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Jointly organised by: NOMINATION FOR OUTSTANDING PRE-SCHOOL MOTHER TONGUE LANGUAGE TEACHER AWARD 2016 Dear Principals/Supervisors, 1. The Outstanding Pre-School Mother Tongue Language (MTL) Teacher Award, jointly organised by Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning, Malay Language Learning and Promotion Committee, and Tamil Language Learning and Promotion Committee aims to encourage more teachers to inspire the learning and use of MTL in our young children. The award recognises pre-school MTL teachers for their passion in making MTL learning interesting and for their unique ability to inspire a love for the MTL in pre-schoolers. This award is now open for nominations until 12 May 2016 . 2. We strongly encourage you to nominate no more than 1 teacher for each MTL from your kindergarten or child care centre for the award. 3. The nomination form containing more details on this award is also attached. Thank you for working together with us to recognise the efforts of our Pre-School MTL teachers! SECRETARIAT COMMITTEE TO PROMOTE CHINESE LANGUAGE LEARNING 1

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Jointly organised by:


Dear Principals/Supervisors,

1. The Outstanding Pre-School Mother Tongue Language (MTL) Teacher Award, jointly

organised by Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning, Malay Language

Learning and Promotion Committee, and Tamil Language Learning and Promotion

Committee aims to encourage more teachers to inspire the learning and use of MTL

in our young children. The award recognises pre-school MTL teachers for their

passion in making MTL learning interesting and for their unique ability to inspire a love

for the MTL in pre-schoolers. This award is now open for nominations until 12 May


2. We strongly encourage you to nominate no more than 1 teacher for each MTL from

your kindergarten or child care centre for the award.

3. The nomination form containing more details on this award is also attached. Thank

you for working together with us to recognise the efforts of our Pre-School MTL







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Outstanding Pre-School Mother Tongue Language Teacher Award

To commend and give recognition to outstanding Pre-School Mother Tongue Language teachers, the Mother Tongue Language Promotion Committees - Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning, Malay Language Learning and Promotion Committee and Tamil Language Learning and Promotion Committee are pleased to announce that selected outstanding and dedicated Pre-School Mother Tongue Language teachers will be awarded the Outstanding Pre-School Mother Tongue Language Teacher Award. The award is now open for nominations.

Eligibility Criteria1. Nominees must be either Singapore citizens or Permanent Residents;2. Nominees must be in-service Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA)-certified teachers or

possess a Level 2 Letter of Notification (LON) and Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education- Teaching (DECCE-T) or equivalent early childhood qualifications;

3. Nominees must be teaching in ECDA-registered kindergartens, ECDA-licensed child care centres or ECDA-equivalent authority registered/licensed pre-schools.

4. Nominees must have at least 3 years of teaching experience teaching Mother Tongue Language in ECDA-registered kindergartens, ECDA-licensed child care centres or ECDA-equivalent authority registered/licensed pre-schools.

5. Past winners are to note that there is a time bar of three (3) years before they may be nominated for the Awards again.

AwardEach award-winning teacher will receive a cash reward for professional development, a trophy and a certificate.

Winners will be notified in July and the awards will be presented at the Mother Tongue Language Symposium 2016 in August. The decision of the selection panel is final and no further correspondence on its decision will be entertained.

Instructions for Nomination1. Each kindergarten or child care centre can nominate no more than 1 teacher for each Mother

Tongue Language.2. Only nominations by the Supervisor/Principal will be accepted.3. Ensure that the nomination text illustrates the outstanding achievements of your nominee and

provides clear evidence to support your nomination.4. Along with the nomination form, each nominee is to submit:

(a) lesson plan using the template provided(b) a video clip of not more than 10 minutes depicting the lesson taught. (portion after 10 minutes

will not be view)(c) a write-up to be completed by nominee in the Mother Tongue Language they are teaching

5. Incomplete or late submissions will not be accepted. 6. All information and materials submitted will not be returned. 7. Shortlisted nominees will be notified to attend an interview and undergo a lesson observation at

their current work place, if necessary.

4 copies of the completed nomination form and the video clip in CD format are to be mailed to:Outstanding Pre-School Mother Tongue Language Teacher Award Mother Tongue Languages Branch (Level 12)Ministry of Education1 North Buona Vista DriveSingapore 138675

Closing DateNomination must reach Mother Tongue Languages Branch by 12 May 2016.

EnquiriesFor further information, please contact Lim Kheng Yong on 6879 5894, Nur Faizah Binte Matnoor 6879 6691 or Tamilvani Muthu on 6879 6731.


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Outstanding Pre-School Mother Tongue Language Teacher Award

Nomination Form (to be completed in BLOCK by Supervisor /Principal)

Section A

Particulars of Centre

☐ Kindergarten ☐ Childcare CentreName of Centre(in English)

Name of Centre(in the MTL of Nominee)

Address Singapore

Name of Centre Principal/Supervisor

Mr/Mrs/Mdm/Ms/DrChoose an item.


Contact No Mobile Office

Fax No

Signature/Date School Stamp

Particulars of Nominee (Teacher)

Language taught ☐ Chinese Language ☐ Malay Language ☐ Tamil Language

Nationality ☐ Singaporean ☐ Singapore Permanent Resident


Name of Teacher(in English)

Mr/Mrs/Mdm/Ms/DrChoose an item.

Name of Teacher(in Chinese/Tamil)

Year of Birth(dd/mm/yyyy)


Contact No Mobile Office

Highest Academic Qualifications

Choose an item.

Professional Qualifications

Choose an item.

Years of service in pre-school sector(as at 01.01.2016)

Years of service in current centre(as at 01.01.2016)

Class level teaching currently(as at 01.01.2016)

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Section B

Describe the professionalism of the nominee, giving concrete evidence and specific examples under the following categories.

(1) Teaching Competency

How does the nomineeo arouse student’s interest in Mother Tongue Language and culture through a range of

creative and interesting activities or techniques?o make use of learning opportunities beyond the classroom?o demonstrate his/her dedication in helping students in their learning?o show his/her ability to stimulate thinking and develop understanding among students?o act consistently in the interest of the child and persist in working for the best outcomes?o show his/her understanding of the students and concern for their moral and character

development? How does the nominee relate with the children in the classroom?

(2) Personal Qualities

How does the nominee demonstrate nurturing qualities? Besides continuous self development, how does the nominee put into practice sharing best

practices among colleagues and peers? Describe how the nominee builds strong rapport with parents to encourage parental

involvement and support for school programmes and activities.

Please write on an additional sheet if necessary

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(3) Professional Development

How does the nominee stay professionally prepared and up-to-date in teaching pedagogies?

(4) Outstanding Contributions/Achievements (if any)

Please provide supporting documents (if any).

Please write on an additional sheet if necessary

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Section C

Write-up (to be completed by nominee in the Mother Tongue Language they are teaching)

1 to design engaging and creative pedagogies or activities to maximise learning outcomes and motivate children’s interest in the learning of MTL. (Please limit your description/write-up to a single A4 page)

  请参考《培育幼儿:学前母语框架》,举例说明你如何以活泼有趣、富有创意的教学法或活动来激发学生学习华文的兴趣,并让他们在日常生活中乐于使用华文华语。(中文书写,字数不超过一页A4纸)  Terangkan bagaimana anda sebagai guru menggunakan  Rangka Kerja Memupuk Pelajar pada  Peringkat Awal  bagi Bahasa Ibunda untuk melakar pedagogi  atau aktiviti yang menarik dan kreatif untuk memaksimumkan hasil pembelajaran dan memupuk minat kanak-kanak dalam mempelajari Bahasa Ibunda. (Penerangan/ Penulisan anda tidak harus melebihi sehelai muka surat bersaiz A4)

    தாய்ம�ாழி ஆசிரியர்கள் என்னும் நிலை�யில் இளம் �ாணவர்கலைளப் பே!ணி வளர்த்தல் !ணிச்சட்டத்லைதப் !யன்!டுத்தி எவ்வாறு தாய்ம�ாழி கற்றலில் �ாணவர்களின் ஆர்வத்லைத வளர்க்கிறீர்கள் என்!லைத விளக்குங்கள். பே�லும், �ாணவர்கள் கற்றல் குறிக்பேகாள்களில் உச்சநிலை�லைய அலைடவதற்கு எத்தலைகய !லைடப்!ாக்க�ிக்க அணுகுமுலைறகலைளயும் நடவடிக்லைககலைளயும் உருவாக்குகிறீர்கள் என்!லைதயும் விளக்கி ஒரு A4 !க்க அளவுக்கு �ிகா�ல் எழுதவும்.


Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Framework for Mother Tongue Languages was launched in November 2013. (look for November 21,2013 Press Release)

Please write on an additional sheet if necessary

Overview of NEL Framework for Mother Tongue Languages

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1. Name of Centre:中心名称:Nama Pusat:நிலை�யத்தின் ம!யர்:

2. Name of Teacher:教师姓名:Nama Guru:ஆசிரியரின் ம!யர்:

3. Class Level:班级:Peringkat Kelas:வகுப்பு:

4. Class Size:班级人数:Saiz Kelas:�ாணவர் எண்ணிக்லைக:

5. Date:日期:Tarikh:பேததி:

6. No of Lessons:节数:Jumlah Pengajaran:!ாடபேவலைள:

7. Lesson Objective:教学目标:Matlamat Pengajaran:!ாட பேநாக்கம்:

8. Lesson Preparation:活动准备:Persiapan Pengajaran:!ாடத் தயாரிப்பு:

9. Lesson Description:教学流程:Penerangan Pengajaran:!ாடம் !ற்றிய விளக்கம்:

10. Follow Up Activities:延伸活动:Aktiviti Susulan:மதாடர் நடவடிக்லைக: