· 65 M/s Ward Whitstonehill NCH 382 20 corr 65 5 corr below 66-71 M/s Iredale...


Transcript of · 65 M/s Ward Whitstonehill NCH 382 20 corr 65 5 corr below 66-71 M/s Iredale...

Your one stop shop for all agricultural sales

FG Auction Finder A5 ad drafts 3.indd 2 05/04/2018 16:50



Head Office: Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RSTelephone: 01228 406230 – Fax: 01228 406231

E-mail: [email protected] Website:


Catalogue for the

Sale of


CHEVIOT ‘HILL’ RAMSWednesday, 26th September 2018

Inspection commences 7.30amAll rams must be penned by 10.00am

Sale of Hill Rams - approx. 1.00pm - Ring 1

North Country Cheviot Females

Sale of females - 9.30am - Ring 1

4967 Hill Ewes, 1966 Hill Gimmers870 Hill Ewe Lambs

To be held at LOCKERBIE MART

Sydney Place, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire DG11 2JATel: 01576 202332 & 203 954

E-mail: [email protected] Cover: Esk Ram - £9000 (Top Price 2017 Sale)



Notice to all Visitors and Traders

Please read and observe the following:

● Excessive dirty vehicles will not be allowed entry, therefore ensure vehicle is clean before arrival.

● All vehicles transporting livestock will be subject to a documentation check before entry to market site.

● All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site.

● All visitors and traders using car park areas please use main entrance.

● Hauliers and farmers delivering livestock must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading.

● Livestock purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised “pass slip” has been issued by the main office.

● No livestock will be allowed to remain on the premises after a sale.

● Only staff, livestock hauliers, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload livestock.

● Wash hands thoroughly when leaving pennage areas.

● Please observe our staff’s instructions at all times.

Our on site Biosecurity Officer, Cyril Hogg, will only be too pleased to give you assistance.

Sold under the Conditions of Sale as displayed in the Mart The auctioneers shall not be liable in any way for any deficiencies in either the vendor’s tagging of his sheep nor the reading equipment being used at the CPRC in accordance with the EID Regulations nor any reading or print out produced by the said equipment

Vendors All Sheep consigned to this Sale must be accompanied by a completed AML1 SAMU movement document and all vendors must ensure that holding and flock numbers are supplied Please ensure that all Sheep are ear tagged to comply with regulations. If any lot or any vendor is not present when the sale order time is reached, such lot will be passed over and offered for sale at the end of the sale. NB – Vendors MUST check the MOUTHS of ALL sheep and any FAULT or DISCREPANCY must be disclosed, e.g. – If any Sheep is showing more than 2 Broad Teeth for each year of age, this must be disclosed or the Purchaser may refuse to take delivery of such a Sheep, provided notice is given to the Auctioneers within one hour of the close of the day’s Sale.

Purchasers Please have available the holding number and address to which the animals will be moving No lots can leave the market without a pass slip and movement licence issued by the main office Itistheresponsibilityofthebuyertoensurethatanyanimalsdestinedforthefoodchainareoutwithanywithdrawalperiod.Thisincludesantibiotics,anthelminticsorsheepdipthatthesellermayhavegivenpriortosaleNo lots can leave the market without a pass slip being issued by the main office


Friday 2nd NovemberVenue: Borderway Mart, Carlisle CA1 2RS

8.00am - 5.00pm

For full details visit our

Top Livestock Show of Cattle & Sheep

• 160 trade stands, breed society stands, machinery stands• National Primestock Shows for Cattle and Sheep

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• Agri Expo Stocksman of the Year competition - YFC and Open

FREE Admission and FREE parking

The one day agricultural event not to be missed


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When things go bad, we come good

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98%of claimspaid


Sale OrderAll rams must be penned by 10.00am

Sale Order 9.30am NCC Hill Ewes NCC Hill Gimmers NCC Hill Ewe Lambs 1.00pm Hill Rams - Ring 1

Trophies for Top price Hill RamGroup: Top average

(5 or more rams)Insurance of Rams left to the Vendors

Upset price £250 per ram

NoticeRams will have mouth inspection on arrival at the Market.

Rejected Rams will not be sold

Any rams not penned by 9.30am will be liable for the veterinary call out cost for mouth inspection.

TFA denotes that rams consigned have been tested free from Achondroplasia

At H&H Insurance Brokers, we know how important it is to get a claim sorted quickly.

This is why all our customers are provided with their broker’s mobile number so whatever the problem, whenever it happens, you get the help you need.

And with a 98% pay-out rate on claims, we’re fast becoming the insurance broker of choice for the regions’ agricultural community.

Why not speak to one of our farm insurance experts today on 01228 406 290 for a ‘no obligation’ quote.

When things go bad, we come good

Your Farm & Rural Specialists

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under Firm Reference Number 305809

98%of claimspaid



2307 Registered NCC "Hill" Draft EwesAlley A

1-2 M/s Bland West Head NCH431 70 2 & 3 crop

3-4 M/s Elliott Hethpool NCH165 60

5 25

6-9 M/s Allen Stouphill NCH157 130 5 yo Warr

Alley B

10-11 M/s Tweedie Buchtrigg NCH324 80 Hp

12-16 M/s Elliott Bedshiel NCH205 200 4 crop 5yo

17-21 M/s Flintoft Sourhope NCH333 200 4 crop 5yo

22-23 M/s Rennie Attonburn NCH128 50

24 15

25 Floors Farming Co NCH329 25 6yo

26 M/s Allen Whitefield NCH82 20 5yo warr

27 M/s Dun Gilston NCH231 15

Alley C

28 M/s Douglas Catslackburn NCH120 40 5yo

29-30 50 5yo

31-32 50 5yo

33 Kelsocleugh Farming Co NCH241 40 6 yo warr

34 40 6yo warr

35 15 6yo war

36-37 M/s Elliott Woodside NCH136 60 6yo 5 crop38 20 6yo 5 crop

39 Bridgewater & Wood Potholm NCH279 25 4 crop

39 2 5 crop

40-43 M/s Flintoft Cocklawfoot NCH453 170 4 crop Hp Dp

44-45 M/s Wilson Newbank NCH309 50

46-48 Gillesbie Farms NCH312 120

49-50 Cheviot Farming Elsdonburn NCH248 50 4 crop warr


51-52 50 4 crop warr

53-55 M/s Thomson Hownam Grange NCH190 80 1-4crop

56-57*reduction - all from one heft


58-60 M/s LundEast Clough (stock sheep)

NCH288 50 1-3crop

61-64 Sorbietrees Farm Ltd NCH219 180 5o 4 crop

65 M/s Ward Whitstonehill NCH 382 20 corr

65 5 corr below

66-71 M/s Iredale Greenbank NCH241 En240 4 shr & 3 crop

680 Unregistered NCC "Hill" Draft ewes

Alley E

72 M/s Retson Maidencoates 25

73 M/s Henderson Whitehill 50

74-75 M/s Campbell Wedderlie 80 4 crop 5yo

76 M/s Johnson Herdship 25 3 crop

77 M/s McDougal Muirhouse 40 4 crop

78-87 M/s Strawhorn Annefield *stock dispersal 360 reg ages

88-90 Breconside Farming Co 100 reg ages

1405 Registered NCC "Hill" Gimmers

88 M/s Baillie Calla NCH285 25

89 25

90-91 M/s Tweedie Buchtrig NCH324 5092 Kelsocleugh Farming Co NCH241 35

93 35

94 M/s Lund East Clough NCH288 40

95-97 M/s Simons The Priory of Attonburn 200

Alley F

98-99 M/s Flintoft Sourhope NCH333 50

100-104 M/s Elliott Bedshiel NCH205 240

105-109 M/s Thomson Hownam Grange NCH190 200

110-115 M/s Flintoft Cocklawfoot NCH453 240 Hp Dp


116-117 Gillesbie Farms NCH218 100

118 M/s McCornick Boreland NCH257 30

119 M/s Walker Raeburnfoot NCH232 35

120 M/s Iredale Greenbank NCH241 30

121 M/s McDonald West Blackbyre NCH376 20

122 M/s Dunlop Hillhead NCH331 25

123 25

761 Unregistered NCC "Hill" Gimmers

Alley G

124-128 M/s Retson Maidencoates 180

129-130 M/s Blackwood Thurston 50

131-132 M/s Aitchison Mossdale 51

133-142 400

143-144 M/s Tennant Old Hill 80

820 Registered NCC "Hill" Lambs

145 M/s Douglas Catslackburn NCH120 50

146 50

147 50

148 Kelsocleugh Farming Co NCH241 30

149 30

Alley H

150-151 M/s Wilson Newbank NCH309 100

152-156 Philliphaugh Estates NCH296 250

157 M/s Tweedie Buchtrig NCH234 50 Hp²

159 M/s Thomson Hownam Grange NCH190 20

160-161 M/s Allen Stouphill NCH157 100

162 Raehills Farms Mollin NCH421 50


163 M/s Ward Whitestonehill NCH382 10

164 M/s Hill Carcant NCH405 30

50 Unregistered NCC "Hill" Lambs165 M/s Bland West Head 50


Special Notice to ConsignorsRam lambs will NOT be accepted for this sale

Conditions of Sale

The sale is conducted under the General & Special Conditions of Sale of the Institute of Auctioneers and Appraisers in Scotland and under the following Special Conditions of Sale. In any case in which they conflict the following Special Conditions of Sale will prevail:

1. The sale is confined to NORTH COUNTRY CHEVIOT HILL RAMS, of ONE SHEAR and Upwards, which will be sold in ONE ring.

2. The Order in which the several lots of sheep shall be brought forward shall be decided by public ballot at least four days before the Sale Day

3. The 3 stocks of sheep which have been drawn and sold first, second or third last year shall not be similarly drawn and sold this year. The ballot tickets for such stocks of sheep shall not be placed in the ballot box until the first 10 lots of sheep have been drawn.

4. Each lot of Sheep shall be sold in the Order of Ballot, and the owner thereof shall be bound to see that this condition is carried out.

5. The sheep shall be penned and the Sale shall commence at the time arranged by the Auction-eers, any lot or lots which may not be ready for the ring when their turn for sale arrives will not be allowed to come forward for sale until all other lots have been sold

6. The particulars given in the Catalogue, or announced at the time of Sale, are correct so far as known to the exposer, but, except as provided kin the preceding Condition, he will not be bound in any way. With the same exception no warranty is given with any sheep, either that he is capable of service, or in any other respect whatever, and is to be taken as he stands, any condition in the Sale of Goods Act, 1893, notwithstanding.

7. Exposers are responsible that their Shepherds attend to their pens, take their Rams to and from the Sale Ring, and do not give delivery of any Ram to a purchaser who is not in posses-sion of an Order from the Cashier. After such delivery, Shepherds must hand in to the Cashier all orders so received from Purchasers. Each lot is to be at the sole risk of the exposer before such deliver, and of the purchase afterwards. The Auctioneer will only be responsible for ac-counting to the exposer for sheep which have been delivered to the purchaser as above.

8. The highest bidder to be the purchaser; if any dispute may arise between bidders, the lot in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. The Auctioneers reserve the right of refusing the bid of any person, and of regulating the bidding.

9. The Company is empowered to deduct a levy of 3% with a minimum of £5.00 on all sheep sold and to pay the same to the North Cheviot Sheep Society.

10. All rams have a MOUTH INSPECTION which will be carried out by an independant veterinary surgeon. If any exhibitor feels the need to formally lodge an appeal against the MOUTH INSPECTION the following applies

· One appeal per vendor on one ram, should that ram then be passed for sale the vendor can appeal another animal · Cost £20 – returned to vendor if then passed ok for sale · Time for any appeals will be between 9am – 10am

11. All female sheep will be subject to a society levy of 10 pence per sheep deductable from vendors.

12. Society Rule that the upset price will be £250 per ram, no ram to be sold under £250 in the ring or outside the ring.

Harrison & Hetherington Limited


SALE ORDERNorth Country Cheviot “Hill” Rams Ballot 2018

Sorbietrees Farm Ltd SORBIETREES NCH219 Pen M 27-28Sorbietrees, Hillhead, Lots 1-11 11 – 2 sh Newcastleton Linhope Farming Partnership HARTSIDE HILL NCH149 Pen M 29-31Hartside Farm, Powburn, Lots 12-23 12 – 2sh TFA Alnwick Messrs JR & CJ Ward, WHITSTONEHILL NCH382 Pen M 32-34Whitstonehill, Tundergarth Lots 24-36 13 – 1sh TFA

R J Tweedie & Co BUCHTRIG NCH324 Pen M 35-36Buchtrig, Jedburgh Lots 37-47 11 – 2sh TFA

Messrs J H Williams & Son PENGROES NCH334 Pen M 37Y Graig, Brynsienlyn, Anglesey Lots 48-49 2 – 1sh TFA

Messrs M & S Wilson & Sons NEWBANK NCH309 Pen M 38-40Newbank, Beattock, Moffat Lots 50-61 12 – 2sh TFA

Mr R J Lund EAST CLOUGH NCH288 Pen M 41East Clough Farm, Garsdale, Lots 62 - 64 3 – 2sh TFA Sedburgh

Messrs T & E Dun, JEANFIELD NCH419 Pen M 42-43Jeanfield Farm, Carnwath, Lots 65 – 72 8 – 1sh TFALanark Messrs JF Irving & Son BENGER NCH454 Pen M 44Mountbenger, Yarrow Lots 73- 77 5 – 2 sh TFA

Messrs Iredale GREENBANK NCH431 Pen L 45Greenbank Farm, Patterdale, Lots 78-81 4 – 2sh TFA Penrith

Messrs W & J Thomson HOWNAM GRANGE NCH190 Pen L 46-51Hownam Grange, Kelso Lots 82 -105 24 – 2sh TFA


Messrs Bridgewater & Wood ESK NCH279 Pen L 52Potholm Farm, Langholm Lots 106-111 6 – 2sh TFA

Messrs J M Elliot & Partners WOODSIDE NCH136 Pen L 53–54Woodside, Yetholm, Kelso Lots 112-121 8 - 2sh 2 – 1sh TFA

Floors Farming RAWBURN NCH329 Pen L 55Rawburn Farm, Lots 122 -127 6 – 2 sh TFA Longformacus, Duns

J Hepburn & Co NORTHHOUSE NCH215 Pen L 56–58Northhouse Farm, Hawick Lots 128 – 138 11 – 2sh TFA

Sir FE Strang Steel & Partners LYMIECLEUGH NCH363 Pen L 59Lymiecleugh, Teviothead, Lots 139 -143 5 – 2sh TFAHawick Messrs W & R Dunlop HILLHEAD NCH331 Pen L 60Hilhead Farm, Auchenuray Lots 144-149 6 – 2sh TFA

Mr John Blackhall BRACHMONT NCH396 Pen L 61–62East Brachmont Farm, Lots 150-157 1 – 2sh 7 – 1 sh TFA Durris, Banchory

Mrs Jane Landers CARINSMORE NCH310 Pen L 63 & Bobby Landers Lots 158 – 160 3 – 1 sh Balgaly Farm, Newton Stewart

Messrs John Anderson & Son PRIESTHAUGH NCH291 Pen L 64Priesthaugh, Hawick Lots 161 – 164 4 – 2sh TFA

Cheviot Farming ELSDON BURN NCH248 Pen L 65-66Elsdonburn, Kirknewton Lots 165 – 172 8 – 2sh TFA

Messrs WJC & SJ Weir HEATHERHOPE NCH320 Pen K 68–69Mainside Farm, Hownam, Lots 173 – 183 11 – 2sh TFAKelso

Messrs R & S Flintoft SOURHOPE NCH333 Pen K 70–71Sourhope Farm, Yetholm Lots 184 - 194 11 – 2sh TFA


Messrs W & F Elliot Ltd HETHPOOL NCH165 Pen K 72–74Hethpool, Wooler Lots 195 – 208 14 – 2 sh TFA

Mr W D Allen STOUPHILL NCH157 Pen K 75–76Stouphill Lots 209 – 215 7 – 2sh TFA

Mr Jim Campbell HULLOCKHOWE NCH433 Pen K 77High Hullock Howe, Askham, Lots 216 – 220 5 – 2sh TFAPenrith Mr Martin R McCornick BORELAND NCH257 Pen K 78–79Boreland, Kirkcowan, Lots 221 – 228 1 - 3 sh 2 - 2sh 5 - 1sh Newton Stewart

Mr Wm H Porter CASHLIE NCH275 Pen K 80–81Cashlie, Glenlyon, Lots 229 – 238 10 – 2sh TFAWest Scryne

Mr David Baillie CALLA NCH285 Pen K 82-83Calla, Carnwath, Lanark Lots 239 - 248 10 – 1 sh TFA

Mr W W Dunlop COMMONSIDE NCH3171 Pen K 84–85Commonside, Hawick Lots 249 – 256 8 – 1sh TFA

Kelsocleugh Farming KELSO NCH241 Pen K 86–887 Yewtree Lane, Yetholm, Lots 257 – 269 13 – 2sh TFAKelso

Gillespie Farms, GILLESBIE NCH312 Pen J 91Boreland, Lockerbie Lots 270 – 273 4 – 2sh TFA

Messrs J & E Mallinson OLD NEWTON NCH377 Pen J 92Old Newton, Annanwater Lots 274 – 278 5 – 2sh TFA Clerkhill Farm CLERKHILL NCH385 Pen J 93-94 Eskdalemuir Forestry Ltd, Lots 279 – 284 6 – 2sh TFAHart Manor, Eskdalemuir

Mr Gareth Price CYMRAEG NCH370 Pen J 95–96Talsarn, Llanddeusant Lots 285 – 291 7 – 1sh TFA


Philiphaugh Estate PHILIPHAUGH NCH296 Pen J 97-98c/o Alan Cowens Lots 292 -299 8 – 2 sh TFAPhiliphaugh, Selkirk

Mr Norman MacDonald BLACKBYRE NCH376 Pen J 99West Blackbyre, Waterside, Lots 300 1 - 3 sh Kilmarnock

Bowmont Farming ATTONBURN NCH128 Pen J 100-102 c/o Robert RennieAttonburn Farm, Yetholm Lots 301 – 312 12 – 2 sh TFA

Mr W N Douglas WHITEHOPE NCH120 Pen J 103-105Catslackburn, Yarrow Lots 313 – 322 10 – 2sh TFA

Archbank Farming Co. ARCHBANK NCH362 Pen J 106Newlands, Eaglesfield, Lots 323 – 327 5 – 2sh TFALockerbie

Mr Euan Waddell WESTER DAWYCK NCH416 Pen J 107 (Dawyck Farms) Lots 328 -331 2 – 2sh 2 – 1sh TFA2 Wester Dawyck Cottages, Stobo, Peebles

Ms Julie Hill CARCANT NCH405 Pen J 108Carcant Farm, Heriot Lots 332-333 2 – 2sh

Messrs R & T Dun GILSTON NCH239 Pen J 109–110Gilston, Heriot Lots 334 – 340 7 – 2sh TFA



CATALOGUETFA denotes that the rams consigned have been tested free from Achondroplasia

Sorbietrees Farm Ltd SORBIETREES 11 – 2 shr Pen M 27-28

1 SORBIETREES T 08878 NCH219T08878 (UK0561745/08878) Sire : North House Reliant (H215R08296)

2 SORBIETREES T 08895 NCH219T08895 (UK0561745/08895) Sire : North House Reliant (H215R08296)

3 SORBIETREES T 08882 NCH219T08882 (UK0561745/08882) Sire : Woodside Para (H136P03001)

4 SORBIETREES T 08872 NCH219T08872 (UK0561745/08872) Sire : Whitchesters Saint (H173S05940) 5 SORBIETREES V 08888 NCH219V08888 (UK0561745/08888) Sire : North House Reliant (H215R08296)

6 SORBIETREES T 08865 NCH219T08865 (UK0561745/08865) Sire : North House Reliant (H215R08296)

7 SORBIETREES V 08893 NCH219V08893 (UK0561745/08893) Sire : North House Reliant (H215R08296)

8 SORBIETREES V 08876 NCH219V08876 (UK0561745/08876) Sire : North House Reliant (H215R08296)

9 SORBIETREES V 08870 NCH219V08870 (UK0561745/08870) Sire : Woodside Para (H136P03001)

10 SORBIETREES T 08874 NCH219T08874 (UK0561745/08874) Sire : Whitchesters Saint (H173S05940)

11 SORBIETREES V 08894 NCH219V08894 (UK0561745/08894) Sire : Whitchesters Saint (H173S05940)

Linhope Farming Partnership HARTSIDE HILL 12 – 2 sh TFA Pen M 29-31

12 HARTSIDE HILL VINNIE NCH149V07071 (UK0115560/07071) Sire : Glendale Snowman (H367S09811)

13 HARTSIDE HILL VARDY NCH149V07098 (UK0115560/07098) Sire : Langdale Pedro (H115P00507)

14 HARTSIDE HILL VETTEL NCH149V07097 (UK0115560/07097) Sire : Whitehope Phantom (H120P07621)


15 HARTSIDE HILL VINE NCH149V07096 (UK0115560/07096) Sire : Suisgill Polevaulter (H060P03697)

16 HARTSIDE HILL VIKING NCH149V07113 (UK0115560/07113) Sire : Glendale Snowman (H367S09811)

17 HARTSIDE HILL VIPER NCH149V07104 (UK0115560/07104) Sire : Whitehope Phantom (H120P07621)

18 HARTSIDE HILL VIP NCH149V07100 (UK0115560/07100) Sire : Suisgill Polevaulter (H060P03697)

19 HARTSIDE HILL VORTEX NCH149V07082 (UK0115560/07082) Sire : Whitchesters Ramrod (H173R05908)

20 HARTSIDE HILL VETERAN NCH149V07114 (UK0115560/07114) Sire : Woodside Bowman (28965)

21 HARTSIDE HILL VISOR NCH149V07086 (UK0115560/07086) Sire : Langdale Pedro (H115P00507)

22 HARTSIDE HILL VICTOR NCH149V07076 (UK0115560/07076) Sire : Woodside Bowman (28965)

23 HARTSIDE HILL VANDYKE NCH149V07102 (UK0115560/07102) Sire : North House Razzle (H215R08282)

Messrs J R and CJ Ward WHITSTONEHILL 13 – 1sh TFA Pen M 32-34

24 WHITSTONEHILL WHISKY NCH382W05108 (UK0582121/05108) Sire : Stouphill 4952 (H157P04952)

25 WHITSTONEHILL WALLACE NCH382W05099 (UK0582121/05099) born Apr 2017 Sire : Stouphill 4952 (H157P04952)

26 WHITSTONEHILL WANDERER NCH382W05101 (UK0582121/05101) born Apr 2017 Sire : North House 5656 (H215N05656)

27 WHITSTONEHILL WONDER NCH382W05100 (UK0582121/05100) born Apr 2017 Sire : Stouphill 4952 (H157P04952)

28 WHITSTONEHILL WILDERNESS NCH382W05112 (UK0582121/05112) born Apr 2017 Sire : Stouphill 4952 (H157P04952)


29 WHITSTONEHILL WARRIOR NCH382W05104 (UK0582121/05104) born Apr 2017 Sire : Stouphill 4952 (H157P04952)

30 WHITSTONEHILL WALLY NCH382W05105 (UK0582121/05105) born Apr 2017 Sire : North House 5656 (H215N05656)

31 WHITSTONEHILL WICKED NCH382W05095 (UK0582121/05095) born Apr 2017 Sire : Stouphill 4952 (H157P04952)

32 WHITSTONEHILL WIZARD NCH382W05103 (UK0582121/05103) born Apr 2017 Sire : North House 5656 (H215N05656)

33 WHITSTONEHILL WARLOCK NCH382W05102 (UK0582121/05102) born Apr 2017 Sire : Stouphill 4952 (H157P04952)

34 WHITSTONEHILL WAM-BAM NCH382W05106 (UK0582121/05106) born Apr 2017 Sire : Stouphill 4952 (H157P04952)

35 WHITSTONEHILL WRATH NCH382W05110 (UK0582121/05110) born Apr 2017 Sire : North House 5656 (H215N05656)

36 WHITSTONEHILL WALTER-WHITE NCH382W05111 (UK0582121/05111) born Apr 2017 Sire : North House 5656 (H215N05656)

Messrs R J Tweedie & Co BUCHTRIG 11 – 2 shr TFA Pen M 35-36

37 BUCHTRIG V 18547 NCH324V18547 (UK0561970/18547) Sire : Hownam Grange 6717 (H190R06717)

38 BUCHTRIG V 18553 NCH324V18553 (UK0561970/18553) Sire : Hownam Grange 6717 (H190R06717)

39 BUCHTRIG V 18567 NCH324V18567 (UK0561970/18567) Sire : Hownam Grange 6717 (H190R06717)

40 BUCHTRIG V 18555 NCH324V18555 (UK0561970/18555) Sire : Hownam Grange 6717 (H190R06717)

41 BUCHTRIG V 18559 NCH324V18559 (UK0561970/18559) Sire : Hownam Grange 6717 (H190R06717)


42 BUCHTRIG V 18519 NCH324V18519 (UK0561970/18519) Sire : Inverbroom 1058 (H046P01058)

43 BUCHTRIG V 18561 NCH324V18561 (UK0561970/18561) Sire : Hartside Hill Piquet (H149P01995)

44 BUCHTRIG V 18556 NCH324V18556 (UK0561970/18556) Sire : Buchtrig Ram

45 BUCHTRIG V 18546 NCH324W18546 (UK0561970/18546) Sire : Buchtrig Ram

46 BUCHTRIG V 18548 NCH324V18548 (UK0561970/18548) Sire : Castle Grant Cowboy (H114N10983)

47 BUCHTRIG V 18549 NCH324V18549 (UK0561970/18549) Sire : Castle Grant Cowboy (H114N10983)

Messrs JH Williams & Son PENGROES 2 – 1 sh TFA Pen M 37

48 PENGROES WAHSHEE NCH334W00693 (UK0709614/00693) TWIN, born 17 Mar 2017 Sire : Attonburn Rebel Leader (H128R04991)

49 PENGROES WINTER NCH334W00726 (UK0709614/00726) TWIN, born 20 Mar 2017 Sire : Attonburn Rebel Leader (H128R04991)

Messrs M & S Wilson & Sons NEWBANK 12 – 2 shr TFA Pen M 38-40

50 NEWBANK VINTAGE NCH309V12675 (UK0584323/12675) Sire : Rawburn Rock (H329R16289)

51 NEWBANK VELOCITY NCH309V12676 (UK0584323/12676 Sire : Badanloch Mania (H007P02299)

52 NEWBANK VICEROY NCH309V12669 (UK0584323/12669) Sire : Keppoch 2427 (H133N02427)

53 NEWBANK VEGAS NCH309V12677 (UK0584323/12677) Sire : Rawburn Rock (H329R16289)

54 NEWBANK VW NCH309V12679 (UK0584323/12679) Sire : Rawburn Rock (H329R16289)

55 NEWBANK VIBRANT NCH309V12678 (UK0584323/12678) Sire : Rawburn Rock (H329R16289)


56 NEWBANK VULCAN NCH309V12670 (UK0584323/12670) Sire : Whitchesters Radiate (H173R05870)

57 NEWBANK VISCOUNT NCH309V12180 (UK0584323/12180) Sire : Stouphill 4951 (H157P04951)

58 NEWBANK VIRTUOSO NCH309V12666 (UK0584323/12666) Sire : Newbank Stamper (H309S08750)

59 NEWBANK VAGABOND NCH309V12671 (UK0584323/12671) Sire : Keppoch 2427 (H133N02427)

60 NEWBANK VOLTAGE NCH309V12664 (UK0584323/12664) Sire : Keppoch 2427 (H133N02427)

61 NEWBANK VANGUARD NCH309V12674 (UK0584323/12674) Sire : Hethpool Lancer (H165L13635)

Mr R. J. Lund EAST CLOUGH 3 – 2sh TFA Pen M 41

62 EAST CLOUGH UNANIMOUS NCH288V00844 (UK108975/00844) Sire : Castle Grant Charisma (28946) Dam : East Clough Ewe By North House Nelson

63 EAST CLOUGH UNICORN NCH288V00884 (UK108975/00884) Sire : Hethpool Rhino (H165R05258) Dam : East Clough Ewe By Armadale King Kong

64 EAST CLOUGH UBOAT NCH288V00861 (UK108975/00861) Sire : Armadale King Kong (H080M00978) Dam : East Clough Ewe by Hethpool Hurricane

Messrs T & E Dun JEANFIELD 8 – 1 sh TFA Pen M 42-43

65 JEANFIELD W 00470 NCH419W00470 (UK0564613/00470) Sire : Torrish Cracker (H034N03666)

66 JEANFIELD W 00465 NCH419W00465 (UK0564613/00465) Sire : Jeanfield Thor (H419T00514)

67 JEANFIELD W 00475 NCH419W00475 (UK0564613/00475) Sire : Torrish Cracker (H034N03666)

68 JEANFIELD W 00478 NCH419W00478 (UK0564613/00478) Sire : Torrish Cracker (H034N03666)

69 JEANFIELD W 00462 NCH419W00462 (UK0564613/00462) Sire : Jeanfield Thor (H419T00514)


70 JEANFIELD W 00461 NCH419W00461 (UK0564613/00461) Sire : Jeanfield Thor (H419T00514)

71 JEANFIELD W 00474 NCH419W00474 (UK0564613/00474) Sire : Torrish Cracker (H034N03666)

72 JEANFIELD W 00471 NCH419W00471 (UK0564613/00471) Sire : Jeanfield Thor (H419T00514)

J F Irving & Son BENGER 5 - 2 sh TFA Pen M 44

73 BENGER V 010007 NCH0454V10007 (UK0562197/10007) Sire : Whitehope 2224 (H120M02224)

74 BENGER V 10004 NCH0454V10004 (UK0562197/10004) Sire : Whitehope 2224 (H120M02224)

75 BENGER V 10003 NCH0454V1003 (UK0562197/1003) Sire : Whitehope 2224 (H120M02224)

76 BENGER V 10008 NCH0454V10008 (UK0562197/10008) Sire : Whitehope 2224 (H120M02224)

77 BENGER V 10002 NCH0454V10002 (UK0562197/10002) Sire : Whitehope 2224 (H120M02224)Ref:All dams are out of top pen of gimmers purchased at Whitchester dispersal 2015Sire – Whitehope 2224 going strong at 8 shear

Messrs Iredale GREENBANK FARM 4 – 2 sh TFA Pen L45

78 GREENBANK FARM VOLUME NCH0431V06929 (UK108812/06929) Sire : Hethpool Regent (H165R05097)

79 GREENBANK FARM VICTORY NCH0431V06928 (UK108812/06928) Sire : Hethpool Regent (H165R05097)

80 GREENBANK FARM VIPER NCH0431V01982 (UK108812/01982) Sire : Hownam Grange 6558 (H190P06558)

81 GREENBANK FARM VANDAL NCH0431V01981 (UK108812/01981) Sire : Hownam Grange 6558 (H190P06558)

Messrs W & J Thomson HOWNAM GRANGE 24 - 2 sh TFA Pen L 46-51

82 HOWNAM GRANGE VILLAGER NCH190V12902 (UK0561972/12902) Sire : Kelso Sumboy (H241S06561)


83 HOWNAM GRANGE VALIENTE NCH190V11706 (UK0561972/11706) Apr 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Sailsaver (H190S06688)

84 HOWNAM GRANGE VALENTINO NCH190V12120 (UK0561972/12120) Sire : Hethpool Napalm (H165N01025)

85 HOWNAM GRANGE VIMTO 2 NCH190V12811 (UK0561972/12811) Apr 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Showdown (H190S06692)

86 HOWNAM GRANGE VOODOO NCH190V12116 (UK0561972/12116) Sire : Hownam Grange Senator (H190S12127)

87 HOWNAM GRANGE VALEN NCH190V12812 (UK0561972/12812) Sire : Hownam Grange Sailsaver (H190S06688)

88 HOWNAM GRANGE VIRGILO NCH190V12711 (UK0561972/12711) Sire : Hownam Grange Sailsaver (H190S06688) 89 HOWNAM GRANGE VLAD NCH190V12803 (UK0561972/12803) Apr 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Sambuca (H190S06674)

90 HOWNAM GRANGE VW NCH190V12814 (UK0561972/12814) Apr 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Shergar (H190S06700)

91 HOWNAM GRANGE VANISH NCH190W12126 (UK0561972/12126) Apr 2016 Sire : Hethpool Napalm (H165N01025)

92 HOWNAM GRANGE VANQUISH NCH190V13202 (UK0561972/13202) Apr 2016 Sire : Sorbietrees 4970 (H219P04970)

93 HOWNAM GRANGE VANDAL H NCH190V13205 (UK0561972/13205) Apr 2016 Sire : Sorbietrees 4970 (H219P04970)

94 HOWNAM GRANGE VIRGIN NCH190V12118 (UK0561972/12118) Sire : Hownam Grange Snipper (H190S06368)

95 HOWNAM GRANGE VARIAM NCH190V12712 (UK0561972/12712) Sire : Hownam Grange Sailsaver (H190S06688)

96 HOWNAM GRANGE VIKING NCH190V12012 (UK0561972/12012) Apr 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Sonofabitch (H190S06683)


97 HOWNAM GRANGE VOLDERMORT NCH190V12100 (UK0561972/12100) Apr 2016 Sire : Hethpool Napalm (H165N01025)

98 HOWNAM GRANGE VIC NCH190V12106 (UK0561972/12106) Apr 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Senator (H190S12127)

99 HOWNAM GRANGE VANDAME NCH190V12090 (UK0561972/12090) Apr 2016 Sire : Hethpool Napalm (H165N01025)

100 HOWNAM GRANGE VECTOR NCH190V12713 (UK0561972/12713) Apr 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Sambuca (H190S06674)

101 HOWNAM GRANGE VELCRO NCH190V12098 (UK0561972/12098) born 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Shergar (H190S06700)

102 HOWNAM GRANGE VIPER NCH190V12109 (UK0561972/12109) Apr 2016 Sire : Hethpool Napalm (H165N01025)

103 HOWNAM GRANGE VET NCH190V12084 (UK0561972/12084) Apr 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Senator (H190S12127)

104 HOWNAM GRANGE VONTRAP NCH190V12097 (UK0561972/12097) Apr 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Shergar (H190S06700)

105 HOWNAM GRANGE VIOLET NCH190V12276 (UK0561972/12276) Apr 2016 Sire : Hethpool Napalm (H165N01025)

Messrs Bridgewater and Wood ESK 6 – 2sh TFA Pen L52

106 ESK VAGABOND NCH279V06696 (UK58195506696) Sire : Whitchesters Saltire (H173S07123)

107 ESK VARDAY NCH279V06698 (UK58195506698) Sire : Whitchesters Saltire (H173S07123)

108 ESK VALE NCH279V06699 (UK58195506699) Sire : Whitchesters Saltire (H173S07123)

109 ESK VALLANCE NCH279V06700 (UK58195506700) Sire : Whitchesters Saltire (H173S07123)


110 ESK VANTAGE NCH279V06701 (UK58195506701) Sire : Whitchesters Saltire (H173S07123)

111 ESK VARIO NCH279V06702 (UK58195506702) Sire : Whitchesters Saltire (H173S07123)

J. M. Elliot & Partners WOODSIDE 8 - 2 shr 2 - 1sh TFA Pen L 53-54

112 WOODSIDE VIABLE NCH136V09244 (UK0562007/09244) born 11 Apr 2016 Sire : Balnakeil Romeo (H001R04316)

113 WOODSIDE V 09309 NCH136V09309 (UK0562007/09309) born 13 Apr 2016 Sire : Woodside Spunky (H136S06189)

114 WOODSIDE V 09049 NCH136V09049 (UK0562007/09049) born 06 Apr 2016 Sire : Balnakeil Romeo (H001R04316)

115 WOODSIDE V 08749 NCH136V08749 (UK0562007/08749) born 01 Apr 2016 Sire : Inkstack 2513 (H254S02513) 116 WOODSIDE V 09051 NCH136V09051 (UK0562007/09051) born 06 Apr2016 Sire : Inkstack 2513 (H254S02513)

117 WOODSIDE V 09235 NCH136V09235 (UK0562007/09235) born 11 Apr 2016 Sire : Stouphill Pizazz (H157P04958)

118 WOODSIDE V 09315 NCH136V09315 (UK0562007/09315) born 13 Apr 2016 Sire : Whitchesters Titan (H173T06790)

119 WOODSIDE V 08694 NCH136V08694 (UK0562007/08694) born 31 Mar2016 Sire : Stouphill Pizazz (H157P04958)

120 WOODSIDE W 11309 NCH136W11309 (UK0562007/11309) born 04 Apr 2017 Sire : Inkstack Victor (H254T03303)

121 WOODSIDE W 12595 NCH136W12595 (UK0562007/12595) born 22 Apr 2017 Sire : Woodside Toxic (H136T07488)


Floors Farming RAWBURN 6 – 2 sh TFA Pen L 55

122 RAWBURN V 24946 NCH329V24946 (UK0560199/24946) Sire : Whitehope Sire (H120R10966)

123 RAWBURN V 24948 NCH329V24948 (UK0560199/24948) Sire : Rawburn Ram

124 RAWBURN V 24945 NCH329V24945 (UK0560199/24945) Sire : Whitehope Sire (H120R10966)

125 RAWBURN V 24861 NCH329V24861 (UK0560199/24861) Sire : Hethpool Pagan (H165P03037)

126 RAWBURN V 24942 NCH329V24942 (UK0560199/24942) Sire : Whitehope Sire (H120R10966)

127 RAWBURN V 24943 NCH329V24943 (UK0560199/24943) Sire : Whitehope Sire (H120R10966)

J Hepburn & Co NORTHHOUSE 11 – 2 sh TFA Pen L 56-58

128 NORTH HOUSE VAGABOND NCH215V17067 (UK0561841/17067) Sire : Brackside Reiver (H160R00822)

129 NORTH HOUSE VALIANT NCH215V17076 (UK0561841/17076) Sire : Brackside Reiver (H160R00822)

130 NORTH HOUSE V 17057 NCH215V17057 (UK0561841/17057) Sire : Badanloch Legend (H007L02707)

131 NORTH HOUSE V 17059 NCH215V17059 (UK0561841/17059) Sire : North House Shiraz (H215S11639)

132 NORTH HOUSE V 17075 NCH215V17075 (UK0561841/17075) Sire : Brackside Reiver (H160R00822)

133 NORTH HOUSE V 17066 NCH215V17066 (UK0561841/17066) Sire : Badanloch Northern Light (H007N01443)

134 NORTH HOUSE V 17085 NCH215V17085 (UK0561841/17085) Sire : Stouphill Magic (H157M00522)

135 NORTH HOUSE V 17065 NCH215V17065 (UK0561841/17065) Sire : Badanloch Legend (H007L02707)


136 NORTH HOUSE V 17086 NCH215V17086 (UK0561841/17086) Sire : Hartside Hill Raul (H149R00089)

137 NORTH HOUSE V 17077 NCH215V17077 (UK0561841/17077) Sire : Hartside Hill Raul (H149R00089)

138 NORTH HOUSE V 17072 NCH215V17072 (UK0561841/17072) Sire : Hartside Hill Raul (H149R00089)

Sir F. M. Strang Steel & Partners LYMIECLEUCH 5 – 2 sh TFA Pen L 59

139 LYMIECLEUGH V 10676 NCH363V10676 (UK0561839/10676) Sire : Sorbietrees Patriot (H219P04986)

140 LYMIECLEUGH V 10678 NCH363V10678 (UK0561839/10678) Sire : Sorbietrees Patriot (H219P04986)

141 LYMIECLEUGH V 10675 NCH363V10675 (UK0561839/10675 Sire : Sorbietrees Patriot (H219P04986)

142 LYMIECLEUGH V 10680 NCH363V10680 (UK0561839/10680) Sire : Sorbietrees Patriot (H219P04986)

143 LYMIECLEUGH V 10673 NCH363V10673 (UK0561839/10673) Sire : Kelso President (H241P05754)

Messrs W & R Dunlop HILLHEAD 6 - 2 sh TFA Pen L 60

144 HILLHEAD WASP NCH331W06604 (UK560835/06604) TWIN, born 18 Apr 2017 Sire : Achentoul Sunday Run (H019P05227)

145 HILLHEAD WAKITO NCH331W06605 UK560835/06605) born 19 Apr 2017 Sire : Achentoul Sunday Run (H019P05227)

146 HILLHEAD WAGER NCH331W06601 (UK560835/06601) TWIN, born 20 Apr 2017 Sire : Achentoul Sunday Run (H019P05227)

147 HILLHEAD WANDERER NCH331W06599 (UK560835/06599) born 18 Apr 2017 Sire : Achentoul Sunday Run (H019P05227)

148 HILLHEAD WHIPPET NCH331W06598 (UK560835/06598) born 18 Apr 2017 Sire : Newbank Nasa (H309N05444)


149 HILLHEAD WHIZZ NCH331W06597 (UK560835/06597) TWIN, born 18 Apr 2017 Sire : Achentoul Sunday Run (H019P05227)

Mr John Blackhall BRACHMONT 1 - 2 sh 7 - 1 sh TFA Pen L 61-62

150 BRACHMONT NCH396V02082 (UK529140/02082) born 25 Apr 2016 Sire : Castle Grant 2746 (H114N02746)

151 BRACHMONT W 02564 NCH396W02564 (UK529140/02564) Sire : Castle Grant Ronaldo (H114R03555)

152 BRACHMONT W 02543 NCH396W02543 (UK529140/02543) Sire : Castle Grant Ronaldo (H114R03555)

153 BRACHMONT W 02572 NCH396W02572 (UK529140/02572) Sire : Castle Grant Ronaldo (H114R03555)

154 BRACHMONT W 02555 NCH396W02555 (UK529140/02555) Sire : Castle Grant Ronaldo (H114R03555)

155 BRACHMONT W 02549 NCH396W02549 (UK529140/02549) Sire : Castle Grant Ronaldo (H114R03555)

156 BRACHMONT W 02559 NCH396W02559 (UK529140/02559) Sire : Castle Grant Ronaldo (H114R03555)

157 BRACHMONT W 02545 NCH396W02545 (UK529140/02545) Sire : Castle Grant Ronaldo (H114R03555)

Mrs Jane Landers & Bobby Landers CARINSMORE 3 – 1 sh Pen L 63

158 CAIRNSMORE WULLIE NCH310W06995 (UK0582520/06995) Sire : Heathmount 3302 (H059R03302) Dam : Cairnsmore Ewe by Hownam Grange Thompson

159 CAIRNSMORE WOODY NCH310W06996 (UK0582520/06996) Sire : Philiphaugh 6723 (H296R06723) Dam : Cairnsmore Ewe by Hethpool Landmark

160 CAIRNSMORE WANDEL NCH310W06997 (UK0582520/06997) Sire : Heathmount 3302 (H059R03302) Dam : Cairnsmore Ewe by North House Sparky


Mr John Anderson & Son PRIESTHAUGH 4 – 2 sh TFA Pen L 64

161 PRIESTHAUGH V 10226 NCH291V10226 (UK0561842/10226) Sire : Whitehope Ranger (H120R10952)

162 PRIESTHAUGH V 10215 NCH291V10215 (UK0561842/10215) Sire : Buchtrig Player (H324P05898)

163 PRIESTHAUGH V 10221 NCH291V10221 (UK0561842/10221) Sire : Lymiecleugh 4980 (H363R04980)

164 PRIESTHAUGH V 10228 NCH291V10228 (UK0561842/10228) Sire : Kelso Reaper (H241R06483)

Cheviot Farming ELSDONBURN 8 – 2sh TFA Pen L 65-66

165 ELSDONBURN V 05639 NCH248V05639 (UK0115600/05639) Sire : Armadale Rocky (H080R03065) 166 ELSDONBURN V 05658 NCH248V05658 (UK0115600/05658) Sire : Elsdonburn Reiver (H248R01067)

167 ELSDONBURN V 5632 NCH248V05632 (UK0115600/05632) Sire : Armadale Rocky (H080R03065) 168 ELSDONBURN V 05645 NCH248V05645 (UK0115600/05645) Sire : Elsdonburn Ranger (H248R00057)

169 ELSDONBURN V 05644 NCH248V05644 (UK0115600/05644) Sire : Elsdonburn Ranger (H248R00057)

170 ELSDONBURN V 05655 NCH248V05655 (UK0115600/05655) Sire : Whitehope Norm (H120N05057)

171 ELSDONBURN V 05640 NCH248V05640 (UK0115600/05640) Sire : Armadale Rocky (H080R03065)

172 ELSDONBURN V 05651 NCH248V05651 (UK0115600/05651) Sire : Armadale Nobleman (H080N01449)

Messrs WJC & SJ Weir HEATHERHOPE 11 - 2 sh TFA Pen K 68-69

173 HEATHERHOPE V 12646 NCH320V12646 (UK0563126/12646) Sire : Gillesbie 8226 (H312P08226)

174 HEATHERHOPE V 12649 NCH320V12649 (UK0563126/12649) Sire : Gillesbie 8226 (H312P08226)


175 HEATHERHOPE V 12644 NCH320V12644 (UK0563126/12644) Sire : Priesthaugh 1600 (H291N01600)

176 HEATHERHOPE V 12641 NCH320V12641 (UK0563126/12641) Sire : Priesthaugh 1600 (H291N01600)

177 HEATHERHOPE V 12647 NCH320V12647 (UK0563126/12647) Sire : Sorbietrees Ram

178 HEATHERHOPE V 12648 NCH320V12648 (UK0563126/12648) Sire : Priesthaugh 1600 (H291N01600)

179 HEATHERHOPE V 12643 NCH320V12643 (UK0563126/12643) Sire : Attonburn Mighty (H128M01018)

180 HEATHERHOPE V 012623 NCH320V12623 (UK0563126/12623) Sire : Sorbietrees Ram

181 HEATHERHOPE V 12650 NCH320V12650 (UK0563126/12650) Sire : Sorbietrees Ram

182 HEATHERHOPE V 14364 NCH320V14364 (UK0563126/14364) Sire : Priesthaugh 1600 (H291N01600)

183 HEATHERHOPE V 14345 NCH320V14345 (UK0563126/14345) Sire : Attonburn Mighty (H128M01018)

R S Flintoft SOURHOPE 11 – 2 Sh TFA Pen K 70-71

184 SOURHOPE V 15468 NCH333V15468 (UK564270/15468) Sire : Whitehope Rover (H120R10920)

185 SOURHOPE V 15473 NCH333V15473 (UK564270/15473) Sire : Whitehope Rover (H120R10920)

186 SOURHOPE V 15471 NCH333V15471 (UK564270/15471) Sire : Whitehope Rover (H120R10920)

187 SOURHOPE V 15469 NCH333V15469 (UK564270/15469) Sire : Whitehope Rover (H120R10920)

188 SOURHOPE V 15474 NCH333V15474 (UK564270/15474) Sire : Whitehope Rover (H120R10920)

189 SOURHOPE V 15466 NCH333V15466 (UK564270/15466) Sire : Whitehope Rover (H120R10920)


190 SOURHOPE V 15475 NCH333V15475 (UK564270/15475) Sire : Whitehope Rover (H120R10920)

191 SOURHOPE V 15478 NCH333V15478 (UK564270/15478) Sire : Whitehope Rover (H120R10920)

192 SOURHOPE V 15467 NCH333V15467 (UK564270/15467) Sire : Whitehope Rover (H120R10920)

193 SOURHOPE V 15480 NCH333V15480 (UK564270/15480) Sire : Whitehope Rover (H120R10920)

194 SOURHOPE V 15477 NCH333V15477 (UK564270/15477) Sire : Whitehope Rover (H120R10920)

Messrs W & F Elliot Ltd HETHPOOL 14 – 2 sh TFA Pen K 72-74

195 HETHPOOL VANDAL NCH165V10389 (UK0106544/10389) Sire : Hartside Hill Rhino (H149R00096)

196 HETHPOOL VETERAN NCH165V10384 (UK0106544/10384) Sire : Hartside Hill Rhino (H149R00096)

197 HETHPOOL VICAR NCH165V10474 (UK0106544/10474) Sire : Kelso Predator (H241P02788)

198 HETHPOOL VAGRANT NCH165V10471 (UK0106544/10471) Sire : Kelso Predator (H241P02788) 199 HETHPOOL VINCE NCH165V10469 (UK0106544/10469) Sire : Kelso Predator (H241P02788)

200 HETHPOOL VOCAL NCH165V10477 (UK0106544/10477) Sire : Hethpool Samoa (H165S06822)

201 HETHPOOL VOLCANO NCH165V10435 (UK0106544/10435) Sire : Whitchesters Raptor (H173R05912)

202 HETHPOOL VISA NCH165V10429 (UK0106544/10429) Sire : Whitchesters Raptor (H173R05912)

203 HETHPOOL VICEROY NCH165V10405 (UK0106544/10405) Sire : Brackside Northern Light (H160N00314)

204 HETHPOOL VIBRANT NCH165V10399 (UK0106544/10399) Sire : Brackside Northern Light (H160N00314)

205 HETHPOOL VICTOR NCH165V10407 (UK0106544/10407) Sire : Brackside Northern Light (H160N00314)


206 HETHPOOL VENICE NCH165V10392 (UK0106544/10392) Sire : Brackside Northern Light (H160N00314)

207 HETHPOOL VIENNA NCH165V10451 (UK0106544/10451) Sire : Hethpool Sapphire (H165S06844)

208 HETHPOOL VIGOUR NCH165V10410 (UK0106544/10410) Sire : Hethpool Sheriff (H165S06858)

Messrs. W D Allen STOUPHILL 7 – 2sh TFA Pen K 75-76

209 STOUPHILL V 13161 NCH157V13161 (UK0106395/13161) Apr 2016 Sire : Whitstonehill Shade (H382S03919)

210 STOUPHILL V 11998 NCH157V11998 (UK0106395/11998) TWIN, Apr 2016 Sire : Woodside Nitpicker (H136N01931)

211 STOUPHILL V 13156 NCH157V13156 (UK0106395/13156) TWIN, Apr 2016 Sire : Sorbietrees Meteor (H219M00687)

212 STOUPHILL V 11999 NCH157V11999 (UK0106395/11999) TWIN, Apr 2016 Sire : Auldallan Phycho (H381P00817)

213 STOUPHILL V 13153 NCH157V13153 (UK0106395/13153) Apr 2016 Sire : Woodside Nitpicker (H136N01931)

214 STOUPHILL V 11997 NCH157V11997 (UK0106395/11997) TWIN, Apr 2016 Sire : Castle Grant Grantown (H114N01930)

215 STOUPHILL V 11996 NCH157V11996 (UK0106395/11996) TWIN, Apr 2016 Sire : Woodside Nitpicker (H136N01931)

Mr Jim Campbell HULLOCKHOWE 5 – 2 sh TFA Pen K 77

216 HULLOCKHOWE VANTAGE NCH0433V00777 (UK0118072/00777) Sire : Hethpool Ram Dam : Attonburn Ewe

217 HULLOCKHOWE VOLDEMORT NCH0433V0778 (UK0118072/00778) Sire : Hethpool Ram Dam : Attonburn Ewe


218 HULLOCKHOWE VANQUISH NCH0433V0779 (UK0118072/00779) Sire : Hethpool Ram Dam : Attonburn Ewe

219 HULLOCKHOWE VICIOUS NCH0433V00788 (UK0118072/00788) Sire : Cashlie Raider (H275R03526) Dam : Attonburn Ewe

220 HULLOCKHOWE VALLIANT NCH0433V01104 (UK0118072/01104) Sire : Cashlie Raider (H275R03526) Dam : Attonburn Ewe

Mr Martin R McCornick BORELAND 1-3sh 2-2sh 5-1sh Pen K 78-79

221 JEANFIELD TYSON NCH419T00564 (UK564613/00564) Sire : North House Lodger (H215L14180) Breeder : Mr Tom Dun

222 BORELAND VULCAN NCH257V03783 (UK583295/03783) Sire : North House Rambo (H215R08311)

223 BORELAND VOYAGEUR NCH257V03781 (UK583295/03781) Sire : North House Rambo (H215R08311)

224 BORELAND WACKO NCH257W04112 (UK0583295/04112) Sire : North House Rambo (H215R08311)

225 BORELAND WINSTON NCH257W04116 (UK0583295/04116) Sire : North House Rambo (H215R08311)

226 BORELAND WOLVERINE NCH257W04113 (UK0583295/04113) Sire : Jeanfield Tyson (H419T00564)

227 BORELAND WHIZZ-KID NCH257W04111 (UK0583295/04111) Sire : Jeanfield Tyson (H419T00564)

228 BORELAND WISEGUY NCH257W04115 (UK0583295/04115) Sire : Jeanfield Tyson (H419T00564)

Mr Wm H Porter CASHLIE 10 – 2 sh TFA Pen K 80-81

229 CASHLIE V 06624 NCH275V06624 (UK0543997/06624) Sire : Bedshiel Prince (H205P02590)

230 CASHLIE V 06627 NCH275V06627 (UK0543997/06627) Sire : Bedshiel Prince (H205P02590)


231 CASHLIE V 06635 NCH275V06635 (UK0543997/06635) Sire : Torrish Nero (H034N03669)

232 CASHLIE V 06630 NCH275V06630 (UK0543997/06630) Sire : Cashlie Toff (H275T04311)

233 CASHLIE V06634 NCH275V06634 (UK0543997/06634) Sire : Castle Grant Royal (H114R03562)

234 CASHLIE V 06628 NCH275V06628 (UK0543997/06628) Sire : Bedshiel Prince (H205P02590)

235 CASHLIE V 06626 NCH275V06626 (UK0543997/06626) Sire : Castle Grant Royal (H114R03562)

236 CASHLIE V 06639 NCH275V06639 (UK0543997/06639) Sire : Cashlie Toff (H275T04311)

237 CASHLIE V 06622 NCH275V06622 (UK0543997/06622) Sire : Castle Grant Royal (H114R03562)

238 CASHLIE V 06617 NCH275V06617 (UK0543997/06617) Sire : Castle Grant Royal (H114R03562)

Mr David Baillie CALLA 10 – 1 sh TFA Pen K 82-83

239 CALLA W 11384 NCH285W11384 (UK0560812/11384) Sire : Suisgill Sparkle (H060S06701)

240 CALLA W 11395 NCH285W11395 (UK0560812/11395) Sire : Torrish 5532 (H034P05532)

241 CALLA W 11396 NCH285W11396 (UK0560812/11396) Sire : Torrish Cracker (H034N03666)

242 CALLA W 11379 NCH285W11379 (UK0560812/11379) Sire : Torrish Cracker (H034N03666)

243 CALLA W 11371 NCH285W11371 (UK0560812/11371) Sire : Brackside 735 (H160P00735)

244 CALLA W 11394 NCH285W11394 (UK0560812/11394) Sire : Brackside 735 (H160P00735)

245 CALLA W 11393 NCH285W11393 (UK0560812/11393) Sire : Hethpool Pegasus (H165P03035)


246 CALLA W 11378 NCH285W11378 (UK0560812/11378) Sire : Hethpool Pegasus (H165P03035)

247 CALLA W 11390 NCH285W11390 (UK0560812/11390) Sire : Hethpool Pegasus (H165P03035)

248 CALLA W 11382 NCH285W11382 (UK0560812/11382) Sire : Brackside 735 (H160P00735)

W W Dunlop & Son HILLHEAD 8 – 1sh TFA Pen K 84-85

249 COMMONSIDE VIAGRA NCH317V11065 (UK561834/11065) Sire : Commonside Samurai (H317S06403)

250 COMMONSIDE VAMPIRE NCH317V11058 (UK561834/11058) Apr 2016 Sire : Hethpool Romper (H165R05268)

251 COMMONSIDE VIPER NCH317V11056 (UK561834/11056) Sire : Castle Grant Rob Roy (H114R03656)

252 COMMONSIDE VECTOR NCH317V11061 (UK561834/11061) Sire : Hethpool Romper (H165R05268)

253 COMMONSIDE VIGILANTY NCH317V11077 (UK561834/11077) Apr 2016 Sire : Commonside Supreme (H317S06404)

254 COMMONSIDE VOLCANO NCH317V11050 (UK561834/11050) Sire : Castle Grant Rob Roy (H114R03656)

255 COMMONSIDE VIRUS NCH317V11048 (UK561834/11048) Apr 2016 Sire : Seaforth Major (H290N00026)

256 COMMONSIDE VINDALOO NCH317V11067 (UK561834/11067) Apr 2016 Sire : Commonside Samurai (H317S06403)

Kelsocleugh Farming KELSO 13 – 2 sh TFA Pen K 86 - 88

257 KELSO VICECHANCELLOR NCH241V08878 (UK0563659/08878) Apr 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Nemesis (H190N06451)

258 KELSO VICTIM NCH241V08885 (UK0563659/08885) born 24 Apr 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Nemesis (H190N06451)


259 KELSO VERSATILE NCH241V08890 (UK0563659/08890) TWIN, Apr 2016 Sire : Hownam Grange Nemesis (H190N06451)

260 KELSO VERSATILE 2 NCH241V08892 (UK0563659/08892) TWIN, born 24 Apr 2016 Sire : Bedshiel Rockall (H205R03929)

261 KELSO VICEROY NCH241V08766 (UK0563659/08766) TWIN, born 24 Apr 2016 Sire : Bedshiel Rockall (H205R03929)

262 KELSO VICTOR NCH241V08954 (UK0563659/08954) TWIN, born 24 Apr 2016 Sire : Bedshiel Rockall (H205R03929)

263 KELSO VAGABOND NCH241V08760 (UK0563659/08760) TWIN, born 24 Apr 2016 Sire : Bedshiel Rockall (H205R03929)

264 KELSO VERTIBRAE NCH241V08873 (UK0563659/08873) TWIN, Apr 2016 Sire : Armadale Killer (29057)

265 KELSO VERSION NCH241V08799 (UK0563659/08799) TWIN, Apr 2016 Sire : Armadale Killer (29057)

266 KELSO VEQUERO NCH241V08874 (UK0563659/08874) TWIN, Apr 2016 Sire : Woodside Ned (H136N01026)

267 KELSO VELOCITY NCH241V08872 (UK0563659/08872) TWIN, Apr 2016 Sire : Woodside Ned (H136N01026)

268 KELSO VIABLE NCH241V08755 (UK0563659/08755) TWIN, Apr 2016 Sire : Armadale Prince (H080P03042)

Miss PS Tapson (Shepherds Ram)

269 KELSO VANDYKE NCH241V08917 (UK0563659/08917) TWIN, Apr 2016 Sire : Kelso Nobleman (H241N03976)


Gillesbie Farms GILLESBIE 4 – 2sh TFA Pen J 91

270 GILLESBIE V 19638 NCH312V19638 (UK582067/19638) born 30 Apr 2016 Sire : Esk Rollo (H279R04775)

271 GILLESBIE V 19634 NCH312V19634 (UK582067/19634) born 26 Apr 2016 Sire : Stouphill 6519 (H157R06519)

272 GILLESBIE V 19631 NCH312V19631 (UK582067/19631) born 29 Apr 2016 Sire : Hethpool Rupee (H165R05248)

273 GILLESBIE V 19629 NCH312V19629 (UK582067/19629) born 20 Apr 2016 Sire : Hethpool Rupee (H165R05248)

Messrs J & E Mallinson OLD NEWTON 5 - 2 sh TFA Pen J 92

274 OLD NEWTON VINNIE NCH377V00213 (UK0586961/00213) Sire : Kelso Pathfinder (H241P02783)

275 OLD NEWTON VICTOR NCH377V00215 (UK0586961/00215) Sire : Kelso Pathfinder (H241P02783)

276 OLD NEWTON VATERSAY BOY NCH377V00216 (UK0586961/00216) Sire : Kelso Pathfinder (H241P02783)

277 OLD NEWTON VERDI NCH377V00218 (UK0586961/00218) Sire : Kelso Pathfinder (H241P02783)

278 OLD NEWTON VIDAL NCH377V00391 (UK0586961/00391) Sire : Kelso Pathfinder (H241P02783)

Clerkhill Farm CLERKHILL 6 - 2 sh TFA Pen J 93-94

279 CLERKHILL VANDALL NCH385V11572 (UK0586265/11572) Sire : Whitchesters Sardine (H173S07090)

280 CLERKHILL VIPER NCH385V09850 (UK0586265/09850) Sire : Philiphaugh Rob Roy (H296R06717)

281 CLERKHILL V1 NCH385V10723 (UK0586265/10723) Sire : Whitchesters Tabby (H173T06781)

282 CLERKHILL VIBE NCH385V11092 (UK0586265/11092) Sire : Philiphaugh Rob Roy (H296R06717)


283 CLERKHILL VORTEX NCH385V11341 (UK0586265/11341) Sire : Whitchesters Sable (H173S05936)

284 CLERKHILL VICE NCH385V11482 (UK0586265/11482) Sire : Whitchesters Salvo (H173S06751)

Mr Gareth Price CYMRAEG 7 – 1 sh TFA Pen J 95-96

285 CYMRAEG W 01183 NCH370W01183 (UK0753746/01183) TWIN, born 16 Mar 2017 Sire : Whitehope Sultan (H120S12128)

286 CYMRAEG W 01188 NCH370W01188 (UK0753746/01188) born 27 Mar2017 Sire : Whitehope Sultan (H120S12128)

287 CYMRAEG W 01189 NCH370W01189 (UK0753746/01189) TWIN, born 27 Mar2017 Sire : Attonburn 8002 (H128S08002)

288 CYMRAEG W 01182 NCH370W01182 (UK0753746/01182) TWIN, born 31 Mar 2017 Sire : Attonburn 8002 (H128S08002)

289 CYMRAEG W 00549 NCH370W00549 (UK0753746/00549) TWIN, born 19 Mar 2017 Sire : Attonburn 8002 (H128S08002)

290 CYMRAEG W 01184 NCH370W01184 (UK0753746/01184) TWIN, born 28 Mar 2017 Sire : Attonburn 8002 (H128S08002))

291 CYMRAEG W 01185 NCH370W01185 (UK0753746/01185) born 29 Mar 2017 Sire : Whitehope Sultan (H120S12128)

Philiphaugh Estates c/o Alan Cowens PHILIPHAUGH 8 – 2sh TFA Pen J 97-98

292 PHILIPHAUGH VARIANT NCH296V14977 (UK0562147/14977) Sire : Philiphaugh 7427 (H296S07427) Dam : Philiphaugh Ewe By Attonburn Master Class

293 PHILIPHAUGH VIPER NCH296V14945 (UK0562147/14945) Sire : Torrish Phantom (H034P05530)

294 PHILIPHAUGH VAN GOUGH NCH296V14953 (UK0562147/14953) Sire : Hethpool Nero (H165N01043) Dam : Philiphaugh Ewe by Attonburn Master Class


295 PHILIPHAUGH VAN PERSIE NCH296V14987 (UK0562147/14987) Sire : Philiphaugh 7413 (H296S07413)

296 PHILIPHAUGH VAN DER VALK NCH296V14959 (UK0562147/14959) Sire : Hethpool Nero (H165N01043) Dam : Philiphaugh Ewe By Attonburn Master Class

297 PHILIPHAUGH VAN BRONKHORST NCH296V14985 (UK0562147/14985) Sire : Philiphaugh 7427 (H296S07427)

298 PHILIPHAUGH VAN BASTEN NCH296V14941 (UK0562147/14941) Sire : Torrish Phantom (H034P05530)

299 PHILIPHAUGH VAN NISTLEROOY NCH296W14994 (UK0562147/14994) Sire : Philiphaugh 7413 (H296S07413)

Mr Norman Macdonald BLACKBYRE 1 – 3 sh Pen J 99

300 BLACKBYRE VICTORY NCH376T00843 (843) Sire : Calla Motivator (H285P03530)

Bowmont Farming c/o Robert Rennie ATTONBURN 12 – 2sh TFA Pen J 100-102

301 ATTONBURN VAST NCH128V13335 (UK0562000/13335) Sire : Sorbietrees Rambo (H219P04988)

302 ATTONBURN VELOCITY NCH128V13319 (UK0562000/13319) Sire : Attonburn Ram

303 ATTONBURN VINCENT NCH128V13373 (UK0562000/13373) Sire : Attonburn Ram

304 ATTONBURN VINCE NCH128V13372 (UK0562000/13372) Sire : Heatherhope Rocky (H320R07009)

305 ATTONBURN VIAGRA NCH128V13383 (UK0562000/13383) Sire : Attonburn Ram

306 ATTONBURN VITAMIN NCH128V13388 (UK0562000/13388) Sire : Heatherhope Randy (H320R07023)

307 ATTONBURN VOLVO NCH128V13330 (UK0562000/13330) Sire : Sorbietrees Rambo (H219P04988)

308 ATTONBURN VERSUS NCH128V13356 (UK0562000/13356) Sire : Attonburn Ram


309 ATTONBURN VIVALDI NCH128V13341 (UK0562000/13341) Sire : Heatherhope Rocky (H320R07009)

310 ATTONBURN VOLTAGE 2 NCH128V13434 (UK0562000/13434) Sire : Sorbietrees Rambo (H219P04988)

311 ATTONBURN VENGENCE NCH128V13342 (UK0562000/13342) Sire : Attonburn Ram

312 ATTONBURN VET NCH128V13347 (UK0562000/13347) Sire : Heatherhope Randy (H320R07023)

Messrs W N Douglas WHITEHOPE 10 – 2sh TFA Pen J 103-105

313 WHITEHOPE V 18842 NCH120V18842 (UK0562201/18842) Sire : Baligill Popeye (H272P00770)

314 WHITEHOPE V 19569 NCH120V19569 (UK0562201/19569) Sire : Baligill Popeye (H272P00770)

315 WHITEHOPE V 19198 NCH120V19198 (UK0562201/19198) Sire : Attonburn Rebus (H128R05880)

316 WHITEHOPE V 19877 NCH120V19877 (UK0562201/19877) Sire : Glendale Rebel (H367R09667)

317 WHITEHOPE V 20005 NCH120V20005 (UK0562201/20005) Sire : Glendale Rebel (H367R09667)

318 WHITEHOPE V 20000 NCH120V20000 (UK0562201/20000) Sire : Attonburn Rebus (H128R05880)

319 WHITEHOPE V 19978 NCH120V19978 (UK0562201/19978) Sire : Glendale Rebel (H367R09667)

320 WHITEHOPE V 19987 NCH120V19987 (UK0562201/19987) Sire : Whitehope Saltire (H120S12482)

321 WHITEHOPE V 18043 NCH120V18043 (UK562201/18043) Sire : Stouphill Needle (H157N00813)

322 WHITEHOPE V 18063 NCH120V18063 (UK0562201/18063) Sire : Stouphill Needle (H157N00813)


Archbank Farming Company ARCHBANK 5 – 2sh TFA Pen J 106

323 ARCHBANK V 07382 NCH362V07382 (UK0582149/07382) Sire : Kelso Rapid (H241R06477)

324 ARCHBANK V 07385 NCH362V07385 (UK0582149/07385) Sire : Kelso Rapid (H241R06477)

325 ARCHBANK V 07400 NCH362V07400 (UK0582149/07400) Sire : Brackside 802 (H160R00802)

326 ARCHBANK V 07397 NCH362V07397 (UK0582149/07397) Sire : Brackside 802 (H160R00802)

327 ARCHBANK V 07380 NCH362V07380 (UK0582149/07380) Sire : Kelso Rapid (H241R06477)

Mr Euan Waddell WESTER DAWYCK 2 - 2sh 2 - 1sh TFA Pen J 107

328 WESTER DAWYCK 02158 NCH416V02158 (UK56299902158) Sire : North House 11633 (H215S11633)

329 WESTER DAWYCK VICTOR NCH416V02160 (UK56299902160) Sire : North House 11633 (H215S11633)

330 WESTER DAWYCK W 02624 NCH416W02624 (UK0562999002624) born Apr 2017 Sire : North House 14014 (H215T14014)

331 WESTER DAWYCK W 02621 NCH416W02621 (UK0562999002621) born Apr 2017 Sire : North House 14014 (H215T14014)

Ms Julie Hill CARCANT 2 – 2 sh Pen J 108

332 CARCANT VICTORY NCH405V01349 (UK561458/1349) Sire : Whitchesters Taurus (H173T06786)

333 CARCANT VIKING NCH405V03144 (UK561458/13144) Sire : Gilston 12097 (H239S12097)

Messrs R and T Dun GILSTON 7- 2 sh TFA Pen J 109 - 110

334 GILSTON VINCENT NCH239V15457 (UK0561455/15457) Sire : Taldale Ranger (H204R02870)

335 GILSTON VINTAGE NCH239V17684 (UK0561455/17684) Sire : Taldale Ranger (H204R02870)


336 GILSTON VOYAGER NCH239V15785 (UK0561455/15785) Sire : Gilston Sid (H239S23425)

337 GILSTON VICTOR NCH239V15960 (UK0561455/15960) Sire : Knockan Nobby (H158N00244)

338 GILSTON VIKING NCH239V17487 (UK0561455/17487) Sire : Taldale Ranger (H204R02870)

339 GILSTON VILLIAN NCH239V15981 (UK0561455/15981) Sire : Knockan Nobby (H158N00244)

340 GILSTON VULCAN NCH239V15687 (UK0561455/15687) Sire : Knockan Nobby (H158N00244)


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