???憺? - IFEZifez.go.kr/Ebook/catImage/118/IFEZ 2013 7~8(eng).pdf · Period June 29 – July 6,...

Period June 29 – July 6, 2013 (8 days) Venue Incheon Metropolitan City, Anyang City, Ansan City Participants 4,400 people / Sports teams and directors, media, invitees, referees etc. Sports entries 9 major competitive entries (100 individual entries in all categories)Billiards, bowling, chess·baduk & e-Sports, dance sports, futsal, indoor kabaddi, kick boxing & Muei, crash, 25m short course swimming Hosted by Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) Organized by 2014 Incheon Asian Games Organizing Committee * Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games Incheon 2013 is a preliminary event for 2014 Incheon Asian Games. _ _ _ _ · July + August 07+08 2013 Vol. 52

Transcript of ???憺? - IFEZifez.go.kr/Ebook/catImage/118/IFEZ 2013 7~8(eng).pdf · Period June 29 – July 6,...

Page 1: ???憺? - IFEZifez.go.kr/Ebook/catImage/118/IFEZ 2013 7~8(eng).pdf · Period June 29 – July 6, 2013 (8 days) Venue Incheon Metropolitan City, Anyang City, Ansan City Participants

Period June 29 – July 6, 2013 (8 days) Venue Incheon Metropolitan City, Anyang City, Ansan City Participants 4,400 people / Sports teams and

directors, media, invitees, referees etc. Sports entries 9 major competitive entries (100 individual entries in all categories)Billiards, bowling, chess·baduk & e-Sports, dance sports, futsal, indoor kabaddi, kick boxing & Muei, crash, 25m short course swimming

Hosted by Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) Organized by 2014 Incheon Asian Games Organizing Committee

* Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games Incheon 2013 is a preliminary event for 2014 Incheon Asian Games.

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July + August 07+082013 Vol. 52

Page 2: ???憺? - IFEZifez.go.kr/Ebook/catImage/118/IFEZ 2013 7~8(eng).pdf · Period June 29 – July 6, 2013 (8 days) Venue Incheon Metropolitan City, Anyang City, Ansan City Participants

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CONTENTSJuly + August, 2013

In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the launching IFEZ, the cover of <IFEZ Journal> 2013 will feature the significant numbers that represent IFEZ’s brilliant accomplishments over the past decade. The number 145 that decorates the July-August edition indicates the total number of parks in the three major districts of IFEZ as of May 2013, a meaningful number that embodies the vision of IFEZ to be a world class eco-friendly city that leads the global green growth initiative.

<Correction>From the May-June edition of <IFEZ Journal>, we would like to correct and change the name of the researcher who wrote the ‘Report’ column and the related institution to “Ph. D. Ja Oek, Gu Director General, Office of Educational Institution Evaluation Research, Korean Educational Development Institute”.

Holding out high hopes for the

sustainable future of IFEZ

· A m k o r Te c h n o l o g y K o r e a h e l d groundbreaking ceremony

· BMW Group held ground-breaking ceremony for Driving Center

PUBLISHER l Lee, Jong-cheol DATE OF ISSUE l June 28, 2013[Vol.52] PUBLISHED BY l IFEZ Public Relations Office (Songdo-dong 24-4) Artcenter-ro 17, Yeonsu, Incheon Metropolitan City, Korea [82-32-453-7074] PLANNING&EDITING l Lucks Way.comm[82-2-2269-3613] PRINTING l Youngeun Printing CO.,LTD.[82-2-2274-9250]

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Leader's Lettersss Let eeLettttte





Holding out high hopes for the sustainable future of IFEZ

We have just passed the summer solstice when the power of the sun

reaches its peak and the summer is truly upon us. My fellow readers

of <IFEZ Journal>! This is Song Young-gil, Mayor of Incheon

Metropolitan City.

Despite the sizzling hot weather that may sap our energies, we have

been given a major boost upon hearing the great news that has come

from the United States. It is with great pride and joy that we learned

about the brilliant performances of Ryu Hyun-jin, a native son of

Incheon, who has become Korea’s first USA major league baseball


In particular, he pitched a shutout on May 29, wowing baseball fans

not just in the United States but throughout the world. The game was

simply thrilling and Ryu's performance was so commanding that he

dispelled any doubts about his ability to compete at the highest level of

major league baseball.

Watching with fascination the dazzling display of Ryu Hyun-jin has

reminded me of IFEZ. People also harbored doubts in the beginning

about whether IFEZ could achieve its potential and become a success.

However, IFEZ has emerged as a new growth engine of Korea while

achieving a series of accomplishments, big and small, despite the

global economic recession. This is the primary reason why we can

hold out high hopes for the bright future of IFEZ.

Just like Ryu Hyun-jin who had a difficult beginning, IFEZ has recently

achieved excellent results, solidifying the basis for sustainable growth.

One of the most upl i f t ing pieces of news recently was the

groundbreaking ceremony for ‘BMW Group Driving Center’ that was

held in Yeongjong District, which has been quite sluggish in terms of

its project developments compared to Songdo.

What is scheduled to be Asia’s first BMW Group Driving Center

following on from similar centers in Germany and US, raises

expectations considerably because it signifies that IFEZ is now poised

to lead a new driving culture jointly with one of the world’s leading

carmaker as well as bringing tangible benefits that will make a

significant contribution to revitalizing pending projects in the Yeongjong

District in the future. A tremendous success all round!

In addition, another signing ceremony was held at which a domestic

conglomerate was invited to Songdo, following Posco, Samsung, Lotte,

Hyundai and E-Land. Kolon Global Corporat ion and Kolon

Water&Energy are going to jump on the bandwagon and join the trend

of relocating headquarters to Songdo.

These two domestic giants are scheduled to settle in Songdo Techno

Park IT Center, which is expected to result in about 1,000 people

along with new jobs and the revitalization of the local economy. On top

of it, the additional entry of domestic giants has further paved the way

for attracting even more firms from home and abroad in related


My dear fellow readers of <IFEZ Journal>!

Just as former major league pitcher Park Chan-ho did, Ryu Hyun-jin is

giving hopes and inspiration to people who are struggling in a tough

economy. I am also committed to exerting every effort to achieve the

sustainable growth and development of IFEZ. Let me kindly ask for

your sustained interest and encouragement. Thank you.

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BMW Group Driving Center is expected to

significantly contribute to further advancing

the automobile culture of Korea and is

scheduled to open as early as spring next

year upon completion of trial operations and

the number of annual visitors is estimated to

be 100,000.

Global R&D Center K5 Songdo Corporate

Workplace will comprise state-of-the-art

semiconductor R&D and production facilities

and will be built in Songdo International

Business District 5 by 2019 with investments

worth 1.5 trillion won as the first-phase of

the project financed by Amkor Technology

Inc., one of the world’s leading

semiconductor packaging and testing

service providers based in US.

A ground-breaking ceremony for Asia’s first BMW Group Driving Center was held in Yeongjong District on

June 4. The BMW Group Driving Center is built on a scale equivalent to 33 soccer stadiums on a land

area of 240,000㎡ with a total investment of 70 billion won. Based on the themes of ‘Experience’, ‘Joy’,

and ‘Green’, the Driving Center is expected to offer various facilities, including six safe driving education

modules, tracks eligible for hosting international competitions, family-oriented cultural exhibitions and

experience halls where people can enjoy a variety of car related experiences.

The driving track, the core facility of BMW Group Driving Center, is designed to provide education and

experiences for both customers and the general public.

The customer care center is going to be built to serve as a family-oriented cultural exhibition and

experience-based space where you can enjoy a variety of car experiences while the space for cultural

exhibitions will feature the Junior Campus, Heritage Gallery and amenity facilities such as café and


In addition, the Training Center that has a seating capacity of 15,000 people is expected to offer a variety

of education & training programs, including sales, after-sales services, technical training and brand


IFEZ Commissioner Lee Jong-Cheol, who participated in the ceremony said, “BMW Group Driving Center

in Songdo carries a special meaning in that Incheon Metropolitan City and BMW Korea are joining hands

in leading a new and sophisticated driving culture” and added, “The Driving Center will play a pivotal role

in revitalizing the economy of Yeongjong District throughout the process of construction and operation in

the future.

Driving Center, equivalent in size to 33 soccer stadiums, is scheduled to open in Yeongjong District as early as the second half of 2014 Safe driving education modules, tracks eligible for international competitions, various experience-based spaces and more

Amkor Technology Korea held a groundbreaking ceremony for its ‘Global R&D Center and K5 Songdo

Corporate Workplace’ on June 20. As one of the fundamental investment projects - worth 1.5 trillion won

(including foreign direct investment of $250 million) of Amkor Technology Inc., one of the world’s leading

semiconductor packaging and test firms based in the US, the Global R&D Center and K5 Songdo

Corporate Workplace of Amkor Technology Korea is scheduled to be completed by 2019 and will be

mark the first-phase of its project in Songdo International Business District to build state-of-the-art

semiconductor R&D and production facilities.

Amkor Technology Korea, wholly owned by Amkor Technology Inc., is ranked No.1 in terms of revenues

in this industry field and has a customer base spanning about 180 of the world's most prestigious

semiconductors and telecommunications companies, in consequence of which the number of foreign

visitors to K5 Songdo Corporate Workplace is expected to reach 6,000 annually. The K5 Songdo

Corporate Workplace of Amkor Technology Korea will serve as an anchor production base for its global

customers with the plan established to carry out its businesses on a turnkey basis by building testing

and production facilities in an integrated manner.

"The project of building the K5 Songdo Corporate Workplace of Amkor Technology Korea will make a

great contribution to enlivening Songdo International City as it will sharply increase the floating

population moving into Songdo while creating as many as 5,000 new jobs here", said IFEZ

Commissioner Lee Jong-cheol said in an interview with regard to the project.

Fresh investment worth 1.5 trillion won to be made on land of 185,689㎡ in Songdo by 2019 to build Global R&D Center and K5 Songdo Corporate Workplace

Amkor Technology Korea held groundbreaking ceremony!

BMW Group held ground-breaking ceremony for Driving Center!

Highlight Highlight

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Two Kolon affiliates to make entry into Songdo

In late May, Incheon Metropolitan City, IFEZ and two Kolon affiliates held a signing ceremony regarding their

relocation into Songdo International City. According to the concerned agreement, Kolon Global Corporation

headquartered in Kolon Tower in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province and Kolon Water&Energy Co., Ltd. are planning

to relocate their headquarters to Songdo Techno Park IT Center. For this, Incheon Metropolitan City and IFEZ have

agreed to provide institutional support for all relevant matters required for relocation. The recent decision to

relocate Kolon Group affiliates to Songdo is yet another manifestation of the entry of large conglomerates to

Songdo, following Posco, Samsung, Lotte, Hyundai and E-Land, and more than a thousand employees scheduled

to work in Songdo are expected to contribute to revitalizing local economy as well as creating new jobs.

Mozambique President visited Songdo International City

Armando Guuebuza, the incumbent President of the Republic of Mozambique paid a visit to Songdo International

City in late June while on a state visit to Korea. The recent state visit by the president of Mozambique, one of the

most resource-rich African countries, is the first of its kind since two countries established diplomatic ties in

1993 and, during his state visit, President Guuebuza expressed a desire to visit Songdo International City to see

first hand the Songdo development project, the model of which has been exported to Ecuador. This is significant

given the rapid and large scale urban development projects that are actively underway through the African


President of the German Bundesrat and his entourage benchmarked IFEZ’s green growth

President of the German Bundesrat and his entourage visited Songdo International City, the successful candidate

for hosting the GCF Secretariat, to benchmark the green growth initiative of IFEZ. A group of 32 distinguished

figures, including Winfried Kretschmann, the President of the German Bundesrat, and Rolf Mafael, the German

ambassador to Seoul, visited Songdo in late May. They rode a Central Park water tax to G-Tower, listened to a

presentation on the topic of ‘Establishing Incheon as global green capital following the successful invitation to

host the GCF’ in the presence of Commissioner Lee Jong-Cheol and took a look around the Songdo development


IFEZ Global Service Center to be expanded

IFEZ has decided to expand the scope of the operations of the Global Service Center, which is designed to

provide general information on Incheon for foreigners and to facilitate their business and lifestyle activities. In an

attempt to provide a variety of services for the increasing number of foreigners who are arriving in the wake of

the relocation of GCF Secretariat and other UN organizations, IFEZ Global Service Center is going to be built on

the first floor of the Munhwa Building of G-Tower, 175 Beongji, Art Center Boulevard, Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu,

Incheon Metropolitan City, with the size of the center to total 267.92㎡, and it is expected that this will make a

significant contribution to improving residential conditions for foreign residents.

Incheon joint investment promotion seminar

Incheon Metropolitan City held an investment briefing in Lotte Hotel Sogongdong, Seoul on June 19 jointly with

IFEZ, Incheon Development & Tourism Corporation and Incheon Chamber of Commerce and Industry to provide

investment related information for some 350 would-be investors, including corporate CEOs from home and

abroad. During the briefing, Incheon Mayor Song Young-gil described in detail the superior investment

environment, investor incentives and prospective investment target areas, including 12 industrial parks, airport &

seaport vicinity, Lu 1, Dohwa, as well as free economic zones classified into six categories: medical & bio front,

advanced industry, logistics & distribution, culture & tourism, international business and education & research.

Yeongjong/Cheongna accelerate the resolution of pending issues

IFEZ and Songdo International City have agreed to make an all-out effort to resolve various project development

issues in Yeongjong and Cheongna through close consultation with project operators onsite to ensure balanced

regional development. As part of this initiative, IFEZ has decided to hold a staff meeting with the Korea Land

Housing Corporation, the leader of development projects, on a monthly basis to identify issues regarding the

progress of projects or investment plans in order to seek the best possible solutions. With regard to this matter,

IFEZ Commissioner Lee Jong-Cheol said, “We are going to do our best effort to remove inconveniences for

residents and to seek solutions through regular ‘onsite conferences’ in a bid to accelerate the process of

developing Yeongjong and Cheongna”.

Vacant land of Cheongna International City turned into a flower bedThe vacant land of Cheongna that was spoiling the city view of Cheongna International City has been turned into

a lovely flower bed. The full blossoming of various spring flowers, including red puccoons and cornflowers that

were planted on vacant land of approximately 10,000㎡ right next to the Cheongna 1-dong Community Service

Center, has attracted the keen attention of passers-by as well as increasingly gaining the attention of professional

photographers who come to take photos of the flower bed covered with exotic flowers. IFEZ had sown a variety of

flowers, including cornflower and cosmos, on the long time undeveloped vacant land that in order to ensure a

magnificent city view of Cheongna International City and to create more pleasant living conditions for residents.

IFEZ signed cooperative agreement with Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management, University of Houston, US

IFEZ Commissioner Lee Jong-Cheol signed a Letter of Cooperation (LOC) with Paula Short, chief executive vice

principal of University of Houston. The latest LOC has enabled IFEZ and University of Houston to consolidate a

mutual cooperation agreement to set up a branch school of Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant

Management in IFEZ.

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Brilliant decade for IFEZ and its 145 parksDecade of IFEZ history told in numbersDecade of IFEZ history told in numbers

* As of May 2013

= 10 park

= 1 park

Ranging from Central Park, Korea’s most iconic park with its magnificent beauty to Michuhol Park where you can enjoy some lovely esthetic aspects of Korea's

traditions in an urban city center setting to Sunrise Park that offers an unmatched environment for city dwellers to enjoy a pleasant and healthy life, Songdo

International City, which has already solidified its image as a future city filled with cutting-edge infrastructure, is embroidered with eco-friendly parks and greenery

that make the whole city resplendent in green.

In addition, Yeongjong District and Cheongna International City plan to gradually expand green spaces on various scales in addition to the already the completed

parks to make a pivotal contribution to the process of realizing the concept of Green IFEZ.

With that in mind, this month’s edition will take you to the lush landscape of IFEZ that is peppered with eco-friendly parks and greenery that represent its

determination to be a green city and be a leader in efforts to promote global green growth. Accordingly, it was truly fitting that the city was honored by earning the

privilege to host the Green Climate Fund(GCF), also known as the World Environment Bank.

Per-capita park & greenery area

Approximately 39㎡

Per-capita park & greenery area

Approximately 153㎡

Per-capita park & greenery area

Approximately 56㎡

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Today and Tomorrow of Songdo International City as it seeks to become the World’s Green HubWritten by Dr. Lee Jeong-Seok, researcher at the Korea Environment Institute

Two views of Songdo International City

Songdo’s successful hosting of GCF(Green Climate Fund) was based on

the support of some 190 nations around the world who participate in the

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in a bid to

initiate global responses to climate changes among developing nations.

And the support that was received reflects the high expectations at home

and abroad concerning the city's potential.

The international community anticipates that the GCF will be run in a

transparent and effective manner in Korea while, domestically, Songdo

International City is projected to grow beyond domestic boundaries into a

truly international city. Meeting these expectations from home and abroad

is the mission to be accomplished by Songdo International City today.

From an international perspective, Songdo should be able to show its

potential as an international city that possesses the optimal conditions for

successfully operating the GCF while, domestically, Songdo should

demonstrate and solidify its image as a leading environmentally-friendly

Songdo International City solidified its image as the epicenter of global green growth as it successfully attracted GCF last year. Behind the cutting-edge technology

and sophisticated infrastructure is a full-fledged effort to create an ‘environment-friendly’ city, which is in line with new global trends. Then, what is it going to take

for Songdo International City to fulfill its role as a leading green hub city? Let us take an in-depth look into the today and tomorrow of Songdo International City as it

seeks to become the World’s Green Hub.

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city where humans and nature coexist in harmony and carbon emissions are

significantly reduced.

What should be built on the foundation of being international city

Incheon Metropolitan City has made plans to develop Songdo International

City into an indisputable eco-friendly city by raising the reuse levels of

wastewater and waste material to 40% and 76%, respectively, by 2020,

building various parks and green spaces and by reducing carbon emissions

No one can quibble with Songdo International City’s commitment to

implementing these blue prints. Moreover, it is undeniable that the future

growth potential of Songdo International City was an important trump card

that helped beat off the challenge of other competitive international cities

such as Bonn in Germany and Geneva in Switzerland and secure success in

attracting the Green Climate Fund. Therefore, it is critically important for

Songdo International City to ready its projected hardware to be in harmony

with Incheon Metropolitan City’s plans. This will be a vital part of keeping the

promise that Korea has made to the international society to attract the Green

Climate Fund. However, the hardware in place will not achieve its full potential

if the associated software is not also present, just as a computer is useless

without its operating system. This makes the need for proper software in

Songdo International City compelling.

Network is power

The software required for Songdo International City should be found in an

urban-based network among people. There have been active networking

activities between Songdo residents and Incheon Metropolitan City, Incheon

Metropolitan City and the central government, as well as between

international figures who visit Songdo International City and Incheon

Metropolitan City and the central government, through which Songdo

International City has updated its reputation and status on a daily basis. It is

Songdo’s software that will manage these various networks and they need to

be reinforced continuously.

Time to concentrate resources and efforts on building software

We often create networks among people such as planning groups and

working groups to be able to implement significant tasks. Admittedly, these

artificial networks are needed as professionals and stakeholders create blue

prints and future development plans based on them. However, making

development plans and blue prints is a process that involves not only creating

hardware but also requires software as a backup so that the full potential of

the hardware can be obtained.

Incheon Metropolitan City has built a variety of hardware components to

develop Songdo into an international city true to its name with the objective of

urbanizing Songdo International City into an eco-friendly city. The successful

hosting of GCF will enable Songdo to maintain momentum in this direction

and raise its international profile.

However, Songdo should accelerate its efforts to build up software from now

on. We should never forget that the opinions of those who reside in Songdo to

work for the GCF secretariat and the opinions of visitors from home and

abroad to Songdo International City for international conferences will be a

very important factor in how Songdo comes to be perceived and in its quest

to become an iconic international city of Korea.

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Riding all the way for 127km

Songdo International City is emerging as a popular spot for bicycling riding. Featuring a flat surface,

which is an inherent nature of reclaimed land, Songdo is said to be the perfect destination for


On top of this, the eco-friendly riding course delights the eyes of riders and is one more appealing

facet of Songdo. You can enjoy magnificent views of large-sized parks, including Central Park,

Sunrise Park, and Michuhol Park while riding a bike. Or, you may want to indulge yourself by taking

an ocean view bike road that stretches as far as your eyes can see along the stunning coastline.

The bike only roads of Songdo International City are estimated to be 127km long if stretched in a

straight line (as of late December 2012). In particular, more than half the bike roads are paved with

ascon, providing extra comfort and safety for bike riders especially for those long rides. Songdo

International City has bike rental shops dotted around the city. You can see regular commercial

shops along the canal walk commercial complex or check out rental shops conveniently located in

Sunrise Park as well.

Korea’s second official MBT coursey

Songdo International City plans to build a new leisure space dedicated to bike riding. IFEZ is

scheduled to build an MTB course in the vicinity of the northern waterway between Songdo Bridge 1

and 2 in connection with the 96km bike road along the major arterial roads. Major facilities to be

built include an MTB course, rest area, and bicycle rack along with various auxiliary facilities and

access roads. The scheduled MTB course of Songdo boasts a scale twice as large as any in Korea

and is unique to Nanji Bicycle Park, raising expectations of creating another popular destination in

Songdo International City. Meanwhile, IFEZ is expected to create synergy effects by building a city of

leisure sports with land- and marine-based sporting activities in perfect harmony if the MTB course

project is linked with the ongoing waterfront project. Meanwhile, IFEZ has been selected as a target

MTB sponsorship city after successfully passing the primary and secondary assessments in open

competition for building lifestyle athletic facilities organized under the supervision of the Ministry of

Culture, Sports and Tourism. As a reward for winning the bid, IFEZ was awarded the government’s

national sports promotion fund of 350 million won, to which the city’s working budget was added to

secure a total project fund of 705 million won for the MTB course project, which is to be completed

this coming October.

Keeping up with the latest trends of eco-friendliness, more and more people

are turning to the bicycle as a means of transportation for commuting and as

an enjoyable outdoor leisure activity, expanding its role beyond a simple

transportation vehicle and further solidifying its unique cultural importance.

Songdo International City is simply a bicycler's paradise. Let us take an

in-depth look at Songdo’s bicycle road network that is known for its safety and


Non-stop pedaling in Songdo

Convenient and pleasant bicycle road network

Four major tourist’s destinations of Songdo International City

▶ Central Park There is a 6km-long unpaved circular road that stretches so you can enjoy bike riding

along the waterway. It offers a variety of exotic views, including water taxi stations and Kkotsaseum

Hill along the way.▶ Sunrise Park You can get access to various forest experience programs, including a bird watching

adventure and learn about world plants as you ride along a 3.5km-long paved circular road. ▶ Michuhol Park There is a 2.1km-long circular road, along which you can see and experience

Korean traditional structures and play facilities, including a castle, neolttwigi, and swings. ▶ Jack Nicklaus Golf Course This is a 4km-long car road, which is ideal for speed enthusiasts as

there are hardly any cars on the road. The best part is the 1.2km long straight road that commands

a breathtaking view of the Yellow Sea.

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Efforts underway to professionalize Asia-Pacific subregional development programs

There are a number of UN organizations which engage in a variety of development activities around the world. Among the several UN organizations setting

up offices in Songdo International City, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific: East and North-East Asia Office (herein after ENEA

Office) specializes in collaborative development programs in North-East Asia subregion. ENEA moved from Techno Park to G-Tower in May this year.

Resolve pending issues in North-East Asia

North-East Asia plays a key role as the economic powerhouse of Asia-Pacific.

The region has sustained economic development amid uncertainties in the

global economy, reduced its regional poverty rate and made remarkable

achievements in enhancing regional integration. Major challenges, however,

persist including widening socio-economic disparities and considerable

inefficiencies in the use of natural resources as a consequence. It is against

this backdrop that the ENEA Office was established in Songdo International

City on May 17, 2010 with the aim to reinforce the effectiveness and

efficiency of a variety of UN development programs for its six member States,

Republic of Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, China, Japan,

Mongolia and the Russian Federation. It also serves as the secretariat office

of North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation

(NEASPEC), a comprehensive intergovernmental cooperation that jointly

address environmental challenges in the subregion.

Systematic and effective support of development cooperation


In 2012, the Subregional Office brought together experts from quarantine and

inspection agencies in the subregion to share experiences and identify key

areas in which capacity training would be beneficial for their counterparts in

Mongolia. A series of these efforts made a positive impact on facilitating trade

in the Mongolian trade corridors. In a meeting co-organized by the

Subregional Off ice with i ts partners in January 2013, 51 youth

representatives from the subregion adopted a bold declaration entitled ‘The

World We Want: A North-East Asian Youth Vision.’ This is going to be

incorporated into the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on the Post-

2015 Development Agenda. Member States in the subregion continue to face

trans-boundary environmental challenges as well as their own distinctive

environmental issues. This calls for a broader collaboration between the UN

and the member States. The ENEA Office continues to expand the scope of

NEASPEC. At its latest Senior Officials Meeting in December 2012, member

countries requested the ENEA Office to continue existing programs as well as

to start work on new initiatives including launching a marine protected areas

network, protecting the key habitats of migratory birds, and launching an

information platform for low-carbon cities.

Heralding a new dawn full of hope

On May 31, the ENEA Office took lead in organizing an opening ceremony for

the four UN offices that are to be housed in G-Tower. The success of the City

in bringing these UN offices to the building as permanent tenant raises high

expectations that this will create synergistic effects as Songdo International

City is further developed into a multinational hub. The ENEA Office is

occupying the sixth and the seventh floors and plans to continue its effort to

implement its missions by taking advantage of the state-of-the-art

infrastructure. It is also expected to lead various development cooperation

programs with a particular focus on integrating the three pillars of sustainable

development in the Northeast Asian region in a sustained and comprehensive


UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific:East and North-East Asia Office(UNESCAP-ENEA)

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There is no such thing as waste water

At the heart of the IFEZ water reuse project is the ‘Songdo Wastewater

Treatment Plant’, which was built in Songdo International City in May

2009 with a total investment of 16.5 billion won. Household water that

has been used in Songdo and its vicinity is collected into the Songdo

Wastewater Treatment Plant where harmful substances contained in

water are eliminated. The water filtering system is mostly comprised of

sand and activated carbon features and has the capacity to process

13,000㎥ of wastewater daily.

Songdo Wastewater Treatment Plant saves IFEZ some 6,000 tons of

water daily, which is translated into an annual cost saving worth 2.2

billion won. On top of this, IFEZ plans to accelerate its efforts for water

reuse and recycling by expanding the second stage facility by 2015.

Songdo Central Park serves not only as an iconic urban park of IFEZ but

also as a green oasis that mitigates the heat island phenomenon. What’s

particularly impressive is the use of marine water throughout the

waterway that flows right in the middle of the park, saving a significant

amount of drinkable water. The ‘Rain Station’ installed nearby retains

rainwater and is used for landscaping purposes as well as having a positive

impact on reducing the use of water as a valuable resource.

‘The # First World’, a landmark 64-story residential & commercial complex of

Songdo International City, has installed its own gray water system designed to

collect and reuse household wastewater for landscaping and public

restrooms within the complex.

The # Green Avenue of Songdo is an eco-friendly building built with

sophisticated eco-friendly energy technologies. It has acquired a Preliminary

Green Building Certification Korea Management Association Quality

Assurance in recognition of a variety of energy-saving efforts, including the

use of energy efficient equipment and material and a wastewater processing

plant to reuse rainwater for landscaping and cleaning purposes.

In addition, the complex is dotted with various water facilities, including a

waterway and wall fountain as well as flowering trees, herbaceous flowers

and evergreens, and deciduous trees, creating a lovely little forest. Street

lamps and corridor lights have adopted highly energy efficient LED lamps and

a rainwater recycling facility that can control the amount of rainwater

discharge is installed in the underground parking lot.

With global water shortages becoming more and more serious, we are often not aware that Korea is one of those countries classified as a country with

insufficient water resources. Nothing is more essential than water for us to sustain life. With increasingly heightened interest in water in recent years,

a great effort has been made to treat and reuse rainwater and sewage. In this respect, let us take a look at Rainwater/Sewage Treatment Plants built in

several areas of IFEZ.

Rainwater·Sewage Treatment Plant in IFEZ

New insight into water

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I was quite impressed when I visited Songdo International City, which hosted Incheon Kid's Festival on May 5, Children’s Day. I was better able to understand why Songdo succeeded in attracting GCF after witnessing and experiencing the eco-friendly international city that I had only heard about until then. The Central Park is particularly memorable. It was quite exotic to see people enjoy canoeing right in the heart of a city. So, here’s my question. I wonder if there is any place other than Songdo International City where I can ride a canoe or learn how to ride it.

An increasing number of people are now enjoying outdoor activities as we enter into the early summer season. I guess it would be a great idea to go visit Songdo Central Park or enjoy a water taxi or canoe to refresh and recharge your body and mind, especially in fine weather like this. But, did you know that you can enjoy riding a canoe in Cheongna International City?Since the past May 5, IFEZ has hosted ‘River Wind Canoe Classes’ in Cheongna International City Canal Way Water park jointly with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The program is designed to provide citizens with an opportunity to enjoy leisure activities in an urban water park and is scheduled to continue until this coming October 27. There will be one class in the morning and two in the afternoon during the period between 10:00AM and 6:00PM on Saturdays and Sundays for participants to learn and experience canoe riding. All citizens and elementary school students or older students can participate in the program for the price of 3,000 won per person, to be paid onsite. Please note that 50% of all participants will be accepted onsite while the other 50% will be accepted online (www.canoe.or.kr).※For further inquiry, contact Korean Canoeing Federation (82-2-420-4282 / www.canoe.or.kr)

Q .




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Past and Present of IFEZ

In March 2013, IFEZ saw the completion of the G-Tower construction project that began in July 2010. As

one of the landmark buildings of IFEZ that played a pivotal role in attracting GCF, it is emerging as a

Mecca of UN organizations. It is also known for being Korea's largest-scale eco-friendly building with the

capability of securing some 17.8% of its energy consumption through its own autonomous new and

renewable energy sources, including solar voltaic, solar heat, and terrestrial heat. IFEZ is at the forefront

of global green growth initiatives as it endeavors to utilize clean energy resources in its relentless pursuit

to minimize environmental impacts, as exemplified by G-Tower.


I-Tower freshly reborn as G-Tower!

G-Tower is expected to play a pivotal role in realizing the values associated with the ‘Green·Growth·Global’ initiative devised by

IFEZ. Let us kindly ask for your unswerving interest and encouragement for the impending launch of G-Tower that will lead the

global green growth initiative together with GCF.