,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/...

rtt le l1 J.\ ..e-1 three; going; the phonomenal Me the multitude of o.D-:- , ea.rances M. (TSAU} Condi ti.on B. that al 1 thi:F;s aro ln a d:tf ferent cond1tinn from one another .t3. :ithe many; thlngs 11 DO sa na ; eq 1 uu; 11 the 01 :..0 1 t11 e !Je the unity 0f not-twoness f:\0'1 Bz The.t all t hi ngs are eq: u1l and in th e ir charact er 1dent1cal B. Hga:me; t !:rn onB, onenes s; h 1 b 1 Gr> t : .,.1 d a one w o e . e ng, - ea ,,, n .• KA! · agree; bond ur1ion ii. !. u nity in pra ctice SAN aI-id DO) lir. (CH :r:) tha t the d ifforc nco of the phonombna is th e state oi' ty 13 . ur.1tcd ucti vlt :Ji . (of SAN and DO) B. 11 c omp lo to underu t o. n d.inn; of . t he rela- tionship be twcv· n One and B any. 11 The U nio n of tho Phe noiT : en ul and ;;piri.tual li orlds Me Co nd i t:lo n t Bo l ng an d Their Unite d Act1.vity 13.,

Transcript of ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/...

Page 1: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti


l1 J.\ ..e-1 ~·

three; comln~~. going; the phonomenal Me

the multitude of o.D-:-,ea.rances M. (TSAU} Condi ti.on B.

that al 1 thi:F;s aro ln a d:tf ferent cond1tinn from one another .t3.

:ithe many; thlngs 11


DO sana ; eq1uu; 11 the 01:..0 1

t11e f.~D i l11 l t.~~.lal !Je the unity 0f not-twoness

{'P.~ rrnG ) f:\0'1 ~,:~ Bz The.t all t hings are eq:u1l and in their es ~ ential character

1dent1cal B.

Hga:me; samene o ~; t !:rn onB, oneness ; h 1 b 1 • Gr> t : .,.1 d a one w o e . e ng , - ea ,,, n .•

~ KA!

·agree; bond ur1ion ii.!.

unity in p r a ctice (of~ SAN aI-id DO) lir. (CH:r:) that the difforcnco of the phonombna is the state oi' cqu.~li ty 13. ur.1tcd uctivlt:Ji. (of SAN and DO) B. 11 comploto underu t o.nd.inn; of. t he rela-tionship b e twcv·n One and Bany. 11

The Union of tho PhenoiT:enul and ;;piri.tual liorlds Me

Condi t:lon t Bo l ng and Their United Act1.vity 13.,

Page 2: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti


i If!'!~ I~ i

I i

1. '!.7 :±- * 111., q) ) \.:..\ -CHih.1J DO DAI SEN no SHIN,

B<o•~4oo India."1.C earth great sage

hermit ascetic


•s Mind Heart . loca.li ty

"--...-~--·-· ~.. ·-'----.:::::..:.;:/ ..., India

The :Mind of the Great

The mind of the ,;re~t

Buddha < '

Sage of India

sage 0f India 1.

11 Big I\1ind which includes

everything 11


Bo .. . ,_.

11 The great mind (v1hich includes everything\ of the great sage of India,"

Po .,,f".

11 Ch1.na 11

f:fl AI


~\f~~t ;'.!Ind:ta. 11

·I~ .MI'I'S U

~·I f"•QA i:f"ll'.l'A'f·.hA-r> -- ..... ··- ~ - -~ -· ·-·· - - - ---

secret; occult; esot;eric;

•familiarly,, intimately'

"Exactly, v!i thout a gap between the two 11




together mutually


give to adjoin attach · .,,./''

__ ..,_,.. _____ ---~.-.., ...... - ..... ; .. --""""'''°'" ..... _ .••. ------·· ,. •. ,.,~,,. ...... ,, .• ,,,_.._......,_,f' ....... ~~..,~--, .. ~ •• "" .. .......-----......

•to connect to each other

Flowed unseen from West to East. 2.

Was conveyed cordially from \'/est to East., B.

"Handed down closely from West to Es.st 11


* Footnotes refer to those at the end o: Blyth's translation on page

I. . ··~··- ·~·~-~···~-~'"·-=~· ·~·-~-'""~, .... ,.,..~ -.,,,. ......... "''~------.~,,,.,,,,,,.,... .. =-~v-· ...... ... ,. ''" .

Page 3: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti



/, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri

man root

'----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull

"-~,/ sharn or blunt

brieht or dull

to be to have

hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti ali ty 11

By variables of wit and dullness 11 r·:r.

(in the next few lines only, ~asana~a does a little scrambl:l.n; in translation.)

In human beings there are vdse mean and fools, B.

11 Tllere are alert fellows and dull fellor/S in sentient

belngs, 11

11 People di.scri!Ilinate the dull from the wlt,u


f$J '-. ;f t <!:) 7ffL L€ I -::. DO ni NAM Bd1m no so

(nan) (HOKU} Way 's Patriarch

South North .Ancestor Fou..TJ.der•

,_ , L ~ NA - shi. ~------/

is not

The ~"rue Way has no pa t:ria.rch of Sou th or North. N. 3.

But in the •iay thor·.e is no Northern or So'J.thern teacher. B. 11But ther·e is no patriarch of North or 3ou.th; Buddha ts

t~aching i:J the sa"'lle. 11



~ ~'J ~~


l '

I i

I t-·· t-·

I i I


I i ·~

Page 4: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

so:J.1 s~irit :Jpiri tu:il enerJ,Y


sprln;; S<"'.•UI'Ce

H s rJ:··tfj t ~ -~ 1 :·~tj ~.:~' ,:_: rj<lo :-c f'ill; oI} 1. ~:;1 n S0 !:; e t;h ; n.·~ be . ond

(l "'""C ~ - "'1 ,..; ,.,,;i . v.;, :. · .J. . . ) IJ....... · . )

~-------~-.____.., s :; . .trce

11 s•T.1rcc of t he teac11In.; n

~~ KO - l';.ET

( l\.i~I' 0 rJ)

is p;..ire is stainless


t: ni

ori t :h t bri ·+ t··1eas '---~-···~~.,--L'-•~,--J

bri.;htly · in brj ,;htness

tE. ') ta '· - . ri

••• •the so .iree, a clear ~ tr•oam ;.J.ns'.lllled •••• r5.

ii- See note under 1 i.ne 15 on MYO and AN

l_ J~ 6. ::>HI HA

branch stream \.::.,~ ... ~·,.- •. -,'~·· . <J'~_-.. .-••• , ··: -----.. !'- ~ .~~§~--:--~

b:r·unch i::, trcum 11V· n Y> .f ". l , . 1"1 .-~ -t ,,, ,.,. <> H

.....t,....1.. ,L · -- ...... ·-:> t .. •, _·-~. '!.J !~i:>

phenomena B.

en.. e AN ni


~J-... "" J .tit..

\ ' )I-

HU CliU t

S'J .•

(f~3&na~a ~ust have lnel~de<l this sn:.6 •• and kep t tb::; D<; I'C(~ , !J. C~CB.24~>tPea::i untiullied.) 5.

ti.•,w to

Ti10 trlh 1.ttn :r-J stx·ea.ms flov<' thr-) ·~~;h t,1w d.?-I'kness. 12. :G.


*~ l l

l I



Bf t I I

' ..i.- I - µ.

l J,., ... ~.t

J . I I

r ! i ' I


l ' i !

Page 5: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

;. '"'


"bei ..... rr" -•o thin~~; fa.ct;

af'fair; concern; matter; acticn;

.,.,h""nO""''"'n" • 11 ~0r·1 ""t•· 1.t ;~ '·"""0-0 ..,. n !./ v. J.h.v 1 . . c.4j 1'.J _. · v ·~ .. ... t:r;:_)~ -' v .. -,



tti SHU

to form an attachlnent; to grasp take hold

It is practlco of the thi~G, affair, !::.attor, i:r1 contrast wlth RI-theory or the iindor1yl· 3 nrinci·:-.10 . C.D. i 1·i,ho..tevc1"' it is that can be intro­duced into :10:....r!' consciousness 1. s .rru {see next lino for Co?.1pa.rison of RI and JI)

su .... ru '--"',---/

to do also

-( )

or:1g 1 :i 11of c o·.lrne '1

•ori ;-:;i nallyf

"'-·------· ·-~~-~:~~;·.~f!.__ _ _.) to bo deluded to be per y.110 ;~ed to be .r:1ist;ulded

Bor•n, we clutch at t.hin6

: .M.

To be attachod to t h i ngs, t h :is i.s delus10n,. 13.

"To stick t o t h!ngs is delusion; clutchlng at things is dolunion."




Page 6: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

.!.! * \:.. ~ . KANNA - ~ . (KANNO) ~.- ·-·-· -·.-!

8. RI n1 11 enrpt1ness 11

ruling ~rinci?le f•..lndan·,cntal law

1ntr1nslcally, universal basis essential element. c.D.

11 recorrnlzett 11make a....., point 11

"HI ts rH; truth; beyond our c0nsc j ous wor·ld ·1

t mo

al so again . ..... ......_,,_..,._. __ .,.., _ _ ...... .., _ .. --.; · ~ ... , ___ _ ____-/1


·/~ <: SATO - ri ni. ~___/

enlightonrwnt understo.nd:!ng


~ AHA - zu}.,, '---------·__..., is not

And la tcr compound 0ur delue. ion by fallowing 1 deal~h M.

But to take to oneself the :.in~ ve:csal reason is not enlii:;h't;­enrn.ont. (1'o [.;rasp that Hll tr1t ng.s are One is only half of enl~ t:;htcnmcnt, for all tl:i.lr..s s are also manifold.) B.

"But to recognize tr\.l.th 1 s not always enli 6hten. men~ 11

11And yet to reco;.5nlze tri.lth ls not enlL; htenment also. 11

Comparison of HI and JI

(for JI aoe l1ne 7 also)


no'..lmena princL:i le absoh1ta r •.'- 1::11 cause

.f\ .. mdu:-:1cntal es ::' cnce potf7nti.al

store ocean


( Pv<>mp1 ea) .t.....1~'\..4jir\..&1 - ...,_


phenomena pr·actlce relative imp6r1cal ef i'ect

extern~l activity actual

distribution wave

kinetic C.D.

Page 7: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti



fl~ r~ « l:OM JWN

( """'") ! •l\ '!1

{;3.to ea.to ~---,-::.__.-;

tho ~onnon

- -tn IS - SAI


one C'J.t. '----~- ..../


e> ;t.i no K'IO,

ts re ~l0n, tcrr:ttory; the s;:;hore of ?d.nd,

the S'7JhGr \~· of f'or1:1 fol.' eyO I 30~nd for ea:r' J etc e

Any objcct:iv0 nontn.1 nrojection ro3arded as · ·re •:r·l i · +.""tr t: • 1) •

C.t. "''..)" . ...,

E~oh sense ga t! and it's object; M,

Bach and all tho elernents of the subjective a~tl objective spheres, B. 8.

nvart0ua 'oo:tr.GS and thetr vnri.o·rn sense organs a..."1.d t 1'1cir objects; s o it rnea.:."1s ·'evor•yt'hint; •. 11

II 0 ~ i' • . · 1 th b • t ~ . 1 ~! U .ur ive senses ana .e o JCc- _ve wor_Q,

~ z- @) T. FU - E - GO to

t .... to I lO. B ...

t o turn r:u..ttm.t..11 v r·evol ve together/ ~-"'•-- · ~~ . ....... ,..,. ..... - •. ""- i·c,,.r...:·~·, ... ,~ .. ,::. .. .;i..-•"''·~t::. ·,..... ·

-r n+- ci·ct:rn n -:··o .. ........ ..,, .:::,.t. . ·:-.. •. · 1

i n t err:utat;i on;

and not to t urn rmt u .'.llly no rovolve togeth~r

11 i"'·t ,.,.,.,,-: nn £'n r e•·1c ·· 01~ ~.L - J,. """" "' 1- ....... ' ... _.. J. J 11absolute independence"

Dep<:ndence . e.nd n on-depo:ncienco / M •

•••• are related a nd a t the sn~o t1rne inde~endent, B.

"••a .are inte:rdopendcnt and 1.ndependon t . II


u.ses "to 11 (and) a t t he end o:r scc1·J.encos)

'!"·';·"-~~. ':'V~!';I;~?'"'~~~:~~~· '"(·,1".·.,. -':'?··~~'°"'·7'··v-,,,"t<.-~,. ·, --,..~-·· ":f-":"-;:""'"~•:"'~· '"'':!"'"· · .~ . . ~~,;:'~"'~-"."':""~?:":_;< _..,.,.,,_::>:'.' ' - - ,_...... .. ~.,,:•"'~·~/>':><.9'1'1~- •.

ir--· ---- - ·--··-·· --· . ---- ,,,_ . ···-- - --~-~


f .. "

Page 8: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

L ( 3 11. E sbi te ni. ru.

to turn doing revolve

tor;othA.r migrate (ho ... tvv) mutually cross, ford


again aft•·r all

mere and r:::ore "'----- pass (time) /

~~112_~ n ---· ../ ---..,.,.. ----.... ........ ·-"..,r"r"_ ... ~.,..,__-...~

''g~ing on anll on 11



Enter·1nr; together into mut!.lul rcla:1ons, M.

rlelated 1 yet ~orkins differently,

11 Thl!".gs interl'•elatf!d endlessly 301n ~ on and on everywhere,"

11 Th:ts 'interdependency' goes 0n and on. 11

~- ~ SHIK'-\ - ra

1" n. (•f .. ~a- re -ba




\C ni YO - t - te

1~ank, place depending on 11position" t·o rely on ~--,.----··----/

according to tho position

And yet s tanuing a;rnrt 'in their r:w•n ·.intquenoss. ~.

9. Thrngh each keeps its own place. B.

"Or ol [,e it sta.:,rs ln j ts own po8t t:ton. 11

Jij - su.

to dwell reside live

Page 9: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti





outvrnrd ap~ear-ance;

f'orm.1 c0lor , matter, thing ; tb.0 d.eslrar,; le ....


beg inning orl,;ln

'ori :S .i nally'

tho phenomins l G.D.

(:.. ni

"na t ii r e" q :1al i ty

t>ubstance matter

L-u hi,

obj. different to do ~~.::. .. ~........,....,"··--,~ ~~·-,..,;:,~~;;.-:io~~~. ~i;..-.,;;_,, );, .4~2'>~·~ .... /

to dlfi'cr•

imaf;e statue

11 !' i ::_;ure '' r1form 11

Form makes the char9..Ctf:r a y1d appearance di fferent. l~ .....

"ThJ ngu have var~ous naturcs,and var1ou G figures, and

- - · ···- - - ······-- ··-- ----·----- - .

! f


; f L t-


I ~· ·


I I f

l f !

f ! i l


Page 10: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti


~ ................... .. .

sound t0ne



ori~~in source


~f e rent

ule,asure :is'omething whj ch :rou care for 11

1-=-. , ni

to di f f er

- '

suffe ri::;g 11 somoth i n g wh:ich vtlll creat e some b itter fe eling ••• sufferin~ ls too big a word."

- PCllN


to do

distinguish, give rise to B.

1be v o ice s sof~ ~nd h a r sh in apparant isola tion. M. 10.

Sound (ta s te , sme ll, e tc.) d,is ting:.dsr_ c :-imf ort an d

d j,scomfort. B. , 11 'rhe r e i s g ood t a s t e a n d b a d t 9.. S t e and :;ood sound and

bad sound ~ an d g ood f eel i ng and bad f e e l :t ng . 11

J •

1 0

.:!:- tz.. JD x_

~ --)l,,


EEJ -'j: I"-

·~ ' ?r~


Page 11: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

i i

::t-'e; i':: "


..L EJ~


* AN



sbj~ as for

_t_ cp ~; .. ~z..

Jo CHU top middle

up hlgh

~~~e~~----~ "superior and inferio:e"

11 super·ior, mi.:iule and inferior 11

f ~ /~ 'Cl


tf -~


~.- In the Sa.ndokai (with tp.e Probabl"e : exception of 1:1..nes 5 and 6 ), AN "darkness 11 represents '1the absolute 11 and MYO or MEI 11bright­ness 11 re"9re sents the ''relative''• Usually, in Chrie.tian as well as Bucidhist writings; the symbols of light and dark have oppo­site meaning s: e. EI; . 11 God is light; ignorance is darkness .

·:<-* . Usually JOCH~ 11hi gh and lowll would be USA.:'°, but here JOCHU , "high a.nd middle" ar•e use d to rep re sent the whole range from to~::: to bottom.


's word

..g- () KANA i,

....__--·-·-..., /'" __ .__.;..; combine

nto include or fit toge t her 11

High ~nd Middle are \'fords matchinlj the darkness. M. 11.

The dark makes all words one, B.

"In the dark, superior and lnferior cannot be distin­guished . 11

·- ·- · ·---··-·-- ---·

l ~

I 1

Page 12: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

1 ·~


8~ !.EI

t;C. i:a

sbj . J

as f or

~,;t_ J '' 1 • ·~ v .... ..,,..

i m''.'ur•e unclean

·~ no

•s line ob j . c l aus e


·/;)J::C\. tr-;\1 . ......___.--..., r ·----'

to know ti:> und.e:.:st_,nd .:to :.na}::c cJ.cn.1• 11

Anu l ".. ::1t no:-'r:u•'-'t te~~ t~1e r:i lric~r D!w.::> o i':r•0-n t he •111r0 . t;:. . 12.

Tnr' br.f_ ~hb;;.<:ia~ d~ sti.n[Ti she s :~nod s.r:U. bad 15.te1•attn·e . 3.

eEJ :)::_ ~ ~:-

SHI D,U no

ti. s11n

n-~ t·ire cU S-"10stt:i.on

ll ri~• al :I~--., : 1 ... 4~ -·. v • ."

1iJ s ONOZUK\ l"U

nnt u·c..lly of i tseLf

is ,,,.- -, ar··(· '1; · '1 v.. .... J ... ......_j, i..J .

1'~ .,.. :?U.i.~J su,

:r·et'.1rn3 to rcve::::·t res,.n;1e

{~ 'l1tlt1 J~0~_1 r· t1lc~;.:e11·t:;~ c•l~ t1}.-i i ch f1ll t~-~ i !-:;s a ro r"1adc1 ; earth: 't·i [l ter•,

f:11"0 , \7~~::d . ThP.y rcDr r: fF"n t ~'0ltd, liq.lid, h eat , r1otiGn . I/ t') tic·n :·:1· 0·,;~·.1ces 8.l1c: ~ n~1in.t rt :~ :r1;.; J. .. i ~f,r~. (~ . !) .

'Ihic. ch3.r·acter· is t :tcs .,f' the i'0 'U ' 0lem.r~nts cir uw toE:et!J.e.t• . Me 13. 14.

:l1l."w f0'J.1· elc--:0ntn re~.arn tr:i trw :~ r nrtturH , B.

.• . .


·flfj ~±

/ ~

: ttI) /~


r '



I L r I I

' I !

f i ~· I

f . .1 •l

' .. · - - ·--- - -- ---~-·~!'V!'l";-;- . -, c>; '(_· ----'--

Page 13: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

-t- ~ Jto -£j ~ 18. KO no HA.IIA 0

child sb;j. that mother obj. (not ts) hi.s

Like a ch.'. ld ret ·1.r>ning to its rnothcr-. IJ.

As a chilC:. to its r:1cthcr.

11Just liko a ch:lld has his mother. 11

')(_ ti ti L JfJ_ 19. HI -.. r: __ .,,'1 shi !',... :i r r'!-1 v;a BtL~i:...> l\....2\.iJ_;.2,


(°% ·wa .

.fire sbj. wind sbj. hot to do ~~-~--·-~

to 11eat

The heat of firo, tln r.'lovin,; wind,

Fire in hot, ·,~·incl noves, 13.

11l"ire heats; 1vind bloviS. 11

~(_ I~ ~it J ,,,.._ t> ;t: tt, l il. 20. MIZU wa U:.{TJO - i CHI '\Xa

water sbj. to b:aJ.co ViGt oarth sbj •. to got wet

'111.e water, wet, and the sol:i.d eu.rth. M. 15.

Water is ~0t, earth hard. B.

11Water v:ets; oar'tri j s solid., \I

t/' jo L ga GOTO - shi

'-''""'""-:«~ like as

ii tffe • motion shake

~ lilil~ G.O.

hard solid

strong; solid; secure; .firm

jzo -f

, \' '

t t l


Page 14: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti



El~ (t e _El: l ;t. ...J... ~;: ~ e .!. lVJU!,:UW wa .I'tO 1.1IJ.1I wa ON

eye sbj. f nrm and ear sb.i. SO<.lDd vojce color ............ ·--···--·-,--~ ·· ..

. r

sound, voice

EJBS to sec, so1nds to hear,

Eyes see, ears hear B.

11 Eyes Se'-, ears hear sound. 11

11 F'or eyes thP.I'£ i.s Corm and color; for ears tlH:ll'8 is s0:.tnd and vo-1 ce. n

~ ~ \.;\:;. t- ~ ( t_ ·~~ ~o 5 ~

II1\.J·\ffi. wa KA SJ1IT_4,. wa KAIJ so. nose sbj. s:::nell tongue sbj. salty .:>our


•••• and s·~iells, the so:ir a~d salty taste on the ton~ue. 1"1.

'Ihe nose smells, the tongue tastes one salt, another sou:r·.

"For nose there is smell; for tongue there ia taste of salt and SOLlr. II

s .1f ~ ' ! a ,-

l -

~ B. ~~


Page 15: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

· .. ·'.). .. h~ t;.4


2' .•} •

1:k '''" t

mo1•eovex· ncV(cI'tl1~ V :: ss


-T ,.., ~ ·; 'T"

..Ll..J Li .!.

orw one '-··---~-- · .. ,,-----..... ~/

·c>1e b/ one sep a 1·at0l:;

'1Qnt.. :1"

OJ no

' s

5-* (:. ... ~. -110 ni


\A. 17;;. 'L or te,

·- · . ~ .... ..--·-.

dc pend1 r:g on i:i, a.a f cr

* (Ee x·e dirnr'ma me e.ns a ll t :.d n ;;s , not teach \n ;>, or Law . }

:iJ..l t :in e :i c h rel a t n d t :-d n~:; , ;·,: • 16.

;f fl t: 1~ 1'.1E ni iOT

(YOTS'U ) r o:it

'--•.. ··~ \ #'.,......,,._ ....... ... ... _

d <r> nn c:. i n - 0n ·'

~ te . ' ' n .:l


o .t t f'r> ~1 rl t ~1e OJ.' t;:f•'.Uk<. • ; i

:7C ~ t l """'"T.,, , ~:.; ,:; PU su.

( BUN )

di.vi. d e t;o s ;,:c eu.d ., , . ..... .. ---····· ~·-·· - - ~· .. -~ "- . - -·~ ·- -

to cdstr:i livl. te

2:k ,, ' ...

1~ -

L ' ' ' ,

Page 16: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

25. !:AT~SU .SUBE:KA-ra- ku """'-··-·~·- ·--..... ,.._...._.-!

end by· till. r'• e<.~.ns

root ~cc _;

···---....... ... -----11 root olv.::; branch

01' .'-:··~ ·-<> II '-' . .; -· · -,.,)

·lot ,::;.,. ;-:_,J J. ~ -~. t· t c~ ' 1r:;e cause and effect

··· . etc.

nocess .~.ri ly

11 sr- n·ce ;1

sect esser~ce



~u - be-,},. ..

~ ...,-~ "'" --- - ?' -·- ... ~ /.. ..

sho u.ld. do

Ca~ .. wc: i.'. efc:·ect tv.:;b. C"1cc0s::'.~tJ. .. 11:;. dnrtvo fI' om the L~reat

A. v


reality. 3. 17. 11 l3oth .i."'CF· t u.nr ! t' r!d. :;hr;:J.ld

t''\(1 ~ . . ~ -t~:~:.1 l1~1t;11J~f~ .. •i

r.n.mblc p:recl 0 1.J.s

'- U'.")blo 1 '---"'7--------..... ~-~

h 1 gh i>. ~lC.J l O'Vi

t11r~ ~e; these


y;ord. words



.. ,, .. ______ ___ . - -- - - - - - ·--- - -- -- --

f f

t •· r

i I r f ,. ' f

Page 17: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

r -





bri;_;ht ~'!ess 11iddle wt thi n

ni ATA - t - te (tsu )

·'----------..... _/ 11 actually 1


propr. :--ly naturally

Within lit;ht tho:r- o :i.s darl;;:ness, .,. .. r 'l e

'ldth 1n th8 l j :_j1 ~ thnr0 :is darkn e ss ,

11·,nthin br:i ~:htno ~) ::· ti:wro is de.1'kness. 11


a: 19 ') AN A - ri,

"---- "'\ , ·----.-·/

darkness is

11J>C tn e1 1 1 v- " ' i" .. _ h -; n ~ - ....... ---~v \, u . -· - ·· br i ._-:htnes s there is darknes~ , utter darl:11e n s . t i

B~ fa

_:f-Ei ~ .)')_ z

AN so 0 1:,'.0T -· - - te KOTO ( MOTSU )

darlcness 11 s:tde 11 obj . -....:... --.,.. _./ t l1ing don't ch ar·a cte1•- with to mee t shouldL 't

ist:Lc ~ tr:~:::~--~.-~ should not meet

But yo01 c a :-, not exn l ai.n it by o ne-sided c~arkne a ::o a lone ; I •T .......

• • • but dq no t bo a tt a ch ed t 0 t 1d E; darkness~ B.

11you s :1onld not 2cet s0meone vd t h t ho i dea of darkness onl y . 11

"Don't be att a ched t o tlrn darlme s s . ;r

Page 18: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti



8~ f AN CHU ni

l )

A'rA - t - te MEI A - ri, (ts 1.l ) '----v----:;

darkness Jliddle within


"---------.:,,--~--_/ bri 3'.htness is ''actua lly, p roperly


\Vithin darknen s ther'e is li :~:;ht, M.

Vdthin the ciarklie ~ ~' there is li ,;ht, B.

11hith:in t he darl{ness t h ere is bri _;htnes~ .il 11Actually,within darkness there is brightness."

30. so 0 l"e. Jr:]

bri :~J1tne ss "side 11 obj. to see thj n3 fact

don't Character­

~-~tic Sh8Uldn 1 t

don•t see; should not see

But :;ou c a nnot unde1'sta nd it only by one-sided l:i. ght .

but do not l ook for tha t l:i e;ht ~ B.

"You. shoulo. not se e other's y;i th the eyes n f bri t:;h tnes s . 11

31. flIGI , AN ~

,., ONO-ONO shi ft TAI

-'f8 AI


bri6h tness darkness each to £?;ethe r opp os l t _e d0ln'~ .1 ' . ._.,. _. •• -r ~ .... ~,...-,....,..--,,._~,_,-~v.:"',4~,,.,,_, • ., <~· _ _ _ .,..,~~---- "."'-~<"-.·.,.•: ··-~-,..c;;-,.P,r·

to lie orv .1osi te 11 to fac e each othe r; to be a pai 1~ 11

Light and darknes s ~o with each other N.

Ligh t a nd darkness ai'c a pair . B .

~ "Darkne s s ar,ci br1 ~htne ~ s aro 0ppos:t te . 11 '< ~i1'


aF.l -*"B

- ~~u

Page 19: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti




;t HI



t } l~

SU ru ni

G01'0 sh1.

to be like to seem like

"like II




Like the sequence of' steps in walking. .M.

fl ~ GO no

after 's

Like the foot before and the foot b-:>tli.1d in walking. B ..

11 This is like the foot forward and back-vmrd, forward and

behind. 11

~ /.}~


thing myriads

tl ~ ONOZUILL ·- ra

natu.rall7.~, of itself"

:r:-)J tFj lj KO A ri,

has, is

J-0 ,_Q_QQ._ ··-.....,,,,.---___} all things

al.I crea-c.Lon

merit meritorious

deeds "value 11

All things have inherent potentiality, M.

Each th:ing has :1.ts own intrinsic value, (is ,a,bsolute) B.

"There is v1rtue in all beings, 11

11 '.Ihere is their own nature in many things,"

J:.t. ~o ~


1~ ~ ,

! ... - /; : '· j ' I

Page 20: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti


e ~ ( "' ~ r ~ m '--


34 MASA - n1 '-----·v--__I

YO to ~ HO to 0


11 actually" properly naturally

0 YU - be

use function


say should to speak ("'2.ff'U:.'...4.-L - j), )

and place to dwell

to abide

Both function and rest reside w1th1n. B.

and obj.

And is related to everythiPg else ln f'u1 .c ti on and posi ti ,,n. (i,s relative) B.

11 You sho,,i.ld notlce its a_oplicatj on and where the truth is aunlled .. 11

- ff- 1 n (~ ,, \iliJ ~ ~ " '-·;}

~I SON su - re - ba KAN GA.I GAS .. - shi., ~""'y-----.:.:..7 (GATSU)

being exist if it does box lid to jnln together thlng cover 11 to meet"

* See line 7. 11 .dI (soe lin& 8) is understood in this sentence. 11

Vvtth the actual comes the ideal, 11.ke a·box and i.ts lid. M.

Ordinary life fits the absolute as Q box and its lid. B.

uwhere there is JI there is HI like container and cover meet."

l:· ··~~~~-- ---


* ~ Lil 1

A. t:r:a

~ 0

Page 21: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti


J_L ~ i" it ti." .>s'i' ti- {.i . ~ ~J ")

* RI - " ba SEM PO SASA - u. 01 zu - ne -"--~~ . .._ .~-~·-~···'""") (SltN) {SA.SO)

.... _, . -...__~,----~·~ "truth 11 respond if it doe-s point

reply arrow •to meet

correspond head on'

-~ See line 8 11JI is understood in th:is line"

With the ideal comes the actual like two arrows meeting in mid-air. M.

The absolute works together with the relative like two arrows meetin; in mid-air. B. 21.

"When HI accords v;i th JI it is like two arrows meet together. 11

lt ti < 37. KOTO o U.: - ke - te

...____,~ .. __,! wa SUBEKA - ra .:. ku

'------~- ----··~.,.,,,,.-·--7 naturally word obj.

(11 includes

everything 11)

r.:1::7 '1' SHU

sect 11 source 11


~ 0



~ 6' e E


by all means nshould 11

~ '"\'' L.. su - be - shi.

'~-,,----~,·-~y~·~·-... , .. ......-/ should do

Understand the basic truth from these woi,ds. M.

Heading the above l:i.nes you sho·-lld hn.vo grasped the great reality. B.

"If you receive words you should understand the source of the teachlng. 11

~ .. ~

11 ~·

I )$ -~-

'1' 1i t ~ t P) l J f.

f I if l


Page 22: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

MIZU.KA ra '-...---.._. .. ___ _,..,,

··oneself l:•··-·· personally

KI Ill

standard ruler measure carpenter's

'----~ standard; criterion


RIS suru KOTO (RI'l'SU)

~~-.-------'Y.~"'=---.-=-...J th l ng to &~and fact

, to establish . ~ ... "'-·!4.,.-~=~-~~~----_,..-;i.;...;;7."'°" _ __,,..,...,:;_,_.-. -----'-'-"'->-----~~ -~"'·-~· -~'"-"""""""'""-"""·",.....'--~-- ......

sho~ld not establish

Do not judge by any standards. I3.



HAIVL - re

sho:J.ld not do not

"You shou.16. not establish rules for yourself. 11

fojuo ~ €1 i:t -t

39. SOKJ MOKU DO 0 E se zu - m.. - ba,

to .ich:Lng eye tlSl"'"'f'"' Ol':>J.·n° 11

-'~l.-'V <.~c ~U

11Antenae 11

"--. .. ,...--·-·---,~-= '"~''""'""'./ S

~ • . ecing 11 to use our e ·es u.nd

our 5 sense~. Our ever1day aff~irs; our ever·yday lj.fe '1

In sence expcrionce

Tao obj. ~nder•sts.nd to do if you don t t the r:ay -------"'·=···~·"'' ....... '""v··"'"··v .... "-' ·

road if you don't understand

1-f you do not; know the basic tr~.ith,, M.

If you do not soe the way, B.

11 If ycu c1.cn 1 t~ TB,o; :U' you don't understand the Way, 11

"If you don't u.nd.erstand 11ao with eyes and 0 ense Ol'"'a"''' 11 ._, ~} _.. G< .:...!.LI 1

Page 23: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

'1'11. ~


I.1IC1II 0

.. ':'n.o obj • Y!8..J

r oau

c .J .11

Yo l :_:~ (! ( -

t1lioY: c , 1lG y~u ,

hn;:: c •· :.l·. J·Y.1

('~ v (': 11



al so even

:1 ~/ t'~ D .. r-0 act l ·

• .e> l .J.

.... -; ~ ·. ' ;:< ,~

r·~·"'.tr~:·u - n ... zo j

~:: ... ... __ ~..__,,,


:> .

~: )1 :r·, ·1 \'·/ [;t ~~/ °? H


i[_ ' .:t. ~

Go1~ - NON (cm)

D C·8 .. l,.. ::~:~r

(: :::li


~flt z --°tJ':

l~ i.!f_

\ ..±. ±_¥:__

.~ Lt l . If

..:'. -...-:""'t ~-Y'~-...t·,~~ ­---~- _, ~-'---1'!"-.....4- .1'\,,_....,._, .ti"'1.l ...... .l!!I.~~-; ·' ·.-. ~ --.:.~ "' ••J'!"·w'H~-~-Y':~"'{~~-::~~~--:~r~!'K'X.,..-~~;>,~

Page 24: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti



7 MAYO - u. - ta


mountain be:lng deluded

111f you a.re delude d"

HEDA - tsu. '--'---....... ,,,,. ••• ~._ ___ ,,.,.j

separate to divide cut off'

)Of GA


" Ill ~ ~ ;r,

no KO 0 ~

's hard obj. p~ difficulty

i.-4 .



And if you bec8.'Ile lost, obstr i.lCtine; moun tains and rivers ar:lse. M.

If you a r e del-udeci ~-o~t a r o rnonnta:i.ns and rivers av.,ay f r, om it. B-

11You villl be se;;aratod from the 'I'ao by the dif'flcultie s of cross­ing mnuntRinB 8nr1 r>5_v0:r·~~ 11


...J.--t+- "'. ~ 5! i·· t ~ , TStJTJJSHI- n - de "-..---~·-· ·--·~""-.,··"""''"'""'•·~ . .-/

SAN G~!'~ no

res pectfully 3 11 d EF'cTI II 'S cnming black

vlsitlng mystery ,....,., '- -:;-'":"7~·--.,;>: > • · • · ,,.,· ........ ,~ v---·~ · ;.....,~ .... .. _, ,,. , ~~·/

seeker~ of t r uth

A HI TO ni I\iO - nu.

...._ ____ _ ,,-.,,._./

per son flJHh1.k

I n ~ n ~o~n~c~1A 11 t ~ - • ~ i:J vc.i L·c""'r'~' w u. __ J o 1.,.;1o so wn0 \'/;.uh to bo onli3hte:1od

1 B.

11 I s1-;1.y t '· j · • · .. :1 s ::-.J..cn t o crm pf.MC) l e vth"..' want to v1.si t the real t :.~ ac:10rs: 11 -

"Most r espectfully or reve r ently I t e ll all the seekers of the way;"

' {

Page 25: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

A Vi#

r~ L ( KO IN VUT7A - shi ku

'~,.,, ........ ':!,! ·.c>'..., ...... .,. .. .... ~ .-·,., _ ..... ~~-~~·Jia..,-~'lrf -~_/

light shadov sunbcan Yin

brichtness da~{no ss '-- ' . ~~--.... -u- . ,/

. ~,.,~,-..;';....·~""'--~:.....~.·--~

ti>·1f~ oay D.no. :::-11.zht

\•A 'l'A - ru ...____.. .. ~"--· ... .,.,.---~ ... ,.,,,,) to Cl'o .:c:s to f er·r y

. to f0rd. to -,:.i a.·;:, s (time )

t cdng i'act

V DJ nly

:!:1-A J;:..:i* - re \~"<<:.A·'-.:0..C-~. .,,.,..<-~

"~;""" ....

d ::; not sho:J.l ci not

"-to s pend_______ ___ _ _/ - --..... ......... ,_ ............... ..,,..._........... . . -,~~-------·~__,_.,.._......

dont s~end , pass; shYtJ.0. not s ·· ,c~nd, :; a'. c ~; ;

v.:aste no t:Lme. 1-; .

Do n'..")t

11 Don 't DU GS , va~ n. ir

ti. '110.

: .. 5. thn :~ t anythL1g, or·

,,, •) :, -~ ··--·

£,, .• • _,.


Page 26: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti


Page 27: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti


I~'l •, •••••••• . ••••••• • 1!e i1'10 I.~B. s ur.tf'tga 's trans J .. c.. t ion

B ••••••••••••••••••• H.H. Blyth's translation

11---11 ••••• ~ ••••••••• Suzuk i Hosh1. 1 s J.ect111·es

•---'·•·••••••••••••Yoshimura J ensei

G.D ••• , •••••••••••• •212- t i.onary 0 f Chi n o sc Buddh·i st


-Bu d dhlst 'Pe r --n s, or no di S'")Ute ':!. r.

to meaning .

Nunbe l's on lef t hand of }) age i ndi.ca te llne numb er s ,

Chara c t ors on thA ri,_:;ht hand of p a ge are t ho or1.stn-

ul Ch ine se cha rc.cters.


-------- - - - - -------- -

Page 28: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

&'\ 'GW

A very literal translation of the Sandokai

(an experiment by David Chadwick)

The A0re0rnent of TI-irce and 3amoness

1. IndLm earth's rlreat Hormit's I·iincl

2. intimately gave together· the East·. and the West ... ;

3. 1ian' s ro c:1"$ iO;Q;tie0 a.re sharp and dull;

in the ~.-ay 1.B no Patriarch of South, North.

5. 1'he sprin;; of the spirit in brightness is sta inless;

6. branch streruns flow in darkness.

7, Clutchinz a t t h ings , orig1nally this is delus t on;

8. r110 reco::;nlze trLlth j s n.Jso not onll~;htennwnt.

'E.'le whole s .:-:ihere o f the sense$, '.,," · .>::

10. interdependent and independent;

11. revolving continually, tog0 t her going on and on;

12, G: t but e veryt hing ablding in its place.

13. F·orm originully dlff' e rentiates subs t ance a ::ld lma ,r.~ e;

14. in ,sound pleasure and pain ori3 ina lly differ.

15. 'lhe d ark comb l nes h:l.gh and middle words ;

16. br:tghtness illumina t r-Js P'J.r0 and. . 1m~'.'nu·e pas8ag es .

17. The natur e ·'.')f the 11 Four Great" is to re'!::;urn naturally;

18. like a child has h:l. s r,1o t1L r .

-;;· 'l'he l'ou.-r> el!~:ments a :r-Ei flre -1 :<.1ater, eurth and wind.

. \__-_--_, ~ (I

' ..._. ;

Page 29: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

e 19.





24. 25.













Fire makes hcat;wind moves and sways.

Water washes; earth ls solid and hard.

For eyes-form and color; i'or ears-sound and voice.

For the nose-scent; for the tong-!.le- salt and sour.

Bu.t in all that is separate,

the leaves di.vide and spread dependent on the root.

Leaves and roots necessarily return to the essence.

These h:igh and lm'i' words arc used.

W:tthin brightne ,_ s, of course, is darkness;

don't meet w3th the dark side.

\H thil: d'i.rkness of course is brightne·ss;

don't look at the bright side.

Brightnc~.Js and darkness each face the other;

as :i..n comparinE:; steps ahead and behi~d.

T'ne 10, 000 thin;::;s of themselves have merl t;

function and position naturally should be mentioned.

If phenomena exists, it fits like a lid on a box;

When nou..vrrena corresponds, arrows meet.

Hecei vL1g these words, you should by all means underst£tnd

38, You shouldn't establish standards for yo:.11~self,

.39 • Feel:tng, sec:in01 if you don't understand the Way 1

I+o. Even if you move your feet,how wil.l ~ .know the way?

Page 30: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

4.1 As you advance steps there i s no near and far;

!1.2. bein3 delude d, y nu set off hardshins of' mo \mtains and


43. I say resp ectf ully to t hose who· s e ek prof •.lndi ty

{bla ck):

"D 't . 1 on V a J.n ? pass thro .i. ~h Slm shtno and shadows• 11

~~----··· - -------··· . ··-··- ·- -- --- .. - - ..... ····-

Page 31: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti



(Tho nurn.i.)crs ref or to tho lecture numbers)

2. i1IiTl~Oll :--rr


l'"'T:jIT'. 'r . .,.I ,.,..,.c•r:-u,·q r JI 0 c~r ... .,.,.l~UT r:~u : 1u· r.·.,o i .. '.Q'_i'Q ;;o!lli j';~\.YOI, ~n HI 011 .rJ.1i. .a.1"1 H nu n 0 u • ~ ..... •• •. .u.

Kli.liO KO EATA 3l\.'110i1I IH .i'J.lAZU • 1 ~· 1;101r1l:~F I33AI NO KiO, BGO TO

NISU. Al! 'J~l JO CHU !TO K01'0 lJI lLUiAI' E~:r .; .1A SEID.A.KU no EU 0 7. .

\9ilil{j\TSU. SIIID!~I !TO srro OIIOZUI!~.0J1~\ PU:msu' ICO 110 sor.:o fIIiI-Ii:. 0 Ul\U

GA GO?OSHI. 0 u.

EElJGO • . I{Ji.EAKO ri A nw' 1HIII 1:1.f ... _.':" - . ,.A 0.11JO. EA.EA -~iA

\ .• -~ \.,

HOI\1!/L .. 4..TSU . . 9• -


_,'.\ ~J..~i·C I'.-U ~.··.·,r -_·l , ri • rnr11.,.-, ,_.,I ~ · - -- oli.i..d.l -~ .i:J:!J

11. !Vl _ GOTOSHI. DPJrr.10'.rsu 01TO~UEATU~ KO

l·~l->I 1-: t1..'~ :\ ~tTT VQ rno .-:·,·Fi"' r,111 0 ;,-.TI°;:r::·~~ "I ·l.. '" J _;""" ~-..;;,., ... _ ....., J. -... _.J.\.i ·- v .J... U J ... ) _. __ J'-".!.l. •

12. HI OZU.i.f;t;t.;. 3EJ,~PO SASO. K0110 0 UICC'2E VIA SUJJJ:c;Z .. Alv\LU ShU 0

-;~ 11 IUD.A-r:::::;u-SHUIDE 11 is an abreviation of "HEDA-TSU TSU-1I'SUSHINDEn "-.../

Page 32: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

~ \flP


· .· .. .--R~H ~ .:Jlyth,


:·.-,'·'">tO •. ,,:, . ' "' t • "''"' Cl~ i• ~ e c e ''"'la· I'R~tnr~ ',•,•n _l Ch_ 1-;aV& not _ '.J ... ne 000.K co" ' a1."~.::: !. __ .. ,~ ·, ,3, ~ L -~- - ~ -- ~ • ~

bE:c-n1 co-oied f0r· nos t of' t:.1.e na·'.·tos and all of tlH-i text of

the Sar;.dokai . ·-----

( Tsantun~chi ) ~as vritten by Shitou ( ~ekit~) --··--'--· -( ), 700-790 , the d:isc:tple o f Chin.:;JTLW.~1 (;:ioir; on}

t h.c.1 ... ............ 3ixth

f :~.trL-..r-ch, ~.:";no, v:ho di e d. soon a i'te rvwrcis . .llc l:i.ved at. 1-;h e


gotls; he broke down t he a l t ars , and l ed t he c ows back home .

exe cut; ed . 'l.1',.., "' ·::; "' s '"' ,.., "·e- '·' ;.-, i c '1 '-,.r•0 ' ' .-··h ,_ , n . ... ~ ....... .:: \.; .. .. >c ... . :;i -~ \ : '· ··· ··- 1 .,,,,, _ -·· v~ :··,-, ! l.J ,,) . ·. • 1 • .J.. ' . .; '1]. L-011 s

who mak e s h i ms e lf to

] ·} (Ci [t·L~ r ,·. n i ·· •:1 •",' e ·) lf ~ , .. ~ ... • ., ""4J_ ._ ; c,;.-.::.> . •

t i tic~ ll .J.._,., t h ,.... '"' () ""'1?1 cl" 0 ' • .., 'l. t ' l~ ,·,c'1 ~ •. - J . ~ , . .. ' \ ·,;. . • ' - . ,_, ......... .!.. ' • .:. .!. :... :. ... :. '

. - ·--------

- -·-- ---···----- · ---·---- --- - ------· ··· -- ---·--- - .. ·-·· ····· -


Page 33: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

in their essenti~l chara cter; .£.!!!. that the difference of tne

• "" l' ' <f1s.,,,...,{·u1'1·?ch J..·· "l-1-iu ,-, ~ieans p::-ienomena i s the sta ce '.J i equa :1 cy. -· ---~·.., . ...,.;.......::;.._ " ~

1-- '- i > .• tnil . , ·'- ~ v·· -l- --· ~ I vi.HJ l U.11 .L '-' w. c'lC t... _1.. .L vJ •

r e::.lly i s , bu t t;he. que s t i c;·1 i s , y; J. t h •·:l12.t eye '? '.I.i.1:J.t it is

:po ;:;.s i'::.ile f ,.>r the i n telle c t , a nar·c of t h.c :;1iscrocos:mos , co

gr·ttsp the •::~10l e o f the nw.cro cos:nos ·:~:ust b e c o1:.s i dered ~.,_ :ghly

unlikely (up on j ntelle~~tu~::.l 2:roun ds) and ~en-- t ho es;._: once--

, .J ·• • .+-.. r r • ( J.. 1 • ., ~ • .J co s~o~ cnn~ ~nc ~en experi ence 0ne exper ience oy ~ne un~verse

o f t~e u n iverse ) i s a t l east. not c ontradicted by ~eason and

a sys t e:·:w.t ic cn;is1.dera t lon o f exi s t s ne e .

Vt;rsc form, fo r t y four l ines :; f f ive . cha r ,1cters e~i.ch.

( rrr"'(' i · ;:· .,.. .._ f' t h"' ."' " c:; 'l ., i ·-' . Ch • -.i,l t' I 1 ~Li. , v ,:;._:., ' L ~ ::.. 0.:...n OK ::.. . l 1I1J. • J_:i '.. y fl S C O:'.°!JJTIC:n .:.;ary

i s printed here :1- s on a pag e · follm~dns t'r1e c 0mrnen 0ary . )

di viclual person to the Un 5.'rcrso.l Sc'.11. '.1..''h n :.~ .· .. 11a;~1r•• 1· 110"" .... .. _ ,, _.,......_ ~- ... ~, .l. ·--

€V f' :C, i:.t:~r'CilV ;:;t:dkr_· :3 r).'t·,..,., 5','.>., ,-. r; n ....,:·. " fYl"~ O n ; ·1- l' " n r ~·'- 1 ·1 :-. ~ .., ,.. a tJ _ _ - _ ...,., ... ~ i;;l. r.~1 ,· ..... J. \_, ... ~.l!J!.J i.::> ~ ... V t. ; J .:.:.t VJ. C· ..!..· c.;.,,:;, ·

, ~-il.1\. ~_ (ill i.. 5 t; 0 De •

In a

I l f I '

i I ,,

r I i

' i f

Page 34: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

things ::.re v:ords, is quite different from this.

'l'her·o: have been an enornuus nu.111ber of treatices on the

- -Srmc.i.ok:~i, beginntns v;j_ th Hogr::m (Payen) ( ) , and includ-

• " .... c1~ -o l.E [£ . .:>O ·~ ~i , (Esueht c-u) ( ) . In Japan, 'i'enl{o i !Jo nson

( ) lb'l , .Q_17~c o f' J ·- ~ '-' - _. / J ' - t:~1e 3oto .Jcct, r:b.0 alBo v;r-ote commen-

Jandaka i in Todokuko ( ) .

Page 35: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

---- - -- ---· ·--··


(Translated by H. E. Blyth)

1. 'l'IIE iviINv OF Ttii~-. Gl'Ci:AT SAG~E OP IHDIA

VIAS COlfl:""Yl-:;D COHDL'i.LLY F~:Ol. '. \I-SST TO L\.ST.

10. '' tYu--1'-lD ( "'J ·1·• ~· T:;- .::: t :~·r r. v .... 11C) TJ T"'=' " 'I '·F"'"r1··-:> r-r U v ' . 1,,.) ......JJ ~J ~· . . -3.LJ_. 1 _-.i v ..... ~- _1\XV _. v ....

11. ':PHB DA.HK I.L\.K~~s ALL J•,OnDS fl l'.E;


TSB F'(YUit :: ;v:~T,LT'I'S lL:!rUEN '110 I'IL~Ii-( lU.TUi~E






Page 36: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

LI E.3 TR·: FOOT B·cFOnlE A?:D TIE< FOOT B' .:nnrn IN \{,:.1.LKING . 19.

EACH 'l'HL;'G HAS r.rs mnT I}IT~n:ns IC v ALU:S ,

LIKE rp···-' t '\ ¥ .... . \...,'


YOU DO HOT S ~:: · I 'l' , 'I'HC!JGH YOU AHI:'.: AC'l11J,i..LLY l'.' ALKITiG Ol: I'.11 . 22 .

,;., r± ;; .-fir vou r .· ., L ' r 'c'I-I' , .. ; 'T .. ~ .• .: .... .i· ~ ... .i-1. l\. 1 .. _, ,, - ~.l.. '

TO THG3E ~HO ~I3H B e .• .0



, .,.


Page 37: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti



Blyth 1 s translation

1. Bud·<ha

2. From India

3. See Vol. I, Page 211~

1.1... 1-'henomena

.5. Nothingness . 'I'he vmt0r of t ho Sm.tree :ls ::o di ffer ent

from that of tho trlbut D .. rles , tho1.1.::;h one is li .:;ht, the

other is dark . Th.is i::; v1!.1at Dante :n ea;.1s when he says,

in Paradiso v. 7:

Non e, se no di quolla alcun vestig io

?Jal consosciuto che qui vi tra l u ce. 11

11And i f s ome o ther (earthly) thin; drav1 your love a::,ay ,

Nau[!;ht i.s 1-t but a ., v~sti ;::;c of . ~· ~- . t he Light .

Ho.lf-undor~; toocl , throuzh tha t ting. 11

6. 'l'h.eir var i ety nnci d :!. f f'er.::nce.

is only hr:.l f of e nl1.f;ht -)

en.'11.ent , for a l l t hi11s s arc a lso :r.w .. ::iifol d .

8. 11Each 0 meo.ns ears , eyes, etc, y;hoso a cti ·vi t:,r is subjectiv~.

11All ir is colour:.., , sound~; , etc , \Vhi ch are invent.i.ons of

the rrdnd..i :i r;ilov:ers of th air. 11

9. Objectn have on the o::·ie hand only u ::mbject:i.ve exi~tcnc e I

Page 38: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

I and are i1:ercly relatlons i:·1 tho mi nd.; but on the other hand,

an object is an isolate~ object in itself, apart fr ·m any


10. Give rise to.

11. '1110 Do.1"k is the I.~yster1ou::~ 3 ource v1i.1::l.ch befor•e \78.S taken

as light.

12. Thi::: :i.s t he Dn.rknesc of a fe>,'.; lin e s before, that is, '.

pheno:merilisinc dif'fei-'cntin. ti on.

13. '11hc Four I~lemcnts refers to n.11 the th:!.ngs in the 't.;rnrld,

including hum&n beinz s thems elves.

14. This nature is the Buddha nature.

15. These lines remind us of the Anglo-Saxon gnomic verses.

16. "Each" means each "thing" resulting from external objects

&.i'ld lni.-e.r•nal facu.L ties•

17. This is Laotse 1 s 11Way 11 that cannot be called a "Way."

18. They have no meaning, any more than the words "absolute"

and 11relative 11 have, as far as the Great Reality is concerned.

19. Is absolute

20. Is relative

21. This refers to a story of two masters of archery. When

they shot at each other, their skill was so great, so

"equal" that the two arrows met head-on, and fell to the


22. Walking, real Walking, is not from here to there.

Page 39: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti


Heiho !::Usunaeu

Introcluc '!:;j_on:

'Ihe Sandoka:t (Ch, Ts 1 an-t'un;;-ch'l) was v;1~1tte11 by

Shih-t'ou Hni-ch'ien (7C0-990). Built up of five-character

lJ :·:cn :Ln the classical style, this r:ork hus D. total of Ltl~

lines and ' 220 characters. rt•s format--quite prevolent in

the ':'2ang a n d Sun:: dynasties--vms ospeclc.11:f sui te<l for Zen

expression. '1110 verse form also fo.ci li tatod reci tlng and

mel·:iorizinc;. Vii.th these udvanta'.~cs the 3andokai beca.r:10 &'1.

Opj.nions cliff er> on hm" Sh:i.n-t 'ou derJved his title.

Some say he borrowed it from a book of tho s c.:ne name by

Pe-yang of ';Jei; othe rs, tha.t it cwne to h:b1 in the excite-

m.ent of re ~'..ding the G'hao-lun by 3ong-chao ( 33)_1_-.:;.ll.;.). .1~

third school holds thn.t the tltl0 reprcG c: n-cs a11 ef:Cort by

Shln-trou to save Z0n from the ovils of a sectarian dispute J

over the relattve ::1erj.ts of the abru.:) t and gradual ap~-:i roaches

t-::· enlighton.ment. At any rato, ~" . t ' 01nn-. ou, with great liter-

v:ry skill; uced t i-iis fo1·m o.nd t:i.tlc to convey his d e op under-

ntancllr..g of Bud'fai s:m a l1d. th0 spirit of its true tr:.i.ns~-;1ission.

11San 11 refers to th(~ multitude of ap ~' e<;i.rancos; 11 do 11 to the


l I j J. J


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Page 40: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

nl:l.s -p oint::> t o one of thG r:iain themes Of tho YiOrk--the practi-

I I 18

uJ1ity of not-t11oi;.ess; 11lcaia to their synthesis in practice.

cal a}Y.:jlicatir:in of self-identity of heaven and earth. The

Sandokai und.orscores the i nterpenotr:itin3: unity of such

relat:i_ve conce-ots as light and dn.rl:nos s , the ideal and the

actual, and tho S?iritual root and its branches. It makes

a special of f o r t to cln.:r'ify the relation betneen the unity

phase of rel a tiviti_es anC. their lndiVic1ualistic p hase. It

tells u s t h;lt ziricc ull thtnss i n the cosr10s arc essentially

one 1Jhilo function:Ln.; individually, YJe fulf j_ll our lives by

our indivic1.uri.li ty. rl'l-i:t s cones close to descri '.)ing the Soto

vi ow o'f the \'i orld. s.nd of life. The Sandokai, therefore, has


.L11. - -.J ~"t - - ("'t - ..l- - · -· ..., - .J ..

v llt:; ulJt>V ;:.;t.;...,u•

: iaired vdth the Hokyozar:1Jnai in the mornin; and eveninc; chants.

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Page 41: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

Trans1a ted b ,;


The I,:ind of' the Great Sage of' India

Flm7ed unseen fror.1 vrost to cast,

And kept true to the source--a clear strean unsullied.

By va.riablc:J of vri t and dullness;

:rhe true way hus n o patriarch of south or north.

Born, we clutch at th:L:1gs

And late r com~'.)ound our delusioi1 by fc llowin;; ideals.

Each sense gate and its object:

Dependence o.ncl nondepondence--

And yet stnY:O.ing apart in their o ·.-m uniquene::;s.

Co111po::10~1t t h in.::;s diffor•i.DG deeply in form and f'eel,.

The voices--soft and harsh in in.1.'-loront isolation,

High and mldcUo are wo1"ds natching tho darknes ~ ,

And light separate s the r.1url:y phase . from the pure.

'J.'he chei.ractc::-Js:i.tics of tho four elements drm1 together

Like a child returnins to its motlic,r.

The hod:t; of :fire, the .:1ovin;:; i;;ind.,

The water, v:ct,, and tho sol:ld earth:

Eyes to SO " , so1.inds to :::icur, o.ncl ::;:r:iol1s--

'fhe sour and salty taste 01!. the tongue ..

B t . ,, 1 t- 1 t' . U lll GUC i l ro D. vOC,;. rl l !1.'.:;J

-------~-·- ··----~------------ - - - -- ------ ·--·---- ---- . ·-·

Page 42: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti


t . · ... -· color•• _~ .... o·.1.- e .. ~ ... ~ +: 1.L:'., ·,'C\J.·"·~ :.°.•.'~ ·:i.0111 nu',• r""or th_,__o ·n.crc 2..S .l. 01,u a.nu , · l""'" - ~ ~ -- ., _ - - .... _

nose there ls sncll; fop ton::;uo .t.· ullcre is taste •

those orsu:ns vrn c::.:.l1not experience the ')henonenal v.rorld. '·

All tho lc2.VO:J on a tree arc d.Enondo:nt on tl1c root. All

dif'forcntlatior<s arico i'ro:'1 the sano oric;in. -~11 express-

ions c:cncri i)o th.c s ur.ie roali t:r.

In t:.10 ·,hcno:ncnal •;.orlcl t~J.crc is e:;,.l:£.ghtenr1ent. In cnlicht-

on,'11ont thc:cc is the phonomcmal v:orlcl •

'I'lle ~.~llono:;1onal and. cnllr:;hto:acd -.·:orlcls dop cnd UD OYl co.ch other

vu.luos ·ro:r.7 •·:i.th tine a:ncl place.

i\eo..1it;/ ~'end ideal:l. ty ·must :,ncet , as did tho o.rr·ov:s of Hai and


Whr-m \'lO hoar ;;;ords vio ~;~_10~· 1d trace t~-.i.o ir so~t:rc e . '.ie sh ouldn't

cl:i.nc; to v1-ords , the ir spirit or,ly is l.::iporto.~t. '11hc visible

' ",' CJ".t•ld· i·~ o~l- n at11. ' ~ ~- J ,_ ? ' l • As we Drococcl trn ;nu s t realize tl:..at

t hi s is ull ~e need t o

\ ;e l1c:t t~1c ::e ne ar or far.

'i.'hosc vilw a.re soekinc; t ho vrn.y , clo not '"'U"' ·l· '-" ..,.,.:n:· ;r ," t 'l r1 "' "" ..>v'V U...J-·-' .L.·'·"'•

' I

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Page 43: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

I ,

I i


(trans la tor u:nl-::no'-::n)

i:L'hose yfr10 roo.lizo enli;;htenmcnt ::Joot Shaky&-:runi Budcll:ia f'n.ce

to fuco.

'1.1'no so"'J.rcc of tho toacl1inc;s is clear, and tho'..1{,,;h the tributar-

ies are mw .. G.y, the a·.-:alrnno<i ·:::ind returns to the source.

1b.ero are dif:L'cl''onces in huaan ;iorsonn.15.ty; 3or:'1c nen are

clever and other ~ot. The teachir.c s o f the 1:1..n.sters of'

the North and :3outh ur•o but diffc:ccnt c;q:ircs::;i.o:ns of the

sa:::e th1 nr;.

Cli.n::;ing to pr•act5.cc, there is still suffcric-1g; sli:t1c.;i.ris to

;'.'hen they entor tho gates of the sense, intorde:)ondent })hen-

:Phenor,ie;:-;,a a1·e i riter dc~-:iondent, and f'urthcrnoro, intorqe:netra-

ti on tal:os place. If there '.7ero no intcr:penet1"a ti on,

there vronld be no esc ape f1"or;1 d:tf:Cc1•cntiation.

'.I'hc ci1aractcri;Jt:i.cs of form aro .dfforcnt; pleasure an.d

for the unnx:al::o:::;.od,

Tho fo-~1_r olencnts roturn to their source, as chllL'Lrcn return

to t'..,c·i· r -.. ,,o·t1-, ,.,r .. ... _ _, J . l ' -\ •

P.d re 11 0 -t0-1 • '"1·· -•a' , .. 1o'r""s • - ~ .L .•. - , lit . J.J. .t! .. v ' For ·.·eyes


Page 44: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti

As lo:::..vc::; [>l'Oi.'l from roots,,

W:i.thin li ~;ht there iri darknes s ,,

But y~Y.J. C:lnnot e::::~.:::;:)laln it by one- sided darlni.ess alone;

':iithin darknc ~s the re is lit;ht,,

But you cannot undernt o.nd it only by one-sided l ight•

Like the SO C.:.'~lOilC0 of' steris in walking.

Both functi on and rost reside 1:ithin.

',iith the acta::.:.l co:nes the ideal

Like a box and its lid;

Like two arrovrn ::;1cotint.:; in :r:iid-a:Lr.

Und.erst:::rnd the bas:i.c truth fro:n those v;ords

And do not set up your o~n standards.

In sen::rn experience, if you do not knm7 the basic truth,

How can you find tho right path no matter hmv mu.ch you walk?

As you vmlk further the distinction botv!oen near ar~d far disapp ears,

And lf ·y-ou bec01~1c lost,, obstructing mounta1.ns and ri vors arise.

This I offer to tho so ekers of truth: ·i''lasto no ti:mo.

Page 45: ,~ DO 0f · 3. 4. /, +~ I:: tt!a ~ t) NIN KON ni DON A ri man root '----~.~~e .~~ sharp dull "-~,/ sharn or blunt brieht or dull to be to have hu.."Uan bei:rigs "hll.t1an pot en ti




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i• · V






36. T".:.is y,•ord :J.u:r not be ln the

d . , ,. '·t i'f' -_·.t 1 c ~ iona.ry ot.•. ~ is ~,'lot it sl1011lcl be.

follonlnG one of the lectures:

~b::frd, v;hen "2/:Ju say aind.cpendency 11 I tm a :i_::. ttle·

d 0.'1C"P" ti _, J. J.

II Indc:') ondont ti.

11 a'e"'on '' e·(-·c""r 11 J. I _..\J. . .1 .J •

idea of and

tile i.,, r>Ve, {-'.}] 0 '''O""d If; rc1 ''D 8, . ..., rlc;1·'-l 11 '"''' Cl :r" ·nclC"' "''1'1 "'.,,,C0, 11 '14 l .i..._t. V.l. .. ..._,, • • .. .... -..-.l J. t"_,l J. ...t..~ - I f...<,. ~ .... t. _{~ ..:. •.:/~~-'-"' '.J J. ;_ •

Ohl u Tnui o~J o, J•c' 0-n t II ..1. - : , ............... . · :~x:cuse ::w • To m.o 11 i.ne1.0:1 c:n.donce 11

dabs not fit so well. 11 Indc)onc1cnco 11 ' '-.O.Y bo a noun,

Student: ·.:o ho.vo ~w \"IO can havo

.:o h avo t1'10 other.

nosl1i: no 11 in ••••••

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