© 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza...

© 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza [email protected] (248) 552-4628

Transcript of © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza...

Page 1: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation

DB2 Application Performance ManagementUsing OMEGAMON XE for DB2

David [email protected](248) 552-4628

Page 2: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 2

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

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Page 3: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 3

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software


Why Tune Applications?

Application Tuning Using OMEGAMON Features

– Interfaces Review

– Thread Displays, Historical Data, Application Trace

Additional OMEGAMON Tuning Capabilities

– TEPS, Situations/Alerts and DB2 V10 exploitation

Extended Insight feature

– End to End transaction Monitoring

Wrap up

Page 4: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 4

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software


Why Tune Applications?

Application Tuning Using OMEGAMON Features

– Interfaces Review

– Thread Displays, Historical Data, Application Trace

Additional OMEGAMON Tuning Capabilities

– TEPS, Situations/Alerts and DB2 V10 exploitation

Extended Insight feature

– End to End transaction Monitoring

Wrap up

Page 5: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 5

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

In today’s economic environment, clients are telling us they face three key demands:

Higher service expectations - – Improve efficiencies across the business

– Respond to new opportunities quickly

Rising cost pressures -– Shorten ROI, remove complexities

– Add value now

New risks and threats - – Increase collaboration, but in a protected way

– Support anywhere, anytime access

…while acting with a sense of speed and urgency.

Page 6: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 6

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Greater complexity – Higher expectations – Lower budgets

Growing complexity of IT environment– Need for a more granular approach to application performance management, which

dramatically reduces problem isolation time

Pressures to execute transactions faster and more reliably– Transaction-level problem diagnosis

becomes essential given the potential business impact of a lost or delayed transaction

IT Budget Constraints– Organizations need to get more

productivity from existing infrastructure

– Need to focus on solutions that pinpoint specific problems that have the most impact on business performance

Page 7: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 7

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Greater than 80% of survey respondents

blamed software as the main cause of most


82% said the application outages and network

downtime in the past year were significant

enough to affect their business

Respondents reported that the average cost of

down time was more than $10,000 per hour and

downtime itself could last an average of three to

four hours

Application Performance Impact

“It’s disturbing that 25% of the 320 business technology professionals who responded to our InformationWeek Analytics APM survey say they experience application performance problems on a daily or weekly basis. An additional 28% say issues crop up monthly.”

More than half of respondents rate app services as critically important

95% say customers and employees have little to no tolerance for outages

Page 8: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 8

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Application performance problems cause …

Page 9: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 9

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Customer Pain – Sensing and Isolating a Problem Today

Bridge Call withTiger Team

Check all resources

• System Alerts• Health Monitors• OS Statistics• Network traffic• Application log files• Database metrics

Locate Source of Problem … maybe …

• Finger-pointing: "It's the network guy’s fault“

• Recreating the problem is difficult • Problem frequently only

discovered “by accident”• Lack of problem isolation

capability wastes time, increases MTTR, and costs money

Everything looks normal … but

performance is still bad

Response time is terrible; more than

one minute.

Page 10: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 10

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software


Transactions ServersApplications

IT Customer

IT Staff

IT Staff

• Ensure application response meets business expectations• Understand transaction flows over complex topologies• Drive close collaboration between departments• Monitor infrastructure performance and availability• Diagnose application performance issues• Increase application availability and customer satisfaction• Improve MTTR and MTBF

Benefits to Effective Application Performance Management

Page 11: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 11

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Customer Value – Demonstrating ROI

Every customer case will be different …

…what do you lose each year due to poor performance?

Page 12: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 12

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Capabilities Continuously evaluate the performance of

business transactions

Quickly isolate faulty domains affecting transactional performance

Proactively manage performance and availability

Efficiently diagnose application performance issues

Automate recovery actions

Capabilities Continuously evaluate the performance of

business transactions

Quickly isolate faulty domains affecting transactional performance

Proactively manage performance and availability

Efficiently diagnose application performance issues

Automate recovery actions

Attributes of Application Performance Management

Benefits• Reduce the cost of maintaining


• Improve the availability of key business services

• Manage risk and avoid problems

Benefits• Reduce the cost of maintaining


• Improve the availability of key business services

• Manage risk and avoid problems


End UserExperience






Page 13: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 13

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software


Why Tune Applications?

Application Tuning Using OMEGAMON Features

– Interfaces Review

– Thread Displays, Historical Data, Application Trace

Additional OMEGAMON Tuning Capabilities

– TEPS, Situations/Alerts and DB2 V10 exploitation

Extended Insight feature

– End to End transaction Monitoring

Wrap up

Page 14: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 14

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

OMEGAMON DB2 XE For DB2 PM/PE Options & Interfaces

Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) GUI Interface

– Real time and historical

– Automation & alerts – Situations & Policies

– Plex level information (CF, n-way)


– 3270 Interface command interface

– Real Time & Historical


– 3270 interface

– Real Time & Historical

– Warning & Critical exception alerts


– GUI client interface

– Real time & Historical

Page 15: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 15

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Horizontal and vertical Integration from the OM PE perspective

DB2 OMEGAMON XE DB2 SQL PA for DB2 PE Query Monitor

Visual Explain OSC Control Center Optimization Expert


for Mainframe Networks /

for zNetview




….=> DWL or additionally using OMEGAMON DE (Dashboard Edition)

Information Management Tools


DB2 Path Checker

Page 16: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 16

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Active Thread Display thread filtering in V510 (implicit)

Ability to pre-filter based on thread type before displaying

Page 17: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 17

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Better Classic thread filtering in V510 (explicit)

Filter “as early” as possible !!

filtering in DB2 avoids transferring data not needed

further OMEGAMON filteringdone before displaying data

Page 18: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 18

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Application Monitoring (thread snapshot)

Horizontal navigation

within thread detail (*)

Fields in exception

are highlighted.

Page 19: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 19

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Application Monitoring (objects used by thread)

Page 20: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 20

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Historical Data - Different types For Different Purposes Near-term history Online monitor

Long-term history Reports, Perform.DB

Snapshot history Online Monitor

Short-Term history TEP GUI

Based on DB2 (event) traces

Based on DB2 snapshot data

Collected and saved by TEMS


Online Monitoring

Reporting andPerformance Warehouse

Lock Unlock



Snapshot history

Application / Thread A

DB2 (event) trace


Application / Thread B

Application / Thread C


Near-Term history

Page 21: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 21

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

What is Near-Term-History?

What was that application slow-down two hours ago?

OMEGAMON PE’s Near-term history component is indispensable to every DB2 z/OS application shop Background task captures every completed DB2 z/OS application unit-of-work (UOW)

and records them to VSAM for later retrieval and analysis

Ready when you need it to identify what was happening “then”

Typically makes up the largest portion of CPU consumption in the OMEGAMON address space correlating/aggregating millions of DB2 z/OS application accounting data

“Any idea what was going on with credit-card processing at about 10:45 this morning? I was hung for easily 3 or 4 minutes!”

Page 22: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 22

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Near-Term Historical Data


Define interval

Select interval and view

Select thread group

Zoom into single thread

Page 23: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 23

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

OMEGAMON XE for DB2 Performance Expert on z/OS V510 enhancements

APAR PM24083 GA 15-March-2011

OM PE’s near-term history (NTH) now leverages zIIP engines to save central processing cycles

Page 24: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 24

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

NTH on zIIP Preliminary performance results

– 24% reduction in GCP usage with one zIIP attached and enabled

• Measured GCP used to write 20,000 VSAM records to NTH datasets with and without a zIIP

• Four GCPs and one zIIP

• Savings will vary based on NTH collector options selected

*** Results are from internal lab tests and may not match actual customer results ***

Page 25: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 25

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Historical Data – Reporting via DB2 PMReport facility which Takes SMF, GTF or TSO data sets (collected by DB2 Performance Expert Collect

Report Data) as input Generates a variety of customizable reports and traces:

Invocation Online or via MVS JCL (Interactive Report Facility or manually) or via workstation GUI (Statistics & Accounting Report)

Result shown in browser window Integrated into Online monitoring (SQL activity tracing)

Reduction of trace information for loading into the Performance DB

Statistics & System

ParameterAccounting & Explain

SQL & Utility Activities

Locking & IO Activities

Record Trace

Levelof Detail


Application- System- Monitoring



Page 26: © 2010 IBM Corporation DB2 Application Performance Management Using OMEGAMON XE for DB2 David Mazza dmazza@us.ibm.com (248) 552-4628 dmazza@us.ibm.com.

© 2010 IBM Corporation 26

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Sample Accounting Trace – Short

LOCATION: SYSDSN7 DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR (V8) PAGE: 1-1 GROUP: DSN7 ACCOUNTING TRACE - SHORT REQUESTED FROM: NOT SPECIFIED MEMBER: SG71 TO: NOT SPECIFIED SUBSYSTEM: SG71 ACTUAL FROM: 04/24/05 08:21:22.85 DB2 VERSION: V8 PAGE DATE: 04/24/05 PRIMAUTH CORRNAME CONNECT ACCT TIMESTAMP COMMITS OPENS UPDATES INSERTS EL. TIME(CL1) EL. TIME(CL2) GETPAGES SYN.READ LOCK SUS PLANNAME CORRNMBR THR.TYPE TERM. CONDITION SELECTS FETCHES DELETES PREPARE CPU TIME(CL1) CPU TIME(CL2) BUF.UPDT TOT.PREF LOCKOUTS -------- -------- -------- --------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------------- -------------- -------- -------- -------- JEN JENJBMRM BATCH 08:21:22.855435 17 2429 322 2104 18.854923 12.994234 42692 1057 10 FIJ1BAT 'BLANK' ALLIED NORM DEALLOC 3505 6288 233 0 3.657565 2.598451 17997 351 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |PROGRAM NAME TYPE SQLSTMT CL7 ELAP.TIME CL7 CPU TIME CL8 SUSP.TIME CL8 SUSP| |FIMDPH0 PACKAGE 27 0.062866 0.003673 0.058697 2| |FIMDPH1 PACKAGE 403 3.598929 0.599123 2.994598 354| |FIMDIRQ PACKAGE 2 0.002423 0.000706 0.001796 1| |FIMDCHR PACKAGE 6 0.073416 0.001200 0.072333 2| |FIMDREP PACKAGE 27 0.002771 0.002436 N/P N/P| |FIMDEXR PACKAGE 49 0.003984 0.003895 N/P N/P| |FIMDMRPB PACKAGE 10975 6.664664 1.235758 5.358279 751| |FIMDMTO1 PACKAGE 263 0.320842 0.039257 0.283440 62| |FIMDMTO2 PACKAGE 92 0.010085 0.008776 N/P N/P| |FIMDMTO3 PACKAGE 250 0.326448 0.049734 0.274011 27| |FIMDMTO4 PACKAGE 4761 1.480512 0.557355 0.871868 132| |FIJDCAIB PACKAGE 456 0.447282 0.096527 0.333334 66| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JEN JENJBMRM BATCH 08:21:28.538964 1 1 0 0 1.179661 1.046372 529 33 0 FIJ1BAT 'BLANK' ALLIED NORM DEALLOC 1159 229 0 0 0.166724 0.140499 0 7 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |PROGRAM NAME TYPE SQLSTMT CL7 ELAP.TIME CL7 CPU TIME CL8 SUSP.TIME CL8 SUSP| |FIMDLIST PACKAGE 1390 1.046320 0.140450 0.896530 36| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JEN JENJBMRM BATCH 08:21:54.227988 17 2429 322 2104 15.795715 10.598735 42703 1082 5 FIJ1BAT 'BLANK' ALLIED NORM DEALLOC 3505 6288 233 0 3.630290 2.571737 17997 351 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |PROGRAM NAME TYPE SQLSTMT CL7 ELAP.TIME CL7 CPU TIME CL8 SUSP.TIME CL8 SUSP| |FIMDPH0 PACKAGE 27 0.004949 0.003169 0.001795 1|

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 27

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Sample Accounting Report – Long LOCATION: SYSDSN7 DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR (V7) PAGE: 1-1 GROUP: DSN7 ACCOUNTING REPORT - LONG REQUESTED FROM: NOT SPECIFIED MEMBER: SG71 TO: NOT SPECIFIED SUBSYSTEM: SG71 ORDER: PRIMAUTH-PLANNAME INTERVAL FROM: 04/24/01 08:21:22.85 DB2 VERSION: V7 SCOPE: MEMBER TO: 04/24/01 08:22:59.97 PRIMAUTH: JEN PLANNAME: FIJ1BAT ELAPSED TIME DISTRIBUTION CLASS 2 TIME DISTRIBUTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- APPL |===============> 31% CPU |===========> 22% DB2 |========> 16% NOTACC |> 1% SUSP |==========================> 53% SUSP |======================================> 77% AVERAGE APPL(CL.1) DB2 (CL.2) IFI (CL.5) CLASS 3 SUSPENSIONS AVERAGE TIME AV.EVENT HIGHLIGHTS ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ------------ -------- -------------------------- ELAPSED TIME 9.100645 6.271242 N/P LOCK/LATCH(DB2+IRLM) 0.003117 65.50 #OCCURRENCES : 4 NONNESTED 9.100645 6.271242 N/A SYNCHRON. I/O 3.289518 552.00 #ALLIEDS : 4 STORED PROC 0.000000 0.000000 N/A DATABASE I/O 3.275671 551.75 #ALLIEDS DISTRIB: 0 UDF 0.000000 0.000000 N/A LOG WRITE I/O 0.013847 0.25 #DBATS : 0 TRIGGER 0.000000 0.000000 N/A OTHER READ I/O 0.829159 78.50 #DBATS DISTRIB. : 0 OTHER WRTE I/O 0.470974 17.50 #NO PROGRAM DATA: 0 CPU TIME 1.904216 1.361866 N/P SER.TASK SWTCH 0.241222 9.25 #NORMAL TERMINAT: 4 AGENT 1.904216 1.361866 N/A UPDATE COMMIT 0.224710 8.25 #ABNORMAL TERMIN: 0 NONNESTED 1.904216 1.361866 N/P OPEN/CLOSE 0.000000 0.00 #CP/X PARALLEL. : 0 STORED PRC 0.000000 0.000000 N/A SYSLGRNG REC 0.016512 1.00 #IO PARALLELISM : 0 UDF 0.000000 0.000000 N/A EXT/DEL/DEF 0.000000 0.00 #INCREMENT. BIND: 0 TRIGGER 0.000000 0.000000 N/A OTHER SERVICE 0.000000 0.00 #COMMITS : 36 PAR.TASKS 0.000000 0.000000 N/A ARC.LOG(QUIES) 0.000000 0.00 #ROLLBACKS : 0 ARC.LOG READ 0.000000 0.00 #SVPT REQUESTS : 0 SUSPEND TIME N/A 4.833989 N/A STOR.PRC SCHED 0.000000 0.00 #SVPT RELEASE : 0 AGENT N/A 4.833989 N/A UDF SCHEDULE 0.000000 0.00 #SVPT ROLLBACK : 0 PAR.TASKS N/A 0.000000 N/A DRAIN LOCK 0.000000 0.00 MAX SQL CASC LVL: 0 CLAIM RELEASE 0.000000 0.00 UPDATE/COMMIT : 147.72 NOT ACCOUNT. N/A 0.075388 N/A PAGE LATCH 0.000000 0.00 SYNCH I/O AVG. : 0.005959 DB2 ENT/EXIT N/A 18721.00 N/A NOTIFY MSGS 0.000000 0.00 EN/EX-STPROC N/A 0.00 N/A GLOBAL CONTENTION 0.000000 0.00 EN/EX-UDF N/A 0.00 N/A FORCE-AT-COMMIT 0.000000 0.00 DCAPT.DESCR. N/A N/A N/P ASYNCH IXL REQUESTS 0.000000 0.00 LOG EXTRACT. N/A N/A N/P TOTAL CLASS 3 4.833989 722.75

LOCATION: SYSDSN7 DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR (V7) PAGE: 1-1 GROUP: DSN7 ACCOUNTING REPORT - LONG REQUESTED FROM: NOT SPECIFIED MEMBER: SG71 TO: NOT SPECIFIED SUBSYSTEM: SG71 ORDER: PRIMAUTH-PLANNAME INTERVAL FROM: 04/24/01 08:21:22.85 DB2 VERSION: V7 SCOPE: MEMBER TO: 04/24/01 08:22:59.97 PRIMAUTH: JEN PLANNAME: FIJ1BAT ELAPSED TIME DISTRIBUTION CLASS 2 TIME DISTRIBUTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- APPL |===============> 31% CPU |===========> 22% DB2 |========> 16% NOTACC |> 1% SUSP |==========================> 53% SUSP |======================================> 77% AVERAGE APPL(CL.1) DB2 (CL.2) IFI (CL.5) CLASS 3 SUSPENSIONS AVERAGE TIME AV.EVENT HIGHLIGHTS ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ------------ -------- -------------------------- ELAPSED TIME 9.100645 6.271242 N/P LOCK/LATCH(DB2+IRLM) 0.003117 65.50 #OCCURRENCES : 4 NONNESTED 9.100645 6.271242 N/A SYNCHRON. I/O 3.289518 552.00 #ALLIEDS : 4 STORED PROC 0.000000 0.000000 N/A DATABASE I/O 3.275671 551.75 #ALLIEDS DISTRIB: 0 UDF 0.000000 0.000000 N/A LOG WRITE I/O 0.013847 0.25 #DBATS : 0 TRIGGER 0.000000 0.000000 N/A OTHER READ I/O 0.829159 78.50 #DBATS DISTRIB. : 0 OTHER WRTE I/O 0.470974 17.50 #NO PROGRAM DATA: 0 CPU TIME 1.904216 1.361866 N/P SER.TASK SWTCH 0.241222 9.25 #NORMAL TERMINAT: 4 AGENT 1.904216 1.361866 N/A UPDATE COMMIT 0.224710 8.25 #ABNORMAL TERMIN: 0 NONNESTED 1.904216 1.361866 N/P OPEN/CLOSE 0.000000 0.00 #CP/X PARALLEL. : 0 STORED PRC 0.000000 0.000000 N/A SYSLGRNG REC 0.016512 1.00 #IO PARALLELISM : 0 UDF 0.000000 0.000000 N/A EXT/DEL/DEF 0.000000 0.00 #INCREMENT. BIND: 0 TRIGGER 0.000000 0.000000 N/A OTHER SERVICE 0.000000 0.00 #COMMITS : 36 PAR.TASKS 0.000000 0.000000 N/A ARC.LOG(QUIES) 0.000000 0.00 #ROLLBACKS : 0 ARC.LOG READ 0.000000 0.00 #SVPT REQUESTS : 0 SUSPEND TIME N/A 4.833989 N/A STOR.PRC SCHED 0.000000 0.00 #SVPT RELEASE : 0 AGENT N/A 4.833989 N/A UDF SCHEDULE 0.000000 0.00 #SVPT ROLLBACK : 0 PAR.TASKS N/A 0.000000 N/A DRAIN LOCK 0.000000 0.00 MAX SQL CASC LVL: 0 CLAIM RELEASE 0.000000 0.00 UPDATE/COMMIT : 147.72 NOT ACCOUNT. N/A 0.075388 N/A PAGE LATCH 0.000000 0.00 SYNCH I/O AVG. : 0.005959 DB2 ENT/EXIT N/A 18721.00 N/A NOTIFY MSGS 0.000000 0.00 EN/EX-STPROC N/A 0.00 N/A GLOBAL CONTENTION 0.000000 0.00 EN/EX-UDF N/A 0.00 N/A FORCE-AT-COMMIT 0.000000 0.00 DCAPT.DESCR. N/A N/A N/P ASYNCH IXL REQUESTS 0.000000 0.00 LOG EXTRACT. N/A N/A N/P TOTAL CLASS 3 4.833989 722.75

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 28

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Sample Accounting Report – Long (cont…..) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |PROGRAM NAME CLASS 7 CONSUMERS | |FIJDCAIB |=> 3% | |FIMDCHR | | |FIMDEXR | | |FIMDIRQ | | |FIMDLIST |===> 6% | |FIMDMRPB |==========================> 53% | |FIMDMTO1 |=> 2% | |FIMDMTO2 | | |FIMDMTO3 |=> 2% | |FIMDMTO4 |=====> 11% | |FIMDPH0 | | |FIMDPH1 |===========> 22% | |FIMDREP | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FIMDMRPB VALUE FIMDMRPB TIMES FIMDMRPB AVERAGE TIME AVG.EV TIME/EVENT ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------ ------------------ ------------ ------ ------------ TYPE PACKAGE ELAP-CL7 TIME-AVG 6.680010 LOCK/LATCH 0.003073 46.50 0.000066 CPU TIME 1.227790 SYNCHRONOUS I/O 3.218596 554.00 0.005810 LOCATION SYSDSN8 AGENT 1.227790 OTHER READ I/O 1.379313 136.50 0.010105 COLLECTION ID FIJ1 PAR.TASKS 0.000000 OTHER WRITE I/O 0.451942 17.00 0.026585 PROGRAM NAME FIMDMRPB SUSPENSION-CL8 5.380605 SERV.TASK SWITCH 0.327681 13.50 0.024273 AGENT 5.380605 ARCH.LOG(QUIESCE) 0.000000 0.00 N/C OCCURRENCES 2 PAR.TASKS 0.000000 ARCHIVE LOG READ 0.000000 0.00 N/C SQL STMT - AVERAGE 10975.00 NOT ACCOUNTED 0.071615 STORED PROC SCHED 0.000000 0.00 N/C SQL STMT - TOTAL 21950 AVG.DB2 ENTRY/EXIT 21978.00 UDF SCHEDULE 0.000000 0.00 N/C STOR PROC EXECUTED 0 DB2 ENTRY/EXIT 43956 DRAIN LOCK 0.000000 0.00 N/C UDF EXECUTED 0 CLAIM RELEASE 0.000000 0.00 N/C USED BY STOR PROC 0 CPU SERVICE UNITS 5513.00 PAGE LATCH 0.000000 0.00 N/C USED BY UDF 0 AGENT 5513.00 NOTIFY MESSAGES 0.000000 0.00 N/C USED BY TRIGGER 0 PAR.TASKS 0.00 GLOBAL CONTENTION 0.000000 0.00 N/C SUCC AUTH CHECK 0 TOTAL CL8 SUSPENS. 5.380605 767.50 0.007011

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 29

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Sample SQL Activity Report – summarized by STMTNO LOCATION: SYSDSN7 DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR (V7) PAGE: 1-4 GROUP: DSN7 SQL ACTIVITY - REPORT REQUESTED FROM: NOT SPECIFIED MEMBER: SG71 TO: NOT SPECIFIED SUBSYSTEM: SG71 ORDER: PRIMAUTH-PLANNAME ACTUAL FROM: 04/21/01 22:01:36.61 DB2 VERSION: V7 TO: 04/21/01 23:01:36.70 SUMMARIZED BY STMTNO PRIMAUTH: JEN PLANNAME: FIJ1BAT THREAD TOTAL: 2 START AET: 0.001779 STOP AET: 0.006028 EVENT COUNT TOT.ELAPS TOTAL TCB DETAIL AET/EVENT TCB/EVENT -------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKAGE SYSDSN5.FIJ1.FIMDLIST.X'152E2CD81FFA226C' ACQUIRE(USE) REOPT(N) RELEASE(COMMIT) ISO(CS) DYNAMICRULES(RUN) PREPARE(NODEFER) KEEPDYNAMIC(NO) PROTOCOL(DRDA) OPTHINT(N/P) # 1515 1 0.000423 0.000423 SELECT ISO(CS) REOPT(NO) KEEP UPD LOCKS: N/A 0.000423 0.000423 # 1756 615 0.150693 0.101064 SELECT ISO(CS) REOPT(NO) KEEP UPD LOCKS: N/A 0.000245 0.000164 # 2077 614 0.227209 0.159320 SELECT ISO(CS) REOPT(NO) KEEP UPD LOCKS: N/A 0.000370 0.000259 # 2161 18 0.008342 0.004099 SELECT ISO(CS) REOPT(NO) KEEP UPD LOCKS: N/A 0.000463 0.000228 # 2214 1 0.000061 0.000061 OPEN CURSOR: C_PLNORD ISO(CS) REOPT(NO) KEEP UPD LOCKS: NO 0.000061 0.000061 # 2221 309 0.032575 0.021020 FETCH CURSOR: C_PLNORD 0.000105 0.000068 # 2247 1 0.000020 0.000020 CLOSE CURSOR: C_PLNORD 0.000020 0.000020 # 2254 308 0.064418 0.049257 SELECT ISO(CS) REOPT(NO) KEEP UPD LOCKS: N/A 0.000209 0.000160

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 30

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Snapshot Historical Data

Snapshot panels allow to page back into

the history of previously collected snapshots

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 31

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Application Trace Facility (ATF)

Specify Trace Parameters

and view Trace

PF11 to zoom for details

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 32

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Application Trace Facility (ATF)

SQL Index for pinpointing

Application Issues

SQL Calls executed

with timings and


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© 2010 IBM Corporation 33

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software


Why Tune Applications?

Application Tuning Using OMEGAMON Features

– Interfaces Review

– Thread Displays, Historical Data, Application Trace

Additional OMEGAMON Tuning Capabilities

– TEPS, Situations/Alerts and DB2 V10 exploitation

Extended Insight feature

– End to End transaction Monitoring

Wrap up

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 34

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

UI Integration - IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP)

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) is the central location to view and act on contextualized information provided by the system monitors

– Consolidated view and contextualinformation can significantly reducemean time to recovery by aidingin “root cause” analysis

– Centralized visualization ofreal-time and historical data canhelp with “intermittent” problems

– Personalized views based on theuser roles and scope

– Visualization of resourceutilization can highlight areasto reduce costs

– Anything visualized in the TEP isavailable in the Data Warehouse


VISIBILITYTivoli Enterprise

Portal (TEP)

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 35

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Detect Exceptional Events, see Details and Take Action

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 36

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Define a SituationIncluding an automatic action

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Situation ‘Fires’

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 38

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

OMEGAMON V510 – complete DB2 10 support

Support for approximately 30 DB2 Line-items and change requests:

– SMF compression

– ACCOUNTING• Separation of Lock and Latch wait times• More granularity on package level although

ACCUMAC >1 is used• Accounting roll-up changes• Distributed threads accounting

– STATISTICS• IFCID 225 (memory) changes• Multiple IFCID 2 for each 25 buffer pools (>25

buffer pool usage)• DSC enhancements including static SQL• EDM Pool and other working memory moved

above the bar

– New and updated ZPARMs


– Audit trace changes• Row-level and Column-level access control• New DBA privileges

DB2 10 beta: More than twenty DB2 10 beta customers have downloaded and used OM PE V510

OMEGAMON beta: OM PE V510 beta customers tested OM PE with DB2 V8, 9, and 10

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 39

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

OM PE V510 customer-driven requirements

Cancel remote threads

Identify CPU utilization for remote threads

Report on DSN Activity for remote threads

See DB2 Connect Server details for a distributed thread originating on a remote LPAR

See statement text for static SQL in Application Trace

Support for SQL/PA V410

Launch “explain” tools: Optim Query Workload Tuner as well as Data Studio from OM PE

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 40

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Improvements in OMPE, e.g. Reduced Overhead

V510 shows strong improvements compared to V420

– Moved more storage areas above the bar, resulting in relief below the bar ( 31bit private and ECSA)

– Better management of background processing (code path reductions, better stack implementations)

– Reduced overhead - using extended filtering and qualification (Classic and Tivoli Enterprise Portal)

– Reduced the number of internal TCBs to lower private storage usage ( Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent)

– New “out of the box VTAM profile” (basic monitoring to get started)

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 41

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software


Why Tune Applications?

Application Tuning Using OMEGAMON Features

– Interfaces Review

– Thread Displays, Historical Data, Application Trace

Additional OMEGAMON Tuning Capabilities

– TEPS, Situations/Alerts and DB2 V10 exploitation

Extended Insight feature

– End to End transaction Monitoring

Wrap up

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 42

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Where is my DB2 application spending its time? OMEGAMON PE’s Extended Insight is an advanced way to monitor the

database workload (SQL) of your applications and solutions

– Get total response times and response time breakdown (appl, driver, network, data server) per defined workload/cluster (e.g. per system, application, user)

– Compare workload from various servers / applications

– Select a time period for analysis

– Get top SQL statements per defined workload

– Identify top clients contributingin the workload




JCC driver

WebSphere orJava App Server




User experience


App pre- and post-processing

Extended Insight is available with the Performance Expert Offering only

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 43

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

How to start and navigate to the Extended Insight dashboard

Seamless navigation depending on the usage/problem scenario … Seamless navigation depending on the usage/problem scenario …

1. Integration and navigation to Extended Analysis Dashboard as part of new OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE on z/OS (OMPE) TEP workspace

2. As a stand-alone web console session

3. Integrated with ITCAM and navigation to Extended Analysis Dashboard

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 44

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Navigation to the OMPE workspace with the E2E SQL monitoring information

OMPE on z/OS TEP Navigation to the Extended Insight Analysis Dashboard

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 45

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OMPE on z/OS TEP Navigation to the Extended Insight Analysis Dashboard

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 46

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Extended Insight Analysis Dashboard

The slider bar allows selection of the time period to be considered

Overview and comparison of “Workload cluster groups” but also on details with the capability to select and further zoom in.

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 47

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Extended Insight Analysis Dashboard Show additional graphs for selected workload clusters

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IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Shows top SQL statements executedby distributed Java or CLI applicationslike SQW, SAP, Cognos, DataStage,or WebSphere. Zoom in (double click) on a

selected SQL in question

Extended Insight Analysis Dashboard Zoom into selected workload and see the TOP SQL list

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IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Extended Insight Analysis Dashboard Select SQL from list and zoom into SQL level details

Launch Optim Query (workload) Tuner (or Data Studio) to explain and tune the selected SQL statement

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 50

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Data retrieved from the host Dynamic SQL Statement Cache

Extended Insight Analysis Dashboard Page down to review the host Dynamic SQL statement cache metrics

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WebSphere – another area to be monitored in context

WebSphere supporthas a built-in support for OPM (starting with WAS V6.0.21), allowing to ...• identify problems with WAS connection pool• identify differences in the configuration of nodes in a WAS cluster• check if a node in a WAS cluster has a system or network problem

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Detect that a threshold has been breached and that a

problem occurred, or is about to happen

Sense DiagnoseIsolate Repair

Pinpoint the problem to a specific part of

the environment and hand-off to the

appropriate specialist

Drill down into the details and get to the root cause of the


Fix the faulty component,

validate the fix and roll back into


Workflow for Resolving Composite Application Problems

ITCAM for Transactions Deep-dive tools

Extended Insight Analysis dashboard of OMPE or OPM for LUW


ITCAM for Applications



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IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Seek out any problems in end-to-end transaction path → use ITCAM for Transactions in the TEP console

End-to-end transaction paths can be arbitrarily complex,

including many components: web &

app servers, MQ comps, databases,

CICS, etc

Icon added and provided with

metrics by OMPE Extended Insight


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Scenario: Easily pinpoint trouble spot in bird’s eye view

DB2 for z/OS

Red alert shows up on DB2 database

Elapsed time on upper branch is order of magnitude greater than lower branch, transactions are largely similar

Need to investigate!

Drill down on troublesome transaction

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 55

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

Launch in context from troublesome DB2

transactions to Extended Insight Analysis

Dashboard using the “Database Diagnostics”

context link

Launch in context from troublesome DB2

transactions to Extended Insight Analysis

Dashboard using the “Database Diagnostics”

context link

DB2 z/OS

Launch Extended Insight Analysis dashboard GUI in context of the troublesome database transactioneither from topology view or list box

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“Launch in context” workspace with Extended Insight dashboard

The browser is automaticallypositioned to the Extended Insight details dashboard for the specific transactionyou selected in TEP. It knows the context because of the connection attributes

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 57

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Extended Insight Feature Summary

Advanced way to monitor the database workload (SQL) of your applications Advanced way to monitor the database workload (SQL) of your applications and solutions and solutions

– Get response times and time breakdown (appl, driver, network, data server) per defined workload/cluster, e.g. per system, per application, per user

– Compare workload from various servers / applications

– Select a time period for analysis

– Get top SQL statements per defined workload

– Identify top clients contributing in the workload

– Zoom into the various layers

Optional integration (- advantages) with …

– Optim Query (Workload) Tuner / Data Studio

– pureQuery (Runtime while using Data capturing)

– ITCAM for WebSphere applications accessing DB2 via JDBC

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 58

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Why Tune Applications?

Application Tuning Using OMEGAMON Features

– Interfaces Review

– Thread Displays, Historical Data, Application Trace

Additional OMEGAMON Tuning Capabilities

– TEPS, Situations/Alerts and DB2 V10 exploitation

Extended Insight feature

– End to End transaction Monitoring

Wrap up/Questions

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© 2010 IBM Corporation 59

IBM Software Group | Tivoli software

References - Bibliography

Publication title OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PM/PE on z/OS V510 number

Configuration and Customization GH12-6928Messages GH12-6923Monitoring Performance from the OMEGAMON Classic Interface SH12-6924Monitoring Performance from ISPF SH12-6926Monitoring Performance from Expert Client SH12-6925Reporting Users Guide SH12-6927Report Reference SH12-6921Report Command Reference SH12-6922IBM DB2 Buffer Pool Analyzer User's Guide SH12-6932IBM DB2 Buffer Pool Analyzer Configuration Guide SH12-6933 OMEGAMON XE for DB2 Performance Expert on z/OS Program Directory GI19-0046

Extended Insight setup and configuration:Quick Start Guide for the end-to-end SQL monitoring function GH12-6952Optim Performance Manager Installation Guide GC19-2934-01 ORhttp://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/db2imstools/db2tools-library.html#omegaxepe-libhttp://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/db2imstools/db2tools-library.html#ibmdatastudio-lib

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Tivoli User CommunityAn active and lively community for Customers, Business Partners, and IT professionals. Free membership provides you with valuable resources, tools and networking capability. Log on to www.tivoli-ug.org

Tivoli TrainingIBM offers technical training and education services to help you acquire, maintain and optimize your IT skills. For a complete Tivoli Course Catalog and Certification Exams visit www.ibm.com/software/tivoli/education

Tivoli ServicesWith IBM Software Services for Tivoli, you get the most knowledgeable experts on Tivoli technology to accelerate your implementation. For a complete list of Services Offerings visit www.ibm.com/software/tivoli/services

Tivoli Forums and WikisIBM Forums and Wikis are great places to find and contribute information and scenarios about all IBM Tivoli Monitoring distributed products, including the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management products. For Forums, log on to http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/tivoli_forums.jspa For Wikis, log on to http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/tivolimonitoring/Home

Tivoli Product InformationFor information about IBM Tivoli’s Application Performance Management solutions, visit http://www-01.ibm.com/software/tivoli/solutions/service-availability/index.html

For More Information