10% Plan Wade-Davis Bill (vetoed) State suicide by seceding Lincoln argued secession illegal ...

Review 1865 --

Transcript of 10% Plan Wade-Davis Bill (vetoed) State suicide by seceding Lincoln argued secession illegal ...

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  • 10% Plan Wade-Davis Bill (vetoed) State suicide by seceding Lincoln argued secession illegal Congress no authority
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  • Black codes restrictive, like slavery Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sumner led Rad Republicans Andrew Johnson Southern Democrat anti white planter elite, but racist Gave power to whites to restore stability in South conflict with Rad Reps
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  • 13 th free 14 th citizen 15 th vote (cant have vote without citizen, cant have citizen without free)
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  • Elect of 1868 Reps dependent on black vote Elect of 1872 Liberal Reps vote Dem to block reelection of incompetent Grant Elect of 1876 Hayes by one vote, corruption, Dems win withdrawal of Fed troops Solid South forms for next 100 years
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  • Sharecropping Crop lien New South Ag based, resource based, still lagging Lack of RRs Cigs and Coke Textile factories (cheaper labor)
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  • State legis showed racial peace was possible Blacks and reform whites lost power as North tired Violence to secure white supremacy White League, White Liners Review Supreme Court (e.g., Slaughterhouse) Lynching up
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  • Ida Wells Plessy v. Ferguson confirms Jim Crow, sep but = Disenfranchisement poll tax, literacy, grandfather Statues, Birth of a Nation
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  • Booker T. Washington econ worth, avoid direct confrontation W.E.B. Dubois demand rights, then secure equality Atlanta Compromise Niagra Movement
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  • Laissez-faire Railroad building govt support, steel, immigrants, disregard for worker concerns, greed, disregard for public concerns, Pullman, time zones Go back and review all the manufacturing giants Electricity -- lightbulb
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  • Knights of Labor American Federation of Labor focused on workers, not social reform, craft unions Samuel Gompers Yellow dog contract Great Railroad Strike (77) Haymarket Square (86) Violence assoc with unions Eugene Debs
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  • New Immigrants Tenements Social Darwinism its okay not to care Acres of Diamonds its okay to be greedy Tammany Hall Streetcar suburbs Brooklyn bridge, Louis Sullivan
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  • Horatio Alger stories morals, high character for success Great Migration from South Political machines Leisure activities
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  • Education White collar for corporations, typewriter, telephone Shopkeepers, Lawyers, doctors, teachers etc. Consumer goods Domestic help available Etiquette, Victorian manners
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  • Find notes on voting patterns Pendleton Civil Service Stalwarts, Halfbreeds
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  • Granger Movement organize isolated Barbed wire, RR conquer land Wounded Knee Helen Hunt Jackson Dawes Act Frederick Jackson Turner frontier thesis, frontier creates unique Amer charact Morill Act, land grant colleges
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  • cross of gold Omaha Platform 1892 response to low ag prices, perceived impotence vs. eastern business, banks Free silver to spark inflation to help debtors