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11 n p n u r gl Jt1 T m i 1 5 -- ft BIC The FRIDAY CLEAR THE TRACK REDUCTION IN JMBBBmmamfcMimmmmnmnmnmmmmnmmmmmmmmmwaaa- a- FOR P Rl C E S Old Veteran Jg BUCHANAN the friend of tie people the man wMkeeps the prices down lias arrived in Hickman with a Steamboat load of strictly first GOODS all New Elegant Reliable and Substantial I claim to have the Largft Stock the Best Stock and by a Big class Majority STOCK in Hickman nnrl T nm rtafprtninnfl to itppt mv rpniitsiti in fill fnir flpnlino- - and for snllino- - Pirstrii ni4 T xi i A uJcknln f AAnniir - vr vt X11j wr 0 0 fiiia uuuua at jLuwbit unus ill uu any IIOUSC ill inianuu ui vjuuuuj THE llCKMAN COURIER HICKMAN KY evic- - once I ridiculous I 14 people who are the victim and OCT Kl riiujonB j - t w that lhe j and military who This year November elections among tbe dirty work present occur in six States Ohio Penn Tie events at Gweedereon Wed- - svlvania New York Massachn- - nesday illustrate botb sides of setts Maryland and Iowa J the picture The New York Her- - aid gives details in a cable THE town of Baku in Russia dispatch from Dublin The first has been inundated by the flow of place at which the 100 j vt1 f Ka wmtla t luat Tilaftf nAMfjtiiAAI 1 l C IBiuiCH iUl ltlJ wno Inw iciuiuKcu ify aiHrcH auuiuci Ul spItl8ltnpo88iWc to stop the flow emenrencv men arineawiih crow- - or store the oil bars and revolvew stopped was the house of Manus Hourly The James Gordon Bkxxett will hoiwe was barricaded aud in re ¬ publish a newspaper Paris Ato spouse to a feeble tap on the doot be known as European Her- - by a bailiff a deluge of boiling va aid It will be modeled after the ter flew out the chinks New York Herald j After retiring to a safe distance a j second demand for possession was The Kentucky Deaf Mute suiiir made and as no came up that at a cent a mile would the emergency men Bet about rosi esMUuuu to go to me sun uitli crowbars and sledges break- - time at 40 miles an hour 263 vears Round trip tickets lS00O00 Postmaster General Vilas is mentioned by the Washington correspondent of the New York Run as for the first entered presented Presidential nomination in 1SS8 a picture of soualor and miserv Wheat is down but flour keeps up All kinds of produce com ¬ manding big prices Meat pota toes butter and everything else ready xo eat are very lngu The outioou for poor people this winter is rath- er ¬ gloomy AN important convention is to be held in Memphis Teiiu on 20th and 2Ut iusts The call is issued to the people of the Mis ¬ sissippi and Ohio Valleys and is called in the interest of the im- provement ¬ of Western waterways Denis Kearney the sand lot or- ator ¬ of Saufraucisco has gone to New York to preach his doc- trine ¬ the Chinese must go Den- is ¬ is a Democrat this season and will ask the workingmen to strengthen the hands of that par ty says the et come from the west and j6 tJiinkM wiJI be Gen Blnk Illinois now couimissioiier of pen- sions As to Mr the Senator says it does not seem there will be even slight division in the about his nomination Mr Powdeely strikes key- note he says Let me elect the Assessor and care not who elects President If the peo ple would pay more attention to the selection of honest and capa ble men for the local offices they wonld find it very much to their advantage The Democrats of Louisville have decided not to make nomi- nation Mayor The Republi- cans have nominated L Avery and there are two other candi dates C D Jacob and W B Hoke both Democrats in the field Notwithstanding the state of affairs the Commercial says Jacob will bo sure wiuuer President Clevelands rail way tour is being crowded with series of receptions that evinces the popular respect for his exalted station as well as the popularity of one of the best the country ever bad At every stopping place the mas- ses of his countrymen are eager to do him honor Postmasters have been by the department officials that hereafter postal clerks on rail roads will not be allowed to can cel stamps Letters mailed on the train will be put off at the next post office to be canceled by postmaster which will conse quently delay such letter one day his ortier tak ih-i5i- h- ay of September 1887 New 3Iadrid Record A philanthropic individual who signs his name J H Hall resident of Jacksonville Florida write to the New York World that he will donate 100000 acres of land in farms of 25 acres to so many impecunious Irish emigrants who may apply He that the tract will accommodate 400 families He cares nothing about politics but he anxious to give the indigent families home According to the high license law in Minuesota is work- ing admirably There has been falling off of at least one third in the number of saloous and the business of the police courts has decreased accordingly At the same time the rerenae derived from the liquor traffic is larger than it was ander the old system of lew license and more saloons and pabtic sentiment is strongly fu favor the strict enforcement if the law Thus the important lesson is repeated that temper Hice reform like reform of any other kiad saakes most progress when to practical and proper methods 3C The Miones attending tlie tiotis in Ireland are at sub lime and sublime the spirit disnivd the poor constables are the constables in the through response It is the old the is ing in the door As they began few pails of hot water came the holes they had smash ed the doors Hut a few blows oulv were to break down the half rotten door The a Vice apartment calculates through through required candidate udividual inform- ed reports coulned There were only sticks of fund ture The door of the inner room was broken and the emergency men stood witli crowbars and pledges Cleveland ex- ecutives to defend them selves if attacked but the oulv persons who came out were a poor tottering feeble old woman over SO whom the kindly District Inspector assisted to the door aud her husband equally old and feelde The bailiffs then made bold to enter and a search reveal- ed ¬ the fact that the entire garri ¬ son consisted of the old couple aud tin ee grand children who had concealed themselves in the bed The next place vinied was the house of a widow and here very determined resistance was met emergency made an at tack on the door and from the J window large tin vessel ot boil ¬ ing water was poured over his tace and neck their One tie uroppeu ms bt a crv ffP r - u a l 1 r- Ban nii 4i it m rrw- - - - rtwmw ta BaTinnii wr n in n rw - other man on the tick- - the police mm - will it o ¬ a party 1 ¬ when I ¬ ¬ a ¬ for ¬ S ¬ a ¬ a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ a - a ¬ a f Jr jf it ir h a ¬ a An man a a IO blk A 1 - a i WHITNEY FOR PRESIDENT n r i l ke bion ror buuieuuirti piiai a iiiimucr of persons about Washington have been booming Hon W C Whitney for President in the im ¬ probable event that Mr Cleveland would not again be a candidate In this connection the Washing- ton ¬ Capital of to day his the fol- lowing ¬ uIn regard to lic Democratic nomina ¬ tion wewill remind our renter that it i by no means certain thai Mr Cleveland will ilerfire or consent Jo be a candidate for re elec Ion Lei anyone pcune bin Western jieclie and di ir if h can any evidence of a Presidendtl Bee in them Mr Cleveland will moil assured ly not accept a re nomination unless be is convinced te puliie welfare demand hm conliniMnce in offic If its own pirty is not united in supporting him in bin own Statt he will not allow hii name to o be- fore ¬ the National Convention II will be well Mtisfied to lcav the Houss in March 1889 In Ihat event wi have no hesitation in sayingthat Mr Win O Whitney stand a very good chtnee of be inc hia successor Dr McGlynn the deponed priest use of the following language in a recent speech My doctrine alioiit the Und Jim been made cler in speeches in reported inter- views ¬ ind in pnMihed articles and I re peat it lie re I hav2 taught nl I hU continue to teach in speeches and writings as long as I live that lud the rghlful property of the pope in nminon and the privateownershipof land i against nat ural justi e no matter by what civil or ec ctesiistieal laws it mv e nnnioned and I would bring about Instantly if I coohl such chanie of Uw U the over as would CONFISCA Tk private prop ert m land tcithout one penny of conij emotion to tke mitcalled oumeri Judge J J Jackson in the U SlSu eme CourrTqr the District of West Virginia has reudered an interesting aud important decis- ion ¬ which touches many similar transactions in Confederate scrip A piece of land in Jefferson coun- ty ¬ W Va was paid for during the war in scrip ot the Confederate government The of the vendor a man named Opie brought suit against the purchas ¬ er Castlemaa to recorer the amount so paid The court gave full judgment for the heirs hold ¬ ing that the payment of debts contracted within the United States in Confederate money was fraudulent aud unlawful and or ¬ dered a decree for principal in terest onu cost amouutitig to 130000 As a natter of political inter- est ¬ to women the following is ta- ken ¬ from a Washington letter Lackwood the Ute presidential candidate uf the W0nnn Suffrage party up the White Hon tae other day Belva is what you would eall a fine look- - 1igwotnan ami it is sul mm great d aUof nvney out of uer aw practice here When adted wetheaJ w0iM run yainst Cleveland again W pUed with a UuA to quote acrl iPnstnou exam pes I am out 0r piliic jat now tj wmaB Miffrage prty win fc jn the field y u ca i dpnd lao tt for we will never R re apthe filt uaiil the TlC tory U W9B Q ON TO MEMPHIS ASSUMED ASSURED ASSURANCE rJucah Newi Oct th The prospect of the extension of the Illinois Central railroad from Cairo down the river by the way of Hickman aud Reel foot Lake is beginning to take the shape of an assured early result and the people along the route are very much enthused over the prospect It really seems to be a fact that when a man is midway between a railroad and a river he is always too far from either and dont know which to go to He feels worse off than if a thousand miles from both There is getting to be too much work on hands for rivers to be depended on oreven one railroad The proposed rail- road ¬ will be of great value to Hickman as a town and to the whole section it will pass through River transportation is entirely too slow and unreliable for the age in which we live and any river town which depends on this will get left Paduciih tried for many long years and if rivers would ever lmve made a great city they would have done so here But at the most important seasons some cujiiiucu made heirs SONS KILL and Scott wife MorU doubt that whose that year the days consumed that nmnv vinor See have There that red is most enterprising no that forced move to keep the lodte Will with procession nerrro Masons was killed to be different now and the ad- - llarrv yaJ amj wre hal this body answeiinglo Tiy once up erain Pnducahs found the river wWi that has marks 1111011 seen dreatnpt Guessing The at der Im save the by are not Had ueeu over tue here and man to UU wuu oaiu ami OtvUnnn cate to orc0i Scheme Dyersbug Grant excited They McCutchen going section object theXohl supposition obligation CIILOES OBJECTIONS construe obligations practicability ririnit prospecting Hickman Mississippi REVISED EDITION Perhaps never history printing says Philadelphia publisher ex- pected Hun thousands of issued either remain booksellers Bi bought formerly curiosity revised edition with re- turned James ver- sion probability WOULD ACCEPT Ilonrv editor Louisville Sunday cmJidate position States succeed says already designated place opinion determined very altogether Wattersou gift Govern- ment would consider STEAMERS COLLIDE Cairo occurred here night Butler Company running here disabling temporarily causing Ken- tucky twelve engineer Dun extricate debris carrying freight loaded with which partially submerg feet crushed wheel damage about The 65000 loss insurance Prep- arations already raising r-- DEALING ORDI3 OF ALLEGED j THEi SELVES TO Greenwood Prophet Segur Brown I Brown Major MacJohn Robert fiarged with killing Iliry Taylor and before Justice Parker usjoho of thei4l J u to jail benefit 9t to action of te grand aud have been here keeping nlso preliminary examination then nrobablv some is evidene J Telegraph Company against will O convicted During preliminary trial tt discovered resolutii Kerney a had of brothers had btd nassed durincr of ther here early bath appoint violently throwing deed open again than Two takitp Hash ofied shows either up tHHtimonvnud nther thus been implicated blight citizens colored of me away member Baou of b lavlor x em 01 me over-ine-nve- r j ry jfl being to city at open nu lors being history never been of violence it or been weighted county organized named working vemoei wiey Tenn says Messrs France about coming here hink G Mann Jackson andxW founded 1SS2 Several am going to upset other lodges been founded Why city Friday ConV in this The from hang ducted Esq Alex Nous recognized luey looking territory between Ilick- - lhey is vv urowoar 01 estimate reclaim their authority York Masonr your neck theirs by ighard whether been nave that AUNT imams JSew lork them slav whetli- - survey tins they the the they Uike suit themselves litSIKixr irluio nim1u UI Hie the Mississippi determined to break ther thus r0vn 1 o White i world Belva a J 1 tin to low lodges aud to punish nillirV liiloilnir nr-- thev tironoso when jusl otioic Keelfoot Auotlier too will decideHiPon tnatteis linois Central is for line from to New leans down tho riv er THE KitkwJ in the of a has book fallen so flat which so much as the revised Bible dreds copies were to on the shelves or to final ly sold at pound rates like so much waste paper I do not mean to imply that as ¬ bles are not as but afer the first compare the the was satisfied to King to which in all they will to long as the world NONE Ilemlerroa Gleanrr Mr Watterson has writ a letter to the the Argus in he respectfully declines to become a for the United Senator to Beck who seems been the people as their choice for the aud In my they have wisely und for the best says there is no posi tion within the the ¬ the the acceptance of which eveu III Oct A collis- ion in the last between the railroad transfer steamer W Dun- can ¬ the Mobile and Ohio Rail- road and the steamer New South and St Louis which resulted in the latter aud the former sink ten minutes later the ¬ shore in feet of water The the can had a narrow escape He was thrown to the deck floor and had barely time him- self from the when the water rushed and flooded the deck The was a train of sixteen cars flour meal and coal were all ed Thirty of the was in including the house The will boat cost originally The is covered by are being made for her A LODGES NEGRO WHO OBLIGATE AND SLAY Miss 1L Mike ert jH ton Owen Wash Johiion Wash the negies the after a heaiwr- - have bo boy who was with the exception named who rave bond comnS also 1 - j ted without the bond await jury brongt for safe Ford who is in iail will hae to dir and not There clear them and they be the was to kill Mr white 11110 who fisrht with one ther arm he en was one time not vet in how too its doubt years It is coming that both Ha1- - iwo now ior Uisap built pearctl in which body down lo Iges by negro Strmf Mitchell dOr 8 111 wl a a a a a my was Ma thi venue country Janus a a was be he he between Duncan be 1 J j ue uir f 11 r wiiiic it in iiiun voi not it crtc - - er Tfce - a if - - - i Lake meets many as lasts adds ¬ 4 i v f l t -- 1 ans1 up of lltiil to to in vt tlii uniieu RED HEADED WOMEN Soule Smith the Falcon ot the Louisville Times in compai- - redheaded greeting those of Kentucky ieen otten throuiih with what has the following about thej Kentucky product a headed woman iCuu City ever me least bit bald headed at heart In Kentucky headed wo- men ¬ golden glint of halo about her Her skin is soft- er than snow Her form falls away in curves that make lUkuow man dream of the apples Para ¬ dise bending down upon golden plead ¬ ing to be eaten brown eves are bright with a lire quick- - ly enkindled Irom Jje love burninir with a sof heit that melts heart amid the savors bf ¬ Her is light but langu- orous u combination of Cleopa- tra andTitania The violets upon which little feet presses in ecstatic about her instep to been so blessed befoie annihilation And which mantles htr rounded velvet lips makes glow until the roses pale shame at dullness If I a I would let all old go free fast forty years if necessary until nice red headed Bister aloncr to conveit me But City sisters would dull my ap petite THE PROPER METHOD Trom Mewnjer The Paducah Land and Im- provement Company is fairly humping itself It has naming advertisements in a number York Chicago and St Louis papers and a committee are the East enlisting capital investment that city Tho na- ked truth is Paducah is the only town in the that is pursuing the proper methods to create a boom aud get Gov Buckner appointed Hon Albert vill Hon John Feland of kinsville and Hon James A McKenzie of Christian county delegates for State at large to the Water ways Convention to be held in Memphis 20 and 21 The news that the Dem- ocrats are making things Foraker All Republican strength in State being brought to tha rescue of saving Governors regardless of what may happen to the Legis lature Ohio is a strong Republi- can State WILL HANG Chicago George Fraucis Comiior Tiaiu who come all the way from New York to scalp the press re- lease the condemned anarchists give a cofiin lecture etc got up this morning sev eral reporters in the bath rooms of Palmer House Before submitting to an interview he made all the newspaper ¬ aud plunge into Ultll llllll Til Otl t ll L ftlvmifrSi little walk the bath Mr Train shake hands said through youd me of my psychologi cal foice and I should be reduced the of the common henl am full of electricity I Kckeriof the WeBtern Union arrested are the only men the world enough nerve force in the body to tele graph 1000 miles without a bat t tery If I imported that strength to everybody I should come down I from the mountain to where 1 was bom where 1 lived Look he said closing his hand but the and as quickly for had com- - it See light- - timeSjnore half the ning the rivers were frozen or neirro I of mv health for navigation and That means were a man j 200 life to up of Drv you get the auarclnstsout the of and will had The this wett the it it men to of was Certainly to cm in I saw at If did 5 1 do so as soon as Supremo was no nounccd Ill tell was to be as an election dodge election off T ta er who to woin cm the nnthoritv are awfully J J Williams I of t J of in everything of Hickman wehc have to things in colored 1 If by refused f 1 people people DEATH uusuiib tun is under the if of aud lo the IVPr itiAfitlwir Or from Mr But lhe voluptuous boughs dumbly Her latent delicious her die joying have the colors brethren Knn has Willis Louis the October is hot the tbe the Psycho wouldnt No Psycho tap with meetin8 for jail asked they vdidnt mean hang the first place thit once they didnt hev decis- - Tlt Court ou used Tho comes before No- - claims uaug Times the the papers aud Orient Their lodge KyM just night being uphct they down river boats others whiter their some Ohio those seven men will bung on a 1 evolution that of Franco n retell ot terror Im going to tell what order sac aud it to say they-- - uas i teaches syndi 1 ton and or iiioiiC v aim i COUIll and i I thic iHit II- - by or J to red ¬ ¬ m ¬ now for S in aud is 111 nf in ion it it ij is Ilirp rs M for The following is told of a V11 iiTtr- - r ii in mill i il- - vanced in lift who was i o iiilir ue in tuamgu i vrrv ii in jtiiiiiji uwuip iu w vv I lilS IJ Ct W I blllO WVI h 1 i Uesides to drjiin dor TIip Hourt h make ner a msii i -- ¬ Book ¬ ¬ of ¬ old ¬ the ¬ stick ten of of Mr to have of 10 ¬ harbor of near of ¬ ¬ guard 3000 ¬ Oct of the the yet Kan- - aft had bay not even red sas has a ¬ tiiau and of ami the of a man spi ces the red blood of were cuuibal the tough and sas of ¬ State will of ¬ red for office ¬ NOT III Oct has ¬ met ¬ the dis- robe the he ¬ and were low HE feel the of the of Oitoucr igswiue story about aTiau i their weddiuir her old colored mammy came courtesy ing into the parlor to make the acquaintance of Hhe future lord and master of her jounglady Well aunt Chloe said the sentcmaii in question mg the girls ot the preliminary sas City to in made the satin their pain them Owentboro New in in Hop is nun do you think of Miss Luey choice now youre yon mighty as ij seen linn lines well Mars John fur Ive seen you replied Aunt Chloe after a moments deliber ¬ ation but vou too old for Miss Lucy Too old Aunt Chloe exclaimed the gentleman whaKdiscomutted by Aunt Chloeb unexpected candor You dont what youre talking about Istraightoiiiiighliiiseli up Why d I in r s i 1 Im just iiKmy prime Yes sir I bees youis replied the still unconvincett Aunt Chloe but when Miss Lucy gits in her prime the torch of whar you gwine den I aud sweet turn came and level why like eager some A GREAT SCHEME s V MEETING TO DISCUSS MEANS i OR CONNECTING THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER WITH LAKE MICHI- GAN ¬ OniCAGO Oct 10 About one hundred prominent citizens of Chi- cago ¬ left for Peoria this afternoon as delegates to 4a convention to he held there to jbioVrow which is of the first impoljtafe to Chicago and the State offHftiois besides possessing national interest The object of the convention is tc de cide upon ways and means of ob- - tainjng a cnaunei way irom tne JLower end of Xiake Michigan to the Mississippi river of sutficent capacity to accomodate large sized Mississippi river boats that the products of the country may be carried from the lake to the gulf without breaking bulk also to al- low ¬ vessels of war of considerable capacity to pass freely from the Gulf of Mexico into the defense- less ¬ waters of the Northern lakes should the exigencies of our for- eign ¬ relations ever require This city has a double interest in the success of the scheme as if car ried out it would not only increase the importance or tue piace as a shipping point but aflord the city a main sewer big enough to dis- charge ¬ the sewerage matter col- lected ¬ here for all time to come The cry of cheap postage is raised again Many maintain that the poor are to be bepifited by a reduction Such however is not the case for the poor iu purse have not many letters to send It is the big concerns that load the mails with burdens for which they should pay An insurance company in w York occupying a building valued at over a million dollars and paying big salaries to all of Us employes will send in mail than matter one out more men iu me wuuie a dozen poor course of their uvea jfr to WVOUl to A FEARFUL WRECK At Kotits Ind on the Chicago and Atlantic road an East bound passenger train was run into Mon ¬ day night by a freight train and probably thirty lives lost Nine bodies have already been recov- ered ¬ from the wreck The pas senger train which was drawn by a disabled engine was closely fol- lowed ¬ by the heavy freight and when the former stopped to take water the latter crushed into it the rear sleeper being forced into tho liLhter niiRKPiifiTJijichoR in front of it tearing them intosplin tcrs The wreck at once took fire and tho flames speedily and hopelessly surrounded their shrieking victims who were whol- ly ¬ beyond the help of thoBe who had escaped Matters in Europe are becom- ing ¬ still more complicated It is now certain that Bismark has abandoned the idea of an alliance with Russia and equally well un ¬ derstood that there is a combina- tion ¬ of Germany Austria and Ita- ly ¬ which if hostilities shall occur would probably include England Meanwhile Prince or rather King Ferdinand maintains his posi tion in Bulgaria and Russia ap ¬ pears to have concluded to leave him alone In the late negotia ¬ tions with Italy Bismark spoke a good word for the Pope and it is thought tbrt the King of Italy will restore his temporal power over a large part of the city of j Rome The general dntt ot opinion among the Knights of Labor now assembled at Minneapolis is against the advisability of organ- izing ¬ a separate political party in theinteiest of tho working peo ¬ ple and a resolution favorable to the doomed hicago anarchists has been defeated in the conven tiou by the decisive vote of 151 to VJ These two indications of soberness and good sense will be worth more to the order than any degree of frantic ami vituperative appeal to class prejudice could possibly be The increase in tho earnings of frty oovou tC tllf U ullllg 1JU- - roatls in the countiy during the fourth week of September was about 13 nor cent as comnared 7 with the corresponding week in J 18SC This is all the more en comaging when the fact is borne in mind that the earnings of the week reterred to last year showed a big increase over the like week in 1SS1 The advice of Cardinal Gibbons to the Knights of Labor as report ¬ ed by Mr Powderly is thorough- ly ¬ sound and wholesome If they expect their order to prosper they mnst take the fact very clear that it has no sympathy with the anarchists or any kindred class of mischievous and dangerous en- emies ¬ of society Found A pocket hook on river road 7 miles below Hickman cont lining on pronii ory note on s5 J Moor ptynble to S M Gore and otie on J F Finch pajable to Sam Gore Owner can have same by ail ¬ ing at this office and paving fori hia ad ¬ vert iseiuent For Sale My property situated in Eat Hickman consist in of abut 3 Acres of very fine tillable land good Dwelling House Sta hies elc rood fence atl in good repair and well located Term e9y and price reKouable For particulars address tne direct louis Demon rcouiiT oct7 3i Cairo 111 IDQlir TONIC Sim and Sate REjirDr roK ni 1 1 lsnjlI i mi ISVALXJABLE IX TH SOUTH I rl ta a c Ci Cm o R A KOBINSOX CO IiOTJISVILLE TC y my20 Hickman f le Works HICKMAN - AT BC RAMAGE DEAL Eft l Italian and American Marbls WtONOMKNTS TOMB AND GRAVE STONES HAVING in Block a fine lot of Amer ¬ Italian Marble lam pre- pared ¬ to fill all orders Call and examine hit work Orders from tbe couatrv nrarastlv filled may 26 j i1 tlmmmm- - r 5 s - H Wecarry a fall line at all times of Ch t e Va fp Taka Bnreai Wah sands W rfrch tUlta the LVlnnatera we in rile your litigation of eur good We are on akb f theCHEAPEST BUCHANAN Furniture SfiSS andwewraferpriceatobe t line of Wooden and Metallic rnrlal Cases of anvfiim in West TenSeefor K skj We discount all competition in this line Keyring Bd Job noncpeeiU7- - STEPHENS flAXWELU larStare RvomB under City Hall UaW I- - HERTWECK BALTZER CO CO CO Q W a CO t H 0Q CO MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED Jc 3ljpsPBkMSlBS HICMA1T -- WAGOIT KEjXjI- - Has a splendid stock of the very best makes of all kinds of Hardware which are offered at ONF PRICE and that the very lowest the market justifies All goodb guaranteed to be exactly as represented ROOP INGr A SPECIALTY groceries 25cts Lower than the Lowest I huyeno clerk expntf8 no store ren and pay cifh for all wy Groceries an therefore can sell as eheap as the cheap est Best brands of Witienherg and Lon Stir Flour 23 cents cheaper than the lev JOHN WIITING W DTESTELBR1NK Family Groceries space to nine all articles hut nc NO trouble to show poods Come and se a I the corner of Tro and Moscow Avcutie Eist Hickrarn Ky timmmm HOW LOST HOW RESTORED i Just pnlilifhH a nw edition uf Dr Culver ncHiOlrbnUfd Eanny ou tliorarfioel coe of PFTUEiieA or minl rik nnii Iuolun trr niinul Lo c iMfOiiNcr Mental nntl riijr ic il Iiicnpiclt Innxillmnt to JlarrUce ftc alo CoNCMPTioEMLiril nd Kit lulucnl or sexiul extraTHgtnce 4c Tlie crltrlintetl autbnr In this nImirble rj clfrly damonstnttea from thirty pars ULCxinfu practice tlia the ularoilog conequnce cr wlfl abuw may be railicully caml iHiituitjg out a mxlv of cure at once imple certain onfrTtun ly nironrt of which etery mfferer no matter hat hia ooDilition nMyli may tnre himself cheily prl tately anil rodlcultg KtrThi Iectur should b ill th haixlt of erery yontli ami every man In the land Sent onderiieal In a fIal nrelope to any ad dreu jxut-j-al- d on receipt of four ceuts or two pottage tamp AddreM Till VV ITE UWEIX JIEDICAI 41 Ann St Xew YortS T Post Office Box 4 JO ntrHample for trial neat free n plleMtloa june41y S J B LATTUS BLACKSMITHING AND C WAGON REPAIR SHOP HICKMAN -- ox KT All kinds of Farm Machinery Plows Wagons c repaired oa short notice and in workmanlike manner l9New Wagons 4c- - made to order fe18 H A R- - T TILER ATTORNEYS AT LAW MCKMAtr - - - KENTUCKY attend to all business entrusted WILL esre Office Furaitare Factory nov878 Any persom wijbisf lo parchaie a ice two story basnM boeseaad dwell- ing ¬ combined ellinf consists of iour rooms front Mdah two balls oae anil tWO aacb paatrj porckes w itn a East Ei i Miene ihree or fonr aorses and some catUe anil m DOSiVl 1 and rniiiiM n OUT a named by applying to in ---- --i ana kilehen of tke above HC JUDGE septl6lfl HickaHKj -- BLE CO i CO CO en J BLACKSMITHTNG UNDERTAKERS GOODS WKST 11 1 CKMAX Call on A F OLIVER for Blacksmith ing Wagon Ri piirs He Alo h full line of IVDDltTAKFRS fiOon Oeffi - common Kosewood solid Clack Wnluuf Cises c Fn2n Ronurr ixrGns CIHS DOLOUVS Comirjercial Hotel DOUGLASS BRO GllOUKY BAKCrY RESTAURANT 11EI T ALL IsUlRS AVill kecpn penernl ifsortment of Fam- ily ¬ Groirie onfvetioneries Ac and keep emplyel i hr lilnrt baker Goods all fr3h inti v aud HI not be nnder miUI juue25 SALE AND LIVERY STABLE Fatus Pakker KENTUCKY STREET KEEPS snle constantly oa kand for hir HORSES BUGGIES and HACKS Havinz pnrchsed the stable korvrs and entire outfityof W D Plnmmer we p opose to continue the basiurss aa solicit patronage R MUBRELL A1T0StNEYAT - LAW Offlc Ur itain over CowgiHa Drug fctorc HICKMAN KY Will prnctice ia all tkt Conris o tke First Judicial biotrlcU fmarl8 DR A A FAEIS PHYSICAN AND SUMEDN HICKMAN KENTUCKY kis Professional Services ta OTTERS of Hickman and vicinity an 16- - 80 BNckle aa Amies Salvr The Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts Bruises Sore Ulcer Salt Rheum Fe7er Sore9 Telle C -- pped Hands Chilblilna Corns and rli Skia Eruptions and post Uvely cures Piles or no pay required It is guaranteed to tire perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 25 cents per bo for saleby all DrugriaU- - LOWER and LOWER All kinds of Groceries hams sides Ae as cheap as bt ckeapesl 1 will not kt undersold JOHN WITTING r0W TO SAVE IjONEK VT are ATkalesale Headqaartera lor al grades of and will k to dealers aaly at Factory prices alio tkt SntilwiimtilhMriirfatt lbs best in the market We als keep constantly oa hand a cheice selettion of Family Qrecerlea Cenfectienene and Frsits which we will sell very low for lhe cash Please call and sea aa FU4UA A mtoBO W- - - iWM K n

Transcript of -- BIC REDUCTION IN P Snyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7kkw57fw56/data/0161.pdf11 n p n u r gl Jt1 T m i 1...

Page 1: -- BIC REDUCTION IN P Snyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7kkw57fw56/data/0161.pdf11 n p n u r gl Jt1 T m i 1 5--ftBIC The FRIDAY CLEAR THE TRACK REDUCTION IN FORJMBBBmmamfcMimmmmnmnmnmmmmnmmmmmmmmmwaaa-a-


n p






i1 5

-- ft





JMBBBmmamfcMimmmmnmnmnmmmmnmmmmmmmmmwaaa- a-


PRlC ESOld Veteran Jg BUCHANAN the friend of tie people the man wMkeeps the prices down lias arrived in Hickman with a Steamboat load of strictly first

GOODS all New Elegant Reliable and Substantial I claim to have the Largft Stock the Best Stock and by a Bigclass Majority STOCK in Hickmannnrl T nm rtafprtninnfl to itppt mv rpniitsiti in fill fnir flpnlino- - and for snllino- - Pirstrii ni4 T xi i A uJcknln f AAnniir- vr vt X11j wr 0 0 fiiia uuuua at jLuwbit unus illuu any IIOUSC ill inianuu ui vjuuuuj



evic- -

onceI ridiculousI

14 people who are the victim andOCT Kl riiujonB j -

t w that lhej and military who

This year November elections among tbe dirty work presentoccur in six States Ohio Penn Tie events at Gweedereon Wed- -

svlvania New York Massachn- - nesday illustrate botb sides ofsetts Maryland and Iowa J the picture The New York Her--

aid gives details in a cableTHE town of Baku in Russia dispatch from Dublin The first

has been inundated by the flow of place at which the 100j vt1 f Ka wmtla t luat Tilaftf nAMfjtiiAAI 1 l CIBiuiCH iUl ltlJ wno Inw iciuiuKcu ify aiHrcH auuiuci UlspItl8ltnpo88iWc to stop the flow emenrencv men arineawiih crow- -

or store the oil bars and revolvew stopped wasthe house of Manus Hourly The

James Gordon Bkxxett will hoiwe was barricaded aud in re ¬

publish a newspaper Paris Ato spouse to a feeble tap on the dootbe known as European Her- - by a bailiff a deluge of boiling vaaid It will be modeled after the ter flew out the chinksNew York Herald j After retiring to a safe distance a

j second demand for possession wasThe Kentucky Deaf Mute suiiir made and as no came

up that at a cent a mile would the emergency men Bet aboutrosi esMUuuu to go to me sun uitli crowbars and sledges break- -time at 40 miles an hour 263 vearsRound trip tickets lS00O00

Postmaster General Vilas ismentioned by the Washingtoncorrespondent of the New YorkRun as for the first entered presentedPresidential nomination in 1SS8 a picture of soualor and miserv

Wheat is down but flour keepsup All kinds of produce com ¬

manding big prices Meat potatoes butter and everything else readyxo eat are very lngu The outiooufor poor people this winter is rath-er



AN important convention is tobe held in Memphis Teiiu on20th and 2Ut iusts The call isissued to the people of the Mis ¬

sissippi and Ohio Valleys and iscalled in the interest of the im-


of Western waterways

Denis Kearney the sand lot or-ator


of Saufraucisco has gone toNew York to preach his doc-trine


the Chinese must go Den-is


is a Democrat this season andwill ask the workingmen tostrengthen the hands of that party

says theet come from the west andj6 tJiinkM wiJI be Gen Blnk

Illinois now couimissioiier of pen-sions As to Mr theSenator says it does not seemthere will be even slight divisionin the about his nomination

Mr Powdeely strikes key-note he says Let me electthe Assessor and care not whoelects President If the people would pay more attention tothe selection of honest and capable men for the local offices theywonld find it very much to theiradvantage

The Democrats of Louisvillehave decided not to make nomi-nation Mayor The Republi-cans have nominated L Averyand there are two other candidates C D Jacob and W BHoke both Democrats in thefield Notwithstanding the stateof affairs the Commercial saysJacob will bo sure wiuuer

President Clevelands railway tour is being crowded withseries of receptions that evincesthe popular respect for his exaltedstation as well as thepopularity of one of the best

the country ever badAt every stopping place the mas-ses of his countrymen are eagerto do him honor

Postmasters have beenby the department officials that

hereafter postal clerks on railroads will not be allowed to cancel stamps Letters mailed on thetrain will be put off at the nextpost office to be canceled bypostmaster which will consequently delay such letter one day

his ortier tak ih-i5i- h-

ay of September 1887 New3Iadrid Record

A philanthropic individualwho signs his name J H Hallresident of Jacksonville Floridawrite to the New York Worldthat he will donate 100000 acresof land in farms of 25 acres to somany impecunious Irish emigrantswho may apply Hethat the tract will accommodate400 families He cares nothingabout politics but he anxiousto give the indigent familieshome

According to the highlicense law in Minuesota is work-ing admirably There has beenfalling off of at least one third inthe number of saloous and thebusiness of the police courts hasdecreased accordingly At thesame time the rerenae derivedfrom the liquor traffic is largerthan it was ander the old systemof lew license and more saloonsand pabtic sentiment is stronglyfu favor the strict enforcementif the law Thus the important

lesson is repeated that temperHice reform like reform of anyother kiad saakes most progresswhen to practical andproper methods


The Miones attending tlietiotis in Ireland are at sublime and sublimethe spirit disnivd the poor

constables are











ing in the door As they beganfew pails of hot water came

the holes they had smashed the doors Hut a fewblows oulv were to breakdown the half rotten door The

a Vice apartment









There were only sticks of fundture The door of the inner roomwas broken and the emergencymen stood witli crowbars and





to defend themselves if attacked but the oulvpersons who came out were apoor tottering feeble old womanover SO whom the kindly DistrictInspector assisted to the dooraud her husband equally old andfeelde The bailiffs then madebold to enter and a search reveal-ed


the fact that the entire garri ¬

son consisted of the old coupleaud tin ee grand children who hadconcealed themselves in the bedThe next place vinied was thehouse of a widow and here verydetermined resistance was met

emergency made an attack on the door and from the J

window large tin vessel ot boil ¬

ing water was poured over histace and neck their One

tie uroppeu msbta crv

ffP r - u al 1 r- Ban nii 4 i i t m rrw- - - - rtwmw ta BaTinnii wr n in n rw -

other man on the tick- - the policemm -

willit o



1 ¬




a ¬

for ¬















Jr jf






An man


a IO blkA1

-a i

WHITNEY FOR PRESIDENTnr i l ke bionror buuieuuirti piiai a iiiimucr

of persons about Washingtonhave been booming Hon W CWhitney for President in the im ¬

probable event that Mr Clevelandwould not again be a candidateIn this connection the Washing-ton


Capital of to day his the fol-


uIn regard to lic Democratic nomina¬tion wewill remind our renter that it iby no means certain thai Mr Clevelandwill ilerfire or consent Jo be a candidatefor re elec Ion Lei anyone pcune binWestern jieclie and di ir if h canany evidence of a Presidendtl Bee inthem Mr Cleveland will moil assured lynot accept a re nomination unless be isconvinced te puliie welfare demand hmconliniMnce in offic If its own pirty isnot united in supporting him in bin ownStatt he will not allow hii name to o be-


the National Convention II willbe well Mtisfied to lcav the Houssin March 1889 In Ihat event wi haveno hesitation in sayingthat Mr Win O

Whitney stand a very good chtnee of beinc hia successor

Dr McGlynn the deponedpriest use of the followinglanguage in a recent speech

My doctrine alioiit the Und Jim beenmade cler in speeches in reported inter-views

¬ind in pnMihed articles and I re

peat it lie re I hav2 taught nl I hUcontinue to teach in speeches and writingsas long as I live that lud the rghlfulproperty of the pope in nminon and theprivateownershipof land i against natural justi e no matter by what civil or ecctesiistieal laws it mv e nnnionedand I would bring about Instantly if Icoohl such chanie of Uw U theover as would CONFISCA Tk private propert m land tcithout one penny of conij emotionto tke mitcalled oumeri

Judge J J Jackson in the USlSu eme CourrTqr the Districtof West Virginia has reudered aninteresting aud important decis-ion


which touches many similartransactions in Confederate scripA piece of land in Jefferson coun-ty


W Va was paid for during thewar in scrip ot the Confederategovernment The of thevendor a man named Opiebrought suit against the purchas ¬

er Castlemaa to recorer theamount so paid The court gavefull judgment for the heirs hold ¬

ing that the payment of debtscontracted within the UnitedStates in Confederate money wasfraudulent aud unlawful and or¬

dered a decree for principal interest onu cost amouutitig to130000

As a natter of political inter-est


to women the following is ta-ken


from a Washington letterLackwood the Ute presidential

candidate uf the W0nnn Suffrage partyup the White Hon tae other day

Belva is what you would eall a fine look- -1igwotnan ami it is sul mm greatd aUof nvney out of uer aw practicehere When adted wetheaJ w0iM runyainst Cleveland again W pUed with

a UuA to quote acrl iPnstnou exampes I am out 0r piliic jat now tjwmaB Miffrage prty win fc jn the field

y u ca i dpnd lao tt forwe will never R re apthe filt uaiil theTlC tory U W9B




The prospect of the extensionof the Illinois Central railroadfrom Cairo down the river by theway of Hickman aud Reel footLake is beginning to take theshape of an assured early resultand the people along the route arevery much enthused over theprospect It really seems to be afact that when a man is midwaybetween a railroad and a river heis always too far from either anddont know which to go to Hefeels worse off than if a thousandmiles from both There is gettingto be too much work on hands forrivers to be depended on orevenone railroad The proposed rail-road


will be of great value toHickman as a town and to thewhole section it will pass throughRiver transportation is entirelytoo slow and unreliable for the agein which we live and any rivertown which depends on this willget left Paduciih tried for manylong years and if rivers would everlmve made a great city they wouldhave done so here But at themost important seasons some





and Scott






thatyear the days consumed that

nmnv vinor Seehave There that red is

most enterprising no thatforced move to keep the lodte Willwith procession nerrro Masons was killedto be different now and the ad- - llarrv

yaJ amj wre halthis body answeiinglo Tiy

once up erain Pnducahs found the river wWi

that has marks 1111011seen dreatnpt



Im savethe

by are notHad ueeu over tue

here andman to

UUwuu oaiu amiOtvUnnn cate to



Dyersbug Grant excitedThey

McCutchen goingsection


suppositionobligation CIILOES OBJECTIONS

construe obligationspracticability





Perhaps never historyprinting says Philadelphia


pected Hunthousands of

issued either remainbooksellers

Bibought formerly

curiosityrevised edition with


turned James ver-sion probability



Louisville Sunday

cmJidate positionStates succeed

saysalready designated

place opiniondetermined very


gift Govern-ment

would consider


occurred herenight


Companyrunning here

disabling temporarilycausing

Ken-tucky twelve

engineer Dun



loaded withwhich partially submerg


wheel damageabout The

65000 lossinsurance Prep-

arations alreadyraising




GreenwoodProphet Segur Brown I

Brown Major MacJohnRobert

fiarged with killing IliryTaylor andbefore Justice Parker

usjohoof thei4lJu

to jail benefit 9tto action of te

grand aud have beenhere keeping

nlsopreliminary examination then

nrobablv someis evidene J Telegraph Company

against will O

convictedDuring preliminary trial tt

discovered resolutiiKerney a

had ofbrothers had btd

nassed durincr of ther here



appoint violently throwingdeed open again

than Two takitp Hash ofied showseither up tHHtimonvnud nther

thus been implicated blightcitizens colored of me

away member Baouof b

lavlorx em 01 me over-ine-nve- r j ry jflbeing to city at

open nu lors beinghistory never been of violence it

or been weightedcounty

organized namedworking vemoei wiey

Tennsays Messrs France about coming here hink

G Mann Jackson andxW founded 1SS2 Several am going to upsetother lodges been founded Why

city Friday ConV in this The from hangducted Esq Alex Nous recognizedluey lookingterritory between Ilick- -


vvurowoar 01




authorityYork Masonr your neck theirs by

ighard whetherbeen nave that AUNTimams

JSew lork them slav whetli- -

survey tins they thethe they Uike suit themselves

litSIKixr irluio nim1u UI Hiethe Mississippi determined to break ther

thusr0vn 1







J 1



low lodges aud to punishnillirV liiloilnir nr--

thev tironoso when jusl otioicKeelfoot Auotlier too will decideHiPon tnatteislinois Central is forline from to Newleans down tho river


in theof a

has book fallen soflat which so much

as the revised Bibledreds copies were

to on theshelves or to final

ly sold at pound rates like somuch waste paper I do notmean to imply that as ¬

bles are not asbut afer the firstcompare thethe was satisfied

to Kingto which in all

they will to long as theworld

NONEIlemlerroa Gleanrr

Mr Watterson has writa letter to the the

Argus inhe respectfully declines to becomea for theUnited Senator to

Beck who seemsbeen

the people as their choice for theaud In my

they have wiselyund for the best

says there is no position within the the ¬

the the acceptanceof which eveu

III Oct A collis-ion in thelast between the railroadtransfer steamer W Dun-can


the Mobile and Ohio Rail-road and the steamerNew Southand St Louis which resulted in

the latteraud the former sinkten minutes later the ¬

shore in feet ofwater The thecan had a narrow escape Hewas thrown to the deck floor andhad barely time him-

self from the when thewater rushed and flooded thedeck The wasa train of sixteen cars

flour meal and coalwere all

ed Thirty of thewas in including

the house Thewill boatcost originally Theis covered by

are being madefor her




Miss 1LMike

ert jH

ton Owen Wash JohiionWash the negies

theafter a heaiwr- -

have boboy who waswith the exception

named who rave bond comnS also1 - j

ted without thebond await

jury brongtfor safe

Ford who is in iail will haeto dir

and notThere clear

them and theybe

thewasto kill Mr white 11110

who fisrht with one therarm he

en was onetime

not vetin

howtooits doubt years

It is comingthat both Ha1- -

iwo now ior Uisapbuilt pearctl



body downlo Iges

by negro Strmf




111 wl


















1 J jue uir

f 11 rwiiiic it in iiiun voi



- -er


-a if

- - -i

Lake meets









t -- 1







tlii uniieu

RED HEADED WOMENSoule Smith the Falcon ot

the Louisville Times in compai- -

redheaded greetingthose of Kentucky ieen otten throuiih with what

has the following about thejKentucky product

a headed woman iCuuCity ever me

least bit bald headed at heartIn Kentucky headed wo-


golden glint ofhalo about her Her skin is soft-

er thansnow Her form falls away in

curves that make lUkuowman dream of the apples Para ¬

dise bending down upongolden plead ¬

ing to be eaten brown evesare bright with a lire quick- -

ly enkindled Irom Jjelove burninir with a sof heitthat melts heart amidthe savors bf ¬

Her is light but langu-orous u combination of Cleopa-tra andTitania The violets uponwhich little feet pressesin ecstatic about her instep

to been so blessedbefoie annihilation And

which mantles htr roundedvelvet lips makes glow untilthe roses pale shame at

dullness If Ia I would let allold go free

fast forty years if necessary untilnice red headed Bister

aloncr to conveit me ButCity sisters would dull my ap



The Paducah Land and Im-

provement Company is fairlyhumping itself It has namingadvertisements in a number

York Chicago and St Louispapers and a committee are

the East enlisting capitalinvestment that city Tho na-ked truth is Paducah is the onlytown in the that is pursuingthe proper methods to create aboom aud get

Gov Buckner appointedHon Albertvill Hon John Feland ofkinsville and Hon James AMcKenzie of Christian countydelegates for State at large tothe Water ways Convention to beheld in Memphis 20 and21

The news that the Dem-ocrats are making things

Foraker All Republicanstrength in State beingbrought to tha rescue of saving

Governors regardlessof what may happen to the Legislature Ohio is a strong Republi-can State

WILL HANGChicago George

Fraucis Comiior Tiaiuwho come all the way fromNew York to scalp the press re-

lease the condemned anarchistsgive a cofiin lecture etc got up

this morning several reporters in the bath roomsof Palmer House Beforesubmitting to an interview hemade all the newspaper ¬

aud plunge intoUltll llllll Til Otl t ll L ftlvmifrSi



the bath Mr Trainshake hands

said throughyoud me of my psychologi

cal foice and I should be reducedthe of the common henl

am full of electricity IKckeriof the WeBtern Union

arrested are the onlymen the world enoughnerve force in the body to telegraph 1000 miles without a bat

t tery If I imported that strengthto everybody I should come down

I from the mountain to where 1 wasbom where 1 lived Look

he said closing his handbut the and as quickly

for had com- - it See light--

timeSjnore half the ning therivers were frozen or neirro I of mv health

for navigation and That meanswere a man j 200 life

to up of Drv you get the auarclnstsoutthe




hadThe this wett


it it



of was Certainlyto cm in

I saw atIf did

5 1 do so as soon asSupremo was no

nounccd Ill tell was tobe as an election dodge

election offT taer who to woin cm

the nnthoritv are awfullyJ J Williams I of t

J of in everythingof Hickman wehc have to things

in colored 1 Ifby






uusuiib tunis under the if



IVPr itiAfitlwir







boughs dumblyHer



her die

joying have

the colors



hasWillis Louis







wouldntNo Psycho





jail askedthey vdidnt mean hangthe first place thitonce they didnthev decis- -

Tlt Courtou

usedTho comes before No- -

claims uaugTimes the the papers

aud Orient Their lodge

KyM justnight being uphct they

down river







those seven men will bung ona 1 evolution that of Francon retell ot terror Im going to

tell what order sac aud itto say they-- -

uas i teachessyndi 1 ton and or iiioiiC


aimi COUIll


I thic iHit

II- -






















Ilirp r s M for

The following is told of aV11 iiTtr- - r ii in milli il- -

vanced in lift who wasi

o iiilir ue in tuamgu i

vrrv ii in jtiiiiiji uwuip iuw vv I lilS IJ Ct W I blllO WVI h 1 iUesides to drjiin dor TIip Hourt h make ner a msii

i --







old ¬

the ¬


ten of


Mr tohave


10 ¬















Kan- - aft had


even redsas

has a¬

tiiau and



the of a manspi


the redblood

ofwere cuuibal thetough and













met ¬


dis-robe the







theof the






theirweddiuir her old colored mammycame courtesy ing into the parlor

to make the acquaintance ofHhe future lord and master of herjounglady Well aunt Chloesaid the sentcmaii in question

mg the girls ot the preliminarysas City to













do you think of Miss Luey choicenow youreyon mightyas

ijseen linn lineswell Mars John fur

Ive seen you replied AuntChloe after a moments deliber¬

ation but vou too old for MissLucy Too old Aunt Chloeexclaimed the gentlemanwhaKdiscomutted by Aunt Chloebunexpected candor You dont

what youre talking aboutIstraightoiiiiighliiiseli up Whyd






Im just iiKmy prime Yes sirI bees youis replied the stillunconvincett Aunt Chloe butwhen Miss Lucy gits in her prime

the torch of whar you gwine den Iaud














OniCAGO Oct 10 About onehundred prominent citizens of Chi-cago


left for Peoria this afternoonas delegates to 4a convention tohe held there to jbioVrow which isof the first impoljtafe to Chicagoand the State offHftiois besidespossessing national interest Theobject of the convention is tc decide upon ways and means of ob- -

tainjng a cnaunei way irom tneJLower end of Xiake Michigan tothe Mississippi river of sutficentcapacity to accomodate large sizedMississippi river boats that theproducts of the country may becarried from the lake to the gulfwithout breaking bulk also to al-


vessels of war of considerablecapacity to pass freely from theGulf of Mexico into the defense-less


waters of the Northern lakesshould the exigencies of our for-eign


relations ever require Thiscity has a double interest in thesuccess of the scheme as if carried out it would not only increasethe importance or tue piace as ashipping point but aflord the citya main sewer big enough to dis-


the sewerage matter col-


here for all time to come

The cry of cheap postage israised again Many maintain thatthe poor are to be bepifited by areduction Such however is notthe case for the poor iu pursehave not many letters to sendIt is the big concerns that loadthe mails with burdens for whichthey should pay An insurancecompany in w York occupyinga building valued at over a milliondollars and paying big salariesto all of Us employes will send

in mail thanmatter oneout moremen iu me wuuiea dozen poor

course of their uvea





A FEARFUL WRECKAt Kotits Ind on the Chicago

and Atlantic road an East boundpassenger train was run into Mon ¬

day night by a freight train andprobably thirty lives lost Ninebodies have already been recov-ered


from the wreck The passenger train which was drawn bya disabled engine was closely fol-


by the heavy freight andwhen the former stopped to takewater the latter crushed into itthe rear sleeper being forced intotho liLhter niiRKPiifiTJijichoR infront of it tearing them intosplintcrs The wreck at once tookfire and tho flames speedily andhopelessly surrounded theirshrieking victims who were whol-ly


beyond the help of thoBe whohad escaped

Matters in Europe are becom-ing


still more complicated It isnow certain that Bismark hasabandoned the idea of an alliancewith Russia and equally well un ¬

derstood that there is a combina-tion


of Germany Austria and Ita-ly


which if hostilities shall occurwould probably include EnglandMeanwhile Prince or rather King

Ferdinand maintains his position in Bulgaria and Russia ap ¬

pears to have concluded to leavehim alone In the late negotia ¬

tions with Italy Bismark spoke agood word for the Pope and it isthought tbrt the King of Italywill restore his temporal powerover a large part of the city of

j Rome

The general dntt ot opinionamong the Knights of Labor nowassembled at Minneapolis isagainst the advisability of organ-izing


a separate political party intheinteiest of tho working peo ¬

ple and a resolution favorable tothe doomed hicago anarchistshas been defeated in the conventiou by the decisive vote of 151to VJ These two indications ofsoberness and good sense will beworth more to the order than anydegree of frantic ami vituperativeappeal to class prejudice couldpossibly be

The increase in tho earnings offrty oovou tC tllf U ullllg 1JU- -

roatls in the countiy during thefourth week of September wasabout 13 nor cent as comnared


with the corresponding week in J

18SC This is all the more encomaging when the fact is bornein mind that the earnings of theweek reterred to last year showeda big increase over the like weekin 1SS1

The advice of Cardinal Gibbonsto the Knights of Labor as report ¬

ed by Mr Powderly is thorough-ly


sound and wholesome If theyexpect their order to prosperthey mnst take the fact very clearthat it has no sympathy with theanarchists or any kindred classof mischievous and dangerous en-emies


of society

FoundA pocket hook on river road 7 miles

below Hickman cont lining on pronii orynote on s5 J Moor ptynble to S MGore and otie on J F Finch pajable toSam Gore Owner can have same by ail ¬

ing at this office and paving fori hia ad ¬

vert iseiuent

For SaleMy property situated in Eat Hickman

consist in of abut 3 Acres of very finetillable land good Dwelling House Stahies elc rood fence atl in good repairand well located Term e9y and pricereKouable For particulars address tnedirect

louis Demon rcouiiToct7 3i Cairo 111

IDQlir TONICSim and Sate REjirDr roK


I rl ta a c Ci Cmo



Hickman f le Works



Italian and American MarblsWtONOMKNTS TOMB AND GRAVE


HAVING in Block a fine lot of Amer ¬Italian Marble lam pre-


to fill all orders Call and examinehit work

Orders from tbe couatrv nrarastlvfilled

may 26



tlmmmm-- r5 s -


Wecarry a fall line at all times of Ch t e Vafp Taka Bnreai Wah sands W rfrch tUltathe LVlnnatera

we in rile your litigation of eur good We are on





t line of Wooden and Metallic rnrlal Cases of anvfiim in WestTenSeefor K skj We discount all competition in this line Keyring Bd

Job noncpeeiU7- -STEPHENS flAXWELU

larStare RvomB under City Hall UaWI- -








Jc 3ljpsPBkMSlBS


KEjXjI- -

Has a splendid stock of the very best makes of all kinds of Hardware

which are offered at ONF PRICE and that the very lowest the market

justifies All goodb guaranteed to be exactly as represented


groceries25cts Lower than the Lowest

I huyeno clerk expntf8 no store renand pay cifh for all wy Groceries an

therefore can sell as eheap as the cheapest Best brands of Witienherg and LonStir Flour 23 cents cheaper than the lev


W DTESTELBR1NKFamily Groceries

space to nine all articles hut ncNOtrouble to show poodsCome and se a I the corner of Tro

and Moscow Avcutie Eist Hickrarn Ky


Just pnlilifhH a nw edition uf Dr CulverncHiOlrbnUfd Eanny ou tliorarfioel coeof PFTUEiieA or minl rik nnii Iuoluntrr niinul Lo c iMfOiiNcr Mental nntl riijric il Iiicnpiclt Innxillmnt to JlarrUce ftcalo CoNCMPTioEMLiril nd Kit lulucnl

or sexiul extraTHgtnce 4cTlie crltrlintetl autbnr In this nImirble rjclfrly damonstnttea from thirty pars ULCxinfu

practice tlia the ularoilog conequnce cr wlflabuw may be railicully caml iHiituitjg out a mxlvof cure at once imple certain onfrTtun lynironrt of which etery mfferer no matter hat hiaooDilition nMyli may tnre himself cheily prltately anil rodlcultg

KtrThi Iectur should b ill th haixlt of ereryyontli ami every man In the land

Sent onderiieal In a fIal nrelope to any addreu jxut-j-al- d on receipt of four ceuts or twopottage tamp AddreMTill VV ITE UWEIX JIEDICAI

41 Ann St Xew YortS T Post Office Box 4 JO

ntrHample for trial neat free nplleMtloa

june41y S




-- oxKT

All kinds of Farm Machinery PlowsWagons c repaired oa short notice andin workmanlike manner

l9New Wagons 4c-- made to orderfe18


MCKMAtr - - - KENTUCKYattend to all business entrustedWILL esre

Office Furaitare Factorynov878

Any persom wijbisf lo parchaie a icetwo story basnM boeseaad dwell-ing

¬combined ellinf consists of

iour rooms front Mdah two balls oaeanil tWO aacbpaatrj porckes w itn aEastEi i Miene

ihree or fonr aorses and somecatUe anil m DOSiVl 1 andrniiiiM n OUT a

named by applying to


---- --i

ana kilehenof tke above

HC JUDGEseptl6lfl HickaHKj








WKST 11 1 CKMAXCall on A F OLIVER for Blacksmith

ing Wagon Ri piirs He Alo h full line ofIVDDltTAKFRS fiOon

Oeffi - common Kosewood solid ClackWnluuf Cises c

Fn2nRonurr ixrGns CIHS DOLOUVS

Comirjercial Hotel



11EI T ALL IsUlRSAVill kecpn penernl ifsortment of Fam-


Groirie onfvetioneries Ac andkeep emplyel i hr lilnrt baker Goodsall fr3h inti v aud HI not be nndermiUI juue25



KEEPS snleconstantly oa kand for hir

HORSES BUGGIES and HACKSHavinz pnrchsed the stable korvrs

and entire outfityof W D Plnmmerwe p opose to continue the basiurss aasolicit patronage


Offlc Ur itain over CowgiHa Drug fctorc

HICKMAN KYWill prnctice ia all tkt Conris o tke

First Judicial biotrlcUfmarl8



kis Professional Services taOTTERS of Hickman and vicinityan 16- - 80

BNckle aa Amies SalvrThe Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts

Bruises Sore Ulcer Salt Rheum Fe7erSore9 Telle C -- pped Hands ChilblilnaCorns and rli Skia Eruptions and postUvely cures Piles or no pay required Itis guaranteed to tire perfect satisfactionor money refunded Price 25 cents per bofor saleby all DrugriaU- -

LOWER and LOWERAll kinds of Groceries hams sides Ae

as cheap as bt ckeapesl 1 will not ktundersold JOHN WITTING


VT are ATkalesale Headqaartera lor algrades of

and will k to dealers aaly at Factoryprices alio tktSntilwiimtilhMriirfatt

lbs best in the market We als keepconstantly oa hand a cheice selettionof Family Qrecerlea Cenfectienene andFrsits which we will sell very low forlhe cash Please call and sea aa

FU4UA A mtoBO W- - -


