미국 EC freeextras

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Transcript of 미국 EC freeextras

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC Boston

    Free Language WorkshopsAcademic Activity Frequency Description

    Conversaion Club 2/week Cha wih sudens rom oher classes and naionaliies and

    discuss any number o opics. Each week arges specic

    adverised levels.

    Pronunciaion Clinic 2/week Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and correc

    some common pronunciaion diculies. Specialised sessions or

    dieren naionaliies.

    Movie Afernoon 1/week


    Enjoy ree movies and popcorn wih discussion and

    comprehension aciviies.

    Conversaion Parners 1/week This programme happens in our sessions per year. You mus

    apply and mus be a long erm suden. You are mached wih a

    naive speaker in he Boson area and mee a leas once per week

    o speak or a leas an hour.

    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    EC Soccer League 1/week Join he EC soccer league and paricipae in weekly soccer games

    wih sa and sudens.

    Game Nigh 1/monh Join sa and ellow sudens or a un game nigh.

    Communiy Service 1/monh Ge involved in he communiy wih our monhly voluneer


    Welcome Even 1/say Mee ellow sudens, eachers and sa.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC New York

    Free Language WorkshopsAcademic Activity Frequency D escription

    Exam Skills 1/monh Learn he skills ha will help improve your exam scores.

    Lecure Series 1/monh Pracise lisening skills in a real-lie seting. The lecure is given by

    eiher a eacher, sa member, or oher naive English speaker in

    he communiy. You are encouraged o ake noes, ask quesions,

    and wrie an essay afer he lecure. AY sudens are required o


    Pronunciaion Clinic 1/monh Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and correc

    some common pronunciaion diculies. Specialised sessions or

    dieren naionaliies.

    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Welcome Nigh 1/say Mee sudens and sa a a welcome even or new sudens.

    Brooklyn Bridge 1/monh Enjoy he scenery wih a walk along he Brooklyn Bridge.

    Museum o Modern Ar


    1/week Visi o he amous MoMA.

    Highline Park 1/monh Take a walk along he Highline Park.

    Tai Chi or Yoga in Bryan Park 1/week Pracise Tai Chi or Yoga in Bryan Park.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC San DiegoFree Language WorkshopsAcademic Activity Frequency Description

    Sel-Sudy 4/week Tuors on hand o provide you wih supplemenal aciviies in

    reading, speaking, lisening and wriing or addiional homework


    Pronunciaion Clinic 2/week Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and correc

    some common pronunciaion diculies. Specialised sessions or

    dieren naionaliies.

    Breaking News Alernaing


    Join us or a discussion o curren evens.

    Coee & Conversaion Alernaing


    Pracise your conversaional skills over coee.

    Survival English 1/monh Learn English phrases and vocabulary ha will help you wih ev-

    eryday lie in Cambridge.

    Lecure Series 1/monh Pracise lisening skills in a real-lie seting. The lecure is given by

    eiher a eacher, sa member, or oher naive English speaker in

    he communiy. You are encouraged o ake noes, ask quesions,

    and wrie an essay afer he lecure. AY sudens are required o


    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Ar class Alernaing


    Take par in an ar class led by a member o sa.

    Baskeball 1/week Play baskeball a Pacic Beach Recreaion Cenre.

    Modern Ar Museum Visi Alernaing


    Visi he Modern Ar Museum wih sudens and sa.

    Table Tennis Alernaing


    Compee in an afernoon o able ennis.

    Tai Chi Class 1/monh Take a spiriual Tai Chi Class a he La Jolla Recreaion Cenre.

    Dinner a Casa Manana 1/monh Join local residens or a wonderul meal and conversaion.

    Welcome Even 1/say Mee ellow sudens, eachers and sa.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC Los Angeles

    Free Language WorkshopsAcademic Activity Frequency DescriptionPronunciaion Clinic 1/week Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and correc

    some common pronunciaion diculies.

    Breaking News Breakas 1/week Discuss curren evens rom he daily newspaper wih ellow

    sudens and a eacher.

    Improv Hour 1/week Improve your speaking skills and gain condence in oher classes

    hrough improvisaion.

    Wriing Wonders 1/week Work on your wriing weaknesses wih his workshop led by a


    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Beach Volleyball 1/monh Take par in group volleyball games on he beach.

    Walking our o Sana Monica 1/monh Take a walking our o beauiul Sana Monica.

    Welcome Brunch 1/say New sudens are invied or a welcome brunch o mee sa and

    oher sudens.

    Beverly Hills our 1/monh Experience he glamorous Beverly Hills wih our group our.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC San Francisco

    Free Language WorkshopsAcademic Activity Frequency Description

    Pronunciaion Power 2/monh Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and correc

    some common pronunciaion diculies.

    Idioms in Acion 2/monh Learn o use sree/popular language.

    The Hood 4/monh Go o dieren neighbourhoods and learn abou how lieraure,

    hisory, immigrans, business rends, and poliical movemens

    have shaped dieren pars o he ciy.

    Chill and Cha 1-2 /monh Join a conversaion wih a eacher o discuss an issue

    o ineres. This class is mean o give you addiional opporuni-

    ies o speak in English ouside o class. I someimes akes place

    ouside o he cener a a coee shop.

    Suden Ambassadors

    Coee Club

    1-2/monh Led by Sudens Ambassadors, you can ge ogeher a he

    school and drink coee, play games, and ge o know each oher.

    Suden Led Sudy Halls 1-2/monh Ge ogeher wih ellow sudens and work on your homework

    assignmens ogeher.

    Mission Murals Tour Bi-monhly;


    during high


    SF has he mos murals wihin ciy limis in he US, a eacher

    akes sudens o he Mission Disric and explains he hisory

    behind he communiy creaed murals.

    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Beales Karaoke 1/week Gain ree enrance o a nigh o karaoke dedicaed o he Beales.

    Mowan Mondays 1/week Enjoy ree enrance o Madrone Ar Bar every Monday.

    Open Mic Nigh (every week) 1/week Lisen o local alen, or ge up on sage and show o your own

    musical skills.Welcome Even 1/say Mee ellow sudens, eachers and sa.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC Miami

    Free Language WorkshopsAcademic Activity Frequency Description

    Pronunciaion Clinic 1/week Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and correc

    some common pronunciaion diculies. Specialised sessions or

    dieren naionaliies.

    Chill and Cha 1/week Join a conversaion wih a eacher o discuss an issue

    o ineres. This class is mean o give you addiional opporuniies

    o speak in English ouside o class. I someimes akes place

    ouside o he cener a a coee shop.

    Lecure Series 1/monh Pracise lisening skills in a real-lie seting. The lecure is given by

    eiher a eacher, sa member, or oher naive English speaker in

    he communiy. You are encouraged o ake noes, ask quesions,

    and wrie an essay afer he lecure. AY sudens are required o


    Tuorials Every 3


    One-on-one meeings wih eachers i you have sudied or

    3 weeks or longer. These meeings allow you o express any

    concerns and o alk abou your srenghs/weaknesses and wha

    you wan o work on more or less.

    Reading Circle 1/week Work on your reading skills in your GE core classes. Once a

    week eachers will conduc a reading circle in which you will

    discuss wha you have read and go over new vocabulary and

    comprehension quesions.

    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Ar walk 1/monh Learn abou Miamis ar scene.

    Spors 1/monh Including soccer on he beach and oher un group spors.

    Oudoor Movie 1/monh Wach a movie wih ellow sudens oudoors a Soundscape.

    Welcome Lunch 1/say Welcome lunch or new arrivals o mee oher sudens and sa.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC Montreal

    Free Language WorkshopsAcademic Activity Frequency Description

    Lecure Series 2/monh English

    2/monh French

    1/monh upper level

    1/monh lower level

    Pracise lisening skills in a real-lie seting. The lecure

    is given by eiher a eacher, sa member, or oher

    naive English speaker in he communiy. Atend a

    lecure o pracise lisening and develop noe aking


    Pronunciaion Clinic 1/monh English

    1/monh French

    Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and

    correc some common pronunciaion diculies.

    Specialised sessions or dieren naionaliies.

    Film Series 1/monh English

    1/monh French

    Wach lms wih oher sudens and have he

    opporuniy o dicuss hem ogeher.

    Co-Op Academic Workshop 2/monh French only Take par in monhly workshops or Co-Op sudens.

    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Welcome Pary 1/say Atend our welcome pary o mee ellow sudens and sa


    Roaing weekly aciviy 1/week Take par in weekly acivies ha are based around a monhlyheme like ness, ood or lm. Aciviies can include ness

    classes, karaoke and eambuilding aciviies.

    Tase o Monreal 1/monh Learn abou and ase local oods wih our monhly ood evens.

    For example, June is srawberry season in Quebec so we are

    having a srawberry esival a he school.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC Toronto

    Free Language WorkshopsAcademic Activity Frequency Description

    Homework Club 2/week Ge ogeher wih oher sudens and help eachoher

    wih assignmens and pracise your english in a group


    Pronunciaion Clinic 1/week Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and

    correc some common pronunciaion diculies.

    Specialised sessions or dieren naionaliies.

    Conversaion Club 1/week Join a conversaion wih a naive English speaker o

    discuss an issue o ineres. This class is mean o give

    you addiional opporuniies o speak in English ouside

    o class.

    Lecure Series 1/monh lower level

    1/monh upper level

    Pracise lisening skills in a real-lie seting. The lecure

    is given by eiher a eacher, sa member, or oher

    naive English speaker in he communiy. You are

    encouraged o ake noes, ask quesions, and wrie

    an essay afer he lecure. AY sudens are required o


    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Downown Walking Tour 1/monh Take par in a walking our o downown Torono led by a member

    o sa.

    Orienaion Tour 1/week Ge o know he local area including he locaions o

    supermarkes, resuarans, pharmacies and banks.

    Welcome Even 1/say Mee ellow sudens and sa.

    Roaing Aciviy 2/monh Take par in aciviies such as our Movie Nigh, Talen Show, Lain

    Pary and more!

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC Vancouver

    Free Language Workshops

    Academic Activity Frequency DescriptionWriing Clinic 1/week Aimed a improving wriing skills and based around your needs/


    Conversaion Club 1/week Join a conversaion wih a naive English speaker o discuss

    an issue o ineres. This class is mean o give you addiional

    opporuniies o speak in English ouside o class. .

    Lecure Series 1/monh Pracise lisening skills in a real-lie seting. The lecure is

    given by eiher a eacher, sa member, or oher naive English

    speaker in he communiy. You are encouraged o ake noes,

    ask quesions, and wrie an essay afer he lecure. AY sudensare required o atend.

    Pronunciaion Clinic 1/week Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and correc

    some common pronunciaion diculies.

    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Granville Island Tour 1/monh Take par in a group visi and our o Granville Island.

    Fooball 1/week Ge acive and play ooball wih sudens and sa.

    Lynn Canyon or Chinaown or

    Elizabeh Parks Tour

    1/monh Tour he beauiul Lynn Canyon, Elizabeh Parks or lively


    Movie Afernoons 1/week

    (winer only)

    Join a group gahering o wach a lm inside he school.

    Welcome Even 1/say Mee ellow sudens, eachers and sa.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC LondonFree Language WorkshopsAcademic Activity Frequency Description

    Breakas Club 4/week Discuss curren evens and he opics o your choice over a cup o

    coee wih a eacher or member o sa.

    Pronunciaion Clinic 1/week Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and correc some

    common pronunciaion diculies. Specialised sessions or dieren


    Coee and Conversaion 1/week Join a conversaion wih a eacher o discuss an issue

    o ineres. This class is mean o give you addiional opporuniies o

    speak in English ouside o class.

    Job inerview skills 2/monh Learn he ar o being inerviewed and how o use he vocabulary ha

    migh help you land a job.

    Careers Service 2/monh Receive help and guidance on areas including CV and covering

    leter preparaion, assisance and advice on job searching in he

    UK, universiy and urher educaion inormaion and guidance and

    assisance wih he Universiy applicaion procedure.

    Reading skills/Sudy

    skills/Homework Club

    1/monh Improve your reading, ge ahead wih your homework and learn eec-

    ive sudy skills wih hese academic aciviies.

    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Trip o Whiechapel Gallery 1/monh Join a group visi o Whiechapel Gallery.

    Welcome Even 1/say Mee sudens and sa a our welcome even hosed by he Somerse

    Coee House.

    Kew Gardens visi 1/monh Take par in a group visi o Kew Gardens wih a group leader.

    Dinner Club/Tea Club 1/week Enjoy our ree dinner/ea club every week.

    Pub/bar nigh Receive ree enrance o a bar/pub.

    Day rips 2/monh Take par in visis o Greenwich, Chelsea, Porobello Marke, Borough

    Marke, Camden Town, he Souh Bank, Coven Garden, Museums o

    London ec.

    Suden Pary 1/monh Free suden pary a Pacha every monh!

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC Cambridge

    Free Language Workshops

    Academic Activity Frequency DescriptionPhrasal Verbs Made Easy 1/week Undersand phrasal verbs hrough he verbs and

    paricles. Undersand he verbs lierally or use your

    imaginaion o undersand meaphoric and idiomaic


    Conversaion Class 1/week Join a conversaion wih a eacher or naive English

    speaker o discuss an issue o ineres. This class is

    mean o give you addiional opporuniies o speak in

    English ouside o class.

    Reading Workshop 1/week Learn new vocabulary! Realise dieren srucures!Acquire English language naurally hrough - Reading!!

    Careers Service 2/monh Receive help and guidance on areas including CV and

    covering leter preparaion, assisance and advice

    on job searching in he UK, universiy and urher

    educaion inormaion and guidance and assisance

    wih he Universiy applicaion procedure.

    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Puning Alernaing weeks Go puning down he River Cam, a popular English


    Boanic Gardens visi Alernaing weeks Enjoy a relaxing visi o he beauiul Boanic Gardens.

    S. Johns College visi Alernaing weeks Take par in a group visi o he iconic S. Johns College.

    Zoology Museum visi Alernaing weeks Visi he ascinaing Zoology Museum.

    Kings College visi Alernaing weeks Take a our o he amous Kings College.

    Welcome Dinner 1/say Ge o know sudens and sa by sharing a meal.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC Oxford

    Free Language WorkshopsAcademic Activity Frequency Description

    Wriing Clinic 2/monh A ocus on ormal and inormal English or wriing.

    Pronunciaion Clinic 1/week Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and

    correc some common pronunciaion diculies.

    Coee Cha Session 1/week Join a conversaion wih a eacher o discuss an issue

    o ineres. This class is mean o give you addiional

    opporuniies o speak in English ouside o class. I

    someimes akes place ouside o he cener a a coee


    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Movie Nighs/Afernoons 1/week Wach a ree movie o enjoy wih oher sudens.

    Games Afernoon 1/week Take par in an array o games organised or all


    Welcome Even 1/say Mee ellow sudens, eachers and sa a our

    welcome even.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC Brighton

    Free Language Workshops

    Academic Activity Frequency Description of ActivityPronunciaion Class 3/monh Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and correc

    some common pronunciaion diculies.

    Film Lecure 1/week Take par in a lm lecure ollowed by he lm.

    Careers Service 2/monh Receive help and guidance on areas including CV and covering

    leter preparaion, assisance and advice on job searching in he

    UK, universiy and urher educaion inormaion and guidance

    and assisance wih he Universiy applicaion procedure.

    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description of Activity

    Fooball 1/week Play ooball wih sudens and sa. *1.50 /person or pich hire.

    Yoga 2/monh Take par in a ree yoga class a EC Brighon school.

    X1 Monhly counry walk 1/monh Ge and see some beauiul landscapes wih our monhly

    counry walk.

    Under cli jog 1/week Take par in a group jog session.

    Beach Volleyball 2/monh Play beach volleyball wih sudens and sa.

    Pub Nigh 1/week Enjoy a nigh ou a he pub wih EC eachers.

    EC Brighon Pary 1/monh Recieve 1 ree drink a The Mucky Duck.

    Brighon Orienaion Tour 1/say Take par in our Brighon walking our covering main sighs and

    places o ineres.

    Welcome Even 1/say Ge o know sudens and sa by sharing a meal.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC BristolFree Language WorkshopsAcademic Activity Frequency Description

    Lecure Series 2/monh Pracise lisening skills in a real-lie seting. The lecure is given by

    eiher a eacher, sa member, or oher naive English speaker in he

    communiy. You are encouraged o ake noes, ask quesions, and wrie

    an essay afer he lecure.

    Pronunciaion Clinic 2/monh Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and correc some common

    pronunciaion diculies. Specialised sessions or dieren naionaliies.

    Tea and Conversaion 1/week Join a conversaion wih a eacher o discuss an issue

    o ineres. This class is mean o give you addiional opporuniies o

    speak in English ouside o class.

    Careers Service 2/monh Receive help and guidance on areas including CV and covering leter

    preparaion, assisance and advice on job searching in he UK, universiy

    and urher educaion inormaion and guidance and assisance wih he

    Universiy applicaion procedure.

    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Grai Tour 1/monh Join our EC Aciviy Leader or a nice our around he grai srees o

    Brisol and ry o nd an undiscovered one; is also a good way o ake

    loads o picures, in paricular o he Banksy ones.

    Bridge Walk andClifon Village walk

    1-2/monh On a sunny summer day, heres no beter way o view he ciy o Brisolhan walking on he suspension bridge, and visiing he lovely Clifon


    Cabo Tower Visi 1/monh Enjoy an amazing view o he ciy o Brisol and mee he squirrels in he


    DVD Afernoon 1/monh Take par in a cul movie showing wih a small alk abou he movie and

    why i is imporan/cul.

    Ar Afernoon 1-2/monh Visi Museums and Ar Galleries locaed all over he ciy.

    EC Social 2/monh Be a par o dieren social aciviies such as Coee & Cha, Dinner &

    Conversaion and inerac in English.

    Welcome Even 1/say Enjoy cakes and ea or coee and make new riends and inerac in

    English wih our Aciviy Leader.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC Malta

    Free Language Workshops

    Academic Activity Frequency DescriptionCae Cha 1/week Join a conversaion wih a naive English speaker o discuss an

    issue o ineres. This class is mean o give you addiional oppor-

    uniies o speak in English ouside o class.

    Pronunciaion Clinic 1-2/week Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and correc

    some common pronunciaion diculies. Specialised sessions or

    dieren naionaliies.

    Wriing Clinic 1/week Learn abou ormal and inormal English or wriing.

    Lecure Series 1/monh Pracise lisening skills in a real-lie seting. The lecure is given by

    eiher a eacher, sa member, or oher naive English speaker inhe communiy. You are encouraged o ake noes, ask quesions,

    and wrie an essay afer he lecure. AY sudens are required o


    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Movie Nighs/Afernoons 1/week Wach a ree movie wih oher sudens.

    Welcome Dinner 1/say Enjoy a radiional Malese dinner in a beauiul armhouse.

    Welcome Drink 1/say Enjoy drinks wih new sudens and members o sa.

    Inernaional Nigh 1/week Collec a ree drink voucher rom recepion and enjoy a nigh

    ou wih oher sudens.

    Nigh a Bar Naive 1/week Collec a ree drink voucher rom recepion and enjoy a nigh

    ou wih oher sudens.

    Beach Club Membership Monday -


    Summer only

    Receive a ree membership or our beach club a a ve sar

    resor including use o pool and sunbeds.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras


    EC Gives You Extra!EC Cape Town

    Free Language WorkshopsAcademic Activity Frequency Description

    Pronunciaion Clinics 1/week Learn quick ips, poiners and secres o pracise and correc

    some common pronunciaion diculies. Specialised sessions or

    dieren naionaliies.

    Lecure Series 2/monh Pracise lisening skills in a real-lie seting. The lecure is given by

    eiher a eacher, sa member, or oher naive English speaker in

    he communiy. You are encouraged o ake noes, ask quesions,

    and wrie an essay afer he lecure.

    Homework Class 5/week Take par in his class dedicaed o helping you wih your


    Basic Srucure and Use o


    1/week Improve your grammer and ge amiliar wih he srucure o


    Basic Wriing 1/week Improve your wriing wih his class based around your wriing


    Free ActivitiesActivity Frequency Description

    Dinner/Cinema Evening 1/monh Enjoy a dinner or an evening a he cinema wih sudens and


    Lions Head hike 1/monh Come along or a hike o he beauiul Lions Head.

    Fooball 1/monh Ge acive and paricipae in our weekly ooball games.

    Pub Nigh 1/monh Enjoy a nigh ou wih sudens and sa.

    Welcome Even 1/say Mee ellow sudens, eachers and sa.

    Please noe: All ree academic exras and aciviies are subjec o change wihou noice and may be oered seasonally.

  • 7/28/2019 EC freeextras
