Anything pertaining to, or affecting reproduction The physical ability to produce offspring ...

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 Anything pertaining to, or affecting reproduction  The physical ability to produce offspring  Awareness of what is normal and abnormal in regards to reproductive organs  Pre-conceptual health (nutrition, activity)  Prenatal health (nutrition, physical activity)

Transcript of Anything pertaining to, or affecting reproduction The physical ability to produce offspring ...

Anything pertaining to, or affecting reproduction The physical ability to produce offspring Awareness of what is normal and abnormal in regards to reproductive organs Pre-conceptual health (nutrition, activity) Prenatal health (nutrition, physical activity) 1. Environmental 2. Nutritional 3. Hormonal 4. Sexual History 5. General Health 6. Physiological Response to stress No contraception after 12 months of unprotected regular intercourse. Infertility affects about 10% of young adults In 40% of the cases, the fertility problem is with males, in 40% of the cases the problem is with the female, and 20% of the cases the problem is unknown. Sperm quality (radiation, tight clothing, heat) Frequency of ejaculation (sperm not ejaculated within 1 month dies and mixes with new sperm thereby decreasing the count of live sperm) Healthy weight Healthy nutrition (deficiencies can effect development of sperm) Alcohol (excess lowers sperm count and interferes with ability to maintain erection) PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease scarring of fallopian tubes) Endometriosis (uterine tissue growing outside the uterus, often on the ovaries) Cycle irregularities Smoking interferes with egg production Healthy weight and nutrition % below health weight can interfere with menstrual cycle and obesity can decrease frequency of ovulation EGG Inadequate hormone signals from the brain Stress Excessive exercise Excessive weight gain Smoking, caffeine, alcohol, drugs Poor nutrition STIs Illness such as diabetes SPERM Genetic failure of sperm Undescended testes Infection of prostate or seminal vessicle Smoking, caffeine, alcohol, drugs Exposure to chemicals, radiation, etc Poor nutrition STIs Injury to testes Individual reactions and emotions Impact on relationship The decision to have or not to have a child Solving or treating the underlying problem if possible ( chemical, sperm wash, Invitrofertilization) Adoption Surrogate mother 1. Ovulation Induction - involves hormonal treatments like fertility pills to stimulate the production of eggs by the ovaries. . Intrauterine Insemination - Involves isolating healthy male sperm than injecting them into the female uterus to increase the chances of successful conception. Donor Sperm - Obtaining healthy sperm from a third party donor and injecting it into the female. 4. Donor Egg - Obtaining healthy eggs from a third party donor and implanting them into the female. 5. Tubal Surgery - Involves surgery to repair or open up damaged fallopian tubes to allow the egg to travel down fallopian tubes to the uterus. Invitro Fertilization - Involves removing a female egg and fertilizing it with male sperm in a test tube, then reimplanting the fertilized egg back into the uterus of the female. Fertility Is the viability of a male and female to conceive. It involves the fertilization of female egg by male sperm. Infertility Is the inability of male and female partners to conceive. You are considered infertile if not pregnant after 1 year of trying to conceive. Adopt the role of an advice columnist and respond to the following letter.