squamishlibrary.digitalcollections.ca · -high jump . i .I -1 i ball throw WITH SUCH EVENTS,...

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Transcript of squamishlibrary.digitalcollections.ca · -high jump . i .I -1 i ball throw WITH SUCH EVENTS,...

Page 1: squamishlibrary.digitalcollections.ca · -high jump . i .I -1 i ball throw WITH SUCH EVENTS, s,ports day programs are made;: . . -. and 'with such effort and- determ'ination, the

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. ..

Page 2: squamishlibrary.digitalcollections.ca · -high jump . i .I -1 i ball throw WITH SUCH EVENTS, s,ports day programs are made;: . . -. and 'with such effort and- determ'ination, the

- Clinton . 2:22p.m: Read Up Read 'DoLvn 2:57 p.m.

la.' a m &I

5:25 a.m. Ar Chetyynd Lv 9:45p,m. IB Lv Daily except Sunday - m

BI m. .

. 6:lO PPI. Lv Williams Lake Lv 1:kW.a.m. m - 894p.m. , Quesnel 9:12 a,m. 10:15 p.m. . .4r Prince George Lv' 7:OO a.m.

Read Down Service . . Read Up 10:30 p.m. Lv Prince George Ar 4:15 a.m.

Read Down Read.Up

B l i . ~ _ _ . . *

Lv KO. 3 Daily Except Sat. Sief?Pifig Car' ' A r No. 4 Daily escept Mon. . .

m--. - _

. . ' . .4r Daily except Sunday

Po. 4 Mon., Wed., Fri. Pa

S o . 3 Mon., Wed., Fri. ' Sle6phg Car '

---Read Up ,. , ' . -&a&B-- - d e r - v i c C ~

Chetkynd . . Ar 9 : 4 5 ~ . m . \ . 5:25'a.m. 'Lv 1, rn .-E-: BE - Y 3 -: ~ ::.

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m. ,

Ba ,...-Steward Service and Complimentary Meals .a.

, ' .

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8:20 a.m. Ar Fort St. John Lv 6:25p.m.

Service Ar 9:OOp.m. Chetwynd .6:00 a.m. Lv L V u:1sp.m. wson creek '8:45 a.m. Ar Ua

-R~lini-ng-Loung~ea~-- View Windows

rm Sl- - g Car *No. 5 Tues. Thur., Sat_ -a\, .L -


--Raw"-- , Read Down

- - - -_- I

I - -

L fteserved Seats available with




Page 3: squamishlibrary.digitalcollections.ca · -high jump . i .I -1 i ball throw WITH SUCH EVENTS, s,ports day programs are made;: . . -. and 'with such effort and- determ'ination, the

. . . -high jump . , . ,




-1 . . ball throw WITH SUCH EVENTS, s,ports day programs are made;: . . -. and 'with such effort and- determ'ination, the gamle is played. In!erFschool competition ' amohg

Squamish and Stawamns' was sparked by such .'contestmCs as are shown

- - - -,--abovefor 'the e w h f the .term field day.. Judy Daw- son, top, won the seniorbroad jump division with an

. 2 l - f a o t 4-inch leap+ At the boatnm, Paulette Beering ~- winds up, for:th-eb&@row. .wh~.ch.-willp~ob-a~bly_never .

bring her. fame but she surely..tried. The high iumD-

I - . ' "

. Brackendale, Mamquam,

- 1 - qr, .a really nibble lad, goes up and over, w%h "a dfs- /. ;lajay of ease h d ability which may take him far.

- I I MUD Wifh ', -*- Car - or Truck To take over profitable Watkins route in

Lower Cariboo distridt. Many satisfied custom- ers waiting for service. Excelleyt opportunity

A Q A a k € L W e & ~ ~ ~ d d M & r n L

- * I ,

. -

:., ' II

Margaret's - I -. . .

, "hne Fishin" But Will Be .

Back For .


- CLEARANCE . - -- -


Here .

To - Convince

. - - - - _ - -- lw: . you think she rates thc

very finest. ' '

Show your girl yo1 think she's tops by tre& ing her to dinner hen . . . because we're top! for fine food, deft ser vice.

Squamish, B.C. -

for dining . _ at its ._

d n u t

his family in sunsh-ine _*-- -..__i

-- - _ _

This father can afford to relax. He's madesure-& wife and children

this security on more than his own ability and'ambition. He has b d t it . . .- ~ -.: - - - * I'

-_ --------on-thesureand-eertain-proQetiorroffif einsurance. - 1

~-~ - for you^ family. The Mutual Life of Canada, the company with the outstanding dividendrecord, can give - you - - . - at low - net cost - -


complete protection-for your family's future and3nancial securitv

1 ' Mutual Life of Canada man soon. /

. '

1869 - ninety years of leadership in mutuul-life 'insurant 1 :

we have given your car a tune-up.

_- I . -- v

Page 4: squamishlibrary.digitalcollections.ca · -high jump . i .I -1 i ball throw WITH SUCH EVENTS, s,ports day programs are made;: . . -. and 'with such effort and- determ'ination, the


have agstomer, a recent qrrival from Europe, s:: __ -- “You-Make - - the Best Bread in The.

. .

- -

- + Fred ‘n Mav’s

Page 5: squamishlibrary.digitalcollections.ca · -high jump . i .I -1 i ball throw WITH SUCH EVENTS, s,ports day programs are made;: . . -. and 'with such effort and- determ'ination, the

* kina1 members. Shown at t h e top, conducting for t h e . 1 1 .! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~

- T entertainment of €he crowd at the Legion Sports Day at Pemberton. June 28. Mr. Dick had onlv about a f

,,-,U,-N,Uq-,,-,U O.),-,IIUI,,.L-rY-l-l

third of his musicians on- hand for .the occasion. Many of the 30 members, along with others from Mount Currie reserve, go south to pick frdit during the Sum- mer months.


Service to- Br&en&le * Dairy Products , - i * Groceries I +' Fririts 6 Veuetables * Fresh 6 C h d Me'ats

Daniel Wells, drummer MARCHING IN PARADE to the beat of his own drum, this member of the Pemberton Indian Brass

. Band proudly leads thi-e Legion Sports Day parade up to the grandstand at the ball park, June 28. Also

LlIl -' - - - ~

LVS. squamisn: .1I1.,*1*rn. , . ' .

. , Lvs:, Airline Limousine. Terminal 10.45 a.m+,-r7.45 ~. p.m. -

* ' * Dai.Iy.,Exprgss Service - - Parcels up to 1OO.lb5. akceptadkm all trips. I

mt~ rnble-----Safe - -.-.&I

0 . ..... ...

-.-___- . - -

Last Call For Changes in the NiFW Telephone Directory -*

Deadline f,or the Howe Sound-Sechelt >hone - - _ LB 'rectory is almost heye.

If you haven't arranged to advertise -

in this, important direct0.U please contact the - - B.C. Telephone b a s h e s office AT ONCE.

Any change you wish to make in your present directory listing should be given to thle telephone company NOW.

6 . ............. ---- - . _ _

,. I ~ -.

* AND WHILE YOU'RE ,.-. > . , " AT. IT . ' Can people find. your,name in'the phone .book?'Here are.8 few

the ways in which itiexpensive extra directory listings can .hell

-Business Subscribers: - '

- - - .

0 List nam-addresses and positians Of Key ~ l n p l oyees ,

O-List your Fcm in o i t t - a f - t - q c t m k s :

OList your firm name in" more than one way. s 0 List the companies your firm represents.

0 List after-hours numbers of officials. . .

i I . . ' 1, R$si&nce Su6scribers : For a very -low monthiy chxrgctist xdditional- membeFS OF family, permanent guests or boarders.

. - Why not order yours to-day?

-____ .j.


To! Sirloin \Ham Steaks

- - _- City Prices or Lower Open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m - i 3

- - -r --

-- . ___-

,- NEW PHONE NO. 350 . . . , . ,

.... -!

. * . , . - . . ..-.

. . . . " , .~ .' . . . . . . . . . . ..i -A. .. I


. _L_-

. - ........ - .

. . . . . . . . .. - . . . .

.- - - T T . - - - -- --

- I .. :

. .- I .

- -. tricai3eFvice -for your home. . 4

Are pleased to announce tha t we can - _- now offer y,ou a c o m p l e elec- - -____



- - - - 9 Qk. JR4XlS-MANGELS - FLOOR POLISHERS - VACUUM CLEANERS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- . -._


Page 6: squamishlibrary.digitalcollections.ca · -high jump . i .I -1 i ball throw WITH SUCH EVENTS, s,ports day programs are made;: . . -. and 'with such effort and- determ'ination, the

Mrs. Scott McDonald. William Baker, former lo

been visit- time resident of Squamish a son-in-law father of Sam Eaker of the S

- -- - - --- - -*- The BANK d IWQVA8COTlA

_____I---- --__c- - --

~ii!iii!iiiiniii;~iiiiiilileil~iiil~i~~i~iii~~~iii~~~~i ,ppA-i

, . .' 9

"(Author's ' Nalne Below)

Life offers no grcate! pleasure than .to see one's own .baby grow up happy and, 'healthy. Babies have much to look forward to . in this wonderful a(rp crf progress and increased Ii feixpectancy .

We welcome the oppor- tunity to help fight any 'invading disturbance that -threatens baby's future. We c a n s t m k potent vitamins and baby foods your physician will specify. In our -prescrip- tion department a re im- portant medicines to battle any attacking germ or vi: r u . Our baby department cmitahs many aids for baby's comfort.




. Pick up your prescrip- ion i f shopping near us., 9 greaLgnany people en- rust us Cvith the respon- iibihty of filling their wescriptions. May we 'ompound' yours?

.. -. . _-

- - -

Yarwoad ___----


"Quatation by wartin Tupper (1810-1889)

Copyright 1959 (5W3)



Bills Tags , '-

Drafts Blotters -

Plawrds .Bwklets -

D0dger.s , .

Circulars Vouchers Programs-. - .. - ! .......

~ . Ha-dbilIs.L.. . . . . . . .

' Bill Heir&- Price Lists.

- - +mph-k ts - - hvit at ions Law Briefs Statements

Letterheads Filing Cards Note Heads Menu Cards

.- .Legal. Forms Meal Tickets

_ . Laundry Lists Order. Blanks ' Wfndow Tugs

Visiting Cards Shipping Tags

. . Show Printing Business- € d s

/ . . . .Store Sale Bills Menu Booklets

' . Business Forms . . . % Posters, 'all sues

. . Reception Cards

. . ' Dance Programs. . Admission Tiakets

- ! E Z E S i i p r t s , .:

Ungummed Labels; ,

Wedding Invitatibns '

Fhancial Statements

. . . ........

. ?'


Post Cmds .

. . . . . . . . . . . . ... ---...,-------.--." .. .

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. . . . -.

. . . . . Gumm&,-L&el~----- -I . . .

- ...... i a e F f - L - - - - .

............. ................................ I 100 ft. length 1: I I I

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I . . . . . . . .......... .. .......


Corned .Beef -- Friday Onlv