...Central Pay Commission have conveyed the sanäion of the for grant of revised pay sŒle of...


Transcript of ...Central Pay Commission have conveyed the sanäion of the for grant of revised pay sŒle of...

Page 1: ...Central Pay Commission have conveyed the sanäion of the for grant of revised pay sŒle of Rs.5000-8000 to the pre—revised pay scale of Rs.1600-2660 to the post of Sound in Doordarshan
Page 2: ...Central Pay Commission have conveyed the sanäion of the for grant of revised pay sŒle of Rs.5000-8000 to the pre—revised pay scale of Rs.1600-2660 to the post of Sound in Doordarshan
Page 3: ...Central Pay Commission have conveyed the sanäion of the for grant of revised pay sŒle of Rs.5000-8000 to the pre—revised pay scale of Rs.1600-2660 to the post of Sound in Doordarshan
Page 4: ...Central Pay Commission have conveyed the sanäion of the for grant of revised pay sŒle of Rs.5000-8000 to the pre—revised pay scale of Rs.1600-2660 to the post of Sound in Doordarshan
Page 5: ...Central Pay Commission have conveyed the sanäion of the for grant of revised pay sŒle of Rs.5000-8000 to the pre—revised pay scale of Rs.1600-2660 to the post of Sound in Doordarshan