) | English | islamic-invitation...He (i.e.the slave) went toIbn "Abbas (and told him that Muaweiya...

6 - Khomeini curses Muaweiya ibn Abi - Sofyan ( may Allah be pleased with him ) Khomeini , one of the Shia leaders , said about the righteous companion Muaweiya ibn Abi - Sofyan (may Allah be pleased with him) - who wrote down the revelation- " Muaweiya was at the head of his people for 40 years , but he did not gain for himself except curse in this life and torment in the hereafter ' .[Jihad an-Nafs p18] . The Prophet ( ^ ) forbade insulting his righteous companions (may Allah be pleased with them ) Ibn Abu Mulaika narrated that Muaweiya offered one rak ' a witr prayer after the " Isha prayer , and at that time a freed slave of Ibn " Abbas was present . He ( i . e . the slave ) went to Ibn " Abbas (and told him that Muaweiya offered one rak ' a witr prayer ) . Ibn " Abbas said , " Leave him, for he was in the company of Allah ' s Messenger . " [Al - Bukhari] . 7 - Contemporary Shia falsely claim that insulting companions ( may Allah be pleased with him) is accepted in religion and is the following of the example of the Prophet , Hassan Al -kharsany , one of the Shia leaders , falsely said in his book Islam in the light of Shiism: "Shia allowcursing Abu Bakr , Umar ,Uthmanandtheirfollowers .Theydoso following the example of the Prophet ( ^ ) . He also said , "There is no doubt that the prophet dismissed Abu Bakr and Umar and Allah also cursed them by his messenger . " [Islam in light of Shiism p . 88] . Replies to these claims : The prophet has ordered to follow the examples of Abu Bakr , Umar , and all righteous companions ( May Allah be pleased with them ) : The Messenger of Allah said , " Stick to the two after me , Abu Bakr and ' Umar . " [Muslim/ At - Tirmidhi ] . The Prophet , ( | | k) , said , " The best of men is Abu Bakr .The best of men is ' Umar .The best of men is Abu ' Ubayda ... " [Muslim/ At - Tirmidhi ] . The Messenger of Allah ( ^ ) said : ' I do not know how long I will stay among you , so follow the example of these two after I am gone , ' and he pointed to Abu Bakrand " Umar . " [ Muslim] . 8 - Shia believes that a mosquito is better than the righteous companions , who fully supported the prophet : Shia ' s leader , Mohammed Hussein al Kashif said , " Imamiyah sees companions like Abu Huraira, Samra Ibn Jundab , Amr ibn al-Aas , and others as less than mosquito " [ The origin of the Shiism and its fundamentals p . 79] . Qur ' an stated that the first forerunners in the faith before the conquest of Makkah have the greatest status and they are the greatest Muslims : Allah said "Not equal among you are those who spent before the conquest [of Makkah] and fought [and those who did so after it] . Those are greater in degree than they who spent afterward and fought . But to all Allah has promised the best [reward] . And Allah , with what you do,is acquainted . " (57 : 10) . "The Prophet ( « | §0 said : "the best of people are those of my generation , then those who come after them , then those who come afterthem. [Al -Bukhari 3650,Muslim 2535] . 9 - Shia lies about Abu Bakr and Umar ' s misguidance of the Islamic nation : Shia ' s leader Abdul Hussein Al Morsati said , "Abu Bakr and Umar are the reason behind misguidance of the Islamic nation till the day of judgment . " [Kashef aleshtbah ( Detection of suspicion p . 98 )] . The status of Abu Bakrand Umarto the prophet and among Muslims : Ibn ' Abbas ( may Allah be pleased with him ) narrates that the Messenger of Allah ( $ § t ) said , " Abu Bakr and Umar are to the religion like the station of the hearing and the sight to the head. " [Authenticated as good by al - Albani in his Sahih] . It was narrated that Abu Sa ' eed Al -Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him ) said : " The Messenger of Allah ( ^ ) said : ' The people of the highest degrees of Paradise will be seen by those beneath them as a rising star is seen on the horizon . Abu Bakr and ' Umar will be among them, and how blessed they are ! " ' [ At - trimdhi , authenticated by al - Albani ] It was narrated that Jabir bin Samurah (may Allah be pleased with him ) said : ' Umar bin Khattab ( may Allah be pleased with him ) addressed us at Jabiyah and said : "The Messenger of Allah ( | | k) stood up among us as I stand among you , and said : ' Honor my Companions for my sake , then those who come after them, then those who come after them. Then lying will prevail until a man will give testimony without being asked to do so, and he will swear an oath without being asked to do so . ' [Sunan Ibn Majah, authenticated by al - Albani] . A message to the people calling for convergence : After evincing Shia beliefs , one wonders from those calling for convergence with Shia, as if there are no differences between the beliefs of Muslimsand Shia. How convergence could take place with people believing in the apostasy of the Prophet ' s ( | § | ) companions ( may Allah be pleased with them) , who are the best of mankind after Messengers and Prophets , and insulting Abu Bakr , Umar and Uthman ( may Allah be pleased with them ) ? www. islamic-invitation.com < b) juhjdl dsuJu ; 1 T 3 * i i 4

Transcript of ) | English | islamic-invitation...He (i.e.the slave) went toIbn "Abbas (and told him that Muaweiya...

  • 6- Khomeini curses Muaweiya ibn Abi-Sofyan (may Allah be pleasedwithhim)Khomeini, one of the Shia leaders, said about the righteouscompanionMuaweiya ibnAbi-Sofyan(mayAllahbepleasedwithhim)-who wrote down the revelation- "Muaweiya was at the head of hispeople for 40years,but he didnot gain forhimself except cursein thislifeandtormentinthehereafter'.[Jihadan-Nafsp18].The Prophet (^) forbade insulting his righteous companions (mayAllahbepleasedwith them)•Ibn Abu Mulaika narrated that Muaweiya offered one rak'a witrprayer after the "Isha prayer, and at that time a freed slave of Ibn"Abbas was present. He (i.e. the slave) went to Ibn "Abbas (and toldhim that Muaweiya offered one rak'a witr prayer). Ibn "Abbas said,"Leave him, for he was in the company of Allah's Messenger." [Al-Bukhari].7- Contemporary Shia falsely claim that insulting companions (mayAllah be pleased withhim) is accepted in religion and is the followingof the example of the Prophet , Hassan Al-kharsany, one of theShia leaders,falsely said inhisbook Islamin the light ofShiism:"Shiaallowcursing Abu Bakr,Umar,Uthmanandtheirfollowers.Theydosofollowingtheexampleof theProphet(^)”.He also said,"There is no doubt that the prophet dismissed Abu Bakrand Umar and Allah also cursed them by his messenger." [Islam inlight ofShiismp.88].Repliestotheseclaims:The prophet has ordered to follow the examples of Abu Bakr, Umar,andallrighteouscompanions(MayAllahbepleasedwith them):•The Messenger of Allah said, "Stick to the two after me, Abu Bakrand'Umar." [Muslim/At-Tirmidhi].•TheProphet,(||k),said,"Thebest ofmenisAbuBakr.Thebest ofmenis 'Umar.ThebestofmenisAbu 'Ubayda..." [Muslim/At-Tirmidhi].•The Messenger of Allah(^) said: 'Idonot know how longIwillstayamong you,so follow the example of these two after Iam gone,' andhepointedtoAbuBakrand "Umar." [Muslim].8- Shia believes that a mosquito is better than the righteouscompanions,who fullysupportedtheprophet:Shia's leader, Mohammed Hussein al Kashif said, "Imamiyah seescompanions like Abu Huraira,Samra Ibn Jundab,Amr ibn al-Aas,andothers as less than mosquito " [The origin of the Shiism and itsfundamentalsp.79].Qur'an stated that the first forerunners in the faith before theconquest of Makkah have the greatest status and they are thegreatestMuslims:•Allah said "Not equal among you are those who spent before theconquest [of Makkah] and fought [and those who did so after it].Those are greater in degree than they who spent afterward andfought. But to all Allah has promised the best [reward]. And Allah,withwhat youdo,isacquainted."(57:10).•"The Prophet («|§0 said: "the best of people are those of mygeneration, then those who come after them,then those who comeafterthem.”[Al-Bukhari3650,Muslim2535].9- Shia lies about Abu Bakr and Umar's misguidance of the Islamicnation:Shia's leader AbdulHussein AlMorsati said,"Abu Bakr and Umar arethe reason behind misguidance of the Islamic nation till the day ofjudgment."[Kashef aleshtbah(Detectionof suspicionp.98)].

    Thestatusof AbuBakrandUmartotheprophet andamongMuslims:•Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that theMessenger of Allah ( $§t ) said,"Abu Bakr and Umar are to the religionlike the station of the hearing and the sight to the head."[Authenticatedasgoodbyal-AlbaniinhisSahih].•It was narrated that Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri (may Allah be pleasedwith him) said:"The Messenger of Allah(^) said:'The people of thehighest degrees of Paradise will be seen by those beneath them as arising star is seen on the horizon.Abu Bakr and 'Umar will be amongthem,and how blessed they are!"' [ At-trimdhi, authenticated by al-Albani]•It was narrated that Jabir bin Samurah (may Allah be pleased withhim) said: 'Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him)addressed usat Jabiyahand said:"The Messenger of Allah(||k)stoodup among us asIstand among you,and said:'Honor my Companionsfor my sake, then those who come after them,then those who comeafter them. Then lying will prevail until a man will give testimonywithout being asked to do so,and hewillswear an oath without beingasked todoso.' [SunanIbnMajah,authenticatedbyal- Albani].A messagetothepeoplecalling for convergence:After evincing Shia beliefs, one wonders from those calling forconvergence with Shia, as if there are no differences between thebeliefsofMuslimsandShia.

    How convergence could take place with people believing in theapostasy of the Prophet's (|§|) companions (may Allah be pleased

    with them), who are the best of mankind after Messengers andProphets,and insulting Abu Bakr,Umar and Uthman (may Allah be

    pleased with them)?


  • They also believe thatUthman(may Allahbe pleasedwithhim)killedprophet's daughter,as Abu Jafar said that the verse "Does he thinkthat never will anyone overcome him?” referred to Nathal in killingprophet'sdaughter [BeharAlanwar 9/252].Repliestotheseclaims:The Prophet married his other daughter to Uthman (May Allah bepleasedwithhim):•When the Prophet (|jj|) returned back from the battle of Badr, heknew that his daughter Ruqayyah had passed away; he wasoverwhelmed with grief. The prophet consoled Uthman and thenmarried him his daughter (Umm Kalthum).The prophet said,"If Ihadhad another daughter,Iwould have marriedher toUthman".Uthmanwas nicknamed "Thu Al-Nurayn",- the possessor of two lights-RuqayyahandUmmKulthum-,thiswasaspecialhonorforhim.•The Prophet (|jg>) said about Uthman,"'Should I not be modestbeforea manbeforewhomtheangelsaremodest?".•It wasnarrated from Anas binMalik (mayAllah be pleased withhim)that: the Messenger of Allah GggO said: The most merciful of myUmmah towards my Ummah is Abu Bakr;the one who adheres moststernly to the religion of Allah is 'Umar;the most sincere of them inshyness and modesty is 'Uthman;the best judge is 'Ali bin Abu Talib.[At-Tirmidhi].•The Messenger of Allah(^) said,"Who willdrill this wellof Rumahand attainParadise?"Uthman did.The Messenger of Allahalso said,"Who will equip the army of Al-'Usrah (Tabuk) and attain paradise?"Uthmandid.[Al-Bukhari].5-Shia believesthat satanisbetterthanUmar:Shia's imam Albhrany, who wrote the interpretation of Borhan,entitled chapter 98,of his book,"Satan is in higher status than Umarinhellfire”,whichmeansthatUmarismoredowninhellthanSatan.Repliestothisclaim:•The prophet (^) gave Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) goodtidingsofhavinga palaceinparadise.;"•The prophet said: "If there was to have a Prophet after me, itwouldhavebeen 'UmarbinAl-Khattab."•Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet(igO said:"Ientered Paradise and it was as if I was in a palace of gold.So I said: 'Whose palace is this?' They said: 'A youth's, from theQuraish.'SoIthought thatIwas him.Isaid:'And who is he?'They said:"'UmarbinAl-Khattab."[ At-Tirmdhi3689].•Ibn 'Umar,(mayAllah bepleased withhim and his father),reportedthat theMessenger of Allah(£§§*) hassaid,"WhileIwas asleepIsaw(ina dream) a cup containing milk being presented to me.Idrank out ofthat until I perceived freshness being reflected through my nails.ThenIpresented the leftover to 'Umar ibn al-Khattab.”They said,"0Messenger of Allah! How do you interpret it? He said, 'This implies(religious)knowledge.”[Al-Bukhari].•Jabir bin Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated thatThe Prophet (|jgO said, "I saw myself (in a dream) entering Paradise,and behold!I saw Ar-Rumaisa', Abu Talha's wife.I heard footsteps.Iasked:who is it? Somebody said,'It is Bilal ' ThenIsaw a palace and alady sitting in its courtyard. I asked, 'For whom is this palace?'Somebody replied,'It is for 'Umar.'Iintendedtoenter it and seeit,butI thought of your ('Umar's) Ghira (and gave up the attempt)." 'Umarsaid, "Let my parents be sacrificed for you, 0 Allah's Apostle! Howdare I think of my Ghira (self-respect) being offended by you?" [Al-Bukhari3679(10/5)].

    This flier is tackling Shia's belief andMuslims' belief in the righteouscompanions (may Allah be pleased with them) who are the best ofmankind after prophets and messengers; Allah praised them inQur'anrecitedtillthe DayofJudgment.Qur'an praised the companions of the Prophet Muhammad(^)peaceandblessingsofAllahbeuponhim(PBUH).1- Allah said about the righteous companions : " And the firstforerunners [in the faith] among the Muhajireen and the Ansar andthose who followed them with good conduct - Allah is pleased withthem and they are pleased with Him,and He has prepared for themgardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever.That isthegreatattainment."(9:100).2- Allah said: "Their reward with Allah will be gardens of perpetualresidence beneath which rivers flow,wherein they will abide forever,Allah being pleased with them and they are pleased with Him.That isfor whoever hasfearedhisLord."(98:8).3- Allah said, "Among the believers are men true to what theypromised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to thedeath],and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they didnotalter[thetermsof their commitment]byanyalteration-"(33:23).4- Allah said, "Certainly was Allah pleased with the believers whenthey pledged allegiance to you, [0 Muhammad], under the tree,andHe knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquility uponthemandrewardedthemwithanimminentconquest."(48:18).Shia'sbeliefcontradictswithQur'an:Shia believe that all companions (may Allah be pleased with them)reverted from Islam except three, four, or seven -according to theirconflicting and false narrations.Shia believe that theybecome closerto Allah by cursing, claiming the disbelief of all of the companions,and hating the best of them:Abu Bakr,Umar bin al-Khattab,UthmanIbn Affan,Zubayr ibn al-Awam and Talha bin Ubayd Allah (May Allahbepleasedwiththem).To judge Shia fairly, we have to know their beliefs through theirsources from which they take their religion, not from what is saidabout them.Here,my dear brother, are some of their beliefs and replies to themfromQur'anandProphet's(jf|)sayings:1- Shia believe that Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased withthem)aredisbelievers:It is reported that one of the mawlas of Ali ibn al-Hussain said:" I waswith Alibin Hussein in his Solitude andI said: " I have right upon you,wouldyoutellmeabout these twomen(AbuBakr andUmar)?Hesaid:"they are disbelievers and who love them are also the disbeliever."[BeharAl-Anwar138-137/72].Muslims' belief in the righteous companions (May Allah be pleasedwiththem):•Abdullah ibn Masood narrated that the prophet («|§0 said: "A manamong the inhabitants of paradise will appear before you.” So AbuBaker appeared. Then he said: "A man among the inhabitant ofParadise will appear before you.” So Umar appeared. [At-Tirmidhi3695].•Ali ibn AbiTalib narrated that themessenger of Allah(^gt) lookedatAbu Baker and Umar and said: "these are two masters of the elderpeople of the inhabitants of Paradise whether from the foremost orthe last ones with exception of Prophets and messengers.”[At-Tirmdhi3666].•Ans ibn Malik ( may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that theProphet (||k) once climbed the mountain of Uhud with Abu Baker ,

    Umar ,Uthman , then the mountain shook with them. The Prophet(||k) said(to themountain):"Be firm,Oh Uhud for onyou a Prophet,a Siddiqandtwomartyrs.”[sahihAl-Bukhari3675(9/5)].2- Shia made up the invocation of the two idols of Quraysh to curseAbuBakr andUmar(MayAllahbepleasedwithbothof them):In this invocation,the Shia curse Abu Baker and Umar as they say:"Oh Allah , Curse the two idols of Quraysh , its two scorers , its twotyrants, its two liars and their two daughters who (Abu Baker andUmar) broke Your order, denied Your revelation, rejected Yourgoodness,disobeyed Your messenger,altered Your religion,changedYour book, suspended Your verd ic ts, inva l ida ted Yourcommandments...”. [Manor Hussain/ Tohfat Al-awam Makboolpp.423,424].Sayings of the Prophet (^) regarding those who curse the righteouscompanions(mayAllahbepleasedwiththem):•The Prophet («§§*) said,"Do not abuse my companions for if any oneof you spent gold equal to Uhud (in Allah's Cause) it would not beequal to a Mud or even a half Mud spent by one of them." [Sahih Al-Bukhari3673].•Itwasnarrated that Ibn Abbas(may Allah be pleased withhim) said:the messenger of Allah (|jj§0 said : "He whoever insults mycompanions, he will incur the curse of Allah, the angles and all ofmankind”.[ reported by Al-Tabrani in al-Kabeer and authenticated asgoodbyal-Albani inSahihal-Jami'].•Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: the Messenger ofAllah (|g0 said: "Allah has cursed who revile my companions”.[Reportedby Al-Tabrani inal-Kabeer and authenticatedasgood byal-AlbaniinSahihal-Jami'].3- Shia believe in the apostasy of allof thecompanions(may Allab bepleasedwiththem):Al-Kashahi,a leading scholar of Shia,reported inhisbook Al-Kafi thatabu Ja'far said:"The people all became apostates after the Prophet's(HfjJ death except for three”. When he was asked who they are, hereplied:"Al-MiqdiadinbAlAwsad,AbuDharrandSalmanAl- Farisi”.Muslims believe that whoever insult therighteous companions(mayAllah be pleased with them) insulting Allah and His Messenger (^)The Messenger of Allah said:"(Fear) Allah!(Fear) Allah regarding myCompanions!Do not make them objects of insultsafter me.Whoeverloves them, it is out of love of me that he loves them. And whoeverhatesthem,it is out of hatred formethat hehatesthem.And whoeverharms them, he has harmed me, and whoever harms me, he hasoffended Allah, and whoever offends Allah, [then] he shall soon bepunished." [Ahmed8/4andAt-Tirmidhi].The Prophet (^§§0saidthathiscompanionsarethebest ofmankindAbdullah ibn Mas'ud reported: The Prophet (^) said: "the best ofpeople are those of my generation,then those who come after them,then those who come after them.Then there will come people afterthem whose testimony precedes their oaths and their oaths precedetheirtestimony.”[sahihAl-Bukhari-,sahihMuslim].4- Shia's disrespect for Uthman-thecompanion of the Prophet (^)and thehusbandsof theProphet(|§0Shia claimed that the Prophet («g§0 named Uthman (May Allah bepleased with him) as Na'thal, as in a narration by Aisha said toUthman,Oh Na'thal,(Oh the enemyof Allah).Themessenger of Allahnamed you by the name of Jewish Na'thal in Yemen"[BeharAlanwar31/297].