# Artic書e =: Articles of Organization

By!aws of the Livonia P丁SA Cou 17/2014 - T M軸i粥門P甘A Byla醗Chai「 Michigan lD#鎚麹 Da[e ofAdoption:的ve巾卑 Ci[y趣塑垣 County 埋却唆 Region 」三 ArticIe I: Name The name of佃s o「ganization is the Livonfa Councii of Par Regjon F of the Michigan Congress of Parents and Teach Of the National Congress 。f Pa「ents and Teachers (Nation # Artic書e =: Articles of Organization The a蘭eIes of o喝anization of a constituent organjzation in Organization and (b) the ce欄cate of jncorpo「ation o「 a面Cles Organization (in cases in which the organization is a corpo assocjation by whateve「 name (in cases in which the o「gan unInCO「PO「ated association). #Article冊Purposes Section l. The O串jects of the Livonia Co皿c‖ of Paren[, Te in common w航those ofthe Na(ional PRA and the Michiga a. To promote the welfare of ch胴ren and youth in ho Place of worship. b. To raise the standards of home life. C. To secure adequate laws for the care and protectio d, To b血g into cIose「 reIation the home and the §Choo吊 teachers may cooperate inte11igentry in the education e・ To deveiop between educators and the gene「al pu輔c s W紺secure for訓C刷dren and youth the highest advantage SOCjal and spjrituai educatjon, Section 2. The OPjects ofthe National PTA, the Michiga PrOmOted through an educationaI prog「am directed towa「d gene「al public; are developed through conferences, COmmi and a「e governed and qua胴ed by the basic policies set fo Section 3・ The organjzatior=s organjzed exclusively for the c Or educational pu「poses within the meaning of Section 501 Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future Fede 当ntemal Revenue Code’’),

Transcript of # Artic書e =: Articles of Organization

By!aws of the Livonia P丁SA Counci!

17/2014 - TJW



Michigan lD#鎚麹         Da[e ofAdoption:的ve巾卑し12, 2鎚?

Ci[y趣塑垣 County 埋却唆 Region 」三

ArticIe I: Name

The name of佃s o「ganization is the Livonfa Councii of ParenトTeacher As§OCiations言n

Regjon F of the Michigan Congress of Parents and Teache「s, (Michigan Pm), a b「anch

Of the National Congress 。f Pa「ents and Teachers (NationaI PTA).

# Artic書e =: Articles of Organization

The a蘭eIes of o喝anization of a constituent organjzation include: (a) the byIaws of such

Organization and (b) the ce欄cate of jncorpo「ation o「 a面Cles of incorporation of such

Organization (in cases in which the organization is a corporation) or the articles of

assocjation by whateve「 name (in cases in which the o「ganization exists as an

unInCO「PO「ated association).


Section l. The O串jects of the Livonia Co皿c‖ of Paren[, Teache「 (Student) Associations

in common w航those ofthe Na(ional PRA and the Michigan PTA are:

a. To promote the welfare of ch胴ren and youth in home, SChool, COmmunity and

Place of worship.b. To raise the standards of home life.

C. To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of ch胴ren and youth.

d, To b血g into cIose「 reIation the home and the §Choo吊hat pa「ents and

teachers may cooperate inte11igentry in the education of c剛dren and youth.

e・ To deveiop between educators and the gene「al pu輔c such united effort§ aS

W紺secure for訓C刷dren and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental,

SOCjal and spjrituai educatjon,

Section 2. The OPjects ofthe National PTA, the Michigan PTA and this counc" are

PrOmOted through an educationaI prog「am directed towa「d parents, teaChers, and the

gene「al public; are developed through conferences, COmmittees, P「Ojects, and programs;

and a「e governed and qua胴ed by the basic policies set fo輔in Ah圃e iV.

Section 3・ The organjzatior=s organjzed exclusively for the charitablel SCientific, Iite「ary

Or educational pu「poses within the meaning of Section 501 (C)(3) of the Intemal

Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future FederaI tax code (he「einafter

当ntemal Revenue Code’’),

# ArticIe IV: Basic Po!icies

丁he fo‖owing are basic policies of this counc旧n common with those of the NationaI PTA

and蛤e Michigan P職:

a. The o「ganization sh劉be noncommercial, nOnSeCfarian, and nonpartisan.

b. The organiza[ion or membe「s in their o珊Cial capacities shaII not endorse a

COmmerCial entity or engage in ac廟ties not reIated to promoting the OPjects of

肌e o喝anizati°n.

C. The organization or members in their o甜Cial capacities shall not輸direc母y or

indirectIy-Participate or諏ervene (in any way言ncIuding the publishing or

dis油buting of statements) in any po騨caI campaign on behalf of, Or in oppos網on

to, any Candidate fo「 pub"c office; Or devote more than an insubstantial part of its

activities to attempting to in仙ence Iegislation by propaganda or otherwはe.

d. The organizatfon shall work with the schooIs to provide qua時education for a”

Ch触ren and youth and sha= seek to particjpate in the decision-making process

esfa輔shing schooI po持Cy, reCOgnizing that the lega圧esponsib購y to make

decisions has been delegated by the peopIe to boards of education, State

education autho踊es, and local education autho輔es.

e. The o「ganization sha‖ not enter into membership w鮒Other organizations

except such intematienal o「 national organizations as may be approved by (he

NationaI PTA Board of Directors, The Michigan PTA or any of its divisiens may

COOPerate With other organizations and agencies concemed w軸ch胴weIfare,

but a PTA/PTSA representative shal) make no commitments that bind the group

he 「epresents.

f. No part of the net earnings of the organization sha旧nしue tO the bene硝of' Or

be distributab!e to its members, directors, truSteeS, O楯cers or other private

PerSOnS eXCePt that the o「ganization shail be authorized and empowered to pay

reasonab!e compensation for services rendered and to make payments and

distributions in fu軸erance of the purposes set fo輔in Artide冊hereof.

g. Notwithstanding any othe「 provision of these articIes言he organization sha冊oI

Car「y On any Other ac帥ties not pe「mitted to be carried on (i) by an organization

exempt from feder貧=ncome tax under Section 501(C)(3) of the冊emal Revenue

Code, O「 (ii) by an o「ganization, COntributfons to which are deduc脚e under

Section 170(C)(2) of the lnte「naI Revenue Code.

h‘ Upon the disso恒tion of this o「ganization’after paying or adequately providing

for the debts and obligations of the o「ganization, the rema涌ng assets sha‖ be

distributed to one o「 mo「e non-Profit funds, foundations, Or Organizations which

have established their tax exempt sta如s under Section 501(C)(3) of the lntemai

Revenue Code.

主OnIy Michigan PTA】s/PTSA's in the Livonia Schoo! District shall be members of

this council.

j. The council shaIl meet for the purpose of conference and cooperation inmatters of ch胴We!fare only言t may no=egislate for航e tocal P丁As/PTSAs.

Artic漢e V: ReIationship with Nationai PTA and晒chigan PTA

# Section l. This PTSA council shall be organized and cha由ered under the authorjty of

the Michigan PTA in the area in whic掴his PTSA counc旧unctions言n conformity wjth

SuCh rules and reguIations’nO油conf触with the National PTA Bylaws, aS the Michigan

PTA may in its Bylaws prescribe. The Michigan PTA sha旧ssue to this PTSA council an

appropriate charfe「 evidencing鵬due o「ganization and good standing of細s counciI.

# Section 2. Each constituent organizatton sh訓adopt such by]aws fo「 the govemment

O冊e organization as may be approved by the Michigan PTA・ Such by-aws sha冊ot be

in cor酬ct w剛he ByIaws ofthe Natienal PTA or the Bylaws of the梱chigan PTA.

# Section 3. Byほws of each constituent organization sha旧ncIude an articIe on


# Section 4- Each constituent organization sha旧nclude in its by!aws provisions

COr「eSPOnding to the ByIaws of the National PTA as are identified herein by a numbe「 (拘


# Sectlon 5. The adoption of an amendment to any provision of the ByIa鵬of the

Nationa旧TA identified by a number sign (#) sha= serve automatica叩y and w軸out the

requirement of fu輔er action by the constituent organization to amend correspondingly

the byIaws of each consti±uent organization. Notw軸Standing the automatic character of

the amending p「OCeSSl the constituent organization shali promptly incorpora[e such

amendments in蛤eir respective byIaws.

Section 6・ The pu「poses of細S COunCil a「e:

a. To unify and strengthen local PTAs/PTSAs comprising the co踊ciL

b. To provide fo「 the conference and c∞peration of theめcal PTAs/PTSAs in the

COunCil membership so as to c「eate a pu輔c opinion favorable to the interests of

Ch潤we胎re; tO enCOurage Chiid welfare prdyects n the va「ious Iocal u融S; and,

to assist in the fo「mation of new PTAs/PTSAs ac∞rding to the plan of the

梱c塙gan P“「A.

C. To promote the interests of the National PTA and of the Michigan PTA w柵n

its territory.

# Section 7, Councils sh訓not legislate for locai PTAsIPTSAs置

#Section 8.巨ach offjcer or board member of a cons硝uent organization shall be a

membe「 of a local PTA/PTSA w軸in its area.

#Sectton 9,巨ach officer or board membe「 of a iocaI PTNPTSA shall be a membe「 of

SuCh local PTA/PTSA,

#Section lO' Only membe「s of a locaI PTAIPTSA who have paid dues for the cu「rent

membership year may p貧巾Cjpate in the business of that associatio乱

#Section竹. The council sh訓keep such permanent books of account and records as

ShaIl be sufficient to estab極eh the items of gross income, reCeipts and di§bursements of

the counc旧ncluding, SPeCificatly, the number of its member PTAs/PTSAs and the dues

COIlected from them. Such books of account and records sha)l be at a旧easonabIe times

be open to inspectio両y an authorized representative of the Michigan PTA or, Where

directed by航e Committee on State and NationaI Relationships. by a duly authorized

「ep「esentative of the National PIA.

#Section 12" Byぬws of each cons航uent organization sha旧ncIude a provision

estab)i§hing a quorum.

# Section 13. Voting by proxy shaIl be prohibited.

# Section 14. The members of the nomina軸g committee for offjcers of a constituent

Organization shall be eIected by membe「ship, Board of DirectoγS/Manage「s, Executive

Board, Or Exec面ve Committee.

#Section 15. The charter ofthis council shall be sし巾ject to withdrawal and the status of

SuCh organization as a PTNPTSA counctl sha= be subject to termination言n the manner

and unde白he ci「cumstances provided in the bylaws of the Michigan PTA.

#Section 16・ This counc旧s o輔gated, uPOn disso冊on by the Michigan PTA:

a. To yield up and surrender all of its books and records and ali of its assets and

PrOP印y to the Michigan PTA or to such agency as may be designated by航e

Mjchigan PTA- Or tO anOther counc‖ organized under the autho航y of the

Miehigan PTA;

b. To cease and desis"「om the further use of any name tha=mplies or comotes

assocjation w軸the National PTA or the Michigan PTA or status as a cons航uent

Organization of the National PTA; and

C' To car「y ollt PromPtly' under the supervision and direction of the Michigan

PTA, aII proceedings necessary or desi胎bIe for the pu「pose of dissolving軸s

PTA/PTSA counciI,

# Sectton 17・ There sh訓be but one person servIng In any elected o朋ce.

ArticIe V暮: Membership and Dues

#Section l" Each counciI unit sha岬ay $25.OO annuaI counc= dues to the Michigan PTA

Office on or befo「e June l of each fisca事year. This payment w紺cons輔ute payment for

the foI10Wing fiscaI yea「. No counc時acket shall be distributed u幽payment of council

dues to Michigan PTA is received.

Section 2. Membership in this co…Cil shalI consist only of local units chartered by the

Michigan PTA as authorized by the Natjonal PTA in肌e Livonia SchooI District岬on the

Payment Of dues as hereinafter provided.

Sectioれ3. The amuai dues for membership in this councii shaIl be $.50 for each Iocal

PTNPTSA in membership and shalはe payable on the 28th of each month.

Section 4. Each Iocal unit w紺receive for that membe「ship 2 (two) counc洞rectories

and copies of the Courier fo「 their Executive Board,

Section 5. Additiona=oca! units may be accepted as members at any time.

Section 6。 DeIegates f「om Iocal PTAs/PTSAs whose dues to the councfl are in arrea「s

Sha‖ not participate in the business meetings of the council and sha‖ not attend the

COllnCil’s Founder's Day Dimer. Representatives from local Pms/PTSAs hoIding

Cu「rent membe「Ship cards are permitted to attend the Genera冊embe「ship Meetings of

the Counc航

Section 7・巨ac旧ocaI Councii shall submit a copy of thei「 amual audit and budget to

the MPTA state office by February 28thOf each yea「,

ArticIe V冊Voting Body at a Genera冊embership Meeting

Section l. Th合voting body of this council at a general membership meeting sh劉

COnSist of the Executive Boa「d of踊s counc旧he principal of each school having counci!

membership o「 his/her 「epresentative: the president of each member u面t o「 thei「

alte「nate; aCC「edifed deIegates or their altemates as specified in Sectton 2 of this andcIe.

Section 2. Each member PTNPTSA sha= be represented by its president or thei「

altemate, the principaI or his/her aItemate; and by one (1) delegate o「 their aIternate,

Selected by the PTA/PTSA according to its own byIaws and procedures.

Section 3. Members are en潮ed to one vote even though they may be serving in more

lhan one pos栂n,

Section 4. The quorum shall be five (5) members.

ArticIe VI旧OfficerS and Their日ection

Section l. The offroers of this counc= sha“ be a president, 2 (two) vice presidents, a

reco「ding secretary, a COrreSPOnding sec「etary and a treasu「er. These o怖cers shall be

elected by ba胎t a=he an冊al general membership meeting in Ap臨Howeve白f there is

Only one candidate fo「 any office, the election fo「 that office (Or Offices) may be by vojce


Officers shall assume their official duties immediately制OWing the cIose of帥e Livonia

PTSA Counc掴scal year as specified in Article X用a11d shall serve for a term of one

yea「 Or unt旧heir successors a「e eIected.

#Section 2. There sha= be but one person servlng ln any eIected office.

Section 3. OnIy members of a !ocal P丁A/P丁SA whose state and collnC‖ dues are paid

and members whose individua同ues to the locaI PTNPTSA a「e paid sha" be eIigible to

hold office, tO Serve On the executive boa「d, tO Serve On a COunCil comm航ee, Or tO Serve

as deIegates to航e council. A pe「son sha旧not be eligible to serve more than two

COnSeCutive terms in the same office・ Anyone who has served more than one half (%) of

a term shalI be crediied wjth having served that term.

Section 4. Nominations for officers sha= be made by a nominating committee consisting

Of 3 (冊ee) members of[he voting body of the counc咋no two ofwhom sha書l be from the

Same member unit.

a. The chairman of this committee sha= be a member of the executive boa「d,

Who shaIl be appointed by the council president w梱the approval ofthe

executive board. The othe「 members of the committee sha= be appointed by蛤e

Chairman wit吊he approval of the executive board, nO Iater that the January

Gene「aI Membership meeting.

b, The nominating com面ttee shalI send the list of nominees to the members of

the executive boa「d and to the p「esiden( Of each member association a=east 30

days before the annuaI election meeting. The consent of each candidate must be

Obtained befo「e thei「 name is placed in nomination. Additional nominattons may

be made f「Om the fioo「, PrOVided the consent of each candidate has been

Obtained before their name js pぬced in nomination.

Section 5. A vacancy occu「「ing in any office sha冊be軸ed for the uneXPired term by a

PerSOn elected by a majo航y vote of the remaining members of the executive boa「d.

Section 6. Nominees fo「 any office shai冊ave served a=east (1) year on the Council

Executive Boa「d.

Artic!e IX: Duties of O怖cers

Sectton l書The president shall:

a. Preside at a= meetings of the councii and ife executive boardIcommittee at

Which they may be present;

b. Help to extend PTA/PTSA work into aII parts of the counc旧erritory, keeping it

in harmony w酔the state pIan;

C. Coordinate the work of the o綱cers and comm航ees言n orcler (ha=he Objects

may be p「omoted;

d. Be a membe「 ex o鋼cio of alI committees except the nominatirlg COmmittee;

e. ln the event of consoIidation, Change of name, Or dissolution of細S

COllnCii, nOtify the Michigan PIA Offlce.e. CalI a meeting of the Execu[ive Board w軸n 30 days prior to the August

General Membe「Ship Meeting.

Section 2. The duties of the vice-PreSident(S):

a. The fjrst vice-PreSident sha!I preside in the absence of the president and sha=

Serve aS aide to the president.

b. The second vicei)「eSident sha‖ serve as chai「man of Founders Day and

PreSide in the absence of the president and first viceヤreSident

Section 3, The reco「ding secretary shall:

a. Reco「d the minutes of a= mee軸gs;

b. Keep an accurate 「oster ofthe names ofthe iocaI PTAs/PTSAs jn

membership, the n貧mes and add「esses of loca! PTNPTSA o綱cers and

delegates, and the names and addresses of the membe「s of the councirs

executive board.

#c・ 】mmediateIy酬owjng the election’Send the name and address of the newly

elected presjden=o the Michigan PTA o怖ce.

Section 4. The corresponding secreta「y sha帖

a. Notify each ofthe committee chairman of his/he「 appo涌me時

b. Conduct co「「esporldence deIegated to him;

C. Notify a11 council members of a= counciI executive board meetings

Sec(ion 5. The treasurer sha肝

a. Have custody of a旧unds of the counc咋

b・ Collect and keep a f朝and accurate account of a" monies of the counc串

C. Pay out funds only as authorized by the president, eXeC蘭ve board/COmmittee


d. Set up a signatu「e account in acco「dance w柵Article Xl, Section 3j;

e) P「esent a financial statemen( at each meeting of the counc時

f, Submit the books amually for an audit.

g・ Forward the $25・00 counc‖ dues to the Michigan PTA o綱ce on o「 before June

l of each fiscalyea「;

h. Be responsible forthe maintenance of such books of ac∞unt and 「ecords as

COnfQ「m tO the requirements ofArticIe V, Section =, Ofthe Byぬws.

主Submit copies ofthe amual audit and budget to the MPTA state office by

February 28場eaCh year.

Section 6. The treasurer’s accounts sha= be exa面ned annua岬y by an auditor o「 an

auditing committee of not less than three membe「s, Who, Satisfjed that the T「easurers

an剛a圧eport is co「rect, Shall sign a statement of thaifact at the end of the 「eport. The

auditing com面ttee shall be appointed by the executive board at leas=wo weeks before

the annuaI meeting.

Section 7. AII office「s sha=:

a. Perform the duties ou臨ed in (hese bylaws and those assigned from time to


b. DeIiver to their successo「s alI official materiaI no=ater than June 301h.

Article X: Meetings

Section l事Executive Board Meetings of this council sha= be held on Wednesday unless

Othe両se provided for by counciI or executive board; 5 〈five〉 days notice shalI be given

Of change of date.

Section 2. The Councii sha冊O!d a minimum of 2 (two) Gene「a間embe「ship mee紬gs

In eaCh fiscai year・ No欄cation of Genera冊embership Meetings sha‖ be provided 3O

days prior to the meetjng date. Seven days notice shall be given of change of meeting


Section 3〃 The annuaI meeting sha陣e in Ap鉦and shal~ be for the purpose of e-ecting

O飾eersl receiving repo鵬of officers and comm航ees, and conducting any other business

that may arise.

Section 4. Specia両eetings of the council may be ca=ed by the president, and sha" be

Cailed upon request of a majority of the members of the executive board or a majority of

the tocal PTAs/PTSAs in membership.相east a 5 〈five) day notice of such a speciai

mee鮎g shail be given to a= executive board members.

Section 5. Gene「a冊embership meetings of踊s counciI sha= be open to aJl members

Of PTAs/PTSAs holding membership in the council, bu冊e pri¥川ege of introducing

motions and voting shaIi be limited to the voting body as ou臨ed in Article V=.

Section 6〃 A quorum for the tran8aCtion of business at a General Membe「shjp meeting

Shall consist of at least 5 (five) representatives from the membership of PTAs!P丁SAs as

de緬ed in A摘cle V町Section 2.

Section 7. The priv航ege of holding office言ntroducing motions, debating, and voting shaJi

be臨ted to membe「s of the association whose current dues a「e paid. Nominees for

O価ce and persons voting at the a=nual eIection for officers sha冊ave membership dues

Paid (3O〉 days prior to electjon or before Februa「y 28th, Whiehever date occurs first in the

Calendar year,

Article Xl: Executive Boa「d

Section l軍The executive board sha= consist of the o怖cers ofthe counc時he chairs or

CO-Chairs of the standing committees, the supe「intendent of schoo!s or their

rep「esentative’a SeCOndary adm面strator, an elementary administrator, a teacher

representative selected by the teachers ba「gaining unit言he immediate past president of

the counc暗WO Student 「epresentatives from Churc剛High Schoo吊WO Student

「ep「esenta(ives from FrankIjn High School, and two student representatjves fro,

Stevenson High Schoo上

#Section 2“ A PTSA member sha冊ot serve as a voting member ofa cons航uent

Organization’s board at the local, COuncil, dist「iet, region, Sぬte or nationa=eve! w剛e

Serv机g aS a Paid empIoyee of- Or unde「 COntract tO’蛤at constituent organization.

Section 3. Student representative sha!l be selected based upon the Student Criteria

Placed jnしivonia PTSA councjI Policies鍋d ProcedしireS,

Sectlon 4. The executive boa「d sh訓:

a. Transact business as may be 「efe「red to jt by the council;

b. Ac自n emergencies between meetings of the counc串

C. F川vacancies in office;

d, Create standjng committees;

e. Approve p)ans of work of council standing com面ttees;

f. Approve a tentative budget to be presented to the membershjp;

g, Repo巾at the regufar meetings of the counc時

h. Select an aud輔g commitlee of three members to alidit the books at the end

Of the fiscal year and at suc旧imes as requjred by航e resignation ofthe fjscal


主Obtain a fidelity bond forthe treasurer and aII persons糾thorized to handle

funds and secul璃es;

j. Regisier the signafure of the Treasure「書the President and the Secretary for a=

accounts at the bank. A= checks shall bear two (2) of the three (3) signatu「es

registered w柵the bank;

k. Dete「mine the method of selecting delegates and altemates to represent the

COunC= at Michigan PTA and National PTA conventions.

Section 5. A minimum of six Exec蘭Ve Boa「d meetings shall be held as designated by

the boa「d at i[s first meeting. Specja! meeting§ Of the board may be ca嶋d by the

PreSident o「 upon the request of a majority of members of抽e board, 3 (three) days

notice having been given.

Section 5. A majority of the executive board membe「s including two officers shaII

COnStitute a quorum.

Section 6. Each officer or board membe「 of a council sha= be a membe「 of a !ocaI

PTA/PTSA within its a「ea.

ArticIe XII: Committees

Section l. SllCh standing com面ttees sha= be created by the executive board as may

be deemed necessary to promote the Objects and car「y on the work ofthe counc乱

Section 2. The chairs or co-Chairs of aII standing committees shall be appointed by the

PreSident with the approval of the executive board.

Section 3. The term of standing commitくee chairs shalI be l (One) year o「 unt航heir

SuCCeSSOr aSSumeS Office.

Section 4. The chairs ofeach standing comm附ee sha!l p「esent a plan of work to the

executive board for approvaI. No committee wo「k shaIl be undertaken without the

COnSent Of the executive board.

Section 5. Chai「s of alI standjng committees shaI! be members in good standing of locai

PTAs/P丁SAs holding council membership.

Sectton 6, Special committees rnay be appointed by the president when such

COmm臨ees are deemed necessary by the executive board or the counciL

Section 7. The quorum of any comm航ee sha= be a majo「ity of its members.

Section 8. The p「esident sha= be a member ex o棉cio of ail ∞mm姐ees except the

nominating committee、

Section 9. Upon approval of the executive board, a COmmittee chair may p「ocure an

assistant or assistants to perform duties associated w軸the ope「ation of that committee.

Committee assistants are not members of航e executive boa「d.

Article XI帖Fisca書Year

The fiscaI yea「 of this council sha冊egin on July l and end on the剛owing June 30th.

# Article XIV: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contajned in the current edition of Roberts Rt佃S of Order Ne面y Re湊ed shall

govem the National PTA and its constituent organizations in alI cases in which they areappIjcabIe and in whic吊hey are not in conflict with these by書aws, the Bylaws of the

Miehigan PTA, and the ByIaws of the NationaI PTA, O「 the A巾cles o=ncorporation.

# Article XV: Disbandment

Section l」f a local PTSA Counc旧s considering disbandment, [he council executwe

COmmittee sha= meet w阻the Field Service Represeritative or the Region Vi∞

President, Prior to formal action.

Section 2. After meetiれg With the Field Service Representative or Region Vice

P「esiden=he written notfoe stating the recommendation of the executive boa「d shaIl be

given to each member entitled to vote at such meeting and to the President ofthe

Michigan PTA, and to the appropriate Field Service Representative a=east thirty (3O)

days prior to the date of such a meeting.

Section 3" Only those members of the voting body whose local uni=s in good standing

thirty (30〉 days prior to date ofthe vote of disbandment shall be ent鵬d to vote.

Membership enro=ment sh訓be available at any tirne. (See ArticIe X - Membership,

Section 3, Michigan PTA Bylaws.)

Sectjon 4. Approval of disbandment of the council sha旧equire the affirmation vote of

the delegates of a=east two-佃rds (2/3〉 of the membe「 units present and e幽Ied to vote

at the meeting, a quOrum being present. The secretary sha帖otify their FieId Service

Rep「esentative and the Michigan PIA O碑ce of the decision.

Section 5. Should a Iocal unit fai=o:

1 , 急) elect o鵬ers急nd

b) hold a=east one (1) meeting p「ior to February 28th and

C) enroll a=east twenty璃ve (25〉 membe「s prior to December 31St and

d) pay the $25.00面t dues by February 28, the immediate past treasurer

Or the superintendent of schoois sha‖ notify their Field Service

Representative and航e Michigan PTA O珊ce.

2. Activate itself before the end of the school year言ts assets, funds and records

Sha= be tumed ove「 to the Michigan PTA to be hek‖n escrow u剛the council

reactivates itself, a Period not to exceed two (2) years,

3. Reactivate itself during this Iwo (2) year period言ts funds and assets shaIl

become the prope母Of the剛chigan PTA.

Artic!e XVl: Amendments

Section l.

a. These bylaws may be amended a[ any regular meeting ofthis council by a

two-thi「ds vote of蛤e membe「S P「eSent and votjng, PrOVided w「itten notice of the

PrOPOSed amendmeni sha冊ave been given to each member PTA and to each

member ofthe executive board at least 30 days p「ior to the date of the meeting

at which action is taken, and provided the amendmen吊s not in conflict with the

requi「ed articles p「escribed in the ByIaws of the Michigan PTA and the NationaI


b. A committee may be appointed to submjt a revised set of bylaws as a

SIIbs航ute fo「 the existing byぬws by a major時vote at a meetjng of the coun〈到Or

by a iwo-踊「ds vote of the exec蘭ve bo負rd.丁he procedure for action on

amendments in Section l, a, Should then be followed.

# c・ After adoption of these bylaws, three (3) copies of the bylaws sha冊e sen[

for approva=o the Michjgan PTA o璃ce,

#d. After approvaI of any amendments three (3) copies of ail approved

amendments together w軸One (1〉 copy of cu「「ent bylaws, Sha= be sent for

approva! to the Michigan PTA o桐ce.

# Section 2. The adoption of an amendment to any provision of the Bylaws of

the National PTA identified by a number qu) symboI shalI serve automatically and

Without航e requlrement Of furthe「 actton by the constituent organization to amend

CO「reSPOndingly航e bylaws of each cons輔uent organization. Notwithstanding the

automatic characte「 of the amending process, the constituent organizatien sha=

PromPt!y incorpo「ate such amendments in their respective byIaws.

# Section 3" The adoption of an amendmen=o any provision of the Bylaws of

the Michigan PTA ide踊ied by a numbe「 (群) symboI shall serve automatica甲y

and without the requifement of fu輔er action by the cons硝uent organization to

amend cor「espondingly姉e bylaws of each cons軸uent organization.

Notw船standing the automatic cha「acte「 Of the amending process, the

COnStituent organjzation shall promptry irlCOrPOrate SUCh amendments in their

respective bylaws.

Livonia PTSA Counc晒enera朝embers母meeting

請°Ve鵬寄e「12,之0鯖 -

Attendance:踊e Thompson/ Debbie Pline’」o油Grzebik, Heather Broos, A醇on

」ohnson, Karen Werden, andしinda ScheeI.

Ca!I to Order: 1stVice President」ohn Grzeb鮎ed the mee軸g in the absence of

P「esident′しiz」arvl§・ He c調ed the meetingto order at 6:30 PM.

Introductions; There we「e no introductlons to be made.

ApprovaI of M柚utes: There were no mee輔g面nutes l:O aPProVe from the Octob.e「 2


New Busines§:如PrQValef theしivonia PTS槌製噂Byね峰The ByIaws were sub輔ted

byしinda fo「 approvaI by the Gene「a冊embership’They hav8 been posted o掴ne and

On the Counc" Facebook page for the required 30 days fo「 the LPTA GeneraI

Membership to review. There are no proposed changes except some housekeeping

COr「eCtions ie: taking the ′′s〃 out of PTSA.

」uIte move蛤o approve the ByIaws and seconded by De抽e, The motion carried.

Adjoumment: A motion was made by Linda to adjoum at 6:38 P'M吊WaS SeCOn坤by
