By: Lexie and Harrison Bullying. Bullies can be very mean so step up for your friend. Bullies are...

By: Lexie and Harrison Bullying

Transcript of By: Lexie and Harrison Bullying. Bullies can be very mean so step up for your friend. Bullies are...

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By: Lexie and Harrison Bullying Slide 2 Bullies can be very mean so step up for your friend. Bullies are people who get pleasure from bullying people and hurting their feelings. People try to help them but they are scared and cant. Things to know Slide 3 Cyber bullying Verbal Bullying Physical Bullying Types of Bullying Slide 4 I know that cyber bullying hurts us all. Cyber bullies remain anonymous so they dont get bullied in real life. Cyber bullies target people based on religion, race, skin color and personal things. People can stop this by talking to parents, teachers and government officials. Cyber bullying Slide 5 Theater Shows Us Bullying Hurts Slide 6 Words hurt us all. Have you ever heard sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. That is a saying that people use to back of bullies. Verbal Bullying Slide 7 When you push someone or kick them do you think about how they might feel? Fighting is never the solution to anything. Next time you want to hurt someone think about how you would want to be treated. Physical Bullying Slide 8 Stand up to the bully if you are their friend tell them to stop or tell an adult The first thing you should do is tell the bully how the victim feels Say Pick on someone your own size. How can you help friends who are being bullied? Slide 9 How can Bullying Hurt Others? Bullies can make people think that they arent good enough no matter what they do. Bullies can say really mean things about them online that arent true and then people will think that what they said is true. Bullies can physically hurt people and can make them physically disabled for a while. Slide 10 Ignore a bully or walk away with pride. If it is cyber bullying block the persons messaging towards you. Tell a teacher or parent if it is serious call the police (but make sure your parents know your calling the police). Change the subject. Ex. Make a joke. Agree with the bully even if you know what they're saying isnt true. What are ways to deal with Bullies? Slide 11 Some bullies have siblings that bully them and take out their anger out on others. They think doing this they can go looking for targets and know that they will let them take power over them. They think the only way to be cool is to be a bully. Because maybe they know a lot. Bullies want to hurt others because they feel insecure and they want to control other people. Why Bullies Pick On Others? Slide 12 Steps on how to deal with a bully 1: Stay calm 2: Assess the likelihood of violence 3: Have a thick skin and a sense of humor. 4: Collect evidence Remember that you dont have the problem, they do. You should be able to deal with a bully really well if you follow these steps. Remember dont feed the bully! Summary Slide 13 Simons hook Simons hook is a book about bullying Simon wakes up one morning and finds his sisters gum in his hair and his sister Trys to fix it so she cuts his hair of- F and go to schools the next day And people make fun of him and Runs to his grandmas house and She teaches him and go through a Big adventure read the book to Find out. Books Slide 14 Our minds Mrs. Wilder Dont feed the Bully By: Brad Tassell Physiologist, Bruce Fane Bibliography