-Daily Routine Vocab -Reflexive Verbs in Present and Preterite -Present Progessive Tense.

Repaso- Unidad 8.1 -Daily Routine Vocab -Reflexive Verbs in Present and Preterite -Present Progessive Tense

Transcript of -Daily Routine Vocab -Reflexive Verbs in Present and Preterite -Present Progessive Tense.

Repaso- Unidad 8.1

Repaso- Unidad 8.1-Daily Routine Vocab-Reflexive Verbs in Present and Preterite-Present Progessive TenseVocabulario:Como se dice.?To wake upVocabulario:DiceDespertarse (e-ie)Vocabulario:Como se dice.?To batheVocabulario:DiceBaarse Vocabulario:Como se dice.?Hair dryerVocabulario:DiceSecador de pelo Reflexive Verbs in Present:Ignore -se(yo) Lavarse Reflexive Verbs in Present:Move to the front and change if needed (yo) me LavarReflexive Verbs in Present:Conjugate verb in present tense(yo) me LavoReflexive Verbs in Preterite:Ignore -se(t) Lavarse Reflexive Verbs in Preterite:Move to the front and change if needed (t) te LavarReflexive Verbs in Preterite:Conjugate verb in preterite(t) te LavasteReflexive Verbs in Present:(yo) ducharseYo me duchoReflexive Verbs in Present:(ella) secarseElla se secaReflexive Verbs in Present:(Las chicas) maquillarseLas chicas se maquillanReflexive Verbs in Present:(mi hermano) dormirse*Mi hermano se duermaReflexive Verbs in Present:(ellos) poner la ropaEllos se ponen la ropaReflexive Verbs in Preterite:(nosotros) despertarseNosotros nos despertamosReflexive Verbs in Preterite:(uds.) lavarse la caraUds. Se lavaron la cara.Reflexive Verbs in Preterite:(mi padre) cepillarse los dientesMi padre se cepill los dientes.Present Progressive TenseMeans ingWhat you are doing AT THAT MOMENT2 parts: ESTAR + present participle/gerundPresent Progressive TenseI am walkingConjugate ESTAR for the yo form Yo estoyPresent Progressive TenseI am walkingAdd the present participleYo estoy caminandoPresent Progressive TenseMario ______ en el parque. (caminar)Est caminandoPresent Progressive TenseMis abuelos ______.(dormir*)Estn durmiendo.Present Progressive TenseMi madre _____ la comida. (servir*)Ests sirviendo.Present Progressive TenseNosotros _____ la tarea. (hacer)Estamos haciendo.Present Progressive TenseTu ____. (vestirse*)Ests vistindose./ Se est vistiendo.