The Humaniti es and Gen- era l Education." At 11 : IO E. H. Schrieber from u e rior and E. G. Harrell r~om lattC\ ' llle w g vc a r u ort:--''.\-sso ation Re prese ntati ves. a nd State etire menl Board." At 11 : 20 Dr. ulncy Ooudnn will spenk on the bJcc t. "The World ls Your Cnm- Mi ss Emn·y Francois or Platteville s." will head the sec t!On on Foreign Tlw .1f1e n10011 will consist or sec- Language. Members of th e group wlll onal meeti ngs. "Art: Contemporary present a panel - "\Vhnt l~JJe l_ n; rt. Ed ucatioit and Understanding " none in the State Colleges about the 111 be dlsctu,s ed at the Art sectional Teaching of Foreign LaMguages In THE CAST OF the Dublin pla y110 wha will appear h11r11 May 3, 4, and $, e Ning by Or. Michael P. Andr ews . th e Elementary Grades?" . ho Is Assi stant P,oresso,. "'' Edu- Thoo,>c Lan~•· , ·· Supedo,. ,, Awards Day On May 10 Renowned Stage Group Plans Appearance; tio~i o~n~\t~~gy of w~~~;sl~ :~d the cha irman for the geography sec- On Monda) ·. l\lay 10 at 10 o'clock Dubl'1n Players Offer Var'1ed Program . -:rn t row ng I , r. lion. A topic - ''The lmporrnn ce or the annua l CSC Awards Day will be anr : lr i'h :0::: 1::!.' ::c~:~n::~h~~ lb~ :,1el~""Prlp·ln~eogrnphy .an~--Geo-~eHJ in the co lege aucllt OflO . Cta~- oln nd A. Trytt~n wlll be acllng ~,;ri:~!:~::~ u~)d ~~=;~:; eS which a~e held at. this time will ~~::a;d~:i 1 t~:r~~~:i~!~t:~ Uber. Milwaukee. ~~, :~ tn: su;~;g at~h!or: g: \:~k a~:: 1 :,b~; e sec ona- h:01n __ _ Awards will ll e presented ..... to out- s u en o Medals. pins. and tr.ophles will be given for hi gh scholars hip, for hi Sig Style Show Plays To Full House :~"~!:::.':~.~~ ,du;:;:~:~'.~~!'"• wo,k Madame Fifi," Cast, Highlight "Blacko.ut" Majo, awa,da wHI be gh'en lo the The P hl Sigma Epsilon '.' lll~ck- nls Schran k, Don - Her ; nn , John ~~o.l!~~:: 11 :1~a~:n~~:d:~~l~~::d::t 0 t~t~ t" s tyle show. which was prese nl - Langton. Don Tay lor. Jerry Baeren- lead ing ju ni or Home Economics stu- _ agalnst a very distlnctl\'e and :.\•aid. Dave J ersey. Mik e Farrell, Mel dent; the outstanding sen ior girl; lque background on the e,•en lngs Karau, Garie · Turner. arid LoU the student ho.vlng th·e highest scho- Aprll 26 and 27 pro\·ed to be a Knuth. las tlc recor d In mathematics: th~ ge su ccess. The black ,•elvet back- At lhe Intermission Bob McMah on. Junior leading In the fi e ld of science; op with the gold Phi Sig embl em pr esident of the fr ate rnity. extended the athlete of th8 yea r; and the two d the large letters "Kappa" for hi s appreclo.tion to thos e who made ou ts tanding juniors In co ns ervation. e chapter name set the scene for lh e show possible. especially those In nddltlon awards will be given Th e s how opened with the Phi band playing a group of popular gs. Don Kott and Arly n Kline n appea r ed In n "twirling" duet. K & K Baton Twirlers. The Omeg nrtette sang a medl ey of songs. en Do nna Martens. fif teen .Year high school girl fr9m DanCy as adame Fifi." was presented she sa ng a few choice number s. who do not belong ro the rr ~ternlty by th e music departments, by the b ut hell)ed to put on the program. Pointer a nd the iri s. the speech de- The band o pen ed the seco nd ac t artment . th e athletic department of the program. Fifi then sang a and the honorary fraterniti es. so ng to Johnny Amburgy , followed Be s ur e to see the May 13 Iss ue by " Man I Love". The Mexi can Hat of the POINTER for the big sto ry Dance by Joann e Wysock i a nd Fred and pictures of the award winners~ St~phanek followed. The climax of the C\'enlng was th e Chorus Line led by Johnny Amburg)'. Member s of it wer e: Dave Jerse)'. Carl Wiemann. Bob McMahon, Don He rrmann , and WSGA Honors Seniors At Annual Spring _ Banquet ·ext on th e program were Gloria 8111 Steinkamp. The theme car ri ed out for th e an- nu al WSGA banqu et last night was "Singing In th e Rain ." Decorations Included Imitation birds. birdh ouses, kow and Fred St ephanek who Fifi sang h er clos ing number. "Ebb yed "La.tin Tempos" on the mar- Tide," ·with Fred Stephanek at the ·. a and electr ic organ. Dave Jers ey or gan. The show closed wlth the and rlowers. t:ryer . amomr stnge-i:ompan direct fro:m-"'-lreland-. -- a1 111ear at the college next week they will come from !\11nnen polls whe re they are presenting Shaw's well.~ known comedy, "Pygtl'Ulllon, " fr om Thurs day through Saturday nights or thi s week. ;J.1 t:tll&-c..0Ueg udtlo,:.i un1,.,hei:e,..they w.111 prese.n " Vi_malio " Io day night. Synge's riotous comed y. "Playboy or lhe\vestcrn \Vorld. " on Tuesd:tv nl ht and Pn ut Vincent Carroll's successf ul Broadway p lay, "Sho.- dow and Substance." on Wednesday night . . All t e pro uc ons w S o'clock. Whelf the Dublin Players gave "Playboy " a t Milwauk ee-Downer Col- lege in Milwauk ee on February 5 and 6. the r ev ie wer in the Milwnukee Journal sai d: "'Playboy of th e Western World' proved It self the piay for this middl e western world. The company was properly r eve r ent and pro- per lr irre\'erent. The rhythms nnd poell c language which Synge heard in -- l he speech of Western Ireland were gh·en with musical exactness." "The performers are all excell en t in rolls whi ch shou ld not be too dlUl- cul t-. f.or lri shmen ......: Play.boY::.. wUI b'l: repeated Saturday nlgbt.,..but tick ets are __ \'lrtuall)' lmpo&!lible 10 get. The company was fir st here last spr ing when lt ~,we 'Shadow and Substance· and made too many rlends." Carroll's "Shadow nnd Subst ance" Is one of the finest pfeces or Irish theater to hB\ 'O been tran sported to the American stage. lt tells Uae story of a simple girl, Brigid , whose ch ildlike f aith tranecends Uie understanding or the scholarly mind of th e clergy. The piny won the New York drama cr itics' Circle Award as the best foreign play of the yeaT when 1t was pro- duced there. That capacity houses will greet th e Dublin Players on their visit here see m~ assured. judging from the number of tick ets Issued and sold to stu- dents and fa culty and now being sold to townspeople. The Players are com- ing here und er the au!!plces of the Collego-Assembly committee composed of '.\ll ss Pauline Isaacson. cha irman. Mi ss Cec ilia Wink ler. Robert S. Lewis, Henry M. Runke. Dr. AH W. Harrer. Marjori e c~rhaTd a nd Larry Cook. Members of Ml8s Isaacso n' s Speech 215 class will be In charge or set- tings. wit h Gladys Lehmann and Frank Brocker wor king on "Pyi;mallon". Jim Stasko, "Playboy or the Western World", and Dill ColllnR, "Shadow a nd Substan ce." These students will also assist the regular ushers, Wilbur Kalloke, Al- la n Hasselqul st a nd John Gosbee. und er the direc1lon or Henr y Hamman. High schools in thi s area whi ch ha\·e already s'e nt for blocks or tl<' kets Include Olrnamwood. which has ordered 45 ti ckets ; Wisconsin Rapids , 20 : Weyauwega, 20; Mosinee. 11 ; and Witt e nberg, 6. Don Taylor . ga, •e their re nditi on r ecord pantomlne "C'est SI Bon," ''Oenr John" , Master or ceremo- sang by Don Her rmann with a trio . Oae Sll, ·er man. then lntroduc- of Da\'e Jersey, Don Taylor, and th e "Bsqulre Gi rl s", the Calendar Tom Farrell. Th e dinn er honoring all senior---------~---,----------- -- a.Icade. Ea.ch of the rollowlng tel- The entire cnst r et urned for a cur- s represented a month of the fain call and wl! re called back fdr , Tom Farrell . Ed Dunigan, Den- another. ;;,:~:: :'o·!/~.=~urs M e- FTA Holds Meeting At Ruth Ann Cha, leawo.th, prn,ld en t Oshkosh April 23 And 24 of WSGA, welcomed the guests and A gr oup or students accompanied present ed (a\·ors to the seniors who by Miss Lulu Kellogg, Junior high had served on the board sometime sc hool supervi sor n.t the Training during their tour yea.rs. school. re presented Central State Doris Moss, speaking ror th e un- college at the Wisconsin Association derclassmen. J>roposed a toast to the or Futur e Ten.chers or Ametl ca con: seniors. Maryjo Reznl chek respond - \'entl on held In Oshkosh April 23-24. ed to the t oast In behalf of the se- The group who attended 6n Sl1tur- ntors. do.y, Apr il 24. were Berno.del.le Pollv- Pat Sise! gave a rending. the omeg ka. Lois Dogsted. Maryjo Reznl chek quartet s·o.ng- some numbers ,...... a nd a d · ' lla.ce. Bohle c!. , '- ' ---~~ l-c4':!l-~,..c;;~~ r-'--''-'!H-'Rosemar - Y-POlzln- led- in-eommtinlt -y - ll-ig, hllg. hl&-ot--the-mee.Ung_j.nclu - si nging to close the program. Grace ed: Th e elec tion or new sto.te or- Coll ins was t oas t mistress. (leers; r eporls by coll ege chapter s The following senior women who on th e past year's prngrams; n mo~ se n·ed on th e WSGA board and were vie - ''Skipi;,y and the Three R's"; ei; peclnlly ho nored were Sall y Scrib- a s hort ta lk by Hnrdeen Pet erson. ner. Sblr le)' Sonnenberg, Margie r epresentative of the State Depa.rt- . ,... Denson Koeplte. Ml ne 1·1c1ntee. nT€1ft - or-PU1nre - ln· sll'lRrtO'ff7'"'"0n-th ?t . ~~!~~nnosf~~,0~~1~lirie+~::. ~ ~~!fe~n~f n s:!~~;:. J oa nn Cu rr . and J oann Chaj:)ma n. Or. Glen Eye,•Sch ool of Education, Co-ch airmen for the dinner were Univer sity of Wisconsin. who spoke beona-¥or-t -h- a-ntl---8n-1 1 ·Y-Rose.--Ot-he " .. " Work Already Begun · On 1954 Junior Prom Work has already commenced for the 19 54 CSC Junior Pcom. Sntur - do.y, :\1a y 15, will find the gymnaM slum of P. J. Jacobs High school benulirully tr ansformed Into '"An Old Dutch Garden ." Juni ors who h ave n ot yet been co nrnc ted for contributing to the succes9 of - thi s Prom should see the-- chairma n of th.e com_ mlttee they · mdJlk.e...l0...l£0.I:k...i=.....one-ot;.t. lie- class orrlcers. Carl Wieman and Olane Self. gen eral ch airmen of Uie e\•ent. agree that "t here Js enough work for all.•• l.aat year It waa noted th at se\•era l "t hen" sophomores got exce llent experience helping out last :t:r'r--J·uni01"!r.-No-h-el-p-orfers-wil be turned down. --- - "'--.:.. . - Th e cho.lrmen of th e \'&rlous com- mittees are : Invitations. Pat Gle_se; refresh me nt&,· J an - Thurston : ticket.a Doroth GIibertson R GIRlS HONORED at the WSGA banquet ku t night for their porlicipotian an th• boord were: fro nt raw (left to right} Radi"9 MdntH. Joy Lane, Joonn Cuff, Joann n; bode row, lfo,e Marie Chri,toffenen, Vi¥>Gn Schulh:, Oarathy Arndt ond Shirley co mmittee chairman were: Phyllis Hoeft . pin~;· Jqyce Scheelk. ln\'lta- tlons: C'..i.._ l(J'i Zublsh. deco rations: tranff portatl o n. Ken Hurlbut: dee· lick. en t er to.lnm~nt. Mrs. · Elizabeth oro.tlons. Dia.no Seit; work-crew, Pflffner and Miss Miri am Moser are , Chuck Sohr; and publicity, Nancy 1mg. . J an Uerg~;J, 1:o.\'Ors;' o.nd Pat Mn- ad\ •leers for WSGA, Court.

Transcript of · --I NTE RMembers of Ml8s Isaacson's Speech 215 class will be In charge or set tings. with Gladys...

Page 1: · --I NTE RMembers of Ml8s Isaacson's Speech 215 class will be In charge or set tings. with Gladys Lehmann and Frank Brocker working on "Pyi;mallon". Jim Stasko, "Playboy or the Western

__ _ :___ ft_..,., ... _._ •s:•_.'P£ H~:.,;:eHo~,~e ~~~~!~.~!en~-::;~ be Classes Suspended! --- ----p~m-=-1=0-- .-.:1111t= . =l-~-1= - - -·--~1~~7:s~:0:"~~~ c~~~-~~~~1·~:0:~: \ LOol< Ma = NO ears) · I NTE R weekend or ~tny

14 and

16· Becau.se ot the AwscF conference

. · · e Tt~e :.:r"t 0~c. :~:~1~~::8''~~unn~:e;; here on Friday, April 29 , there will · ,;j, convention the biggest and beat be no achoo! tbal day. School '·' ,.u,­e,·pr. Miss Rita Youmans ts ch ief pended .at t~e close of classes today

. . director . Miss Doris Davis' ad,•linced and will be resumed at 8: 15 o..m. • foods class Is in cha.rge or the fa,•ors . Monday,, May o. accordin g to an an-

VOL III Stevcw ' Point, W,is., April 29, 1954 No. )3 ;~:~•:;~! 1:~~e ~:x~1::s !:~1: 8 '~;~i°~! by President Wll11am

a.========:;==== displayed. ·

ditQr_OLTbe Saturda-y'- Rev~ew-;Slated-As : peaker At AWSCF Conference Dinner

Hy Slutron Snuon The h l~l\Jlght of the biennial conference of Wisconsin Slate College

ncultles to .1le bet{) here at the coll ege t omorrow and Saturda)• will be A World Report. 1954". Given by Norma n Co usins. etlltor, of The Saturdu:r C\'le w. He will s 1,eak on Friday ernntng at a banquet ut St. Peter's audi-

orlum. , He was chairman or the editorial bonrd of the o\·ersens bureo.u or the

WL. in 194 3-45, and U.S. go,•ernment lecturer under the Smith-Mundt net India . Paklslttn up.d Ceylon in 1951. He Is the author of "Who Speaks

r Man." In 1953 and became po1mlarly known through his editorial warn-1g on the ntomt~ bomb. "Modern Man ls Obsolete", In 1945.

_ The COl)JS,rence wt.II offlclnlly open ~ :~n f2.riday_.ln the coll ege aud­ori um with Dr. Edgar F. Pierson, th e nssoclation president. presiding. rgan melodies will be played by c------------­red Stcphanek. Norman E. Knut-n will lead the group In the singing " America." This will be rollow c<l

· a p:rnel. " How Can All Arens of e College Program Be More Effect­

·e ly Related For th e Education or condary Teachers."

g roup. Fred J. Schmeeckle. ciialrmnn or

the Conservation department. wlll s peak on conse r vation In the elemen­tary schools.

The English division will be head­ed b)• Edgar C. Knowlton of· La­c rosse. Professor Haskell l\f. Block. Department or Comparative Lit era­t ure, n \'ers y or-'WllfC"ons1n;--wu speak on "The Humanities and Gen­era l Education."

At 11 : IO E. H. Schrieber from u e rior and E. G. Harrell r~om lattC\' llle w g vc a r u ort:--''.\-sso ation Re presentati ves. a nd State etire menl Board." At 11 : 20 Dr. ulncy Ooudnn wil l s penk on the bJcct. "The World ls Your Cnm- Miss Emn·y Francois or Platteville s." will head the sect!On on Foreign Tlw .1f1e n10011 will consist or sec- Language. Members of th e group wlll

onal meetings. "Art: Contemporar y present a panel - "\Vhnt l~JJe l_n; rt. Ed ucatioit and Understanding" none in the State Colleges about the 111 be dlsctu,sed at the Art sectional Teaching of Foreign LaMguages In

THE CAST OF the Dublin play110 wha will appear h11 r11 May 3, 4, and $,

eNing by Or. Michael P . Andrews. th e Elementary Grades?" . ho Is Assistant P,oresso,. "'' Edu- Thoo,>c "· Lan~•· , ·· Supedo,. ,, Awards Day On May 10 Renowned Stage Group Plans Appearance; tio~i o~n~\t~~gy of w~~~;sl~ :~d the cha irman for the geography sec- On Monda)·. l\lay 10 at 10 o'clock Dubl'1n Players Offer Var'1ed Program . -:rn t row ng I , r. lion. A topic - ''The lmporrnn ce or the annua l CSC Awards Day wi ll be

anr : lr i'h:0:::1::!.' ::c~:~n::~h~~ lb~ :,1el~""Prlp·ln~eogrnphy .an~--Geo-~eHJ in the co lege auclltOflO . Cta~­oln nd A. Trytt~n wlll be acllng j~J;~l~c~\~~~ ~,;ri:~!:~::~ u~)d ~~=;~:; eS which a~e held at. this time will

~~::a;d~:i1 t~:r~~~:i~!~t:~ ~~,~~~~e Uber. Milwaukee. ~~,:~tn:su;~;g at~h!or:g:\:~k a~::1:,b~;

e sec ona- h:01n __ _

Awards will lle presented ..... to out-s u en o

Medals. pins. and tr.ophles will be given for high scholarship, for

hi Sig Style Show Plays To Full House :~"~!:::.':~.~~,du;:;:~:~'.~~!'"• wo,k

Madame Fifi," Cast, Highlight "Blacko.ut" Majo, awa,da wHI be gh'en lo the The Phl Sigma Epsilon '.' lll~ck- nls Schrank, Don - Her; nn , John ~~o.l!~~::

11:1~a~:n~~:d:~~l~~::d:: t


t" s tyle show. which was presenl - Langton. Don Tay lor. Jerry Baeren- lead ing junio r Home Economics stu­_ agalnst a very distlnctl\'e and :.\•aid. Dave J ersey. Mike Farrell, Mel dent; the outstanding sen ior girl; lque background on the e ,•enlngs Karau, Garie · Turner. arid LoU the student ho.vlng th·e highest scho­Aprll 26 and 27 pro\·ed to be a Knuth. las tlc record In mathematics: th~

ge s uccess. The black ,•elvet back- At lhe Intermission Bob McMahon. Junior leading In the fie ld of science; op with the gold Phi Sig em blem president of the fraternity. extended the athlete of th8 year ; and the two d the large letters "Kappa" for his appreclo.tion to those who made ou ts tanding juniors In co nservation. e chapter name set the scene for lhe show possible. especially those In nddltlon awards will be given

The s how opened with the Phi band playing a group of popular

gs. Don Kott and Arly n Kline n appea red In n "twirling" duet. K & K Baton Twirlers. The Omeg

nrtette sang a medley of songs. en Donna Martens. fif teen .Year

high school girl fr9m DanCy as adame Fifi." was presented

she sang a few choice numbers.

who do not belong ro the rr~ternlty by the music departments, by the but hell)ed to put on the program. Pointer a nd the iris. the speech de­

The band opened the second act p·artment. th e athletic department of the program. Fifi then sang a and the honorary fraternities. so ng to Johnny Amburgy , followed Be s ure to see the May 13 Issue by " Man I Love". The Mexican Hat of the POINTER for the big sto ry Dance by Joanne Wysock i a nd Fred and pictures of the award winners~ St~phanek followed. The climax of the C\'enlng was the Chorus Line led by Johnny Amburg)'. Members of it were: Dave Jerse)'. Carl Wiemann. Bob McMahon, Don Herrmann , and

WSGA Honors Seniors At Annual Spring _Banquet

·e xt on th e program were Gloria 8111 Steinkamp. The theme carri ed out for the an­nual WSGA banquet last night was "Singing In th e Rain ." Decorations Included Imitation birds. birdhouses,

kow and Fred Stephanek who Fifi sang her clos ing number. "Ebb yed "La.tin Tempos" on the mar- Tide," ·with Fred Stephanek at the

·. a and e lectric organ. Dave Jersey o r gan. The show closed wlth the and rlowers.

t:ryer . amomr stnge-i:ompan direct fro:m-"'-lreland-. -­a1111ear at the college next week they will come from !\11nnenpolls wher e they are presenting Shaw 's well.~known comedy, "Pygtl'Ulllon, " from Thurs day through Saturday nights or thi s wee k.

;J.1t:tll&-c..0Ueg udtlo,:.iun1,.,hei:e,..they w.111 prese.n " Vi_malio " Io day night. Synge's riotous comed y. "Playboy or lhe\vestcrn \Vorld." on Tuesd:tv nl ht and Pnut Vincent Carroll's successful Broadway play, "Sho.-dow and Substance." on Wednesday night . . All t e pro uc ons w S o'clock.

Whelf the Dublin Players gave "Playboy" a t Milwaukee-Downer Col­lege in Milwauk ee on February 5 and 6. the r ev ie wer in the Milwnukee Journal said: "'Playboy of th e Western World' proved Itself the piay for this middle western world. The company was properly reve rent and pro­perlr irre\'erent. The rhythms nnd poell c language which Synge heard in -­lhe speech of Wester n Ireland were gh·en with mus ical exactness."

"The performers are all excell en t in rolls whi ch shou ld not be too dlUl­cul t-.f.or lrishmen......: Play.boY::..wUI b'l: repeated Saturday nlgbt.,..but tickets are __ \'lrtuall)' lmpo&!lible 10 get. The company was first here last spring when lt ~,we 'Shadow and Substance· and made too many rlends."

Carroll's "Shadow nnd Subst ance" Is one of the finest pfeces or Irish theater to hB\'O been transported to the American stage. lt tells Uae story of a simple girl, Brigid, whose ch ildlike faith tranecends Uie understanding o r the scholarly mind of the clergy. The piny won the New York drama cr itics' Circle Award as the best fo re ign play of the yeaT when 1t was pro­duced there.

That capacity houses w ill greet the Dublin Players on their visit he re seem~ assured. judging from the number of tickets Issued and sold to stu­dents and faculty and now being sold to townspeople. The Players are com­ing her e und er the au!!plces of the Collego-Assembly committee composed of '.\llss Pauline Isaacson. cha irman. Miss Cec ilia Wink ler. Robert S. Lewis, Henry M. Runke . Dr. AH W . Harrer. Marjorie c~rhaTd a nd Larry Cook.

Members of Ml8s Isaacso n's Speech 215 class will be In charge or set­tings. with Gladys Lehmann and Frank Brocker wor king on "Pyi;mallon". Jim Stasko, "Playboy o r the Western World", and Dill ColllnR, "Shadow a nd Substance."

These students will also assist the regular ushers, Wilbur Kalloke, Al­la n Hasselqulst a nd J ohn Gosbee. under the direc1lon o r Henry Hamman.

High schools in this area whi ch ha\·e already s'e nt for blocks o r t l<'kets Include Olrnamwood. which has ordered 45 tickets ; Wisconsin Rapids, 20 : Weyauwega, 20; Mosinee. 11 ; and Witte nbe r g, 6. Don Taylor . ga,•e their re ndition record pantomlne "C'est SI Bon,"

''Oenr John" , Master or ceremo- sang by Don Herrmann with a trio . Oa,·e Sll,·er man. then lntroduc- of Da\'e Jersey, Don Taylor, and

the "Bsqulre Gi rls", the Calendar Tom Farrell.

The dinn er honoring all senior---------~---,----------- --

a.Icade. Ea.ch of the rollowlng te l- The entire cnst returned for a cur­s represented a month of the fain call and wl!r e called back fd r , Tom Farrell . Ed Dunigan, Den- another.

;;,:~:: c:~~c~·~~ :'o·!/~.=~urs Me- FTA Holds Meeting At Ruth Ann Cha,leawo.th, prn,ldent Oshkosh April 23 And 24

of WSGA, welcomed the guests and A g roup o r students accompanied presented (a\·ors t o the seniors who by Miss Lulu Kellogg, Junior high had served on the board sometime school supervisor n.t the Training during their tour yea.rs. school. re presented Central State

Doris Moss, speaking ror the un- college at the Wisconsin Association derclassmen. J>roposed a toast to the or Future Ten.chers o r Ametlca con: seniors. Maryjo Reznlche k respond - \'entlon held In Oshkosh April 23-24. ed to the toast In behalf of the se- The group who attended 6n Sl1tur­ntors. do.y, April 24. were Berno.del.le Pollv-

Pat Sise! gave a rending. the omeg ka. Lois Dogsted. Maryjo Reznlchek quartet s·o.ng- some numbers,......a nd a d · ' lla.ce. Bohlec!., '-' ---~~

l-c4':!l-~,..c;;~~ r-'--''-'!H-'Rosemar-Y-POlzln- led- in-eommtinlt-y - ll-ig,hllg.hl&-ot--the-mee.Ung_j.nclu -si nging to close the program. Grace ed : The e lec tion or new sto.te or­Coll ins was toast mistress. (leers; r eporls by coll ege chapters

The following senior wom en who on th e past year's prngrams; n mo~ sen·ed on the WSGA board and we re vie - ' 'Skipi;,y and the Three R 's"; ei; peclnlly honored were Sally Sc r ib- a short ta lk by Hnrdeen Pet erson. ner. Sblrle)' Sonnenberg, Margie representative of the State Depa.rt-

. ,... Denson Koeplte. Mlne 1·1c1ntee. nT€1ft- or-PU1nre- ln·sll'lRrtO'ff7'"'"0n-th

?t .~~!~~nnosf~~,0~~1~lirie+~::. ~ ~~!fe~n~f f=~~~~t n s:!~~;:. J oann Curr . and J oann Chaj:)ma n. Or. Glen Eye, • School of Education,

Co-chairmen for the dinner were University of Wisconsin. who spoke beona-¥or-t-h- a-ntl---8n-11·Y-Rose.--Ot-he " .. "

Work Already Begun · On 1954 Junior Prom

Work has already commenced for the 19 5 4 CSC Junior Pcom. Sntur­do.y, :\1ay 15, will find the gymnaM slum of P. J . Jacobs High school benulirully transformed Into '"An Old Dutch Garden."

Junio rs who have not yet been co nrnc ted for contributing to the s ucces9 of- this Prom should see the-­chairman of th.e com_mlttee they

· mdJlk.e...l0...l£0.I:k...i=.....one-ot;.t.lie­class orrlcers. Carl Wieman and Olane Self. general chairmen of Uie e\•ent. agree that "the re Js enough work for all.•• l .aat year It waa noted that se\•era l "then " sophomores got exce llent experience helping out last

:t:r'r--J·uni01"!r.-No-h-el-p-orfers-wil be turned down. ----"'--.:.. . -The cho.lrmen of th e \'&rlous com-mittees are: Invitations. Pat Gle_se; refresh ment&,· J an -Thurston : ticket.a

Doroth GIibertson •

R GIRlS HONORED at the WSGA banquet ku t night for their porlicipotian an th• boord were: fro nt raw (left to right} Radi"9 MdntH. Joy Lane, Joonn Cuff, Joann

n; bode row, lfo,e Marie Chri,toffenen, Vi¥>Gn Schulh:, Oarathy Arndt ond Shirley

committee chairman were: Phyllis Hoeft . pin~;· J qyce Scheelk. ln\'lta­tlons: C'..i.._l(J'i Zublsh. deco rations:

tranff portatlon. Ken Hurlbut: dee· lic k . en terto.lnm~nt. Mrs. · Elizabeth oro.tlons. Dia.no Seit; work-crew, Pflffner and Miss Miriam Moser are ,Chuck Sohr; and publicity, Nancy

1mg. . J an Uerg~;J, 1:o.\'Ors;' o.nd Pat Mn- ad\•leers for WSGA, Court. ~

Page 2: · --I NTE RMembers of Ml8s Isaacson's Speech 215 class will be In charge or set tings. with Gladys Lehmann and Frank Brocker working on "Pyi;mallon". Jim Stasko, "Playboy or the Western

-~==-- - - - --THE POINTEJI. Apr il 29, 1954

-----1KNOW-YOURSElf. Student-Report- on=AC-EI--Confabl------'~

The hlghll g hl Idea of a SJ)CCCh reccnth· g h ·en to a group o r ~raduatln i; . Pa· dded Cell Sh E tf I r·me Had By All seniors could we11 appl y to each or us. even 11toush we are so11hist1cated· co1- OWS Yen U I _ Ieglates. The 8\leak e r em 11hnslzed the (lualit y of 1iersonal integrity ot ··self · ll)' lket~· l(u-.~t·row mu l ,Jmum · Curr honor." This qu ality co ns ists or having othe r people res 1,cc t and like you by Ben~ta Held BlomUey t (The writers or this s tory were delegates to tho cou_ve ntlon or th e Asso-and mos t imJ)Ort'ant o f all , being able to res 11cct youl'selt, the one 11erson elatio n of Ch ildhood r.!du ctnlon. JnternlltiOnal. which was h e ld at St. PnuJ

. you can't too l. , Jni;t week.) •

poslt;11e~1:!1'~?t~: : :si'~~~t ;,~r;:?



0be~:!~! ~1~~~1~~~:/~~1;~1t ~:;ti~; Oh hn11PY day! We are J>roud and Moe~;~~ ~!~.~r~·~~1~:11ds,t'0~ai1:ca~1:8o~:1~ ~~n:1~}~1:~&~~!1;; t~~~e ~~;~lit \~nl~:~

pe rson who ls SO .sure that his answe r is right that no powe r u1ider h enve n ~:~J~r:i ~001

~~~1.li:;S', th:~\\~U~a=d~~~;~ SUllle ta.Xi e:q>ectlng to SO\'C ll\Oll ey , but th e cab d~h'er wns Sllltlr( and gy p.

: couldp:;::1~~\t!.: ~.~:1:1:!~1: ~<~~:~s~h~:~


1~ : :s\\~ r:·~,~l~l~;~et~~en~~1~·nke r as k · " \\el g hted-dov.n· reeling , due to a 1,ed us - cha rged us $1 00 ro1 riding a cou11le blocks while the meter r~

e d o r her audience. there would be a good many red taces. " \\' 111 6,111,d_o_t:.. h\nwud....sltc......n..o' ·ear.s.-trqm.....Dale _glste~~! s::~e \~~e!~:~1\~~h

1~:~! 11 ce ... . g r oo m a 10 0 e }an where

- g rad:a·~:;!:'~~~~ 11e rsona l lntegritr hi un n..hle to a cce 11t respons lbll - ~h~~~!.e~s,; :·v.~!:r:·es~:~n~ ~~o:uJ· st~~~~ \\'e had d ormitory acco mmo dutluu~. r·our of us s tayed logelhe r, v.hlle lhe

lty . has an Inner re ru sn l to nccept ~he hun•itubl e rti;hts or others. has a te n- dus ty smile now? Could be! Best ~:1f~l~ifs~I~~~~~· i~l~~e '!·:~.\'t;~/::1i~·:;\:1~!\~~l:~\~1~ 11~'~: l )lo:~,du~~c:~~

11i~~~~ :~n;;o :~e~~1~~:~~ou:/:;~~:~~1~:sd:ci:~~~es;.~;~~/t;~~l.f::t;~:~1=c~\'~~1!'~eo;:;~~:::~: W lohes! u11 Frhln.y wh e n we lc rt. • ,

with persons or ac tions tltnl h e thinks ai:e wrong. Chloe Brody hns received a rin g lhe r~\;.9 ;:;t~~lt.cr~!~ ':1t\

1~.~~~~ ~

1!::~~:f ~ss~;~::~.e~~~:~;1 t\:l.::.~~\!·s':.•;~::~:.~l·~!~e:~ This person al inle~r lty Is 110w an easy u bs tncle tci hurdl e. The succes . Cro m . Go rdi e Schill e r of ;\larshf ield . urn s. PUJ)llet Shows. and Siieciu l ,------------- - •

~~ "wr~r:~~:eir~~:,~:e:~11~1;: ~:~::::'.n.l lntcg i:lty ls al so a me as ur~ or the s u ccess ~~~r s:r;h:~1~~::~ t~1:~~:~r11:g;1::~:; B,·enti In Fuuctlonal Ols 1,Iay. ·r11e Library Announces Many No one ca n ornr achie ,·e th e perfect balance or pe rsonal Integ rit y. We 11 1:ice they will barn a home In which ~:~1l: ;i


1~~:;~?a:~ a~lCJ~~:;~:e~~

0:; New Books For Students

:Sll~f:\~~t~~~1 ~·~t~~\~ry




0~111! ;~1:1~01

:\.~:;;i~~~e ~11\~~ r~~;,tsn.~;da '~~~~; to lh·e. 1iro ,•ed by ACEI. · The co ll ege llbrar)' has recently tim e 011erator" with all th e nnswe rs . . lt ls just about tim e thul you had baller \\le ench nuended a different dis- received 11 number or new. lnlerest. stoJl to consider the fact that you are also Jii s l _about r eady to be a big pain Did ,·o u- know ihat a certain lom::~ cuss lon group. Oettr Ku sserow chose Ing. novel and educo.tlonal books . In the ueck to some body e lse. awaited gentleman ts back at school? "lllci"ividual Dlrterence!ifn"*ClillUren Aifiuffg - th·e Jl'eW blmk8 ~' li1Ch can

It seemed so natural to see Mr. Bur· under •six·· : J oann Curr . " He l11ing be classed as "som ething different" roughs walking up the s teps that we Children Oe,·elop Values" : Curo! ls u ·· 1-1andbook ut Skits and Stunts" forgot h ow lo ng he has been away, Moe, "Ways or Reporting on Growth by He le n 1.u1d Larry Eisenberg . ;x0 •

and didn't e\'en say how glad we are in Children'': and Cnryl Edmund. lhlng livens a program or social re­to ha,·e him back . Wei}, we·re sayi ng ··co1111nunlcutlon-Radio, TeJe,·lslO"ll, creat ion more than a well presented It now. We ·are nil very hapJ)y to see r~llm." 11 tuut. Some ot . the categories are : yo u. Mr. Burroughs! Welcome back! Que or lhe high lig hts was sc hoo l . How To l\1n.ke Up Your Own Stunts :


I-FAMILIAR FACES---_. I Uct.t)' Crook

Uetty Crook Is 1irobabl )' a tamlllar face to a ll or rou that s pend time In the library studying. (Studying?)

· Belt)' wo rks be hind the desk In the library. She Is from Wisconsin Rn­plds . She should hn,,e roya l blood In her ,•eln s by now. Some of ) 'OU

may recog·nh:e he r as a membe r of the court of hono r at th e Homecom· lug dan ce and game. " It was g re_!!J. fun e,'en thou g h 1 was de feu led ro r Quee n ." .Be tty s nld .

Then in her Senior rear In hig h s chool she was Cnu1boree Quee n at Wisconsin, Ra11lds. The same year s h e was chose n Natio nal Cr a nbe rry

j . ---Queen- a· Sout h Can·er. :\lnssnchn p

sett s. l..leuv :ind he r ntol her s 11ent a ,\e<'k In Xew York nml '.\1:\ssa chu­setts as her 111·ize. ·· 1t wns loads or f u n . I ,dsh I (•ouhl ~o now l hal I'm ohler. I wou ld enjoy ii e,·e n more," Belly !la id. " Thii. m a y ~oun d o dd . but 1·,·e ne,·e r e\'ell ta s ted a c ran ber r y 11 ic. Some day I hOJIC I WIii J.:e t a cha11cc :· i;he couresscd .

Be.ur is g radn nlin i; from Primary. She has si~ nell a coulrnct al \\' nu sau for 11exl ta ll. ' 'I' m :111 ~:ions lO set sta rted." s h e sa id. For o\'e r a year s h e has bem1 J.;o in g with J ohn ~!a l­low, a for me r gract ua1 e of CSC. w·ho te:u·hes al :\l ars hficld . " It's r1uite

would tak e pages. I sturted at l &. so I could get a ltce n·se at _16 . Pinal· Jy I got my license t h is year - on the day of Homecoming. Now I 'm learn in g to hunt. (Let's hope It doesn't take us long). I'm really one or th e best co nse r vallonlsts there Is," s h e s aid laug hing.

visitation. Each discussion groUl) One Person Stu nts: lmprom1,tu

As , we walked Into schoo l th e ;aei~~ll~0

0 ;1;~. ~!a~~ 6

w~~~~o~: 11~:11~1t1:::~: :;~~~c ~L~~:"~t~;i~u~r!~t:J~h:;i~~a~~~~

~~~;~ ~::~ ~~::e~1~f; ~:r!~ 1!r ac\1~~~~ ed something Sllecl al ror their 1mr· A \'olu m e which may be part lcu-

fuil cherub's came to mind: Llcular group. t11rl y Inte resting to the fellows Is Although I'm wide awake at night" Wednesday we attended the Grenl -~s port s In American Life" by ~Cozens. And counting sheep In numbers Lake!J, Regional ba1u1u e t at the St. u nd srnmf. This book wns ,nltlen \\' h en morning comes no power on Paul Hote l. This wns a sm~ rgasborg for all pe rsons Interested In i;am.es,

earth rollowed by entertainment by s tu- sports. and r ec reational act h·ltles. ) lurk lwh o m mcr Can drag me trOJ\ l my slumbers ! dents from the Uuh·erslty of :\llnne· a ud for those eager to unders tand

This Cam Illar tace . Mark Schom- or course there are ~ a lways the sota n.ud speakers fro m each sta te. I he ir bnslc s lgnlfi cu nce tu the world mer, cnn be seen every mor'nlng ' at Olher tn>e. who reel Just like this. We we re g ive n ta,:ors of sam ples or ioday. • 6 :58 wnitlng In front of St. Stan's eve n th.ough 11 Is spring: o f Iro n ore mined 111 Minnesota. a One ot the comparnth·elr fe w no,·. church. Soon a maroo n Xas h comes I lie awa ke at dawn a nd think little wooden go1,her. and a 11uq1 o{ e ls In tho grou11 Is "No Bui! F'or the

How sad It Is that over to wn :\linnesota nrndc by a wood J)rodu c t Judge" by He nry Cecil. It co ntains around th e corne r - full or girls . '.\ l a rk 's race ligh ts up ( whose wouldn'l at Ole s ight of a '54 Na.sh?) . The drl\'e r ot th e car ge ts out -s h Is.. Loi chlQJ.1J11 a1 h_iL_.p_r.o ml s­ed wire. and they walk a.rm nnd arm into church . . ( \\'lrnl ha111lens to th e res t· of 1he ii:lrls. '.\ lark ? H e doesn·t o\:.en..,.uotlc l-hem,l_

ed hi ntseH h e re In Ste,·ens Po in t to' i;eL a n education . H is major Is hjs ­tory, his minors. tng:llsh and Phy· s it.:al ed ucat ion . tOdd com b ina tio n, but t h e n . :i s. '.\lark sa ys, " I 'm a n od,I ~uy: · 1

Lie ot he r freezi n g souls like me co mi,any . 1he lnlimate story o f th e behlnd-the-\\'ho ha\•e to ·1mt the window down. Since this was a n lllle rnatluna l scenes ll (e or n public se na111 .

con,·eu tlon . the for !}lg n , countrlei; The life or th e greut ed111·0.tor. -'1"-·«rol'- our-tormer-clm1smal Sul were well represe nte d by studems ll o racc ;\lnnn. anll of h i!; wife. '.\lnry

ly Conno r an d Willis Zi ck. were ~:~I 0~.~~:·an~· w,11~rr:it!.~11 iilig ~he,ir 1

1:~: :.:~:~.

1!~t:,~: ~1~~is~

11.;:~; 1 1~h o r~~\lil \' •

rnar rled April 1 7 • at ;\J :i.rshfie_ld. and n o r. Thlrty.se v'en delegntes wore r or th e admirers o f th e Great t~\'O othe rs. Bill J ensen. nnd \ ol.n.u~n. 111·~:;e1Hed from I :l different coun- Bard there arc tour ,•ohtlll l;'i:! of a ' wh,· were mnrrl d ~ n A, 1 ~rrlc . trcs m:hrdl!: t,':--ltn-re·~ -u-s "~nn-cy on s rnk CSJlen re. " ed te

~·=-~e !~u~,\::e;:t:~;1\,;~1~1~~:~~ thes~ Lrnlia. Britis h (s les. Gen11nny. Grellce. ,\llardyce Nico ll . India . Iran . Isrne l. ·Ja1m11. Pakistu n . Pe l'li;1118 1110.:;i, t ,,aJunbl e ·or all to a

\\'e we re just like th e res t who re· Philit>J)ines. Sweden, and Thniland. •:ol,Jege s tudent is the book ent.itled Lu m ed reg retfully lust ~week \\'ed- \\'e nlso to9k n.n ex tra wnlk o ,·er " r o u Ca n Le arn T o Stud )· . .. In th!! nesda,· . thinking of a.II tile work we · 1o · th c City Hall wh ere ln · th e lobby hnok. llny mo.nd J . Alk en t r ies to ha.cl n; eant to do during Easter vn.ca- we saw th e ,•e ry l11111ress h·e :\ICIUO· prtwltle th e stud ent wlth a r1u ick and

,~i al Staluc In th e form or an In· c,a~y i:; uide 1.o e rrecth·e studr habits. ;11~,i'l e~\'ilh that In n} lnd . we'd better dinu God or Peace~ .Jt s.tands t hree It lm s been sa id thnt "'rhe only real

So Lo ng. s ior ies hig h . (:\6 rt., is made or e du catio n is seH e du cation." Thill .\lexicun o nyx and weighs· Gu to ns. hoo k 1:1hu ws you wh :t l yo u 1:an do for

Foster Plans Programs With College Chairmen

:\larvln Fos te r o f th e Un ivers ity of \\'l sco ns ln pro~ ram se r\'ices will be here this e \'e nln g at Hotel W h itin ~ fo r a meetin g with th e chairme n or th e assembly com mi t;ees of the ,·ar· lous W isco ns in s tate co ll eges.

The c hairmen will be h e re ro r th is meeting nncl will then s tay Friday tor th e A \\' SC F'" s bie nnial conference here. Chairman o f S le\'C ll S P oi 11t·i; collcJ.:1:: assembly committ ee is :'\llss Pauline Isaacso n.

110~~~ei~ll~11~~ll~;:711; 1

1rs~1\~:~1t!a~~.1~ 1~tr£ yo u.rsell an<Lh o\\· you rnn do It.

Follles, went s hOJll1ing, a nd g lilllJJii· eel the c:un:111 s ot th e Un l\•e rs it y o r .\ ti nncsotn. \\' e got so engrnsSefl iu sho11plng we. a lmos t ntl!tsed ou r trnlu - the· lu xuriou s Soo Line - ouly se\'C II ho u rs from SL. Paul.

Grade Speech Contest Judged by CSC Students

Burroughs Back At CSC After Extended Illness

Lel and :\1. 1Jurro11).:"l11;, chairrn:111 ol th~ F-..: u,;lis h nnd S 11ecc h d e 11art1!'11~nt. Is lm(' k in 1:1chool now after a Ion! ahse 11c·e bcc:.rn sc or illness. ;\Ir. Uur­roui:;hs had 1111 o pe ration to r :1 dernrh· e tl re tina early in .Ja uuary and has heen con\'al et.c ln ,:t i, lnce thnt 1!111c.

Cladys Lehnrnuu, ;\lary Jo lleznl· ch e k a nd t-"rank Brocke r acted as j udges ;\l o t\dn.y ni i,; ht at a rura l grade flc hool turonslc co ,ne:; t spo mm red IJy Lhe Mod e rn Wood men or Am e rica .

clor e to \\'nu"i;~u:· BNt:: s:.aid g rin· .. , · 11l a 11 to teac h after spending I------------- The contest lOOk 1,lacc In · Plo,·er nl n i::;. some time in the ar ;11 y. The army pretty proud of thal ," i\Jark su ld at th e :\lcmo rlal lfall there nnct ar-

Ge rnltl Kahan. wh o took :\I r . l\ur· rouglu; · 11lace during his :i1J>1cn1·e, has ret11 rn e d lo :'\ladlso n when• he Is 1·011111leli n i:; work o n hi ~ dott(lrate. Thia s ummer ~Ir. l\uhau will dlrert lhrce 11la)'H tor t h e s u11111 H•1· tht>ater ~ruu p at \\'1111:uus nay. Wi~tu11sin. Xext fall h e will 1e11r h :-111c,•1·h and dramati cs In th e \Veslern \\'a:-hinJ;· to n Co ll ege o r f~ducatlon at Belling· h:1111. Was hington.

Oellr li kes 11 ra1·1ice teachi n .1!". '" It's hm't what I'd lik e to do, -but It's gr inniug, {a nd th e n a butto n land· rn11ge111ents for lhe j ud ging were prohabl;: a. good 1hl11;.:;. seeing a~ I what I ha,·e to. On o ne o r my fir s t ed 011 th e ot her s id e of the roo mJ . made by Jim Stasko. Th o s tuden t s pe nd h ai r of my time :n th e T rain· furl o u j:lu1 . Lo is an d I will he gett ing " The award s its In thCplace of honor judges ha,'e al l 1aken S iiecc h IO:!. Ing school." s he laughed. " I teach marrie d. Sh e will fin ish school at h ome - 011 th e TV sel." (Do )'OU a co urse in theory and llr:,l(:ti ce for th e third g rade!' They ar e !he ll~ht though.'' :\lark 11ro phes ied . sii11pose :rnyo11e eve r notices it In publi c sch ool forc usl • :uul dram ati c ot Ill)' life d u rlni;:: the week - all '.\ lark is a rou r•year leueni1 an in s u ch an In conspicu o us s pot'!) . · a c ti ,· itles . tau g ht by ;\Jl :-is Pau l in e 26 or them. J ohn takes o·,er th e football a nd wa s captain or the team Bes ides · taking part Ju aports. Isaacso n . Be rtha C:lcnnon wil l nsK is t IIH' i; tafC. 11;:;ht on weekends."' this year. The !)i\Sl two yen. rs he :\l ark likes to write about lhem. He A uothe r big 11rojec t o f the grnuP

Some of Ue uy 's nr1 i\· iti es :i re be· 11layed all co nfe re nce. li e h ns had iR ne ws editor tor th e Ir is. s J)orts at 1ire1:1c ut · ls th e 11lc dgl11 i,: or nell'

Ing ))res ide nt oT Primary Counc il. a orre ri. rrom "the Green Bay Pack e rs write r o r the :\" e ,\·11 rn11 c lub's Pe r- Sigma Tau Delta Prepares ~:t•;~~~~t 2



1; 1'fc~·

~~;~11ber or Omega :'\lu Chi. and \\'es· ~:~~ t:~e 1~'.:!.car';;'ot~i~;t;~:ls tl~~~/r.~·; s 11;~~;-:, ~nd

11; :~lt~·~c~~~r::~i{n~ln

1~;1:i Anthology For Distribution .

Joann Curr ha~ been He uy·s ruom- don't t hi_nk I'd ever make it . It they J)led~e master or Sig ma Phi Eps ilon. Me mhers or Sli,; ma Tau lle lrn . hon-111 ~r17: :~,::~~~;l~~s~:~!.\rni. L eland ~I

mate for ro ur years. ( '.\lust he ol d thou ,; ht I was good en ou g h . though . belonl(S to s-clu h . and :O,:ewman club . orar )• Engli s h frate rnity , are 11re 1mr- Uurro u glis, fncully SJIOnsor, bac1 friends - friends ·n ow any how.) I would play fo r Lh em. I' d lik e to,'' He he lped o r ga nize th e lnte r-frnt- ing lhe ir annua l Wordsworth . a · co l· with them rollowlng his r c1•e11 l II ·

Belly h e l11ed .J o ann i::e t ready ror the ;\lark said s ince rely. e rnlty co unc il las t ye ar and served as lec tlon or wrltl11 1,;s by CSC s tudents. 11e1111• Vucnncles In th e ofClres of Association o f Childhood Edu cat ion '.\lark has a Je tter in bas ketball the first pres ident o r It. They expect lhe antholoi,;y lo he lreas ure r and sec re tary ror th i~ fi&­

con,·entlon. th o an n ual Inte rnational foe one year. th ree trark le tt ers a nd \\'hen someone a s ked ;\l a rk once ready within four weeks for distrl- 111 tiste r we re fill e d by th (l e le1·1 Jo11s 0

con,·en tlon. ut St. Paul. ;\llnnesota. Is wor kl n i,; on the rourth . Last year If he . h ad a co ld he replie d , ":,.:o, butlnn. Eve rett Moore a n d Jerr)' Boct1cher,

w:~; ;~esga~:1~h~;;~ w~ek .. Joa nn ~l~i.o"~~:101;!!:~e1~~;1~~~~/;~;.:;~!~ l"'f!!h'\:~\8~,2;1~~1y'ii,oiii";;/~~~r~1:~~ri,:~01i\~~·-i-i,"!i;,;ii~fk~s5~;;;!~e;;;~;~V;;O:;;'~;"•v"'e;;ll;';:c:0'c:':;;;


11 '~0='~='~"'::'::~:a!J~s=•-~=~~~=====7.'"";ir:II Belt)'"s hobb ies. bes ides .John. a re h e wo n tho Kaukauna city ten nis I had a nice s in g in g ,•olce and enJOY·

knitting. sports. and li stening to mu- to urnam e nt. " I lik e s1mrts.'' h e con- e d s inging In th e Men's Glee club. ale. "Don·t ask J ohn how lo ni::; il resses. " Any kJ.nd. any where. any Sudd enly my voi ce changed and now

- takeBmetO knit." s h e laughed. h ow!" Me wo n th e '.\l urshrleld for six years It's been gone. Guess Betty bjuf a brother. Jack . who cham pionship In boxing and then J'm s till In adolesce nce. I s ti ll enjoy

ls a Sophomore here at CSC and an · boxed In th e sta te championship s in gi ng but I can't.'' r--- =o~ierlll'Ol:Jrer- wh-o-tira-J1nrior--t· . ·o,ictr-lreavywelg be -Colden-CloYes E,·en If he can't 8 n g e eays. ••

h igh school. ( See hltn In two xenu...t.Q.UI..11ament~ l---.:as-k-nookcd out --. ln 1 1ke lothi nklc&n coo k--:-lcafl bik"e n e"nc8.l th e firs t round. thou g h .'' :\lark said bread and 'stuff like that. but I'm

"I like school. but I 'm anxious to sadl y. the on ly one who ever eats It. so raduate. After four years I would Las t s pring ;\lark won the HlrZ)' I'm not 110 s ure. I like to do the

like to s tart teaching . etty ex- war tor ce m g ttnr outstmrd ouk1lrg-;-t,l-c:!on""t-have-t~s plained. " I 'm looking forward to It.'' athlete on the campus. Is It any dishes. I hate lo ma~ ·~ 9 and wash

"t've tlna lly lear ned to drive. If wonder? It Is an' award for leader· dishes.'' (Maybe LoJac .s, k ea tQ do c..;.. __ _,I'-'n'"a"m"'ed e'l~ h me It sh! . sch olarsJ!.lp. and athletl . "I'm that Mark!

Page 3: · --I NTE RMembers of Ml8s Isaacson's Speech 215 class will be In charge or set tings. with Gladys Lehmann and Frank Brocker working on "Pyi;mallon". Jim Stasko, "Playboy or the Western

154 April 29, 1954 THE POINTER

Page 4: · --I NTE RMembers of Ml8s Isaacson's Speech 215 class will be In charge or set tings. with Gladys Lehmann and Frank Brocker working on "Pyi;mallon". Jim Stasko, "Playboy or the Western

4 4 . . THE POINTEJI. i\prir29;-J9S4 __ ,

" <:• C .. F F

y r, cl

TAU tu.PPA EPS!tON coloniol membeo on the CSC co1T1pu1 ore: Fron! row (l•fl to right) Don Po,melN, R,11 C)aYil, Lambert S<hotnmer; bocli,; row, Mike Noreiko, Corter 01.on, Wo-,ne Ellis ond lob loch.

Ot- Stuf_Llivens-- CSC's . Union Has Much To Offer To Our Fun Seeking Pointers -

Uy Homer Plumb

By M.11rJ.::(' Ge rlmrd " LeCs go down to the Union." These words are Just us fnmlllnr on this

cam J)us as " Time to get u1•". but. much more popular . Much of the credit tor or the head on this <;.olumn one this popula r ity Is due to Ed Jacobsen . •wh o bas been an Integral part of the

migh t be led to belle,·e that the Unlo;:: ~~::~tb!~\111:,·:\:~~c:,i~h~a:a:~1~::·a,;no;t :he · same ti me Delzell

~::i~;1n;~_:,:!t : !a~~Y:0: 11:tr:0°;~ 1,1,:: Hall became "home away from home" to 83 Central State males. Ho we ,•er,

tete,·lslon at Delzell H a ll . This, how- the architect had neither des ig ned nor furnl!lhed t his pa rt o f th e building O\'er, Is not the Ca.lie, but a thrilling fo r such acLlvlty, but ·rather a lounge for IL&. residents. , A l' lmllar lounge at new experience does nwalt you tr )'OU Oshkosh Is used as a girls' dining hall, wh ile another u t Eau Claire has also

t-!''"'""'. ';c;n,,e.,.ve.,r;:'see,ee,en7 a'-'S"'e,',nc"•tee•c.,le,nc!Cvee,s"'tl~ga,etc:.-i-b- •_•_n 0_' ',:,;'a~11~~~b·~- t:he-F.oe.u 1 ~om 111 It tee '0 u d-tb.~ude.nl..Co.u.n.c.U__..

Ing Co_mmlttee- ln .actlon. soch,t committee. 1l 1s now under thasupe rvls lon of a Union Board , appolnl­Because the J oe ~tcCa rthy-Armr

contro \·e rsy Is not only of special Inte rest to those concerned with cur­re nt affairs. but of immediate Im-Jlortance to every citizen or Wiscon­s in . 1he telev ision set ls being pul Into constant operation nt Delzell Hnll during these proceedings. All co llege s tudents are urged to a ttend these te lecns ts . The sub committee hearings are In Sess ion Monday through Saturda y.

ed by the Student Council. This group Is conlJ)osed of Helen Bovee, Tom

~~~nke~~~ T; i~~:r .P:~s\!'choa:s:•:1.S~~~~:~ ,-h-e-1,-a,-,-.• -,s-th-e-,-. )_h_aa_b_e_e_n -,-,-0 BorJa. and its president Al Du e. Ed per mon th but. he feels It ls plent)• Jacobsen and Sharon Sutton were on remuneration to have an activity well the original planning committee. a ttended and enjoyed. 1-Jowever. Ed and Willie Greaton were aiipolnt- s tarling this semester the salary was ed "temiiomry" managers. a nd k:d changed to $ 50 11er month. has " te niporarlly'· bee n the ma na­ger e \·er .s ince .. It Is their dut y to se t policies nnd make major declslo'ns. The facult)" ad\•lsers ror this gro\111 are Raymond E. S11echt , Mrs. Ell zn-

We. a mong others. ha\'e noticed beth Pfltfner. John E. Roberts anti quite a few Interesting facts while Gilbert w. Faust. • viewing these telecasts. One Is com- Originally used almost entirely by paring our observa tion and lnterpre- girls ror bridge. the union is now talion with tha t of the newspaper the scene of a wide \'arle ty of act l-

Al!bi-ography For Students

Tekes Colony Added ;:::;~:;s f~~a~h'::"e\.;~,::r:n;Y~:~c:i:~~ ;!~':sit s ~:r~:::a1~e~\ ~l~ce J~;;~~~1~ As CSC's New _Erat_ We're ending_ up by being convinced clents to i;o to meet (new ) friends_

Through delegated power and con­tinued s tudent Interest (all It takes to get something s turted Is to hn.ve someone ask for It ) Juke feels the Union cii"nbecOme an e,•en greoter part or our cnm11us life. " 1 hope I hnYe gotten It s tarted ... so it won 't die," he modes tly s tat ed. To Mr. Ed Jacobsen and ~he Union Comffilttee goes a great deal or credit, and. thanks . from the whole student body.

Tau Ka1111a E1>sllon. one of the ua- thnl whil e we do- ha ve a free press do a \'arl ety of things and not coal (Editor 's Note : This choice bit of tlo n·s lu.rges t fraternities . has estab- ~~et~~~:;;

1~t~~· s;:da~s:

0~e~~~t~or~~~= anyone money."

Lee To Guide WESP Con~erence At CSC ~~l=d~;:

11:)~ i~::~s~d

0~n ~i":.o~e;;~~~: g~~~d ;a~olc;:~~p:n ~::11~::np~:o:! ,·Ital rtews tha t we print. This can op!!>~•;i:r;

11~1r ~~l't' d~~~gU~~1~ ' td~~~~:

e circu lation manager or the POINT- members are ca lled T~kes, was be pro,·en by viewing the hearings It off to anyone else. Anyo ne may

; • ER.) a'°,,"nud,,el,~e ,'snlt~.89T9odaat,. ltlhllen,o01s




0- :~=~n!~\a,•~n:eenth::d h~::

1:a:.11~~ ha,•e a "Closed" function there dur-

'.\fany elementary principals wlll come to CSC on May 7 and 8 and uae It as headquarier11 for the fifteenth annual spring conference of the Wis­consin Elementary School Prlnclpal 's association. General chairman of the con\'entlon Is Howard O. Lee. better known as the Fire Chief.

What to sa )· - ~ Ing off hours by scheduling it with

; :.:~:::,;f~o:;~.;'\:': :~u ·~:;:~:: ~~~1: ;:~:~;,r~iit:,: ri'i::· .~~o':;:~:~ ~1ri;:~~:te::~~::,e~~?::~f:f:. ti;::: ~~{~ :·;~~}!0~·~::~~~:;::·~~~r~:1:;: Ci When you are gh en an essay tes t : ma~::teu.T:ua Kc•IPul•b• E




1"'p·ullsl Now that an active mo\'emen t Is Money tor operation of thla en-

o "It's so \'ague. You don't know under way to recall ou r fiery con- terprlee began with contributions l what's ex pected ."' ~:gl~hnelnr; n~:1;~d::iJ~!s:::s t~: m;: ~e:~ tro\'ers lai Junior Senator, it would but now ~ne dol~ar perd studen\ ~er Mr Lee Is the principal of Atwater _t __ :\\!.be n- you-ar.e- si¥e1 mau)'-mlnor. e.m only talc an ter of ar- 8~:~~._~:!.a~a net v ty s cho~I in Shorewood, Wisconsin ,

~ _ ~~a::~ ~~\~ h~ee~i~\.:ua~~ e~g~c:;1 ~~: on campus. o pera ting under IF C. ~~~10

8~~tln i~updo;:~~~et ~~ath:·~ct~~en: plus the earnings from the counter. ~;~cas 0~~ :t!~~dle!:~~ogn:~e:e::fa~~ .J- 1me.' ---- - ~~a r col! ~~~;;;r~:~~:;.o;;~: :~l~ of this nan-who - represen ts ou r... ~n~ rentalR. The grea~est expense ach.ool of the ngtlon._ ...'.l'hL g_enera

When )'OLL.ar gl yen...a tew maJ.Q.f.. m an ac t l\'e chanter. --- Badger State. It has just about boll- ; !n~he Union Is the $4 ;,iO per year theme which he has selected ls of

tests: "Too niuch depends on each The Tekes that pledged during the ed down to this : Either "Joe 18 a- na: Ti1e ho11~ ~ bii'i7; """;e ,·ltai concern Th every- prtiicrpat -.---one." colonial period wil l become charter tl onal hero ..and a wonderful asset every ··night exi::ept on Friday caui~e It re,·oh·es around them -

\\'hon you are J; l\'cn no tes ts: " lt'M :nenfbe rs pf the actl\'e chapter of Ta u t._o ou s tat_e. 0~1 bl~ 1~ a i9k uu.k.._ The a n Saturday when It --ts open " e....R<ULQ..l the lnclpa l In Adml-

---: .~/ ~.;'°3."1:e~.· ~l:~.~~.n he 1msslbly Judge Ka~~= ~~~:~~!.1;-::g men are co lonial ~~~n~~~~~~:!~e~ueri:\'~~:~h:t:~:~~c:r~i~; ~~~~nl:: ::.d;a~~l~l:~c~~:~op~n~u~~~- nl sl~;,:~~1:1:~:gth;h~u::~:~~:~: will--

When e\'ery purl or the sutiJe<!t mem bers : Don Parmelee". Carter 0 1- with wh ich the witnesses are answer- table, tele\'lelon. box hockey. a Juke be Sl)eeches by two renowned and Is taken UJI In class: "Oh . he just son, Lambert Schommer. Michael Ing the counsul's questions under box. cards a nd games. light snacks reputable speakers tn the fie ld of follows the book," Korelka, n ex On\'IS. Robert Bach. oa th . somebody ls going to be a'nd a kitchen. The latter may he education. J ohn L. Bracken, super-

----'"''-""-''.OU ar aske.d_to_atudy a and Wa)•ne Ellis. shoulder deep In hot water before :s::n~!~~o!he union Is rented by an ln.tendent of schools of Clayton, Mis-

~~;~ / \,:h:e:~:j::!n !i,cu:::; •~t't.'- Will Spea k At Assembly th~h:;;.'"t:~:,::: .~~ e~~:;.,, todar , .:~~1;~':J'u~11~:k .;.:':!~~ ~1~1 : ::.:'; ~~~{:::~;~\:fa~~:;~:iv:~,r,~~~';£~

'-' When the course Is In lec ture isti'<~~s: : ~:tl~~:~e1~~ocn~n~l~:~~.e:~i°~1~ and a wealth of knowledge pertain- Ed 110 he can "learn the ropes" for York .

--~:';~~ l~·;r~ ne,·er get a chance tp say here on Wednesday , May 5 during ~:g dt:r1~:;11~~~~~t~~?~s:r~~::r~~~c~~ ::;~1::nrfot~h:n~:;:1:~. sea\~e: :1~~

\\'hen the cou rse cons is ts or In- ~~~=a~ec-0~

6.~C~s=~~s~~~~: hieu:ds ~h~=~~ addition to the satisfaction that you selected by the Unlon--Bonrd. It Is

: ~~ ~n ::tslet~:;:. a~ih:1~:1~:!o~~ 1:·~!~ to Better Lh' lng.'' ~~: g:fu~:~ r!r:tt;::.~dhl:tft~~~\~~l:'e~noa~ ::: :ouot:a.0!1a~ee a~;n:::;ss~~Y k~:~ the students'! The)' don ' t know how fn:r~:s.:"!1f1 t:J!;r:n~ntht:1~ ~·;;~~ad~; contro,·ers les. \Ve can assure you mentary decis ions , do the buying.

to \~: ,~:= t: : t=~~~se.1~:ate rlal Is pre· uses In the home. Nylon. orion . ~:l~~vo;,e~!!;o~h!:/~;~:c~·:;:: 1~: :!r~n hce~~~g~u~f oe~-e~~~l:ln:vt~nat~ haanp~ rayon, Dacron, and acetate are all th hi h I I d kl

;~:~;~,=f:~~v:;i t·=x~hn: ~~~-:-~~~~ rorget 11a rt of the DuPont famll )', certainly ha\'en ' t! :;:sblan::e~·h:n ~hat~: ~e!:ss~:y.ng

When genera l prlncl11les are pre- St~~!s:s =e~::ss~\/~~:e~ot!e c:~t~:~ Gr nrr11I rulrs for the prh·lle,1te of sented: " What did we lea rn ?· \\'e 1mrtment. Ever)'One ( men and wo- Annual Easter Assembly using the Union are first and fore-knew a ll that herore we Look the men-) Is urged to attend the assem- ;~::~. tow~~~~t ~~ln~:1~~:rem:!t s~:: course." bJ y. Again Presented by WSGA dents do. It Is also to be remember·

II f h k The traditional Easter assembly ed that no one except the manager

Exce, ent Interpretation O S a espeare sponso,ed by the Women·, Self Gov- or someone wo, ~ ,ns ro, h im may

I I f h ernln g association at Central State handle the tel evision set. and tl\nl

Immediately following the ·wel- ,

~~n~na~-:e~dr!~s ~rl:~~~ld::~_}'?.111:i;, -Uracken will discuss "The .,Elemen­tar. School Prlncl1ml - AO. Admln­'stra tor. Plus." Superlntenden't Bra.­cken has his l\taster'II degree fro m the Unive rsity of Chicago and his Ba­chelor's and L.L~D. d·egree from the College of Emporia., KansM. He has spoken to schools and general au­tUc nces In more than half the states. Dr. McNally's topic Is " The Course W e Run ," and he will speak on this on Saturd ay morning. May 8. Among the organizations of which he Is a member are Phi Della Kappa and Kappa Delta Phi . Disp ays Ta ents O Campus T espians college was held on Wed nesday any one not respecting equipment o,

A ta1u mo\·lng product ion or wife or Anllpholt1s or E1>hesus. and : :~;l~~~~u;~ 1ia:;;_1 °~!Y ~nnr~h:e~ ~~ ~~e tt:;~\~!.e :! ;~::~~e;1~~8 ~

8 t~!~; Rc~;du~:lte0/ r mt:eeu:!~~etisc~~~r::s~ Shakespeare's 16th cen tury "Come· ~l11rlys l·h ·ns11. who was Adrlana·s ns mistress of ce re monies. nre no great problems of " dlscl- and lqncheons, there wl ll be lime for dy or ~rrors" wai. presented ~1 onday ~lster. Luclann. pllne". His few g ripes Include 11eo- relaxation and fun.

t}i :i'!~t!te:l¥:Pn!~;r~f~~~ ~: ~~;!l~:~{1~t~~~ s00





0'8\1u118:;:'.~.heeoE'!ell ~,•,'n:c>g·'.o:n:e! Ml~rl'~

1:.;~\h~~I~~ t~~~~r~f ~;m!~1~~ :1i~o '~~~ul~~\~ ~e:~

1:i"ng~o~~d h;!~1

;1: llesldes a social hour planned at "' , ,._ .. . sli;:: nlflcnnce with the recurrln A" who don·t use the Union unless the re the Student Un ion the visitors are

talnlns e \'en ing were members or rrnm Sy'raeuse Is au tomat ica ll y con- Ihe me, "Am l '.\Y y Rrother's Keeper?" · Is n M<'hedulerl. pla nned ac tl\'lt y. to ha ,·e other special treats such as !:ues ci~1;;; :hheea~~~c~~:::11,


1~~ dem ncd 10 de:tt h unless he can raise ft sen-ed as the luu~ls for a panel He'd like to see more peo ple there a ll a tr ip to the Whltlng-Plo\'er Paper

Kahan. a lan:P ran1tom . l ie Is look ing ror ~~~ci:\~:!0~10::r:t~e/t1!.~~~- p!~~~ n~:: lh~::1:e~f the major acUvl tl es wh kl1 =~~:l~~:y~o~:a~~n~~~n~:f} l\~nl::

1R~~; ~~[·~1:~~:~·~if::·~~~~~!~::;~;·: ,2 ::.~iI:'~):;~~f~i::~~:~,; .~~:.~:~::t::: "··t~.~;:': n;::~.~7~~· ~~:·;:~: 0t;~: ~:::nan~:::·. n::n.~:1. :·:./ .c::r:; ~~,\~;r; ::~:~ ::~'c:: :~··.:~· :~:~:

same nameR from whom the\' wer Cr k . nnd Pa tricia Howell . The dis· hnnrl dnn reR e\'e ry two weeks. n Stevens Point. visi ts to the tlshlng h ila r ious conru~ion was l wo 11alrs Kf'J)ara led hr a shipwreck 11; the r r uss lon co \·e red three mnln points: possible bridge tot1rnnment. "'tudenl tack lo com pa nies, v1Lrlous social or Identical twins who ne\'Cr 0.PJlear· infonry. The conru Rlon cu ds whe A rea li zation of l he s ltunllon which recruitin g (n ll prmi pecth'e s tudent"' hou rs In the Ovenlngs. use of the ed on the iH age at the same time 1111 • 1heir lden1ll le11 are di sclosed. cx lRts, thnt we nil have some pre- nro shown the Union ) , fo rmals nn c.! Country Club for lho110 who enjoy tll the end or the play whe n ull con· llu nior throu J:; hout · t he 11 Ja y Is ju dl ces: the need for self-exnmln- tens . A ping pong tourn ame nt wn~ golrlng, and the use of the tennis fu sion was cleared. 1,rodded br the two Drom los wi th ntlon : and gon ls or ways to O\'er- nbnndonetl because oV lack of co- courts.

;;I~;~.:~~;~~:~:.~f::~2:~:~~::~;! ~~~1[ J?.:~\~j!:::::;::1:~:~;E~::::r·i :?;:·in\~:~:,~;·t:~:~lnhT~~u.7t~vle rr~:r~1:;:r{:~tt~~~~~.~~~~~r:l~ ch~~. :;r.~;o2}~ .. ~~~~~~n:: ,!~ '--<lll::tll<ILJJ~fl..delln_ F' renzel, who l)e'f_,=---------~~-+-=Lo nn~oudn n played nn organ __ ::innounceU_he serious posslblll l ~ ~~ntlon. Othe.r progr_am com-

porrrared the twin brothers. Anti- prelude and postlude. The Alpha hnvln ~ a -campus · carnival thhi: -eralclia r:e;r~ ~:!k J ~~;g~~::::=:; :~ol~:t

0:heE~~:;u5sce:;d a~)~rn~;s~~~ ces~o:~rl~1:


1n:..::1~!~i!~ rtw~ r:h~:1:~ KaPJm R h o dou_ble quartet sang two :~~~~: ,·P:i

1t~gall campus organizations chairman, Henry Welnlick, Slgn'l A~

S I h I h h f h Slu is as the duke: Lewis :\1\ttness. 'sou,;s , "All In an April Evening," ' , J;oroell_pson Rolla d • k M ;o~t<Js'!a~~~ac~;;;

0tt;~o Ba·lthasn,; .Jl~rlfAk1'.,. An);-elo :- Ro- n ober1on : ah-d ''Jesn, Prlcolees Trea- U I htnp-nre i.tend~y ffiftigfOr the ·Ethel -M"hls , Max Fr~techel~c ; ~ ;:j--

dlsplayed with skill the lndl\•ldual land )tars h . Pinch : Ted Stan lszew- su re." Dach. \Vllllam Conway Intro- non as more an more student s Ford Lynn ' cha.racterisdcs of each brother In sue- sk i. Jall~r : Collins , first mercha nt: duced the musical nu mbers. The ~~: 111 ~:eksln;n:d;;:rt:gt of 'It and Its --·------cesalve appearances. i rr-t nl----\\:ir.kufh.--.MJ.('.ond- mei::ch-an · . . 8 more money

"="iceiie.Wfieii tli"e""ldeiiff(Jes we re dis- )111.._~ h a nd Mlttne,s, offlcers; ---.\fary- ~~m ~ w ..!!!__ 1Balf"a!"E_tfi -to--work-wi~:.Pl~~~as~a:11;.' ;

11 ~1u~"''; ~;::,;tJ:.;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;=;;;;:;;;:~:;';:;';~~~::: closed . Dill Collins took the part of jo Reznlchek . Aemll la: Kath leen Binging, '"Goel- mess America." - :ma-nager ;Jake - nre-=-whett- h' ll:lf' -DON WARNER STUDIO Antlpholus of Syracuse and J oel Guell. cour tesan. a nd Jar\lSe Fr ie· · ~.~ho~l 1:\udet~ tie~ It ~i"clh exclaim . Weaver was the Dromlo of Syracuse. derlcb, Luce. Faculty ad\'lsers for the program st:;enta ~;el: c~:Pr:1: n~n!tfi .lege courteous - convenient

-Sk1Utu1-wlth-thal~ man y-l ines-and· ~ he-.-acllon- of- tbe-play-takes-plnc FortwcryenTrrnon-elal·y--n ·n'll""'"'-+1-----dependoble,--~-+--appearances were Glady's Lehmann. In• Ephesus, a ,seaport In ancient ation for n Union Manac;er (.Jn.lce who took the art or Adriana · the Greece. · Lew is. calls the Union home he<'n.u se he feolls "across from the college~'

Page 5: · --I NTE RMembers of Ml8s Isaacson's Speech 215 class will be In charge or set tings. with Gladys Lehmann and Frank Brocker working on "Pyi;mallon". Jim Stasko, "Playboy or the Western

•\ pdl 29, 1954 THE POINTER a

-SC-~ointer.s,-Oshkosh- t i.tan::0--------1 ~~~~~~ ~~£"'.+•1---------. Clash In Duel Meet Saturday Side ~ines

B-0 -W-li,-B-¥~ CANDIES

On sau,rday. l\ln.Y .1. the Polnter ,------------­inder squad will joUrney t o Oshkosh iors. so the sq und Is young but or a duel with Os.hkosh Stale . The s trong. The relay will pro bably be ieet will be he.Id at Pierce qe ld au d J ohn Mill e r . Jim :',tille r . Larry Col-

~~iu~~~~l a:·lti2:tf; :.~,~~h~

11:ve~~: ~1:11:jlO~~~an~tnrk Schommer . runnin g

by Jerry 1iaer enw11ld

Senior goHer Bob Ull s1>erge r will take over the reigns as player-coach ·this s11rlng, s ucceeding bx-Pointer

ther e\·c nts at 1 o'clock. Yesterday e truckm en ·j ou r neyed to L aw­nee co ll ege at Apple ton !or th e uson's opener.

Stiff Competition Shown ~1



;1~i~v~u~;e ~~



For DeliCious

Ho me-mode Chocolates

Go to BOWLBY'S 112 Strongs Ave.

. r h as Indi cate d In Spring Golf SeasOn s wtngiu g tor bis tounb consecuth·e For All ~our Printing A--'.;,, ,ahcieL.~~-,""11"-,."k"'a"a"'bLo..!ut~23

2· "'c"'o,'"1t"e,"',"· f.'--.A.::.l +,.,.,n""st,-,~,,.,,,,.::. • .,.,,.,.,.-'-,,~.=--,.~r1-'-.~hl"°ln~g=ro~,h <ntty-llnks,noni:r·.;...~.::..:..::..:....:....- t1--.::..:.-:N-:-.~.-:d-, ::s.-.--=----11r,-=======----------..! LS. with the results o f th e Law- positions on this year's CSC golf

- Hom_e Owned -

nee meet giv in g him his 11oinl win- i;q uad six-mu n ros te r . rS. Coach : Harrer Is 11ss ls te d by The Pointe r liuks men will try to an John E. Ro berts. who Is hand!- reta in lhelr State Chan111lon title by

I g the weight$ an d so me field building th e sq uad aro und a nu cleus

"Ullsy," by th e way. carded the best 1>r.actlce r ound among vars it y putte rs thus far this s pring whe n he fired a.cool i 6 fo r 18 holes Ins t week. It Is doubtfu l°. howeve r . that th e mark will be acce11te d by h is team­ I WORZALLA-.­

PUBLISHING COMPANY c uts. co ns isting or three-year letterman

The squud has bee n going throu g h Bob Ull s1,erge r . who wlll nc.: t as no trials t he piis t tY.!\J weeks and l>laye r-co:1ch tor '" th e · se·as on. a nd

1,es to be in mid-season form tor Doug Tanner. a doubl e le tt er-winn e r hk osh. .Ed J acobso n, th e great from rthinelander. ,Hoth me n a r e

mates rt!!; any sort o r record. The ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ reaso n ? He was a lone nt th e time! ,-

C dlsrnnceman. tu rne d in a ·c red it- \::timble or s hooting In th e se \·entl es A t e mnle SJ)ectntor at Monday le 4 43 2 m ile nnd will be looking In rough com pe tition . night 's J)e rtormance or the Phi Sig's ry,:ard to s tlH com1letltlon at Osh- Ano~her ~;q)erlenced ma n . of this Sty le Show sho we d a 11uzzled expres­sh. Mark Sc hommer . th e Pointer sp ring s squad Is Lyle Briscoe df s lon o n her race when lanky M. C. ar-decathnlon m a n. has turned in., Ste\·ens Po int . who Jllayed In th.a. ou,·e s u,,ermun m nde h fa entry dur­

Food The Way You Like It



Onfy Advertbing WrltNln By fr iend• o ncl l*g hbon In local leNII of undentond ing ond b-lle¥Obll ityl

A.ad The Wont Adi In The


11-4 Horth Third Strfft

PhonM 2000 - 2001 - 2002

.ft In the I 00 yard dnsh .· 23.2 in numbe r fl\' e J)OS! tion on last year 8 Ing the s how. She turned to her da te '-=============: e 220 ynrir dash. 12 i ree t In the team. nod asked . .. How come Dnve ne,•er 1 ~-----------"'

lscus as we ll a s c.: redltable distance Others who ho pe to ha\'e a chance s hows hrs tale nt o n a basketball the broad Jump and shot 1rnt. t o he l1l build on CSC's record or floor: he's s u·rely ta ll enough!" Othe r tm11ress lve Intra-squad win- se\·en s truii;ht golf wins withou t a The date sh r ugge'd his shoulder s

e ra were Bill Ruhsam. ha lf mile, dereut. com 1ille d las t year, are Bob aurl otrered. "I don' t quite know tor rry Collins. Jim. and John M,lll er Ca.fill.ru::--who s hot u ni ne.hole total s ure . but I 'think he might be out·

' 1 the quarter mile dns h. },"r ed Seba· of ·41 this S1lring. a Wisco ns in R nplds da ted with a ll his height. "

HETZERS South Side

MO BILE GAS o nd O il

l ock o nd Key Service e.wald in the we ig hts: Carl Huberty prod uct . a long with Paul Suhs. Wau- The pretty young thin g became the Ju m))ing e ,·ents. and Don He rr- J\aca, who has fired a 40 round. Har- mo re puzzled . "Out-dated? I thought :===========:=;

1a11n In the Javelin . S01>homore Do n !:~~I ~~!~111~1~~~ " : te ~;n ~~~u tt:~f:~ baske\ball was beco ming a tall man's

~:~~~u:~11 assist in the 220 nnd 2- Adams. from Hio . has re porterl a ga'.~11~\~ ... he a ns we red. '· but with the Te rry Pellse and Hube rt y may he pair or 44 's, Also crowding In tor a ndYQllt o r backboa rd s th ey don't hire

he so lution to th e hurdl e ,·acan cy SJ>O I are Chl111iewa Falls' Fred Hub- anyo ne to hold the peachbas kets at ert by Ke n Rolo ff . who Is absent ley and J e rry Ebel. a Point produ ct. the ends or the court any more. rom this ·year's squad. Ken Is boost- Coach Ull sper,.;er will call his ug hi s scho lns tl C work .. hut nmy re - s quad to Its fir s t match Saturday, urt later. Some first year men wh o :\lay 1. whe n th e Po inters meet

~· ill a ssure dly see actio n are Dick Lawre nce co lle~:i:~~ !11~

.l 1H1th- ,\ l el-6on-nenl·&fh-J·tltt-Sant-ne he he ld a t

POLLY FROCKS Headquarters for

Dresses, Skirts & Blouses


Stevens Point Sweatshirts

98c School Sweaters


\' ayne Curry, Huss Boruitzke. Joh n \ude rson . and 0 1\\'e Quimb~·. -:Ja coUson. Schom me r. He rrmann, · nd...Sclta de..-i'laJ_d..,_a re the___Q!!.!_~· _,s.,c:;.n-1.'o:'Jl;:":l:-~~f1f.~~ THE CONTINENTAL The Shop That Spedo/i1H

"{l !-+ 1------'-------·I·I ~ n- Col/e9e...Hoir,1,1IJing --

WRA Spon~oted Softball Tourney-Begins Plav--·-+1~ - FOR"'THE-L-ARGESH El:EG-T-ION-OF- MEN!S..&..BO-'tS!..... -- - - ----

CLOTHING IN STE VENS POINT AT LOWER PRICES J o Daniel. \\' llA 11residc n1. :rn-111111ncei; th e beginuiu~ o f a \\'HA !\Of tball tou rnamelll wh it' h stane d on Wednesda y of this week at 4 11. 111 .. 11 11 Schmeeckle Fie ld . June Brn nner has been a1111oiutCcl s11orts h eacl. An y g irl o n c a nquis is welcome 10 J\ lay. The Psi Beta lean, . c:1 ta ined by .Joa n Unt iedt: th e Tau. ttu IC-:tm . t·a11t:llne rl br l lia ue Seif and th e Urucga.Jl u....Ch.i:....Lc..uu_ • . .o.coLh:,~ f:ilbe r tsou as c:qll, 11 . al'C al1·e:1 dY nn,;a ni zed . alon g: .wilh two rrcshma n 1cams.

C::uucs w ill he h e ld on \\'cdu e~d ayi. fo r three nr fo ur wee!,~. P!ttin; :.re ali.o he h1 1,: niadt' for the ann u:\1 \\'H.\ ld,;::h schoo l ria r !lay to he held 1hl!'.!

;\la y 1:,.

HE FLOATS 1hrough the oir with dillonce in mind. Ed Prohoika it ,hown giving his oll in 1ho brood jump l!!v1rnl during mid-wee k 1rock workouh.

Credit And Pleasure On CSC Summer Tour

s pe nding th e 11ight al Nlni;a ra },, all s. The nex t d ay th ey will cross O\·e r to t he United States \· !s iting Coope ri;­to wn. i;ee ing Coo J)Cr's home us we ll as th e 1foseb;1 \I ll all of Fame. The

When you pause ••. make it count...h~ve a Coke

Bes ide s the c.: red it s which ca n he Cullow l11 1, dar will be s 11e nt at Stu r­eurned o n c:u np ui,. t h is s um mer brid ge \'illa ~e. The third to seren th studenl s wi ll have an oi,J)ort u- o f July will IJe s1,ent touring o ld his· ult\· to cam credil s while on Lor ie ll osto n: While th e re the travel· t hC an nu a l sum mer schoo l (i eld e rs will \' IEJ IL such llternr~· places as tri11 . und e r th e dir~ctio n o r Ha y- Co ncord. Lexln~ tnn. \\'alde n Pond. mond l:: . S pecht and Korma n K :111d lake an ocean trip to Pro\·ince-10:nu tze n. This yC!ar th e trip will go town o n th e till of Cape Cod. Leavin g w the his to ri c. i;eog ra11hical , 1111d lit- Hoston o n .Jul y S they wl ll go to the c run· areas o f Kew l'.:ui; land and Great Sto ne Fuce In t he White Fre ,; ch Cauada. Twe nly-se\'e n 11eo- :\lo unlains. and o n Jul}' 9 to the As­p ie plan to make th e th ree wee k to ur besto Mines a t As besto . Ca na da. Th e \'la t he coll ege bus. Registratio n ele ,·enth and t welfth of Jul y will be I:; Ju ne 2 1 rollowe cl b y a th r ee day s 11e11t in 11lctllresque Quebec gettin g orleniaLlon 1ic rlod . The eas twa rd a tas te o r o ld E uro1ie. Fro m th e re bound tra\·ele rs wl\1 s tart o n J une they will Journey to th e ca1>ltal o r :! S and r eturn .Jul y 16 10 coi_npl~te Cnuada. Ottawn, and ,•!s it th e Par­thei r re 11or l$. Th ree cre dits each will -II Am eii t Bul ldln g. - On Jul y 14 t he· be earned In geogrnph y._. lnstru cted ~ro up will s pe nd the n ight at Sud­bv Mr. S11ccht. and in J::ng li sh . In - burg. Canada: and the next day tour ~i 1· u~rnd- by.=M r..;::;:Kn u tze.n. tnrSoo--J:;octrs:,mJJrptn-g-torUre,itgh, t+----£'5.

He re is II pre \·lew a nd the hig h w nt St. Ignace. The fo ll o wing day they llgb.l..s ot,.....t..hc....tou~ ti\tliog._ou_t rr~ 1 will ta ke a boat_tl d~ _ut_lo_)fac kfr.1..ac... . __ _ CSC 011 June 2S th e g roup will tra- Is land and re turn 110111 0 tbl\l-------it lght - - · ,·c l to Ma nitowoc and ferry a cross tired but ha ppy. La1te :\1 1chlgan to J..udlugton. co n- --------t lnuing to Grand Rapids wh e re th ey ~------------,

n~~tt;;;;!~~·~:~""'.'.'.:;.11~r~b~.~;-:±1:=.=-=c;;;;::.,/fi.~-~-R;.::;_R;;.::_,O~-~L" t=-~,_:;;;;==::lt==--==-cc~~~- ----~~'""~x;==s=c=c=c=c=c=c=c=c=c=ct1 a n 0111w rtunlty to tour the Ford Mo· tor Com 11any's Ediso n Mu seum a nd Gree nfield Village in Detroit.


From etro ey w el(! •

ward through souther1_1 Canada.

MUS.IC SHOP LA SALLE COCA-COLA BOTIUNG COMPANY. -· -.' - Your-Record- Heodquarler,--~1- - ~ ~ .. .,. -~.; .;.,;. ,::. •• ;,,::,,;:.cc.,;.._::,..._~..:..::.::.:.::..:..:...._C.:,:':.,::,C,_ ..,.= c::oc::.'."".c::ou::-:-'c::o:--..,-:-_,--------11 -

Page 6: · --I NTE RMembers of Ml8s Isaacson's Speech 215 class will be In charge or set tings. with Gladys Lehmann and Frank Brocker working on "Pyi;mallon". Jim Stasko, "Playboy or the Western

, ___ !6~~=,=;~;;;;=_~--~-===-~~~~-;,,,;;;~~====~:'.:~~~~'.f::'.:'.'.:IHE:::::PO::IN:T:ER:'.::'.::::::::::::::::::::::::::;r;;::::;::;::;::;::A:pr:il:29::,1:9~::,ICS H ormat-Dinrrerrtnd-D.inte-E11 . CAMPUS CAFE Frank's Hardware Ce

Pledging Season For (SC Greeks Eat at Our Cafeteria ~ Balanced Meals

Sororities and frate r ni ties at Cen- lley. "Tolltgh t Wil l Ne,·or Come Fast Service at All Times.

PHONE 2230

117 North S.co"d St.

~~:Id s!:~~e~;!~b~~!:! t~~e :.!~:e 0°fg=~~ ;\f:!~.:· and "That btd Gang or Choose and pay for what you want to eat . .

~~;!:~ F:~·:~·. d~~~~r~\l~e•;:~n~:~~ Singing togeth e r tor th P, last Serving Fresh Meats and Roasts with Home Made · L A S K E R ti I time tor their soror ity, the Omega C k d d

!~·~~d.2 4. Se \·ent)'- \'e coup es nt- quartette offer ed "Ang ry," "Should Gravy Daily - our FO~DS ~re ~~me 00 e an JEWELERS

}&per-0nes--we.s:&-.1\J.r:---A,'4..,WL.-"~,-'1"':.~· _ "°'1;,.:,;c"'e:,.--,-,;;1"'-"'A"'w-"h.:;11o:;C,,," ~ ·-,:· Bc:;•::,•;:1"c.~---<>Lthe.-F-INES:r' - -our-Pri~es-ar-e-the LO WESf:.~--11-1-i2·1-North--Thlrct"Strnt--Phorie3T.ir M d M B d Street,': nnd "Bonnparte s et r ent. -

~~\~le~·~ei:5o;t/ r~,~: ;,r~~- J::~0~- Honor pins fo r the highest schol- Sc per glass - Fresh Breakfast Orange Juice. sr::N:;:.~~::· .:~s~~:~IN ~!.~;.u• and Mr. and :\Ire .• Robert s. ~:!~~ B~'L\~~~a'A~:\t·:~!rh~r~~:.:~:\:~ Silax Cqffee Sc per Cup with Cream and Sugar Or~;;:~:!u::sd r~;c~~l~nr.or~~

1 ;;:~1~~ ~~n.~.nnlce Xo1nady by Pauline Vin- served to our Customers and Help.

~~~!10;~1 t~:~10 s~;~1/e;~~a~~~;1::: cuests at the dinne r were :\trs. SOUPS - CHILI - SANDWICHES SERVED AT

tickets and p rog rams . Omega ~lu Ra,·ey und Mr. nnd Mra. Arol C. Ep- ALL TIMES. Chi : publicity. invi tations and cha- pie. perones, Tau Gammn Beta.

PET.E'S BARBER SHOP "Satisfact ion guarante ed or your hair cheerfully refunded".


nier aud IOU!

WI~ cert


ort sch• Oro

ns I \'ltl

out bel•

!he Tho three so roriti es held Initiation ceremonies ror ne w m e mbers and en­tertained at' fo rm a l dinners b.eror o th e dance. The rraternh ies had Ini­tiated their new members al an

EDITOR Continued f!_o!!1 _pnge 1 MEN'S


Ta ke a Five

ot _

~---------- -l· Mri will talk on ,; :'\taterlals ror Local His· tory In the State Coll eges."

ea~~C: :i:~~ ho tel In Wisco nsi n Ra- The li brarian group Is headed by plds was th o scene or th e Tau Garn- Dona ld A. Woods. Mil waukee. Nelis ma Beta d inner. wi th th €! Initiation ll. Kampenga will cond uct a tour ceremony be ing he ld In the Firs t through th o new library nt St e\'ens Methodist church or that c ity berore Poin t and ~liss Erna Bucho lz , Eau t he dilln er:. Those who ":e re initiated Claire. will r epor t on library science we re ;\ Ik e .\ 11<.' n , S a nt:)" ·11edbcr,-:-. minors. J en n G,,1d1<'ll, Dnrh•1u- Sdilm k<', George · L. Builes. Platto\' llle . will Donnn Tri ('kt•y, :'ll nrjo rle Schmuhl , head the mathematics gro ul), the mu­E ln lnc E:,ikril l, H.-tt y Wot•h:rt, Uo r li; slca l section is be in g headed by Mll­MoM. Oo lo rt•s l"al scr . X1• il u Xclso n ton H. Rusch o r '.\l llwnukee. and Miss and Corin ne Wc bt•r . All ee ;\latz Is pres id in g o ,·er the

The banque t tables wer e decorate d grou p or Nurses . w ith tinv umbrell:lS and b irdhouses with no~ers to curry out the the me Wurn:• n ,J. Goch rs, Oshkosh , wil l of Al)rll Showers. Arlene Golo ms kl be th e chai r man . fo r the P hysical a ct d as tonst m istress . a welco me ~ducation sectio n ror men . Miss t o new a ctl \'CS wns J:h'en by sorority ;\lirlam Mose r of Ste\'e ns Point will pres lde n t·.-:Mary- Bartelt .-and-t.he.-t.e :e... head the Wome n 's Physical Educa- . s 1lonse by J)led ge chalf'mnn, Jean tio n ,sec ti on. Gelche ll. Robert S. Lewis was g ues t Parker Clark. En u Clai re . will be speaker. Grace Co llins ga ve a hum· th e acti ng chairman of the Phys ics o rous reading. '.\trs . )1arjorle Ke rs t. g ro up.

1 - =~~~!:;· ;1~;eJ:ru7·:;,c:.;

1~~ ~~h~::r;:t; lllc hurd Bailey. P u bll Inform•

ntlo n Service. Office or the Board of :!~1 1;·:s ri;~:::lt~~1;;r_:i.


1111~:::~ Regent s of \\"lsco n~in State colleges.

__ m:1.n n.,--1:!!9-.. J.?ICd c res idenl"s pin will preside as ~ha1rman or the sec· _.. was gl\·en t o- Ellen Eide by Miss Get- :::t lon---0n PubllcltJ. --, chell. .Ja)· w. Mdicc, Superior. w ill be

Special guests were: Mr. and Mrs. acting c hairman or th e Socia l Lewis. Miss l-l elen :'\lesLO n. :'\tlss Ce· Science g roup. "The l mJ)act or Gen­cllin Winkler. ;\lrs . )tlldrede WII· e ral Education o n the Soc ia l ll lflms. Miss :'\lildre d Davis an d :\tr. Sciences·· will be discussed by J oh n and ;\lrs. E lmer Kers t. Sch ne ld er . Eau Claire. J . T. \'Oil "tre-

Ps i Beta Psi held it.s dinner at St. bn. Whitewater. and Gord on Hnrer­Paul's Methodist ch urch he r e. The becker, MIi waukee.

CASUAL OXFORDS Brown Cloth Upper Thick Rubber Soles


In Six Differe nt Colors

$5.95 and $6.45 -


And ·Sanda ls In New Spring Styles and Colors

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Shippy Shoe ~tore decorations fo llowe d a sp ring theme. Rodin e Mcin tee sang "'April in Pa.rls." ' and with Vivian Schultz. ' "April Showers.· · A plnno duer. "With A Song In My Hea n :· was played by Catherine and Fra nces K och . )lary Jane Wagner acted as

The secti on on SLudent Personne l ~------------

toastmistr ess. :'\1iss Gertie Hanson. rormer CSC

facu lty membe r . s howed colored slides and ga\·e a travelogue on he r wint er in Florida. Kew act l\'CS Ini­ti ated a t th e ceremony were: Cnth ­erlnc ti o<" h , Elc·an o r S1'!1rum, Luci lle D-Lurkh 11.nd Unrh•nc znn17,ow. Miss Zamiow receh-ed the scholarship pin ror the highest scholas ti c ave rage or the new actl\'es.

Guests included )llss Hanson; :'\tlss J essl e mae Keyser. ad\·lser; he r mo th • er. :'ltrs. Keyser . Zanesville. Ohio; Mrs. Keis O. Reppen and )lrs. Ed­gar F . Pierson. patronesses; and :'111ss Al ice Hansen. ad\'lser .

Omega Mu Chi entertained at a dinn er at the Meadows follow ing an In it iation cer emon)' at the home o f Mr. and :'\ l rs. Ray A . Gilbe rtson . New a ctives nre : lkUy H ols te in , Sh irley Klim o wltz, Slmron Zen tne r, ,Junke 'Sonmd;r, :'llnry B UM"OWS, ,Jan et Bird, Phrllls H a.n1m<'I. :\l nr le. Doro, Gwe n Pls du•r. ~l:; Peters and Jo:\nn Brot•t.7.m a nn .

The new a cth"es were give n a lighted candle' and a )"ell ow dutrod ll by ple dge mistress. Joan Curr.

The theme. "April Showers Bring May Flo wers ·· was pahl t ed on a wall mtrror accompanied by a. large- um­brella. wllh raindrop races nnd rlow-

~~;:~ e,~,;:1~!\\~:l:t~ ~edp!~ef~ ~~~:u;: 1:...==--=- --:. --=--=--=--=--=-----===::===i slo n on anti.Jyses or the Board or Re · gents Re1>orl on Stu dent Pe rsonnel Se r\" lces In Wiscons in State coll eges will be g-h·en by Miss Charlotte Wol­laeger. Milwaukee ; E. 0. Thedlnga, Oshkos h ; :'\flss Stell a Peterson , Eau Claire : R. J . Gunning. La.C rosse; and Arn old Lien. Whitewater.

T h e Sntu rdn)· morning meeting will consist o f a delegate assem bly at 9 :30 In which r oll call , reports. old and new business will be discus­sed an d th e election or off icers will take pince ror the oncomin g term.

On Thllrsday e\'enlng. \'l s lt or s who ha\'e a rrl \'ed for th e confe rence will be entertained a t a corfee hour at Delzell Ha11 Union. The coll ege so­cial com mittee. wi th Miss Mi r iam :\lose r as chairman , will be in charge o f this.

For Every Financial Service See

Citizens National Bank


Membe rs of F. D. I. C.

'"Tber• ' • Jon•• a qoln l II h•'d ha,,e hl• dl.n.ta.r at the COLLEGE £.AT SHOP he 'd 9et II good n.lqhi. ,INpl'"

-' --e r.a.-wblch-mada..an.....eft ecU,: bach .'------------'-H- ~ 1 drop. Table centerpieces were crepe ~-----------,

paper umbrellas rill ed with ye llow l daisies a.nd s napdragons. s urround­'-- e white (encee _s_prlnkled 1 ·Ith m-oYe sp Ing nowers7'·-Fa\'Ors

were yellow da. todll nu.t cups . . Marlys H va s was tonstmlstress. '· ___ Sbaron_ Sutt oro it

gave the welcome addrees. Janice Nomady spoke ror the new actives and guest speake r waa Mrs. Phy llls Ra\'ey, adYlser. who s poke on "Who makes a sor or ity? ' Betty spoke ro r the senio r members.

,I Carol Corliss sang t wo selections t------ACCompanled by Benita Held Blom- .

65 CAB -LINE . Pho ne 65

For Quick Service

in Radio Dispolched_ Cobs.

Next to lyric The~tre · BILL'S SHOE SIORE1 ·:



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