, 2016 NORTH WAGGA PUBLIC SCHOOL · 2021. 1. 7. · a chocolate bar, block of chocolate or a small...

Term 4, Week 2, 2016 NORTH WAGGA PUBLIC SCHOOL Building a Culture of Excellence : 6921 3533 : 54 Hampden Ave, North Wagga Wagga : www.northwagga-p.schools.nsw.edu.au : [email protected] What’s on at NWPS… Thursday 20 th October Mufti Day Friday 21 st October P&C FETE – 5.00pm till 8.30pm! Sorry, canteen closed Wednesday 26 th October Final Kindy 2017 Orientation Day & Parent Info morning Tuesday 15 th November Year 3 Borambola Sport and Recreation Excursion Tues-Wed 15 th -16 th November Year 4 Great Aussie Holiday Park Excursion Wednesday 7 th December 2016 Presentation Night Tuesday 13 th December Year 6 Graduation Dinner Friday 16 th December Students last day for 2016

Transcript of , 2016 NORTH WAGGA PUBLIC SCHOOL · 2021. 1. 7. · a chocolate bar, block of chocolate or a small...

Page 1: , 2016 NORTH WAGGA PUBLIC SCHOOL · 2021. 1. 7. · a chocolate bar, block of chocolate or a small triket or toy that could be used for the lucky dip or gold panning treasure n hunt.


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NORTH WAGGA PUBLIC SCHOOL Building a Culture of Excellence

: 6921 3533 : 54 Hampden Ave, North Wagga Wagga

: www.northwagga-p.schools.nsw.edu.au : [email protected]

What’s on at NWPS…

Thursday 20th October Mufti Day Friday 21st October P&C FETE – 5.00pm till 8.30pm! Sorry, canteen closed Wednesday 26th October Final Kindy 2017 Orientation Day & Parent Info morning Tuesday 15th November Year 3 Borambola Sport and Recreation Excursion Tues-Wed 15th-16th November Year 4 Great Aussie Holiday Park Excursion Wednesday 7th December 2016 Presentation Night Tuesday 13th December Year 6 Graduation Dinner Friday 16th December Students last day for 2016

Page 2: , 2016 NORTH WAGGA PUBLIC SCHOOL · 2021. 1. 7. · a chocolate bar, block of chocolate or a small triket or toy that could be used for the lucky dip or gold panning treasure n hunt.


It’s finally here! Months and months of hard work will finally come to fruition this Friday night with our school fete. As this is the first time we have had a twilight fete there are some things that families will need to be aware of. Students will need to go home at the end of our regular school day. There won’t be any supervision for students between 3.15pm (other than usual bus students) and 5.00pm. When students return for the fete they should do so accompanied by family members over the age of 18 years. As is the case with all school/P&C events held on school grounds, this is an alcohol-free event and all school grounds are also smoke-free environments at all times. Students also need to remember that even though they are in the care of parents and families, the expectation is they will behave sensibly and respectfully to all, and move around the school sensibly and carefully, remaining mindful of staying away from all of the usual “out of bounds” areas. I’ve been humbled by the ongoing organisation and commitment shown by both our fete committee and wider P & C as they work tirelessly to ensure the success of this wonderful event. A huge thank you as well to all the families who were able to come along last Saturday morning to help spruce up our school with a mini-working bee. It’s all coming together and we are in for a great night! Once the fete has come and gone we will shift our focus towards end of year school events such as report writing, and planning for the Year 6 Farewell and Presentation Night. It will, however, be great to have a fantastic night of fun before all that is once again upon us! Hope to see you Friday night! Have a great week,

Mandy Crocker

KINDERGARTEN Our Kindy 2017 students are enjoying the Kindergarten Orientation program with their Year 5 “buddies”. There are 2 more sessions to run. The final one next Wednesday will include the parent information morning in the library from 11.35am. CANTEEN NEWS PLEASE NOTE:

Due to the fete being held this Friday, THE CANTEEN WILL NOT BE OPEN ON THIS DAY, SORRY!

CANTEEN ROSTER Wed 19th October Kate Plum, Nicole Hann Fri 21st October SCHOOL FETE – CANTEEN CLOSED Mon 24th October Michelle Guthrie


Note and $60 due NOW Year 4 Great Aussie Holiday Park

Note and Final payment $100 due 28th October Total payment is $160 for this excursion

When making online payments, just go to our school website http://www.northwagga-p.schools.nsw.edu.au/ and click on the MAKE A PAYMENT link. Please note that you cannot use this option when making payments to the P&C for uniforms etc. HATS Students are expected to wear a school hat whilst outside all of this term. Hats may be purchased from the front office before the 9.15am bell each morning and cost $5. Students who do not have a hat will be asked to follow the school rule ”no hat, play in the shade”. PRESENTATION NIGHT TROPHIES If your child received a perpetual trophy last year at Presentation Night or a sporting trophy this year could they please be returned to the school as soon as possible. Thank you.

Page 3: , 2016 NORTH WAGGA PUBLIC SCHOOL · 2021. 1. 7. · a chocolate bar, block of chocolate or a small triket or toy that could be used for the lucky dip or gold panning treasure n hunt.


UNIFORM NEWS Uniform orders together with payment can be handed in to the school office and once a week (usually on a Thursday) the uniform co-ordinator will fill the orders and send them home with your child.

FINAL FETE REQUEST P&C RAFFLE TICKETS –PLEASE RETURN THEM Thank you to all the families who have returned their raffle tickets. All books must be returned to the office regardless of whether they have been sold or not. If you require additional books of tickets, these can be collected from the school office. It will be drawn at the fete! MUFTI DAY COLLECTION This Thursday children may wear mufti. Instead of a gold coin donation it would be appreciated if children could bring in a chocolate bar, block of chocolate or a small trinket or toy that could be used for the lucky dip or gold panning treasure hunt.

LOOKING FOR DONATIONS OF HAY BALES If you do have a few spare, it would be great to use them on the plant stall for display and then to sell them at the end of the evening. Please let the school office know as soon as possible if you can help us. WISHING TO BORROW FOLD UP TABLES FOR THE EVENING

Please bring them on the day as we will probably need a few more! PLEASE SEND IN NOW


We have been asking for a lot of goodies but remember the fete is only every two years so we need to make this one a huge success! Thank you for your support so far and please let your child’s teacher know if you can help out on the night for an hour or so!

Bring along friends, grandparents and relatives! We are planning on having a great night!

Little Champion Gymnastics Program

Aren’t we clever!

Careful now!

Page 4: , 2016 NORTH WAGGA PUBLIC SCHOOL · 2021. 1. 7. · a chocolate bar, block of chocolate or a small triket or toy that could be used for the lucky dip or gold panning treasure n hunt.

SORRY NO ASSEMBLY THIS WEEK - RESCHEDULED Sorry there will be no Thursday assembly this week due to the hall being used for fete organisation and storage. At the next school assembly Class Councillors will be presented with their badges. This will be held on Thursday 3rd November at 2.30pm in the hall. Please check next week’s newsletter for the names of students receiving their Councillor badges.

COMMUNITY NEWS RIVERINA MTB ALL SCHOOLS CHALLENGE This will be held on Sunday 20th November at Pomingalarna Reserve Wagga. There will be a 1 hour XC team relay for Year 5-6 students and a 4 hour XC team relay for Year 7- 12 students. Registrations close November 12th. For more info check out www.riverinaallschoolsmtb.com LADYSMITH P&C DUATHLON Registrations are now being taken for this event to be held on Sunday 6th November. For further information go to www.ladysmithpcduathlon.com.au NORTH WAGGA OLYMPICS NIGHT The Resident’s Association is holding a "North Wagga Olympics Night" from 6pm on 29th October with Golf Putting, Quoits, Gumboot Toss to name a few games. Adults $10.00 her head. Kids a Gold Coin. Casseroles and a sausage sizzle will be provided. Please bring change for additional games. BYO drinks.