AT 29.docx · Web vie


Transcript of AT 29.docx · Web vie

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"Nations shall come to your light" Isaiah 60:3


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Kigezi Ankole Anglican Youth Missioners(KAAYM) is an offshoot of the East African Revival and it

was born in 1987 under the inspiration of the late Bishop Festo Kivengere during a University

mission in Makerere University. For the last 29 years, KAAYM has been in missionary work,

furthering the cause of the gospel under the flag of ‘’know God and make Him known’.

KAAYM also worked closely with a number of ministries such as Life Ministry, FOCUS, AEE and

Schools within Kigezi and Ankole Dioceses. We have been involved in revival missions,

discipleship, trainings and equipping church leaders. We have reached out in schools both in

our dioceses and beyond.

KAAYM started in Makerere University and has since seen chapters formed in sister universities

among them U.C.U Mukono, Makerere Business School and Kyambogo University. Currently

there is an estimated 1200 force of KAAYM missioners, who completed universities and many

more who joined the revival cause from churches within Kigezi and Ankole.

Over the last four years, we have seen the need to re convene and ignite the revival spirit

within all KAAYM to ensure a continuous connectivity with our mission and growing this to

systematically knit each other in the pursuit of mission. We have re connected through prayer,

revival meetings, and planning meetings to map out how KAAYM can keep this fire burning for

generations to come.

The Lord has been challenging us to re organise all KAAYM teams both in University and post

University to awaken, break camp and effectively answer the call for this current need, which is

spreading our gospel fishing nets beyond our home region and ministering to the nations of the

world. We have prayerfully and carefully been consulting, thinking out and hearing out what

the Lord is pointing to and clearly it has been about elevating the Lord’s altars to the nations of

the world.

This has challenged us to work beyond our comfort and present ourselves for this challenge, by

writing out a vision and strategy plan that will guide our next 25 years. We have coined our

vision under what we call KAAYM 2040,’’ KAAYM envisions a world where everyone lives

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purposefully to realise their full potential according to God’s will. It envisions nations of the

world transformed through Godly leadership’’.

We therefore organised a National Convention to establish us in prayer, seeking the Lord’s

guidance and in commissioning into this renewed call. It will bring together all KAAYM and

engage us in prayer, worship, deep reflection on God’s word, and revival meetings.

The KAAYM National convention under the theme "Nations shall come to your light" Isaiah

60:3 was a great experience of Fellowship of the Old and young blood of God's generals

committing to bring revival to the Nations of the World. It brought together both Elders

(University Alumni) and University students from all University chapters. It was hosted for three

days from October 28-30, 2016 at the African Bible University, in Lubowa, Entebbe road.

It was a great moment of All- KAAYM gathering in history where members were ushered in

moments of praise and worship, intercession and teaching of the word of God from several

annointed speakers.Great prophesies, Visions and insights from the word were shared.


We glorify the Lord who provided us with opportune moment to commune with him and fellow

brethren, the resources that made the convention possible and using the speakers mightily to

minister to the attendants’ hearts.

We appreciate our beloved SpeakersUncle Jimrex Byamugisha, Uncle Sam Ewou, Rt. Rev. Dr.

Edward Muhima, Mr. Ronnie Bbossa, and Rev. Canon Dr. John Ssenyonyi greatly for sparing

their precious time and coming to minister to us. All their sharing were articulate and seasoned

and timely and we hope for personal transformation of lives to arise and shine to those who

attended the convention.

A great appreciation to the Patrons Dr. Benon Musinguzi- Patron KAAYM UCU (represented by

the wife) and Rev. Canon Amos Turyahabwe- KAAYM MUK and Chaplain St. Francis Chapel for

attending . More so to Rev. Canon Amos for the Holy Communion served to us on Saturday


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We acknowledge the attendance of our Pioneers such as Mr. Silvanus Turyamwijuka, Eng.

Justus Akankwasa, Mr. James Arinda, Mrs. Dinah Mwesigye, Mr. Moses and Dr. Julian

Bagyendera among others.

We thank the organizing committee chaired by Eng. Francis Musinguzi for their tireless efforts

and sacrifice of time and resources in the organization of the Convention.

We applaud all members Elders and students from all Chapters who travelled from far and near

to attend the convention and for the prayer and financial support that made the Convention a


Thursday October 27, 2016.

The gates of African Bible University were opened for the Convention attendants on Thursday.

A group of Praise and worship team from Mbarara led by Mr. Justus and Mrs. Judith Ariho.

Joined by three members of MUK Chapters and part of the organisers, they slept at the Venue

for purposes of building an altar, rehearsals by the choir and other preparations of the venue

and the entire scene setting for the convention.

Friday October 28, 2016.

The Convention officially opened on Friday with arrival and registration by the Members.

Members first had supper in the ABU Dining Hall. After supper members gathering in the

Convention Hall. The evening session opened by praise and worship. The session leader Mr.

Nicholas Tugume led short intercession after which he invited the Chairman Organising

committee Eng. Francis Musinguzi to give opening remarks.

Eng. Francis appreciated all members for taking off time to come to the convention to

commune with the Lord and fellowship with fellow believers. He called upon the Convention

organising committeeand asked the congregation to appreciate them for their tireless efforts

from which the being of the Convention was made possible.

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He thereafter with joy welcomed the Patron KAAYM MUK Chapter and Chaplain St. Francis

Chapel Makerere University Rev. Canon Amos Turyahabwe for having come to attend the

Convention. He also invited him for his remarks and inviting the preacher of the Night.

(Words of the Chaplain)

Rev Canon Amos giving his Opening remarks on the First day of the Convention.

He invited the preacher Mr. Jimrex Byamugisha a KAAYM Elder and a lecturer at Makerere

University. Mr Jimrex challanged the members to take their position, authority and power.

“We are the Childrenof a convenant and an everlasting promise to be fulfilled and must avoid

getting familiarity with sin” he said. He tackled the six spirits of the Lord that is wisdom,

understanding, counsel, knowledge, might and fear of the Lord that we need so that Nations

shall come to our light (Isaiah 11:2). He concluded his message with the four pillars of Christian

spiritual growth. These are prayer, fellowship, study of the word and testimony giving. Sharing

from several scriptures such as Jeremiah 1:10, 2 Kings 6:16, Genesis 21:9, Romans 8:17, John

17:1, Daniel 12, 2Peter 1:3, 2 Corinthians 1:22, Joshua 10:12, Mark 4:39, 41, 1 Kings 17, he

emphasized using our authority and power in Jesus Christ.

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Mr. Jimrex Byamugisha leading a song before his sharing.

The Friday Night session ended at 2:00am and members went to have a rest.

Saturday October 29, 2016.

Members woke up at 7:00am, did personal administration and headed to the dining Hall for

breakfast. After, breakfast at 9:00am, missioners gathered in the Hall for the first session.

The session leader Ms. Barbara Kasande led us in intercession and preparing our hearts for the

Sharing of the word. She then invited the Choir, Justus and Mbarara team leading and backed

up by KAAYM MUK which took us in a lengthy time of powerful praise the worship.

Members deeply socked in worship to the Almighty God.

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Ms. Kasande thereafter invited the Rev. Canon Amos to introduce the preacher of the session.

Rev. Amos shared words of wisdom and insights concerning salvation and then invited Uncle

Sam Ewou for the sharing.

Mr. Sam Ewou in his sharing emphasized that Revival as it happened in the East African Revival

is again coming through KAAYM. He prophetically declared “You are in a season of restoration

as KAAYM and nations come to a restored group.” He called upon the congregation not to get

lost in regret of the former and miss when God is saying arise using the Story of the Prodigal

son in John 15.

He emphatically said that this revival is first and foremost for Western Uganda as he had earlier

said in the January 24thand May 01st,2016 KAAYM Revival Prayer retreats at the same venue. He

also asserted that God is counting on Africa for the world revival and the Europeans and

outsiders will come in Africa to revive themselves. He added “Your season of breakthrough has

come as KAAYM and the nation of Uganda.

Evangelist $ Intercessor Sam Ewou unveiling the mysteries of God.

We then had break tea after whichUncle Jimrex thereafter came up to share a revelation that

he had received as he was in the closet. It was about the target of the enemy to Christians

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through perfumes, money, provocative designs, spirit of lust, pornography and aggressiveness

and strategy to be seen in church. He added that these are intentioned to weaken believers’

prayer lives and curtail their discernment. He therefore cautioned the congregants to be deep

in prayer and fasting stay away from sexual immorality if they are to stand and dominate.

The Former North Kigezi Bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. Edward Muhima was received at the Venue and

led for Lunch together with the KAAYM family. We had a delicious meal for our lunch and after

we again gathered in Hall for the afternoon session.

(Photo(s) of lunch being taken in the D.H)

Mr. Ian Abaho the session Leader led worship and prayer preparing for this time of receiving

from the Lord.

He later invited the African Bible University Vice ChancellorMr. Robertson to welcome the

KAAYM Family to ABU and give his remarks. The V.C shared three main tenets emphasized by

ABU as they teach hidden treasures of God’s word which is their mission. These tenets are

revival, reformation and transformation. He also challenged the congregation for personal

change of heart sassing revival begins with God’s people and leaders who are servants. He

shared 2 Chronicles 7:14 and wished the members a fruitful convention and stay at ABU.

The session leader then invited the Chairman Organsing Committee Eng. Francis Musinguzi to

invite the Preacher. Eng. Francis invited the Organsing Committee and asked Bishop Edward

Muhima to launch the KAAYM VISION 2040 which the Organsinng Committee were able to


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Bishop Muhima launching the KAAYM VISION 2040 as the Convention Organsing committee

raise their arms in adoration to the Lord.

Bishop Muhimaposing for a photo with some of Convention organizing committee Members.

From L-R(Peter,Colbert, Atkinson, Patience, Racheal, Barnet, Barbara,Sabiiti,Timothy, Eng.

Francis, Nicholas, Ian,Duncan) holding KAAYM VISION 2040 Booklets.

Eng. Francis invited Bishop Muhima to minister to the congregation. Bishop in his sharing asked

KAAYM to be the salt of the Earth and the Light of the world (Mathew 5: 13-16.) He also called

for deeper seeking to Know God so that a person can have fellowship and companionship with

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the Lord. He notably shared and challenged KAAYM to embark on the ministry of preaching,

teaching and healing from Mark 3:14-16. He also beseeched members to seriously consider the

way the conduct ourselves and that we should not adapt ourselves to the circumstances of

Uganda. He referred to Romans 12: 1-2.

After the Bishop’s sharing we had a few songs of praise as the Chaplain St. Francis Chapel, Rev

Canon Amos Turyahabwe with the help of some organisers prepared a table for Holy

Communion. He administered the sacrament with the help of Mr. Moses Bagyendera.

Members blessed the Lord for this feast served to us at this moment of fellowship with Lord as

they commemorated the body and blood of our Savoiur Jesus Christ that was shed on Calvary

for the remission of our sins. Bishop Edward Muhima then prayed a blessing.

(Photo of the Holy Communion being served)

After the Holy Communion, members had supper and after gathered again for an evening

session. The session Leader Timothy Niwagaba invited the Choir to lead songs of praise that

ushered members to heart preparation for yet another sharing. He then invited Rev. Canon

Amos Turyahabwe to introduce Mr. Ronnie Bbossa the preacher for the evening to minister.

Mr. Bbossa appreciated KAAYM for inviting him for Convention following the January Revival he

had ministered in. He strongly empahsied that for Nations to come to your Light you must have

the Kings because Kings rule over and command nations and for Kings to come to your light you

must first rise. He said the theme is a call to repentanceand he called upon KAAYM to dress up

afresh with new sandles of the gospel and there is no excuse for not rising up. He prophetically

said that KAAYM needs to build strong altars if we to arise. “Nations cannot come to you

without an altar” he said. He also called for individual transfiguration using Scriptures in

Romans 12, Daniel 12, Matthew 5, Matthew 13:43, and Matthew 17: 1-13 so as to minister to

people by our lives not our words. He then took us through a time of prayer and deliverance

which led to healing of hearts and consecration of lives to be used of the Lord. From the prayer

one girl came up to confess Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour.

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The session closed at 11:30 pm and members went to sleep in their different accommodation


(Photo of Bbossa in the prayer session)

Sunday October 30, 2016.

This morning as had been planned members woke up at 5:00am for devotion prayers. It was led

by Mr. Barnet Ariho. In this, devotion members strongly prayed for particular institutuions that

is families, Religion (church) and the government and that God will use KAAYM to shine light in

these institutions.

After devotion, missioners did personal administration after which they had breakfast. The

Sunday service was resumed at 8:30am and the session leader Mr. Elijah Iradukundaled


The KAAYM UCU Chapter Choir led praise and worship session. The session leader then invited

the preacher Rev. Canon Dr. John Ssenyonyi the Vice Chancellor Uganda Christian University

Mukono. He acknowledged that he has been in touch with KAAYM though he had last shared in

KAAYM many years ago. He challenged KAAYM to break camp and send missionaries to other

regions of the country and nations of the world. “No church as survived without sending

missionaries” he said. He emphasized the pillars of revival as per the 1935 East African Revival

from which he got his got his evangelical anointing. These are repentance of sin, walking in

light, prayer, testimony giving and fellowship of brethren. He beseeched the brethren to exhibit

good Christian traits, virtues and morals such as integrity, truth, faithfulness, discipline, humility

and always taking priority in Jesus Christ. He emphasized the point of repentance saying that

when you come to Christ, repentance doesn’t stop and Christians who repent become part of

Jesus’ redemptive story. He also shared from Matthew 5 and noted that for Nations to come to

your light, you must be distinguishable from the world. “Believers are effective to the extent by

which they are distinct from the world. The more distinct we are in the light the more visible we

are” he said.

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Rev. Canon Dr. John Ssenyonyi in a group photo with the KAAYM Family.

After the Vice Chancellor’s sermon members had break tea, did praise to the Lord in a few

songs and prepared themselves for the General Assembly/ Annual General Meeting.

The session leader then invited Eng. Francis Musinguzi Chairman Organising Committee who

was to moderate the AGM. He shared the KAAYM VISION 2040 and 2017 Annual Planfor which

activities are slated to cost over one Fifty Two Million Shillings (152,000,000). He then invited

Mr. Elijah to give legal status at which KAAYM has reached.

(Photo for Eng. Francis sharing the KAAYM VISION 2040)

Mr. Elijah said that after consultations from the province, dioceses where KAAYM operates and

consultations from Ministry partners and KAAYM Elders, it was deemed necessary to register

KAAYM as a legal entity due to her broadening ministry and operations. He confirmed that on

October 28, 2016 KAAYM was registered as a Company limited by Guarantee and issued with a

certificate of Incorporation making it legible to have a bank account and own her property.

After some time it can be re-registered as a Non- Governmental Organisation(NGO). He later

moved a motion to dissolve the Voluntary steering Commitment 2016 and suggested

appointment of a presiding officer.

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The Chairperson dissolved the committee and appointed Mr. Silvanus Turyamwijuka of KAAYM

Founders to preside over election of the KAAYM National Council.

The presiding officer asked from the General Assembly whether to re-elect the previous

committee or elect the new committee from the entire KAAYM. Mr. Philip Bakahirwa proposed

that the Old Committee continues to work since they have showed capacity to build KAAYM

VISION 2040 and they are the vision bearers of the Strategic plan and they should nurture it.

Mr. Arinda James seconded Philip and suggested that the National Council be chosen from the

Former committee.

The General Assembly therefore selected a National Council from the Convention Organising

Commiittee to resume their term of office with effect from 2017 as follows;

1. National Chairperson Eng Francis Musinguzi

2. NationalVice Chairperson Ms. Barbara Kasande

3.National Secretary Mr. Elijah Iradukunda

4. National Treasurer Mr. Nicholas Tugume


5. Mr. Sabiiti Herbert

6. Ms. Racheal Niwabeine

7. (One to be appointed by the Archbishop)

8. Two other members will be representatives of the Students Chapters

chosen from the Chairpersons.

The General Assembly unanimously agreed that TheNational Council will serve for four years

legible to serve for only two(2) terms after which they can be re-elected or another one will be

chosen. The Council through consultation from the Archbishop will chose one of ministers at

the level of a Bishop in the Church of Uganda to be the national Patron. They will also on merit

appoint a Secretariat consisting of a technical staff to operate the Day to day activities of


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After the selection of the National Council, Members made pledges to effect the 150 Millions

budget for the 2017 activities such as missions, conferences, prayer revival retreats, secretariat

establishment and facilitation, discipliship and mission trainings, Network and Partnership

establishment among others.

The Cash collected was One Hundred Eighty Seven Thousand shillings (187,000/=)and Pledges

made, a totaled to Thirty Two MillionTen Thousand Shillings(32,010,000/=).

Members Pledge List No Name Ammount Pledged Telephone

1 Mr. $ Mrs James Arinda 1,200,000 0700829977

2 Mr. $ Mrs Jimrex Byamugisha 1,000,000 0772490817

3 Mr. Silvanus Turyamwijuka 1,000,000 0789544246

4 Mr. $ Mrs Kenneth Tumusiime 5,000,000 0772371691

5 Mr. $ Mrs Moses Akampurira 1,000,000 0759307624

6 Eng. Edmund Aijuka 1,000,000 0704793862

7 Mr. $ Mrs Edgar Twesigye 1,000,000 0701141204

8 Mr. $ Mrs Phillip Bakahirwa 1,000,000 0704896567

9 Mrs. Dinah Mwesigye 500,000 0704697206

10 Ms. Dorcus Nuwagira 500,000 0782368684

11 Mr. Isaac Rukundo 200,000 0705332479

12 Eng. Justus $ Rev. Irene Akankwasa 5,000,000 0772631749

13 Mr. $ Mrs Elijah Iradukunda 1,000,000 0701481019

14 Ms. Gloria Akankwasa 200,000 0702946688

15 Ms. Emilly Amumpeire 20,000 0778620696

16 Mr. Davis Ampumuza 120,000 0704675191

17 Eng. $ Mrs Francis Musinguzi 5,000,000 0772603039

18 Mr. Alex Akampurira 100,000 0701300561

19 Ms. Loyce Tumuhimbise 50,000 0755798907

20 Ms. Shallon Atuheire Prossy 50,000 0704320219

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21 Mr. Peter Agaaba 200,000 0701385367

22 Ms. Agness Turyamubona 20,000 0753867185

23 Ms. Sylivia Nshemereirwe 200,000 0706213955

24 Ms. Arinaitwe Tashobya 50,000 0753702301

25 Mr. Joab Barigye 50,000 0706388445

26 Ms. Patricia Kembabazi 50,000 0701073401

27 Mr. Richard Hitimana 350,000 0774761222

28 Mr $ Mrs Nicholas Tugume 1,000,000 0752209090

29 Ms. Barbara Kasande 2,000,000 0772895135

30 Ms. Monicah Abeneitwe 200,000 0754233173

31 Mr$Mrs Duncan Ainebyoona 500,000 0773141204

32 Ms. Racheal Niwabiine 500,000 0759916959

33 Mr. Colbert Muhanguzi 200,000 0706626728

34 Mr. $Mrs Daniel Kagundu 500,000 0701961211

35 Mr. Donald Ruhangarinda 300,000 0701152314

36 Ms. Patricia Ahumuza 600,000 0702743169

37 Mrs. Dianah Otuheire 100,000 0703030240

38 Ms. Ronah Akampumuriza 30,000 0750652720

39 Mr. Barnet Ariho 300,000 0784161639

40 Ms. Rebeccah Atuheire 120,000 0706902296

Total 32,010,000

The Presiding Officer then invited the New National Council in front of the AGM for prayer and

commissioning by the Elders who included Mr. Jimrex Byamugisha, Eng. Justus Akankwasa, Mr.

James Arinda, Mrs. Dinah Mwesigye and Mr. Silvanus Turyamwijuka.

Before Mrs. Dinah led the prayer, she shared a scripture in Isaiah 55:5 “Behold, you shall call a

nation that you do not know, and a nation that did not know you shall run to you, because of

the LORD your God, and of the Holy One of Israel, for he has glorified you.”

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(Photo for the Elders commissioning the New National Council)

The New National Council Chairperson Eng. Francis Musinguzi closed the convention

byappreciating the congregation for coming for the Convention and taking part in the Annual

General Meeting.

He also congratulated the Members of the New National Council upon the new appointment.

He promised the Assembly commitment and hard work to fulfill all the responsibilities of the

different positions.

He declared the official closure of the Convention and invited the congregation for lunch after

which members left for their different destinations at leisure.


Some members who had confirmed their attendance did not show up and this led to challenges

with service provision.

Members did not keep time as required.

Lack of comfortable accommodation for members especially the couples.

The prayer room prepared for people in need for prayer attention and support was not made

use of.

Damages caused made to the venue structures especially the floor of the Hall in which the

convention was held due to vigorous dancing.

Action Points;

1. Next time we are organising KAAYM activities members should pay in their contribution

earlier before as attendance confirmation and for better planning.

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2. Having a programme for the event distributed to the attendants for easy following and

time management.

3. The New National Council to choose the Board of trustees and present it at the next All-

KAAYM gathering for approval.

4. The New National Council to share the KAAYM bank account to all members where they

will always send their contributions and donations for ministry work and those who

made pledges to fulfill them.



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1 Namale Vivian 0701431233 [email protected]

2 Duncan Ainebyoona 0779044675 [email protected]

3 Twesigye Edgar 0773141204 [email protected]

4 Byamugisha Jimrex 0772490817 [email protected]

5 Arinaitwe Tashobya 0753702301

6 Rev. Amos Turyahabwe 0772884397

7 Eng. Francis Musinguzi 0772603039 [email protected]

8 Christine Tukunde 0700149025 [email protected]

9 Niwagaba Timothy 0703848981 [email protected]

10 Mr. Tugume Nicholas 0752209090 [email protected]

11 Kembabazi Patricia 0701073401 [email protected] Mr. Bakahirwa Philip 0704896567 [email protected] Agaaba Peter 0701385367 [email protected] Ainembabazi Maureen 0702243460 [email protected] Muhanguzi Colbert 0706626728 [email protected] Tumusiime Allan 0705422114 [email protected] Ninsiima Isaac 0754803950 [email protected]

18 Mildred Tumushabe 0702957643 [email protected] Turinawe Clara 0706244952 [email protected] Ruhangarinda Donald 0701152314 [email protected] Atuhaire Boaz 0703470621 [email protected] Namukasa Brendah 0701911562 [email protected] Mr. Timothy Karamura Mwesigwa 0787248437 [email protected] Mrs. Maureen Mwesigwa 0782792709 [email protected] Mrs. Diana Otuhaire Beyongyera 0703030240 [email protected] Ms. Dorcus Niwagira 0782368684 [email protected] Victor Tukamwesiga 07733193675 [email protected] Ayebazibwe Roselynn 0701626654 [email protected] Arnold Kanyomozi 0700332872 [email protected] Nahwera Patience 0704828006 [email protected] Agasha Mercylynn 0702862077 [email protected] Emily Amumpeire 0778620696 [email protected]

33 Arinaitwe Kenneth 0706472607 [email protected]

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34 Naboth Karugaba 0703324695 karugabanaboth”

35 Kobusingye Leah 0755168783 [email protected]

36 Turyomurugyendo Wilber 0784570330 [email protected]

37 Gumoshabe Evidence 0703236093 [email protected]

38 Bamwesigye Emmanuel 0701008495 [email protected]

39 Kyakunzire Edith 0703639960 [email protected]

40 Barigye Joab 0706388445 [email protected]

41 Orishaba Mildrade 0757578314 [email protected]

42 Ainembabazi Vivian 0704295087 [email protected]

43 Atwebembere Naome 0756049550

44 Aturihaihi GoodLuck 0759671752 [email protected]

45 Taremwa Timothy 0755742195 [email protected]

46 Tumuhimbise Loyce 0755798907 [email protected]

47 Ariho Amon 0751553926 [email protected]

48 Arinaitwe Dennis 0776956756 [email protected]

49 Taremwa Faith 0755762703 [email protected]

50 Lambert Draker 0703494351 [email protected]

51 Dorothy Kabushenyi 0709070907 [email protected]

52 Shallon Naturinda 0755484891 [email protected]

53 Gilbert Ariho 0754428828 [email protected]

54 Mubangizi Anton 0703670597 [email protected]

55 Twongyeirwe Frank 0702449625 [email protected]

56 Ataho Lauben 0705341217 [email protected]

57 Joyce Ansinguza 078192973 [email protected]

58 Nobert Kamujuni 0701690324 [email protected]

59 Sylivia Nshemereirwe 0706213955 [email protected]

60 Kalisa Elvis 0701961901 [email protected]

61 Jyne N Gicheru 0776668351 [email protected]

62 Ndiniwe Miria 0784973194

63 Barnet Ariho 0784161639 [email protected]

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64 Eng. Edmund Aijuka 0704793862 [email protected]

65 Mrs. Ruth Mugisha Akatuhurira 0774994809 [email protected]

66 Dr. Noreb Mugisha 0712123889 [email protected]

67 Akampurira Alex 0787570307 [email protected]

68 Mrs. Dinah Mwesigye 0772697206 [email protected]

69 Jonan Mweteise 0702213207 [email protected]

70 Mrs. Anita Mbeyagala 0774067662 [email protected]

71 Mr. Emmanuel Mbeyagala 0752368636 [email protected]

72 Niwabiine Racheal 0774761222 [email protected]

73 Nirigyimana Evelyne 0700362675 [email protected]

74 Mujuni Kenneth 0704197131 [email protected]

75 Hitimana Richard 0773329985 [email protected]

76 Kebirungi Edith 0777777423 [email protected]

77 Ronah Ainembabazi 0392566353 [email protected]

78 Abeneitwe Monicah 0754233173 [email protected]

79 Owamani Herbert 0703833754 [email protected]

80 Mr. Moses Akampurira 0776747095 [email protected]

81 Mr. Kenneth Tumusiime 0772371691 [email protected]

82 Mr. Silvanus Turyamwijuka 0789544246 [email protected]

83 Mrs. Catherine Twesigye 0702925917 [email protected]

84 Mrs. Judith Kwikiriza 0775862064 [email protected]

85 Eng. Justus Akankwasa 0772631749 [email protected]

86 Ahimbisibwe Wilber 0783663857 [email protected]

87 Niwabiine Donam 0701413729 [email protected]

88 Kabeije Glorious 0755939857 [email protected]

89 Mr. Arinda James 07057065215 [email protected]

90 Rukundo Isaac 0783603289 [email protected]

91 Taremwa Paddius Kamukama 0705706545 [email protected]

92 AineMukama Ritah 0751358077 [email protected]

93 Namara Ruth 0702452582

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94 Ahumuza Patricia 0702743169 [email protected]

95 Kakuru Billium 0705384365 [email protected]

96 Kiconco Olivias 0779917382 [email protected]

97 Biryeija Calm 0704123361 [email protected]

98 Nagasha K Emily 0792909934 [email protected]

99 Kusemererwa Harriet 0701847705

100 Dr.Julian Bagyendera 0772696060 [email protected]

101 Mr. Moses Bagyendera 0772521404 [email protected]

102 Niwaha Bright 0783439779 [email protected]

103 Mr. Iradukunda Elijah 0701481019 [email protected]

104 Mrs. Pamela Kagundu 0703846684 [email protected]

105 Ivan Naijuka 0704977803 [email protected]

106 Oshemeire Fortunate 0788777440 [email protected]

107 Akankwasa Gloria 0702946688 [email protected]

108 Ikyiriza Eliab 0789009490 [email protected]

109 Kyakuheire Brenda 0795303491 [email protected]

110 Mr. Daniel Kagundu 0701961211 [email protected]

111 Kamusiime Immaculate 0777693126 [email protected]

112 Namanya Donam 077160218

113 Tugumenawe Godfrey 0752087458 [email protected]

114 Kemigisha Patience 0705673958 [email protected]

115 Atuhaire Prossy 0704320219 [email protected]

116 Kwehangana Nicholus 0754197936 [email protected]

117 Atuhaire Rebecca L 0706902296 [email protected]

118 Beinomugisha Shidrah 0706223140 [email protected]

119 Ayebare Eva 0704466658 [email protected]

120 Natukunda Prossy 0701234420 [email protected]

121 Muyambi Edmund 0705946345 [email protected]

122 Tushemereiwe Doreen 0751498023 [email protected]

123 Turyamubona Agness 0753867185 [email protected]

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124 Kirabo Bridget 0754854674 [email protected]

125 Atukunda Peace 0700248231 [email protected]

126 Wamara Stuart 0753325758 [email protected]

127 Turyabagye Victor 0751618240 [email protected]

128 Nahurira Rebecca 0705611594 [email protected]

129 Nduhuura Barham 0703677289 [email protected]

130 Ashabahebwa Allan 0752297999 [email protected]

131 Arinaitwe Crissy 0758647583 [email protected]

132 Twahirwa Atwiine 0701511293 [email protected]

133 Nabasa Darius 0703419856 [email protected]

134 Ampeire Elizabeth 0757479118 [email protected]

135 Nkamwesiga Eliot 0750438498

136 Koine Phionah 0753297286 [email protected]

137 Akatukunda Rebeccah 0702482029

138 Tuhimbise Amisa 0701685017 [email protected]

139 Twesiime Grace 0751547333 [email protected]

140 Tumuhimbise Modern 0703518738 [email protected]

141 Akampumuriza Ronah 0750652720 [email protected]