▶ Amit Goswami - Which came first...the chicken or the egg, Why do we all feel separate - YouTube

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  • 8/12/2019 Amit Goswami - Which came first...the chicken or the egg, Why do we all feel separate - YouTube


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    Amit Goswami - Which came first...the chicken or the egg, Wh!

    NK Neurokarma " 25 vidos

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    Dan Rael il y a 3 moisHe is not encouraging religion, but a mystcal view. The goal of religion is salvation; thegoal of the mystic is divine union via awakening.

    Rpondre ! en rponse : zatoichiable(Afficher le commentaire)

    zatoichiable il y a 7 moisDr. Goswami a physimystic guy.

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    zatoichiable il y a 7 moisDarwinian atheists will not forgive Amit Goswami. He is not helping getting rid of religion.

    Rpondre !



    Publie le 4 aot 2012Quantum Physics & Consciousness


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    !Amit Goswami - Which came first...the chicken or the egg... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pkYeA_PlNY

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  • 8/12/2019 Amit Goswami - Which came first...the chicken or the egg, Why do we all feel separate - YouTube


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    !Amit Goswami - Which came first...the chicken or the egg... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pkYeA_PlNY

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  • 8/12/2019 Amit Goswami - Which came first...the chicken or the egg, Why do we all feel separate - YouTube


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    !Amit Goswami - Which came first...the chicken or the egg... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pkYeA_PlNY

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