© Aurora Health Care, Inc. Alaris Pump Compliance Julie L. Kindsfater (Puotinen) October 2013.

© Aurora Health Care, Inc. © Aurora Health Care, Inc. Alaris Pump Compliance Julie L. Kindsfater (Puotinen) October 2013

Transcript of © Aurora Health Care, Inc. Alaris Pump Compliance Julie L. Kindsfater (Puotinen) October 2013.

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

Alaris Pump Compliance

Julie L. Kindsfater (Puotinen)October 2013

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

Aurora Health Care

• Private, non-profit• 15 hospitals• 159 clinic sites• 30,000 caregivers• 1.2 million patients

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

AHC compliance – IPI chartJanuary – August 2013












Aurora Hospitals andMedical Centers

St. Francis Hospital

University ofWisconsin Hospital

Wishard Hospital

University of IowaHospitals and Clinics

Indiana UniversityHealth

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

AHC compliance by profileAugust 2013

93 95 91 95 93 9986

97 100 100

7 5 9 5 7 114

3 0 0



Guardrails Non-Guardrails

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

Achieving high compliance – set high expectations

Set an objective goal and incorporate into your institution's safety goals

– E.g. compliance at least 90% in all profiles

– Supported by hospital, nursing, and safety leadership

– Communicated to and understood by staff– Achievable with your data set

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

Achieving high compliance - accountability

Define accountable parties and process to respond to compliance data

•System Alaris analytics team– Nurse representative from each site, drug policy, risk management– Review system data, share lessons learned, review library change

requests, discuss system-level issues

•Site-based Alaris analytics teams– Nurse (from system committee), pharmacy, quality, risk– Review site data, create and implement site action plan for

performance improvement, identify issues to forward to system team– Compliance data sent to team members and site Chief Nurse Officer

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

Achieving high compliance – data set

• Standard concentrations• Drug names match eMAR entry• Entries accommodate clinical practice and

order sets• Provide additional tools as needed• Solicit feedback

– E.g. Alaris email for library questions/issues

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

Dashboard – v.1February 2011

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

Dasboard – v.2February 2012

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

Dashboard v.4Q2 2013

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

Addressing low compliance

• Investigate– Identify root causes/contributing factors– Solicit feedback– Compliance rounds

• Engage accountable parties

• Re-educate– What and why

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

AHC compliance by profileAugust 2013

93 95 91 95 93 9986

97 100 100

7 5 9 5 7 114

3 0 0



Guardrails Non-Guardrails

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

AHC – pediatricprofile

• Discussed with nursing practice council and pediatric nursing groups

• Clarified profile name and moved to 1st screen

• Revised fluid build• Re-educated nurses on

rationale for using library entries and age definitions

• Monitored and reinforced

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

Improving compliance – optimization

Drug # Alerts % alerts overridden


Blood products 339 87% Change soft min from 25 mL/hr to 10 mL/hr

Propofol ANESTH 232 99% Change anesthesia alert limit to 150 mcg/kg/min

Irinotecan 207 94% Change duration soft min to 80 min (i.e. distinguish from default of 90 min)

Vasopressin ANESTH 281 99% Change anesthesia alert limit to 0.4 units/min

Sodium chloride 3% 91 100% Change soft max from 35 to 50 mL/hr

Etoposide 92 100% Change duration soft max from 90 min to 12 hours

PCA lockout 49 100% Change PCA lockout soft max from 20 min to 30 min

AHC - minor changes should eliminate 17% of all Guardrail alerts (white noise)

© Aurora Health Care, Inc.

Concerns and lessons learned

at other organizations?