(10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent (5000 years ago) Egyptian...


Transcript of (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent (5000 years ago) Egyptian...

Page 1: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.


Page 2: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

What's happening in the rest of the world?

(10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent

(5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy (500 BC – 500AD)Roman Empire (32 AD)Birth of Christianity (610 AD)Birth of Islam (1095-?)The Crusades (1368-1644) Ming Dynasty – “one of the

greatest eras of orderly government and social stability in human history”

(1350 - 1600) Renaissance (1500) Reformation

Page 3: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

Migration to America

Early Migration into the Americas came one of two ways. Bering Strait Pacific Route

These people came from Mongolian stock we now call “Clovis” – named for a town in New Mexico where archaeologists first discovered evidence of their tools and weapons in the 1930s.

Page 4: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

Archaic Period

Early Period – Most people were still hunting and gathering and used the same technology that earlier migrants had brought.

Late Period – Developed new tools such as nets and hooks for fishing, traps for smaller animals, and baskets for gathering berries, nuts, seeds, and other plants.

Page 5: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.
Page 6: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

How does the development of the Americas mirror the rest of the world?

Page 7: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

Growth of Civilization in the South

The first truly complex societies arrived around 1000 B.C.

A more sophisticated culture arrived around 800 A.D. in Central America.

Mayan Civilization Developed A written language A numerical system similar to the Arabic Calendar Advanced Agriculture system Trade routes

Page 8: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

Aztecs Civilization

The Mayans developed into a number of smaller Mesoamerican tribes that are collectively known as the Aztecs. They called themselves Mexica.

In 1300 AD - the Aztecs built the city of Tenochtitlan on a large island in a lake in central Mexico (present day Mexico City) .

Page 9: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

Tenochtitlan Featured

Large and impressive public buildings

Schools that all male children attended

An organized military

A medical system

Slave workforce (drawn from conquered tribes)

Page 10: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

Growth in the North

Inhabitants of the northern region subsisted on a combinations of hunting, gathering, and fishing.

Eskimo – in the Arctic circle Fished and hunted seals Hunted moose and caribou

Pacific Northwest Principal occupation of salmon fishing.

Page 11: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

Southwest Built large irrigation systems Constructed towns of stone and adobe

Great Plains Sedentary farming (corn and other grains) Large permanent settlements.

South Permanent settlements Large trading networks based on corn and other grains.

Northeast Used farming techniques that exploited the land quickly. Many tribes who were loosely by common linguistic roots.

Page 12: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

All tribes

Religion Closely linked with the natural world. Many Gods – associated with crops, game, forests, rivers,

and other elements of nature.

Assigned women jobs for caring children, preparing meals, and gathering certain foods.

Other tasks varied from one society to another.

Women tended to be left alone and controlled the social and economic organization of the settlements.

Men were away hunting or fighting

Page 13: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

What changes in the late 1400’s allows European nations to begin the Age of Exploration to occur?

Europe in the Middle Ages was too weak, divided, and decentralized to inspire many great ventures.

Two important changes Growth in Europe’s population in the 15th

Century Emergence of new governments

Page 14: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

Growth in Population

Black Death – 1/3 of the population Half Century later the population


New Merchant class was emerging to meet the rising demand for good.

Advances in navigation made long distance sea travel more feasible.

Interest in expanding trade grew.

Page 15: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

New Governments

More united and more powerful than the feeble political entities of the feudal past.

Strong new monarchs were eager to enhance the commercial development.

Page 16: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

Columbus’ Story


Page 17: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

Northern Outposts

St Augustine, Florida (1565) First settlement in North America

Castillo de San Marcos

The oldest masonry fort in the continental United States. Construction began in 1672

Page 18: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

How did Europeans and the Indians influence each other?

EUROPEANS Influenza, measles,

typhus, and small pox

Millions Died – as much as 95% of the pop perished within a few years of contact.

Europeans saw the mass death as evidence of God’s will that they should dominate the New world.

New Crops Sugar Bananas

Domestic Livestock Cattle Pigs Sheep Horse

Page 19: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.


New Crops Maize (Corn) Squash Pumpkins Beans Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes Peppers Potatoes


Many natives gradually came to speak Spanish or Portuguese .

Dialects fusing the languages from Europe and native language eventually occurred.

Colonies came to be dominated by people of mixed race or mestizos

Page 20: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

Slave Trade – Columbian Exchange

Over ½ of all immigrants to the New world between 1500 and 1800 were Africans.

The African slave trade long preceded European settlement in the New World. As early as the 8th Century, west Africans began selling small numbers of slaves to traders from the Mediterranean and later to the Portuguese.

Sugar in the new world was a labor-intensive crop, and the demand for African workers in these new areas of cultivation was high.

Page 21: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

1st settlements

Interest in colonization grew in part as a response to social and economic problems in 16th Century England.

Land - As population grew land become scarce.

Mercantilism One result was the increased

attractiveness of acquiring colonies, which became the source of raw materials and a market for the colonizing power’s goods.

Page 22: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

1st Settlements cont.

Religion Protestant Reformation Calvinism To many English people, however, the

new Church of England was not reformed enough. They clamored for reforms that would “purify” the church. As a result, they became known as Puritans.

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The French and the Dutch In America.

France Founded its first permanent settlement

in North America at Quebec in 1608. French forged close ties with Native

Americans deep inside the continent. Dutch

Built a town on Manhattan Island Moved into the interior toward the

Appalachian Mountains and built a profitable trade in furs.

Page 24: (10,000 Years ago) Discovery of Agriculture - Fertile Crescent  (5000 years ago) Egyptian Civilization  (800BC-323BC)Greece - Democracy  (500 BC.

1st English Settlements

The English harbored mixed feelings about the New World.

1588 – The Spanish Armada The great shift in naval power caused

English interest in colonizing the New World to grow quickly.

Roanoke, North Carolina 1587 Deserted with no clue what happened?

Jamestown, Virginia 1607 1st permanent settlement.