. BULETIN STIINTIFIC/Volum lucrari stiintifice... · biocenoza din lacurile de apă dulce, în...


Transcript of . BULETIN STIINTIFIC/Volum lucrari stiintifice... · biocenoza din lacurile de apă dulce, în...




1. Diana Elena Alecu, Felicia Ionela Budea - Probleme şi tendinţe în

dezvoltarea sistemelor de irigaţii şi drenaj

The failings of present systems and the inability to sustainable exploit surface and groundwater resources can be attributed essentially to poor planning, design, system management and development. This is partly due to the inability of engineers, planners and managers to adequately quantify the effects of irrigation and drainage projects on water resource systems and to use these effects as guidelines for improving technology, design and management. To take full advantage of investments in irrigated agriculture, a major effort is required to rehabilitate and modernize irrigation and drainage systems and to develop appropriate management strategies compatible with the financial and socio-economic trends of the environment. This calls for an integrated holistic approach to irrigation and drainage management and monitoring so as to increase food production, conserve water, prevent soil salinization and water logging, and to protect the environment and ecosystems. All this requires enhanced research and a variety of tools such as water control and regulation equipment, remote sensing, geographic information systems, decision support systems and models, as well as field survey and evaluation techniques.

2. Puiu Matei, Apostolu Fanel, Dima Mihai - Integrarea Romaniei in Uniunea Europeana – cerinta pentru dezvoltarea durabila a localitatilor rurale si a protectiei mediului Integrarea Romaniei in Uniunea Europeana si accesarea fondurilor de

finantare pentru dezvoltarea infrastructurilor din localitatile rurale (SAPARD; Fonduri structurale, etc), este o oportunitate in implementarea proiectelor de dezvoltare a retelele de canalizare si a statiilor de epurare de mica capacitate. Lucrarea prezinta si evidentiaza un aspect privind abordarea dezvoltarii in perspectiva a proiectarii si realizarii sistemelor de retele de canalizare si de statii de epurarea de mica capacitate, lucrari care vor contribui la dezvoltarea si completarea lucrarilor de infrastructura din localitatile rurale ale Romaniei. Totodata lucrarea se constituie si un semnal de polarizare a atentiei autoritatilor din administratia publica locala pentru dezvoltarea durabila, armonioasa si echilibrata a infrastructurilor existente sau in dezvoltare din mediul rural.

3. Siminea Ioana, Lia Geta - Elaborarea hărţilor de hazard/ risc la alunecare în România

The hazard and the risk associated to landslide hazard preoccupy increasingly the human communities due to the damages generated by these phenomena. The possibility to forecast development of a landslide implies elaboration a landslide hazard map and evaluation of the risk associated to landslide is inapprehensible without landslide hazard maps. The paper draws attention to the utility of the landslide hazard maps, and highlights the necessity of correct understanding of its content and destination, level of exigency that can be satisfied and the principles that must be respected for the elaboration.

4. Diana Elena Alecu, Felicia Ionela Budea - Instrumente gis folosite în managementul irigaţiilor

Irrigation management is a key to efficient and timely water distribution in

canal command areas keeping in view the crop factors, and for irrigation management adequate and always updated information regarding the irrigation system is needed. This paper illustrates a GIS Tool for Irrigation Management which provides information interactively for decision making process. This Interactive Information System (IIS) has been developed to facilitate the operation and management of the command area development and to calculate the irrigation efficiency in the field level. At the basis of this development is geographic information systems (GIS) but gradually, this is being adapted to the kind of decision and management functions. It also provides support to the design engineers to assess the impact of the design parameters of the System. This is

an Arcview based GIS tool developed with the Avenue Codes by integrating the GIS and Relational Database Management System (RDMS). A very good user friendly Graphical User Interface at the front end helps the manager to operate the application easily. Using these “point on click” functions of this application an irrigation manager is capable to generate outputs in the form of Maps, Tables and Graphs which guide him to take prompt and appropriate decision with in few minutes.

5. Diana Elena Alecu, Felicia Ionela Budea - Gestionarea sistemelor mari de irigaţii prin metoda teledetecţiei

Mapping of irrigated areas, based on a SPOT satellite image of high resolution,

shows the difference between the area irrigated and un-irrigated, types of anomalies in the field of irrigation, by analyzing visual of color band spectral radiometric values in histogram. Overlapping images interpreted with the mapped area (map), leading to the detection of irregularities in water supply, but may be useful in the management of agricultural irrigation, monitoring it.

6. Adriana Burlacu, Olimpia Blăgoi - Impactul major al factorilor naturali asupra calităţii apei din lacuri şi asupra populaţiei piscicole in anotimpul rece.

Este analizată influenţa factorilor hidrologici, meteorologici, biologici şi umani

asupra calităţii apei din lacuri, în perioada anotimpului friguros, în corelaţie cu biocenoza din lacurile de apă dulce, în particular, cu populaţia piscicolă din iazuri. S-a realizat un studiu de caz asupra lacului Dracşani, în judeţul Botoşani, România, unde, î iarna lui 1996 şi 2003, o importantă mortalitate piscicolă a avut loc, din cauza factorilor menţionaţi mai sus. Investigaţiile au cuprins observaţii şi analize asupra influentului, afluenţilor, factorilor meteorologici şi, de asemenea, au fost colectate probe de apă din lac, influenţi din locaţiile de referinţă.

7. Elena Călăraşu, Cornelia – Florentina Dobrescu - Parametri geotehnici la solicitari dinamice si utilizarea lor pentru caracterizarea pamanturilor lichefiabile

Comportarea particulara a nisipurilor saturate sub o solicitare ciclica (de exemplu

generata de miscare seismica) este legata de scaderea temporara a rezistentei ca urmare a cresterii presiunii apei din pori, fenomen cunoscut sub denumirea de lichefiere.

Lichefierea nisipului produce o scadere a capacitatii portante a terenului, fisurarea structurii sale si dislocarea, putand duce la pierderea stabilitatii. Se cunosc cazuri cand asemenea fenomene provocate de cutremure de pamant au avut o mare

amploare, producand avarii grave in constructiile situate in astfel de zone (cutremurul Niigata din Japonia, 1964, cutremurul Kobe din Japonia, 1995, etc.).

Fenomenele de lichefiere a nisipurilor aparute in tara noastra cu ocazia cutremurului din 4 martie 1977, au provocat si unele avarii la cladiri rurale de mai mica importanta si mai ales la unele lucrari hidrotehnice de pamant (diguri si baraje mici).

8. Ciobanu Roxana Marilena - Evoluţia schimbărilor climatice în zona lacului Căldăruşani, respectiv Câmpiei Vlăsiei

Căldăruşani lake is geographical situated in the south part of the country and it

belongs to Romanian plain on Ilfov county into the north part of Grădiştea commune and south of Nuci commune.It belongs to Ialomiţa river.It is characterized by a temperate continental with an easy excessive nuances.A thermic character of climate makes temperatures to be different in one season of another ,in one month of another and in one day of another, in local conditions introducing some differences in territorial profile which doesn’t modify a general aspect.

9. Ciobanu Roxana Marilena - Calitatea apei din lacul Căldăruşani în raport cu protecţia mediului înconjurător

Căldăruşani lake is a lake with drinking water and mineralized till 1g/l like a result of chemical composition decisive factors which operates to create and to maintain it according to this value.Biogen elements have an important role to develop and to keep up life’s aquatic organisms,which constitutes a raw material for photosynthesis processes and the most important being nitrites and phosphates in medium quantities here.As well a dissolved oxygen is one of the most important indicators to estimate a surface water’s quality.Its content depends on water’s temperature, atmospheric pressure, presence and absence of photosynthesis’ plants, a penetration degree of light, an organic material quantity decay and also an industrial offals.

10. Ioan Clinciu, Lucia Nedelcu – Amenajarea bazinelor hidrografice torenţiale,

componentă a dezvoltării durabile, integrate,a spaţiului rural

Because the rural development policies acquires a greater priority both for EU and Romania, the authors argue why the torrential watershed management by means of biological, biotechnical and hydrotechnical works, is an action in the spirit of sustainable, integrated, development of the rural spaces.

The first and the most important argument is quite a reality: torrentiality is not compatible with the sustainable development. Indeed, is not possible a sustainable development inside the rural space of the country in the context that more than 60%

from hydrographical network length is torrentialised and over 4 000 000 hectares are affected by erosional processes.

The second argument is also a reality: in our phisico-geographiques conditions, the complex relationship among mountain, forest and water, is one with multiple resonances in the rural zones of the country.

Finally, the background of the third argument is a comparative analysis of the advantages/disadvantages offered by the three strategies types possible to be followed in the torrential watershed management : 1 – The “hydrotechnical” strategy, which put the accent on the management of the torrential hydrographical network, by according the main place to the hydrotechnical works; 2 – The “biological” strategy, which put the accent on the management of the slopes, by making the so-called “green management” of the torrential watersheds, and 3–The “biotechnical” strategy, which promotes the principle of combining harmoniously the biological works with hydrotechnical works, including also mixt works. If for each managed torrential watershed and for each stage of management is found the equilibrium between hydrotechnical solutions and biological solutions, then the management measures and works there are in consonance with the requirements of the sustainable development of the rural space.

11. Cornelia – Florentina Dobrescu, Elena Călăraşu - Probleme specifice ale comportarii pamanturilor susceptibile la lichefiere

The first attempt to define the conditions under which is generated the liquefaction

phenomenon is assigned to A. Casagrande (1936), which introduced the concept of critical pores index. It was found that the shearing deformations are accompanied by a trend of expansion in dense sands and densification in the loose sands. In terms of undrained loads application, water pores pressure is opposed to these volume variations, showing decreases, and the corresponding increase of pressure. A sand that is characterized by an initial pores index (relative to the beginning of shearing), named the critical pores index, which does not appear variations in volume during drained shearing, so no changes of pore water pressure during the shearing in undrained conditions. Consequently, it was considered that only the sands with a superior state of loose of critical pores index will manifest trends of liquefaction.

12. Costescu Ioana Alina, Nemeș Nicoleta - Considerații privind încălzirea globală și schimbările climatic

The paper presents global considerents regarding the global warming and climate change. It also describes the green-house gases and gas concentrations that have

increased over the industrial period. In the last part it tries to predict some implicatio due to the climate change in all the environment factors implied.

13. Dan Dăscăliţa - Dispozitiv flexibil cu rol de apărare impotriva inundaţiilor

The floods produce the damages with disastrous effects at population and the social economic objectives. The climatic changes from the last century and the human activities conducted to floods with high frequency, in the high risk areas as in the areas without this kind of phenomena. The existent measures of defence against floods (regularizations of rivers, banking protection zone of the of banks, etc.) could become inadequate in the extraordinary conditions. It is sufficient the exceed with several centimeters of the defence work quotas by the maximal calculated flow level, in order that the localities, in fields or socio – economic objectives to be flooded.The frequency of this phenomenon is increasing in Romania and in another areas of the World.

In such of situations the existence of the measure intercession with the fast technologies of defence against floods, could represent concrete solutions which head off the damages. Such of technologies are especially useful in the situation of the producing of the maximal floods with historical character and fast propagation. The systems of fast protection (in real time) contain 2 distinct subsystems:

The informatical forecast and warning subsystem, which the function of warning the floods that exceed the flooding level and that establish automatically the risk areas, emplacements and the dimensions of the protection devices .

The technological subsystem of execution of the protection dimensional commanded work of the informatical forecast and warning subsystem.

Taking into account some situations when houses must be defended, especially in the areas where no major hydro-technical works exist, some quick intervention technologies have been successfully used lately. Such technology is AQUASTOP. These systems of protection against floods used for many years now have been successfully used in Europe. Given the easy use if this system, its cheapness and the possibility of using them in other activity domain, we recommend using them to defend the houses against overflows. A more complex system against floods are the water structures. They are especially created to insure a stable barrier that contains and controls the water destructive course. All the materials used in water structures are flexible and allow the structure to adept itself to the land. Two water structures can be put together to form long structures. Although they are more expensive I recommend them for their high security level, in defending small and middle houses against floods. An economic and efficient technological solution is using a flexible screen thrust in the river shore with the help of a mechanical equipment led by a vehicle.

The maximum height of the superior part of the screen is 100 cm and for the underground part is 50 cm, but these can be different due to the constructive technical limits imposed by the mechanical equipment and to the necessary height to avoid the overflows. To insure the success in applying this type of technology previous script and specialized stuff are required. This paper proposes to present theoretically and succinct few examples of fast protection of the socio – economic objectives in the imminent cases of floods.

14. Diaconu (Panoiu) Delia - Strategii pentru monitorizarea integrata a poluarii cu nitratii

La polluution par les nitrats représente la charge des facteurs de l’envirronment

l’eau (souterrain et de sourface) et le sol, avec les parties de l’azote dont les conséquances pourrais ête : la périclitation sur la santé des hommes, l’affectation d’organismes vivantes et aux écosystèmes térrèstres et aquatiques, l’inconvenience d’utilisation des eaux et la détérioration de l’ambience.

L’implementation du Directive no. 91/676/EEC concernant la protection des eaux contre la pollution détérminée par les nitrats qui sont provenus dans des sources agricoles, en Roumanie serrant produits des changements importantes dans l’agriculture, avec des éffetes socio-economiques et avec un impact sur le développement roural, sur la conservation et la croissence des réserves des ressources, sur l’assurence d’une nouvelle qualité des processus de production, sur la réorganisatione téhnologique et sur les recherces scièntifiques, et pas dans le dérnier tour sur la prottection de la santé des hommes et de l’envirronement.

15. Diaconu (Panoiu) Delia - Strategii de management a riscului la inundaţii

Les inondations sont des phénomènes naturels et une composante de cycle hydrologique naturel de la Terre. Les inondations et les grandes inondations en particulier quelques-uns des phénomènes naturels qui ont marqué de profondes marques et la société humaine, elles sont géographiquement les plus répandues désastres dans le monde entier et aussi le plus grand producteur de dommages et de pertes en vies humaines. Actions et des mesures visant à réduire le nombre de victimes et les dommages causés par les inondations sont développés sur le territoire roumain pendant plus de 200 ans. Mise en œuvre de la stratégie de la gestion des risques dans les inondations dans le moyen terme nécessite des investissements dans l'infrastructure de défense contre les inondations.

16. Gabriel Popescu - Tendinţe privind prelucrarea interactivă a observaţiilor fotogrammetrice, combinate cu alte tehnici moderne de detecţie The work suggests a complete approachment of analytical and digital

photogrammetric methods using CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems, combined with non-destructive research techniques with the purpose of finding the best solution for surveying, inventorying, monitoring, restoration and conservation of space-objects. We have ascertained that the relatively simple technique of photogrammetry or hologrammetry can be combined well with non-destructive research techniques of remote sensing (infra-red thermography, ultra-sounds, ground radar measurements, etc.). These complementary techniques permit the research of the following elements: disintegration of building material/surface, the influences of air pollution, temperature, light and humidity, the research on wet spots and on open cavities, formation of cracks, recording of forms in 3D and the simulation of models. The benefit of combination of photogrammetry with remote sensing research is that it provides a solid documentation of a space-object as a basis for rehabilitation or restoration planning: a total inventory, both quantitative and qualitative.

17. Horia Gârbea - Fiabilitatea sistemelor funcţionale cu numai o parte dintre elemente în stare de funcţiune. Consideraţii teoretice şi exemple de calcul

The paper studies and relates about how the global reliability of a system is

changing when one or more of these elements does not function (fail) in the case the system could function with only a part of its elements in function. Key words: Reliabitiy, probability of failure, failure, conection.

18. Horia Gârbea - Observaţii şi calcule privind studiul fiabilităţii echipamentelor cu intervale mari de funcţionare

The content of the paper is made by different approaches of the reliabilty of the

equipments with long time between failures in some different situations.

19. Dr.eng. I.Giurma, Dr.eng. I.Craciun, Dr.inf. C-R., Giurma-Handley,

drd.eng. M.Telisca, drd.eng.P.Alexoaie-Conache - Energetical risk of the thermical hazard using infrared thermography

20. Paulina Iancu, Adriana Pienaru, Mihaela Ispas - Factorii de influenta ai procesului de ozonizare in tratarea apei potabile

The ozone use in the drinking water treatment for human consumption purposes has become a frequently used method due to its outcomes. The ozone action upon the viruses and bacteria in the water is affected by very many indices that require the phenomenon comprehension and complex study. The material contains a presentation of these indices and the way they affect the disinfection process.

21. Paulina Iancu, Adriana Pienaru, Mihaela Ispas - Tehnologii pe baza de membrana pentru tratarea apei potabile

The use of membrane technologies for drinking water treatment is an

alternative to the traditional drinking water treatment technologies. The document hereinafter shows several aspects of water nonofiltration and ultra-filtration through membranes. It also contains schemes of membrane treatment for removal of iron, manganese, bacteria turbidity, organic matters and colors.

22. Kinan Kadîr - Particularităţi privind irigarea prin picurare a pomilor fructiferi The crisis of water as natural resource leads to concerns related to the increasing efficiency of irrigation water. In the fruit-tree plantations, dripping irrigation can be an effective technique if application is based on adequate technical elements, as shown in the present paper.

23. Letitia Purdoiu - Resursele informaţionale electronice în contextul dezvoltării societăţii cunoaşterii în românia

The Information and Communications Technology - ICT development, has

caused nowadays the changing of the traditional library concept that serves inside the institution in higher education, by diversity of products and services for information and documentation, offering to the library users, a good access to the electronic information resources. The functions of the University’s Specialized Library are entailed by the necessities of the users’community to whom it belongs to – students, professors, researchers – the documentary function here being essential. In this regard, the development of the collections, and mostly, the electronic resources, is one of the most important activities in the University’s Specialized Library, which a primordial mission: the orientation, the study, the bibliographic and documentary notification, the research, inside the university.

24. Manea Raluca, Iordan Daniela, Calin Mariana - Influenţa legilor proprietăţii asupra terenurilor agricole

The ensemble of what laws led to the reconstitution of the ownership, scrolled

from 1990 feather currently, took count of the improvements of land reclamation existing on the grounds where they applied. This drove to these deterioration works and the impossibility these exploitation to the natural parameters of operation. The crumbliness of agricultural drove to an unsystematic agriculture, each the owner having owns rules of exploit the ground, fact drive to degrade it a these. The absence registrations cadastral the grounds, as well as the improvements of land reclamation drove hereto exploitation inefficiency and to the deterioration of existing systems. In the Treaty of the Romania adherence to European Union are finished the protocol concerning the temporary additional measures of rural development through foundation of the semi subsistence farms. In Romania the number of agricultural exploitations below 4ha is of 83,3% from total, what don't covers the needs of the family. From these considerations have achieved a programs of surfaces fusion useful to the realization of the farms with optimum sizes of 40-50ha.

25. Maniu Maria, Constantinescu Dana Gabriela,. Gavrilescu Camelia, Lepădatu Cristian - Elaborarea unui program de extensie privind managementul durabil al resurselor de sol in fermele din regiunea de sud-muntenia

Our studies have focused on analyzing the integration practices of

environmental principles in farms management, situated in South-Muntenia region from our country. These analyses have been done according to collected data from 142 agricultural exploitations, with different properties forms. Statistic data concerning production technologies have been estimated through Structural Investigation in Agriculture developed during CEEX no.56/2006 program. Estimated data where used to elaborate a durable soil management program for the investigated exploitations.

26. Florin Mărăcineanu, Elena Constantin, Sorin Corici, Kinan Kadîr - Studiu privind prognoza calităţii debitelor pe cursul râului Jiu

Surface waters are the main environmental factors of various values: nourishment, energy, technological transport, environmental protection, etc.; they are currently undergoing an ever increasing pressure from the intensely developing human society.

To emphasize the specific forms through which anthropic activities result in deteriorating water quality on the upper course of the river Jiu, we performed

observations in time on the main qualitative and quantitative indicators of the discharge (rate of flow, rainfalls, stream-borne discharge, water-dissolved oxygen, regular residues, ammonium, etc.).

Water-quality forecast on the upper course of the river Jiu was based on the regression equation between the specific quantitative and qualitative elements.

27. Mădălina Marian, Monica Neblea - Evaluarea eroziunii solului într-un subbazin hidrografic al râului argeş.

Les recherches effectuées les dernières années concernant les conséquences

de l’érosion, ont mené à la conclusion qu’il s’impose à la fois un effort soutenu humain et financier pour réduire ce processus dynamique de destruction du sol. L’étude du relief, de l’hydrographie et de l’hydrologie, de lithologie et de pédologie, des conditions climatiques, l’étude des précipitations et l’étude des catégories de terrains et de la végétation mènent à une analyse et à une juste appréciation de l’état d’érosion d’un basin hydrographique. Les recherches effectuées dans le bassin hydrographique supérieur de la rivière d’Arges, plus précisément dans le sousbassin la vallée de Iasului, ont permis la détermination proprement – dite des surfaces affectées d’érosion et l’encadrement de celles–ci dans des classes d’érosion.

28. Dan Marinovici, Daniela Zvorasteanu - Exprimarea analitica a hidrografelor de debite pentru undele de viitura

Pour le calculs practiques des ondes de hautes eaux dans le réseau hydrografique on a besoin de reconstituer les hydrographes des hautes eaux ordinaires caractéristiques, chose qué est possible en faisant leur schéma analytique. La réconstition sera faite ayant pour base les caractéristiques des hautes eaux ordinaires: maxQ ( debit maxim), T ( durée des hautes eaux ordinaires),

crT (temps de croissancedes hautes eaux ordinaires), (coefficient de forme), en exprimant les fonctions qui décrivent les segmsnts de courbe don’t l’hidrographe est formé. Les parametres des fonctions determinées s’expriment à l’aide du coefficient de forme des hautes eaux ordinaires .

29. Carmen Mateescu, Corina Alice Băbuţanu, Gheorghe Băran, Nicolae Băran - Managementul deşeurilor organice biodegradabile

În contextul unor preocupări crescânde pentru îmbunătăţirea calităţii mediului, dar

şi a creşterii costurilor în sectorul energetic, concomitent cu reducerea resurselor de

combustibili fosili, identificarea şi punerea în aplicare a unor noi tehnologii de tratare şi valorificare energetică a deşeurilor a devenit o prioritate la nivel mondial. Deşeurile organice biodegradabile provenite din sectorul casnic, comercial sau industrial sunt materiale cu valoare energetică ridicată, putând fi valorificate în sistemele de producere a biogazului şi a fertilizanţilor ecologici.

Lucrarea prezintă pe scurt unele realizări în Europa, SUA şi Canada privind dezvoltarea instalaţiilor de biogaz la nivel mondial, precum şi situaţia înregistrată la nivel naţional. De asemenea, sunt menţionate noi direcţii de cercetare în România, pentru implementarea şi eficientizarea acestor tehnologii ecologice. Cercetările includ studii teoretice şi experimentale privind dinamica suspensiilor în reactoarele de fermentare anaerobă, studii ce urmează a fi utilizate în stabilirea parametrilor optimi de funcţionare a instalaţiilor de biogaz.

30. Nemeş Nicoleta, Costescu Ioana Alina – Climate change and their impact to agriculture Many chemical compounds found in the Earth’s atmosphere act as

“greenhouse gases.” These gases allow sunlight to enter the atmosphere freely. When sunlight strikes the Earth’s surface, some of it is re-radiated back towards space as infrared radiation (heat). Greenhouse gases absorb this infrared radiation and trap the heat in the atmosphere. Many gases exhibit these “greenhouse” properties. Some of them occur in nature (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide), while others are exclusively human made (certain industrial gases). Over time, if atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases remain relatively stable, the amount of energy sent from the sun to the Earth’s surface should be about the same as the amount of energy radiated back into space, leaving the temperature of the Earth’s surface roughly constant.

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have increased nearly 30%, methane concentrations have more than doubled, and nitrous oxide concentrations have risen by about 15%.

31. Pavel Cristinel - Situaţia actuală şi necesitatea reabilitării , retehnologizării şi modernizării sistemului de irigaţii Crivina – Vânju Mare

The paper presents briefly the current situation of the irrigation system Crivina-Vânju-Mare;the current issue of exploiting this system in the context of its administration by ANIF RA Danube-Olt Territorial Branch, Management Unit of Mehedinţi ,that has in its patrimony: SPA Ţigănaşi main pumping station, SRP Devesel pumping station, CA main channel and the CD distribution channels, but

also by OUAI that were set up in the administrative territory of the system, that has in their patrimony: SPP pumping stations, buried pipeline systems for these and irrigation equipments; the purpose and the importance of the rehabilitation and modernization of the specific system in the current form of organization of activity of the improvement of land, thus ensuring an efficient functioning.

32. Nicolae N. Petrescu - Impactul schimbarilor climatice asupra mediului – seceta agricola The drought in general and the agricultural drought in particular affect large

territories on the entire planet. In Romania, there are important territories affected by the agricultural drought, the most well-known being located in Dobrogea and the south of Oltenia.

The case study of the agricultural drought phenomenon took place in Dobrogea, at Tulcea meteorological station, thus determining the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the agricultural drought: the total amount of time of the agricultural drought, the maximum amount of time of the agricultural drought, the severity of the agricultural drought, the medium intensity of the agricultural drought, the agricultural yield obtained under the circumstances of the agricultural drought, the agricultural yield obtained when the irrigation with different watering norms have been used.

33. Nicolae N. Petrescu - Impactul agrotehnologiilor în bazinele hidrografice. Studiu de caz - impactul zootehniei în b.h al râului Ialomiţa

The experiments and the analysis studies of the territory, as well as the

environment projects based on the ecological equillibrium observance have highlighted the concept of environmental sensibility, lately.

The method of the ecological sensibility analysis of a territory used in the present research assumed the geo-hierarchical overlapping of the territorial plans, thus getting the evaluation resultant map of the environmental components vulnerability on different pollution levels, function on the type, intensity and nature of charge. For exemplification, the potential impact in the Ialomita river basin under the dangerous action determined by the livestock breeding on the studied territory has been analysed.

The resultant thematic map with regard to the vulnerability of the territory to the livestock breeding activity allows the choosing of the optimum designing site of such an investing objectiv, to which the ecological risk to be minimum.

34. Siminea Ioana - Stabilizarea şi protejarea taluzurilor şi versanţilor, prin înierbare, pentru încadrarea rapidă în peisajul natural

The paper presents the use biodegradable geotextiles made in Romanian for

environmental protection purposes in the fly-ash pit area, as well as for slope protection against surface erosion and slope reinforcement resulting from roadwork overgrown with grass. The paper also presents a new slope – stabilization tecnology known as PRATI ARMATI.

35. Slave Camelia - Evaluarea riscului seismic al construcţiilor existente conform cerinţelor iso 13822:2001

The projections of constructions are base by experience and empiric rules many

millenniums. In the XVII centuries, for the first time the bases of the mechanic construction were put through the works of Galileo, Hooke, Mariotte, Bernoulli, Coulomb. The most important element in evolution of the calculation procedures of construction is the safe concept. This concept is developing in the last period and is scientific fundamental.

36. Stătescu Florian, Cotiuşcă-Zaucă Dorin - Aspecte privind efectul irigaţiilor asupra unor caracteristici hidrofizice ale solului

The soil clogging due to clay and organic particles in the irrigation water is

causing modification in soil porosity and is considered as a natural process of degradation. The process is more intense in the layer next below the yearly plough one (25-30 cm) having multiple negative consequences. It is strengthened by the anthropogenic (secondary) compaction of soil, due to repeated inappropriate technological work of soil for agricultural purposes. The soil porosity is a coefficient representing the relative volumes of pores, particularly important in studies regarding the retaining and the movement of water into the soil. Its value is influenced by texture, structure and degree of soil compaction. Starting from these considerations some research were carried on the evolution of hydro-physical parameters (minimum residual water content - WCR, saturated water content - WCS and pore size distribution parameter - n) generated by the soil clogging and compaction. The research consisted in tracing the suction curve and calculation of above parameters, using the “Soil Parameter Estimation” software; the paper presents the output for 3 types of textures (N - sand, L - silt, A - clay) and 3 degrees of compaction (FA - very loose, ST – loosely compacted, PT - strongly compacted). It proves that irrigation and anthropogenic compaction causes significant changes in soil and therefore in its porosity and hydro – physical characteristics. At the same time the direction and the range of the above parameters were computed.

37. Suiugan Marius Calin, Man Teodor Eugen - Stabilirea tipologiei abiotice a

corpurilor de apa rauri, folosind Sistemul Informational Geografic (G.I.S.) in bazinul hidrografic Crisuri

The Water Framework Directive objective, is to achieve a "good status" for all

water bodies, except for heavily modified and artificial water bodies, which is defined "good ecological potential." In accordance with article 33 of Directive, the objective to achieving a good status of water, must be made on each river basin, so that the measures relating to surface waters, that belong to the same hydrological, hydrogeological and ecological system, must be coordinated.

38. Tanase Lavinia - Metode indirecte pentru determinarea consumului de apă

The methods for determination of water consumption is used to set the right moment for irrigate.

The wants for water decreases to phase of full ripeness in the ripeness phase of seed.

The big production obtained in good irrigation conditions was aquired, in principal, by the positive increase in high of plants and of soybean’ increased number.

39. A. Vrînceanu , Oana Alina Mardare, D. Niţu , I. Jinga - Observaţii privind influenţa fenomenului de „secetă-aridizare-deşertificare” la nivelul resurselor de sol din Câmpia Bărăganului Central

As a result of different interactions between genetical factors (rocks, vegetation

and fauna, relief, groundwater, climate, time) at earth crust level, the soil is a very complex natural system which modifies dynamics in time and space by permanently water, energy and substances changes with environment. Considering the climate changes, a very important environmental factor, the existence on the highest part of Central Baragan Plain of a soil coverage with a low range of soil types, low developed as chernozems, determines morphostructural, agrophysical, agrochemical and agrobiological changes, that will have high impact, knowing that these kind of soils are very popular. These changes that interfere with pedological resources involve changes in the usage mode, its administration to maintain the fertility for a sustainable agriculture, being necessary a complex approch of the soil related with the other factors that interfere in its development, but also with the degradation aspects.

40. Nicolae Zegheru - Comasarea teritorială în dezvoltarea rurală

The aplication of Law 18/1991 referring to terrain retrocession to land owners, has like effect a lot of small parcels.

Rural economy specialist recomend the surfaces for an efficient farming exploitation. In this paper present a technology for redistribution based on digital cataster

maps, elaborated by photogrammetrical methods