© 2015 Copyright Content That Works All Rights Reserved Native advertising: A new tool to help your...

© 2015 Copyright Content That Works All Rights Reserved Native advertising: A new tool to help your advertisers engage customers.

Transcript of © 2015 Copyright Content That Works All Rights Reserved Native advertising: A new tool to help your...

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Native advertising: A new tool to help your

advertisers engage customers.

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Journalism, marketing and PR are merging

Like it or not, people want great content and don’t care where it comes from

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We need to find new ways to fund journalism

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Just what is native advertising?

“...native advertising typically is content created for an advertiser with the same look and feel of the  publisher’s content, but includes hooks back to that advertiser.” – Randy Bennett

Director of Entrepreneurship and

Partnerships at University of Florida

College of Journalism and


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Here’s how a native ad might look in action

• Note that a grey back ground differentiates the ad

• A blue label spells out “sponsored content”

• Most clients limit inventory to 10 ads monthly rotating through the newsfeed

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Here’s what readers see when they click on the ad

It was the most shared article the day it appeared

The reason was a surprise twistthat made people smile

• The landing page is exclusively owned by the advertiser

• No competitive advertising appears on the page

• It is a best practice to package native ads and online display advertising as you see here

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Why is it called ‘native’?

• Content looks and feels like it’s part of the Bismarck Tribune newsfeed

• It’s truthful, interesting, useful content just like the other news stories, slide shows or videos

• Your advertisers featured as topic experts • Disclosure is clear and prominent• Language makes it clear content is


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Native ads must be interesting, not greedy

“There are two kinds of native content: There’s content I want to read and content I don’t. If you put content I don’t want to read in front of me, it doesn’t matter how much you got paid for it — I’m probably not happy.”

– Seth Godin

SETH GODIN is the author of 18 books that have been bestsellers around the world and have been translated into more than 35 languages.

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Think of native advertising as a gift…

• A gift to viewers• Good native ads actually help viewers

• By giving them truthful, interesting information they can use

• By entertaining them• Better yet, do both!

• A gift to advertisers• Native ads will help lift your advertisers in opinion

leadership in your market• Native ads can help advertisers in search

• A gift to you and the newspaper• You can charge a premium price for online advertising• You can attract new revenue categories• Native ads can attract younger viewers, especially in


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Native ads work hand in glove with print

• You are selling what you sell now

• Bismarck Tribune’s Trust and Credibility• Bismarck Tribune’s Reach• Frequency

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Reach online differs from print

• In print the customer invites you into their home• Online you invite them to visit your homepage• Print is immediate, but is gone instantly• Online content can have long-tail, lasting effects• Search drives everything online

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You own the big megaphone in the region

• Leverages your reach• Enhances

advertiser’s opinion leadership over competitors

• Influences customer buying decisions

• Elevates advertiser’s brand search

• Leverages paper’s social media

• Fuels advertiser’s social media

• Archived for long- lasting benefits

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‘I’m featured on bismarcktribune.com’

• Native is a positive story about your advertiser on the front page of Bismarck Tribune’s site

• It conveys trust to your viewers/readers• High impact exclusive landing page shows

your advertiser’s story — no competitive ads

• Ads/commercials get new life on the landing page

• Key search terms woven into every article• Posts on Bismarck Tribune’s social media

sites• Advertiser social posts tell their followers

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Native ads work

• Native ads get noticed 53 percent more than display ads — Sharethrough

• Native generates to 2 to 10 times more clicks than display ads — Launchbit

• Native content will be discovered on your site long after it has moved off the home page

• Properly executed native campaigns elevate your advertiser in search over time

• Social media shares extend the reach of the ad beyond your audience

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Why do native ads work so well?

• The content is crafted to inform and help viewers

• 60 percent of consumers have a positive impression of “in-feed” native advertising — Yahoo

• Native ads are sharable• Each post has engaging

pictures (cute cats and dogs don’t hurt)

• One third of viewers said they would share a native ad — Sharethrough

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Native enhances your advertiser’s image

• Your advertiser’s story on your site (done right) improves the way people think about the advertiser and their brand

• Nielsen found one BuzzFeed ad for Mini Cooper lifted the brand 32.9 percent!

• The intent to purchase increased 50%

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The more sharable the content the better

• Social media links to native content from Bismarck Tribune, your advertiser and viewers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Circles drive traffic to your site

• The native content links to advertiser’s web site driving customers there

• This boosts advertiser’s search rank over time

• It’s a beautiful win-win thing

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Social media: Secret sauce that makes it work

Sample Facebook Post

Sample Landing Page

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Looks complicated, but it’s really simple

• The Advertiser posts on Facebook & Twitter

• You post on your social media sites

• People share their own posts

• This creates an interconnected network of links

• Google & Bing love this stuff!

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Frequency is vital

• Native ad campaigns of 11 insertions or more produce 66 percent better CTR — Polar.com• We recommend selling only 3, 6, 12-time


• Native ad repetition favorably influences brand and opinion leadership — Nielsen

• Multiple insertions increase the odds of being discovered in search

• Native ad campaigns fuel social media

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Native is even more effective on mobile• Native ads look great

on mobile devices• Native ads have a

187% higher click through rate on mobile devices than on desktop — Marin Software

• 46% of Millennials consume native content on mobile devices — AdWeek

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Our goal is to make this easy for you

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What CTW does behind the scenes for you:

1. Speak directly to your advertiser to develop native content for you

2. Determine your sponsor’s goals for native

3. Create original local content package

4. Develop and include consistent search terms across insertions

5. Research and supply engaging graphics

6. Develop and include suggested social media posts for Facebook and Twitter you can use

7. Develop and include suggested social media posts for your advertiser to use

8. Develop and produce slide shows if requested

9. Make any changes advertiser requests

10.Obtain approvals from advertiser

11.Deliver approved campaign content and assets to your team for placement

12.Adjust campaign to Bismarck Tribune guidelines and approval

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Top 12 categories for native ads

1. Home Services, Contractors

2. Retail3. Automotive4. Health/Fitness/

Nutrition5. Technology/Start-ups6. Media

7. YMCAs, Park Districts, Causes

8. Schools, Continuing Education

9. Hospitality10. Financial, Legal11. Real Estate12. B2B, Home Office

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