- bibliographia daemonia

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    AIGRAN, Ren, L'Hagiographie. Ses sources, ses mthodes, son histoire (Paris, 1953) ALS, Adhmar, En lisant La cit de Dieu, tudes 141 (1914), 318-332. ALEXANDER, W. M., Demonic Possession in the New Testament (Edinburgh, 1902) ALVAREZ, Plcido, "Demon Stories in the Life of Antony by Athanasius," Cistercian Studies 23 (1988)

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    AMLINEAU, mile, "The Rle of the Demon in the Ancient Coptic Religion," The New World 2 (1893), 518-535. ANDRES, Friedrich, "Die Engel- und Dmonenlehre des Klemens von Alexandrien," Rmische Quartalschrift 34 (1926) 13-37; 129-140; 307-329. Anges et dmons. Actes du colloque de Liege et de Louvain-la-Neuve, 25-26 Novembre 1987, Julien Ries, ed. (Louvain-la-Neuve, 1989) Anges, dmons, et tres intermdiaires, 3me colloque tenu les 13 et 14 janvier 1968 Paris, Alliance mondiale des religions, Collection, 3 (Paris, 1969) ARBESMANN, Rudolph, The Daemonium meridianum and Greek and Latin Patristic Exegesis, Traditio 14 (1958), 17-31. AUBIN, Paul, "Intriorit et extriorit dans les Moralia in Job de Saint Grgoire le Grand," Recherches de science religieuse 62 (1974) 117-166. BABUT, E.-Ch., "Saint Martin de Tours," Revue d'histoire et de littrature religieuses, New Series 1 (1910), 466-487, 513-541; New Series 2 (1911), 44-78, 160-182, 255-275, 431-463, 513-543; New Series 3 (1912), 120-159, 240-278, 289-329 BARDY, Gustave, La conversion au christianisme durant les premiers sicles, Thologie 15 (Paris, 1947) BARNES, Timothy, "Angels of Light or Mystic Initiate. The Problem of the 'Life of Antony'," Journal of Theological Studies 37 (1986) BARTELINK, G.J.M., Het Vroege Christendom en de antieke Cultuur (Muiderberg, 1986)

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    BARTELINK, G. J. M., "Les dmons comme brigands," Vigiliae Christianae21 (1967), 12-24 BARTELINK, G. J. M., "Les dnominations du diable chez Grgoire de Tours," Revue des tudes latines 48 (1970) 411-432. BARTON, G. A., "The Origin of the Names of Angels and Demons in the Extra-Canonical Apocalyptic Literature to 100 A.D.," Journal of Biblical Literature (1912) 156-167. BARTSCH, Elmar, Die Sachbeschwrungen der rmischen Liturgie: Eine liturgiegeschichtliche und liturgietheologische Studie (Munster, 1967) BAUCKHAM, Richard, "The Fall of the Angels as the Source of Philosophy in Hermias and Clement of Alexandria," Vigiliae Christianae 39 (1985) 313-330 BAYNES, Norman H., "St. Anthony and the Demons," Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 40 (1954) 7-10 BAZIN, Germain, "The Devil in Art," in Satan, pp. 351-367. BENOT, Andr, and Charles Munier, Die Taufe in der Alten Kirche (1.-3. Jahrhundert), trans. Annemarie Spoerri, Traditio christiana 9 (Bern, 1994) BRAUDY, Roger, "Scrutinies and Exorcisms in Adult Baptism and the Catechumenate," Series Consilium 22 (New York, 1967) 57-61. BIEDER, Werner, Die Vorstellung der Hllenfahrt Jesu Christi (Zurich, 1949) BLANGEZ, Grard, "Le diable dans le ci-nous-dit: La thorie des siges de paradis," in Le diable au moyen ge, pp.25-35.

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    BLZQUEZ, Jos Mara, Intelectuales, ascetas y demonios al final de la Antigedad (Madrid, 1998) BLOCH, Marc, Les rois thaumaturges: Etude sur le caractre surnaturel attribu la puissance royale particulirement en France et en Angleterre, Publications de la facult de l'Universit de Strasbourg, fasc.19 (1924) BOBER, Phyllis Fray, "Cernunnos: Origin and Transformation of a Celtic Divinity," American Journal of Archeology 55 (1951) 13-51. BCHER, Otto, Christus Exorcista. Dmonismus und Taufe im Neuen Testament; Beitrge zur Wissenschaft vom alten und neuen Testament, Fnfte Folge 16 (Stuttgart, 1972) BOGAERT, Pierre-Maurice, "Une tradition juive sur la cration de l'esprit mauvaise au deuxime jour," in Anges et dmons, pp.135-146. BOLTE, Johannes, "Der Teufel in der Kirche," Zeitschrift fr vergleichende Literaturgeschichte, New Series 11 (1897) 247-266. BOTTE, Bernard, "L'ange du sacrifice," in Cours et confrences des semaines liturgiques, vol.7 (Tournai, August 1928), 209-221 (Leiden, 1978) BOUHOUT, P., "Explications du rituel baptismal l'poque carolingienne" Revue des tudes augustiniennes 24 (1978), 278-301 BOUMAN, C. A., " 'Descendit ad inferos': Het thema van de nederdaling ter helle in de liturgie," Nederlands katholieke Stemmen 55 (1959) 44-51. BOUSSET, Wilhelm, "Zur Dmonologie der spteren Antike," Archiv fr Religionswissenschaft 18 (1915) 134-172. BOUYER, R.P. Louis, La vie de S. Antoine (Paris, 1950) BRAKKE, David, Athanasius and Asceticism (Baltimore, 1995)

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    BREMMER, J.N., "The Birth of the Term 'Magic'," Zeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigraphik 126 (1999), 1-12 BROWN, Peter, The Cult of the Saints. Its Rise and Function in Latin Christianity (Chicago, 1981, repr. 1982) BROWN, Peter, "Sorcery, Demons and the Rise of Christianity: From Late Antiquity into the Middle Ages," in Peter Brown, ed., Religion and Society in the Age of St. Augustine (London, 1972), pp.119-146. CAILLOIS, Roger, "Les dmons de midi," Revue de l'histoire des religions 115 (1937), 142-173; 116 (1937) 54-83, 143-186. CAIRD, G. B., Principalities and Powers (Oxford, 1956) CAQUOT, "Sur quelques dmons de l'Ancien testament (Reshep, Qeteb, Deber)," Semitica 6 (1956) 53-68. CARR, W., Angels and Principalities, Society for New Testament Studies, Monograph Series 42 (Cambridge, 1981) CARUS, Paul, The History of the Devil (London, 1900) CHADWICK, Henry, Priscillian of Avila: The Occult and the Charismatic in the Early Church (Oxford, 1976) CLEMEN, C., ed., Fontes historiae religionis Germanicae (Berlin, 1928) CONYBEARE, F. C., "The Demonology of the New Testament," Jewish Quarterly Review 8 (1895-1896) CUMONT, Franz, "Les anges du paganisme," Revue de l'histoire des religions 72 (1915) 159-182.

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    DALTON, W. J., Christ's Proclamation to the Spirits, Analecta Biblica 23 (Rome, 1965) DANILOU, Jean, The Angels and Their Mission, trans. D. Heimann (repr. Westminster, MD. 1987) DANILOU, Jean, "Les dmons de l'air dans la 'Vie d'Antoine'," in Antonius Magnus Eremita, 356-1956 (=Studia Anselmiana 38, Rome, 1958) DANKER, F.W., "The Demonic Secret in Mark: A Re-examination of the Cry of Dereliction (15,34)," ZNW 61 (1970), 48-69. DE VISSER, J., De Daemonologie van het Oude Testament (Utrecht, 1880) DECHARNEUX, Baudoin, "Anges, dmons et logos dans l'oeuvre de Philon d'Alexandrie," in Anges et dmons, pp.147-175. DELATTE, A., and Charles Josserand, "Contribution l'tude de la dmonologie byzantine," Mlanges J. Bidez, 2 vols. (Brussels, 1934), 2:207-232. DERRETT, J. D. M., "Legend and Event: The Gerasene Demoniac: An Inquest into History and Liturgical Projection," Studia Biblica, 1978, vol.2, Papers on the Gospels, E. A. Livingstone, ed., Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Supplement Series 2 (Sheffield, 1980) DE VOGU, Adalbert, Histoire littraire du mouvement monastique dans l'antiquit, Pt. 1: Le monachisme latin de la mort d'Antoine la fin du sjour de Jrome Rome (356-385) (Paris, 1991) DEVREESSE, Robert, Essai sur Thodore de Mopsueste, Studi e Testi 141 (Vatican City, 1948) DE VRIES, Jan, Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte, Grundriss der germanischen Philologie 12.1, 2 vols (3d ed. Berlin, 1970)

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    DHORME, E., "Le dmonologie biblique," in Mlanges W. Vischer (Montpellier, 1960), 41-54. Le Diable au moyen ge: Doctrine, problmes moraux, reprsentations (Paris, 1979) Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible, Karel Van der Toorn, Bob Becking, Peter W. Van der Horst, eds., (Leiden, 1995) DIERKENS, Alain, "Christianisme et 'paganisme' dans la Gaule septentrionale aux Ve et VIe sicles," in Die Franken und die Alemannen bis zur "Schlacht bei Zlpich" (496/97), Dieter Geuenich, ed., Ergnzungsbnde zum Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde 19 (Berlin, 1998) DIERKENS, Alain, "The Evidence of Archaeology," in Ludo J. R. Milis, ed., The Pagan Middle Ages, trans. Tanis Guest (Woodbridge, 1998), pp.39-64 DODDS, E. R., Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety (Cambridge, 1965) DLGER, Franz-Josef, "Teufels Grossmutter. Magna Mater Deum, Magna Mater Deorum: Die Umwertung der Heidengtter im christlichen Dmonenglauben," Antike und Christentum 3 (1932) 153-176. DU BOURGET, Pierre, "La couleur noire de la peau du dmon dans l'iconographie chrtienne: A-t-elle une origine prcise?" Actas del VIII congresso internacional de arqueologia cristiana (Barcelona, 1972), pp.271-272. DUCHESNE, Louis, Christian Worship, its Origin and Evolution. A Study of the Latin Liturgy up to the Time of Charlemagne, trans. M.L. McClure (5th ed. London, 1931) DUHM, H., Die bsen Geister im Alten Testament (Tubingen, 1904)

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    DUMZIL, Georges, Naissance d'archanges (Paris, 1945) EITREM, S., Some Notes on the Demonology in the New Testament, Symbolae Osloenses, Fascicle Supplement 20 (2d ed. Oslo, 1966) ELBERN, V.H., "Heilige, Dmonen und Magie an Reliquiaren des frhen Mittelalters," Settimane di Studio 36 (Spoleto, 1989), 951-980. FERGUSON, E., Demonology of the Early Christian World (New York, 1984) FINET, Andr, "Les anges gardiens du Babylonien," in Anges et dmons, pp.37-52. FLINT, Valerie, The Rise of Magic in Early Medieval Europe (Princeton, 1991) FONTAINE, J., "Hagiographie et politique, de Sulpice Svre Venance Fortunat," Revue d'Histoire de l'Eglise de France 62 (1976), 113-140. FONTINOY, Charles, "Les anges et les dmons de l'Ancien Testament, " in Anges et dmons, pp.117-143. FORSYTH, Neil, The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat Myth (Princeton, 1987) FREMER, Torsten, "Wunder und Magie: Zur Funktion der Heiligen im frhmittelalterlichen Christianisierungsprozess," Hagiographica 3 (1996) 15-88. GAMBER, Klaus, Codices liturgici latini antiquiores, Spicilegii Friburgensis subsidia 1 (Freiburg, 1963) GANDOLFO, F., "Luoghi dei santi e luoghi dei demoni: Il riuso dei templi nel medioevo," Settimane di Studio 36 (Spoleto, 1989), 883-916.

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    GARRETT, S. R., The Demise of the Devil: Magic and the Demonic in Luke's Writings (Minneapolis, 1989) GASTON, L., "Beelzebul," Theologische Zeitschrift 18 (1962) 247-255. GEERTZ, Clifford, "Religion as a Cultural System," Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion, M. Banton, ed. (London, 1966), pp.1-46. Gnies, anges et dmons, gypte, Babylone, Isral, Islam (Paris, 1971) GIBLET, Jean, "La puissance satanique selon l'vangile de Saint Jean," in Anges et dmons, pp.291-300. GINZBURG, C., "Folklore, magia, religione," Storia d'Italia 1 (Turin, 1972), 601-676. Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary, Jeremy Black, ed. (Austin, 1992) GRAUS, F., "Hagiographie und Dmonenglauben, Settimane di Studio 36 (1989), 93-120. GRILLMEIER, Alois, "Der Gottessohn im Totenreich," Zeitschrift fr katholische Theologie 71 (1949) 1-53; 184-203. GRUENTHANER, M. J., "The Demonology of the Old Testament," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 6 (1944) 6-27. GUY, J.C., "Le combat contre le dmon dans le monachisme ancien," Assembles du Seigneur 30 (1964), pp.61ff. HACKSPILL, L., "L'angelologie juive l'poque notestamentaire," Revue Biblique (1902) 528-550. HADOT, Pierre, "La fin du paganisme," in Henri-Charles Puech, ed., Histoire des religions, 3 vols (Paris, 1970-1976), 2:81-113

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    HANSON, R.P.C., "The Christian Attitude to Pagan Religions up to the Time of Constantine the Great," ANRW 2, 23 (Berlin, 1980), 910-973. HEINZELMANN, Martin, and J.-C. Poulin, Les vies anciennes de sainte Genevive de Paris: tudes critiques (Paris, 1986) HIERS, R. H., " 'Binding' and 'Loosing': The Matthean Authorizations," Journal of Biblical Literature 104 (1985) 233-250. HILD, Joseph Antoine, tude sur les dmons dans la littrature et la religion des Grecs HIS, R., Die Dmonen der rmischen Kaiserzeit (Leipzig, 1896) HIMMELFARB, Martha, Tours of Hell: An Apocalyptic Form in Jewish and Christian Literature (Philadelphia, 1983) HOLLENBACH, P. W., "Jesus, Demoniacs and Public Authorities: A Socio-historical Study," Journal of the American Academy of Religion 49 (1981) HOMAN, H., Der Indiculus superstitionum et paganiarum und verwandte Denkmler (Diss. Gttingen, 1965) HULL, J. M., Hellenistic Magic and the Synoptic Tradition, Studies in Biblical Theology, 2d Series 28 (London, 1974) HUPPENBAUER, Hans W., "Belial in den Qumrantexten," Theologische Zeitschrift 15 (1959) 81-89. JANSSENS, Yvonne, "Le thme de la fornication des anges," in Le origini dello gnosticismo. Colloquo di Messina, 13-18 Aprile 1966, Ugo Bianchi, ed. (Leiden, 1970), pp.488-495. JIRKU, Anton, Die Dmonen und ihre Abwehr im Alten Testament (Leipzig, 1912)

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    JOANNOU, P.-P., Discipline gnrale antique (IVe-IXe s.): 1.2 Les canons des synodes particuliers (Rome, 1962) (=Orientalia Christiana analecta 192) JOHANSONS, Andrejs, "Das Wassergeist bei Balten und Slaven," Acta Baltico-Slavica 2 (1965), 27-52 JOURNON, "Qu'allait-il voir du dsert? Simple question pose au moine sur son dmon," Lumire et vie 78 (1966) 3-15. JUNG, Leo, Fallen Angels in Jewish, Christian and Mohammedan Literature (New York, 1926) KALLAS, J., God and Satan in the Apocalypse (Minneapolis, 1973) KASPAR, W. and K. Lehmann, eds., Teufel, Dmonen, Besessenheit: Zur Wirklichkeit des Bsen (Mainz, 1978) KASPAR, Walter, and Karl Lehmann, Teufel - Dmonen - Besessenheit. Zur Wirklichkeit des Bsen (2d ed Mainz, 1978) KAUPEL, Heinrich, Die Dmonen im Alten Testament (Augsburg, 1930) KECK, Michael, Angels and Angelology in the Middle Ages (New York, 1998) KEINER, L., "Lhorreur des gyptiens pour les dmons du dsert," Bulletin de l'Institut d'gypte 26 (1943-1944). KELLY, Henry Ansgar, "Demonology and Diabolical Temptation," Thought 46 (1965) 165-170. KELLY, Henry Ansgar, "The Devil in the Desert," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 26 (1964)

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    KELLY, Henry Ansgar, The Devil, Demonology and Witchcraft: The Development of Christian Beliefs in Evil Spirits (Garden City, 1974) KELLY, Henry Asgar, The Devil at Baptism. Ritual, Theology, and Drama (Ithaca, 1985) KIRSTEN, Hans, Die Taufabsage (Berlin, 1960) KLASS, Morton P., Ordered Universes: Approaches to the Anthropology of Religion (Boulder, 1995) KLENER, Julien, "Dmonologie talmudique et ashknaze," in Anges et dmons, pp.177-201. KOHUT, Alexander, ber die jdische Angelologie und Dmonologie in ihrer Abhngigkeit vom Parsismus, Abhandlungen der deitschen Morganlandischen Gesellschaft 4, no. 3 (Leipzig, 1866) KROLL, Josef, Gott und Hlle. Der Mythos vom Descensus Kampfe (Leipzig, 1932) KRUSE, Heinz, "Das Reich Satans," Biblica 58 (1977) 29-61. KUHN, "The Angelology of the Non-Canonical Jewish Apocalypses," Journal of Biblical Literature 67 (1948) LANGTON, Edward, Essentials of Demonology: A Study of Jewish and Christian Doctrine, its Origin and Development (Lond, 1949) LAPORTE, Jean, "La Chute chez Philon et Origne," in Kyriakon: Festschrift fr Johannes Quasten, 2 vols. (Munster) 1:320-335. LELOIR, Louis, "Anges et dmons chez les pres du dsert," in Anges et dmons, pp.313-335. LELOIR, Louis, "Le diable chez les Pres du dsert et dans les crits du Moyen ge," in Typus, Symbol, Allegorie bei den stlichen

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    Vtern und ihren Parallelen im Mittelalter, Margo Schmidt and Carl Friedrich Geyer, eds., Eichsttter Beitrge, Abteilung Philosophie und Theologie, pp.218-238. Lexikon der Gtter und Dmonen: Namen - Funktionen - Symbole/Attribute; Manfred Lurker, ed., Krners Taschenausgabe Band 463 (2d ed. rev. Stuttgart, 1989) LIMET, Henri, "Les dmons mchants de la Babylonie," in Anges et dmons, pp.21-35. LITTLE, Lester K., Benedictine Maledictions. Liturgical Cursing in Romanesque France (Ithaca, 1993) LODS, A., "Les origines de la figure de Satan, ses fonctions la cour cleste," in Mlanges syriens offerts M. R. Dussaud (1949), pp.649-660. MAASSEN, Friedrich, Geschichte der Quellen und der Literatur des canonischen Rechts im Abendlande bis zum Ausgang der Mittelalters, 1 (1870, repr. Graz, 1956) MACCULLOCH, John, The Harrowing of Hell. A Comparative Study of an Early Christian Doctrine (Edinburgh, 1930) MACMULLEN, Ramsay, Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries (New Haven, 1997) MAGNOU-NORTIER, lisabeth, "La christianisation de la Gaule (VIe-VIIe sicles). Esquisse d'un bilan et orientation bibliographique," Mlanges de science religieuse 53 (1996) (=Christianisation en Gaule de Clovis Charlemagne), 5-12 MARKUS, R. A., Gregory the Great and his World (Cambridge, 1997)

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    MAUSS, Marcel, "Fait social et formation du caractre (1938). Notes indites de Marcel Mauss, transcrites et prsentes par Marcel Fournier," L'ethnographie 93 (1997) 7-14 MCHUGH, Michael P., "The Demonology of Saint Ambrose in Light of the Tradition," Wiener Studien 91 (1978) 205-231. MCNAMARA, Jo Ann, Sainted Women of the Dark Ages (Durham, 1992) MENJOT, Deni, "Le diable dans la 'Vita Sancti Emiliani' de Braulio de Saragosso (585? - 651?), in Le diable au moyen ge, pp.355-369. MEYER, Marvin, and Richard Smith, Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power (San Francisco, 1994) Monsters and Demons in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds: Papers Presented in Honor of Edith Porada, Anne E. Farkas, Prudence O. Harper, Evelyn B. Harrison, eds. (Mainz-on-Rhine, 1987) MOORE, Michael Edward, Demons and the Battle for Souls at Cluny, Studies in Religion / Sciences rligieuses 32.4 (2003): 485-497 MOREAU, Jacques, "La lutte entre le christianisme et le paganisme grco-romain dans la Guale du nord-est," in Rome et le christianisme dans la rgion rhenane. Colloque du Centre de recherches d'histoire des religions de l'Universit de Strasbourg, 19-21 mai, 1960 (Paris, 1963), pp.109-126 MOTTE, Andr, "La catgorie platonicienne du dmonique," in Anges et dmons, pp.205-221. MURRAY, A., "Missionaries and Magic in Dark Age Europe," Past and Present 136 (1992)184-205. NIKEL, Johannes, Die Lehre des Alten Testaments ber die Cherubim und Seraphim (Breslau, 1890)

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    PENCO, Gregorio, "Soppravvivenze della demonologia antica nel monachesimo medievale," Studia Monastica 13 (1971) 31-36. PETZOLDT, Leander, Kleines Lexikon der Dmonen und Elementargeister; Beck'sche Reihe, BsR 427 (Munich, 1990) PIETRI, Charles, "Saints et dmons: L'hritage de l'hagiographie antique," Settimane di Spoleto 1989, 15-90. PIRENNE-DELFORGE, Vinciane, "ros en Grce: Dieu ou dmon?" in Anges et dmons, pp.223-239. POKORNY, P., "The Temptation Stories and their Intention," New Testament Studies 20 (1974) PONTHOT, Joseph, "L'anglologie dans l'Apocalypse johannique," in Anges et dmons, pp.301-312. POULIN, J.-C., "Entre magie et religion," in La culture populaire au Moyen Age. tudes prsentes au quatrime colloque de l'Institut d'tudes mdivales de l'Universit de Montral...1977 (Montreal, 1979), pp.121-143. POULIN, J.-C., L'idal de saintet dans l'Aquitaine carolingienne d'aprs les sources hagiographiques (750-950) (Qubec, 1975) PRICOCO, S., ed., Il demonio e i suoi complici (Rubbettino, 1995) PRIGENT, Pierre, Apocalypse et liturgie, Cahiers thologiques, 52 (Paris, 1964), pp.46-76 PRIGENT, Pierre, L'Apocalypse de saint Jean (Lausanne, 1981) QUISPEL, Gilles, Gnosis als Weltreligion (Zurich, 1951) RANKE-HEINEMANN, Ute, "Die ersten Mnche und die Dmonen," Gul, 29 (1956), 165ff.

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