· dst= j ; end . TEMP MEM PLUS CONST offset-a MOVE MEM PLUS TEMP MEM PLUS MULT CONST offset-x...

1 Topic 7 ½ : Instruction Selection COS 320 Compiling Techniques Princeton University Spring 2015 Prof. David August Instruction Selection Our Architecture Our Architecture

Transcript of  · dst= j ; end . TEMP MEM PLUS CONST offset-a MOVE MEM PLUS TEMP MEM PLUS MULT CONST offset-x...


Topic 7 ½ : Instruction Selection

COS 320

Compiling Techniques

Princeton University Spring 2015

Prof. David August

Instruction Selection

Our Architecture

Our Architecture


Instruction Tree Patterns

Instruction Tree Patterns


Individual Node Selection

Individual Node Selection

Random Tiling

Random Tiling

Node Selection

Optimal Instruction Selection: Maximal Munch

Maximal Munch

Maximal Munch

Maximal Munch

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Assembly Representation


Statement Munch

Expression Munch

Expression Munch

Optimum Instruction Selection

Optimum Instruction Selection – Example

Optimum Instruction Selection – Example

Optimum Instruction Selection – Example

Optimum Insruction Selection – Example

Optimum Instruction Selection – Big Example

Optimum Instruction Selection – Big Example

Optimum Instruction Selection – Big Example