+ atividades de iinglês

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Transcript of + atividades de iinglês

  • 8/14/2019 + atividades de iingls


    1. Com base no vdeo que assistimos, responda s questesabaixo: 3 Ano

    a. No trecho " And a special thank you or bein! here even thou!h there"s a#asco$%ota o!o !ame in a e& hours ", qual a traduo de " there's " e " afew "?

    b. No trecho " 'ne o my earliest impressions o %ra(il &as a movie ) sa&&ith my mother as a child, a movie called %lack 'rpheus, set in theavelas o *io durin! Carnival ", qual o significado e tempo verbal de " saw " ?

    c. No trecho ""+y mother is !one no&, but she &ould"ve never ima!inedthat her son"s irst trip to %ra(il &ould be as resident o the -nited.tates"" , o que Obama quis dizer com " my mother is gone now " ?

    d. No trecho ""/esterday, ) met &ith your &onder ul ne& resident, 0ilma*ousse , and talked about ho& &e can stren!then the partnershipbet&een our !overnments"" , o que significam respectivamente " met with","strengthen" e "between " ?

    2. Completeas sentenascondicionaisa seguir adequadamente .

    a. If it rains, we________stay at home. (are, will, would)b. If you study hard, you_________pass the test. (are, will, would)c. If you drink too much, you__________have problems. (are, will, would)d. People_________help you if you help them. (are, will, would)e. If you see him, _________him to come back. (are tell, will tell, tell)f. If you don't stop, you________ improve. (will have, will not, are)g. Call me if you________any problems. (will have, have, has)

    h. I________ talk to you on MSN if you do this. (are, will not, have)

    3. Preenchamos espaosem brancousando"the", "a" ou "an" adequadamente .

    1. There is______ excellent doctor in______hospital I know.2. He is_______university student.3. We are_________champions.4. It is_____honor for me to be here.5. I'll be back in_________hour.6. I think this is_____end of_____story.

  • 8/14/2019 + atividades de iingls


    7. Are you______manager of this company?8. He is________good father.9. She is________great friend.10. We are from ______USA.

    4. Preenchamos espaosem brancocomo pronomemais adequado .

    1. Mary is washing_______clothes. [she, her]2. John and I are helping_________family. [we, our]3. The children are nice. _______don't give us any problems. [Their, they]4. Pluto is a smart dog. ________is very big too. [His, it]5. The boy is talking with________mother now. [him, his]

    6. There are people here. ________are at a meeting. [Her, they]7. _______is studying English seriously. John loves English. [Him, he]8. _______are playing the guitar. Mike and Jake have a bad. [Her, they]9. Anna and ________are learning French. [I, my]

    5. Escolhamas opesque melhorpreenchemos espaosem branco .

    1. I________knowwhat he________.

    a. Doesnt; dob. Don't; doesc. Doesn't; don't2. _______Italk to you?Yes, you can.a. Willb. Canc. Do3. He is________hardnow.a. Works

    b. Workingc. Worked4. You_________drinkand drive.a. Mustn't tob. Mustn't andc. Mustn't5. I am__________helpyou.a. Goingb. Going to

    c. Go

  • 8/14/2019 + atividades de iingls


    B. Quais as formas no passado de " there is " e " there are "?


    C. Quaisverbosso regulares e quais so irregulares a seguir?a. Gob. Walkc. Dod. Playe. Stayf. Speakg. talk

    h. Seei. Like j. Help

    D. Traduzamas expressesa seguir .

    a. Global warmingb. Greenhouse effectc. Swine flud. Stem cellse. Forest firesf. Warg. Flu shoth. Danger