rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question...

MARKSCHEME GCSE Spanish Listening (H) Personal Information: Free time Date: Time: 46 minutes Total marks available: 48 Total marks achieved: ______

Transcript of rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question...

Page 1: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.

MARKSCHEMEGCSE Spanish Listening (H)

 Personal Information: Free time


Time: 46 minutes

Total marks available: 48

Total marks achieved: ______

Page 2: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.

Mark Scheme




Page 3: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.




Weekend activities


Page 4: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.

M1 Soy Juan, cené con mi familia en un restaurante griego.

Pause and repeat

Question (i)

M2 Soy Gerardo. Trabajé de canguro porque quiero comprar un nuevo ordenador.

Pause and repeat

Question (ii)

F1 Aquí Merche. Soy miembro de una orquesta y el sábado hubo un concierto.

Pause and repeat

Question (iii)

M3 Soy Ignacio. El domingo al mediodía fui a la boda de mi prima y su novio.

Pause and repeat

Question (iv)

F2 Aquí Rosario. Asistí a un curso de cocina en mi instituto y aprendí mucho.

Pause and repeat

Page 5: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.


Going to town


F1 Me duele la cabeza y necesito comprar unas pastillas.

Pause and repeat

Question (i)

F1 Voy a una fiesta el sábado que viene así que quiero cortarme el pelo.

Pause and repeat

Question (ii)

F1 Debo comprar unas sandalias azules nuevas para el verano.

Pause and repeat

Question (iii)

F1 Si tengo tiempo iré a ver a mis compañeras de clase en la plaza mayor.

Pause and repeat

Question (iv)

F1 Hoy a más tardar tengo que mandar un regalo a mi abuela en Vitoria.

Pause and repeat


Page 6: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.

Holiday plans

Example: F1 Arturo, ¿qué vas a hacer?

M1 Yo me apuntaré a un cursillo de verano para mejorar mi conocimiento de cocina.

F1 ¿Y tú Blanca?

F2 Gracias a la generosidad de mi madrina haré un intercambio con mi amiga suiza.

F1 ¿Y tú Ignacio?

M2 Iré a conocer los pueblos blancos tan pintorescos y lo pasaré genial.

F1 ¿Y tú Rosario?

F2 Sin duda tendré que repasar muchas horas a diario porque no he aprobado el alemán.

F1 ¿Qué harás Jaime?

M1 Pues, tengo la intención de aprender el esquí acuático con un grupo de amigos.


Page 7: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.


QuestionNumber Answer Mark

(i) C 1


Answer Mark

(ii) F 1


Answer Mark

(iii) E 1


Answer Mark

(iv) A 1 Listening Transcript


Example:F1  ¿Qué tal lo pasaste Daniel?

M1  Mi familia y yo fuimos a Escocia. Visitamos el castillo de Edimburgo, es espectacular.

Pause and repeat.


F1  ¿Y tú Miranda que hiciste?

F2  Yo estuve en los Estados Unidos. Hizo un calor horroroso. Los parques temáticos allí son maravillosos.

Pause and repeat.(ii):F1  Cuéntanos Sebastián ¿cómo fueron tus vacaciones?

M2  Fui a Paris con mis amigos. Dormimos en sacos de dormir en una tienda. ¡Fue estupendo!

Pause and repeat.(iii):

F1  ¿Y tú Begoña?

F2  Fuimos a Mallorca. Hicimos vela y nadamos en el mar. ¡Lo pasamos bomba!

Pause and repeat.(iv):F1  ¿Y tú Javier qué hiciste?

M2  Yo me quedé en casa. Estuve ayudando en el jardín con mi padre. También me organicé mis estudios.

Page 8: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.


Answer Mark

(i) B 1(ii) B E F 3(iii) A 1(iv) A B D 3

Media and culture

(i) and (ii)M1 Mónica, ¿qué estás leyendo?F1 Estoy leyendo la última edición de mi revista favorita.M1 Odio las revistas. Prefiero navegar por Internet.F1 Pero me encantan las fotos en color en las revistas.M1 A mí no me interesan las fotos. Me gusta más leer las noticias en los diarios y buscar información en Internet.F1 Sí Pablo, pero en las revistas hay muchos crucigramas mientras que en Internet no hay ninguno.       Además se pueden compartir con amigos. Por ejemplo yo presté mi revista a una amiga y ganó unas vacaciones.M1 Tienes razón.Pause and repeat(iii) and (iv)M1 Patricia, ¿por qué no vemos tu programa favorito en la televisión?F1 Rafael, preferiría ir al teatro. El ambiente es fenomenal.M1 No, el cine es mucho mejor y más barato. Podemos escoger entre tantos tipos diferentes de películas;       comedias, de acción o de miedo.F1 Pero a mí me encantan las canciones en las obras musicales.M1 El teatro es aburrido. La mayoría de nuestros amigos prefiere el cine.F1 Vale, ¿por qué no invitamos a los amigos a acompañarnos?M1 Estupendo. Sólo está a cinco minutos andando.F1 ¡Venga, vamos!Pause and repeat 

Page 9: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.


QuestionNumber Answer Mark

(a) (ii) 1


Answer Mark

(b) (iii) 1


Answer Mark

(c) (i) 1


Answer Mark

(d) (i) and (iii) 2


Answer Mark

(e) (iii) 1


Answer Mark

(f) (i) 1


Answer Mark

(g) (iii) 1

Listening Transcript


F1  Dime ¿Qué se puede hacer para evitar el estrés?

M1  Hay cuatro consejos esenciales.

F 1  ¿Y cuáles son?

M1  Dormir regularmente un mínimo de ocho horas. Estar descansado es esencial para llevar una vida relajada y gozar de un aspecto saludable.

F1  Gracias, ¿y qué más?

M1  Hacer ejercicio regularmente es imprescindible. No necesitas ir al gimnasio todos los días para estar en forma, pero es importante pasear habitualmente.

F1  En tercer lugar ¿qué nos recomiendas?

Page 10: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.

M1  Siempre debes pensar de forma positiva, incluso de las cosas que parecen adversas. Además, siendo optimista atraerás las cosas buenas.

F1  ¿De verdad? M1  Sí, claro. También recomiendo los alimentos sanos. Todas las semanas debes comer mucha fruta y verdura, igualmente debes alternar pescado y carne.

F1  ¿Deseas añadir algo más?

M1  Sí, que los cuatro consejos (descanso, ejercicio, actitud y alimentos), deben preservarse regularmente para conseguir una vida equilibrada y sin estrés.

F1  No has mencionado la bebida...

M1  Gracias por recordármelo. Los médicos recomiendan beber dos litros de agua al día. Así que tratad de beber muchos zumos naturales y agua.

Pause and repeat.

Page 11: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.


Page 12: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.
Page 13: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.

Gap Year in Ecuador

Question (a)

F1 Hola Maribel, ¿cuándo te fuiste al Ecuador?

F2 Me marché poco después de haber cumplido los diecinueve años y me quedé un mes. Lo pasé la mar de bien.

Pause and repeat

Question (b)

F1 ¿Dónde te alojaste?

F2 Afortunadamente me alojé con una tía de mi madre que me cuidaba como si fuera otra nieta suya y me contó un montón de historias de la vida de la gente indígena de esa zona.

Pause and repeat

Question (c)

F1 ¿Por qué optaste por el Ecuador?

F2 Siempre tuve la intención de recorrer este país lleno de belleza natural y conocer sus antiguas tradiciones que se remontan a siglos pasados. También quería ver los bailes regionales.

Pause and repeat

Question (d)

F1 ¿Aprendiste algo específico?

F2 Comprendí que para mucha gente, especialmente los campesinos, la vida diaria es muy difícil; muchos no tienen ni agua corriente ni luz en sus casas pero no suelen quejarse.

Pause and repeat

Page 14: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.

Question (e)

F1 ¿Recomendarías la experiencia a otros?

F2 Pues sí, obviamente y más que nada a los que se interesan por hacer una contribución positiva a la vida de los más desafortunados y van en busca de aventura y de pasar ratos inolvidables.

Pause and repeat

Examiner's Report


This question targeted Grade D and candidates had to listen to short statements about leisure and choose the correct answers from a list of options. The question was intended to discriminate and did so as Higher Level candidates performed better than weaker candidates who found it more challenging. At Foundation Level the problems arose in (i) toco la flauta en la orquesta and in (iv) de vez en cuando voy al extranjero con mis primos.



This question targeted Grade C and required candidates to listen to three friends talking about a healthy lifestyle. At Higher Level candidates in general achieved the maximum 4 marks whereas at Foundation Level a high proportion of candidates scored 2 marks. Problems arose due to the misunderstanding of suelo comer sanamente, haría ejercicio, evito la comida que contiene demasiada sal.



(crossover question)

This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays. Over 80% of Higher Level candidates scored 3 or the maximum 4 marks. Lexical items causing difficulties were: trabajé de canguro, soy miembro de una orquesta, el domingo al mediodía fui a la boda de mi prima and asistí a un curso de cocina.


(crossover question)

This question required candidates to listen to Lola describing what she was going to do in town. A high percentage of Higher Level candidates scored the maximum 4 marks for this question.


Page 15: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.

This question which targeted Grade B required candidates to listen to what some friends intended to do in their summer holidays. In (i)  about a quarter of the candidates failed to score the mark as they heard madrina and equated this with answer D: help relatives. In (iii)  many failed to understand Sin duda tendré que repasar muchas horas a diario porque no he aprobado el alemán and thus lost the mark however (iv)  was answered correctly by 92% of the candidates.


Q6.No Examiner's Report available for this question


In this question which targeted Grade A*, candidates were required to listen to two longer extracts of dialogue about media and culture and select the correct statements from the choices given. It was pleasing to see that both extracts proved to be quite accessible as over half of the candidates scored 6 out of the 8 available marks. In the first extract some candidates failed to understand crucigramas and se pueden compartir con amigos in (ii). Equally, in the second extract podemos escoger entre tantos tipos de películas and ¿por qué no invitamos a los amigos a acompañarnos? proved to be problematic in (iv).

Q8.No Examiner's Report available for this question


This question targeted Grade A and again this year it would seem that there were some candidates who had been entered for the Higher Tier when the Foundation Tier would have been more suitable. The question required candidates to listen to Maribel talking about her gap year in Ecuador. For those aiming at the top grades there have to be some challenging elements and the question was appropriately pitched. Unfortunately still too many candidates fail to read the rubric and answer in Spanish automatically depriving themselves of 8 marks. Too often presentation is messy, handwriting is difficult to read, candidates do not write on the lines provided and they write too many answers when only the first answer is marked.

(a) Almost 75% of candidates scored the one available mark. Candidates who misunderstood Me marché poco después de haber cumplido los diecinueve años y me quedé un mes produced answers such as: before University, 19 years ago, 9 years ago, 29 years ago, last month, on the 12th of March.

(b) 80% of candidates answered the question correctly although candidates who answered incorrectly tended to misunderstand una tía de mi madre. Examples of incorrect answers included: with an old friend of her Mum, in a camp with her Mum, in the mountains, with her Mum, with her aunty, with her Mum's cousin.

(c) Candidates coped well in general with this question although few knew the meaning of belleza and siglos pasados. Other candidates mentioned a traditional country rather than referring to traditions. A number also thought that Maribel was from Ecuador and that she was going to visit her family and many said that she was interested in dance as opposed to regional dancing. Other examples of incorrect answers were: to see the antiques, to relax, to find herself, to meet people of other nationalities, to improve her Spanish, for the history, to visit her Mum and for the hot weather.

(d) This question provided many good responses. Some candidates however confused campesinos with camping or casinos. Para mucha gente was heard by many to indicate hay mucha gente hence producing answers such as there are lots of people. Most candidates picked out difficult but thought that it was difficult to get around or difficult to get a house. Water was recognized but unfortunately many decided to add hot water or clean water which lost them the mark. Other incorrect answers included: no houses, nice

Page 16: rachelhawkes.com - Homepage · Web viewsal. Q3. (crossover question) This multiple choice question required candidates to be able to listen to short statements about adventure holidays.

food, dirty houses, camping is hard, you can't drink the water, nice food, a hard language.

(e) This was the most challenging question as in order to score a mark candidates needed to include unfortunate or needy in their answers, so many answers which simply said make a positive contribution or help others failed to obtain a mark. Desafortunados was not known by many, nor was ratos inolvidables. Looking for adventure was indeed a popular answer. Examples of wrong answers included: young/old/retired/positive people, people on a gap year, people who like nature, people with unfortunate lives, those who like exotic holidays, anyone who likes the country, people who want to contribute to something positive.