__. Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited (BCMCL) -Activities 1

Company | Ac ti vi ti es & Anal ysi s of Coal | Coal Sal e | News | Tender Noti ce [Logi n] Home About Us Organizational Link Photo Gallery Contact Us Feedback Production Status Download Report Contact directory Career Opportunity  News & Event s   Activities Background: Geologi cal Survey of Bangl adesh (GSB) d iscovered presence of extens ive coal reserve at relatively shallow depth in  April 1985 in Barapukuri a under Parbatipur-Upazill a of Dinajpur. GSB undertook further investigation in 1986 and 1987, involving mo re detailed gravimetric, magneti c and geophysical survey s to conf irm the presence of approximately 303 mi ll ion tones of high quali ty coal in six horizons over an area of 6. 68 square kil ometers. Subsequently, Bangladesh oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) with the assistance of Ov erseas Developm ent Admi nistration (ODA), UK concluded a deta il ed Techno- economic feasibil ity st udy by engaging M/S War dell Arm strong, UK in May 1991. The Major findings were as under Reserve of Coal : 390 Million tones Depth of coal : 118-509 meter. Nos. of coal layer : 6.  Avera ge thickness of coal Seam : 36 m (6th Seam) Compo sition of coal : Ash12.4%, Sulphur 0.53%, Noi sture 10% Rank of coal : Bitumi nous (high volat ile). Calorific value of coal : 25.68 MJ/KG (11040 BTU /Ib.)  Yearly Product ion : 1 mi llion tones . Coal extract ion method : Multi - Slice Long wall . During developm ent of Barapukuri a Coal Mine as well as load testing/trial run, coal as obtained from the mine, on Chemi cal Analysis, confirm ed composi tion of coal, Rank of coal and Calorific value of coal as predicted. Objective: The Mine would produce 1 million tones of coal per annum when commercial production will commence out of which 65% will be used in 250 MW coal fired power station and remaining 35% will be used in brick fields and other domestic purposes. Project Implementation: M/s China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CMC) as lead par tner of Consortium proposed suppli er’s credit f or the im plem entation of Barapukuri a Coal Mine Project. The Project Concept Paper (PCP) was approved by ECNEC on 11th March 1992 and Project Proforma was approve by DPEC on 21st April 1993 at a tota l estimated cost of Tk.8873.55 Mill ion incl uding foreign ex change component of Tk.4868.76 mil li on . The contract between M/S China National Machi nery Import and Export Corporation (CMC) as lead part ner of Consortium and Petrobangla was signed at the total lump-sum amount of US $ 194.91 million including supplier’s credit amounting to US$ 109.235 mil li on on 7th February 1994. C MC comm enced phys ical work s on 1s t J une 1996 f or the im plem entation of Barapukuria Coal Mine Project. As per contract the scheduled compl etion date was J une 2001. O n comp letion of install ation works of t wo shafts , when development works of Pit Bottom were in progress underground mi ne inundated due to on rush of wate r. C onsequently underground development work s on mi ne was suspended f or about 30(thirty) months. Thi s was necessitated t o carry out additional geologi cal & hydro-geological i nvestigation in order to acquire additional date bas ed on which CMC h ad to modify ear li er approv ed mi ne design/layout. The underground mi ne dev elopm ent works restarted from October 2000. The PP was revised on the basis of modifi ed mi ne design/layout and approve d by ECNEC on 15th August 2004 at t he estimated cost of Tk. 14311.27 millio n (Equivalent to US $ 251.08 Milli on). The project was scheduled for com pletion by Decem ber 2004 as pe r revised PP. The origi nal Contract was amended by contract amendm ent keeping the original contract value unchanged with re- a ppropriation of item – wi se costs. As per the rev ised schedule the com pletion peri od was fixed at 20th October 2004. Next >> Copyright © Barapukuria Coal Mining Com pany Lim ited(BCMCL) . All rights reserv ed Developed by : L 2 NSoft ® CMC successfully recover 1110 12/13/2008 ::. Barapukuria Coal Mining Companyhttp://www.bcmcl.org.bd/ 1/1

Transcript of __. Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited (BCMCL) -Activities 1

8/6/2019 __. Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited (BCMCL) -Activities 1

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Geological Survey of Bangladesh (GSB) discovered presence of extensive coal reserve at relatively shallow depth in April 1985 in Barapukuria under Parbatipur-Upazilla of Dinajpur. GSB undertook further investigation in 1986 and1987, involving more detailed gravimetric, magnetic and geophysical survey s to conf irm the presence of approximately 303 million tones of high quality coal in six horizons over an area of 6.68 square kilometers.Subsequently, Bangladesh oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) with the assistance of OverseasDevelopment Administration (ODA), UK concluded a deta iled Techno- economic feasibility study by engaging M/S Wardell Armstrong, UK in May 1991. The Major findings were as under

Reserve of Coal : 390 Million tonesDepth of coal : 118-509 meter.Nos. of coal layer : 6.

 Average thickness of coal Seam : 36 m (6th Seam)Composition of coal : Ash12.4%, Sulphur 0.53%, Noisture 10%Rank of coal : Bituminous (high volat ile).Calorific value of coal : 25.68 MJ/KG (11040 BTU/Ib.)

  Yearly Product ion : 1 million tones.Coal extract ion method : Multi- Slice Long wall.

During development of Barapukuria Coal Mine as well as load testing/trial run, coal as obtained from the mine, onChemical Analysis, confirmed composition of coal, Rank of coal and Calorific value of coal as predicted.


The Mine would produce 1 million tones of coal per annum when commercial production will commence out of which

65% will be used in 250 MW coal fired power station and remaining 35% will be used in brick fields and other domesticpurposes.

Project Implementation:

M/s China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CMC) as lead partner of Consortium proposedsupplier’s credit for the implementation of Barapukuria Coal Mine Project. The Project Concept Paper (PCP) wasapproved by ECNEC on 11th March 1992 and Project Proforma was approve by DPEC on 21st April 1993 at a tota lestimated cost of Tk.8873.55 Million including foreign exchange component of Tk.4868.76 million .The contractbetween M/S China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CMC) as lead partner of Consortium andPetrobangla was signed at the total lump-sum amount of US $ 194.91 million including supplier’s credit amounting toUS$ 109.235 million on 7th February 1994. CMC commenced physical works on 1st June 1996 for the implementationof Barapukuria Coal Mine Project. As per contract the scheduled completion date was June 2001. On completion of installation works of two shafts, when development works of Pit Bottom were in progress underground mineinundated due to on rush of water. Consequently underground development works on mine was suspended for about30(thirty) months.

This was necessitated to carry out additional geological & hydro-geological investigation in order to acquire additional

date based on which CMC had to modify ear lier approved mine design/layout. The underground mine developmentworks restarted from October 2000. The PP was revised on the basis of modified mine design/layout and approved byECNEC on 15th August 2004 at the estimated cost of Tk. 14311.27 million (Equivalent to US $ 251.08 Million). Theproject was scheduled for completion by December 2004 as per revised PP. The original Contract was amended bycontract amendment keeping the original contract value unchanged with re- appropriation of item – wise costs. As perthe rev ised schedule the completion period was fixed at 20th October 2004.

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CMC successfully recover 1110

12/13/2008 ::. Barapukuria Coal Mining Company…

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