Чек Листа 7-8 Времиња

Ученик __________________________________ Комплетирај го дијалогот употребувајќи Present Simple или Present Continuous со дадените глаголи во заградите: Tom: My brother is a famous football player. He always ________(go) to the stadium on Sundays. He never ____________(miss) a match. He ________(score) many goals for his team. Look! In this picture he __________ (wear) his favourite football shirt. _______ you __________(play) football Mark? Mark: No, I __________( not like) sports very much. I _________( prefer) reading books and going to the theatre rather than running after the ball. The book that I___________ (read) at the moment is so interesting. I __________(plan) to finish the reading tonight. I______________(look) forward to see what ____________(happen) in the end. Tom: ________ you __________(go) to the the theatre tomorrow? They ___________(show) a very good play. Mark: Really? But I ___________(not have) a ticket. Tom: Well you can come with me. I have two tickets. One for me and one for Ann, but she ____________(not come) because she is ill. Mark: Oh thanks Tom. See you tomorrow at the theatre then. ЧЕК ЛИСТА ЗА ОЦЕНУВАЊЕ НА “PRESENT SIMPLE / PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE” Елементи кои се оценуваат Да Не 1. Прави разлика помеѓу употребата на двете граматички времиња 2. Знае во какви ситуации се употребува Present Simple Tense 3. Знае кога се додава наставка –s во Present Simple Tense

Transcript of Чек Листа 7-8 Времиња

__________________________________ Present Simple Present Continuous :

Tom: My brother is a famous football player. He always ________(go) to the stadium on Sundays. He never ____________(miss) a match. He ________(score) many goals for his team. Look! In this picture he __________ (wear) his favourite football shirt. _______ you __________(play) football Mark?

Mark: No, I __________( not like) sports very much. I _________( prefer) reading books and going to the theatre rather than running after the ball. The book that I___________

(read) at the moment is so interesting. I __________(plan) to finish the reading tonight. I______________(look) forward to see what ____________(happen) in the end.

Tom: ________ you __________(go) to the the theatre tomorrow? They ___________(show) a very good play.

Mark: Really? But I ___________(not have) a ticket.

Tom: Well you can come with me. I have two tickets. One for me and one for Ann, but she

____________(not come) because she is ill.

Mark: Oh thanks Tom. See you tomorrow at the theatre then.



2. Present Simple Tense

3. s Present Simple Tense

4. s

5. Present Simple Tense

6. Present Simple Tense

7. Present Continuous Tense

8. Present Continuous Tense

9. . Present Continuous Tense

10. Present Continuous Tense
