School that would love your...

Centennial Newsletter We are many—one in Christ … a church that embraces diversity... Centennial United Methodist Church 5401 Freeport Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95822 Phone: (916) 452-4477 Email: [email protected] Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Sunday Schedule 9:15 a.m. - FaithLink Discussion Group 9:15 a.m. - Seekers Bible Study 10:30 a.m. - English Language Worship 1:00 p.m. - Fijian Language Worship Staff Pastor: Renae Extrum-Fernandez Director of Music Ministries: Rick Schlosser Hand Bell Director: Loretta Fransham Preschool Director: Denise Tessman Administrative Assistant: Maina Koroi Office Manager: Barbara Wallace Submission Deadline for inclusion in the NOVEMBER newsletter: Friday, October 14 OCTOBER 2016 He said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2 Wheat Field Vincent van Gogh - June, 1888

Transcript of School that would love your...

Page 1: School that would love your help. Prayerfully consider becoming a tutor this fall. The commitment of 1 hour per

Centennial Newsletter

We are many—one in Christ … a church that embraces diversity...


United Methodist Church 5401 Freeport Boulevard

Sacramento, CA 95822

Phone: (916) 452-4477

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours:

Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Sunday Schedule

9:15 a.m. - FaithLink Discussion Group

9:15 a.m. - Seekers Bible Study

10:30 a.m. - English Language Worship

1:00 p.m. - Fijian Language Worship


Pastor: Renae Extrum-Fernandez

Director of Music Ministries: Rick Schlosser

Hand Bell Director: Loretta Fransham

Preschool Director: Denise Tessman

Administrative Assistant: Maina Koroi

Office Manager: Barbara Wallace

Submission Deadline for inclusion in

the NOVEMBER newsletter:

Friday, October 14


He said to them, “The harvest is plentiful,

but the laborers are few; therefore ask the

Lord of the harvest to send out laborers

into his harvest.”

Luke 10:2

Wheat Field Vincent van Gogh - June, 1888

Page 2: School that would love your help. Prayerfully consider becoming a tutor this fall. The commitment of 1 hour per



The seasons pass as surely as they come. With this newsletter edition our thoughts begin to turn toward the holidays that are coming (at least mine do!). In the world that means Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. In the Church it means All Saints, Church Conference, Stewardship Drives and the beginning of Advent.

I’m not trying to rush things! I saw Christmas products at Cost Plus already and while I hate to see the world rush through the season of Advent, at least I know where I can get an Advent calendar! In fact, what I’d really like to do is to invite you to do some spiritual planning around the coming of this season in our Church life.

With our Church Conference comes the reminder that our membership vows commit each one of us to support our congregational life and witness in 5 distinct ways: through our Prayers, our Presence, our Gifts, our Service, and our Witness.

Prayers: I know that most, if not all, of you keep Centennial in your prayers. What I don’t know is what you pray FOR. Remember, if we pray together, something will happen! I would love to carry our shared prayers into a new year together. You will have the opportunity to share New Year’s prayers for Centennial on New Year’s Sunday 2017.

Presence: Do you feel a difference on those Sundays when the sanctuary is full and those when there are a few folks widely scattered amongst the pews? It is a difference of spiritual energy for me. It is not that God doesn’t show up in mighty ways when attendance is lower. Rather, I feel the empowering corporate energy of our unity in Christ when most of us make the choice to be present to one another and to God. Invite someone you know to feel that power with us! Better yet, be one of the first to offer a welcome to newcomers who arrive nearly every week. That’s everyone’s responsibility, isn’t it? Invite someone to come with you to the fellowship hall for… fellowship!

Gifts: Your finance team is preparing for the annual stewardship drive to support our budget. As we do, ask yourself what level of giving to God would change the way you live. Then ask, “What portion of that am I called to give to Centennial?” We can also bless Centennial by offering volunteer hours in the office, the sanctuary, the larger campus… There are many ways your help and perhaps, expertise can offer gifts of great value to your congregation.

Service: We will be sharing a survey in worship soon, inviting you to give fresh consideration to the way you will choose to offer your presence and service at Centennial. There are many areas of mission and ministry in need of support – administrative committees and the many M&M’s (Mission and Ministry teams) that reach in and out with God’s love to serve those near and far. Your Church Council is considering an “old time” Mission and Ministry fair on Sunday when you can visit with many of our M&M teams and discover what call God has placed on their hearts and how they fulfill that together. Is it time for you to shift where you have invested your time and energy to new arenas of ministry? Are you ready to learn something new? Have you been thinking you would like to try on a new ministry “hat”? This is what your Nominations Team would love to know as we work to fill all the needed roles at Centennial! Expect us to call and ask!

Witness: I know. This is the hardest one for everyone to get a grip on. We tend to conjure up images of ourselves ringing doorbells and being intrusive. Think of it this way: Who would be blessed by a ministry or mission of Centennial? Might you mention our Immigration clinic to newcomers? Might you offer to pray the next time someone shares their sad story with you? Might you join me on Election Day just to meet some of our neighbors we are called to serve? Might you strike up a chat with some of the people who hang around our property on their way to and from the neighborhood? Might you simply let people know where you worship? God has lots of ideas on this!

Let’s stretch ourselves in new ways each time God offers us the opportunity to be re-shaped by new commitments. This is how Centennial will grow in faith and in numbers!

Happy Fall! Pastor Renae

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October 2 Fijian Language Ministry

October 9 United Methodist Women (UMW) & Prayer Shawl Ministry

October 16 Trustees & Finance

October 23 Tongan Language Ministry

October 30

Youth & Young Adults

When your group is scheduled to serve during the Fellowship Hour:

Please arrange to have the tables and chairs set up before and put back afterwards. (Feel free to ask others in the congregation for assistance if needed!)

Please empty all garbage cans into the Dumpster. (A key to the Dumpster is hanging above the first aid kit in the kitchen.)

Please close and lock the Dumpster. Please clean up any messes. Please check the restrooms before and after to

make sure there are enough paper supplies.

Want to help with Fellowship Hour? Please contact Mary Castro to get involved!


Bir thdays Tevita Takiveikata 2 Erin Young 3 Hudson Fahrenholz 3 Samuela Tawake 3 Judie Streeter 4 Sosefo Velasquez 4 Keith Atwater 5 Cindy Kazee 6 Marge Borger 6 Amanaki Hopoi 7 Alisi Naulivou 8 Vera Buss 8 Esther Leweniqila 10 Dick Toothaker 11 Elaine Lederer 12 Kasa Matau 13 Lee Deter 13 Gavin Veiga 14 Titi Nabunitukuni 14 Elizabeth Finau 16 Meagan Kilpatrick-Milburn 16 Afu Fonua 17 Lavinia F. Hopoi 17 Marilyn Parker 19 Ratu Boladau 19 Tom Manning 19 George Newton 20 Jonasa Rakaseta 21 Beverly Green 23 Jeral Pal 23 Lesley Pilcher 24 Tomasi Osborne 25 Ann Thompson 26 Brian Hing 26 Maraia Mataitoga 27 Jimmy Klewer 29 Sammy Viriviri 30 Rick Schlosser 31

Are we missing your birthday? Please give us a call in the office and let us know!

New Fall Directory!

Contact the Centennial UMC

office for your copy - either

paper or


Page 4: School that would love your help. Prayerfully consider becoming a tutor this fall. The commitment of 1 hour per


October Preschool News 2016

Welcome October and fall; a favorite time of year! We have many new children and families at Centennial Christian Preschool this year and everyone is working together to get used to the new routine.

We are in the midst of our first fundraiser, Mixed Bag Designs, a wonderful, trendy line of reusable bags. They are strong, durable and very pretty, too. We have catalogs in the church office or you can call the preschool at 453-0976. All orders must be in by October 5th.

A big thank you to the Sacramento City Fire Department. All 3 classes visited Station 13 last month to receive some hands-on learning about personal safety. It was a great field trip for everyone! Even the parents learned something.

At the end of October, all three classes will visit Roemer's Pumpkin Patch for a hay ride, a corn maze and, of course, some important pumpkin choosing!

The end of the month brings Halloween parties with the children coming to school in costume and trick or treating to Hollywood Hardware, and the Centennial church office. Such a fun-filled month is ahead for us!

The Centennial preschool staff and families would like to remind everyone who uses the play yard, that there is no smoking allowed anywhere on the yard, per CUMC and appreciated by the preschool. Thank you for remembering not to litter the yard where ALL Centennial children play.

Blessings, Denise Tessman

Family Information By Brenda Cunningham

Your child’s education begins at home

The California Teachers Association and the California State PTA have joined forces to offer some tips for you that will give your children the opportunity to succeed in school.

1. Just Ask. Ask your children what they studied in class today - what they liked and what they learned. Asking questions shows that school is important.

2. Quiet Study. Choose a place for home study and make sure the room is quiet during that time. Creating a quiet place goes a long way toward helping your children learn.

3. Regular Schedule. Set up a certain time of day that is dedicated to homework. Follow up with your children to be sure their homework is complete and turned in on time.

4. Learn Together. If you want your children to read their assignment, give yourself an assignment, too. When it’s time for them to do homework, take a break and spend a few minutes reading a book, magazine or newspaper.

5. Learn Everywhere. Increase your children’s interest in homework by connecting school to everyday life. For instance, your can learn fractions and measurements while you prepare favorite foods together.

6. Meet their Teachers. Meet with your children’s teachers to find out what their learning and discuss their progress in school.

7. Praise Helps. Praise your children for successfully completing homework. Nothing encourages children more than praise from their parents.

Note: Please read the above tips and pass along to other parents as well as primary caregivers.

“It takes a village to raise a child” African proverb

Congratulations to ...

Fereti and Fane Kurucake were married September 17, 2016.

Natalie Sheppard-Sakakihara gave birth to a baby boy. Jimmy Klewer is the Godfather.

Jason and Deborah Landreth have a new baby.

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The 2016 version of Centennial’s Un-Event fundraiser raised $6,903. These funds will be used to fund the ministries and operations of the church and help bridge the gap between our expenses and income.

Thank you to everyone who donated for this worthy cause.God has raised us up in Christ. Now we are called to raise one another to sustain our ministry in Christ’s name.

For your information, this year’s Un-Event was comparable to the best years of our past Un-Events.

2011 $7320

2012 $4200

2014 $7128

2016 $6,903.95

Thanks again for your faithful giving!



Of course you are and there are 1st and 2nd graders at Hollywood Park Elementary School that would love your help. Prayerfully consider becoming a tutor this fall. The commitment of 1 hour per week does so much to help a child become more successful in school. It is not only about academics but also about mentoring, friendship and sharing.

Two of our dedicated tutors, Lesley Pilcher and Yvonne Correa, are taking a sabbatical this year. Their hard work and dedication will be missed.

We will begin tutoring on Thursday, October 6th, starting at 2:15 and ending at 3:15. Feel free to ask our current tutors, Brian Hing, Fran Eldridge, Callie Smith, Kathy Anderson, Clover Lawton, Diane Harleaux, Carol Harris and Elaine Lederer, about their experiences with the children. And please, considering joining them in this outreach ministry of Centennial Church. Clover and Callie have forms and information to get you started.

TRUSTEES CORNER From Ralph Buell As you read this I expect the punch list items for the HVAC upgrade to be on our radar. You know, the little things that need adjusting. The major spaces (Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall) will have a standard setting for the week and an occupied setting for Sun-day. If anyone wants occupancy at any time, just punch the thermostat arrows up or down to the de-sired comfort zone. Don’t turn the system off. In other news you might want to notice the lush lawn that’s giving the preschool kids a great place to play. It was given lots of TLC by Denise and Steve Tessman to make that happen.

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Last month I introduced a set of standards to enable Centennial to continually work to ensure that all of the worship, discipleship and service ministries that we provide meet the cultural and linguistic needs of our diverse congregation and community that we serve. Starting this month I will share information on the purpose and intent of each of the standards. Standard 1. The worship services and other activities of our church are inclusive, understandable, respectful and compatible with the cultural beliefs and language preferences of the congregation and community we seek to serve.

This standard provides the fundamental requirement that all people served by and through our church receive culturally and linguistically competent experiences. It is the standard on which all of the activities in the other standards are based. Its purpose is to create a safe and welcoming environment at every point of contact. The environment and interactions with all staff, volunteers and members should reflect an appreciation of the diversity of individuals and life experiences of all those we serve and minister to. It ensures that all individuals, families, and groups receive culturally and linguistically appropriate encounters and services. It also demonstrates that cultural diversity is valued and can enrich the lives of all members of our church and community we serve. Respectful services and ministries include taking into consideration the values, preferences, and expressed needs of the individuals and groups we serve. Meeting the communication needs of individuals ensures that they understand the ministries and services they receive, and can participate effectively in both their own growth and development and in all aspects of the life of the church. Compatibility with cultural beliefs and language preferences includes understanding the different styles of worship, music and biblical learning. It is important that the application of biblical learning include examples and applications reflective of diverse life experiences. Cultural and linguistic competency allows all church staff and volunteers to effectively address the cultural and linguistic factors that effect trust, rapport, communication, and ongoing spiritual growth and discipleship. Cultural competence includes being able to recognize and respond to culturally related religious and spiritual beliefs, values and practices. It is important to

encourage individuals to express their traditional religious and spiritual beliefs and cultural practices. Examples of culturally competent ministry include striving to overcome cultural, language, and communications barriers; providing an environment in which individuals and families from diverse cultural backgrounds feel comfortable sharing and discussing their traditional religious beliefs and practices; having materials available in more than one language; and the use of multiple means for communication. Being familiar with and respectful of religious beliefs, traditions and practices of other cultures provides a means to integrate them into all aspects of the ministry of the church. This can be accomplished by ensuring that all staff and volunteers receive cross-cultural education and training and that this become an ongoing part of staff and volunteer development. Knowledge and skills in providing cultural competent ministries should be assessed on an ongoing basis and be a part of routine staff development and assessment. This should include an ongoing commitment to self-reflection and honest self-assessment in order to understand how your own cultural beliefs inform your daily life and involvement in church ministries.

Next month there will be information on Standard 2. The ministries and activities of our church clearly demonstrate a valuing of the positive role that culture can play in ministry and spiritual growth.


By Michael Cunningham

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Centennial Youth Wind Ensemble From Ralph Buell

Amelia Tuungafasi would just love to assemble a wind music group (Band? Orchestra? Ensemble?) Only two steps are needed to make this happen:

She finds interested youth of the 15-30 age range.*

You find instruments hiding in your closets that would like to help.**

* Amelia is taking care of step 1.

** You are taking care of step 2.

Call Ralph Buell or the church office with your musical instrument donation. This is a good thing to do and your high school music teacher will thank you.

Well, so will I.


We are very excited to welcome new choir members to our Chancel Choir this Fall! Welcome to Krystal Lauaki, Archie Parker, Anna Taumoefolau, Amelia Tuungafasi, and Mele-naite Wong. It is a blessing to welcome back Cliff Bales when he is able to come. And, as always, no words can ex-press adequate appreciation for all our wonderful returning choir members who bless us every week with their music and positive energy! There is still room for you! Please join us on Thursday evening from 7:15 to 8:30 pm or see Rick Schlosser.

Rick is pulling together groups for one-time performances to ascertain interest for future performing groups. We are currently looking for people interested in a small group for a cappella singing, a group to perform a Richard Smallwood song in Black gospel style, and a multicultural youth and young adult singing group. If you have interest or want more information about any of these groups (or have ideas for other groups), please see Rick.

Thank you notes

Dear Pastor Renae,

Please let me thank you for all the love and encouragement in planning our Mom's memorial at Centennial. The service was such a beautiful celebration of her life, and gave the family an opportunity

to remember our dear mom, gramma and great-gramma. Your thoughtful message was quite fitting and added to all that was said and shared.

The reception was both lovely and delicious. We enjoyed the festive decorations and appreciate the Tongan congregation for their patience on such a busy day. Please convey our gratitude on this.

All of the family sends their warm appreciation to you and the church members who so lovingly served on Saturday.

Blessings to you all, Jane Thompson

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FaithLink Connecting Faith and Life

A weekly discussion group focusing on contemporary

social issues.

Sunday mornings at 9:15am In the Narthex


The Seekers Class is continuing a 13-week study of the final book of the New Testament. It is known as the Book of Revelation, the Apocalypse and the Apocalypse of John (or St. John the Divine). This book makes extensive use of symbols, allegories and visions which can be puzzling. We meet from 9:15 to

10:15 in Room 7. We use the study guide, Revelation by C.M. Kempton Hewitt, from the Genesis to Revelation Series. We ask a donation of $9 for the cost of the study book. You may bring your Bible to class or use one that is available in the classroom. Contact Callie Smith should you have questions. You are welcome to join us any Sunday.

This study will be followed by a one on the book of Genesis, beginning December 11.

United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM)

Join a team going to Fiji. Skills of all types are needed, including the best of all: just come and share your gift to the Community at Navuso Farm.

The Agricultural school trains young men (high school drop-outs) updated farming techniques so they can return home as productive farmers.

PROJECT We are invited to the Dairy Farm, which needs need cattle equipment, renovation of the milking shed, and milking machines.

WHEN? August 12-22, 2017

HOW LONG? 11 Days Total

Breakdown: 2 days traveling 5 days working on the Project 2 days sight-seeing 1 day resting Return home

COST $2,500 Total

Breakdown: Round-trip airfare $1,300. Project $500 Transportation $200 Meals $200 Hotels & Sight-seeing $300

Contact Virisila Batiratu For More Information

California Council of Churches Impact has released its recommendations for California’s 2016 General Election propositions.

Available online at:

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October Meetings

UMW General Meeting; Saturday, October 8, Fireside Room.

Northern Lights: Monday, October 3. Contact Mary Castro for details.

Esther Friendship Circle: Wednesday, October 5 at Clover Lawton’s home.

Fijian Women’s Circle: Contact Mere Kuru for details.


Fijian Prayer & Bible Study: Meets Tuesdays & Wednesdays at members’ homes and Wednesday, October 26 in the Fireside Room. Leaders: Virisila Batiratu and Sireli Rokoyawa.

Tongan Devotion Group: Meets Fridays from 7:00 to 9:00pm in the Fireside Room. (Includes Tongan Choir practice.) Leaders: Tangi and Ana Taumoefolau.

Men’s Small Group: Meets every other Tuesday. Contact Ken Iritani or Mark Hanzlik for details.

The Trowels Group meets the second Saturday of the month. Contact Tom or Shirley Manning for details.


3rd Wednesday of the month 10 am-12 noon in Room 7

Love to knit? Want to learn how? Want to be part of a caring ministry? Join this cheerful group of knitters on the 3rd Wednesday of the month to make prayer shawls.

Shawls….made for centuries, universal and embracing, symbolic of an inclusive, unconditionally loving God. They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace, mother, hug, shelter and beautify. Those who have received these shawls have been uplifted and affirmed, as if given wings to fly above their troubles…

Friendship Encouragement Spiritual Growth Service Outreach

Centennial Book Group

The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck is our selection for October. This fictional novel is about a successful owner of a chic bridal boutique in Birmingham, Alabama. She has dressed many brides beautifully but is unable to find a dress for herself. She discovers a vintage 100 year old mint-condition wedding gown in a battered old trunk and determines to discover the mystery of the three women who had worn it. Through this process she becomes aware of her own heritage, the power of faith, and the beauty of finding true love. Read the book and bring your lunch to the home of Callie Smith on Monday, October 10 at noon.

PLEASE PRAY . . . For those facing illness or undergoing tests. For those who are homebound. For those who struggle with some form of

addiction. For all those who are hungry and struggling in our

world. For peace around our world and for all those

places torn by conflict and violence.


1st & 3rd Tuesdays

October 4, 7:00pm - Room 5

October 18, 3:30pm - Room 7

November 1, 7:00pm - Room 5

November 15, 3:30pm - Room 7

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Looking ahead to

Fall, Winter & 2017

October 2: World Communion Sunday: Provides scholarships for U.S. racial- and ethnic-minority students and international students, on both undergraduate and graduate levels.

October 2: Reception of New Members, 10:30am worship.

October 3: UMW Northern Lights.

October 8: UMW General Meeting.

October 8: Crop Walk. Contact Judie Streeter or visit for more information.

November 20: Circuit Joint Church Conferences.

November 27: United Methodist Student Day: Furnishes scholarships and loans for students attending United Methodist-related and other accredited colleges and universities.

February 7: Bridges District Revival.

March 17: Stop Hunger Now! Event at Sacramento Japanese UMC.

May 7: Bridges District Conference.

A Request from Vivian Noble A member of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church


My liver is failing and my illness has reached a crucial point where I am in need of a liver transplant. Because I am still relatively healthy I do not rise to the top of the national list of those being assigned livers. The problem with waiting is that many people become quite sick before receiving the transplant and then do not survive long after receiving the new liver.

My best option is to find a volunteer donor so that I can have the transplant while I am younger and healthier and thus increase my chances of living longer. So, might you consider being a liver donor, or do you know somebody who might be in a position to offer the gift of life to me? How do you qualify to be a liver donor? According to the UCSF Liver Transplant program you need to be:

Between the ages of 18 and 60. You cannot be pregnant, a smoker or overweight. If

you are overweight, you may still be considered a potential donor if you lose weight. Donors need a body mass index of 30 or less.

Without any major medical or psychiatric illness.

The donor agrees to a series of tests in advance of the procedure, and then on the day of the transplant, the donor and recipient are in the same surgery area so that the transplant can happen immediately. The donor gives between one third and one half of their healthy liver. For the following two months, the donor will be aware of some symptoms as their liver grows back to its previous size, but there is no long term damage to the donor’s liver. The donated liver will replace my diseased liver.

If you, or someone you know, would be willing to consider exploring this opportunity to give the gift of life to me, please go to

The link is confidential, so nobody, including myself, will know that this option is being explored. You will need my date of birth to complete the form, so please call St. Mark’s UMC at (916) 483-7848. The receptionist will give you my date of birth, or you can also call myself or Greg Klein.

Your continued prayers are welcomed and appreciated.

Thank you, Vivian and Greg

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat















DIVINA, 7:00pm









YOUTH, 7:00pm


















MTG., 10:00am






After English


10 11








YOUTH, 7:00pm



BOARD 6:30pm




CHOIR, 7:00pm











17 18


DIVINA, 3:30pm





YOUTH, 7:00pm


JINA, 4:00pm




CHOIR, 7:00pm











24 25

SPRC, 7:00pm

UGM, 7:45pm





YOUTH, 7:00pm



















October 2016

Page 12: School that would love your help. Prayerfully consider becoming a tutor this fall. The commitment of 1 hour per


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