· Created Date: 8/12/2013 3:33:29 PM

02.3 t624t v2013 31/01/2013 l Shipment description / OnucrHne nocraBxx / A szrllitmrny leir6sa | .5 Cefiifi.ate lb I Cepmu&uKam .Nb/ Bizonyitvnny sz[rr,^l I I Name and address of consignor: I Ha%aHue u adpec ,D3oomnpaq nalt./ A,Ielad6 n€ve as ctme: EU x** Veterinarycertilicate for non-canqqd/dry p€t food of animal origin, exported from the=EF-tqth€ Customs Uloion/ BemepuHapHurt ceptu {i4em Ha 9Kcttopmuplerthrc u3 T&ttot$eHt rbr i coto 3 He Ko a euaoh4ozo npoucxo4lq, do a Hux ulleKoF. Alhteg6szs6giig ji=bizon konzervrlt/szd!,tilkteledi ' : -=.|vn rya{u4=q.4g1_!t4e:!pMa o4a HenpooJlRm$e 6& ny arrJr erederu nem -b6t ViEtriii6ba titrt6n6 |21: ic i.2 Nanre and address of consignee: / ,rldrsdl]'/e .lly3onanyqament:/ A cimzett neve 6scime: 1.6 CounnFf origin of gpods: Capaaa npauc:,o r*up noaaqa, A,&f-dbkek sz6rnA-zi'i orszf,Ea: I 3 MeaDs ofTransport:/ Ip aHcnopn:/Sz{llit'eszkizl (N ofthe ruilway wason, nuck, cantainer, fieht, name afthe /rW 6a.ona, Dlo aLuuHb\ xo|menHepa, (( vasiti wgon, teheruut', konEnel jnntsztt o vagJhsjd nel)e) t.7 c E4.PU8 /M Lf€!fipatellllq!fibrity irlthe EU / Konaneneqm+oe sedoycmqo EC / Arn_llet6L.f:h@seg az EU-ban: 1.9 Organisar&t1m rneLL irsu ng rhecenificatet y\peJn:oeHue eC, i"oo*"" cepnu+,uiam: A bironlihdntr kidllir6 szeivAgt az Eu-ban: =-== 1.4 Cou0try(s) al nar,sit I CnpaHa(bt) mpAg.ma:/ Tranzit orsztc(oL): : L.lo Point ofcrossing the border ofthe Customs Union: I lll.axn 4epece.leHut zpaqu4 TauorzeHHoza cob3a:/ A Vam'dni6ba fiirt6n6 hatriiitl6D€s helve: 2. Identificarion of qood! Hte4nurbuxaast noeaDilA rero{k€k azonosirara 2.I Name of goods: / ,ryd!,rea6-qwe notta@-4{ termd'k rirefnevez6se: 2.2Date of Vadrcrio l 4ana A;@4ryA:/ AEytt46s nttttmal 2.J I )pe.of paakdge: ydd,{o6 a. CsomagotrsJlpu$r: 2.4 Nurr be r of oackagel-Ka4yt, ecne'o uetn: Csatragok rzima: 2.5Net weighr (l,gF7 Bec rer?rto,K?,. \-dA rhri€gtkg,: 2 o ldeFlr llarion ir-&: Uonnuaumuuouiaiu uo,uep tMapKuposKat: Azonostto jegyek. 2. 7 Cond hioE r lor sloi*e antrtransport: ' Yiaoatu xpaterua u nepe1BKu: I A rArol's 6. si.AllitSs felt6tel€i: -.:=:::== f-_.. L Orig'n of qoods / tDo{ cxi,i&eH ue mosa Ds,A rerm6kek szd rmazdsa i.l 3.2Adminisnativ€- tiotriumber and address of the establishment I Ha3eaHue, pezucnpa4uouuari rcnep u adpec y nere, enged6ly€z6si/r\ ih intaridsi sz6ma e! cimer s\it: /Ad uHucmpamueHo-meppunopuanbqat eduHatdrl Kozigazgatdsi-teriileti egys6g: 4. Statem€nt on s-it.bility of goods for p€t food lcsudetuebonso o npuzol|ocmu tnosapa 6 Rop,v dcuaom\buL/ lgazol s a terInak6llateledelnek v6l6 alkalmassns6r6l I, the undersigned State/official veterintrian, certify that: I t, nwcenolnucaswuitcs zocjdapcmseLtrbtit/ o4)uquanbfibti semepu'tapHbti apsv, Hacmoa {ufi liocmtueptn cneqrrou\ee:/ Altrllrott,Allami/hqt6s6gi dllatorvos tanisiton, hogy: Thecetiflcaie is based on the following pre-export certificates (see attached list in case more than two)tt)J CepmuQuxam eotaau w ocHaee ciedwutux do'Kcnopnqdx cepnuduKamae (npu Ha,ru,tuu 6ojee dera do-skcnopn4dx cepmudu\amo7 ht)utazaemctl 'Delere ilnot leleldland coniini by signatur od stmp /t,u He ktMqo 3aaepkqn6 a naAnaepdun6 "odhtuc6@ | hecakbb /Anennyiben nemvonlrkozjk, rbrdhri kell as b4llee/J, ralamrnr aldrr!r ol'alhitele$r(ni

Transcript of  · Created Date: 8/12/2013 3:33:29 PM

Page 1:  · Created Date: 8/12/2013 3:33:29 PM

02.3 t624t v2013

31/01/2013l Shipment description / OnucrHne nocraBxx / Aszrllitmrny leir6sa

| .5 Cefiifi.ate lb I Cepmu&uKam .Nb/ Bizonyitvnny sz[rr,^l

I I Name and address of consignor: I Ha%aHue u adpec,D3oomnpaq nalt./ A,Ielad6 n€ve as ctme:


x * *

Veterinary certilicate for non-canqqd/dry p€t food ofanimal origin, exported from the=EF-tqth€ Customs

Uloion / BemepuHapHurt ceptu {i4em Ha9Kcttopmuplerthrc u3

T&tto t$eHt rbr i co to 3 He Ko aeuaoh4ozo npoucxo4lq,

do a Hux ulleKoF.Alhteg6szs6giig ji=bizon

konzervrlt/szd!,tilkteledi' : -=.|vn

rya{u4=q.4g1_!t4e:!pMao4a HenpooJlRm$e 6&

ny arrJr erederu nem-b6t ViEtriii6ba titrt6n6| 2 1 :


i.2 Nanre and address of consignee: / ,rldrsdl]'/e.lly3onanyqament:/ A cimzett neve 6s cime:

1.6 CounnFf origin of gpods: Capaaa npauc:,o r*upnoaaqa, A, &f-dbkek sz6rnA-zi'i orszf,Ea:

I 3 MeaDs ofTransport:/ Ip aHcnopn:/ Sz{llit'eszkizl(N ofthe ruilway wason, nuck, cantainer, fieht, name afthe

/rW 6a.ona, Dlo aLuuHb\ xo|menHepa,

(( vasiti wgon, teheruut', konEneljnntsztt o vagJ hsjd nel)e)

t .7 c

E4.PU8 /M

Lf€!fipatellllq!fibrity irlthe EU / Konaneneqm+oe sedoycmqoEC / Arn_llet6L.f:h@seg az EU-ban:

1.9 Organisar&t1m rne LL irsu ng rhe cenificatet y\peJn:oeHueeC, i"oo*"" cepnu+,uiam: A bironl ihdntr k idl l i r6szeivAgt az Eu-ban:

=-==1.4 Cou0try(s) al nar,sit I CnpaHa(bt) mpAg.ma:/ Tranzitorsztc(oL):


L.lo Point ofcrossing the border ofthe Customs Union: I lll.axn4epece.leHut zpaqu4 TauorzeHHoza cob3a:/ A Vam'dni6bafiirt6n6 hatriiitl6D€s helve:

2. Identificarion of qood! Hte4nurbuxaast noeaDilA rero{k€k azonosirara2.I Name of goods: / ,ryd!,rea6-qwe notta@-4{ termd'k rirefnevez6se:2.2Date of Vadrcrio l 4ana A;@4ryA:/ AEytt46s nttttmal2.J I )pe.of paakdge: ydd,{o6 a. CsomagotrsJlpu$r:2.4 Nurr be r of oackagel-Ka4yt, ecne'o uetn: Csatragok rzima:2.5 Net weighr (l,gF7 Bec rer?rto,K?,. \-dA rhri€gtkg,:2 o ldeFlr llarion ir-&: Uonnuaumuuouiaiu uo,uep tMapKuposKat: Azonostto jegyek.2. 7 Cond hioE r lor sloi*e antrtransport: ' Yiaoatu xpaterua u nepe1BKu: I A rArol's 6. si.AllitSs felt6tel€i:

-.:=:::== f-_..

L Orig'n o f qoods / tDo{ cxi,i&eH ue mosa Ds, A rerm6kek szd rmazdsai . l

3.2 Adminisnativ€-

tiotriumber and address of the establishment I Ha3eaHue, pezucnpa4uouuari rcnep u adpecy nere, enged6ly€z6si/r \ ih intar idsi sz6ma e! c imer

s\it: /Ad uHucmpamueHo-meppunopuanbqat eduHatdrl Kozigazgatdsi-teriileti egys6g:

4. Statem€nt on s-it.bility of goods for p€t food lcsudetuebonso o npuzol|ocmu tnosapa 6 Rop,v dcuaom\buL/ lgazol s aterInak 6llateledelnek v6l6 alkalmassns6r6lI, the undersigned State/official veterintrian, certify that: I t, nwcenolnucaswuitcs zocjdapcmseLtrbtit/ o4)uquanbfibtisemepu'tapHbti apsv, Hacmoa {ufi liocmtueptn cneqrrou\ee:/ Altrllrott, Allami/hqt6s6gi dllatorvos tanisiton, hogy:The cetiflcaie is based on the following pre-export certificates (see attached list in case more than two)tt)J CepmuQuxam eotaau wocHaee ciedwutux do'Kcnopnqdx cepnuduKamae (npu Ha,ru,tuu 6ojee dera do-skcnopn4dx cepmudu\amo7 ht)utazaemctl

'Delere ilnot leleldland coniini by signatur od stmp /t,u He ktMqo 3aaepkqn6 a naAnaepdun6 "odhtuc6@

| hecakbb /Anennyiben nem vonlrkozjk,rb rdhr i ke l l as b4 l lee /J , ra lamrnr a ld r r ! r o l 'a l h i te le$r (n i

Page 2:  · Created Date: 8/12/2013 3:33:29 PM

cnucaK)t1)l A bizolJyityiny az alAbbi pre-export bizonyitvrny(ok)on alapul (l6sd a csatolt list6t, amennyiben tijbb mint kett6

Dats/Iana/Drtun Szrma

Country oforigin




Kiizigazgatisi teriilet

Approval/r€gistrationnumber of the esrablishment/P e?ucnpaqu oH H brn H oMep

npeonpuqm tt Al6tesltm6ny €nged6lysz6ma

Name and quantity (netweight) ofgoods/

Bud u Kotu\ecm1o (6ec)1emmo) m06aptl/

A ierm6k neve 6smennvis6se (nett6 tdnes)

npedHa3xa,let1 de dit kop neHut HenpodyKmrckux do aa\w u de\opanueHbtx ,lcwom

,1.1 Non-canned./dry pet food of aninal origin, exported into tbe Customs Union was manufactured by €stablisltmqts. approved orregrstered by the Comp€t€nt authority in the EU Member State on delivery ofgoods for export and are under retiilar control 1]omthis Authority | 3\cnapmupye+tue e TaM@lcewui cow HeKaqcepsupa1aHHarc/cyxue xopua=wpqltozo tlpoltcror(dettut,

ymcepeoeHHbtt cuonoYncotoltuitwu uPzuaMu cttPukbP\!.Hu

naxodtlqlxct nod Lt nocmotHHbtM KoHmpone ./ Avdmuni6ba irinyul6 exportra sznn!=[atl eredetii, llem konzenrlt/szrraz,llateledelt olyan l6t€sitm€nyben ellitottrk el6, mely az Eu-ban ill€tAkes tagnlqii illatqrvosi szo'igrlrr rltrl erportraenseddl lezetr rae\ reeisaral l {s aonak { l land6 tel0svelete , l r t t 6l16 l6t€dtmenv.4.2 Non-canned/dry pet food ofanimal odgin originat€s from processing establihealth r€strictions and ftom raw materials deived from animals whose carcassegaccording lo \e ler inar) sani lzry e\penise HeroHcepB poBdHHbre c)" ( e KoiHenpoayffrBHLrx aoMallrtux ll aeKopaTuBHBtx xfiBoTH6tx EroroBneHEr Ha ne[ycraHoBr€HHLrx orpaHfttreHxii, cBffaHHbrx co 34opoBreM xnBoTHBlx, u npolrcxo

nmenuH/nH . - sHu I r r nHn i l r k . r

;e i,aot bqln p=la-ed under animals are fit for human consumption)oqcxgM€HUr rrr (opr{neHnt

ipeatpurrr{rx. Ha xo, opbrx }re-fEeaHoro oT xnBoTHbrr, Tyuli:turronHBrMr nnr rorneSneHtt

qenoBeKoM./ A nem konzervdlt/szAraz dllat€ledel olyannlhteg6szsdgngyi korldtoz6s alr, 6s olyan dllatokbdl sz6srervei dl lategeszs6si jgr i 6s ki izeseszsesi jer i szemDonlb6l

l6t€sit :kb6ltln:

k. melyek€t nem vontakam€lyek i€stfelei 6s bels6k el6,

beri k4 .J Mear ano offa ofbo\ ines from whicl 'non*dm<u derived from health) anirnah that originalcftom herds where there is no case of Bovine spongifo{m encepiallpathy (BE anq do not belong to binh cohorts ofBSE positiveanimals l Mrco n cy6npolyxrBr xpyrrHoro poraror'd c Kora. $gotopsrr -nor:eetreHbr HeKoHcepBupoBaHHBre/cy{ne KopMaxrBorHoro nporcxoxleHHr, noJryqeHEr or 3A.opoBhrx ,'('r BorHhrx. 'i4ftEcxoarElxr x3 cran. 6jraro[ory{H6]x no cnoHruoopvHon3Hueoarlonar[ npynHoro poraroro cKora i!SE), a rar$e He npt]irtitng*arqxx lr rroroMcrBy t(nBorHBrx 6orlHEIx BSE.,/ lmnrhahrlst 6s -bels6s6gek€t, an€lyekb6l Eleln konzervdlt/szdrazrdllrteledell el6rllitottrk, olyan eg6szsdges dllatokb6lnyen€k. ,nelyek szrrmrzrsi gazdasigiban:||eln fordult el6 szqrvasnarhdk szivacsos agyvel6bdntalma (BSE), 6s az Allatoknem lartoznak BSE-pozit i r dl la lok 3zi lel6si kohof l j rbr.Meat and offal of sheep and go4ts=or producti-€aif:lqn-canqgd/dry pet food of animal origin are de ved flom healthy animalsaccording ro the OIE Animal qallth Teneir44l Cod-:.@Elm_=ifiations for scrapi€ / Mrco x cy6npoaynrH MerKoro pora, oro ckoram xoropbrx nporcBereHbr gefiolg=lpBxpoBar1agre/cyxne kopMa xr,rBorHoro nponcxoxaeHnr notrreH6r or 3lopoB6rx x]rBolHhrx BcoorBercrBnr c peKoMeH,qaqurMrEq4aapHoro Ko.Irexca Ha3eMHbrx xnBorHbrx M3E Art cry€n',l./ A juh- 6s k€csk€hist €s -belsdsegeket. amely€kbaF{Ftr€m l-nfzr!-!6lrszdrgedllateledelt eld6llttottek, az OIE Szirazfttldi Allatok Alht-eg6szsdgdgyiKddexdnek aj6nl,sdir a | 6s*h-ngban egatzs6gesdllatokb6l ny€rr{k.specifed nsk melc4ab (SRIr4) rere remtiie'd aitording to the OIE Code.recomm€ndations ,/ Marepn-"],"1:olfr":"1"t:


4.4 NoD-aanned/dry pet f&td qas obtained from raw materials ofanimal origin treated not lower tlran 133"C for the duration ofnotless rhan 20 minutes wirh the prlltgre of 3 Bars or the authorised altemarive treatments applied under th€ supervision ofa competentsenrce-=at the-lg+l€aber S@e and gives the relevant wananty in relation to the established nicrobiologicai Standard iHerorceplxpoeaiwr-fiue xifoua esr,rr non) rel{;r n3 cHpb, xxBorHoro npoucxoxaeHln, o6pa6orafiHoro npn reMnepar)?e Heirlxe nnrcc 133 oC, He MeHee 20 MrHyr npfi laBreHnr 3 6apa linu 6brm o6pa6oraEBr )TBepxaeHHbrMu arrlrepnarxBHrrMlrr{eroraMfi noA Ha6nroAgxreM (oMnereHrHoro BeaoMcrBa crpaH;r-qneHa EC n aarcquMr coorBercrB)'Ioqle rapaHrxlr B

oro Mrjkpo6uonorll']eclroro craHaapra./ A nem konz€rvrtt/sziraz lillateledel gynrtesirr felhasznrlt6llati eredet( ahpanyagot legalebb 20 percig minimum 133 C' h6in6rs6kleten minimum 3 bar nyom6s alatt dolgozt{k felvagy hat6segilag j6v6hagyott olyan llternatfv hdkez€l6s€n €s€tt 6t, nely az EU tagCllam ill€t6kes hat6s6gtnak felilgycletiben

oo rae rc r sur c D(KoMcHdaun lqn ( aHx 'aPHoro 6u !€rLd H i

\ eszah es anv;sokt tSRMr;z OIE K6ier aidnl6sr inak mesfelelden rdvol l t idk el .

lott as amelv a nikro ai biztonsrs szemDoni irb6l azonos i6kat nviit,4.5 Non-canned/dry pet food does not coniain Salmonella (sanpling planr absence in 25 g), botulinun toxin, TBC do nol exc€ed500,000 coiony-forming units (cfuyg. criteria for Enterobacteriaceae is rcspected / HexoHcepBxpoBaHHbre/cJr${e (opMa HecoAepxar canbMoHenn (Bu6opo.rHHt aHanll3: orc),rcrBxe B 25 r ), 6orynfi,lrcrq o6qat 6aKreprra"r6Hato6ceMeHeHHocrb He npeBBrrraer 500 rErc. M.k. B 1 r, Co6molalorcr rpe6oBaHur no orc'"rcrBrno Enterobacteriaceae,/ A nemkonzervdlt/szdraz 6llateledel n€n tartalmaz Salmonellet (mintav€teli egys€g:25 g-ban a hi6nya), sem botulinumtoxintJ aTBC tartalma nem haladia nes a 500 000 k6lonia lormdl6 esvsdset (cfu)/s. az Enterobact€riaceae-kkel sz€mb€n tdmasztott


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02.3t6241t lz0t3

krit6riumoknaL is mesf€lel.4.6 Non-canned/dry pet food has undergone all pfecautions to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents after treatment./ BoTHOueHUu HeKOHCepBupOBaHHbrX/CyxHx KopMOB lnr Henpo4yKrrsHbrx AoMauHfx rr lefiopaTfiBHlrx xrlEorHHx 6hrxr{npe.unpuHrrbr Bce Mepbr npe4ocropoxHocrn Bo m6exaHlie xoHraMuHnpoBaHrrr MlrxpoopraHrcMaMu nocre l,lxo6pa6orxu.l A nem konzerv6lrszeraz 6llateledel k6szlt6se sordn minden sztiks6ges 6vint€zk€d€st megtettelq hogy 6 term6k neszennvez6dhessen kdrokoz6 6pen3ekkel,

szerhaszn6latosak 6s nek a VAmuni6 kitvet€lm€nveinek.

,1.7 Package and packaging material are used only once and comply with requiremenis of the Customs Union / Tapa x ynaxoBo.rHbriiMarepnal oaHopa3oBBre !i coorBercTB]'ror Tpe6oBaHr,lrM TaMoxeHHoro coro3a./ A csomagok 6s a csomagol6anyagok

4.8 Non-canned/dry pet food of animal oriein is legibly labelled on package / HeKoHcepBnpoBaHHbre/cydq KopMa xrBorHoronpoucxoxaeHxr anr r{opMneHnr H€npoayKrnBHLrx aoMarnHr.rx r le(oparrBHbrx xnBorHbrx nMeIoT pa3ooprrrByroHleHrnor(aqxoHHyo MapRupoBrry Ha ynaxoBr(e./ Az illati erdetf nem konzervelt/szeraz dllatel€del olvashat6 cink€z6sselrcndelkcz ik a csomaeol tson.4.9 The neans ofnanspofi was treated and prepared in accordance with the requirements ofthe exportingcoDnq._/{EEe noprHoecpetrcrro o6pa6oraHo u nolroroBner{o B coorBe,crBr.rr{ c npaBlraMr, npuH'TLrMx B crpair-3Kcnoprepe i A szdllil6eszkdzt azerDort6l6 orsznsban €lfosadott szabnlvoknak m€sfelel,Sen kezeltek 6s keszit€tt€k €16. =j


Date /


Ofrciat.ttanp /

llat6stigi pecs6tl

Signature of State/ofiicial veterinatlan / IloAnucb eocyAapcmseHHora/{ l latorvos aldfr6sa:

Name and position in capital le$erc / O.4.O. u don tc|acmb m?ta,HbLMu 6yt 6aM{&J6v €9heoszt's,nagybetfvel:

. -:-.===._-_=_

'= ..:4.'


Sisnature and stamD must be different colorthat in ihenrJ .ncb

" nccJ ,nb to ,^Hbt on t rucanb\ , 4aenou

Az a16irisnak 6s a pecs€tnek a bizonyitvany