Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De...


Transcript of Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De...

Page 1: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit
Page 2: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

ContentClub Debate


Debate R








The De



Entry P








Exit Po

Debate E







Rules f


Judging a


© Al

s es .................

on ................

Rules .............

e Topics .......

Space debate

Teams and O

ials Needed .

e moderator

e Judges ......

re .................

ebate within

ure and Timi

e Introductio

Poll ...............

uction of the

uction of the

uctory Roun

Rounds .........


tal Round .....

uding Round .

oll .................

lements ......

hes ...............

of Informati

of Order (PO

of Agreeme

of Teams ....

eptable beha

for Evidence

sory Rules ....

and Scoring ..

es .................

exander Hristo





es ................



r ...................



the meeting

ng ...............

on ................


e Teams .......

e Judges ......

d .................


Round .......






ion (POI) .....

OO) ..............

nt (POA) .....


avior ............





v, Agora Speak






n ...................





g ...................























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Version 0.1


































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© Al

Debate Rule

ng to Debate

e Topics .......

e Videos ......

es ................

exander Hristo

e Systems .....

e ..................




v, Agora Speak






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Version 0.1






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Page 4: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Motivatio "Agora Speahelping peoskills." Debating whas been neand the Ago There's a gr

• Deb& L

• Deb• Deb

(Ho• The

(Me• The

pos• Exp• Deb

& M• Deb


There are mparliamentaUsually, thearguments into considethe action isflexible, suc Debating hathat debatewell as focuthe adversacommunica The propos

1. Not2. Serv

© Al


akers Internaople develop

as present ineglected in tora Guide, it'

rowing body

bating enhanouden, 1999bating is the bating providobbs & Chandere's a clear rezuk, Bondarere's a very hsitions in socperienced debating drastiMezuk, 2012)bating is oneanimous (99.rcher, 1998)

many debate ary systems aey proceed inand evidenceration othes much less och as court p

as also its proes tend towausing them toarial natural oate.

ed debate rut making theving an educ

exander Hristo

ational is a wtheir public s

n the Agora She education's time to ad

of research

nces critical t9), (Howell, 1most effecti

des significandler, 1991) relationship renko, Smith

high correlatiiety (Keele &baters have cally reduces)

e of the most.26%) endors

contests anand parliamen turns with e can be intrr forms of deordered androceedings o

oblems. A nord dualism, poward the quof debates is

ules try to str meetings ex

cational purp

v, Agora Speak


worldwide nospeaking, co

Speakers decnal materialsdress this.

showing the

thinking, mu1943), (Hill, 1ve activity o

nt benefits fo

between deh, & Tucker, 2ion between

& Matlon, 19much lowers (as much a

t endorsed asement from

d debating rentary procea strict orderoduced. Howebate, espec fast-paced,

or business n

otable paperpersuading puestion of ws not natural

rike a delicatxcessively lonpose

- 3 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

ub Deba

onprofit assoommunicatio

claration of ps, and with th

e huge benef

ch more tha1993), (Greenon college caor people en

bate particip2011), (Pet

n debate part984), (Union,r verbal aggres three time

ctivities fromm students, h

ule systems edure (especr of what anwever, in thecially those hor those deb


r by professoparticipants t

winning or losl to the way f

te balance bng

nal, 2017 - www


ociation of pan, critical th

purpose sinche second ite

fits of debati

n public spenstreet, 1993mpuses for t

ntering caree

pation and imers, 2009), (ticipation an1960)

essiveness sces) the dropo

m former parhigher than a

in existencecially the Britd when can e fast-paced

happening onbate-like situ.

or Nancy Tumto view issuesing. Additionfemales and



assionate volinking, deba

ce its very inceration of th

ng as an edu

aking alone 3) teaching reseers in all secto

mproved writHuseman, Wd attainmen

cores in geneout probabilit

rticipants. In ny other edu

, most of theish Parliamebe said, as wworld of tod

n TV, radio ouations that a

mposky (Tumes as having nally, severacertain mino

lunteers devating and lea

ception, but he Education

ucational too

(Allen, Berko

earch skills. ors (Center,

ting and listeWare, & Grunnt of leadersh

eral life (Colty in schools

fact, it enjoyucational act

em based onentary Procedwell as when day, we mus

or similar mealso are muc

mposky, 2004only two poal studies sugority groups

voted to adership

until now it al Program


owitz, Hunt,


ening skills. ner, 1972) hip

lbert, 1993)s (Anderson

ys almost tivity.

n dure). new t also take dia, where ch more

4) argued sitions, as ggest that think and

Page 5: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

3. Bein4. Dev5. Not6. Allo

enc Although clhave a set osection, as w Point (1) is tof roles, so mixture of bwith the VPdepending oWe should danger becagenerate cenot replace members th

© Al

ng as realistiveloping skillt creating a bowing debatecouraging co

ubs retain, aof standard, Awell as to act

the easiest tthat clubs caboth if time a

PE being in chon the numbbe weary, thause debateertain "addic

it. Also, we hat participa

exander Hristo

ic as possiblels that can bebad atmosphes to be mornsensus buil

as always, fleAgora-wide t as the seed

o achieve, byan choose toallows. Thereharge of orgaber of teamshough, of turs tend to be tion". Debatshould remete in them.

v, Agora Speak

e e used in a b

here in the clre than zero-ding.

exibility to derules that ac

d for a possib

y altering theo have a come will be a reanizing them and the timning Agora cfunnier and

tes should coember that t

- 4 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

broad range olub -sum section

efine their dect as guidancble debating

e requiremempletely classequirement,

m. A debate isme the VPE al

clubs into ded more excitiomplement ahe goal of Ag

nal, 2017 - www

of real word

ns in which o

ebate formatce for new cl

contest in th

ents that all msical meetingthough, to hs expected tolocates to ea

ebate clubs, aing than prepand extend tgora debates


debate or d

ne team win

ts and use otubs that havhe future.

meetings mug, or a debatehave at least o last betweach of the seas this is not pared speechhe existing es is mainly ed

ebate-like si

ns and the ot

ther rules, itve never used

ust have a mie-only meetfour debate

een 30 and 90ections.

the goal. Thhes, so they

educational pducational fo


ther loses,

's useful to d that

inimum set ing, or a

es per year, 0 minutes,

his is a can

program, or the

Page 6: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Debate R

Debate To Each DebatnonambiguHigher Educanswers:

• Tea• Tea• Tea

We explicitland "no-tea Topics shou Topics that

• Pur"tru

• Tighbas

• Tausma

• Extrto b

When organelectronicalthan presennaturally, a It is also rechalf-hearted It's the role

© Al



e will have aous and cleacation Be Fre

am Y: "Yes, Ham N: "No, Peam D: "Highe

ly encourageams" as rarel

uld be real-w

are not suitarely subjectivue"?. ht cases (Topse position). utologies (Toaller than theremely knowbe properly d

nizing the delly or at a menting the topnd avoids be

commended dly positions

of the VPE t

exander Hristo

a clearly statearly defined aee?", and the

Higher Educaeople should

er Education

e a non-dualily real-world

world, relevan

able for debave topics for

pics for whicFor example

opics for whice Sun?. wledge-specdebated). Fo

ebate, it's sugeeting), and pic and a pre-eing labelled

that peoples they don't b

to decide the

v, Agora Speak

ed, short debanswer to there could be

tion should ad invest in theshould be fre

istic view of d issues have

nt topics, and

ates (APDA, which no ob

ch it's extreme: No personch only one p

ific cases (Tor example: "

ggested thatwaits for peo-defined set as biased or

sign up for tbelieve in.

e final compo

- 5 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

bate questiohat question.

three teams

always be freeir own educee for those

complex issue a simple "ye

d can be pro

2016): bjective argu

mely difficult n should everposition can

opics that re"Disposing of

t the VPE meople to expreof options. T

r one-sided.

teams that t

osition of tea

nal, 2017 - www

on, and each For example

s, each of the

ee." cation." under a spec

ues, so we sues/no" answ

oposed to the

uments can b

or impossiblr be tortured logically exi

quire a greatf PVC : altern

erely presentess the positThe first syst

ruly represe



team will dee, the debateem defendin

cific level of i

uggest tryinger.

e VPE of the

be presented

le to argue aby the statests). For exa

t deal of spenative compo

ts the topic ttions they watems allows t

nt their posit

efend a specie topic could

ng these sam


g to avoid "ye

club by any

d. E.g.: Which

a different side without a remple: Is the

ecific knowleounds"

to the membant to defenteams to "em

tion, rather t

ific, d be "Should




h religion is

de of the eason. Earth

dge in order

bers (either d, rather


than defend



Page 7: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit


Time / Spacthe role of aspecific poinhave just re

The debatedebate topi

Time/Spacesimulate anavailable to

For examplethe existencby the repreafterwards.would knowattack itself

Informationthe above eprior noticeattack shou

Although thpersonality theatrical , is focused. June 20th, 1teams and "historically

It is also reccontroversi

1 American P2 Two days b

© Al

ce debates

ce debates (aa specific pent of time in

eceived the la

s may or maic was "

e debates pron historical sio the represe

e, if a team ice of Nucleaesented pers Continuing

w about the Pf happened o

n whose avaiexample, it's e of the attaculd not be us

he APDA recoof the imperole-playing For an Agor941 2 and de"won", althodue to Hitler

commended al events, un

Parliamentary efore the beg

exander Hristo

as per the APrson (usually history. For atest satellit

y not specify

oceed as nortuation, a te

ented person

s representir Weapons.

son, but not iwith the samPearl Harboron Dec 7th.

ilability is nonot yet agre

ck, so if a teaed.

ommends thrsonated leaand researca debate, it w

efending thatough such anr's personalit

that for Timnless the club

Debate Assoc

ginning of Ope

v, Agora Speak

PDA1) are a sy a political leexample: "Ye photos sho

y a spatial loc

rmal debateseam represenn or body at t

ng the JapanNote that th

information me example, r attack plan

t agreed on eed by historam is represe

e rule that dader, we conh area rathewould be pet it would be outcome ofty.

me/Space debb has a solid

ciation eration Barbar

- 6 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

special type oeader) or bo

You're John. owing that th

cation. In th

s, with one nnting a specithe time.

nese emperohis rule restrthat was kno it's perfectlys in a debat

by historiansrians whetheenting the US

debate shoulsider that th

er than the arrfectly valid

e better not tf events coul

bates, topicstradition of

rsossa - the in

nal, 2017 - www

of debate in ody (a govern

F. Kennedy dhe URSS is in

he above cas

notable excefic position c

or in WWII, thricts the use own but not y valid to asse happening

s should be aer the US govS governmen

d be done rehis would stergumentativif a team repto proceed fld presumab

are not pickcivilized deb

nvasion of the


which the tenment, a boaduring the Cunstalling ICBM

e, it is not re

ption: since tcannot use in

hey cannot uof informatiobecome wid

sume that thg on Dec 1st ,

avoided. Convernment didnt on Dec 1st,

especting theer the debate / educatiopresenting thurther scorely have neve

ked from verybate without

Soviet Union

eams are askard of directouban MissileMs in Cuba".

elevant. How

they are debnformation t

use the knowon that was dely known uhe Japanese e

1941, even

ntinuing onced or did not h, 1941, the P

e psychologite more intonal side on whe Nazi gove

ed higher thaer really happ

ry recent or vt personal ar

n by Germany.

ked to play ors) at a e Crisis. You

wever, if the

bates that that wasn't

wledge of not known

until emperor though the

e more with have clear

Pearl Harbor

cal the

which Agora ernment in an the other pened

very guments.


Page 8: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Roles, Tea Debates arerequires tha

• A d• Deb• A d• Two

hav• If p• All t• Fille• The• If th

wel• The• The

Materials N The followin

• An • A se


© Al

ams and Org

e organized aat the follow

ebate modebate Judges, ebate timer o or more teve no more tpossible, eacteams must er Words Coe Grammariahe club has all. e Meeting Eve Meeting Le


ng is a list ofEntry and anet of cards wtion. If the te

n be printed o

exander Hristo


and schedulewing roles be

rator. in the case o(can be the ams with at han five teamh team shouhave the samunter and W

an is used dua Body Langu

valuator shoueader introdu

f materials nen Exit poll "ba

with the nameams are naonce and reu

v, Agora Speak

ed by the VPfilled:

of a contest fsame as the least two m

ms. uld have at leme number o

Word of the Dring the sect

uage or Liste

uld evaluate uces the Deb

eeded for thallot", for eaes or numbemed with sinused for all d

- 7 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

PE of the Club

format. regular timeembers each

east one bacof team mem

Day are not ution, since laning evaluat

the debate mbate Modera

e debate: ach audienceers of the teangle-digit or debates.

nal, 2017 - www

b, at least tw

er of the meeh. For practi

kup membermbers. used during tnguage corr

tor, the role c

moderator.tor and the r

e member. am (for eachsingle-letter


wo weeks in a

eting) cal purposes

r that can re

the section ectness is a gcan be used

remaining ro

audience mnames as su

advance. Eac

s, it's recomm

place a no-s

goal in all spduring the s

oles as usual

member), for uggested, the

ch debate

mended to


peeches. section as


the Q&A ese cards

Page 9: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Debate mo The role of

• To i• To c• To i• To g• To m• To a

The debate to introducsure that ththe results. In contests,

Debate Jud Debate judg

• Que• Offe• If th

They should Debate Judgsuggestions

• Tea• Jou• Me• Loc• Bus• Doc• Law

The last two

© Al


the debate mintroduce thconduct the introduce thgive the floomake sure thapply discipl

moderator i

ce the topic ohe rules and s

the Debate


ges are in chestioning theering feedbahis is a conte

d be unbiase

ges need nots for judges c

achers or facrnalists. mbers of othal politicians

siness ownerctors


o are especia

exander Hristo

moderator ise topic of thentry and exe teams and

or to teams inhat the debainary measu

is helped by

of the debatestructure of

Moderator a

arge of: e teams duriack at the enest, awarding

ed (as much a

t be Agora Scould be:

ulty staff of s

her clubs of As or political rs.

ally indicated

v, Agora Speak

s: e debate xit polls and

d the positionn turn and rete rules are res during th

the timer to

e, conduct itthe debate a

also briefs th

ng the Q&A d of the mee

g scores to ea

as possible) a

peakers mem

schools and

Agora or othparty memb

d for debates

- 8 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

announce thn that each teceive it fromfollowed he debate to

o control the

t, give the floare observed

he Debate Ju

section. eting ach of the te

and qualified

mbers and, i


her public spbers / leaders

s involving so

nal, 2017 - www

he results. team is defenm them.

o keep the to

lengths of th

oor to teamsd, conduct th



d professiona

n fact, it is e

eaking organs

ocial or ethic



one polite an

he speaking

and receivehe entry and


ncouraged th


cal issues.

nd respectful


e it from them exit polls an

hat they are


m, make nd announce

not. Some


Page 10: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit


The Debat The debate Leader will debate, upo If the debatplace it, althnervous an(If the debasource of in The VPE decwell as whemeeting. The topic ofmust be knopositions ar This would

The order odraw, and g A no-show b The Meetinmeeting, anwhere they available at

© Al


te within th

is a self-congive the floo

on which the

te section is ehough we re

nd wanting toate is done benspiration for

cides the amether the deb

f the debateown by the tre written, no

be a recomm

of speaking ogiven to the D

by a team m

g Facilitator nd that they will be seate the brandin

exander Hristo

he meeting

tained sectioor to the Debe floor is retu

embedded incommend it

o be finishedefore, the Hr questions).

mount of timebate will take

, the positiotime of the mot the comp

mended mee

of the teams Debate Mod

member on th

should makare previoused, together

ng portal.

v, Agora Speak

on of the mebate Moderaurned to the

n a classical to be after t

d as soon as pHot Question

e to allocate e place durin

ns that will bmeeting. Howosition of th

eting agenda

is decided byerator.

he day of the

e sure that Esly distributer with pencils

- 9 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

eeting, muchtor, which wMeeting Lea

meeting, it'sthe preparedpossible), ans section can

to the debang a "traditio

be defendedwever, in thee teams defe


y the Meetin

e meeting wi

Entry and Exied to all attens or pens. Te

nal, 2017 - www

h like the "Howill take the lader.

s up to the Vd speeches (

nd before or n use whatev

te, which caonal" meetin

, as well as te meeting agending each

ng Leader be

ll not be gro

it ballots arendees, or at emplates for


ot Questionsead from the

PE of the clusince preparin replacemever has happ

nnot be less g or it will be

he teams deendas, only tposition.

efore the me

unds for can

printed andleast placed

r Entry and E

s" section. There until the

ub to decide red speakersent of "Hot Qpened in the

s than 40 mine a debate-o

efending eacthe debate t

eting by a ra

ncelling the d

d available fo on the table

Exit ballots w

he Meeting e end of the

where to s are usually Questions" debate as a

nutes, as only

h position topic and



or the es or chairs

will be

Page 11: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Structure a The Debate # R1 D2 E3 I4 I5 I6 Q7 C8 R9 Q10 C11 C12 E13 J14 D This gives th

© Al

and Timing

e proceeds as

Round Name Debate IntroducEntry Poll ntroduction of ntroduction of ntroductory Ro

Q&A Round Cross-ExaminatRebuttal RoundQ&A Round Cross-ExaminatConcluding RouExit Poll udges Feedbac

Debate Conclus

he following

Numb2 3 4 5

exander Hristo


s follows (wit

ction by the De

Teams and theJudges


ion Round

ion Round nd

ck sion

timings dep

ber of Teams

v, Agora Speak

th suggested

ebate Master

eir positions

ending on th


- 10 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

d timings exp

he number o

Min Time 45 min 1h 1h 20min 1h 35 min

nal, 2017 - www


of teams:

Ma1h 1h 1h 2h


Min1 2 1 2



2 5 1

ax Time 10 min 25 min 40 min

n Time Ma2 2 2 2

4 x # of te10

3 x # of te3 x # of te

10 3 x # of te3 x # of te

2 7 1

ax Time


eams eams

eams eams

Page 12: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Debate Int Upon receivprovides a snews have hthe positionpreference Teams are n

Entry Poll As everythinbesides eduthis has act The Entry Pwith the goinfluence thposition. Ofto minimize After introdEntry Poll athe Entry Po

The Entry P

© Al


ving the flooshort backgrhappened thns that will bor endorsing

not introduc

ng in Agora, ucational – coually happen

oll is an anonal being tryin

hat can exertf course, teae its impact.

ducing the dend hand it baoll is volunta

oll and the c

exander Hristo

r from the Mound inform

hat make it ine defended,g any of them

ed at this po

we strive toonvincing pened. This is d

nymous poll,ng to get a st knowing thm compositi

ebate topic aack to him. R


collection of

v, Agora Speak

Meeting Leadmation of the

nteresting or without com



achieve an oeople of yourdone by two

, conducted napshot of tat a certain fon cannot b

and positionsResults are n

the ballots s

- 11 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

der, the Deba subject, sucr worth debammenting on

objective mer viewpoint. polls : an en

before the ihe true viewfriend or fell

be kept secre

s, the Debateneither count

should not la

nal, 2017 - www

ate Moderatch as why thiating. The Den any of them

easure of ouAs such, thetry and an e

introductionws of the audlow member

et, but that d

e Moderatorted nor anno

st more than


or introduces topic is rele

ebate Moderm and witho

r success. Th best measuxit poll.

of the teamience while

r is on a teamoesn't mean

r will ask attounced at th

n 2 minutes.

es the debateevant or whrator also enut expressin

he goal of a dure of succes

ms and their mminimizing t

m defending n that we sho

tendees to fiis point. Part

e topic and at recent

numerates g

debate is – s is whether

members, the this or that

ouldn't try

ll in the ticipating in

Page 13: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Introducti After the Enstates whichor a single-l Unless improther teamsstage or a s After the De

Introducti After the teintroduce espeak brieflModerator

Introducto During the Isystems), a argumentatgrace period Normal timexceeds the

© Al

ion of the T

ntry Poll has h position eaetter name.

racticable, tes and from tpecial seatin

ebate Mode

ion of the Ju

eams are intrach of themly about eachexpress wha

ory Round


tion. The repd.

ing signals ae 3:30 time m

exander Hristo


been conduach team is d

eam membehe audience

ng area of the

rator has int


roduced, and in turn. If thh of them anat position (if

y Round (equive from eac


re used durimark.

v, Agora Speak

cted, the Dedefending. It

rs should be . All teams se room.

roduced the

d if there arehey are not mnd their credf any) a Deba

uivalent to thch team explspeaks unint

ng this speec

- 12 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

ebate Modert is recomme

seated or stshould share

e teams, he a

e Debate Judmembers of tentials. Undate Judge ha

he Affirmativains the posterruptedly f

ch, and the D

nal, 2017 - www

ator introduended that ea

tanding togee an area aw

announces th

ges, the Debthe club, theder no circumas in the mat

ve or Governition of the tfor a maximu

Debate Mod


ces the teamach team is g

ther, separaay from the

he speaking o

bate Moderae Debate Momstances shoter being de

ment Round team and theum of 3 minu

erator shoul

ms, their memgiven either

ate from memaudience – e

order drawn

tor proceedsoderator shouould the Debebated.

d in traditionae supportingutes, with a

ld stop any s

mbers, and a number

mbers of theeither on

n before.

s to uld also


al debate g 30 second

peaker that


Page 14: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Q&A Roun Q&A Roundmake questModerator Each questialso. ThereJudges are t Follow-up qinto a ping- For questiowith the teathe floor. Ateam. Ideally, the session, dist After the peanswer, or c The Q&A Ro

© Al


ds are roundtions to the tshould not a

on should tae's no grace pthe first to a

questions arepong match

ns from audam name to ll questions

use of cardstributing the

erson has fincan declare t

ound finishe

exander Hristo

ds during whteams. They allow these t

ake no more period for thsk questions

e also alloweor a dialogu

ience membwhich the qmust be rele

s with the teae questions s

nished speakthe question

s either whe

v, Agora Speak

ich both the can also ma

to be turned

than 1 minue question, a

s, with the au

ed, but againe.

bers, the persuestion is ad

evant to the t

am name wiso that all tea

ing, the Debn inadmissibl

en the time a

- 13 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

Debate Judgke their owninto speech

ute, and eachand there's audience next

, the Debate

son wanting ddressed, andtopic, stated

ll allow the Dams get a sim

ate Moderatle and state t

allotted for it

nal, 2017 - www

ges and Audn points as paes.

h answer shoa 30 second gt when the ju

e Moderator

to ask one od waits for th

d unambiguo

Debate Modemilar numbe

tor can give tthe reason.

t is up, or wh


ience membart of a ques

ould take no grace periodudges have n

should be w

or more queshe Debate Musly and add

erator to conr of question

the floor to t

hen there are

bers (in this ostion, but the

more than 1d for the answno more que

weary of thes

stions raises Moderator todressed at a

nduct a balans.

the alluded t

e no more qu

order) can e Debate

1 minute wer.


se turning

the card o give him


nced Q&A

team to


Page 15: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Cross-Exam The Cross-Ecross-exam The order o(so that if thwill be Team The Debateanswers sho

Rebuttal R The Rebuttaspeaking roarguments The mechan

Concludin In the Conc During the c The order oprimacy-rec

© Al

mination R

Examination ine other tea

of questioninhe speaking m 1, Team 3,

e Moderator ould take no


al Round (eqound where tin support o

nics, timing a

g Round

luding Round

concluding r

of speaking iscency effect.

exander Hristo


round is a siams.

g is the reveorder was Te, Team 2).

will give theo more than 1

quivalent to tteams can off their positi

and order of

d, teams ma

ound, no ne

s the same a

v, Agora Speak

milar round

erse of the oream 2, Team

floor in turn1 minute.

the Negativeffer argumenon.

speaking in

ke their fina

w argument

s in the Intro

- 14 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

to the Q&A

rder of speakm 3, Team 1 f

n to the diffe

e or Oppositints against th

this section

l statement.

ts or interrup

oductory rou

nal, 2017 - www

Round and i

king that wafor example,

erent teams.

on round in he positions

is the same

A represent

ptions are all

und. This is e


n it, teams a

s drawn for tthe Cross-Ex

As in the Q&

other debateof other tea

as in the Intr

tative f


specially imp

are given the

the Introducxamination r

&A round, qu

e systems) isms, or offer

roductory Ro

portant to ba

chance to

ctory Round round order

uestions and

s a second additional


alance the

Page 16: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Exit Poll After the deshould not As in the prpresented b The Exit Polchoose to pboth or in n This could b

If there is eend of the mblog, etc. If

© Al

ebate has colast more th

evious case,by the differe

ll is carried oparticipate onnone.

be a sample E

nough time fmeeting. If nthe club doe

exander Hristo

ncluded, thean 2 minute

the Exit Pollent teams m

out regardlesnly in the Ent

Exit Poll ballo

for countingot, they are

esn't any of t

v, Agora Speak

e Exit Poll is ps.

l is an anonyade any effe

ss of whethetry and not i

ot (the desig

and summaposted on th

these, they a

- 15 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

performed. T

ymous poll thect on the ide

r there was ain the Exit Po

gn is subject

arizing the rehe Club webare announce

nal, 2017 - www

The Exit Poll

hat tries to meas of the au

an ending cooll, only in th

to change):

esults, resultspage / Whated at the beg


and the colle

measure wheudience.

onsensus or nhe Exit and no

s of both poltsApp group ginning of th

ection of the

ether the arg

not. An attenot in the Ent

lls are annou/ Facebook

he next regul

e ballots


ndee can try one, in

unced at the group / lar meeting.

Page 17: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Debate E

Speeches It is always from the auby the Deba Members frprepared sptime, that t Reading prethird-perso To avoid pe("The other ("you" or "J

Points of I Points of Infmembers o POIs can bemember of accept or nothe opponerequest and A POI can la Usually, moConsideringspeech.

© Al


the Debate Mudience to spate Moderat

rom debate tpeech, offerihey speak fr

e-written spen quotes, etc

ersonalizationteam", "The

John, that is f


formation arf other team

e requested othe other teot the offere

ent. In the sed continuing.

ast no more t

ost debate syg the length o

exander Hristo

Moderator tpeak. Once aor or timer.

teams must ng a POI / POom their pos

eeches shouc., or for refe

n of the debae speaking mfalse"). Form

n (POI)

re well spreams to offer co

only by memeam raises hied POI. In thecond case, h.

than 15 seco

ystems definof our round

v, Agora Speak

he one that speaker has

stand up whOA / etc. or asition rather

ld be avoideerring to arg

ate, all speakmember frommality, howev

ad in most deounter-argum

mbers of teams hand. The

e first case, hhe can say "N


e a "protecteds, this prote

- 16 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

grants the fls begun, he i

hen speakingasking a que than walkin

d, except foruments mad

kers should rm Team 2", "O

ver is not ne

ebate styles ments,

ms other thae speaker to whe can simplyNo, thanks",

ed time" of aected time w

nal, 2017 - www

oor to a teams only oblige

g - regardlessstion. It is reg to a centra

r snippets ofde by the oth

refer to the rOur opponeneded.

and are brie

n the one thwhich the POy say "Yes?" or merely m

a speech, duould be the


m member, aed to give up

s of whether ecommendedal stage.

f data – statisher side.

rest of the tets") instead

f interruptio

at is speakinOI was addreand give yieake a hand g

ring which Pfirst and last

a judge, or ap the floor wh

they are ded, to avoid w

stics, historic

eams in thirdof statemen

ons of the sp

ng. To do thaessed can cheld temporargesture dism

POIs cannot bt 45 seconds

a person hen ordered

livering a waste of

cal events,

d person nts like

eaker by

at, the oose to

rily the floor missing the

be made. of the

Page 18: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Points of O A Point of Obroken, and The proced

1. The2. The3. The

per4. Aft

In general, P

• Can• Are• Can• Are

Points of A Points of Agconsensus bdifferent temust agree To prevent the argumenuanced or that there'sstatement m The proced

1. Duragr

2. Themad

3. Theor "

© Al

Order (POO

Order can bed it must be d

ure for raisin

e debater wie speaker stoe debater wiriod, timing ter hearing th

Points of Ordn interrupt a e not debatabnnot be amee decided by


greement arebuilding. Theam. This acc(there must

"yes, but…" ent of the op

in any way es a moderatemade by the

ure for a Poiring their sperees with thee statement de.

e target team"Rejected" (if

exander Hristo


raised by andone immed

ng a Point of

ishing to maops speakingith the POO is suspendedhe case, the

der: speaker.

ble nded or recothe Debate


e an innovate purpose of

ceptance cant be consens

scenarios thposing teamelaborated f

e amount of f opposing te

int of Agreemeaking turn, e position/stamust be an e

m either replif it does not)

v, Agora Speak

ny team memdiately when

Order is the

ke a POO stag addresses thd. Debate Mod

onsidered Moderator, w

ive feature of a POA is to

nnot later be us).

at representm exactly as it

urther. For efraud happen

eam is accept

ment is: a member o

atement of teexact repetit

ies "Accepted). If the latte

- 17 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

mber who be the violatio

e following:

ands up and

he Debate M

derator make

with the dec

of Agora debstate a teamwithdrawn.

t disagreemet was originaexample, a tening in subsited as it was

of the team peam XXXX thtion of an arg

d" (if the staer, a short ex

nal, 2017 - www

elieves the run is noticed.

says "Point O

Moderator an

es a decision

cision being f

bates directem's acceptanc

To raise a PO

ent rather thally stated. Iteam cannot sidized high es stated, or th

proposing thehat : statemegument or po

atement as qplanation m


ules of the de

Of Order"

d explains hi



d at steeringce of an arguOA, all mem

an agreemecannot be d

say "We agreducation, buhere can be

e POA explicent". osition that t

uoted indeeay be added

ebate have b

is case. Durin

g debates towument propobers of the r

nt, A POA mdistorted, adree with the put….". Either no POA on it

citly states "O

the other tea

ed reflects th.


ng this

wards osed by a raising team

ust repeat orned, position the t.

Our team

am has

eir position)

Page 19: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Fusion of TFusion of Teconsensus. At any poinconsensus pposition thincome leve

When two tresulting fusame numb Fusing requ

1. Thepromu

2. Durand<wois a a sp

3. Afte4. Wh

debdecbe uord

5. Afteaskacc

© Al

Teams eams is a uni

t of the debaposition. In tat "People sh

el is below a

teams fuse tsed team mu

ber of memb

uires unanime proposing toposing teamst have pre-sring any spead saying somording of theproposal fo

pecific targeter the offer ien the turn

bate for the tcision, whichunanimous, er to maintaer the pauses if they acceeptance or ra. If the ta

floor to

exander Hristo

ique charact

ate, two teamhe example hould pay focertain level

heir positionust leave in oers.

ous agreemeteam decides

m must agreeselected the aking turn ofething like "

e consensus pr merging pot team. is made, the of the propotarget team t can be only and it must

ain balance ine, regardless ept or declinrejection; no arget team do the next tea

v, Agora Speak

eristic of Ago

ms may reacabove, Teamr their own el":

n and becomorder to mai

ent by all thes to offer a c

e to the wordteam memb

f the proposiWe would likproposed". Wositions, the

speaker proosing team coto decide. Dto accept or

be clear whin the fused tof whose tue the offeredarguments oeclines, the

am in turn to

- 18 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

ora Speakers

ch agreemenms N and D meducation, an

me one team,ntain fairnes

e members oconsensus poding of the cobers that wiling team, thke to offer thWhatever forproposal mu

oceeds with honcludes, th

During the par decline thech team memteam. rn to speak id position. Tor speeches debate proc

o speak

nal, 2017 - www

s Debates th

nt and mergemight agree tnd the amou

an appropriss, and the ru

of the two teosition to anoonsensus pol leave in cas

he speaker sthe following rmula is chosust be worde

his regular spe moderator

ause, the tare offered conmbers from

is, the modeThe target te

are allowed ceeds norma


at encourag

e as one teamto merge, deunt should be

iate number ule that all te

eams, and proother team. sition. Also,

se the offer itarts by addrconsensus posen, it must bed clearly and

peech. r grants a paget team desensus positthe acceptin

rator addresam can only at this pointlly, with the

ges trying to

m, defendingefending a coe symbolic if

of memberseams must h

oceeds as foAll the memthe proposins accepted.

ressing the taosition to tebe made cled it must be

use of 1 minliberates andtion. Acceptang team will

sses the targ respond witt. moderator g

reach a

g a common,ommon their

s of the have the

ollows: mbers of the

ng team

arget team am XXXX : ar that this directed to

nute in the d makes a ance must leave in

et team andth

giving the


Page 20: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Re-splitting Fused teamcross-exam Debate end If this is a deConsensus" Note that iffused teams

© Al

b. If the tafused tethat it h

on fused teams are consid

ination turn,

ds automatic

ebate contes". Contests sh

f any kind of s, regardless

exander Hristo

arget team aeam continuhas already u

ams is not alered from th, with the sta

ally with "Co

st, all teams hould encou

individual aws of whether

v, Agora Speak

grees, then tes. This new

used its turn

llowed. he point of thandard timin

onsensus" if n

fused into thrage this kin

wards are avthey left the

- 19 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

the pre-selecw team canno

in point 3.

heir fusion ang applicable

no more tea

he final and d of outcom

vailable, theye debate dur

nal, 2017 - www

cted membeot speak duri

s a single teae to any norm

ms remain a

last one are me.

y should be gring the fusio


ers of both teing this roun

am, enjoyingmal team.

after a fusion

declared "W

given to all thon to mainta

eam leave, and, as it is co

g a single spe


Winners with

he initial mein team bala

nd a single nsidered

eaking and

mbers of ance.

Page 21: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Unaccepta It is imperatarguments, disqualificatgestures, fo A Personal aof a person

• Agecon

• Edu• Life• Pub

arg Personal argthe above cis an ad homjudgmentalthat "People The debate member to compel the moderator

1. Wa2. Sto

one3. Disq4. Disq

the5. Ter

A different

• Constan• Using st• Being p• Breakin

© Al

able behavi

tive for a hea respectful stion of a tea

or example),

argument is of the oppo

e, Gender, Senditions. ucational or Pestyle, preferblications or uments that

guments arecriteria, evenminem even research eve in Elbonia

moderator which the pmoderator tbelieves tha

rn the team p the speake

e round. qualify the oqualify the teir members minate the d

kind of less s

ntly interruptalling to "eaersistently o

ng or abusing

exander Hristo


althy debatepeech or raim member oand they sti

any argumeosing team or

exual orienta

Professional rences, hobbstatements

t can be oppo

e also argumn if the addre

if no one in vidence concwork only 12

must act immersonal arguto act, to wht a personal

member usier from spea

offending teaeam itself, ifhas been dis

debate itself,

severe, but e

ting other spat into" the tovertime g the rules

v, Agora Speak

e and club atsing the toneor the team ill have to be

nt (or questir items outsi

ation or iden

Backgroundbies and inte

made outsidosed are tho

ents that areessee does nthe debate ierning group2.6 hours per

mediately upument was adhich the mod

argument ha

ing the ad hoking, and de

am member amembers of

squalified for, if he sees th

equally unacc

peakers withime of the o

- 20 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

mosphere toe or shoutingitself. Note penalized.

ion, or commde the sphe

tity, Nationa

d. rests. de of the deb

ose expressed

e applied at got belong tos from Spainps of people r week, as op

pon hearing addressed ma

derator shouas been used

ominem to reeprive the off

and remove f the team pr that reasonhat it has de

ceptable beh

h spurious POother team, e

nal, 2017 - www

o prevent ang. None of ththat insults c

ment) targetire of the deb

ality, Race, C

bate. (Debatd during the

generalizatioo the group. Fn. Note, how

is allowed. Fpposed to 37

a personal aay raise his hld either repd, he or she

efrain from ffending team

him from thersist in usin

n. volved into a

havior, is:

OIs or fake POespecially du


y kind of inshese is allowcan be nonve

ng the charabate, includin

olor, Religion

es are self-codebate itsel

ons of groupsFor example ever, that of

For example,7.4 hours per

rgument. If thand and statly with "Disamay do one

future similam from their

he offending ng personal a

an ad homin

OAs ring the cros

ults, personawed and can r

erbal (in the

acteristics orng (but not l

n, Ideology,

ontained, anlf).

s of people b "All Spaniarffering objec, it's legitimar week in Fra

this doesn't te "Ad hominagree" or "Agof the follow

r argumentsspeaking tu

team. arguments a

nem match.


al result in the form of

r attributes imited to ):


nd the only

based on rds are lazy" ctive non-ate to claim ance".

happen, the nem" to gree". If the


s. rn during

fter one of

on rounds.


Page 22: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Rules for E Evidence ar The followin

• Eacpiec

• All e"abstat

• Evidbeh

• All ethatyouwhe

• Upoand

• At l


• Tea• Inte


© Al


re facts, pictu

ng rules appch piece of evces of evidenevidence sho

bstract or fuztements shodence may nhavior is consevidence uset any of them

u use a printeere others caon request bd in writing. Ieast the folloo Author'o Author'o Compleo In case


am memberserruption of ndled by the

exander Hristo

ures, videos,

ly to evidencvidence musnce. ould be idenzy evidence"uld be reform

not be distortsidered unaced should bem can make ed chart to man take it to

by any other If the evidenowing inform's name 's qualificatioete bibliograpof Internet s

s cannot recespeakers by Debate Mod

v, Agora Speak

data, quote

ce: st be clearly s

tified, source" in statemenmulated as "ted, misquotcceptable. e made availause of it dur

make a pointuse it. team or the ce is too lon

mation shoul

ons that are phic source isources, the

eive any extethe audienc

derator. Che

- 21 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

es, etc. that s

separated fr

ed and indepnts similar to"Research doted, partially

able to the oring their spe, the printed

judges, evidg, at least onld be provide

relevant to tinformation,full URL and

ernal coachince or other teeering is not

nal, 2017 - www

support an a

om the spea

pendently veo "Research sone by <authy quoted, or

other teams, eaking turns.d chart must

dence used mne page of ited by each p

the topic at h, including da the date of

ng during theam membeallowed.


rgument of a

ker's own op

erifiable. Thisshows that …or> in <yearquoted out o

the audiencThis means,be placed in

must be provmust be avaiece of evide

hand. ate and pageaccess

e duration ors is not perm

a speaker.

pinion and fr

s explicitly d…". Instead, sr> shows thaof context. S

ce and the ju, for example

n a place insi

vided in detaailable. ence:

e number

of the debatemitted and s

rom other

isallows such t …"


dges, so e, that if de the room

iled form

e. should be


Page 23: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit

Judging a The result odepending o The scoringguidelines s

• Accawaadv

• Exp• Con

writ• Mis

it sh• Una

It is also sugparticipatiounsurmoun

© Al

and Scorin

of a debate inon how conv

g system will should apply

ceptance of Parded to botversarial confposure of fallnstant readintten speech.srepresentinghould in turnacceptable b

ggested thaton. This syste

table barrier

exander Hristo


n Agora is novincing the te

have to be d:

POAs and Futh teams) to frontation. acies in the

ng of notes s. g evidence, o

n greatly rewbehavior sho

each Agora em, howeverr to newcom

v, Agora Speak

ot "Winning"eam was.

developed on

sion of Teamgive more w

reasoning ofhould be pe

or citing nonwarded.

uld be greatl

member hasr, should not


- 22 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

" or "Losing",

nce all the ru

ms should beweight to con

f other teamnalized, espe

nexistent evid

ly penalized

s a global pebe purely ac

nal, 2017 - www

, but being a

ules have bee

greatly enconsensus build

s should be ecially if the

dence should

ersonal debatccumulative


warded a sp

en settled, b

ouraged (andding and find

rewarded team memb

d be greatly

ting score thin order not

pecific amou

but the follow

d therefore sding bridges t

ber is reading

penalized, a

hat can encot to present a

nt of points

wing basic

score than to

g a pre-

nd exposing

urage an

Page 24: Content · Club Debate Motivatio Debate R Debate Time/S Roles, Materi Debate Debate Procedur The De Structu Debate Entry P Introdu Introdu Introdu Q&A R Cross-E Rebutt Conclu Exit


Other DebFor explana

• Thehttp

• Linchttp

• BrithttpAsM

• Cathttp

• Sashttp

Learning t• http• The

http• MIT

7_D• A se

http• Tor

http• Cou• (Co


Debate ToFor ideas abcentered w • https://• https://• http://w• https://• www.u• http://w Also, check most-popul NY Times' lihttps://lear

© Al


bate Rule Syations of othee Sydney 200p://worlddebcoln-Douglasps://www.uitish Parliamep://www.wilModelOfSociholic Schoolp://www.csdkatchewan Ep://

to Debate p://www.leae Monash Asp://www.moT Debating of video tups://www.yoronto Debatips://www.yoursera coursemmercial) Tps://

opics bout debate ebsites:


the NY Timear-student-q

st of 301 toprning.blogs.n

exander Hristo

ystems er debate sy

00 Rules : bating.blogss Debate Debatllamette.edualAndEducats' Debating A

arndebating.sociation of

onashdebate01: http://codf utorials on tutorials on negotiahe Art of De


topics, as we

com / org rg/resolution

es list of debaquestions-fo

pics for

v, Agora Speak

stems, check les/academi

te: u/cla/china_dtionalDebateAssociation:au/debatingRd Debate Assm/media/32

com/ offersDebaters off

ebating: /channel/UCand example/channel/UCtion: https:/bate, from T

ell as argume


ate topics : hr-debate-and

mentative w/2015/02/05

- 23 -kers Internation

Version 0.1

k the followi




Rules.html sociation:


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